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Number of items: 65.

Khajah, Mishari, Bydalek, Franciszek, Babatunde, Akintunde O., Al-Matouq, Abdullah, Wenk, Jannis and Webster, Gordon 2023. Nitrogen removal performance and bacterial community analysis of a multistage step-feeding tidal flow constructed wetland. Frontiers in Water 5 , 1128901. 10.3389/frwa.2023.1128901

Shi, Yi, Babatunde, Akintunde, Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina ORCID:, Li, Qijie and Zhang, Liang 2020. On-going nitrification in chloraminated drinking water distribution system (DWDS) is conditioned by hydraulics and disinfection strategies. Journal of Environmental Sciences 96 , pp. 151-162. 10.1016/j.jes.2020.04.028

Almatouq, Abdullah, Babatunde, Akintunde O., Khajah, Mishari, Webster, Gordon ORCID: and Alfodari, Mohammad 2020. Microbial community structure of anode electrodes in microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells. Journal of Water Process Engineering 34 , 101140. 10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101140

Kiiza, Christopher, Pan, Shun-qi ORCID:, Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina ORCID: and Babatunde, Akintunde 2020. Predicting pollutant removal in constructed wetlands using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Water Science and Engineering 13 (1) , pp. 14-23. 10.1016/j.wse.2020.03.005

Cowle, Matthew W., Webster, Gordon ORCID:, Babatunde, Akintunde O., Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina N. ORCID: and Weightman, Andrew J. ORCID: 2020. Impact of flow hydrodynamics and pipe material properties on biofilm development within drinking water systems. Environmental Technology 41 (28) , pp. 3732-3722. 10.1080/09593330.2019.1619844

Shi, Yi, Babatunde, Akintunde, Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina ORCID: and Webster, Gordon ORCID: 2019. Influence of hydraulic regimes and Cl2/NH3-N mass ratios on the bacterial structure and composition in an experimental flow cell chloraminated drinking water system. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 5 (5) , pp. 977-992. 10.1039/C9EW00015A

Jeyakumar, L, Zhao, Y, Hu, Y, Babatunde, A and Zhao, X 2019. Modelling high rate P-removal in a two-stage pilot scale alum sludge based constructed wetland system. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 18 (2) , pp. 359-366.

Almatouq, Abdullah and Babatunde, Akintunde 2017. Concurrent hydrogen production and phosphorus recovery in dual chamber microbial electrolysis cell. Bioresource Technology 237 , pp. 193-203. 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.02.043

Lucas, R. and Babatunde, A. O. 2017. Influence of key design and operating variables on synamics of pollutant removal in experimental stormwater constructed wetlands. Journal of Environmental Engineering 143 (7) , 04017015. 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001181

Cowle, Matthew, Babatunde, Akintunde and Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: 2017. The frictional resistance induced by bacterial based biofouling in drainage pipelines. Journal of Hydraulic Research 55 (2) , pp. 269-283. 10.1080/00221686.2016.1212411

Al-Tahmazi, T. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2016. Mechanistic study of P retention by dewatered waterworks sludges. Environmental Technology & Innovation 6 , pp. 38-48. 10.1016/j.eti.2016.05.002

Babatunde, Akintunde, Miranda-CasoLuengo, R., Imtiaz, M., Zhao, Y. and Meijer, W. 2016. Performance assessment and microbial diversity of two pilot scale multi-stage sub-surface flow constructed wetland systems. Journal of Environmental Sciences 46 , pp. 38-46. 10.1016/j.jes.2015.02.018

Mohammed, Alya, Al-Tahmazi, T. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2016. Attenuation of metal contamination in landfill leachate by dewatered waterworks sludges. Ecological Engineering 94 , pp. 656-667. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.06.123

Almatouq, Abdullah and Babatunde, Akintunde 2016. Concurrent phosphorus recovery and energy generation in mediator-less dual chamber microbial fuel cells: mechanisms and influencing factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (4) , 375. 10.3390/ijerph13040375

Kumar, J. L. G., Zhao, Y. Q., Hu, Y. S., Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, X. H. 2015. Nitrogen dynamics model for a pilot field-scale novel dewatered alum sludge cake-based constructed wetland system. Environmental Technology 36 (6) , pp. 732-741. 10.1080/09593330.2014.960476

Zhao, Xiaohong, Zhao, Yaqian, Wang, Wenke, Yang, Yongzhe, Babatunde, Akintunde, Hu, Yuansheng and Kumar, Lordwin 2015. Key issues to consider when using alum sludge as substrate in constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology 71 (12) , pp. 1775-1782. 10.2166/wst.2015.138

Babatunde, Akintunde, Burgess, Jo, Bertanza, Giorgio, Rooney, Roisin, Verlicchi, Paola and Xu, Guoren 2015. Editorial: Full-scale investigations in water and wastewater treatment. Water Science and Technology 71 (4) , pp. 463-467. 10.2166/wst.2015.075

Lucas, Rhodri, Earl, E. R., Babatunde, Akintunde and Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: 2015. Constructed wetlands for stormwater management in the UK: a concise review. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 32 (3) , pp. 251-268. 10.1080/10286608.2014.958472

Cowle, Matthew, Babatunde, Akintunde, Rauen, W. B., Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: and Barton, A. F. 2014. Biofilm development in water distribution and drainage systems: dynamics and implications for hydraulic efficiency. Environmental Technology Reviews 3 (1) , pp. 31-47. 10.1080/09593330.2014.923517

Sani, Abdulkadir, Scholz, Miklas, Babatunde, Akintunde and Wang, Yu 2013. Impact of Water Quality Parameters on the Clogging of Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Urban Wastewater. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224 (3) , 1488. 10.1007/s11270-013-1488-2

Tota-Maharaj, Kiran, Grabowiecki, Piotr, Babatunde, Akintunde and Tumula, Prasad Devi 2012. Constructed wetlands incorporating surface water heat pumps (SWHPs) for concentrated urban stormwater runoff treatment and reuse. Presented at: Sixteenth International Water Technology Conference (IWTC 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10 May 2012.

Tota-Maharaj, Kiran, Grabowiecki, Piotr, Tumula, Prasad Devi and Babatunde, Akintunde 2012. The hydrological assessment of green roofs within the Greater Manchester Area, UK. Presented at: Sixteenth International Water Technology Conference (IWTC 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10 May 2012.

Tota-Maharaj, Kiran, Grabowiecki, Piotr, Babatunde, Akintunde and Coupe, Stephen John 2012. The performance and effectiveness of geotextiles within permeable pavements for treating concentrated storm water. Presented at: Sixteenth International Water Technology Conference (IWTC 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10 May 2012.

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q., Doyle, R. J., Rackard, S. M., Kumar, J. L. G. and Hu, Y. S. 2011. Performance evaluation and prediction for a pilot two-stage on-site constructed wetland system employing dewatered alum sludge as main substrate. Bioresource Technology 102 (10) , pp. 5645-5652. 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.02.065

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde, Hu, Y. S., Kumar, J. L. G. and Zhao, X. H. 2011. Pilot field-scale demonstration of a novel alum sludge-based constructed wetland system for enhanced wastewater treatment. Process Biochemistry 46 (1) , pp. 278-283. 10.1016/j.procbio.2010.08.023

Kumar, J. L. G., Zhao, Y. Q. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2011. Process-based modelling of phosphorus removal in a novel constructed wetland system using dewatered alum-sludge as substrate. Water Science and Technology 64 (3) , pp. 774-780. 10.2166/wst.2011.711

Kumar, J. L. G., Wang, Z. Y., Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, X. H. and Jørgensen, S. E. 2011. STELLA software as a tool for modelling phosphorus removal in a constructed wetland employing dewatered alum sludge as main substrate. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 46 (7) , pp. 751-757. 10.1080/10934529.2011.571600

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q., Doyle, R. J., Rackard, S. M., Kumar, J. L. G. and Hu, Y. S. 2011. On the fit of statistical and the k-C* models to projecting treatment performance in a constructed wetland system. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 46 (5) , pp. 490-499. 10.1080/10934529.2011.551729

Zhao, Y. Q. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2011. Foreword [Editorial]. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 46 (7) , pp. 677-679. 10.1080/10934529.2011.571575

Hu, Y. S., Kumar, J. L. G., Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, X. H. and Zhao, Y. Q. 2011. Effects of livestock wastewater variety and disinfectants on the performance of constructed wetlands in organic matters and nitrogen removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18 (8) , pp. 1414-1421. 10.1007/s11356-011-0507-3

Babatunde, Akintunde, Kumar, Jeyakumar L. G. and Zhao, Yaqian 2011. Constructed wetlands using aluminium-based drinking water treatment sludge as P-removing substrate: Should aluminium release be a concern? Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13 (6) , pp. 1775-1783. 10.1039/c1em00001b

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2010. Equilibrium and kinetic analysis of phosphorus adsorption from aqueous solution using waste alum sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials 184 (1-3) , pp. 746-752. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.08.102

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q. and Zhao, X. H. 2010. Alum sludge-based constructed wetland system for enhanced removal of P and OM from wastewater: Concept, design and performance analysis. Bioresource Technology 101 (16) , pp. 6576-6579. 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.03.066

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2010. Leachability and leaching patterns from aluminium-based water treatment residual used as media in laboratory-scale engineered wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17 (7) , pp. 1314-1322. 10.1007/s11356-010-0311-5

Babatunde, Akintunde 2010. Engineered Wetlands: Concept, design and development of an alum sludge-based constructed wetland system. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2010. Two strategies for improving animal farm wastewater treatment in reed beds. Environmental Technology 31 (12) , pp. 1343-1348. 10.1080/09593331003720623

Kumar, J. L. G., Zhao, Y. Q., Zhao, X. H. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2010. Organics removal in tidal flow constructed wetland treating high strength animal farm wastewater: Determination of first-order rate constant. Presented at: 3rd International Perspective on Current & Future State of Water Resources & the Environment, Chennai, India, 5-7 January 2010.

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde, Hu, Y. S., Kumar, J. L. G. and Zhao, X. H. 2010. A two-prong approach of beneficial reuse of alum sludge in engineered wetland: first experience from Ireland. Waste and Biomass Valorization 1 (2) , pp. 227-234. 10.1007/s12649-010-9020-z

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Yaqian 2010. Five decades of constructed wetland technology: Knowledge overload, wisdom underload and the emergence of 4th generation systems. Presented at: Irish International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment & Environmental Pollution Control, University College Dublin, 1st-2nd October 2010. Published in: Zhao, Yaqian and Babatunde, Akintunde eds. Proceedings of 2nd Irish International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment & Environmental Pollution Control, Dublin, Ireland, 1-2 October 2010. Dublin: University College Dublin, pp. 2-4.

Zhao, Yaqian and Babatunde, Akintunde 2009. New low-cost wastewater treatment system pioneered in Ireland. Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering 162 (4) , p. 148. 10.1680/cien.2009.162.4.148

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2009. Forms, patterns and extractability of phosphorus retained in alum sludge used as substrate in laboratory-scale constructed wetland systems. Chemical Engineering Journal 152 (1) , pp. 8-13. 10.1016/j.cej.2009.03.020

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q., Burke, A. M., Morris, M. A. and Hanrahan, J. P. 2009. Characterization of aluminium-based water treatment residual for potential phosphorus removal in engineered wetlands. Environmental Pollution 157 (10) , pp. 2830-2836. 10.1016/j.envpol.2009.04.016

Babatunde, Akintunde, Fuller, M. and Zhao, Y. Q. 2009. Analysis of redox dynamics in a water treatment residual-based constructed wetland system using self-organizing maps. Presented at: 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL), Barcelona, Spain, 20-24 September 2009.

Fu, J. F., Zhao, Y. Q., Xue, X. D., Li, W. C. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2009. Multivariate-parameter optimization of acid blue-7 wastewater treatment by Ti/TiO2 photoelectrocatalysis via the Box-Behnken design. Desalination 243 (1-3) , pp. 42-51. 10.1016/j.desal.2008.03.038

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, X. H. 2009. An innovative solution for managing waterworks sludge: Developing an alum sludge-based multistage constructed wetland system for wastewater treatment. Journal of ASTM International 6 (6) , pp. 395-405. 10.1520/JAI102168

Zhao, Y. Q., Zhao, X. H. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2009. Use of dewatered alum sludge as main substrate in treatment reed bed receiving agricultural wastewater: Long-term trial. Bioresource Technology 100 (2) , pp. 644-648. 10.1016/j.biortech.2008.07.040

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2009. Phosphorus removal in laboratory-scale unvegetated vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland systems using alum sludge as main substrate. Water Science and Technology 60 (2) , pp. 483-489. 10.2166/wst.2009.384

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, X. H. 2009. An innovative and sustainable solution for managing waterworks sludge in Ireland. Presented at: 4th International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments, Dublin, Ireland, 30 June-2 July 2009.

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, X. H. and Li, W. C. 2009. Development of alum sludge-based constructed wetland: An innovative and cost effective system for wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/ Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 44 (8) , pp. 827-832. 10.1080/10934520902928685

Kumar, J. L. G., Zhao, Y. Q., Zhao, X. H. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2009. Determination of first-order rate constant for phosphorus removal in a novel model-reed bed treatment system. Presented at: 2009 Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference, Beijing, China, 16-19 October 2009. Published in: Li, Zi-fu, Guan, Xing-wang and Hohnecker, Helmut G. eds. Proceedings of 2009 Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference, Beijing, China, 16-19 October 2009. Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (104) Stuttgart: Water & Wastewater Engineering Magazine Publ. / Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, pp. 259-269.

Yang, Y., Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Kearney, P. 2009. Two strategies for phosphorus removal from reject water of municipal wastewater treatment plant using alum sludge. Presented at: 2nd IWA Specialized Conference: Nutrient management in wastewater treatment processes, Krakow, Poland, 6-9 September 2009. Proceedings of the 2nd IWA Specialized Conference: Nutrient management in wastewater treatment processes, Krakow, Poland, 6-9 September 2009. Kraków: Lemtech Konsulting, pp. 929-937.

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, X. H. 2009. Overview of developing new generation of engineered wetlands for wastewater treatment: First experience from Ireland. Presented at: 2nd Taiwan-Mainland China Conference for Constructed Wetland, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 17-24 May 2009.

Yang, Y., Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Kearney, P. 2009. Two strategies for phosphorus removal from reject water of municipal wastewater treatment plant using alum sludge. Water Science and Technology 60 (12) , pp. 3181-3188. 10.2166/wst.2009.609

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q., Yang, Y. and Kearney, P. 2008. Reuse of dewatered aluminium-coagulated water treatment residual to immobilize phosphorus: Batch and column trials using a condensed phosphate. Chemical Engineering Journal 136 (2-3) , pp. 108-115. 10.1016/j.cej.2007.03.013

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q., O'Neill, M. and O'Sullivan, B. 2008. Constructed wetlands for environmental pollution control: A review of developments, research and practice in Ireland. Environment International 34 (1) , pp. 116-126. 10.1016/j.envint.2007.06.013

Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde, Razali, M. and Harthy, F. 2008. Use of dewatered alum sludge as a substrate in reed bed treatment systems for wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/ Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 43 (1) , pp. 105-110.

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Yaqian 2008. Optimizing phosphorus removal in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland systems using a drinking-water treatment residual as main substrate. Presented at: 6th IWA World Water Congress, Vienna, Austria, 8th - 9th September 2008. Abstract Book and CD-ROM of 6th IWA World Water Congress. Abstract Book and CD-ROM of 6th IWA World Water Congress, Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: pp. 176-177.

Yang, Y., Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Kearney, P. 2007. Co-conditioning of the anaerobic digested sludge of a municipal wastewater treatment plant with alum sludge: Benefit of phosphorus reduction in reject water. Water Environment Research 79 (13) , pp. 2468-2476. 10.2175/106143007X184753

Zhao, Y. Q., Razali, M., Babatunde, Akintunde, Yang, Y. and Bruen, M. 2007. Reuse of aluminum-based water treatment sludge to immobilize a wide range of phosphorus contamination: Equilibrium study with different isotherm models. Separation Science and Technology 42 (12) , pp. 2705-2721. 10.1080/01496390701511531

Yang, Y., Zhao, Y. Q., Babatunde, Akintunde and Kearney, P. 2007. Co-conditioning of digested excess activated sludge with alum sludge: Benefit of phosphorus reduction in reject water. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, Nurtrient Removal 2007 2007 , pp. 64-80. 10.2175/193864707787976669

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2007. A novel alum-sludge based constructed wetland system to reduce pollution effects of agricultural run-off: first results. International Journal of Water 3 (3) , pp. 207-213. 10.1504/IJW.2007.015214

Babatunde, Akintunde and Zhao, Y. Q. 2007. Constructive approaches toward water treatment works sludge management: An international review of beneficial reuses. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 37 (2) , pp. 129-164. 10.1080/10643380600776239

Babatunde, Akintunde, Zhao, Y. Q., O’Neill, M. and O’Sullivan, B. 2007. An overview of the application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Ireland. Presented at: Third International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (IC EST2007), Houston, Texas, USA, 6-9 August 2007. Published in: Starrett, Steven K., Hong, Jihua, Wilcock, Robert J., Li, Qilin, Carson, John H. and Arnold, Samantha eds. Environmental Science and Technology (2007): Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, 6-9 August, 2007. , vol.2 Houston, USA: American Science Press, pp. 186-193.

Yang, Y., Zhao, Y., Babatunde, Akintunde, Wang, L., Ren, Y. and Han, Y. 2006. Characteristics and mechanisms of phosphate adsorption on dewatered alum sludge. Separation and Purification Technology 51 (2) , pp. 193-200. 10.1016/j.seppur.2006.01.013

Agedengbe, Kola, Akinwole, A. O. and Babatunde, Akintunde 2003. Effluents characteristics of selected industries in western Nigeria and implications for re-use in agricultural production. Journal of Environmental Extension 4 , pp. 79-82.

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