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Number of items: 58.

Mumford, Christine ORCID:, Parker, Cathy, Ntounis, Nikolaos and Dargan, Ed 2021. Footfall signatures and volumes: Towards a classification of UK centres. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48 (6) , pp. 1495-1510. 10.1177/2399808320911412

Heyken Soares, Philipp, Ahmed, Leena, Mao, Yong and Mumford, Christine L. ORCID: 2021. Public transport network optimisation in PTV Visum using selection hyper-heuristics. Public Transport , pp. 163-196. 10.1007/s12469-020-00249-7

Ntounis, Nikos, Mumford, Christine ORCID:, Loroño-Leturiondo, Maria, Parker, Cathy and Still, Keith 2020. How safe is it to shop? Estimating the amount of space needed to safely social distance in various retail environments. Safety Science 132 , 104985. 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104985

Kheiri, Ahmed, Ahmed, Leena, Boyacı, Burak, Gromicho, Joaquim, Mumford, Christine ORCID:, Özcan, Ender and Dirikoç, Ali Selim 2020. Exact and hyper-heuristic solutions for the distribution-installation problem from the VeRoLog 2019 challenge. Networks 76 (2) , pp. 294-319. 10.1002/net.21962

Heyken Soares, Philipp, Mumford, Christine L. ORCID:, Amponsah, Kwabena and Mao, Yong 2019. An adaptive scaled network for public transport route optimisation. Public Transport 11 (2) , pp. 379-412. 10.1007/s12469-019-00208-x

Ahmed, Leena, Heyken-Soares, Philipp, Mumford, Christine ORCID: and Mao, Yong 2019. Optimising bus routes with fixed terminal nodes. Presented at: The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 13-17 July 2019. GECCO '19 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. ACM, pp. 1102-1110. 10.1145/3321707.3321867

Ahmed, Leena, Mumford, Christine ORCID: and Kheiri, Ahmed 2019. Solving urban transit route design problem using selection hyper-heuristics. European Journal of Operational Research 274 (2) , pp. 545-559. 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.10.022

Nesmachnow, Sergio, Massobrio, Renzo, Arreche, Efraín, Mumford, Christine ORCID:, Olivera, Ana Carolina, Vidal, Pablo Javier and Tchernykh, Andrei 2019. Traffic lights synchronization for Bus Rapid Transit using a parallel evolutionary algorithm. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 8 (1) , pp. 53-67. 10.1016/j.ijtst.2018.10.002

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Mumford, Christine L. ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed M. ORCID: 2014. A hybrid multi-objective approach to capacitated facility location with flexible store allocation for green logistics modeling. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 66 , pp. 1-22. 10.1016/j.tre.2014.01.010

Cooper, Ian ORCID:, John, Matthew P., Lewis, Rhydian ORCID:, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Olden, Andrew 2014. Optimising large scale public transport network design problems using mixed-mode parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Presented at: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Beijing, China, 6 - 11 July 2014. Evolutionary Computation (CEC). Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE, pp. 2841-2848. 10.1109/CEC.2014.6900362

O'Connell, Jonathan F. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2014. An exact dynamic programming based method to solve optimisation problems using GPUs. Presented at: 2014 Second International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), Shizuoka, Japan, 10-12 Dec 2014. Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 2014 Second International Symposium on. IEEE, pp. 347-353. 10.1109/CANDAR.2014.27

John, Matthew P., Mumford, Christine L. ORCID: and Lewis, Rhyd ORCID: 2014. An improved multi-objective algorithm for the urban transit routing problem. Presented at: EvoCOP 2014: 14th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Granada, Spain, 23-25 April 2014. Published in: Blum, Christian and Ochoa, Gabriela eds. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation: 14th European Conference, EvoCOP 2014, Granada, Spain, April 23-25, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol.8600 Springer, pp. 49-60. 10.1007/978-3-662-44320-0_5

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2013. New heuristic and evolutionary operators for the multi-objective urban transit routing problem. Presented at: 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Cancun, Mexico, 20-23 June 2013. Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2013 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, pp. 939-946. 10.1109/CEC.2013.6557668

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco Augusto ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2012. Restructuring road freight transport networks within supply chains. McKinnon, Alan, Cullinane, Sharon, Browne, Michael and Whiteing, Anthony, eds. Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics, Kogan Page, pp. 103-128.

Lewis, Rhyd ORCID:, Thompson, Jonathan Mark, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Gillard, Jonathan William ORCID: 2012. A wide-ranging computational comparison of high-performance graph colouring algorithms. Computers & Operations Research 39 (9) , pp. 1933-1950. 10.1016/j.cor.2011.08.010

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID:, Helsby, Dave and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2012. Allocation of stores to depots: how the variability of key factors impacts on allocation. Presented at: Logistics Research Network (LRN) Annual Conference - LRN2012, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK, 5-7 September 2012.

Harwood, Kieran G., Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Eglese, R. 2012. Investigating the use of metaheuristics for solving single vehicle routing problems with time-varying traversal costs. Journal of the Operational Research Society , n/a. 10.1057/jors.2012.17

Hosny, Manar I. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2012. Constructing initial solutions for the multiple vehicle pickup and delivery problem with time windows. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 24 (1) , pp. 59-69. 10.1016/j.jksuci.2011.10.006

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2011. An evolutionary bi-objective approach to the capacitated facility location problem with cost and CO2 emissions. Presented at: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2011, Dublin, Ireland, 12-16 July 2011. Published in: Krasnogor, N. ed. GECCO '11 Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. New York, NY: ACM, pp. 697-704. 10.1145/2001576.2001672

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Palmer, Andrew, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2011. Assessing the impact of cost optimization based on infrastructure modelling on CO2 emissions. International Journal of Production Economics 131 (1) , pp. 313-321. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.03.005

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2010. A multiobjective framework for heavily constrained examination timetabling problems. Annals of Operations Research 180 (1) , pp. 3-31. 10.1007/s10479-008-0490-3

Fan, Lang and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2010. A metaheuristic approach to the urban transit routing problem. Journal of Heuristics 16 (3) , pp. 353-372. 10.1007/s10732-008-9089-8

Hosny, Manar Ibrahim and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2010. The single vehicle pickup and delivery problem with time windows: Intelligent operators for heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms. Journal of Heuristics 16 (3) , pp. 417-439. 10.1007/s10732-008-9083-1

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Sanchez Rodriguez, V. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2010. Restructuring of logistics systems and supply chains. McKinnon, Alan, Cullinane, Sharon, Whiteing, Anthony and Browne, Michael, eds. Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics, London: Kogan Page, pp. 101-123.

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed ORCID: and Mumford, Christine ORCID: 2010. Restructuring of logistics systems and supply chains. McKinnon, Alan, Cullinane, Sharon, Browne, Michael and Whiteing, Anthony, eds. GREEN LOGISTICS Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics, London: Kogan Page Limited, pp. 101-123.

Hosny, Manar I. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2010. Solving the one-commodity pickup and delivery problem using an adaptive hybrid VNS/SA approach. Presented at: 11th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, 11-15 Sept 2010. Parallel problem-solving from nature PPSN X. PARALLEL PROBLEM SOLVING FROM NATURE-PPSN XI, PT II. Lecture notes in computer science (6239) Springer, pp. 189-198. 10.1007/978-3-642-15871-1_20

Fan, Lang, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Evans, Dafydd 2009. A simple multi-objective optimization algorithm for the urban transit routing problem. Presented at: Evolutionary Computation, 2009, CEC '09, IEEE Congress, Trondheim, Norway, 18-21 May 2009.. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC '09), Trondheim, Norway, 18-21 May 2009. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1-7. 10.1109/CEC.2009.4982923

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2009. The multi-objective uncapacitated facility location problem for green logistics. Presented at: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009 (CEC '09), Trondheim, Norway, 18-21 May 2009. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009 (CEC '09). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 2732-2739. 10.1109/CEC.2009.4983285

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2009. Synergy in computational intelligence. Mumford, Christine Lesley and Jain, L. C., eds. Computational Intelligence: Collaboration, Fusion and Emergence, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol. 1. Berlin: Springer, pp. 3-21. (10.1007/978-3-642-01799-5_1)

Hosny, Manar Ibrahim and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2009. Investigating genetic algorithms for solving the multiple vehicle pickup and delivery problem with time window. Presented at: 8th Metaheuristics International conference (MIC2009), Hamburg, Germany, 13-16 June 2009.

Morgan, Matthew J. W. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2009. A weight-coded genetic algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem. Presented at: GECCO 2009 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Montreal, Canada, 8-12 July 2009. Published in: Rothlauf, F. ed. GECCO '09 Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, Montreal, Québec, Canada, 8-12 July, 2009. New York, NY: ACM, pp. 325-332. 10.1145/1569901.1569947

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Palmer, Andrew, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2008. Assessing the impact of cost optimization based on infrastructure modelling on co2 emissions. Presented at: 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 3-7 March 2008.

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2008. An order based memetic evolutionary algorithm for set partitioning problems. Studies in Computational Intelligence 115 , pp. 881-925. 10.1007/978-3-540-78293-3_21

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2007. A review of infrastructure modelling for Green Logistics. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2007, Kingston upon Hull, UK, 5-7 September 2007.

Hosny, Manar I. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2007. Single vehicle pickup and delivery with time windows. Presented at: GECCO 2007, London, UK, 2007. Proceedings of the 2007 GECCO conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation. New York, NY: ACM, pp. 2489-2496. 10.1145/1274000.1274015
Item availability restricted.

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2007. An order based evolutionary approach to dual objective examination timetabling. Presented at: SCIS '07: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, 1-5 April 2007. Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 2007. 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling. IEEE, pp. 179-186. 10.1109/SCIS.2007.367687

Rosin, Paul L. ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2006. A symmetric convexity measure. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 103 (2) , pp. 101-111. 10.1016/j.cviu.2006.04.002

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2006. New order-based crossovers for the graph coloring problem. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Reykjavik, Iceland, 9-13 September 2006. Parallel Problem-Solving From Nature - PPSN IX. Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IX. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4193) Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 880-889. 10.1007/11844297_89

Morgan, M. J. W. and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2005. Capacitated Vehicle Routing: Perturbing the Landscape to Fool an Algorithm. Presented at: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2005) Volume 3, pp. 2271-2277. 10.1109/CEC.2005.1554977

Colombo, Gualtiero and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2005. Comparing algorithms, representations and operators for the multi-objective knapsack problem. Presented at: 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 September 2005. The 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. 2005 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS. , vol.2 IEEE, pp. 1268-1275. 10.1109/CEC.2005.1554836

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2005. A hierarchical solve-and-merge framework for multi-objective optimization. Presented at: 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 September 2005. Published in: Mumford, Christine Lesley ed. The 2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation. , vol.3 IEEE, pp. 2241-2247. 10.1109/CEC.2005.1554973

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2005. A simple approach to evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Abraham, A., Jain, L. and Goldberg, R., eds. Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization:Theoretical Advances and Applications, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, Springer-Verlag, pp. 55-79. (10.1007/1-84628-137-7_4)

Rosin, Paul l. ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2004. A symmetric convexity measure. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), Cambridge, UK, 23-26 August 2004. Published in: Kittler, Josef, Petrou, Maria and Nixon, Mark eds. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOL 4. , vol.4 Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 11-14. 10.1109/ICPR.2004.1333693

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2004. A hierarchical evolutionary approach to multi-objective optimization. Presented at: CEC2004: Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2004, Portland, OR, USA, 19-23 June 2004. CEC2004: Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC2004: Proceedings of the 2004 congress on evolutionary computation: Vols 1 and 2. , vol.2 Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 1944-1951. 10.1109/CEC.2004.1331134

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID:, Vick, J. and Wang, Pearl Y. 2004. Heuristics for large strip packing problems with guillotine patterns: An empirical study. Metaheuristics: Computer Decision-making 86 , pp. 501-522.

Dorband, John E., Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Wang, Pearl Y. 2004. Developing an ace solution for two-dimensional strip packing. Presented at: 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 26-30 April 2004. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004. Proceedings. 18th International. IEEE, pp. 261-269. 10.1109/IPDPS.2004.1303331

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2004. Simple population replacement strategies for a steady-state multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Presented at: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2004, Seattle, WA, USA, 26-30 June 2004. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation – GECCO 2004. GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION - GECCO 2004, PT 1, PROCEEDINGS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3102) Springer, pp. 1389-1400. 10.1007/978-3-540-24854-5_132

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2003. Comparing representations and recombination operators for the multi-objective 0/1 knapsack problem. Presented at: 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC '03), 8-12 December 2003. The 2003 Congress on evolutionary computation 2003. CEC '03. , vol.2 IEEE, pp. 854-861. 10.1109/CEC.2003.1299756

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Wang, P.Y. 2002. VLSI Placement and Area Optimization Using a Genetic Algorithm to Breed Normalized Postfix Expressions. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 6 (4) , pp. 390-401. 10.1109/TEVC.2002.802872

Valenzuela, Christine L. ORCID: 2002. A simple evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective optimization (SEAMO). Presented at: 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Honolulu, HI, USA, 12-17 May 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE, pp. 717-722. 10.1109/CEC.2002.1007014

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Wang, P.Y. 2001. Data Set Generation for Rectangular Placement Problems. European Journal of Operational Research 134 (2) , pp. 378-391. 10.1016/S0377-2217(00)00263-0

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2001. A study of permutation operators for minimum span frequency assignment using an order based representation. Journal of Heuristics 7 (1) , pp. 5-21.

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Wang, Pearl Y. 2000. A Genetic Algorithm for VLSI floorplanning. Presented at: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VI: 6th International Conference, Paris, France, 18–20 September 2000. Published in: Schoenauer, Marc, Deb, Kalyanmony, Rudolph, Gunther, Yao, Xin, Lutton, Evelyne, Merelo, Juan Julian and Schnefel, Hans-Paul eds. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VI: 6th International Conference Paris, France, September 18–20, 2000: Proceedings. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VI Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture notes in computer science (1917) Springer, pp. 671-680. 10.1007/3-540-45356-3_66

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 1999. Evolutionary divide and conquer (II) for the TSP. Presented at: GECCO-99, Orlando, FL, USA, 13-17 July 1999. Published in: Banzhaf, Wolfgang, Daida, Jason M., Garzon, Max H., Honavar, Vasant, Jakiela, Mark J. and Smith, Robert E. eds. GECCO-99: Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference. GECCO-99: PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE. Orlando, FL.: Morgan Kauffman, pp. 1744-1749.

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID:, Hurley, Steve and Smith, Derek 1998. A permutation based Genetic Algorithm for minimum span frequency assignment. Presented at: PPSN V: 5th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-30 September 1998. Published in: Eiben, Agoston E., Back, Thomas, Schoenauer, Marc and Schnefel, Hans-Paul eds. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN V: 5th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27-30, 1998: Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science (1498) Springer, pp. 907-916. 10.1007/BFb0056932

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Jones, Antonia J. 1997. Estimating the Held-Karp lower bound for the geometric TSP. European Journal of Operational Research 102 (1) , pp. 157-175. 10.1016/S0377-2217(96)00214-7

Gilbert, A. H., Bell, Frances and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 1995. Adaptive learning of process control and profit optimization using a classifier system. Evolutionary Computation 3 (2) , pp. 177-198.

Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: and Jones, Antonia J. 1993. Evolutionary divide and conquer (I): A novel genetic approach to the TSP. Evolutionary Computation 1 (4) , pp. 313-333.

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