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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 11.

Gołuch, Dorota ORCID: 2024. Thinking solidarity and translation together: Towards a new definition of solidarity. Translation & Interpreting 16 (2) , pp. 7-23. 10.12807/ti.116202.2024.a02

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2021. Polish reception of translated postcolonial literature 1970–89. A metametonymic study. Heydel, Magda and Ziemann, Zofia, eds. Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland. People, Politics, Poetics, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 144-162.

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2018. Polish-postcolonial similarities. Reception of translated postcolonial literature in Poland (1970–2010). Przekładaniec 2018 S , pp. 37-63. 10.4467/16891864ePC.18.002.9824

Gołuch, Dorota ORCID: 2017. Polsko-postkolonialne podobieństwa? Recepcja tłumaczonej literatury postkolonialnej w Polsce (1970–2010) [Polish-Postcolonial similarities? Polish reception of translated Postcolonial literature (1970-2010)]. Przekładaniec. Special issue: (Post)kolonializm w przekładzie [(Post)colonialism in Translation] 33 , pp. 46-70. 10.4467/16891864PC.16.023.7346

Radin Sabados, Mirna, Goluch, Dorota ORCID: and Harding, Sue-Ann 2017. Fanon in the 'Second World': Yugoslavia, Poland and the Soviet Union. Batchelor, Kathryn and Harding, Sue-Ann, eds. Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages, Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Abingdon and New York: Routledge,

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2014. Estetyka, etyka i arytmetyka (a short article on translating postcolonial literature). Tygodnik Powszechny 2014 (10 Dec) , 25203.

Goluch, Dorota ORCID:, Rohatgi, Rashi and Smalley, Nichola 2014. Comparing centres, comparing peripheries: introduction. Comparative Critical Studies 11 (Suppl.) , pp. 1-8. 10.3366/ccs.2014.0140

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2014. What does literary translation bring to an understanding of postcolonial cultural perceptions? On the Polish translation of Amos Tutuola’s 'The Palm-Wine Drinkard’. Boase-Beier, Jean, Fawcett, Antoinette and Wilson, Philip, eds. Literary Translation: Re-Drawing the Boundaries, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-167.

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2013. ‘O recepcji przekładów literatury iberoamerykańskiej w Polsce z trochę innej perspektywy’ [On the reception of translations of Latin American Literature in Poland: a slightly different perspective; review of Małgorzata Gaszyńska-Magiera’s 2011 book Recepcja przekładów literatury iberoamerykańskiej w Polsce w latach 1945–2005 z perspektywy komunikacji międzykulturowej] [Book Review]. Przekładaniec (26) , pp. 337-349.

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2011. Chinua Achebe translating, translating Chinua Achebe: on the Polish translation of "Things Fall Apart". Whittaker, David, ed. Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 197-218.

Goluch, Dorota ORCID: 2011. I Rather Dead: A Spivakian reading of Indo-Caribbean women’s narratives. Howrah: Roman Books.

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