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Number of items: 14.

Dominguez, Luzia 2023. Hidden inequalities in the L2 classroom: The case of pragmatic markers in Spanish translation. Pragmatics

Dominguez, Luzia 2019. Promoting student autonomy and the co-creation of the L2 class through linguistic theory. Presented at: The European Conference on Language Learning, London, 19-21 July 2019. The European Conference on Language Learning 2019: Official Conference Proceedings.

Dominguez, Luzia 2009. A realidade sociolinguística galega: recuperação e prestígio linguístico” (“the galizan sociolinguistic situation. revitalization and linguistic prestige”). Português em Contacto 2 10.31819/9783964563002-018

Dominguez, Luzia 2007. ‘Yo si quiere se lo explico’, control y poder en interacciones entre clientes y empleados” (“ ‘I’ll explain it if you´d like”, control and power in interactions between clients and employees”). Oralia: Análisis del discurso oral, 10 , pp. 103-134.

Dominguez, Luzia, Morales López, Esperanza and Prego Vázquez, Gabriela 2006. El conflicto comunicativo en las empresas desde el Analisis del Discurso. A Coruña: University of A Coruña.

Dominguez-Seco, Luzia, Prego Vázquez, Gabriela and Morales López, Esperanza 2005. Interviews between employees and customers during the process of restructuring a company. Discourse and Society 16 (2) , pp. 225-268. 10.1177/095792650504962

Dominguez, Luzia 2005. Maneiras de educación. Trocas de idioma na comunicación empregados-clientes numa empresa galega [“Forms of politeness. Code-switching in communication between employees and clients”]. Presented at: Second International Symposium on Bilingualism, Vigo, Spain, 23-26 October 2002. Bilingual socialization and bilingual language acquisition : proceedings from the Second International Symposium on Bilingualism = Socialización bilingüe e adquisición lingüística bilingüe : actas do Segundo Simposio Internacional sobre o Bilingüis. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, pp. 1537-1550.

Dominguez, Luzia and Herrero Valeiro, Mário J. 2003. Pureza e (des)lealdade lingüísticas na ideologizaçäo das condutas de fala na Galicia [“Linguistic purity and (dis)loyalty in the ideologisation of speech behaviour in Galicia”]. Presented at: First International Symposium on Bilingualism: Bilingual Communities and Individuals, Vigo, Spain, 21-25 September 1997. Actas do I Simposio Internacional sobre o Bilingüismo (Proceedings from the First International Symposium on Bilingualism). Vigo: University of Vigo Publishing, pp. 42-53.

Dominguez-Seco, Luzia 2002. Social prestige and linguistic identity. On the ideological conditions behind the standardisation of Galician. Estudios de Sociolingüística 3 (2) , pp. 207-228. 10.1558/sols.v3i2.207

Dominguez, Luzia and Valeiro Herrero, Mário 2001. Monolinguismo e purismo (A ideologizaçäo das prácticas de fala na Galicia)” (“Monolingualism and purism [The ideologisation of linguistic practices in Galicia]”). Revista Iberoamericana de Discurso y Sociedad 3 (1) , pp. 9-41.

Dominguez, Luzia 1996. Língua, status, identidade: a fala como marcadora da diferença social (Language, status, identity: Speech as a marker of social difference). A construção lingüística da identidade social e individual (The linguistic construction of the social and individual identity), Évora: University of Évora Publishing, pp. 31-35.

Dominguez, Luzia, Fernández Ferreiro, Manuel, Fernández Ramallo, Fernando, Fernández Rodríguez, Mauro A., Recalde Fernández, Monserrat, Rei Doval, Gabriel and Rodríguez Neira, Modesto A. 1996. Actitudes lingüísticas en Galicia (Linguistic Attitudes in Galicia). A Coruña: Real Academia Galega..

Dominguez, Luzia, Fernández Ferreiro, Manuel, Fernández Ramallo, Fernando, Fernández Rodríguez, Mauro A., Recalde Fernández, Monserrat, Rei Doval, Gabriel and Rodríguez Neira, Modesto A. 1995. Usos lingüísticos en Galicia (linguistic usage in Galicia). A Coruña: Real Academia Galega (Galician Royal Academy)..

Dominguez, Luzia 1993. Na construção do galego como língua legítima. Uma análise dos textos de língua do bacharelato (The construction of Galician as a legitimate language: An analysis of language texts in Secondary School). Agália 34 , pp. 147-166.

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