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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 69.

Morgan, W. John 2025. Rampart nations: bulwark myths of east European multiconfessional societies in the age of nationalism [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 66 (1) , pp. 142-146. 10.1080/15387216.2022.2141812

Morgan, William 2024. Book review essay: the free world: from Cold War art and thought to the return of History. Eurasian Geography and Economics 65 (8) , pp. 985-990. 10.1080/15387216.2022.2077788

Liu, Dan, Liu, Qiuxi and Morgan, W. John 2024. Why do Chinese overseas doctoral graduates return to China? The push-pull factors and the influence of gender and gender norms. Population, Space and Place 30 (7) , e2789. 10.1002/psp.2789

Liu, Dan, Morgan, W. John, Zhang, Xiaopeng and Wu, Wenfeng 2024. Private tutoring before and after the “double-reduction” policy in China: choices and rationale. SAGE Open 14 (2) , 21582440241255864. 10.1177/21582440241255864

Morgan, W. John 2024. The spectre of Putinism: National patriotism and militarized moral education in contemporary Russia. Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung 2 , pp. 42-45.

Morgan, W. John 2024. The decline of the West? The authoritarian challenges from China, Russia, and North Korea [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 65 (2) , pp. 239-246. 10.1080/15387216.2022.2163509

Morgan, W. John 2023. The Cold War from the margins: a small socialist state on the global cultural scene [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 64 (7-8) , pp. 974-977. 10.1080/15387216.2021.2016460

Chan, Benjamin Tak-Yuen and Morgan, W. John 2023. Chinese culture and adult learning: Between tradition and experiment. Weiterbildung (5) , pp. 42-45.

Morgan, W. John 2023. Soft power, public diplomacy, and modernity in China and Russia [Book Review Essay]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 10.1080/15387216.2023.2225069

Morgan, W. John 2023. The lands in between: Russia vs. the West and the new politics of hybrid war [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 64 (4) , pp. 534-536. 10.1080/15387216.2021.1984973

Morgan, W John 2022. Peace Profile: David Davies, of Llandinam. Peace Review 10.1080/10402659.2022.2153587

Trofimova, Irina and Morgan, William 2022. Education and ethnicity in contemporary Russia. Oxford Research Encyclopedias Communication, OUP, online. (10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.1325)

Morgan, W. John 2022. The sleep of reason produces monsters: ethnic conflict and neo-nationalism [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 10.1080/15387216.2022.2114921

Morgan, W. John 2022. The politics of international intellectual cooperation - sustain our common humanity. Weiterbildung 2022 (2) , pp. 34-37.

Wu, Bin and Morgan, William 2022. Student responses to a challenge-oriented research and training project - sustainability competencies for rural development: lessons from China. Weiterbildung 3/2022 , pp. 40-43.

Morgan, W. John 2022. A history of education in modern Russia: aims, ways, outcomes [Book Review]. Canadian Slavonic Papers 64 (4) , pp. 529-531. 10.1080/00085006.2022.2136837

Morgan, W John 2022. Ben Bowen Thomas, Wales, and UNESCO. Transactions- Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 28 , pp. 80-93.

Morgan, W. John 2021. Philosophy of education: challenges of modernity. RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4) , pp. 565-573. 10.22363/2313-2302-2021-25-4-565-573

Zimmermann, Ana Cristina and Morgan, W. John 2021. No one is an island at a time of pandemic. Peace Review 33 (1) , pp. 48-55. 10.1080/10402659.2021.1956130

Morgan, W. John and Bowie, Fiona, eds. 2021. Social anthropologies of the Welsh: past and present. Sean Kingston Publishing.

Morgan, William John 2021. Imparare a vivere: un'epoca in bilico tra lumi e oscurantismo. Il Corriere Della Sera , pp. 40-41.

Zimmermann, Ana Cristina and Morgan, W. John 2021. Play, sport, and dialogue as pathways to peace? Peace Review 32 (4) , pp. 434-440. 10.1080/10402659.2020.1921396

Morgan, W. John 2021. Communist parties revisited: sociocultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet bloc 1956–1991 [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics 10.1080/15387216.2021.1951799

Morgan, W. John 2021. Peace profile: Gilbert Murray. Peace Review 32 (3) , pp. 401-408. 10.1080/10402659.2020.1867358

Tak-Yuen Chan, Benjamin and Morgan, William 2021. Educating for Chinese politeness. Weiterbildung 2021 (4) , pp. 38-41.

Morgan, W. John and Guilherme, Alexandre 2020. Introduction. Morgan, W. John and Guilherme, Alexandre, eds. Peace and War: Historical, Philosophical, and Anthropological Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9.

Morgan, W. John and Guilherme, Alexandre, eds. 2020. Peace and war: historical, philosophical, and anthropological perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.

Morgan, W. John 2020. Pacifism or bourgeois pacifism? Huxley, Orwell, and Caudwell. Morgan, W. John and Guilherme, Alexandre, eds. Peace and War: Historical, Philosophical, and Anthropological Perspectives, Palgrave macmillan, pp. 71-96.

Liu, Dan and Morgan, W. John 2020. Chinese students overseas: choice of destination. Morgan, W. John, Gu, Qing and Li, Fengliang, eds. Handbook of Education in China, Handbooks of Research on Contemporary China, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Zimmermann, Ana Cristina and Morgan, W. John 2020. Play, sport, and dialogue as pathways to peace? Peace Review 32 (4) , pp. 434-440. 10.1080/10402659.2020.1921396

Trofimova, Irina N. and Morgan, William 2020. The digital transformation of Russia: digital skills and its potential. Weiterbildung 2020 (6) , pp. 38-41.

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2020. The World Bank and the financing of education – a thirty-year retrospective: expansion of educational support. Weiterbildung 2020 (1) , pp. 38-41.

Morgan, W. J. 2020. Simone Weil’s ‘reflections on the right use of school studies with a view to the love of God’: a comment. RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (3) , pp. 398-409. 10.22363/2313-2302-2020-24-3-398-409

Tak-Yuen Chan, Benjamin and Morgan, William 2020. Chinese concepts of learning. Weiterbildung 2020 (4) , pp. 36-39.

Morgan, William 2020. Hannah Arendt: on public education and public dialogue. Weiterbildung 4 , pp. 10-13.

Morgan, W. John, Trofimova, Irina N. and Kliucharev, Grigori A. 2019. Civil society, social change, and a new popular education in Russia. Routledge.

Guilherme, Alexandre and Morgan, W. John 2019. Philosophy, dialogue, and education: nine modern European philosophers. Routledge.

Zimmermann, Ana Cristina and Morgan, W. John 2019. E. M. Forster’s ‘The Machine Stops’: humans, technology and dialogue. AI and Society 34 (1) , pp. 37-45. 10.1007/s00146-017-0698-3

Morgan, William J. 2019. Simone Weil’s lectures on philosophy: a comment. RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4) , pp. 420-429. 10.22363/2313-2302-2019-23-4-420-429

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2019. Revisiting Martin Buber and adult education. Weiterbildung 2019 (2) , pp. 28-30.

Guilherme, Alexandre and Morgan, W. John 2018. Considering the role of the teacher: Buber, Freire and Gur-Ze’ev. Educação & Realidade 43 (3) , pp. 783-798. 10.1590/2175-623674790

Morgan, W. John 2018. Fei Xiao Tong: a public intellectual in communist China. Skalník, Petr and Brocki, Marcin, eds. Anthropology as Social Critique: Its Public Role in the Globalized World, Jagiellonian University Press,

Ding, Xiaohao, Ha, Wei, Kang, Le and Morgan, W. John 2018. When students become “prisoners”: a game theory analysis of internship by Beijing college students. ECNU Review of Education 1 (2) , pp. 44-73. 10.30926/ecnuroe2018010203

Liu, Dan and Morgan, W. John 2018. Why do students enrol for postgraduate education in China? The influence of gender and of family habitus. Gender and Education 32 (2) , pp. 177-193. 10.1080/09540253.2018.1447092

Morgan, W. John 2018. What Fanon said: A philosophical introduction to his life and thought. By Lewis R. Gordon [Book Review]. African Affairs 117 (466) , pp. 166-167. 10.1093/afraf/adx050

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2018. The OECD and “Education at a Glance”: providing educational data for policy making. Weiterbildung 2018 (4) , pp. 34-37.

Morgan, W. John 2017. Maoist ideology and education. Morgan, W. John, Gu, Qing and Li, Fengliang, eds. Handbook of Education in China, Handbooks of Research on Contemporary China, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Morgan, W. John, Gu, Qing and Li, Fengliang 2017. Introduction: education in China. Morgan, W. John, Gu, Qing and Li, Fengliang, eds. Handbook of Education in China, Handbooks of Research on Contemporary China, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Morgan, W. John, Gu, Qing and Li, Fengliang, eds. 2017. Handbook of education in China. Handbooks of Research on Contemporary China, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Morgan, W. J. 2017. The place of Michael Oakeshott in contemporary western and non-western thought [Book Review]. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 23 (2) , pp. 259-269.

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2017. Internet in developing countries: higher education and the international digital divide. Weiterbildung 2017 (1) , pp. 37-40.

Morgan, W. John and Guilherme, Alexandre 2016. Buber and education: dialogue as conflict resolution. Routledge.

Guilherme, Alex and Morgan, W. John 2016. Martin Buber, Hasidism, and Jewish spirituality: the implications for education and for pastoral care. Pastoral Care in Education 34 (3) , pp. 133-143. 10.1080/02643944.2016.1167233

Liu, Dan and Morgan, W. John 2016. Students’ decision-making about postgraduate education at G University in China: the main factors and the role of family and of teachers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 25 (2) , pp. 325-335. 10.1007/s40299-015-0265-y

Morgan, W. John 2016. Normative values in adult education and their contemporary relevance. Shah, S. Y. and Choudhary, K. C., eds. International Dimensions of Adult and Lifelong Learning: James A. Draper and Roby Kidd Memorial Lectures, Indian Adult Education Assoication, pp. 40-58.

Morgan, W. John and Li, Fengliang 2015. Education: from egalitarian ideology to public policy. Goodman, David S.G. and Jiaotong, Xi’an, eds. Handbook of the Politics of China, Handbooks of Research on Contemporary China, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Zimmermann, Ana Cristina and Morgan, W. John 2015. A time for silence? Its possibilities for dialogue and for reflective learning. Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (4) , pp. 399-413. 10.1007/s11217-015-9485-0

Morgan, W. John, Li, J and Wu, B 2015. Employment equality in China’s universities: perceptions of ‘decent work’ among university teachers in Beijing. Wu, Bin and Morgan, W. John, eds. Chinese Higher Education Reform and Social Justice, China Policy Series, Routledge,

Morgan, W. John, Li, F and Zhao, Y 2015. Moving to find a job: Chinese masters’ degree graduates and internal migration. Wu, Bin and Morgan, W. John, eds. Chinese Higher Education Reform and Social Justice, China Policy Series, Routledge,

Morgan, W. John and Wu, B 2015. Introduction: Chinese higher education reform and social justice. Wu, Bin and Morgan, W. John, eds. Chinese Higher Education Reform and Social Justice, China Policy Series, Routledge, pp. 1-13.

Wu, Bin and Morgan, W. John, eds. 2015. Chinese higher education reform and social justice. China Policy Series, Routledge.

Morgan, W. John 2015. Peace profile: Waldo Williams. Peace Review 27 (2) , pp. 244-251. 10.1080/10402659.2015.1037664

Morgan, W. John 2015. Marxism–Leninism: the ideology of twentieth-century communism. Wright, James D., ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elesevier, pp. 656-662. (10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.93075-7)

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2015. The importance of higher education for international development: a post-2015 development priority. Weiterbildung 2015 (3) , pp. 39-41.

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2015. The role of higher and further education: the integration of migrants in Europe. Weiterbildung 2015 (6) , pp. 34-37.

Morgan, W. John 2014. Fei Xiao Tong: a public intellectual in communist China. Anthropology Today 30 (6) , pp. 18-21. 10.1111/1467-8322.12143

Gimenez, Julio and Morgan, W. John 2014. Academics across borders: narratives of linguistic capital, language competence and communication strategies. Globalisation, Societies and Education 15 (1) , pp. 68-95. 10.1080/14767724.2014.937402

Morgan, W. John and Guilherme, Alex 2014. The contrasting philosophies of Martin Buber and Frantz Fanon: the political in education as dialogue or as defiance. Diogenes 61 (1) , pp. 28-43. 10.1177/0392192115615789

Morgan, William and White, Ian 2014. The value of higher education: public or private good? Weiterbildung 2014 (6) , pp. 38-41.

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