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Number of items: 51.

de Azevedo, Gustavo B., Cravo, André M. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2024. Temporal binding: Task-dependent variations and reliability across experimental paradigms. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 10.3758/s13414-024-02996-2
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Roth, Manuel J., Lindner, Axel, Hesse, Klaus, Wildgruber, Dirk, Wong, Hong-Yu and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2023. Impaired perception of temporal contiguity between action and effect is associated with disorders of agency in Schizophrenia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (21) , e2214327120. 10.1073/pnas.2214327120

Bechlivanidis, Christos, Buehner, Marc ORCID:, Tecwyn, Emma, Lagnado, David, Hoerl, Christoph and McCormack, Teresa 2022. Human vision reconstructs time to satisfy causal constraints. Psychological Science 33 (2) , pp. 224-235. 10.1177/09567976211032663

Lorimer, Sara, McCormack, Teresa, Blakey, Emma ORCID:, Lagnado, David A, Hoerl, Christoph, Tecwyn, Emma C ORCID: and Buehner, Marc J ORCID: 2020. The developmental profile of temporal binding: From childhood to adulthood. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (10) , pp. 1575-1586. 10.1177/1747021820925075

Hoerl, Christoph, Lorimer, Sara, McCormack, Teresa, Lagnado, David, Blakey, Emma, Tecwyn, Emma C. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2020. Temporal binding, causation and agency: developing a new theoretical framework. Cognitive Science 44 (5) , e12843. 10.1111/cogs.12843

Tecwyn, Emma C. ORCID:, Bechlivanidis, Christos, Lagnado, David A., Hoerl, Christoph, Lorimer, Sara, Blakey, Emma, McCormack, Teresa and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2020. Causality influences children’s and adults’ experience of temporal order. Developmental Psychology 56 (4) , pp. 739-755. 10.1037/dev0000889

Greville, W. James, Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Johansen, Mark K. ORCID: 2020. Causing time: Evaluating causal changes to the 'when' rather than the 'whether' of an outcome. Memory and Cognition 48 , pp. 200-211. 10.3758/s13421-019-01002-7

Fereday, Richard, Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Rushton, Simon K. ORCID: 2019. The role of time perception in temporal binding: Impaired temporal resolution in causal sequences. Cognition 193 , 104005. 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.06.017

Blakey, Emma, Tecwyn, Emma C. ORCID:, McCormack, Teresa, Lagnado, David A., Hoerl, Christoph, Lorimer, Sara and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2019. When causality shapes the experience of time: evidence for temporal binding in young children. Developmental Science 22 (3) , e12769. 10.1111/desc.12769

Buehner, Marc ORCID: 2018. Space, time, and causality. Waldmann, Michael, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning, Oxford University Press, 549 -564.

Fereday, Richard and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2017. Temporal binding and internal clocks: No evidence for general pacemaker slowing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (5) , pp. 971-985. 10.1037/xhp0000370

Greville, W. James and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2016. Temporal predictability enhances judgements of causality in elemental causal induction from both observation and intervention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (4) , pp. 678-697. 10.1080/17470218.2015.1041535

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2015. Awareness of voluntary and involuntary causal actions and their outcomes. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 2 (3) , pp. 237-252. 10.1037/cns0000068

Buehner, Marc ORCID: and Townsend, Elizabeth 2015. Rude assessment and I'm faking it: does witnessing incivility compel people to cheat? Assessment and Development Matters 7 (4) , pp. 20-24.

Fereday, Richard and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2015. Temporal binding and internal clocks: is clock slowing general or specific? Presented at: Cognitive Science Conference, Pasadena, CA, 23-26 July 2015. CogSci 2015 Proceedings. pp. 686-691.

Jiga-Boy, Gabriela M., Storey, Kayleigh and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2013. Smokers discount their drug of abuse in the same way as other consumable rewards. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (10) , pp. 1992-2007. 10.1080/17470218.2013.772646

Greville, W. James, Cassar, Adam A., Johansen, Mark K. ORCID: and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2013. Structural awareness mitigates the effect of delay in human causal learning. Memory & Cognition 41 (6) , pp. 904-916. 10.3758/s13421-013-0308-7

Saunders, Tom and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2013. The gut chooses faster than the mind: A latency advantage of affective over cognitive decisions. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (2) , pp. 381-388. 10.1080/17470218.2012.712541

Ab Rashid, Ahmad and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2013. Causal reasoning with continuous outcomes. Presented at: CogSci 2013, Berlin, 31 July - 3 August 2013. CogSci 2013 Proceedings. Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 115-120.

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2012. Understanding the past, predicting the future: causation, not intentional action, is the root of temporal binding. Psychological Science 23 (12) , pp. 1490-1497. 10.1177/0956797612444612

Greville, W. James and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2012. Assessing Evidence for a Common Function of Delay in Causal Learning and Reward Discounting. Frontiers in Psychology 3 , 460. 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00460

Cheng, P. W. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2012. Causal Learning and Inference. Holyoak, K. J. and Morrison, R. G., eds. Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 210-233.

Evans, Laurel and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2011. Small samples do not cause greater accuracy-but clear data may cause small samples: Comment on Fiedler and Kareev (2006). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (3) , pp. 792-799. 10.1037/a0022526

Greville, William James and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2010. Temporal predictability facilitates causal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology ; General 139 (4) , pp. 756-771. 10.1037/a0020976

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Humphreys, Gruffydd Rhys 2010. Causal contraction: spatial binding in the perception of collision events. Psychological Science 21 (1) , pp. 44-48. 10.1177/0956797609354735

Humphreys, Gruffydd Rhys and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2010. Temporal binding of action and effect in interval reproduction. Experimental Brain Research 203 (2) , pp. 465-470. 10.1007/s00221-010-2199-1

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2010. Temporal binding. Nobre, Anna C. and Coull, Jennifer T., eds. Attention and time, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 201-211.

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Humphreys, Gruffydd Rhys 2009. Causal binding of actions to their effects. Psychological Science 20 (10) , pp. 1221-1228. 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02435.x

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and May, Jon 2009. Causal Induction from Continuous Event Streams: Evidence for Delay-Induced Attribution Shifts. Jounal of Problem Solving 2 (2) , 4.

Humphreys, Gruffydd R. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2009. Magnitude estimation reveals temporal binding at super-second intervals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35 (5) , pp. 1542-1549. 10.1037/a0014492

Kennedy, Jon S., Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Rushton, Simon K. ORCID: 2009. Adaptation to sensory-motor temporal misalignment: Instrumental or perceptual learning? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (3) , pp. 453-469. 10.1080/17470210801985235

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2008. Knowing why and guessing when: Does causality warp subjective experience of time? International Journal of Psychology 43 (3-4) , p. 33.

Cavazza, M., Lugrin, J. L. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2007. Causal perception in virtual reality and its implications for presence factors. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 16 (6) , pp. 623-642. 10.1162/pres.16.6.623

Greville, William James and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2007. The Influence of Temporal Distributions on Causal Induction from Tabular Data. Memory & Cognition 35 (3) , pp. 444-453. 10.3758/BF03193284

Booth, Samantha L. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2007. Asymmetries in Cue Competition in Forward and Backward Blocking Designs: Further Evidence for Causal Model Theory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (3) , pp. 387-399. 10.1080/17470210601000839

Plunkett, Helen Rose and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2007. The relation of general and specific locus of control to intertemporal monetary choice. Personality and Individual Differences 42 (7) , pp. 1233-1242. 10.1016/j.paid.2006.10.002

Vera-Muñoz, Sandra, Shackell, Margaret and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2007. Accountants' usage of causal business models in the presence of benchmark data: A note. Contemporary Accounting Research 24 (3) , pp. 1015-1038. 10.1506/car.24.3.12

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2006. A causal power approach to learning with rates. Presented at: 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada, 26 - 29 July 2006. Published in: Sun, R. and Miyake, N. eds. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 113-118.

Lugrini, J. L., Cavazza, M. and Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2006. Causal perception in virtual environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4073 , pp. 50-61.

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and McGregor, Stuart 2006. Temporal delays can facilitate causal attribution: Towards a general timeframe bias in causal induction. Thinking & Reasoning 12 (4) , pp. 353-378. 10.1080/13546780500368965

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Cheng, P. W. 2005. Causal learning. Holyoak, K. J. and Morrison, R. G., eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 143-168.

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2005. Contiguity and Covariation in Human Causal Inference. Learning and Behavior 33 (2) , pp. 230-238. 10.3758/BF03196065

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and McGregor, Stuart 2005. Probability and contiguity trade-offs in causal induction. Presented at: 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Stresa, Italy, 21-23 July 2005. Published in: Bara, Bruno G., Barsalou, Lawrence W. and Bucciarelli, Monica eds. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 360-365.

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and May, Jon 2004. Abolishing the effect of reinforcement delay on human causal learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Series B Comparative and Physiological Psychology 57 (2) , pp. 179-191. 10.1080/02724990344000123

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID:, Cheng, Patricia W. and Clifford, Deborah 2003. From Covariation to Causation: A Test of the Assumption of Causal Power. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition 29 (6) , pp. 1119-1140. 10.1037/0278-7393.29.6.1119

White, Mathew P., Pahl, Sabine, Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Haye, Andres 2003. Trust in risky messages: the role of prior attitudes. Risk Analysis 23 (4) , pp. 717-726. 10.1111/1539-6924.00350

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and May, J. 2003. Rethinking temporal contiguity and the judgement of causality: Effects of prior knowledge, experience, and reinforcement procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A: Human Experimental Psychology 56 (5) , pp. 865-890. 10.1080/02724980244000675

May, J., Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Duke, D. 2002. Continuity in cognition. Universal Access in the Information Society 1 (4) , pp. 252-262. 10.1007/s10209-002-0026-6

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and May, Jon 2002. Knowledge mediates the timeframe of covariation assessment in human causal induction. Thinking & Reasoning 8 (4) , pp. 269-295. 10.1080/13546780244000060

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: 2001. Inducing causation: covariation assessment and the assumption of causal power. May, M. and Oestermeier, U., eds. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Causation, Bern Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 4. Bern: Universität Bern, pp. 33-58.

Buehner, Marc J. ORCID: and Cheng, P. W. 1997. Causal induction: The power PC theory versus the Rescorla-Wagner model. Presented at: Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Stanford, CA, USA, 7-10 August 1997. Published in: Shafto, M. G. and Langley, P. eds. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 7-10, 1997, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 55-60.

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