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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 44.

Keep, Ewart John and James, Susan 2012. A Bermuda triangle of policy? 'Bad jobs', skills policy and incentives to learn at the bottom end of the labour market. Journal of Education Policy 27 (2) , pp. 211-230. 10.1080/02680939.2011.595510

Payne, Jonathan and Keep, Ewart John 2011. One step forward, two steps back? Skills policy in England under the coalition government. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 102. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John 2011. The English skills policy narrative. Hodgson, Ann, Spours, Ken and Waring, Martyn, eds. Post-Compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning Across the United Kingdom: Policy, Organisation and Governance, London: Institute of Education, pp. 18-38.

Keep, Ewart John, Mayhew, K., Payne, Jonathan and Stasz, C. 2011. Education, skills and the economy: the politics of vocational education and training. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Keep, Ewart John and Mayhew, Ken 2010. Moving beyond skills as a social and economic panacea. Work, Employment and Society 24 (3) , pp. 565-577. 10.1177/0950017010371663

Keep, Ewart John, Payne, Jonathan and Rees, Gareth Meredydd 2010. Devolution and strategies for learning and skills: the Leitch report and its alternatives. Schmuecker, Katie and Lodge, Guy, eds. Devolution in Practice 2010, London: Institute for Public Policy Research, pp. 83-101.

Keep, Ewart John and James, Susan 2010. What incentives to learn at the bottom end of the labour market? [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 94. Cardiff: Cardiff University, SKOPE. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John and James, S. 2010. Recruitment and selection – the great neglected topic. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 88. Cardiff: Cardiff University, SKOPE.

Keep, Ewart John 2010. Recent research on workplace learning and its implications for national skills policies across the OECD. Bryson, Jane, ed. Beyond Skill: Institutions, Organisations and Human Capability, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 105-126.

Keep, Ewart John and Mayhew, Ken 2010. Training and skills during and after the crisis - what to do and what not to do. Watt, Andrew and Botsch, Andreas, eds. After the Crisis: Towards a Sustainable Growth Model, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, pp. 88-91.

Keep, Ewart John, Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2010. Skills policy and the displacement of industrial relations: the elephant in the corner? Colling, Trevor and Terry, Mike, eds. Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice (3rd ed.), Chichester: Wiley, pp. 398-421.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Three scenarios for future education and training policies in England. Presented at: TLRP Extension Project on Beyond Current Horizons in the Teaching and Learning Sector, final seminar, Institute of Education, London, UK, 9 December 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. The skills story. Workplace Learning and Skills Bulletin (7) , p. 12.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Understanding incentives better. Workplace Learning and Skills Bulletin (7) , pp. 15-16.

Keep, Ewart John and James, S. 2009. Recruitment and selection – the great neglected topic. Presented at: SKOPE Employers Forum, Oxford, UK, 13 October 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. The labour market, skill development and employer involvement. Presented at: Nuffield Review of 14-19 E&T, conference on The Way Forward: Setting the Agenda, London: Institute of Education, 22 September 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Workforce improvement strategies in the UK. Presented at: Queensland Government workshop on Work, Skills and Productivity Performance, Brisbane, Austraila, 28 August 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Skills policies at a moment of change. Presented at: Australian Commonwealth Government staff seminar, Canberra, Australia, 25 August 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. The incentives to learn – issues at the lower end of the labour market. Presented at: Centre for Work and Families seminar, University of South Australia, Australia, 17 August 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Skills policies at a moment of change. Presented at: Seminar for Skills Australia board members, Canberra, Australia, 14 August 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Workforce development: Building a platform for growth in the downturn. Presented at: Australian Workplace Conference, Crisis and Renewal in Australian Workplaces, Sydney, Australia, 7 August 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Education and training systems management. Presented at: internal UKCES seminar, London, UK, 28 July 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Employers, the labour market and their impact on 14-19 Reform. Presented at: Nuffield 14-19/SKOPE Conference on Education for all, Oxford, UK, 25 June 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. The incentives to learn. Presented at: SKOPE Awayday, Oxford, UK, 24 June 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Devolution and skills policy – is any pattern emerging? Presented at: ippr seminar on devolution in a downturn: Divergent approaches to sustaining economic prosperity?, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 22 June 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Breaking free from the thrall of planning. Presented at: UKCES national seminar on the future of the labour market information, London, UK, 11 June 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Key points relating to employers and the labour market. Presented at: Nuffield 14-19 Review conference on Education For All, London, UK, 9 June 2009.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Internal and external incentives to engage in education and training – a framework for analysing the forces acting on individuals? [Working Paper]. SKOPE Monograph, vol. 12. Cardiff: Cardiff University, SKOPE. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Skills policy – the cure for all ills or hopeless delusion. Presented at: Lifelong Learning Institute seminar on Skills: critical research and policy perspectives, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 22 April 2009.

Pring, Richard, Hayward, Geoffrey, Hodgson, Ann, Johnson, Jill, Keep, Ewart John, Oancea, Alis, Rees, Gareth Meredydd, Spurs, Ken and Wilde, Stephanie 2009. Education for all: the future of education and training for 14-19 year olds. Abingdon: Routledge.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. The limits of the possible: shaping the learning and skills landscape through a shared policy narrative. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 86. Cardiff: Cardiff University, SKOPE.. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John 2009. Higher education and a skills agenda more broadly conceived. Withers, Kay, ed. First Class? : Challenges and Opportunities for the UK’s University Sector, London: Institute for Public Policy Research, pp. 73-84.

Keep, Ewart John 2009. The bottom 50% of the workforce – or how dark do you like your gloom. Presented at: Workshop on the labour market, The next capitalism seminar series, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK, 25 November 2009.

Keep, Ewart John, Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. Skills policy and the displacement of industrial relations. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Issues Paper, vol. 17. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John 2008. A Comparison of the Welsh Workforce Development Programme and England’s Train to Gain. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 79. Cardiff: ESRC Centre on Skills, Knowledge & Organisational Performance, Cardiff University. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John, Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. The elephant in the corner: skills policy and the demise of industrial relations. Presented at: British Universities Industrial Relations Conference, Bristol, UK, June 2008.

Keep, Ewart John 2008. From competence and competition to the Leitch review: the ultility of comparative analyses of skills and performance. [Working Paper]. Institute of Employment Studies Working Paper, vol. 17. Brighton: Insitute of Employment Studies. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John 2007. Key future labour market and skills issues in Scotland (and beyond). Glasgow, UK: Futureskills Scotland.

Keep, Ewart John 2007. Both Leitch and Gordon Brown are over-optimistic about what skills and education alone can deliver. Adults Learning 18 (5)

Keep, Ewart John 2006. State Control of the English education and training system: Playing with the Biggest Train Set in the World. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 58 (1) , pp. 47-64. 10.1080/13636820500505819

Keep, Ewart John and Mayhew, K. 2004. The Economic and Distributional Implications of Current Policies on Higher Education. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 20 (2) , pp. 298-314. 10.1093/oxrep/grh017

Gleeson, Denis and Keep, Ewart John 2004. Voice without Accountability: the Changing Relationship between Employers, the State and Education in England. Oxford Review of Education 30 (1) , pp. 37-63. 10.1080/0305498042000190050

Payne, Jonathan and Keep, Ewart John 2003. Re-Visiting the Nordic Approaches to Work Reorganisation and Job Redesign: Lessons for UK Skills Policy. Policy Studies 24 (4) , pp. 205-225. 10.1080/0144287042000216108

Keep, Ewart John 2002. The English Vocational Education and Training Policy Debate - Fragile 'Technologies' or Opening the 'Black Box'? Two Competing Visions of Where We Go Next. Journal of Education and Work 15 (4) , pp. 457-479. 10.1080/1363908022000023579

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