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Number of items: 59.

Jenkins, Jean ORCID: and Blyton, Paul 2017. In debt to the time-bank: the manipulation of working time in Indian garment factories and 'working dead horse'. Work, Employment and Society 31 (1) , pp. 90-105. 10.1177/0950017016664679

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2013. Mobilising protest: insights from two factory closures. British Journal of Industrial Relations 51 (4) , pp. 733-753. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00906.x

Noon, M., Blyton, Paul Robert and Morrell, K. 2013. The realities of work: experiencing work and employment in contemporary society (4th ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2012. Mobilizing resistance: the Burberry workers' campaign against factory closure. Sociological Review 60 (1) , pp. 25-45. 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2011.02043.x

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2012. Life after Burberry: shifting experiences of work and non-work life following redundancy. Work, Employment and Society 26 (1) , pp. 26-41. 10.1177/0950017011426306

Samuel, Anthony ORCID: 2011. Grounding rapidly emerging disciplines: the Fairtrade Towns movement. Franklin, Alex and Blyton, Paul Robert, eds. Researching Sustainability: A Guide to Social Science Methods, Practice and Engagement, Earthscan, pp. 120-136.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2011. Working Time and the Persistence of Inequality. Presented at: Europe 2020: comparative perspectives and transnational action, Modena, Italy,

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2011. The Local Workplace. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand,

Blyton, Paul Robert 2011. Working time, work-life balance and inequality. Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund and Turnbull, Peter, eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship, Management, Work and Organisations series, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 299-317.

Franklin, Alexandra and Blyton, Paul Robert 2011. Sustainability research: an introduction. Franklin, Alexandra and Blyton, Paul Robert, eds. Researching Sustainability: A Guide to Social Science Methods, Practice and Engagement, London: Earthscan, pp. 3-16.

Franklin, Alexandra and Blyton, Paul Robert, eds. 2011. Researching sustainability: a guide to social science methods, practice and engagement. London: Earthscan.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2011. Working all hours: the part-time poverty trap. [Project Report]. Bevan Foundation. Available at:

Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund James ORCID: and Turnbull, Peter John 2010. Reassessing the employment relationship: an introduction. Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund James and Turnbull, Peter John, eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship, Management, Work and Organisations, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-17.

Bacon, Nick, Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, Ali 2010. The impact of organizational change on steelworkers in craft and production occupational groups. Human Relations 63 (8) , pp. 1223-1248. 10.1177/0018726709356599

Blunsdon, B., Reed, K., Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, A. 2010. Social change and ways of living: an introduction. Blunsdon, B., Reed, K., Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, A., eds. Ways of living: work, community and lifestyle choice, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-16.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund ORCID: and Turnbull, Peter, eds. 2010. Reassessing the employment relationship. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2010. Ways of life after redundancy: anatomy of a community following factory closure. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, B, Reed, K. and Dastmalchian, A., eds. Ways of Living: Work, Community and Lifestyle Choice, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 202-222.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. 2010. Ways of living: work, community and lifestyle choice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2010. Ways of life after redundancy: anatomy of a community following factory closure. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Ways of Living: Work, Community and Lifestyle Choice, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 202-219.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2010. Accessing a sustainable work life: Work Patterns, Work-Life Balance and Inequality. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 6 (4) , pp. 263-268.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2010. Working Time, Work-Life Balance and Inequality. Presented at: Industrial Democracy, Partnership, and Decent Work in Responding to Global Financial Crisis, Sanur, Bali,

Blyton, Paul and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2009. Changed work, changed lives? Presented at: 15th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), Sydney, Australia, 24-27 August 2009.

Blyton, Paul and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2009. End of the campaign. Presented at: BUIRA Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 2-4 July, 2009.

Blunsdon, B., Reed, K., Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, A. 2009. Social change and ways of living: an introduction. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Ways of Living: Work, Community and Lifestyle Choice, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-16.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2008. Key concepts in work. SAGE Key Concepts series, Sage.

Jenkins, Jean ORCID: and Blyton, Paul Robert 2008. Works councils. Blyton, Paul Robert, ed. The Sage handbook of industrial relations, Sage, pp. 346-357.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2008. Towards more sustainable work patterns. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Skiathos, Greece, 24 - 26 September 2008. Published in: Brebbia, C. A., Gospodini, A. and Tiezzi, E. eds. The Sustainable City V: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (117) WIT Press, pp. 487-494.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2008. Working hours and work-life balance. Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund James, Fiorito, Jack and Bacon, Nicolas, eds. The Sage Handbook of Industrial Relations, London: Sage, pp. 513-528.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund James ORCID:, Bacon, Nicolas and Fiorito, Jack 2008. Introduction: the field of industrial relations. Heery, Edmund James, Bacon, Nicolas, Blyton, Paul Robert and Fiorito, Jack, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Industrial Relations, London: Sage, pp. 1-32.

Heery, Edmund James ORCID:, Blyton, Paul Robert, Bacon, Nicolas and Fiorito, Jack, eds. 2008. The SAGE handbook of Industrial Relations. London: Sage.

Blyton, Paul 2008. Towards more sustainable work patterns. Gospodini, A., Brebbia, C. A. and Tiezzi, E., eds. The Sustainable City V: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol. 117. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 487-494.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2008. Works Councils. Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund James, Fiorito, Jack and Bacon, Nicolas, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Industrial Relations, London: Sage, pp. 346-357.

Bacon, N. and Blyton, Paul Robert 2007. Conflict for mutual gains? Journal of Management Studies 44 (5) , pp. 814-834.

Bacon, N. and Blyton, Paul Robert 2007. The management and experience of older workers in contemporary work organizations. Presented at: Current Management Thinking: Drawing from Social Sciences and Humanities to Address Contemporary Challenges: 7th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Paris, France, 16-19 May 2007.

Noon, Mike and Blyton, Paul Robert 2006. The realities of work. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2006. Union Co-operation in a Context of Job Insecurity: Negotiated Outcomes from Teamworking. British Journal of Industrial Relations 44 (2) , pp. 215-237. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2006.00495.x

Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali 2006. Work, life and the work-life issue. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-16.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, Ali 2006. Work-life integration and the changing context of work. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-27.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. 2006. Work-life integration: international perspectives on the balancing of multiple roles. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2006. The effects of co-operating or conflicting over work restructuring: evidence from employees. The Sociological Review 54 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00599.x

Bacon, Nicolas, Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, Ali 2005. The Significance of Working Time Arrangements Accompanying the Introduction of Teamworking: Evidence from Employees. British Journal of Industrial Relations 43 (4) , pp. 681-701. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2005.00479.x

Coupland, Christine, Blyton, Paul Robert and Bacon, Nicholas 2005. A longitudinal study of the influence of shop floor work teams on expressions of 'us' and 'them'. Human Relations 58 (8) , pp. 1055-1081. 10.1177/0018726705058503

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2005. Worker responses to teamworking: Exploring employee attributions of managerial motives. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16 (2) , pp. 238-255. 10.1080/0958519042000311426

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2004. Trade union responses to workplace restructuring: exploring union orientations and actions. Work, Employment and Society 18 (4) , pp. 749-773. 10.1177/0950017004047962

Turnbull, Peter John, Blyton, Paul Robert and Harvey, Geraint 2004. Cleared for Take-off? Management-Labour Partnership in the European Civil Aviation Industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 10 (3) , pp. 287-307. 10.1177/0959680104047022

Blyton, Paul Robert, Martinez-Lucio, M. M., McGurk, J. and Turnbull, Peter John 2004. Globalisation and trade union strategy: evidence from the International Civil Aviation Industry. Munck, Ronaldo, ed. Labour and Globalisation: Results and Prospects, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 227-244.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Turnbull, Peter John 2004. The dynamics of employee relations. 3rd ed. Management, Work and Organisations, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2003. The impact of teamwork on skills: Employee perceptions of who gains and who loses. Human Resource Management Journal 13 (2) , pp. 13-29. 10.1111/j.1748-8583.2003.tb00088.x

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2002. Militant and moderate trade union orientations: what are the effects on workplace trade unionism, union-management relations and employee gains? The International Journal of Human Resource Management 13 (2) , pp. 302-319. 10.1080/09585190110102396

Blyton, Paul and Bradbury, Kate 2002. Corporate social responsibility and working conditions: an interim report on UK companies. European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2001. The impact of ownership change on industrial relations, jobs and employees' terms and conditions. Debrah, Yaw A. and Smith, Ian G., eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts, Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 69-84.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Turnbull, Peter John, Lucio, Miguel Martinez and McGurk, John 2001. Globalization, restructuring and occupational labour power: evidence from the international airline industry. Debrah, Yaw A. and Smith, Ian G., eds. Globalization, Employment and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts, Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge, pp. 24-40.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Martinez Lucio, Miguel, McGurk, John Patrick and Turnbull, Peter John 2001. Globalization and trade union strategy: industrial restructuring and human resource management in the international civil aviation industry. International Journal of Human Resource Management 12 (3) , pp. 445-463. 10.1080/09585190122137

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2001. High Involvement Work Systems and Job Insecurity in the International Iron and Steel Industry. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 18 (1) , pp. 5-16. 10.1111/j.1936-4490.2001.tb00239.x

Lucio, M. M., Turnbull, Peter James, Blyton, Paul Robert and McGurk, J. 2001. Using regulation: An international comparative study of the civil aviation industry in Britain and Spain. European Journal of Industrial Relations 7 (1) , pp. 49-70. 10.1177/095968010171004

Dastmalchian, Ali and Blyton, Paul 2001. Workplace flexibility and the changing nature of work: an introduction [Editorial]. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 18 (1) , pp. 1-4. 10.1111/j.1936-4490.2001.tb00238.x

Blyton, Paul Robert, Heery, Edmund James ORCID: and Turnbull, Peter John 2001. Politics, public policy and the employment relationship. Management Research News 24 (10/11) , pp. 1-68. 10.1108/01409170110782973

Heery, Edmund James ORCID: and Blyton, Paul Robert 2001. Introduction: politics, public policy and the employment relationship. Management Research News 24 (10/11) , pp. 5-6.

Blyton, Paul Robert 2001. Flexibility. Poole, Michael and Warner, Malcolm, eds. The IEBM Handbook of Human Resource Management, International Encyclopedia of Business & Management, Cengage Learning EMEA, pp. 745-754.

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