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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 88.

Williams, Colin H. 2023. Envisioning Reconciliation: Signs of Hope for the Middle East, Zeina M. Barakat, WBG Academic, 2022 (ISBN 978‐3‐534‐40690‐6), 163 pp., hb €38. Reviews in Religion and Theology 30 (3) , pp. 136-138. 10.1111/rirt.14236

Williams, Colin H. 2023. A History of Christianity in Wales, Barry J. Lewis, Madeleine Gray, David Ceri Jones and D. Densil Morgan, University of Wales Press, 2022 (ISBN 978‐1‐78683‐821‐6), 384 pp., pb £19.99. Reviews in Religion and Theology 30 (3) , pp. 178-181. 10.1111/rirt.14250

Williams, Colin 2023. Language policy and the new speaker challenge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10.1017/9781009047326

Williams, Colin 2022. Minority language revitalisation: European conundrums. Boucher, David, ed. Language, Culture and Decolonisation, Capetown: HSRC Press,

Williams, Colin 2022. Afterword, conviction, advocacy and resilience. McLeod, Wilson, Dunbar, Robert, Jones, Kathryn and Walsh, John, eds. Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 387-421.

Williams, Colin 2022. The democratic impulse and the light of faith: concluding interpretations from a Christian perspective. Barakat, Zeina, Munchow, Thies and Wustenberg, Ralf, eds. Islam and Democrcay: Law, Gender and the West, Darmsdat: WBG Academic, pp. 225-233.

Williams, Colin H. 2021. Forging hope in the company of cynics. Lewis, Huw and McLeod, Wilson, eds. Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation, Language and Globalization, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 363-380. (10.1007/978-3-030-80189-2_14)

Bufon, Milan, Malloy, Tove H. and Williams, Colin, eds. 2021. Societies and spaces in contact: Between convergence and divergence. Studies in European Integration, State and Society, vol. 11. Berlin: Peter Lang. 10.3726/b18476

Williams, Colin 2021. On the side of angels: Dignity and virtue in minority-majority relations. Bufon, Milan, Malloy, Tove H. and Williams, Colin, eds. Societies and Spaces in Contact:Between Convergence and Divergence, Vol. 11. Studies in European Integration, State and Society, vol. 11. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 35-64. (10.3726/b18476)

Williams, Colin 2020. For Mireya- A life span exile. Kockel, Ulrich, McDermott, Philip and Campbell, Liam, eds. Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, or: Writing Heritage. A Cèilidh in Honour of Mairéad Nic Craith, Zurich: Lit Verlag, pp. 23-28.

Cardinal, Linda and Williams, Colin H. 2020. Bridging the gap between the politics of recognition and the politics of language service delivery in Ontario and Wales. Treatises and Documents - Journal of Ethnic Studies 84 10.36144/RiG84.jun20.5-29

Williams, Colin 2019. Creative ambiguity in the service of language policy and new speakers. Language Policy 18 (4) , pp. 593-608. 10.1007/s10993-018-9500-8

Williams, Colin and Walsh, John 2019. Minority language governance and regulation. Hogan-Brun, Gabrielle and O'Rourke, Bernadette, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101-130.

Williams, Colin H. 2019. The policy community and recommendations on new speakers. O'Rourke, B. and Pujolar, J., eds. From New Speaker to Speaker: Outcomes, reflections and policy recommentations from COST Action IS1306 on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges, IAITH: Welsh Centre for Language Planning., pp. 27-55.

Williams, Colin H. and Bufon, Milan 2019. Minority and language issues in comparative context: Slovenes in Italy, Ireland and Wales. Brunn, S. and Keherein, R., eds. Handbook of the Changing World Languages, Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-73400-2_108_1)

Williams, Colin H 2018. Foreward: Assailed yet resolute. MacLeod, Marsali and Smith-Christmas, Cassie, eds. Gaelic in Contemporary Scotland: The Revitalisation of an Endangered Language, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, xiii-xv.

Lian, Phyllis, Chua, Catherine, Taylor-Leech, Kerry and Williams, Colin, eds. 2018. Un(intended) language planning in a globalising world: multiple levels of players at work. De Gruyter.

Williams, Colin 2018. Refining trust: Palestine in comparative perspective: report on a workshop. University of Flensburg and VHI Cambridge. Available at:

Williams, Colin H. 2017. English in Wales. Bergs, Alexander and Brinton, Laurel, eds. The History of English: Varieties of English, Vol. 5. De Gryter Mouton, pp. 265-88.

Williams, Colin 2017. Wake me up in 2050! Formulating language policy in Wales. Languages, Society and Policy 10.17863/CAM.9802

Eaves, Steve, Jones, Kathryn, Jones, Meirion and Williams, Colin 2017. Cyraedd y Miliwn/Reaching the million. [Technical Report]. Castell Newydd Emlyn/Newcastle Emlyn: Plaid Cymru.

Williams, Colin 2017. Language policy, territorialism and regional autonomy. Spolsky, Bernard, ed. Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy (Chinese Version), Bejing: Peking University Press, pp. 174-202.

Williams, Colin 2016. Whither Language Rights and Language Commissioners in the ‘Mosaic of Mutual Influence’? International Association of Language Commissioners 1 , pp. 1-32.

Mac-Giolla Chriost, Diarmait, Carlin, Patrick and Williams, Colin H. 2016. Translating y Cofnod: translation policy and the official status of the Welsh language in Wales. Translation Studies 9 (2) , pp. 212-227. 10.1080/14781700.2015.1129987

Mac giolla chriost, Diarmait ORCID:, Carlin, Patrick and Williams, Colin 2016. Translating y Cofnod: Translation policy and the official status of the Welsh language in Wales. Translation Studies 9 (2) , pp. 212-227. 10.1080/14781700.2015.1129987

James, E. Wyn and Williams, Colin H. 2016. Beasley, (Catherine) Eileen (1921–2012). Cannadine, David, ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/105629)

Jones, Kathryn, Williams, Colin, Dunmore, Stuart and McLeod, Wilson 2016. Interim assessment of the National Gaelic Language Plan. [Technical Report]. Inverness: Bord na Gaidhlig.

Williams, Colin H 2015. Cultural rights and democratization: Legislative devolution and the enactment of the official status of Welsh in Wales. Urrutia, Inigo, Massia, Jean-Pierre and Irujo, Xabier, eds. Droits Culturels et Démocratisation/Cultural Rights and Democratisation, Institut Universitaire Varenne:, pp. 183-203.

Williams, Colin, Dell'Aquila, Vittorio, Soler Carbonell, Josep and Puigdevall Serralvo, Maite 2015. La politica linguistica a altres estats mulilingues del Mon. [Project Report]. Barcelona: Open University of Catalonia.

Williams, Colin 2014. La Transformation du Cadre Legislatif de la Langue au Pays de Galles. Doucet, Michel, ed. Le Pluralisme Linguistique, Editions Yvon Blais, pp. 385-405.

Williams, Colin 2014. The lightening veil:language revitalization in Wales. Review of Research in Education 38 (1) , pp. 242-272. 10.3102/0091732X13512983

Evas, Jeremy ORCID:, Williams, Colin, Mac-Giolla Chriost, Diarmait ORCID: and Campbell, Cefin 2014. Adolygiad o Waith y Mentrau Iaith, y Cynlluniau Gweithredu Iaith a Chynllun Hybu'r Gymraeg Aman Tawe/A review of the work of Mentrau Iaith, Language Action Plans and the Aman Tawe Language Promotion Scheme. [Technical Report]. Caerdydd/Cardiff: Llywodraeth Cymru/Welsh Government.

Williams, Colin H. 2014. Perfiduous hope. Harguindeguy, Jean-Baptiste and Cole, Alistair, eds. The Politics of Ethnolinguistic Mobilization, Language Matetrs, London: Routledge, pp. 101-122.

Williams, Colin 2014. Restitution and reconciliation. Bufon, Milan, Minghi, Julian and Paasi, Anssi, eds. The New European Frontiers: Social and Spatial (Re)Integration Issues in Multicultural and Border Regions, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 326-346.

O'Flatharta, Peadar, Sandberg, Siv and Williams, Colin 2014. From act to action: language legislation in Finland, Ireland and Wales. [Project Report]. Dublin: Fiontar.

Williams, Colin 2013. Minority language promotion, protection and regulation: the mask of piety. Language and Globalization, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Williams, Colin 2013. Linguistic minorities in democratic context (2nd ed.). Language and Globilisation, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Williams, Colin 2013. The Welsh Language and Europe. Brooks, Stephen, ed. Wales and Europe: Developing a Renewed Agenda, Ideas Wales Thoughts, vol. 2. Ideas Wales Think Tank, pp. 36-40.

Williams, Colin and Jones, M. P. 2013. Transforming strategies: Pathways to an integral education system. Williams, Colin and Thomas, Huw S., eds. Parents, Personalities and Power: Welsh-medium schools in South-east Wales, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 267-287.

Williams, Colin 2013. Ysgolion Cymraeg: An act of faith in the future of Welsh. Colin, Williams and Thomas, Huw S., eds. Parents, Personalities and Power: Welsh-medium schools in South-east Wales, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-24.

Thomas, Huw S. and Williams, Colin 2013. Parents personalities and power: Welsh-medium schools in South-East Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Williams, Colin 2013. Perfidious hope: the legislative turn in official minority language regimes. Regional and Federal Studies 23 (1) , pp. 101-122. 10.1080/13597566.2012.754353

Williams, Colin 2012. Language policy, territorialism and regional autonomy. Spolsky, Bernard, ed. The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy, Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 174-202.

Williams, Colin 2012. La ville, ce prisme asymétrique. Clément, R. and Andrew, C., eds. Villes et Langues: Gouvernance et Politiques, Ottawa: Invenire Books, pp. 113-133.

Williams, Colin 2012. The city as unequal refractor. Clement, Richard and Andrew, Caroline, eds. Cities and languages: governance and policy, Ottawa: Invenire Books, pp. 107-204.

Williams, Colin and Flatharta, Peadar O. 2012. The office of the language commissioner, Ireland. The impact of the commission on Irish language policy and official strategy. Brohy, Claudine, Du Plessis, Theodorus, Turi, Joseph-G. and Woehrling, Jose, eds. Law, Language and the Multilingual State: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law, Bloemfontein: SUN MeDIA, pp. 291-312.

Williams, Colin 2012. In defence of language rights: language commissioners in Canada, Ireland and Wales. Brohy, Claudine, de Plessis, Theodorus, Turi, Joseph-G. and Woerhling, Jose, eds. Law, Language and the Multilingual State: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law, Bloemfontein: SUN MeDIA, pp. 45-71.

Williams, Colin 2012. Varieties of English: English in Wales. Bergs, Alexander and Brinton, Laurel J., eds. English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook, Vol. 2. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1977-1995.

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 2011. Media and software development: I.T.'s not too difficult. Presented at: El reto de las lenguas no hegemónicas o de nivel medio ante las sociedades de la información y del conocimiento y el impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), Andoain, Euskadi, 7 April 2011.

Williams, Colin 2011. The Welsh. Cole, Jeffrey E., ed. Ethnic groups of Europe: an encyclopedia, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO, pp. 383-386.

Williams, Colin 2011. Paradigm shifts, geostrategic considerations and minority initiatives. Treatises and Documents - Journal of Ethnic Studies 66 , pp. 8-23.

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 2011. Komunikabideak, Bitartekotza eta Jokabide Aldaketa ITek ez dute Zertan Zailak Izan. Hizkuntza ez hegemoniko edo maila ertainekoak hedabideetan eta IKTetan, Ayuntamiento de Andoain: Irigotenazpikoa, pp. 12-70.

Williams, Colin 2011. Constrained ambition: reflections on the Welsh model of bilingual education. Lukanovic, Sonja Novak and Mikolic, Vesna, eds. Uporabno Jezikoslovje, Vol. 9-10. Ljubljana: Izdajatelj, pp. 238-263.

Williams, Colin, Evas, Jeremy ORCID:, Climent-Ferrando, Vicent and Larrinaga, Elixabete 2011. Irigoienazpikoa. Andoain, Gipuzkoa: Erroitz SL.

Williams, Colin 2011. The imperial reach and the reluctant response. Cox, Richard A.V and Armstrong, Timothy Currie, eds. A’ Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig slatan-tomhais ann an dìon cànain sa choimhearsnachd air a dheasachadh le, Clò Ostaig, pp. 295-313.

Williams, Colin 2011. Welsh-medium educational provision at university-level in Wales. Presented at: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK-China Workshop on Human Rights, London, January 13, 2011. pp. 1-30.

Williams, Colin, Evas, Jeremy ORCID:, Climent-Ferrando, Vicent and Larrinaga, Elixabete 2011. Irigoienazpikoa - Hizkuntza ez hegemoniko edo maila ertainekoak hedabideetan eto IKTetan. Andoain, Gipuzkoa: Hitzurun Hizkuntz Zerbitzuak.

Williams, Colin 2010. Linguistic diversity and legislative regimes. Hizkuntza Gutxituak Administrazioan = Lenguas minoritarias en la administración, Vitoria: Eusko Legebiltzarra = Parlamento Vasco, pp. 21-57.

Williams, Colin 2010. Galesko Unibertsitateen Galesera Sustatzearen Pozak Eta Frustrazioak. Bat Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 75 (2) , pp. 125-143.

Williams, Colin 2010. From Act to action in Wales. Morris, Delyth, ed. Welsh in the Twenty-First Century, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 36-60.

Williams, Colin 2010. The Celtic world. Fishman, Joshua A. and Garcia, Ofelia, eds. Handbook of language and ethnic identity. 2nd ed., Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-254.

Williams, Colin Haslehurst 2010. Galesko unibersitateetan galesera sustatzearen posak eta frustrazioak. Bat Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 73 (2) , pp. 125-143.

Williams, Colin 2009. Deddfu, iaith a chynllunio. Presented at: Darlith flynyddol Cynllunwyr Iaith Cymru, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Y Bala, 6 August 2009. pp. 1-10.

Williams, Colin 2009. Foras na Gaeilge and Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg: Yoked but not yet shackled. Irish Studies Review 17 (1) , pp. 55-88. 10.1080/09670880802658141

Williams, Colin 2009. Commentary: the primacy of renewal. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 195 , pp. 201-218. 10.1515/IJSL.2009.011

Williams, Colin 2009. Problemas y retos en torno al bilinguismo en Gales. Hizkunea Soziolinguistiako Agerkaria , pp. 1-25.

Williams, Colin 2009. Governance without conviction. Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe, Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-122.

Williams, Colin 2009. Conclusion: identity and democracy in an enlarged Europe. Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe, Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 227-234.

Williams, Colin 2009. The sociolinguistic context of Welsh. Ball, Martin and Muller, Nicole, eds. The Celtic Languages. 2nd ed., Routledge Language Family Series, London: Routledge, pp. 650-711.

Williams, Colin 2009. Introduction: European Union enlargement and citizen empowerment. Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe, Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-22.

Williams, Colin, ed. 2009. Rights, promotion and integration issues for minority languages in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Williams, Colin 2009. Let freedom reign: the impress of EU integration on minority survival. Prügl, Elizabeth and Thiel, Marcus, eds. Diversity in the European Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-203.

Williams, Colin 2008. Transnational Cooperation Project: Final Report by Evaluators, submitted to the European Commission, Comenius C21 118092 CP 1 2004. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Williams, Colin 2008. Nationalism in a democratic context. Agnew, John A., Mitchell, Katharyne and Toal, Gerard, eds. A companion to political geography, Blackwell Companions to Geography, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 356-377.

Williams, Colin 2008. Linguistic minorities in democratic context. Language and Globalization, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Williams, Colin 2008. Legislative devolution and language regulation in the United Kingdom. Geolinguistics 32 , pp. 1-15.

Williams, Colin 2008. Cymric (Welsh) Kymrisch (Walisisch; Keltosch in Wales). Wieser Enzyklopädie : Lexicon der Sprachen des europäischen Westens, Vol. 1. Wien: Wieser Verlag, pp. 109-129.

Williams, Colin 2008. The Welsh language in the United Kingdom: beyond cartography. Barni, Monica and Extra, Guus, eds. Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural contexts, Contributions to the sociology of language, vol. 94. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 69-92.

Williams, Colin 2007. Deddfwriaeth Newydd a'r Gymraeg. Contemporary Wales 19 , pp. 217-233.

Williams, Colin 2007. Articulating the horizons of Welsh. Williams, Colin, ed. Language and Governance, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 387-433.

Williams, Colin 2004. Iaith Pawb: The Doctrine of Plenary Inclusion. Contemporary Wales 17 (1) , pp. 1-27.

2001. The statistical basis for Welsh language planning: data, trends, patterns and processes. Williams, Colin, ed. Language Revitalization - Policy and Planning in Wales, Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 48-82.

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 1998. Community language regeneration: realising potential. Presented at: International Conference on Community Language Planning, Cardiff, May 1998. Cardiff: Welsh Language Board,

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 1997. Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol. [Project Report]. Caerdydd: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg. Available at:

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 1997. The Community Research Project. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Language Board. Available at:

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 1997. Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol: Canlyniadau a Chanfyddiadau (The Community Research Project: Results and Findings). Presented at: Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol, Coleg y Drindod, Caerfyrddin, 13 October 1997.
Item availability restricted.

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 1997. Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol: Canlyniadau a Chanfyddiadau (The Community research project: Results and Findings). Presented at: Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol, Theatr Clwyd, Yr Wyddgrug, 27 November 1997.

Evas, Jeremy ORCID: and Williams, Colin 1997. Disgleirdeb dysg a’r cyfnod modern cynnar. Barn 413 , p. 53.

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