Wang, Shuye, Bleil de Souza, Clarice ORCID: and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2025. Recent advances in decarbonising heating in rural China: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 210 , 115282. 10.1016/j.rser.2024.115282 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Pittini, Alice, Grimsley, C. Kat and Lakatos, Edit 2024. Country profiles on urban development, housing and land management: Albania. Geneva: United Nations. 10.18356/9789213587935 |
Thornbush, Mary and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2024. Street lighting as a dimension of smart energy cities. Golubchikov, Oleg and Yenneti, Komali, eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future., Wiley, (10.1002/9781118641156.ch21) |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Yenneti, Komali 2024. Introduction: cities in the twin net-zero and digital transition. Golubchikov, Oleg and Yenneti, Komali, eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future., Wiley, (10.1002/9781118641156.ch1) |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Yenneti, Komali, eds. 2024. Smart cities, energy and climate: Governing cities for a low-carbon future. Wiley. 10.1002/9781118641156 |
Smirnova, Vera and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2023. More-than-state ontologies of territory: commoning, assembling, peopling. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113 (6) , pp. 1444-1460. 10.1080/24694452.2023.2184765 |
Badyina, Anna and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2023. Seeing like an Arctic city: The lived politics of just transition at Norway's oil and gas frontier. Wood-Donnelly, Corine and Ohlsson, Johanna, eds. Arctic Justice: Environment, Society and Governance, Spaces and Practices of Justice, Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 168-182. (10.51952/9781529224832.ch012) |
Wang, Shuye, Bleil De Souza, Clarice ORCID:, Perisoglou, Emmanouil and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2023. Keeping warm in northern China: Do rural households benefit from government clean heating policies? Presented at: Healthy Buildings Europe 2023, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 11-14 June 2023. Published in: Schweiker, M., van Treek, C., Muller, D., Fels, J, Kraus, T. and Pallubinsky, H. eds. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe. Aachen, Germany: pp. 392-399. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Thornbush, Mary J. 2022. Smart cities as hybrid spaces of governance: beyond the hard/soft dichotomy in cyber-urbanization. Sustainability 14 (16) , e10080. 10.3390/su141610080 |
Nowak, Maciej J., James, Valentine Udoh and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2022. The role of spatial policy tools in renewable energy investment. Energies 15 (7) , 2393. 10.3390/en15072393 |
DeVerteuil, Geoff ORCID:, Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Sheridan, Zoe 2021. Disaster and the lived politics of the resilient city. Geoforum 125 , pp. 78-86. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.07.004 |
Chen, Wei, Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Liu, Zhigao 2021. Measuring polycentric structures of megaregions in China: linking morphological and functional dimensions. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48 (8) , pp. 2272-2288. 10.1177/2399808320974687 |
Thornbush, Mary and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2021. Smart energy cities: the evolution of the city-energy-sustainability nexus. Environmental Development 39 , 100626. 10.1016/j.envdev.2021.100626 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Deverteuil, Geoffrey ORCID: 2021. Urban inequalities and the lived politics of resilience. Filion, Pierre, Doucet, Brian and van Melik, Rianne, eds. Volume 4: Policy and Planning. Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities, Vol. 4. Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities, Bristol University Press, pp. 69-78. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 2021. Социально-Умные Устойчивые Города. United Nations Publications, Geneva: United Nations. 10.18356/9789210052665c003 |
Klusáček, P., Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Krejč, T., Golubchikov, O. ORCID:, Pícha, K., Škrabal, J. and Osman, R. 2021. Planning for the future of derelict farm premises: from abandonment to regeneration. Land Use Policy 102 , 105248. 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105248 |
Yenneti, Komali, Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Lamberts, Roberto, eds. 2021. Special issue: energy poverty varieties. Energy and Buildings, Elsevier. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 2021. People-smart sustainable cities. Geneva: United Nations. 10.18356/9789210052658 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Thornbush, Mary 2020. Artificial intelligence and robotics in smart city strategies and planned smart development. Smart Cities 3 (4) , pp. 1133-1144. 10.3390/smartcities3040056 |
Wang, Nyuying, Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Chen, Wei and Liu, Zhigao 2020. The hybrid spatialities of post-industrial Beijing: communism, neoliberalism, and brownfield redevelopment. Sustainability 12 (12) , 5029. 10.3390/su12125029 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Wolfe, Sven Daniel 2020. Russia and the politics of extraverted urbanism in the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2018 World Cup. Rojo-Labaien, Ekain, Rodríguez Díaz, Álvaro and Rookwood, Joel, eds. Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative Perspectives from Post-Soviet and Post-Socialist Societies, Routledge, pp. 214-232. (10.4324/9780429325847-13) |
Thornbush, Mary and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2020. Sustainable urbanism in digital transitions: From low carbon to smart sustainable cities. SpringerBriefs in Geography, Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-25947-1 |
Golubchikov, Yuri, Golubchikov, Mikhail and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2020. The concept of a high-speed railway between the Indian Ocean and Alaska in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. Area Development and Policy 5 (3) , pp. 269-282. 10.1080/23792949.2020.1736591 |
Liu, Z, Zhang, J and Golubchikov, O ORCID: 2019. Edge -urbanization: land policy, development zones, and urban expansion in Tianjin. Sustainability 11 (9) , 2538. 10.3390/su11092538 |
Lyasheva, Alena and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2019. 'Постсоветский город должен стать отправной точкой для переосмысления пространства и общества’ [The Post-Soviet city should help rethink space and society]. [Online]. Available at: |
Büdenbender, Mirjam and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2018. The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets. Rogers, Dallas and Koh, Sin, eds. The Globalisation of Real Estate: The Politics and Practice of Foreign Real Estate Investment, London: Routledge, pp. 75-96. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Makhrova, Alla 2017. Suburban housing. Brade, Isolde and Neugebauer, Carola, eds. Urban Eurasia: Cities in Transformation, Berlin: DOM Publishers, pp. 154-179. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Badyna, Anna and Makhrova, Alla 2017. Inner-city housing. Brade, Isolde and Neugebauer, Carola, eds. Urban Eurasia: Cities in Transformation, Berlin: DOM Publishers, pp. 74-107. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2017. Robert Argenbright 2016: Moscow under Construction. City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books [Book Review]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 41 (4) , pp. 701-703. 10.1111/1468-2427.12539 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2017. The post-socialist city: insights from the spaces of radical societal change. Short, John Rennie, ed. A Research Agenda for Cities, Elgar Research Agendas, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, (10.4337/9781785363429.00030) |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2017. From a sports mega-event to a regional mega-project: The Sochi Winter Olympics and the return of geography in state development priorities. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 9 (2) , pp. 237-255. 10.1080/19406940.2016.1272620 |
Büdenbender, Mirjam and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2017. The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets. International Journal of Housing Policy 17 (1) , pp. 75-96. 10.1080/14616718.2016.1248646 |
Yenneti, Komali, Day, Rosie and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2016. Spatial justice and the land politics of renewables: Dispossessing vulnerable communities through solar energy mega-projects. Geoforum 76 , pp. 90-99. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.09.004 |
Andres, Lauren and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2016. The limits to artist-led regeneration: creative brownfields in the cities of high culture. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (4) , pp. 757-775. 10.1111/1468-2427.12412 |
Evans, Brian, Badyina, Anna, Elisei, Pietro, Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Küsters, Christian, Lenz, Annika, McAdams, Jean-marie, Rosenfeld, Orna and Saliez, Frédéric 2016. HABITAT III regional report on housing and urban development for the UNECE region: Towards a city-focused, people-centred and integrated approach to the new urban agenda. Regional Report to HABITAT III: UNECE region, vol. 9. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). |
Salukvadze, Joseph and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2016. City as a geopolitics: Tbilisi, Georgia — A globalizing metropolis in a turbulent region. Cities 52 , pp. 39-54. 10.1016/j.cities.2015.11.013 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Badyina, Anna 2016. Makroregionalnye tendentsii razvitiya gorodov byvshego SSSR [The macro-regional trends in the development of cities in the ex-USSR states]. Regionalnye Issledovaniya 52 (2) , pp. 31-43. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2016. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics: who stands to gain? Transparency International, ed. Global Corruption Report: Sport, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 183-191. (10.4324/9781315695709-41) |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2016. The urbanization of transition: ideology and the urban experience. Eurasian Geography and Economics 57 (4-5) , pp. 607-623. 10.1080/15387216.2016.1248461 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Makhrova, Alla, Badyina, Anna and Brade, Isolde 2015. Uneven urban resilience: the economic adjustment and polarization of Russia's cities. Lang, Thilo, Henn, Sebastian, Sgibnev, Wladimir and Ehrlich, Kornelia, eds. Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 270-284. (10.1057/9781137415080_15) |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2015. Negotiating critical geographies through a “feel-trip”: experiential, affective and critical learning in engaged fieldwork. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39 (1) , pp. 143-157. 10.1080/03098265.2014.1003800 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Badyina, Anna and Makhrova, Alla 2014. The hybrid spatialities of transition: Capitalism, legacy and uneven urban economic restructuring. Urban Studies 51 (4) , pp. 617-633. 10.1177/0042098013493022 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Slepukhina, Irina 2014. Russia: showcasing a "re-emerging" state? Grix, Jonathan, ed. Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events: Concepts and Cases, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 166-177. (10.1057/9781137371188_15) |
Thornbush, Mary, Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Bouzarovski, Stefan 2013. Sustainable cities targeted by combined mitigation-adaptation efforts for future-proofing. Sustainable Cities and Society 9 , pp. 1-9. 10.1016/j.scs.2013.01.003 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Makhrova, Alla 2013. Faktory neravnomernogo razvitiya rossiyskikh gorodov [Factors of unequal development of Russian cities]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya (2) , pp. 54-60. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Badyina, A. 2013. 'Rol' zhilischnogo khozyaystva v klimaticheskoy i energeticheskoy politike [The role of housing in climate and energy policy]. Klimat i Priroda [Climate and Nature] 4 (9) , pp. 3-13. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Deda, Paola 2012. Governance, technology, and equity: an integrated policy framework for energy efficient housing. Energy Policy 41 , pp. 733-741. 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.11.039 |
Golubchikov, Y. and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2012. Transformatsii i trayektorii russkoy antropogeograficheskoy shkoly [Transformations and trajectories of the Russian anthropo-geographical school]. Izvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva 2012 (4) , pp. 16-21. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2012. Green homes: towards energy efficient housing in the UNECE region (reprint). New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: |
Makhrova, Alla and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2012. Rossiyskiy gorod v usloviyakh kapitalisma: sotsialnaya tranformatsiya vnutrigorodskogo prostranstva [Russian town under capitalism: social transformation of intraurban space]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya 2012 (2) , pp. 26-31. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Badyina, Anna 2012. Sustainable housing for sustainable cities: policy framework for developing countries. Nairobi,: UN-HABITAT. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Phelps, Nicholas A. and Makhrova, Alla 2011. Khimki in Moscow City-region: From “closed city” to “edge city"? Phelps, Nicholas A. and Wu, Fulong, eds. International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-Suburban World?, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177-191. (10.1057/9780230308626_10) |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Phelps, Nicholas A. 2011. The political economy of place at the post-socialist urban periphery: governing growth on the edge of Moscow. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36 (3) , pp. 425-440. 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00427.x |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2011. Климатически нейтральные города: Как добиться снижения энергоемкости и углеродоемкости в городах и сделать их более устойчивыми к изменению климата. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2011. Action plan for energy-efficient housing in the UNECE region. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2011. Potentsial zhilischnogo khozaystva dlya povysheniya energoeffektivnosti ekonomiki [The potential of housing for the improved energy efficiency of the economy]. Energiya: Ekonomika, Tekhnika, Ekologiya 9 , pp. 60-68. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2011. Climate neutral cities: How to make cities less energy and carbon intensive and more resilient to climatic challenges. New York and Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Makhrova, Alla and Phelps, Nicholas 2010. Primeneniye kontseptsii “okrainnogo goroda” dlya analiza sovremennykh protsessov urbanizatsii v RF (na primere goroda Khimki) [The application of the concept of edge city for the analysis of the contemporary processes of urbanisation in Russia (the case of Khimki)]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriya 5 Geografiya 2010 (3) , pp. 48-54. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2010. World-city-entrepreneurialism: globalist imaginaries, neoliberal geographies, and the production of new St Petersburg. Environment and Planning A 42 (3) , pp. 626-643. 10.1068/a39367 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID:, Phelps, Nicholas and Makhrova, Alla 2010. Post-socialist post-suburbia: growth machine and the emergence of “edge city” in the metropolitan context of Moscow. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 1 (3) , pp. 44-55. 10.24057/2071-9388-2010-3-1-44-55 |
Thornbush, M. J. and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2009. On shaky ground: Arctic communities in uneasy transition to a new climatic order. Ferrari, D. M. and Guiseppi, A. R., eds. Geomorphology and Plate Tectonics, New York: Nova Science, pp. 85-96. |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2009. Green homes: towards energy efficient housing in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region. New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2009. Зеленые дома: Обеспечение энергоэффективности жилья в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций. New York and Geneva: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Available at: |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2007. Re-scaling the debate on Russian economic growth: Regional restructuring and development asynchronies. Europe-Asia Studies 59 (2) , pp. 191-215. 10.1080/09668130601125510 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2006. Interurban development and economic disparities in a Russian province. Eurasian Geography and Economics 47 (4) , pp. 478-495. 10.2747/1538-7216.47.4.478 |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: and Badyina, A. 2006. Conquering the inner-city: urban redevelopment and gentrification in Moscow. Tsenkova, S. and Nedović-Budić, Z., eds. The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe: Space, Institutions and Policy, Heidelberg and New York: Springer, pp. 195-212. (10.1007/3-7908-1727-9_10) |
Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2005. Gentrification in central Moscow - A market process or a deliberate policy? Money, power and people in housing regeneration in Ostozhenka. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 87 (2) , pp. 113-129. 10.1111/j.0435-3684.2005.00186.x |
Golubchikov, Oleg ORCID: 2004. Urban planning in Russia: Towards the market. European Planning Studies 12 (2) , pp. 229-247. 10.1080/0965431042000183950 |