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Number of items: 7.

Gu, Heng, Wei, Chao, Li, Lin, Ryan, Michael ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Han, Quanquan and Qian, Lili 2021. Numerical and experimental study of molten pool behaviour and defect formation in multi-material and functionally graded materials laser powder bed fusion. Advanced Powder Technology 32 (11) , pp. 4303-4321. 10.1016/j.apt.2021.09.036

Han, Quanquan, Gu, Yuchen, Gu, Heng, Yin, Yingyue, Song, Jun, Zhang, Zhenhua and Soe, Shwe 2021. Laser powder bed fusion of WC-reinforced Hastelloy-X composite: microstructure and mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Science 56 , pp. 1768-1782. 10.1007/s10853-020-05327-6

Han, Quanquan, Gu, Yuchen, Wang, Liqiao, Feng, Qixiang, Gu, Heng, Johnston, Richard and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2020. Effects of TiC content on microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel-based hastelloy X nanocomposites manufactured by selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering: A 796 , 140008. 10.1016/j.msea.2020.140008

Robinson, Michael, Han, Quanquan, Gu, Heng, Soe, Shwe and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2020. The effect of heat treatment of AlSi10Mg on the energy absorption performance of surface-based structures. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing KES-SDM 2020, Virtual, 9-11 Sept 2020. Published in: Scholtz, Steffen G., Howlett, Robert J. and Setchi, Rossi eds. Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2020. , vol.200 Springer, pp. 395-402. 10.1007/978-981-15-8131-1_35

Gu, Heng, Wei, Chao, Li, Lin, Han, Quanquan, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Ryan, Michael ORCID: and Li, Qian 2020. Multi-physics modelling of molten pool development and track formation in multi-track, multi-layer and multi-material selective laser melting. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 151 , 119458. 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119458

Han, Quanquan, Gu, Heng and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2019. Discrete element simulation of powder layer thickness in laser additive manufacturing. Powder Technology 352 , pp. 91-102. 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.04.057

Han, Quanquan, Gu, Heng, Soe, Shwe, Setchi, Rossi ORCID:, Lacan, Franck ORCID: and Hill, Jacob 2018. Manufacturability of AlSi10Mg overhang structures fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Materials & Design 160 , pp. 1080-1095. 10.1016/j.matdes.2018.10.043

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