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Number of items: 36.


Berendse, Gerrit-Jan 2005. Schreiben im Terrordrom. Gewaltcodierung, kulturelle Erinnerung und das Bedingungsverhältnis zwischen Literatur und RAF-Terrorismus. München: Edition text + kritik.

Berger, Stefan Karl and Evans, Neil 2005. The face of king coal in the Ruhr and South Wales: different historiographical traditions and their impact on comparative history. Towards a Comparative History of Coalfield Societies, Ashgate, pp. 29-42.


Clarke, David ORCID: 2005. Dandyism and homosexuality in the novels of Christian Kracht. Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies 41 (1) , pp. 36-54. 10.3138/sem.v41.1.36

Clarke, David ORCID: 2005. Going West: Migration and the Post-communist World in Recent European Film. Cultural Politics 1 (3) , pp. 279-294.

Cumming, Gordon David ORCID: 2005. French NGOs in the global era: Getting better at doing good. Modern and Contemporary France 13 (1) , pp. 99-102. 10.1080/0963948052000341259

Cumming, Gordon David ORCID: 2005. From realpolitik to the third way: British African policy in the new world order. Engel, Ulf and Olsen, Gorm, eds. Africa And The North: Between Globalization And Marginalization, New International Relations, Routledge, pp. 55-73.

Cumming, Gordon David ORCID: 2005. Transposing the 'Republican' Model? A Critical Appraisal of France's Historic Mission in Africa. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 23 (2) , pp. 233-252. 10.1080/02589000500175984


Diamond, Hanna ORCID: and Kitson, Simon 2005. Vichy, resistance, liberation: new perspectives on wartime France. Oxford: Bloomsbury Academic.

Dominguez-Seco, Luzia, Prego Vázquez, Gabriela and Morales López, Esperanza 2005. Interviews between employees and customers during the process of restructuring a company. Discourse and Society 16 (2) , pp. 225-268. 10.1177/095792650504962

Dominguez, Luzia 2005. Maneiras de educación. Trocas de idioma na comunicación empregados-clientes numa empresa galega [“Forms of politeness. Code-switching in communication between employees and clients”]. Presented at: Second International Symposium on Bilingualism, Vigo, Spain, 23-26 October 2002. Bilingual socialization and bilingual language acquisition : proceedings from the Second International Symposium on Bilingualism = Socialización bilingüe e adquisición lingüística bilingüe : actas do Segundo Simposio Internacional sobre o Bilingüis. Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, pp. 1537-1550.

Dowling, Andrew ORCID: 2005. Convergència i Unió, Catalonia and the new Catalanism. Balfour, S, ed. The Politics of Contemporary Spain, Routledge, pp. 106-120.


Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline ORCID: 2005. Reflections on Crime and Punishment: Memories of the Holocaust in Recent French Crime Fiction. Yale French Studies 108 , pp. 131-145.

Griffiths, Katherine ORCID: 2005. Hunt the author: Vadim, Zola and La Curée. Studies in European Cinema 2 (1) , pp. 7-17. 10.1386/seci.2.1.7/1


Hennemann, Monika ORCID: 2005. Liszt’s Lieder. Hamilton, Kenneth, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Liszt, Cambridge University Press, pp. 192-205.


Inaba, Miho 2005. High school exchange students and learning Japanese in social networks: An analysis of language tasks in contexts. Waseda Journal of Japanese Applied Linguistics 6 , pp. 95-111.


Knapp, Gerhart P. and Schweissinger, Marc 2005. German exile literature 1933-1945. The Literary Encyclopedia, Literary Dictionary Company Limited,
Item availability restricted.

Kudara, Masakazu 2005. Exploratory practice on exchange lessons with Japanese students. Japanese Language Education in Europe (10) , pp. 116-121.


Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2005. Colonial False Memory Syndrome? The Cinémémoire Archive of French Colonial films and Mémoire d'Outremer (Claude Bossion, 1997). Studies in French Cinema 5 (2) , pp. 99-110. 10.1386/sfci.5.2.99/1

Langford, Rachael Elizabeth ORCID: 2005. Locating colonisation and globalisation in Francophone African film and literature: Spatial relations in Borom Sarret (1963), La Noir de... (1965) and cinéma (1997). French Cultural Studies 16 (1) , pp. 91-104. 10.1177/0957155805049568

Lunati, Montserrat ORCID: 2005. De les màscares de Caterina Albert a la ironia d'Imma Monsó: Estratègies de les escriptores catalanes. Vèlit: Revista de tot l'Empordà 4 , pp. 17-19.

Lunati, Montserrat ORCID: 2005. "El salt a l'interior de la consciència mòrbida", o qui és l'Altre/ l'Altra a la narrativa d'Imma Monsó. Riera, C. and Torras, M., eds. Los Hábitos del Deseo: Formas de Amar en la Modernidad, ExCultura, pp. 423-434.

Lunati, Montserrat ORCID: 2005. Entrevista a l'escriptora Imma Monsó. Journal of Catalan Studies 8 , pp. 1-31.

Lunati, Montserrat ORCID: 2005. La textualització del càncer a 'Millor que no m'ho expliquis' (2003), d'Imma Monsó, i altres construccions culturals de la malaltia. Catalan Review, International Journal of Catalan Culture 19 (1-2) , pp. 241-262.


Marinetti, Cristina ORCID: 2005. The limits of the playtext: Translating comedy. New Voices in Translation Studies 1 , pp. 31-42.


Nuselovici, Alexis 2005. Plaidoyer pour un monde métis. Paris: Textuel.


Owen, Ruth J. 2005. Wenn ein Staat ins Gras beißt, singen die Dichter: The Wende in poetry. Arnold-De Simine, Silke, ed. Memory Traces: 1989 and the Question of German Cultural Identity, Peter Lang, pp. 151-180.


Parsons, Nicholas ORCID: 2005. French industrial relations in the new world economy. Routledge Research in Employment Relations, London: Routledge.

Parsons, Nicholas ORCID: 2005. Industrial relations in France: still exceptional? Chafer, Tony and Godin, Emmanuel, eds. The French Exception, New York: Berghahn, pp. 91-106.

Parsons, Nicholas ORCID: and Storer, A 2005. Education, formation et economie concurentielle: l'exemple gallois et ses paradoxes. Alaluf, Mateo and Krzeslo, Estelle, eds. Protection Sociale et Emploi: Regards Croises sur la Mondialisation en Europe et en Chine, Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles, pp. 167-184.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2005. Cria cuervos: raise ravens. Mira, Alberto and Gubern, Roman, eds. 24 Frames: The Cinema of Spain and Portugal, Wallflower Press, pp. 149-158.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2005. El Diputado/The Congressman. Mira, A, ed. 24 Frames; The Cinema of Spain and Portugal, Wallflower Press, pp. 159-167.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2005. Marcelino pan y vino: The miracle of Marcelino. Mira, Alberto and Gubern, Roman, eds. 24 Frames: The Cinema of Spain and Portugal, Wallflower Press, pp. 71-77.


Schweissinger, Marc 2005. Franz Werfel. The Literary Encyclopedia , First published 15 April 2005.
Item availability restricted.


Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2005. Lacan for cinema today: on the uncanny Pouvoir de la Vérité. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 10 (3) , pp. 232-251. 10.1057/palgrave.pcs.2100046

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2005. Nanni Moretti: trauma, hysteria, and freedom. Hope, William, ed. Italian cinema: new directions, New Studies in European Cinema, vol. 1. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 79-106.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2005. On the real limits of self-consciousness: gazing back at the subversive subject with Marco Bellocchio. Culture, Theory and Critique 46 (2) , pp. 147-161. 10.1080/14735780500314364

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