Gornall, Lynne and Salisbury, Jane 2012. Compulsive working, 'hyperprofessionality' and the unseen pleasures of academic work. Higher Education Quarterly 66 (2) , pp. 135-154. 10.1111/j.1468-2273.2012.00512.x |
Salisbury, Jane 2012. Vocational education and training: Sites for qualitative study. Delamont, Katherine Sara, ed. Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education, Elgar Original Reference, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 143-157. |
Salisbury, Jane, Ellis, Cheryl, Beauchamp, Gary and Haughton, Chantelle 2011. What's occurring? The what, why, when and how of research capacity building in a modest pilot project with EAL learners and science. Welsh Journal of Education 15 (1) , pp. 46-65. |
Salisbury, Jane and Jephcote, Martin John 2010. Mucking in and mucking out: vocational learning in animal care. Teaching and Teacher Education 26 (1) , pp. 71-81. 10.1016/j.tate.2009.09.018 |
Jephcote, Martin John, Salisbury, Jane and Rees, Gareth Meredydd 2009. The learning journey: Students' experiences of further education in Wales. Contemporary Wales 22 (1) , pp. 141-157. |
Jephcote, Martin John and Salisbury, Jane 2009. Further education teachers' accounts of their professional identities. Teaching and Teacher Education 25 (7) , pp. 966-972. 10.1016/j.tate.2009.05.010 |
Cook, Caryn, Gornall, Lynne, Daunton, Lyn, Salisbury, Jane and Thomas, Brychan 2009. Time spent among other people is where meaning is found.' The 'working lives' research report on narratives of occupational change in further and higher education in post-devolution Wales. Welsh Journal of Education 14 (2) , pp. 97-103. |
Davies, Susan M.B. and Salisbury, Jane 2009. Building educational research capacity through inter-institutional collaboration: an evaluation of the first year of the Welsh Education Research Network (WERN). Welsh Journal of Education 14 (2) , pp. 78-94. |
Jephcote, Martin John, Salisbury, Jane and Rees, Gareth Meredydd 2009. Learning and working in further education in Wales: an overview and initial findings. Welsh Journal of Education 14 (2) , pp. 18-28. |
Davies, S. and Salisbury, Jane 2009. Researching and learning together: inter-institutional collaboration as strategy for capacity building. Presented at: American Educational Research Association, San Diego Keynote Symposium: “Capacity building evaluations, initiativesand obstacles across the UK: Reflections from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland”, San Diego,USA, April 17th 2009. |
Salisbury, Jane, Jephcote, Martin John and Roberts, John 2009. FE teachers talking about students' learning. Research Papers in Education 24 (4) , pp. 421-438. 10.1080/02671520802149915 |
Fowler, Zoe, Baird, Adela, Baron, Stephen, Davies, Susan M.B., Procter, Richard and Salisbury, Jane 2009. Building research capacity in education: evidence from recent initiatives in England, Scotland and Wales. International Journal for Researcher Development 1 (2) , pp. 173-189. 10.1108/1759751X201100011 |
Salisbury, Jane and Gornall, L. 2008. Researching working lives : narratives of teamwork, methodology and capacity-building in Wales. Presented at: Inquiring Pedagogies Annual Conference (IPED), Coventry, UK, 8-10 September 2008. |
Jephcote, Martin John and Salisbury, Jane 2008. Becoming and being: further education teachers’ accounts of their professional identities. Presented at: British Educational Research Asociation Conference, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 3 - 6 September 2008. |
Jephcote, Martin John, Salisbury, Jane and Rees, Gareth Meredydd 2008. Inside further education: the social context of learning. [Project Report]. TLRP. Available at: http://www.tlrp.org/pub/documents/JephcoteRB52fina... |
Davies, Sue and Salisbury, Jane 2008. Welsh Education Research Network (WERN). Building Research Capacity (14) |
Jephcote, Martin John and Salisbury, Jane 2008. The wider social context of learning: beyond the classroom door. Presented at: Fifteenth International Conference on Learning, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, 3 - 6 June 2008. |
Jephcote, Martin John, Salisbury, Jane and Rees, Gareth Meredydd 2008. Being a teacher in further education in changing times. Research in Post-Compulsory Education 13 (2) , pp. 163-172. 10.1080/13596740802141287 |
Gornall, L., Thomas, B., Salisbury, Jane, Daunton, L. and Cook, C. 2008. Narratives of occupational change - the working lives of lecturers in post-devolution Wales. Presented at: British Educational Research Association Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2008. |
Salisbury, Jane and Jephcote, Martin John 2008. Initial encounters of an FE kind. Research in Post-Compulsory Education 13 (2) , pp. 149-162. 10.1080/13596740802141261 |
Salisbury, Jane and Jephcote, Martin John 2008. Editorial: Special Issue: Participation in Learning: Diverse Perspectives. Research in Post-Compulsory Education 13 (2) , pp. 137-138. 10.1080/13596740802141246 |
Jephcote, Martin John and Salisbury, Jane 2008. The wider social context of learning: beyond the classroom door. The International Journal of Learning 15 (6) , pp. 281-288. |
Rees, Gareth Meredydd, Jephcote, Martin John and Salisbury, Jane 2008. The teacher's lot. Adults Learning 20 (1) , pp. 26-27. |
Jephcote, Martin John and Salisbury, Jane 2007. The long shadow of incorporation: the further education sector in devolved Wales. Welsh Journal of Education 14 (1) , 100 - 116. |
Furlong, John and Salisbury, Jane 2005. Best Practice Research Scholarships: An Evaluation. Research Papers in Education 20 (1) , pp. 45-83. 10.1080/0267152052000341336 |
Salisbury, Jane 2004. Clients, Claimants or Learners? The New Deal for 18-24 Year Olds. Journal of Education Policy 19 (1) , pp. 81-104. 10.1080/0268093042000182645 |
Gorard, Stephen, Rees, Gareth Meredydd and Salisbury, Jane 2001. Investigating the patterns of differential attainment of boys and girls at school. British Educational Research Journal 27 (2) , pp. 125-139. 10.1080/01411920120037090 |
Salisbury, Jane 2001. Exploring the tailored approaches of the new deal for 18 - 24 year olds. Riddell, Sheila and Tett, Lyn, eds. Education, Social Justice and Inter-agency Working: Joined up or Fractured Policy?, Routledge Research in Education, London: Routledge, pp. 234-253. |