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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 28.

Stishenko, Pavel, McSloy, Adam, Onat, Berk, Hourahine, Ben, Maurer, Reinhard J., Kermode, James R. and Logsdail, Andrew ORCID: 2024. Integrated workflows and interfaces for data-driven semi-empirical electronic structure calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161 (1) , 012502. 10.1063/5.0209742

Lindley, Matthew, Stishenko, Pavel, Crawley, James W. M., Tinkamanyire, Fred, Smith, Matthew, Paterson, James, Peacock, Mark, Xu, Zhuoran, Hardacre, Christopher, Walton, Alex S., Logsdail, Andrew J. ORCID: and Haigh, Sarah J. 2024. Tuning the size of TiO2-supported Co nanoparticle Fischer-Tropsch catalysts using Mn additions. ACS Catalysis 14 , 10648–10657. 10.1021/acscatal.4c02721

Stishenko, Pavel V., Keal, Thomas W., Woodley, Scott M., Blum, Volker, Hourahine, Benjamin, Maurer, Reinhard J. and Logsdail, Andrew J. ORCID: 2023. Atomic Simulation Interface (ASI): application programming interface for electronic structure codes. The Journal of Open Source Software 8 (85) , 5186. 10.21105/joss.05186

Bramley, Gabriel Adrian, Beynon, Owain Tomos ORCID:, Stishenko, Pavel Viktorovich and Logsdail, Andrew James ORCID: 2023. The application of QM/MM simulations in heterogeneous catalysis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (9) , pp. 6562-6585. 10.1039/d2cp04537k

Gorbunov, Vitaly A., Uliankina, Anastasiia I., Stishenko, Pavel V. and Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V. 2022. Metal-organic coordination networks on a titanium carbide MXene: DFT based grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation. Applied Surface Science 598 , 153834. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.153834

Kayumova, Tatyana R., Kolganov, Ilay P., Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V., Stishenko, Pavel V. and Fadeeva, Anastasiia I. 2022. Surface hydrogenation of oxygen terminated MXenes M2CO2 (M = Ti, V, Nb). Surface Science 717 , 121984. 10.1016/j.susc.2021.121984

Kayumova, T. R., Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Stishenko, P. V. 2022. Phase diagrams of the terminating oxygen layer on MXenes M2CO sheets (M = Ti, V, Nb). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2182 (1) , 012075. 10.1088/1742-6596/2182/1/012075

Fadeeva, Anastasiia I., Gorbunov, Vitaly A., Stishenko, Pavel V., Akimenko, Sergey S. and Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V. 2021. Melting of Fe-terephthalate layers on Cu(100) surface with randomly distributed point defects. Applied Surface Science 545 , 148989. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.148989

Akimenko, Sergey S., Anisimova, Galina D., Fadeeva, Anastasiya I., Fefelov, Vasiliy F., Gorbunov, Vitaliy A., Kayumova, Tatyana R., Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V., Myshlyavtseva, Marta D. and Stishenko, Pavel V. 2020. SuSMoST: Surface Science Modeling and Simulation Toolkit. Journal of Computational Chemistry 41 (23) , pp. 2084-2097. 10.1002/jcc.26370

Saverina, Evgeniya A., Kapaev, Roman R., Stishenko, Pavel V., Galushko, Alexey S., Balycheva, Victoriya A., Ananikov, Valentine P., Egorov, Mikhail P., Jouikov, Viatcheslav V., Troshin, Pavel A. and Syroeshkin, Mikhail A. 2020. Cover feature: 2-Carboxyethylgermanium Sesquioxide as a promising anode material for Li-Ion batteries (ChemSusChem 12/2020). ChemSusChem 13 (12) , 3057. 10.1002/cssc.202001278

Saverina, Evgeniya A., Kapaev, Roman R., Stishenko, Pavel V., Galushko, Alexey S., Balycheva, Victoriya A., Ananikov, Valentine P., Egorov, Mikhail P., Jouikov, Viatcheslav V., Troshin, Pavel A. and Syroeshkin, Mikhail A. 2020. 2-Carboxyethylgermanium Sesquioxide as a promising anode material for Li-Ion batteries. ChemSusChem 13 (12) , pp. 3137-3146. 10.1002/cssc.202000852

Fadeeva, Anastasiia I., Gorbunov, Vitaly A., Solovyeva, Olga S., Stishenko, Pavel V. and Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V. 2020. Homologous series of flower phases in metal-organic networks on Au(111) surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (21) , 11506–11515. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c02527

Akimenko, S. S., Gorbunov, V. A., Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Stishenko, P. V. 2019. Tensor renormalization group study of hard-disk models on a triangular lattice. Physical Review E 100 (2) , 022108. 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.022108

Stishenko, P. V. and Kayumova, T. R. 2019. Investigate of lateral interactions between ammonia molecules adsorbed on a V3C2 MXenes sheet of DFT study and statistical physics. Presented at: Oil and Gas Engineering (OGE-2019), 26–28 February 2019. Published in: Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V., Likholobov, Vladimir A. and Yusha, Vladimir L. eds. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.2151 AIP, 10.1063/1.5122041

Fadeeva, Anastasiia I., Gorbunov, Vitaly A., Stishenko, Pavel V. and Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V. 2019. Model of Fe-Terephthalate ordering on Cu(100). Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (28) , 17265–17272. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b02834

Kayumova, T. R. and Stishenko, P. V. 2018. Qualitative DFT study of lateral interactions between nitrogen molecules adsorbed on a V3C2 MXene sheet. Presented at: 2018 International Scientific Conference on Oil and Gas Engineering (OGE), Omsk, Russian Federation, 26 February - 02 March 2018. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.2007 American Institute of Physics, 020014. 10.1063/1.5051853

Fadeeva, A. I., Gorbunov, V. A. and Stishenko, P. V. 2018. Modeling of self-assembling monolayer of terephthalic acid and iron on the copper surface: intermolecular interactions and the ground state. Presented at: 2018 International Scientific Conference on Oil and Gas Engineering (OGE), Omsk, Russian Federation, 26 February - 02 March 2018. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.2007 American Institute of Physics, 10.1063/1.5051848

Akimenko, S. S., Fefelov, V. F., Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Stishenko, P. V. 2018. Remnants of the devil's staircase of phase transitions in the model of dimer adsorption at nonzero temperature. Physical Review B 97 (8) , 085408. 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.085408

Stishenko, P. and Svalova, A. 2017. Computer simulation of formation and decomposition of Au13 nanoparticles. Presented at: 2017 International Scientific Conference on Oil and Gas Engineering (OGE), Omsk, Russian Federation, 24-28 April 2017. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.1876 American Institute of Physics, 020002. 10.1063/1.4998822

Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V., Stishenko, Pavel V. and Svalova, Anna I. 2017. A systematic computational study of the structure crossover and coordination number distribution of metallic nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (27) , pp. 17895-17903. 10.1039/C6CP07571A

Korobeishchikov, N. G., Stishenko, P. V., Popenko, Y. A., Roenko, M. A. and Nikolaev, I. V. 2017. Interaction of accelerated argon cluster ions with a silicon dioxide surface. Presented at: 2017 International Scientific Conference on Oil and Gas Engineering (OGE), Omsk, Russian Federation, 24-28 April 2017. AIP Conference Proceedings. , vol.1876 American Institute of Physics, 020064. 10.1063/1.4998884

Svalova, A.I. and Stishenko, P.V. 2016. Distribution of active site types on Au nanoparticles with different structures: study of thermal dependence. Procedia Engineering 152 , pp. 67-72. 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.629

Akimenko, S. S., Gorbunov, V. A., Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Stishenko, P. V. 2016. Generalized lattice-gas model for adsorption of functional organic molecules in terms of pair directional interactions. Physical Review E 93 (6) , 062804. 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.062804

Fefelov, V. F., Stishenko, P. V., Kutanov, V. M., Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Myshlyavtseva, M. D. 2016. Monte Carlo study of adsorption of additive gas mixture. Adsorption 22 (4-6) , 673–680. 10.1007/s10450-015-9753-x

Myshlyavtsev, Alexander V. and Stishenko, Pavel V. 2015. Potential of lateral interactions of CO on Pt (111) fitted to recent STM images. Surface Science 642 , pp. 51-57. 10.1016/j.susc.2015.08.018

Svalova, A. I. and Stishenko, P. V. 2015. The statistical modeling of the platinum nanoparticles in the transition area from the five-fold symmetry structure to the crystal lattice. Procedia Engineering 113 , pp. 429-434. 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.07.321

Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Stishenko, P. V. 2013. Relative stability of icosahedral and cuboctahedral metallic nanoparticles. Adsorption 19 (2-4) , 795–801. 10.1007/s10450-013-9519-2

Myshlyavtsev, A. V. and Stishenko, P. V. 2010. Monte Carlo model of CO adsorption on supported Pt nanoparticle. Applied Surface Science 256 (17) , pp. 5376-5380. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.12.084

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