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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 38.

Buda, Jakub, Poniecka, Ewa A., Rozwalak, Piotr, Ambrosini, Roberto, Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Franzetti, Andrea, Klimaszyk, Piotr, Nawrot, Adam, Pietryka, Miroslawa, Richter, Dorota and Zawierucha, Krzysztof 2022. Is oxygenation related to the decomposition of organic matter in cryoconite holes? Ecosystems 25 , pp. 1510-1521. 10.1007/s10021-021-00729-2

Chirayath, Ved, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Craft, Kate, Heidi, Heidi, Lim, Darlene, Malaska, Michael, Pizarro, Oscar, Purkis, Sam, Schroeder, Dustin, Sobron, Pablo, Waller, Sarah and Winebrenner, Dale 2022. Oceans across the solar system and the search for extraoceanic life: technologies for remote sensing and in situ exploration. Oceanography 35 (1) , pp. 54-65. 10.5670/oceanog.2021.416

Zawierucha, Krzysztof, Trzebny, Artur, Buda, Jakub, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Franzetti, Andrea, Dabert, Miroslawa and Ambrosini, Roberto 2022. Trophic and symbiotic links between obligate-glacier water bears (Tardigrada) and cryoconite microorganisms. PLoS ONE 17 , e0262039. 10.1371/journal.pone.0262039

Millar, Jasmin L., Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Edwards, Arwyn, Poniecka, Ewa A. and Jungblut, Anne D. 2021. Polar cryoconite associated microbiota is dominated by hemispheric specialist genera. Frontiers in Microbiology 12 , 738451. 10.3389/fmicb.2021.738451

Prior-Jones, Michael ORCID:, Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Clare, Lindsay, Burrow, Stephen, Werder, Mauro A., Karlsson, Nanna B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Chudley, Thomas R., Christoffersen, Poul, Wadham, Jemma, Doyle, Samuel H. and Hubbard, Bryn 2021. Cryoegg: development and field trials of a wireless subglacial probe for deep, fast-moving ice. Journal of Glaciology 67 (264) , pp. 627-640. 10.1017/jog.2021.16

Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Wadham, Jemma L., Tranter, Martyn, Beaton, Alexander D., Hawkings, Jon R., Lamarche-Gagnon, Guillaume and Mowlem, Matthew C. 2021. Measuring pH in low ionic strength glacial meltwaters using ion selective field effect transistor (ISFET) technology. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 19 (3) , pp. 222-233. 10.1002/lom3.10416

Hawkings, Jon R., Skidmore, Mark L., Wadham, Jemma L., Priscu, John C., Morton, Peter L., Hatton, Jade E., Gardner, Christopher B., Kohler, Tyler J., Stibal, Marek, Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Steigmeyer, August, Barker, Joel, Dore, John E., Lyons, W. Berry, Tyanter, Martyn, Spencer, Robert G. M. and SALSA Science Team, . 2020. Enhanced trace element mobilization by Earth’s ice sheets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (50) , pp. 31648-31659. 10.1073/pnas.2014378117

Poniecka, Ewa A., Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Segar, Amelia, Webster, Gordon ORCID:, Williamson, Christopher, Anesio, Alexandre M. and Tranter, Martyn 2020. Physiological capabilities of cryoconite hole microorganisms. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 , 1783. 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01783

Fogwill, C. J., Turney, C. S. M., Menviel, L., Baker, A., Weber, M. E., Ellis, B., Thomas, Z. A., Golledges, N. R., Ethereridge, D., Rubino, M., Thornton, D. P., van Ommen, T. D., Moy, A. D., Curran, M. A. J., Davies, S., Bird, M. I., Munksgaard, N. C., Rootes, C. M., Millman, H., Vohra, J., Rivera, A., Mackintosh, A., Pike, J. ORCID:, Hall, I. R. ORCID:, Bagshaw, E. A. ORCID:, Rainsley, E., Bronk-Ramsey, C., Montinari, M., Cage, A., Harris, M. R. P., Jones, R., Power, A., Love, J., Young, J., Weyrich, L. S. and Cooper, A. 2020. Southern Ocean carbon sink enhanced by sea-ice feedbacks at the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Nature Geoscience 13 , pp. 489-497. 10.1038/s41561-020-0587-0

Prior-Jones, Michael ORCID:, Pinnion, Jennifer, Millet, Marc-Alban ORCID:, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Fagereng, Ake ORCID: and Ballinger, Rhoda ORCID: 2020. An inclusive risk assessment tool for travel and fieldwork. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4-8 May 2020. Copernicus {GmbH}, 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-7678

Prior-Jones, Michael ORCID:, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Clare, Lindsay, Burrow, Stephen, Wadham, Jemma, Werder, Mauro A, Karlsson, Nanna B, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Christoffersen, Poul and Hubbard, Bryn 2020. Cryoegg: development and field trials of a wireless subglacial probe for deep, fast-moving ice. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4-8 May 2020. Copernicus {GmbH}, 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-10204

Hatton, Jade, Hendry, Katharine R., Hirst, Catherine, Opfergelt, Sophie, Henkel, Susann, Welch, Susan, Wadham, Jemma L., Lyons, William B., Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Staubwasser, Michael and McKnight, Diane 2020. Silicon isotopic composition of dry and wet-based glaciers in Antarctica. Frontiers in Earth Science 8 , 286. 10.3389/feart.2020.00286

Hatton, J. E., Hendry, K. R., Hawkings, J. R., Wadham, J. L., Kohler, T. J., Stibal, M., Beaton, A. D., Bagshaw, E. A. ORCID: and Telling, J. 2019. Investigation of subglacial weathering under the Greenland Ice Sheet using silicon isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 247 , pp. 191-206. 10.1016/j.gca.2018.12.033

Lamarche-Gagnon, Guillaume, Wadham, Jemma L., Sherwood Lollar, Barbara, Arndt, Sandra, Fietzek, Peer, Beaton, Alexander D., Tedstone, Andrew J., Telling, Jon, Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Hawkings, Jon R., Kohler, Tyler J., Zarsky, Jakub D., Mowlem, Matthew C., Anesio, Alexandre M. and Stibal, Marek 2019. Greenland melt drives continuous export of methane from the ice-sheet bed. Nature 565 , pp. 73-77. 10.1038/s41586-018-0800-0

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Karlsson, N B, Lok, L B, Lishman, B, Clare, L, Nicholls, K W, Burrow, S, Wadham, J L, Eisen, O, Corr, H, Brennan, P and Dahl-Jenson, D 2018. Prototype wireless sensors for monitoring subsurface processes in snow and firn. Journal of Glaciology 64 (248) , pp. 887-896. 10.1017/jog.2018.76

Hawkings, Jon R., Hatton, Jade E., Hendry, Katharine R., De Souza, Gregory F., Wadham, Jemma L., Ivanovic, Ruza, Kohler, Tyler J., Stibal, Marek, Beaton, Alexander, Lamarche-Gagnon, Guillaume, Tedstone, Andrew, Hain, Mathis P., Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Pike, Jennifer ORCID: and Tranter, Martin 2018. The silicon cycle impacted by past ice sheets. Nature Communications 9 , 3210. 10.1038/s41467-018-05689-1

Poniecka, Ewa, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Martyn, Tranter, Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Christopher, Williamson, Alexandre, Anesio and Team, Black and Bloom 2018. Rapid development of anoxic niches in supraglacial ecosystems. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 50 (1) , S100015. 10.1080/15230430.2017.1420859

Sommers, Pacifica, Darcy, John L., Gendron, Eli M.S., Stanish, Lee F., Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Porazinska, Dorota L. and Schmidt, Steven K. 2018. Diversity patterns of microbial eukaryotes mirror those of bacteria in Antarctic cryoconite holes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94 (1) , fix167. 10.1093/femsec/fix167

Beaton, Alexander D., Wadham, Jemma L., Hawkings, Jon, Bagshaw, Elizabeth A. ORCID:, Lamarche-Gagnon, Guillaume, Mowlem, Matthew C. and Tranter, Martyn 2017. High-resolution in situ measurement of nitrate in runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet. Environmental Science and Technology 51 (21) , pp. 12518-12527. 10.1021/acs.est.7b03121

Perkins, Rupert G. ORCID:, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Mol, Lisa, Williamson, Christopher J., Fagan, Dan, Gamble, Maggie and Yallop, Marian L. 2017. Photoacclimation by Arctic cryoconite phototrophs. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (5) , fix018. 10.1093/femsec/fix018

Dubnick, Ashley, Wadham, Jemma, Tranter, Martyn, Sharp, Martin, Orwin, John, Barker, Joel, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID: and Fitzsimons, Sean 2017. Trickle or treat: the dynamics of nutrient export from polar glaciers. Hydrological Processes 31 (9) , pp. 1176-1789. 10.1002/hyp.11149

Anderson, N. John, Saros, Jasmine E., Bullard, Joanna E., Cahoon, Sean M. P., McGowan, Suzanne, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Barry, Christopher D., Bindler, Richard, Burpee, Benjamin T., Carrivick, Jonathan L., Fowler, Rachel A., Fox, Anthony D., Fritz, Sherilyn C., Giles, Madeleine E., Hamerlik, Ladislav, Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas, Law, Antonia C., Mernild, Sebastian H., Northington, Robert M., Osburn, Christopher L., Pla-Rabès, Sergi, Post, Eric, Telling, Jon, Stroud, David A., Whiteford, Erika J., Yallop, Marian L. and Yde, Jacob C. 2017. The Arctic in the twenty-first century: changing biogeochemical linkages across a paraglacial landscape of Greenland. BioScience 67 (2) , pp. 118-133. 10.1093/biosci/biw158

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Beaton, Alexander, Wadham, Jemma, Mowlem, Matt, Hawkings, Jon and Tranter, Martyn 2016. Chemical sensors for in situ data collection in the cryosphere. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 82 , pp. 348-357. 10.1016/j.trac.2016.06.016

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Wadham, Jemma L., Tranter, Martyn, Perkins, Rupert Gordon ORCID:, Morgan, Alistair, Williamson, Christopher J., Fountain, Andrew G., Fitzsimons, Sean and Dubnick, Ashley 2016. Response of Antarctic cryoconite microbial communities to light. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92 (6) , fiw076. 10.1093/femsec/fiw076

Hawkings, Jon, Wadham, Jemma, Tranter, Martyn, Telling, Jon, Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Beaton, Alexander, Simmons, Sarah-Louise, Chandler, David, Tedstone, Andrew and Nienow, Peter 2016. The Greenland Ice Sheet as a hotspot of phosphorus weathering and export in the Arctic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (2) , pp. 191-210. 10.1002/2015GB005237

Wadham, J. L., Hawkings, J., Telling, J., Chandler, D., Alcock, J., Lawson, E., Kaur, P., Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Tranter, M., Tedstone, A. and Nienow, P. 2016. Sources, cycling and export of nitrogen on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Biogeosciences Discussions 10.5194/bg-2015-484

Bagshaw, E. A. ORCID:, Tranter, M., Wadham, J. L., Fountain, A. G., Dubnick, A. and Fitzsimons, S. 2016. Processes controlling carbon cycling in Antarctic glacier surface ecosystems. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2 (1) , pp. 44-54. 10.7185/geochemlet.1605

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Lishman, B., Wadham, J. L., Bowden, J. A., Burrow, S .G., Clare, L. R. and Chandler, D. 2014. Novel wireless sensors for in situ measurement of sub-ice hydrologic systems. Annals of Glaciology 55 (65) , pp. 41-50. 10.3189/2014AoG65A007

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Tranter, Martyn, Fountain, Andrew G., Welch, Kathleen, Basagic, Hassan J. and Lyons, W. Berry 2013. Do cryoconite holes have the potential to be significant sources of C, N, and P to downstream depauperate ecosystems of Taylor Valley, Antarctica? Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 45 (4) , pp. 440-454. 10.1657/1938-4246-45.4.440

Stanish, L. F., Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, McKnight, D. M., Fountain, A. G. and Tranter, M. 2013. Environmental factors influencing diatom communities in Antarctic cryoconite holes. Environmental Research Letters 8 (4) , 045006. 10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/045006

Chandler, D. M., Wadham, J. L., Lis, G. P., Cowton, T., Sole, A., Bartholomew, I., Telling, J., Nienow, P., Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Mair, D., Vinen, S. and Hubbard, A. 2013. Evolution of the subglacial drainage system beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet revealed by tracers. Nature Geoscience 6 (3) , pp. 195-198. 10.1038/ngeo1737

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Burrow, Stephen, Wadham, Jemma L., Bowden, James, Lishman, Ben, Salter, Mike, Barnes, Richard and Nienow, Peter 2012. E-tracers: Development of a low cost wireless technique for exploring sub-surface hydrological systems. Hydrological Processes 26 (20) , pp. 3157-3160. 10.1002/hyp.9451

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Tranter, M., Wadham, J. L., Fountain, A. G. and Mowlem, M. 2011. High-resolution monitoring reveals dissolved oxygen dynamics in an Antarctic cryoconite hole. Hydrological Processes 25 (18) , pp. 2868-2877. 10.1002/hyp.8049

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Wadham, J. L., Mowlem, M., Tranter, M., Eveness, J., Fountain, A. G. and Telling, J. 2011. Determination of dissolved oxygen in the cryosphere: a comprehensive laboratory and field evaluation of fiber optic sensors. Environmental Science & Technology 45 (2) , pp. 700-705. 10.1021/es102571j

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Cockell, Charles S., Magan, Naresh, Wadham, Jemma L., Venugopalan, T., Sun, Tong, Mowlem, Matt and Croxford, Anthony J. 2011. The microbial habitability of weathered volcanic glass inferred from continuous sensing techniques. Astrobiology 11 (7) , pp. 651-664. 10.1089/ast.2010.0563

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Tranter, M., Wadham, J. L., Fountain, A. G. and Basagic, H. 2010. Dynamic behaviour of supraglacial lakes on cold polar glaciers: Canada Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology 56 (196) , pp. 366-368. 10.3189/002214310791968449

Fountain, Andrew G., Nylen, Thomas H., Tranter, Martyn and Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID: 2008. Temporal variations in physical and chemical features of cryoconite holes on Canada Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G1) , G01S92. 10.1029/2007JG000430

Bagshaw, Elizabeth ORCID:, Tranter, Martyn, Fountain, Andrew G., Welch, Kathleen A., Basagic, Hassan and Lyons, W. Berry 2007. Biogeochemical evolution of cryoconite holes on Canada Glacier, Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (G4) , G04S35. 10.1029/2007JG000442

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