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Number of items: 95.

Singh, Sukhwinder ORCID:, Alemzadeh, Joseph, Menendez Rodriguez, Guillermo, Phillips, Matthew, Zabek, Daniel ORCID:, Burton, Matthew, Rocha, Victoria G. and Min, Gao ORCID: 2025. Improving the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity of Fe11Ti3Al6 by substituting Fe with Cr. Journal of Electronic Materials 10.1007/s11664-024-11723-4

Atia, Abdulhamid ORCID:, Anayi, Fatih ORCID:, Bahr, Ali and Min, Gao ORCID: 2024. Correlation between broken contact fingers and I–V characteristics of partially shaded photovoltaic modules. Solar 4 (4) , pp. 595-605. 10.3390/solar4040028

Al-Shidhani, Mazin and Gao, Min ORCID: 2022. Improving angular response of crossed compound parabolic concentrators using rectangular entry aperture. Renewable Energy 204 , pp. 1-10. 10.1016/j.renene.2022.12.104

Alnajideen, Mohammad ORCID: and Gao, Min ORCID: 2022. A new configuration of V-trough concentrator for achieving improved concentration ratio of >3.0x. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 245 , 111877. 10.1016/j.solmat.2022.111877

Min, Gao ORCID: 2022. Prospective photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid system. ES Materials & Manufacturing 16 , pp. 13-18. 10.30919/esmm5e606

Min, Gao ORCID: 2022. New formulation of the theory of thermoelectric generator for operation under constant heat flux. Energy & Environmental Science 15 , pp. 356-367. 10.1039/D1EE03114G

Alnajideen, Mohammad ORCID: and Min, Gao ORCID: 2022. Hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric system using a novel spectral splitting solar concentrator. Energy Conversion and Management 251 , 114981. 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114981

Atia, Abdulhamid ORCID:, Anayi, Fatih ORCID: and Gao, Min ORCID: 2021. Comparing shading with irradiance reduction effects on solar cells electrical parameters. Presented at: 2021 56th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, 31 August -3 September 2021. 2021 56th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). IEEE, 10.1109/UPEC50034.2021.9548160

Eze, Martin C. ORCID:, Ugwuanyi, Godwin ORCID:, Li, Meng, Eze, Hyginus U., Rodriguez, Guillermo, Evans, Alex, Rocha, Victoria G. ORCID:, Li, Zhe and Min, Gao ORCID: 2021. Optimum silver contact sputtering parameters for efficient perovskite solar cell fabrication. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 230 , 111185. 10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111185

Atia, Abdulhamid ORCID:, Anayi, Fatih ORCID: and Min, Gao ORCID: 2020. Improving accuracy of solar cells parameters extraction by minimum root mean square error. Presented at: 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2020), Virtual - Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept 2020. 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). IEEE, 10.1109/UPEC49904.2020.9209780

Liu, Hui, Liu, Hai-Rui, Yang, Feng, Yang, Ji-En, Song, Jian, Li, Meng, Li, Zhe, Tsoi, Wing Chung, Eze, Martin Chinweokwu ORCID:, Liu, Zhi-Yong, Ma, Heng, Gao, Min ORCID: and Wang, Zhao-Kui 2020. π-Conjugated small molecules enable efficient perovskite growth and charge-extraction for high-performance photovoltaic devices. Journal of Power Sources 448 , 227420. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.227420

Al-Baghdadi, M., Kheralla Al-Kadumi, A., Altayyar, I. K., Anayi, K. F. ORCID: and Min, G. ORCID: 2019. The effect of magnetic field direction on thermoelectric and thermomagnetic coefficients of undoped single crystalline InSb at room temperature. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 671 , 012040. 10.1088/1757-899X/671/1/012040

Yoo, Chung-Yul, Yeon, Changho, Jin, Younghwan, Kim, Yeongseon, Song, Jinseop, Yoon, Hana, Park, Sang Hyun, Beltrán-Pitarch, Braulio, García-Cañadas, Jorge and Gao, Min ORCID: 2019. Determination of the thermoelectric properties of a skutterudite-based device at practical operating temperatures by impedance spectroscopy. Applied Energy 251 , -. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113341

AlNajideen, Mohammad ORCID:, Al-Shidhani, Mazin and Gao, Min ORCID: 2019. Optimum design of V-trough solar concentrator for photovoltaic applications. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-15), Location: Fes, Morocco, 25–27 Mar 2019. AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.2149 AIP Publishing, 030001-. 10.1063/1.5124178

Beltrán-Pitarch, Braulio, Márquez-García, Lourdes, Min, Gao ORCID: and Garcia Canadas, Jorge 2018. Corrigendum: Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity using a thermoelectric module (2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 045902). Measurement Science and Technology 29 , 129501. 10.1088/1361-6501/aaeb81

Prado-Gonjal, Jesús, Phillips, Matthew, Vaqueiro, Paz, Min, Gao ORCID: and Powell, Anthony V. 2018. Skutterudite thermoelectric modules with high volume-power-density: scalability and reproducibility. ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (11) , pp. 6609-6618. 10.1021/acsaem.8b01548

Baig, Hasan, Siviter, J., Li, W., Paul, M.C., Montecucco, A., Rolley, M ORCID:, Sweet, T. K. N. ORCID:, Gao, M ORCID:, Mullen, P.A., Fernandez, E.F., Han, G., Gregory, D.H., Knox, A.R. and Mallick, Tapas 2018. Conceptual design and performance evaluation of a hybrid concentrating photovoltaic system in preparation for energy. Energy 147 , pp. 547-560. 10.1016/

Márquez-García, Lourdes, Beltrán-Pitarch, Brauli, Powell, Damian, Gao, Min ORCID: and Garcia Canadas, Jorge 2018. Large power factor improvement in a novel solid-liquid thermoelectric hybrid device. ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (2) , 254–259. 10.1021/acsaem.7b00075

Al-Shidhani, Mazin, Alnajideen, Mohammad ORCID:, Garcia Rocha, Victoria ORCID: and Min, Gao ORCID: 2018. Design and testing of 3D printed cross compound parabolic concentrators for LCPV system. AIP Conference Proceedings 2012 (1) , 020001. 10.1063/1.5053489

Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Rolley, Matthew ORCID:, Li, W., Paul, M. C., Gao, Min ORCID: and Knox, A. R. 2017. Experimental characterization and multi-physics simulation of a triple-junction cell in a novel hybrid III:V concentrator photovoltaic-thermoelectric receiver design with secondary optical element. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017), Cardiff, UK, 21st - 24th August. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Energy. Energy Procedia Elsevier, pp. 809-814. 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.130

Li, W., Paul, M.C., Rolley, M. ORCID:, Sweet, T. ORCID:, Gao, M. ORCID:, Baig, H., Fernandez, E.F., Mallick, T.K., Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Knox, A.R., Han, G., Gregory, D.H., Azough, F. and Freer, R. 2017. A coupled optical-thermal-electrical model to predict the performance of hybrid PV/T-CCPC roof-top systems. Renewable Energy 112 , pp. 166-186. 10.1016/j.renene.2017.05.012

Selvaraj, Prabhakaran, Baig, Hasan, Mallick, Tapas K., Siviter, Jonathan, Montecucco, Andrea, Li, Wen, Paul, Manosh, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Gao, Min ORCID:, Knox, Andrew R. and Sundaram, Senthilarasu 2017. Enhancing the efficiency of transparent dye-sensitized solar cells using concentrated light. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 175 , pp. 29-34. 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.10.006

Sweet, Tracy K. N. ORCID:, Rolley, Matthew H. ORCID:, Prest, Martin J. and Min, Gao ORCID: 2017. Novel hybrid III:V concentrator photovoltaic-thermoelectric receiver designs. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-13), Ottawa, Canada, 1-3 May 2017. AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.1881 AIP Publishing, 080009. 10.1063/1.5001447

Li, W., Paul, M. C., Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Knox, A.R., Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Gao, Min ORCID:, Baig, H., Mallick, T. K., Han, G., Gregory, D. H., Azough, F. and Freer, R. 2017. Multiphysics simulations of thermoelectric generator modules with cold and hot blocks and effects of some factors. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 10 , pp. 63-72. 10.1016/j.csite.2017.03.005

Han, Guang, Popuri, Srinivas R., Greer, Heather F., Llin, Lourdes F., Bos, Jan-Willem G., Zhou, Wuzong, Paul, Douglas J., Ménard, Hervé, Knox, Andrew R., Montecucco, Andrea, Siviter, Jonathan, Man, Elena A., Li, Wen-guang, Paul, Manosh C., Gao, Min ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Freer, Robert, Azough, Feridoon, Baig, Hasan, Mallick, Tapas K. and Gregory, Duncan H. 2017. Chlorine-enabled electron doping in solution-synthesized SnSe thermoelectric nanomaterials. Advanced Energy Materials 7 (13) , 1602328. 10.1002/aenm.201602328

Al-Madhhachi, Hayder ORCID:, Phillips, Matthew and Gao, Min ORCID: 2017. Validation of vapour / water production in a thermoelectric distillation system. Presented at: the 3rd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'17), Rome - Italy, 8-10 June 2017. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'17). Ottawa, ON, Canada: Avestia Publishing, pp. 117-1. 10.11159/htff17.117

Li, W., Paul, M.C., Rolley, Matthew ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Gao, Min ORCID:, Siviter, J., Montecucco, A., Knox, A.R., Baig, H., Mallick, T.K., Fernandez, E.F., Han, G., Gregory, D.H., Azough, F. and Freer, R. 2017. A scaling law for monocrystalline PV/T modules with CCPC and comparison with triple junction PV cells. Applied Energy 202 , pp. 755-771. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.182

Rolley, Matthew ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Stoichkov, Vasil, Bristow, Noel, Kettle, Jeff and Min, Gao ORCID: 2017. Triple-junction concentrator photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid receivers: robustness, valiation and preliminary reliability studies. Presented at: 13th Photovoltaic Science, Application and Technology Conference (PVSAT-13), Bangor, Wales, UK, 5- 7 April 2017.

Yang, Zhijia, PradoGonjal, Jesus, Phillips, Matthew, Lan, Song, Powell, Anthony, Vaqueiro, Paz, Gao, Min ORCID:, Stobart, Richard and Chen, Rui 2017. Improved thermoelectric generator performance using high temperature thermoelectric materials. Presented at: WCX™ 17: SAE World Congress Experience, Detroit, USA, 4-6 April 2017. SAE Technical Papers. SAE International, -. 10.4271/2017-01-0121

Beltrán-Pitarch, Braulio, Márquez-García, Lourdes, Gao, Min ORCID: and Garcia Canadas, Jorge 2017. Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity using a thermoelectric module. Measurement Science and Technology 28 (4) , 045902. 10.1088/1361-6501/aa5c30

Al-Madhhachi, Hayder ORCID: and Gao, Min ORCID: 2017. Effective use of thermal energy at both hot and cold side of thermoelectric module for developing efficient thermoelectric water distillation system. Energy Conversion and Management 133 , pp. 14-19. 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.055

Al-Madhhachi, Hayder ORCID:, Prest, Martin and Min, Gao ORCID: 2017. Evaluation of the convection heat transfer coefficient in a thermoelectric distillation system. Presented at: International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE), Newcastle, UK, 20-21 October 2016. 2016 International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE). IEEE, pp. 213-217. 10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810190

Augustyniak, Mateusz and MIn, Gao ORCID: 2017. Influence of various titanium oxide blocking layers on performance of dye-sensitized solar cells. Presented at: International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE), Newcastle, UK, 20-21 October 2016. International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 280-285. 10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810203

Baig, Hasan, Siviter, Jonathan, Maria, Elena Ana, Montecucco, Andrea, Li, Wenguang, Paul, Manosh, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Gao, Min ORCID:, Mullen, Paul A., Knox, Andrew R. and Mallick, Tapas 2017. Outdoor performance of a reflective type 3D LCPV system under different climatic conditions. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems, Ontario, Canada, 1-3 May 2017. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.1881 AIP Publishing, -. 10.1063/1.5001403

Luo, Bingwei, Deng, Yuan, Wang, Yao, Gao, Min ORCID:, Zhu, Wei, Hashim, Hasan Talib and García-Cañadas, Jorge 2016. Synergistic photovoltaic-thermoelectric effect in a nanostructured CdTe/Bi2Te3 heterojunction for hybrid energy harvesting. RSC Advances 6 (115) , pp. 114046-114051. 10.1039/C6RA20149K

Li, W., Paul, M.C., Sellami, N., Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Montecucco, A., Siviter, J., Baig, H., Min, Gao ORCID:, Mallick, T. and Knox, A. 2016. Six-parameter electrical model for photovoltaic cell/module with compound parabolic concentrator. Solar Energy 137 , pp. 551-563. 10.1016/j.solener.2016.08.050

García-Cañadas, Jorge, Cheng, Shudan, Márquez-García, Lourdes, Prest, Martin J., Akbari-Rahimabadi, Ahmad and Gao, Min ORCID: 2016. Room temperature screening of thermal conductivity by means of thermal transient measurements. Measurement Science and Technology 27 (10) , -. 10.1088/0957-0233/27/10/105602

Baig, Hasan, Montecucco, Andrea, Siviter, Jonathan, Li, Wenguangg, Paul, Manosh, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Min, Gao ORCID:, Mullen, Paul A., Marai, Elena Ana, Knox, Andrew R. and Mallick, Tapas 2016. Indoor characterization of a reflective type 3D LCPV system. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-12), Freiburg, Germany, 25–27 April 2016. Published in: Wiesenfarth, Maike, Bett, Andreas and Muller, Matthew eds. 12th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-12). AIP Conference Proceedings , vol.1766 Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, 020002. 10.1063/1.4962070

Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Rolley, Matthew ORCID:, Min, Gao ORCID:, Knox, Andy, Gregory, Duncan, Paul, Douglas, Paul, Manosh, Montecucco, Andrea, Siviter, Jonathan, Mullen, Paul, Ashraf, Ali, Li, Wenguan, Mallick, Tapas, Sellami, Nazmi, Baig, Hasan, Meng, Xian-long, Freer, Robert, Azough, Feridoon and Fernández, Eduardo F. 2016. Scalable solar thermoelectrics and photovoltaics (SUNTRAP). Presented at: AIP Conference 12th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-12), Freiburg, Germany, 25–27 April 2016. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.1766 American Institute of Physics, 080007. 10.1063/1.4962105

Garcia-Canadas, Jorge, Adkins, Nicholas J. E., McCain, Stephen, Hauptstein, Bastian, Brew, Ashley, Jarvis, David J. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2016. Accelerated discovery of thermoelectric materials: combinatorial facility and high-throughput measurement of thermoelectric power factor. ACS Combinatorial Science 18 (6) , pp. 314-319. 10.1021/acscombsci.5b00178

Singh, Tanuj, Marsh, Richard ORCID: and Gao, Min ORCID: 2016. Development and investigation of a non-catalytic self-aspirating meso-scale premixed burner integrated thermoelectric power generator. Energy Conversion and Management 117 , pp. 431-441. 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.03.020

Han, Guang, Popuri, Srinivas R., Greer, Heather F., Bos, Jan-Willem G., Zhou, Wuzong, Knox, Andrew R., Montecucco, Andrea, Siviter, Jonathan, Man, Elena A., Macauley, Martin, Paul, Douglas J., Li, Wen-guang, Paul, Manosh C., Gao, Min ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Freer, Robert, Azough, Feridoon, Baig, Hasan, Sellami, Nazmi, Mallick, Tapas K. and Gregory, Duncan H. 2016. Facile surfactant-free synthesis of p-Type SnSe nanoplates with exceptional thermoelectric power factors. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 55 (22) , pp. 6433-6437. 10.1002/anie.201601420

Garcia-Canadas, J. and Min, Gao ORCID: 2016. Thermal dynamics of thermoelectric phenomena from frequency resolved methods. AIP Advances 6 (3) , 035008. 10.1063/1.4943958

Gao, Min ORCID:, Singh, Tanuj, Garcia-Canadas, Jorge and Ellor, Robert 2016. Evaluation of thermoelectric generators by I-V curves. Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (3) , pp. 1700-1704. 10.1007/s11664-015-4180-z

Hashim, Hasan, Bomphrey, J. J. and Min, Gao ORCID: 2016. Model for geometry optimisation of thermoelectric devices in a hybrid PV/TE system. Renewable Energy 87 (1) , pp. 458-463. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.10.029

Meng, Xian-long, Sellami, Nazmi, Knox, Andrew R., Montecucco, Andrea, Siviter, Jonathan, Mullen, Paul, Ashraf, Ali, Samarelli, Antonio, Llin, Lourdes F., Paul, Douglas J., Li, Wen-guang, Paul, Manosh C., Gregory, Duncan H., Han, Guang, Gao, Min ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Freer, Robert, Azough, Feridoon, Lowndes, Robert, Xia, Xin-lin and Mallick, Tapas K. 2016. A novel absorptive/reflective solar concentrator for heat and electricity generation: An optical and thermal analysis. Energy Conversion and Management 114 , pp. 142-153. 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.02.011

García-Cañadas, Jorge and Min, Gao ORCID: 2016. High-throughput thermoelectric measurement techniques. Thermoelectric Materials and Devices, Royal Society of Chemistry, p. 133. (10.1039/9781782624042-00133)

Zhu, Wei, Deng, Yuan, Gao, Min ORCID: and Wang, Yao 2015. Hierarchical Bi–Te based flexible thin-film solar thermoelectric generator with light sensing feature. Energy Conversion and Management 106 , pp. 1192-1200. 10.1016/j.enconman.2015.10.052

Zhu, Wei, Deng, Yuan, Gao, Min ORCID:, Wang, Yao, Cui, Jiaolin and Gao, Hongli ORCID: 2015. Thin-film solar thermoelectric generator with enhanced power output: Integrated optimization design to obtain directional heat flow. Energy 89 , pp. 106-117. 10.1016/

Li, Wenguang, Paul, Manosh C., Montecucco, Andrea, Knox, Andrew R., Siviter, Jonathan, Sellami, Nazmi, Meng, Xian-long, Fernandez, Eduardo Fernandez, Mallick, Tapas K., Mullen, Paul, Ashraf, Ali, Samarelli, Antonio, Llin, Lourdes Ferre, Paul, Douglas J., Gregory, Duncan H., Gao, Min ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Azough, Feridoon, Lowndes, Robert and Freer, Robert 2015. Multiphysics simulations of a thermoelectric generator. Energy Procedia 75 , pp. 633-638. 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.473

Li, Wenguang, Paul, Manosh C., Sellami, Nazmi, Meng, Xian-long, Mallick, Tapas K., Fernandez, Eduardo Fernandez, Knox, Andrew R., Montecucco, Andrea, Siviter, Jonathan, Mullen, Paul, Ashraf, Ali, Samarelli, Antonio, Llin, Lourdes Ferre, Paul, Douglas J., Gregory, Duncan H., Gao, Min ORCID:, Sweet, Tracy ORCID:, Azough, Feridoon, Lowndes, Robert and Freer, Robert 2015. Coupled simulation of performance of a crossed compound parabolic concentrator with solar cell. Energy Procedia 75 , pp. 325-330. 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.371

Marquez-Garcia, L., Li, Wei, Bomphrey, J. J., Jarvis, D. J. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2015. Preparation of nanoparticles of thermoelectric materials by ultrasonic milling. Journal of Electronic Materials 44 (6) , pp. 2172-2176. 10.1007/s11664-015-3749-x

Garcia Canadas, Jorge and Gao, Min ORCID: 2014. Low frequency impedance spectroscopy analysis of thermoelectric modules. Journal of Electronic Materials 43 (6) , pp. 2411-2414. 10.1007/s11664-014-3095-4

Bomphrey, J. J., Jarvis, D. J. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2014. The effects upon particle size and morphology of thermoelectric nanopowders prepared by high intensity ultrasonic milling. Materials Research Express 1 (1) , 015502. 10.1088/2053-1591/1/1/015502

Gao, Min ORCID: 2014. Improving thermoelectric cooling by light emission. Amaldi, Andrea and Tang, Francis, eds. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Springer, p. 183. (10.1007/978-3-319-07332-3_21)

Gao, Min ORCID: 2014. Principle of determining thermoelectric properties based on I–V curves. Measurement Science and Technology 25 (8) , 085009. 10.1088/0957-0233/25/8/085009

Garcia Canadas, Jorge and Gao, Min ORCID: 2014. Impedance spectroscopy models for the complete characterization of thermoelectric materials. Journal of Applied Physics 116 (17) , 174510. 10.1063/1.4901213

Ashby, Shane, Thomas, Jason A., Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Gao, Min ORCID:, Corps, Jack, Powell, Anthony V., Xu, Hualong, Shen, Wei and Chao, Yimin 2014. FD 176: Bridging Silicon Nanoparticles and Thermoelectrics: Phenylacetylene Functionalization. Faraday Discussions 176 , pp. 349-361. 10.1039/c4fd00109e

Garcia Canadas, Jorge and Min, Gao ORCID: 2014. Multifunctional probes for high-throughput measurement of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity at room temperature. Review of Scientific Instruments 85 , 043906.

Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Powell, Anthony V., Kaltzoglou, Andreas, Vaqueiro, Paz and Min, Gao ORCID: 2013. Fabrication and evaluation of a skutterudite-based thermoelectric module for high-temperature applications. Journal of Electronic Materials 42 (7) , pp. 1369-1374. 10.1007/s11664-012-2241-0

Ashby, Shane P., Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Min, Gao ORCID: and Chao, Yimin 2013. Measurement of thermoelectric properties of phenylacetylene-capped silicon nanoparticles and their potential in fabrication of thermoelectric materials. Journal of Electronic Materials 42 (7) , pp. 1495-1498. 10.1007/s11664-012-2297-x

Min, Gao ORCID: 2013. Principle for detecting resonant states in thermoelectric materials using a superconductor tunneling junction. Journal of Electronic Materials 42 (7) , pp. 1555-1557. 10.1007/s11664-012-2318-9

Gao, Min ORCID: 2013. Thermoelectric module design under a given thermal input: theory and example. Journal of Electronic Materials 42 (7) , pp. 2239-2242. 10.1007/s11664-013-2591-2

Jaafar, W. M. N. Wan, Snyder, J. E. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2013. Apparatus for measuring Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity of small dimension samples using infrared microscope as temperature sensor. Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (5) , 054903. 10.1063/1.4805016

Hashim, Hasan and Gao, Min ORCID: 2012. Investigate the maximum power output from solar cells for integration with thermoelectric generator in a hybrid solar energy system. Presented at: International Conference on Solar Energy for MENA region (INCOSOL), Amman, Jordan, 22 - 23 October 2012. Proceedings of the International Conference on Solar Energy for MENA region.

Powell, A. V., Kaltzoglou, A., Vaqueiro, P., Min, Gao ORCID:, Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Stobart, R. K., Li, J., Dong, G. and Wijewardane, A. 2012. Thermoelectric exhaust-gas energy recovery: An integrated approach. Presented at: 9th European Conference On Thermoelectrics: ECT2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28–30 September 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings: Volume 1449: E: Systems and Industrial Applications. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings American Institute of Physics, pp. 505-508. 10.1063/1.4731604

Min, Gao ORCID: 2012. Improving the conversion efficiency of thermoelectric generators through 'pulse mode' operation. Presented at: 9th European Conference On Thermoelectrics: ECT2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28–30 September 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings: Volume 1449: D. Thermoelectric Modules. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings American Institute of Physics, pp. 447-449. 10.1063/1.4731592

Garcia Canadas, Jorge and Min, Gao ORCID: 2012. Preparation and characterisation of contacts for high temperature thermoelectric modules. Presented at: 9th European Conference On Thermoelectrics: ECT2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28–30 September 2011. AIP Conference Proceedings: Volume 1449: D. Thermoelectric Modules. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings American Institute of Physics, pp. 454-457. 10.1063/1.4731594

Rowe, David Michael, Smith, J., Thomas, G. and Min, Geo ORCID: 2011. Weight penalty incurred in thermoelectric recovery of automobile exhaust heat. Journal of Electronic Materials 40 (5) , pp. 784-788. 10.1007/s11664-011-1571-7

Min, Gao ORCID: 2010. Optimal Electrical Conductivity for Maximum Thermoelectric Figure of Merit. Journal of Electronic Materials 39 (11) , pp. 2459-2461. 10.1007/s11664-010-1364-4

Min, Gao ORCID: 2010. ZT Measurement under large temperature differences. Journal of Electronic Materials 39 (9) , pp. 1782-1785. 10.1007/s11664-010-1136-1

Min, Gao ORCID: 2010. Thermoelectric energy harvesting. Beeby, Stephen and White, Neil, eds. Energy Harvesting for Autonomous Systems, Artech House Series: Smart Materials, Structures, and Systems, Norwood, MA: Artech House, pp. 135-157.

Min, Gao ORCID: and Yatim, N. M. 2008. Variable thermal resistor based on self-powered Peltier effect. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (22) , 222001. 10.1088/0022-3727/41/22/222001

Goncalves, L. M., Alpuim, P., Min, Gao ORCID:, Rowe, David Michael, Couto, C. and Correia, J. H. 2008. Optimization of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 thin films deposited by co-evaporation on polyimide for thermoelectric applications. Vacuum 82 (12) , pp. 1499-1502. 10.1016/j.vacuum.2008.03.076

Goncalves, L. M., Rocha, J. G., Couto, C., Alpium, P., Min, Gao ORCID:, Rowe, David Michael and Correia, J. H. 2007. Fabrication of flexible thermoelectric microcoolers using planar thin-film technologies. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17 (7) , S168–S173. 10.1088/0960-1317/17/7/S14

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2007. Ring-structured thermoelectric module. Semiconductor Science and Technology 22 (8) , pp. 880-883. 10.1088/0268-1242/22/8/009

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2007. Conversion efficiency of thermoelectric combustion system. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 22 (2) , pp. 528-534. 10.1109/TEC.2006.877375

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David 2007. Conditions for observing the thermo-electric-photo cooling effect. IET Science, Measurement & Technology 1 (6) , pp. 329-332. 10.1049/iet-smt:20050091

Concalves, M., Alpium, P., Gao, Min ORCID:, Rowe, D. M., Couto, C. and Correia, J. H. 2006. Properties optimisation of flexible thermoelectric thin films seposited by co-evaporation. Presented at: 4th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2006), Cardiff, UK, Babrow Press, pp. 68-71.

Gao, Min ORCID: and Rowe, D. M. 2006. Optimal electrical conductivity for obtaining maximum ZT. Presented at: Proceedings. of 4th European Conference on Thermoelectric (ETC06), Cardiff, UK,

Kiatgamolchai, S., Parinyataramas, J., Nilpairach, S., Thueploy, A., Wanichsampan, J. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2006. Thermoelectric properties of b-FeSi2 prepared by the mechanical alloying technique and pressureless sintering. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 2 , pp. 111-118.

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David 2006. Experimental evaluation of prototype thermoelectric domestic-refrigerators. Applied Energy 83 (2) , pp. 133-152. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2005.01.002

Min, Gao ORCID:, Rowe, David Michael and Kontostavlakis, K. 2004. Thermoelectric figure-of-merit under large temperature differences. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (8) , pp. 1301-1304. 10.1088/0022-3727/37/8/020

Goltsev, A. V., Rowe, David Michael, Kuznetsov, Vladimir Leonidovich, Kuznetsova, L. A. and Min, Gao ORCID: 2003. Peltier effect in normal metal-insulator-heavy fermion metal junctions. Applied Physics Letters 82 (14) , pp. 2272-2274. 10.1063/1.1565505

Nuwayhid, R. Y., Rowe, D. M. and Min, Gao ORCID: 2003. Low cost stove-top thermoelectric generator for regions with unreliable electricity supply. Renewable Energy 28 (2) , pp. 205-222. 10.1016/S0960-1481(02)00024-1

Weinburg, F. J., Rowe, David Michael and Min, Gao ORCID: 2002. Novel high performance small-scale thermoelectric power generation employing regenerative combustion systems. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (13) , L61-L63. 10.1088/0022-3727/35/13/102

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2002. Recent concepts in thermoelectric power generation. Presented at: 21st International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Long Beach, USA, 25-29 August 2002. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 365-374.

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2002. "Symbiotic" applications of thermoelectric conversion for fluid preheating / power generation. Energy Conversion and Management 43 (2) , pp. 221-228. 10.1016/S0196-8904(01)00024-3

Weinberg, F. J., Rowe, D. M., Gao, Min ORCID: and Ronney, P. D. 2002. On thermoelectric power conversion from heat recirculating combustion systems. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (1) , pp. 941-947. 10.1016/S1540-7489(02)80119-5

Rowe, D. M., Kuznetsov, V. L., Kuznetsova, L. A. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2002. Electrical and thermal transport properties of intermediate-valence YbA13. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (17) , pp. 2183-2186. 10.1088/0022-3727/35/17/315

Williams, S. G. K., Rowe, David Michael, Kuznetsov, V. L. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2002. An overview of facilities at the Cardiff NEDO laboratory for the measurement of thermoelectric properties. Presented at: 6th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 200-208.

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2001. A novel principle allowing rapid and accurate measurement of a dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit. Measurement Science and Technology 12 (8) , pp. 1261-1262. 10.1088/0957-0233/12/8/337

Zou, Helin, Rowe, David Michael and Min, Gao ORCID: 2001. Growth of p- and n-type bismuth telluride thin films by co-evaporation. Journal of Crystal Growth 222 (1-2) , pp. 82-87. 10.1016/S0022-0248(00)00922-2

Esarte, J., Gao, Min ORCID: and Rowe, D. M. 2001. Modelling heat exchangers for thermoelectric generators. Journal of Power Sources 93 (1-2) , pp. 72-76. 10.1016/S0378-7753(00)00566-8

Zou, H., Rowe, D. M. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2001. Preparation and characterisation of p-type Sb2Te3 and n-type Bi2 Te3 thin films grown by co-evaporation. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 19 (3) , pp. 899-903.

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