Collins, Andrea ORCID: 2024. Reflections on the environmental impacts of the Tour de France. Fincouer, Bertrand, Fransden, Kirsten and Thompson, Christopher, eds. Racing Time – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Tour de France, Switzerland: EPLF Press, |
McCullough, Brian P., Collins, Andrea ORCID:, Roberts, Jack and Villalobos, Shelley 2023. Sport events and emissions reporting: an analysis of the Council for Responsible Sport standard in running events. Sustainability 15 (19) , 14375. 10.3390/su151914375 |
Breitbarth, Tim, McCullough, Brian P., Collins, Andrea ORCID:, Gerke, Andrea and Herold, David M. 2023. Environmental matters in sport: sustainable research in the academy. European Sport Management Quarterly 23 (1) , pp. 5-12. 10.1080/16184742.2022.2159482 |
Collins, Andrea ORCID:, Galli, A., Hipwood, T. and Murthy, A. 2020. Living with a one planet reality: the contribution of personal footprint calculators. Environmental Research Letters 15 , 025008. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab5f96 |
Collins, A ORCID: and Potoglou, D ORCID: 2019. Factors influencing visitor travel to festivals: Challenges in encouraging sustainable travel. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 27 (5) , pp. 668-688. 10.1080/09669582.2019.1604718 |
Collins, Andrea ORCID: and Munday, Maxim ORCID: 2019. The race for sustainability. Cardiff University/Run4Wales. Available at: |
Collins, Andrea ORCID:, Galli, Alessandro, Patrizi, Nicoletta and Pulselli, Federico Maria 2018. Learning and teaching sustainability: the contribution of Ecological Footprint calculators. Journal of Cleaner Production 174 , pp. 1000-1010. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.024 |
Collins, Andrea ORCID: and Cooper, Crispin ORCID: 2017. Measuring and managing the environmental impact of festivals: The contribution of the Ecological Footprint. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (1) , pp. 148-162. 10.1080/09669582.2016.1189922 |
Collins, Andrea ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2017. Assessing the environmental impact of economic activity surrounding major sport events. McCullough, B.P. and Kellison, T.B., eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment, Oxford: Routledge, 207 - 219. (10.4324/9781315619514-15) |
Collins, Andrea ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew ORCID: 2015. The ecological footprint: new developments in policy and practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 10.4337/9780857936967 |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2014. The pursuit of a sustainable rural event: a case study of the Hay Literary Festival (UK). Dashper, Katherine, ed. Rural Tourism: An International Perspective, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 151-170. |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew Colin ORCID: 2012. Building a network for the ecological footprint community. [Working Paper]. Working paper series no. 66, Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University. |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID:, Roberts, Annette ORCID: and Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at: |
Fairchild, Ruth and Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2011. Serving up healthy and sustainable school meals? An analysis of school meal provision in Cardiff (UK). Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 13 (3) , pp. 209-229. 10.1080/1523908X.2011.578402 |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2010. The economic and environmental impacts of the UK stages of the Tour de France. Presented at: Regional Studies Associations (British and Irish Section), Glasgow, UK, 25-27 August 2010. |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew ORCID: 2010. Building a Network for the Ecological Footprint Community. Presented at: Global Footprint Network Forum, Colle de Val d’Elsa, Italy, |
Flynn, Andrew ORCID: and Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2010. The Ecological Footprint Community: Future Challenges for Networking and Engagement. Presented at: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London, |
Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: and Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2009. Guest editorial: perspectives on sustainable consumption. International Journal of Consumer Studies 33 (2) , pp. 107-112. 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2009.00758.x |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2008. Promoting sustainable communities in the UK: a critical analysis of the ‘Going for Green’ sustainable communities project. Marsden, Terry Keith, ed. Sustainable Communities: New Spaces for Planning, Participation and Engagement, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 121-142. |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2008. Assessing the environmental consequences of major sport events: A case of the ecological footprint. Presented at: NERC-ESRC Seminar Series: Sustaining Future Ecosystems services : From Understanding to Action, International Centre for the Environment, University of Bath, |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2008. Putting the earth into play: the Olympic Games and the environment. Presented at: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2008. The BRASS journey: Assessing the impact of UK events. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Forecast and Scenarios for a More Sustainable Society, London, |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew ORCID: 2008. Measuring Sustainability: The Role of Ecological Footprinting in Assesing the Impact of Development. Heberle, L. C. and Opp, S. M., eds. Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalised World, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 131-144. |
Newton, Julie, Marsden, Terry Keith ORCID:, Franklin, Alexandra and Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2008. Supporting skills and knowledge to deliver sustainable communities: an exploration of the conceptual and policy context. [Working Paper]. BRASS Working Paper Series, vol. 45. Cardiff: BRASS, Cardiff University. |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Fairchild, Ruth 2007. Sustainable Food Consumption at a sub-national level: an ecological footprint, nutritional and economic analysis. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 9 (1) , pp. 5-30. 10.1080/15239080701254875 |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID:, Flynn, Andrew ORCID:, Wiedman, Thomas and Barrett, John 2006. The environmental impacts of consumption at a sub-national level: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10 (3) , pp. 9-24. 10.1162/jiec.2006.10.3.9 |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew ORCID: 2006. A city's consumption: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. Hooper, A. and Punter, J., eds. Capital Cardiff 1975-2020: Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 242-264. |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew ORCID: 2005. A New Perspective on the Environmental Impacts of Planning: a Case Study of Cardiff's International Sports Village. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7 (4) , pp. 277-302. 10.1080/15239080500441053 |
Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: 2004. Can we learn to live differently? Lessons from Going for Green: a case study of Merthyr Tydfil (South Wales). International Journal of Consumer Studies 28 (2) , pp. 202-211. 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2003.00365.x |