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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 5.

Guirnaldos Diaz, Melina 2024. The value of Post-Industrial heritage: Exploring alternative preservation strategies in Poblenou. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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Wulff, Federico ORCID: and Guirnaldos Diaz, Francisca Melina 2018. “Huellas: Grutas de Hércules, Tánger (Marruecos) / Interacciones en cooperación: Misiones Jesuitas en el Lago Tana (Etiopia). Proyecto Europeo EMUVE” [Imprints: Hercules’ Caves, Tangier (Morocco) / Interactions in Cooperation: Jesuit Missions around Lake Tana (Ethiopia). European Project EMUVE], in Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category], [Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial]. Granada University Press, pp. 441-465.

Wulff, Federico ORCID: and Guirnaldos, Melina 2015. Urban activation in a post-crisis Euro-Mediterranean scenario. Urban Design and Planning 168 (DP6) , pp. 288-292. 10.1680/jurdp.15.00019

Wulff, Federico ORCID: and Guirnaldos Diaz, Francisca Melina 2015. EMUVE European Research Project. Social identity values for self-management strategies in post industrial reactivation: Campo Boario (Rome) and Can Battlo (Barcelona). Presented at: CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory, Sheffield, UK, 30 October – 1 November, 2015. Published in: Pillatt, Toby, Moore, Krissy and Johnston, Bob eds. Conference Proceedings of CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press,

Davis, Juliet ORCID:, Wulff, Federico ORCID: and Guirnaldos Diaz, Francisca Melina 2014. Heritage, culture and regeneration: the role of coal in the future of Cardiff Bay. Presented at: Heritage 2014: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Guimarães, Portugal, July 22-25, 2014. Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. , vol.1 Green Lines Institute, pp. 521-529.

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