Beyrouty, Amal, Din, Mashmooma, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Herbert, Allan 2021. COVID-19 and multi generational households: Reflections on the experienceof a diverse urban community in Wales. Beresford, Peter, Farr, Michelle, Hickey, Gary, Kaur, Meerat, Ocloo, Josephine, Tembo, Doreen and Williams, Oli, eds. COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice: Volume 1: The Challenges and Necessity of Co-production, Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 127-134. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Thomas, Gareth M. ORCID: and Byrne, Ellie 2020. Stigma, class, and ‘respect’: Young people’s articulation and management of place in a post-industrial estate in south Wales. People, Place and Policy Online 14 (2) , pp. 157-152. 10.3351/ppp.2020.4953299286 |
Pearce, Sioned ORCID:, Sophocleous, Christala ORCID:, Blakely, Helen ORCID: and Elliott, Eva ORCID: 2020. Moments of alignment between devolved political ideology and policy design: the case of Wales. People, Place and Policy 14 (1) , pp. 6-23. 10.3351/ppp.2020.6389998796 |
Renold, Emma ORCID:, Ivinson, Gabrielle, Thomas, Gareth ORCID: and Elliott, Eva ORCID: 2020. The making, mapping and mobilising in Merthyr project: young people, research and arts-activism in a post-industrial place. McDermont, Morag, Cole, Tim, Newman, Janet and Piccini, Angela, eds. Imagining Regulation Differently: Co-Creating Regulation for Engagement, Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 127-144. |
Thomas, Gareth M. ORCID:, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Exley, Eve, Ivinson, Gabrielle and Renold, Emma ORCID: 2018. Light, connectivity, and place: young people living in a post-industrial town. cultural geographies 25 (4) , pp. 537-551. 10.1177/1474474018762811 |
Byrne, Eleanor, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Saftus, R. and Angharad, J. 2017. The creative turn in evidence for public health: community and arts-based methodologies. Journal of Public Health 40 (S1) , i24-i30. |
Byrne, Ellie, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth 2016. Performing the micro-social: using theatre to debate research findings on everyday life, health and wellbeing. Sociological Review 64 (4) , pp. 715-733. 10.1111/1467-954X.12432 |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Popay, Jennie and Williams, Gareth 2015. Knowledge of the everyday: confronting the causes of health inequalities. Smith, Katherine E., Bambra, Clare and Hill, Sarah E., eds. Health Inequalities: Critical Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 222–237. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198703358.003.0016) |
Byrne, Ellie, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2015. Poor places, powerful people? Co-producing cultural counter-representations of place. Visual Methodologies 3 (2) , pp. 77-85. 10.7331/vm.v3i2.56 |
White, James ORCID:, Greene, Giles ORCID:, Dunstan, Frank David John ORCID:, Rodgers, Sarah, Lyons, Ronan A., Humphreys, Ioan, John, Ann, Webster, Chris, Palmer, Stephen Royston, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Phillips, Ceri J. and Fone, David ORCID: 2014. The Communities First (ComFi) study: protocol for a prospective controlled quasi-experimental study to evaluate the impact of area-wide regeneration on mental health and social cohesion in deprived communities. BMJ Open 4 (10) , e006530. 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006530 |
MacDonald, Sarah ORCID:, Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Elliott, Eva ORCID: 2014. Nourishing and nurturing? Patterns of parent-child negotiations around food in the family and school. Presented at: BSA Food Study Group Conference, London, UK, 30 June, 2014. |
Chadderton, Chloe, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Hacking, Nicholas ORCID:, Shepherd, Michael Allan and Williams, Gareth Howard 2013. Health impact assessment in the UK planning system: the possibilities and limits of community engagement. Health Promotion International 28 (4) , pp. 533-543. 10.1093/heapro/das031 |
Blackman, Tim, Harrington, Barbara, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Greene, Alex, Hunter, David J., Marks, Linda, McKee, Lorna and Williams, Gareth Howard 2012. Framing health inequalities for local intervention: comparative case studies. Sociology of Health & Illness 34 (1) , pp. 49-63. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01362.x |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID:, Rothwell, Heather, Shepherd, Michael and Williams, Gareth 2010. The impact of the economic downturn on health in Wales: a review and case study. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 134. Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
MacDonald, Sarah ORCID:, Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Elliott, Eva ORCID: 2010. Understanding home-school links in relation to children's dietary health improvement. Presented at: BSA Food Study Group Conference, London, UK, 5-6 July 2010. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID:, Shepherd, Michael Allen, Rothwell, Heather Ann and Williams, Gareth Howard 2010. The impact of the recession on health: perspectives. Presented at: 18th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum, Bournemouth, UK, 24- 25 March 2010. |
Blackman, Tim, Hunter, David, Marks, Linda, Harrington, Barbara, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Williams, Gareth Howard, Greene, Alex and Mckee, Lorna 2010. Wicked comparisons: reflections on cross-national research about health inequalities in the UK. Evaluation 16 (1) , pp. 43-57. 10.1177/1356389009350016 |
Williams, Gareth Howard and Elliott, Eva ORCID: 2010. Exploring social inequalities in health: the importance of thinking qualitatively. Bourgeault, Ivy, Dingwall, Robert and De Vries, Ray, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research, London: SAGE, pp. 106-122. |
Bell, Colin, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Simmons, Anne 2010. Community capacity building. Waters, Elizabeth, Swinburn, Boyd A., Seidell, Jacob C. and Uauy, Ricardo, eds. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence Policy and Practice, Evidence-based medicine, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 232-242. (10.1002/9781444318517.ch27) |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Contesting the science: public health knowledge and action in controversial land-use developments. Benett, Peter, Calman, Kenneth, Curtis, Sarah and Fischbacher-Smith, Denis, eds. Risk Communication and Public Health (2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 181-196. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.12) |
Blackman, Tim, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Greene, Alex, Harrington, Barbara, Hunter, David, Marks, Linda, McKee, Lorna, Smith, Kat and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Tackling health inequalities in post-devolution Britain: do targets matter? Public Administration 87 (4) , pp. 762-778. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2009.01782.x |
Harrop, Emily ORCID:, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Contesting the science: public health knowledge in an environmental protest. Presented at: BSA Medical Sociology Group 41st Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 4 September 2009. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Contesting the science: public health knowledge and action in controversial land-use development. Presented at: 104th American Sociological Association conference, San Fransisco. USA, 8 - 11 August 2009. |
Smith, Katherine E., Hunter, David J., Blackman, Tim, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Greene, Alexandra, Harrington, Barbara E., Marks, Linda, Mckee, Lorna and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Divergence or convergence? Health inequalities and policy in a devolved Britain. Critical Social Policy 29 (2) , pp. 216-242. 10.1177/0261018308101627 |
Green, L., Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Chadderton, Chloe and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Adding value to planning: A HIA of the preferred strategy of a local development plan in Wales. Presented at: 29th Annual Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Ghana, 2009. |
Green, L., Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Chadderton, Chloe and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Integrating health and wellbeing: the Welsh experience of using HIA in transport planning. Presented at: 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Ghana, 2009. |
Harrington, B. E., Smith, K. E., Hunter, D. J., Marks, L., Blackman, T. J., McKee, L., Greene, A., Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Health inequalities in England, Scotland and Wales: Stakeholders' accounts and policy compared. Public Health 123 (1) , pp. 24-28. 10.1016/j.puhe.2008.10.010 |
Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Developing public sociology through health impact assessment. Sociology of Health & Illness 30 (7) , pp. 1101-1116. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01103.x |
Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Developing a public sociology: from lay knowledge to civic intelligence in health impact assessment. Journal of Applied Social Science 2 (2) , pp. 14-28. 10.1177/193672440800200203 |
Burgess, Stephen, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Lynch, Rebecca Jayne 2008. Reflections on the Use of Participatory Mapping to Explore Social Cohesion - A Potential Tool for Qualitative-GIS. Qualitative Researcher 7 , pp. 7-9. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Shirani, Fiona and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Final report on the sustainability and legacy of Healthy Living Centres in Wales. A report to the Department for Public Health and Health Professions. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 115. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: |
Chadderton, Chloe, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Involving the public in HIA: an evaluation of current practice in Wales. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 116. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: |
Wismar, M., Blau, J., Ernst, K., Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Golby, A., Van Herten, L., Lavin, T., Stricka, M. and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. La mise en oeuvre et l’institutionnalisation des evaluations d’impact sur la sante en Europe. Telescope 14 (2) , pp. 64-78. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Golby, Alison and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. La situation des évaluations d'impact sur la santé au pays de Galles. Telescope 14 (2) , pp. 15-24. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Parry, Odette and Ashdown-Lambert, Joan 2006. Evaluation of community food co-ops pilot in Wales. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 85. Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth 2006. Recapturing the Bevanite dream? Case study evaluation of Healthy Living Centres in Wales. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 90. Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Francis, Sarah 2005. Making effective links to decision-making: Key challenges for health impact assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 25 (7-8) , pp. 747-757. 10.1016/j.eiar.2005.07.007 |
MacDonald, Sarah ORCID:, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Moore, Laurence 2004. Evaluation of equity training and advocacy grant pilot programme. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 72. Cardiff: Cardiff University. |
Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2004. Developing a civic intelligence: Local involvement in HIA. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 24 (2) , pp. 231-243. 10.1016/j.eiar.2003.10.013 |
Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit 2004. Improving health and reducing inequalities: A practical guide to health impact assessment. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at: |