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Number of items: 102.

Thompson, Erin S., Holwell, David A., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Reichow, Marc, Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Hughes, Hannah S.R., McFall, Katie, Canham, Kate R., Loader, Matthew A., Du Preez, Lara, Acheampong, Kofi and Lloyd, Andy 2025. The effects of carbonate contamination on Ni-Cu-PGE deposit genesis in the Platreef, northern Bushveld Complex: A case study using Niggli numbers. Chemical Geology 671 , 122481. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122481

Thompson, Erin S., Holwell, David A., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Reichow, Marc, Hughes, Hannah S.R., Canham, Kate R., Loader, Matthew A., Du Preez, Lara, Acheampong, Kofi and Lloyd, Andy 2025. Magmatic stratigraphy and platinum group element mineralization at Tweefontein, Northern Bushveld Complex: Evidence of a complex intrusion history of lower, critical, and main zone magmas. Economic Geology 10.5382/econgeo.5123

McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2024. Reimagining Niggli Numbers for modern data applications in petrology and exploration geochemistry. Chemical Geology 650 , 121915. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121915

Martin, Andrew J., MacLeod, Christopher J. ORCID:, McFall, Katie A., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Jamieson, John W. and Cox, Sophie 2023. Ultramafic-hosted Ni-Cu-Co-(As) mineralization from an ancient oceanic transform fault zone in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus: an analogue for ultramafic sea floor massive sulfide mineralization? Economic Geology 118 (5) , pp. 1125-1147. 10.5382/econgeo.4996

Hyde, William R., Garde, Adam A., Keulen, Nynke, Malkki, Sebastian N., Jaret, Steven J., Waight, Tod, Beck, Pierre, McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Larsen, Nicolaj K. 2023. Impact melt rocks from the Late Paleocene Hiawatha impact structure, northwest Greenland. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 58 , pp. 789-814. 10.1111/maps.13987

Milne, Eilidh J. M., Neill, Iain, Bird, Anna F., Millar, Ian L., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Dempsey, Edward D., Olive, Valerie, Odling, Nic and Waters, Emma C. 2023. Caledonian hot zone magmatism in the 'Newer Granites': insight from the Cluanie and Clunes plutons, Northern Scottish Highlands. Journal of the Geological Society 180 (2) 10.1144/jgs2022-076

Martin, Andrew J., Jamieson, John W., de Ronde, Cornel E. J., Humphris, Susan E., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Layne, Graham D., Piercey, Glenn and MacLeod, Christopher J. ORCID: 2023. Trace metal and sulfur cycling in a hydrothermally active arc volcano: deep-sea drilling of the Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand. Mineralium Deposita 58 (2) , pp. 402-425. 10.1007/s00126-022-01135-x

Guice, George L., Miocevich, Sophie R., Hughes, Hannah S.R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Goodenough, Kathryn M., Ackerson, Michael R., MacDonald, John M. and Faithfull, John W. 2022. Origin of ultramafic-mafic bodies on the Isles of Lewis and Harris (Scotland, UK): Constraints on the Archean-Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, North Atlantic Craton. Precambrian Research 369 , 106523. 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106523

Holwell, David A., Fiorentini, Marco L., Knott, Thomas R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Blanks, Daryl E., McCuaig, T. Campbell and Gorczyk, Weronika 2022. Mobilisation of deep crustal sulfide melts as a first order control on upper lithospheric metallogeny. Nature Communications 13 (1) , 573. 10.1038/s41467-022-28275-y

Lindsay, Jordan J., Andersen, Jens C.Ø., Hughes, Hannah S.R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hastie, Alan R., Besser, Marcell L., Licht, Otavio A.B. and Arioli, Edir E. 2021. Platinum-group element geochemistry of the Paraná flood basalts – modelling metallogenesis in rifting continental plume environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 311 , pp. 74-101. 10.1016/j.gca.2021.07.035

Martin, Andrew J., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, McFall, Katie A., MacLeod, Christopher J. ORCID: and Prichard, Hazel M. 2020. Low-temperature silica-rich gold mineralization in mafic VMS systems: evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Mineralium Deposita , pp. 805-822. 10.1007/s00126-020-01007-2

Tegner, Christian, Marzoli, Andrea, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Youbi, Nasrrddine and Lindström, Sofie 2020. Platinum-group elements link the end-Triassic mass extinction and the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. Scientific Reports 10 , 3482. 10.1038/s41598-020-60483-8

Martin, Andrew J., Keith, Manuel, Parvaz, Daniel B., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Boyce, Adrian J., McFall, Katie A., Jenkin, Gawen R.T., Strauss, Harald and MacLeod, Christopher J. ORCID: 2020. Effects of magmatic volatile influx in mafic VMS hydrothermal systems: evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Chemical Geology 531 , 119325. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119325

Guice, George L., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hughes, Hannah S. R., MacDonald, John M. and Faithfull, John W. 2020. The origin(s) and geodynamic significance of Archaean ultramafic-mafic bodies in the mainland Lewisian Gneiss Complex, North Atlantic Craton. Journal of the Geological Society 177 (4) , 700. 10.1144/jgs2020-013

McFall, Katie, Roberts, Stephen, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Boyce, Adrian J., Naden, Jonathan and Teagle, Damon 2019. Rhenium enrichment in the Muratdere Cu-Mo (Au-Re) porphyry deposit, Turkey: evidence from stable isotope analyses (δ34S, δ18O, δD) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis of sulfides. Economic Geology 114 (7) , pp. 1443-1466. 10.5382/econgeo.4638

Tegner, Christian, Michelis, Sandra A T, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Brown, Eric L, Youbi, Nasrrddine, Callegaro, Sara, Lindström, Sofie and Marzoli, Andrea 2019. Mantle dynamics of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP): Constraints from platinum group, gold and lithophile elements in flood basalts of Morocco. Journal of Petrology , -. 10.1093/petrology/egz041

Holwell, David A., Fiorentini, Marco, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Lu, Yongjun, Giuliani, Andrea, Smith, Daniel J., Keith, Manuel and Locmelis, Marek 2019. A metasomatized lithospheric mantle control on the metallogenic signature of post-subduction magmatism. Nature Communications 10 (1) , 3511. 10.1038/s41467-019-11065-4

McFall, Katie, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Tanner, Dominique ORCID: and Harmer, R.E. (Jock) 2019. The mineralogy and mineral associations of platinum-group elements and precious metals in the Aurora Cu-Ni-Au-PGE deposit, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. Ore Geology Reviews 106 , pp. 403-422. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.02.008

Tanner, Dominique ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Harmer, R.E. Jock, Muir, Duncan D. and Hughes, Hannah S.R. 2019. A record of assimilation preserved by exotic minerals in the lowermost platinum-group element deposit of the Bushveld Complex: The Volspruit Sulphide Zone. Lithos 324-32 , pp. 584-608. 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.10.032

Kjær, Kurt H., Larsen, Nicolaj K., Binder, Tobias, Bjørk, Anders A., Eisen, Olaf, Fahnestock, Mark A., Funder, Svend, Garde, Adam A., Haack, Henning, Helm, Veit, Houmark-Nielsen, Michael, Kjeldsen, Kristian K., Khan, Shfaqat A., Machguth, Horst, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Morlighem, Mathieu, Mouginot, Jérémie, Paden, John D., Waight, Tod E., Weikusat, Christian, Willerslev, Eske and MacGregor, Joseph A. 2018. A large impact crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier in northwest Greenland. Science Advances 4 (11) , eaar8173. 10.1126/sciadv.aar8173

McFall, Katie A., Naden, Jonathan, Roberts, Stephen, Baker, Tim, Spratt, John and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2018. Platinum-group minerals in the Skouries Cu-Au (Pd, Pt, Te) porphyry deposit. Ore Geology Reviews 99 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.06.014

Guice, George, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hughes, Hannah S. R., MacDonald, John M., Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Goodenough, Kathryn M., Faithfull, John W. and Gooday, Robert 2018. Re-evaluating ambiguous age relationships in Archean cratons: implications for the origin of ultramafic-mafic complexes in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex. Precambrian Research 311 , pp. 136-156. 10.1016/j.precamres.2018.04.020

Martin, Andrew J., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, MacLeod, Christopher J. ORCID:, Prichard, Hazel M. and McFall, Katie 2018. Extreme enrichment of selenium in the Apliki Cyprus-type VMS deposit, Troodos, Cyprus. Mineralogical Magazine 82 (SI3) , pp. 697-724. 10.1180/mgm.2018.81

Karykowski, Bartosz T., Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Groshev, Nikolay Y., Barnes, Sarah-Jane, Pripachkin, Pavel V., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Savard, Dany 2018. Critical controls on the formation of contact-style PGE-Ni-Cu mineralization: evidence from the Paleoproterozoic Monchegorsk Complex, Kola region, Russia. Economic Geology 113 (4) , pp. 911-935. 10.5382/econgeo.2018.4576

Szilas, Kristoffer, Van Hinsberg, Vincent, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Næraa, Tomas, Rollinson, Hugh, Adetunji, Jacob and Bird, Dennis 2018. Highly refractory Archaean peridotite cumulates: petrology and geochemistry of the Seqi Ultramafic Complex, SW Greenland. Geoscience Frontiers 9 (3) , pp. 689-714. 10.1016/j.gsf.2017.05.003

Chi Fru, Ernest ORCID:, Kilias, Stephanos, Ivarsson, Magnus, Rattray, Jayne E., Gkika, Katerina, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, He, Qian ORCID: and Broman, Curt 2018. Sedimentary mechanisms of a modern banded iron formation on Milos Island, Greece. Solid Earth 8 10.5194/se-2017-113

Huthmann, Florian, Yudovskaya, Marina, Kinnaird, Judith, McCreesh, Matthew and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2018. Geochemistry and PGE of the lower mineralized zone of the Waterberg Project, South Africa. Ore Geology Reviews 92 , pp. 161-185. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.10.023

Holwell, David A., Adeyemi, Zeinab, Ward, Laura A., Smith, Daniel J., Graham, Shaun D., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Smith, Jennifer W 2017. Low temperature alteration of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfides as a source for hydrothermal Ni and PGE ores: A quantitative approach using automated mineralogy. Ore Geology Reviews 91 , pp. 718-740. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.08.025

McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hughes, Hannah.S. R., Butler, Ian B., Harris, Jeffrey W. and Muir, Duncan 2017. Homogenisation of sulphide inclusions within diamonds: A new approach to diamond inclusion geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 216 , pp. 335-357. 10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.039

Korbar, Tvrtko, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Fućek, Vlasta Premec, Fuček, Ladislav and Posilović, Hrvoje 2017. Reply to Comment on “Post-impact event bed (tsunamite) at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary deposited on a distal carbonate platform interior”. Terra Nova 29 (5) , pp. 332-334. 10.1111/ter.12281

Andersen, Jens C. Ø., Rollinson, Gavyn K., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Tegner, Christian and Lesher, Charles E. 2017. Platinum-group mineralization at the margin of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. Mineralium Deposita 52 (6) , pp. 929-942. 10.1007/s00126-016-0707-3

Hughes, Hannah S.R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Loocke, Matthew ORCID:, Butler, Ian B., Upton, Brian G.J. and Faithfull, John W. 2017. Paradoxical co-existing base metal sulphides in the mantle: The multi-event record preserved in Loch Roag peridotite xenoliths, North Atlantic Craton. Lithos 276 , pp. 103-121. 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.09.035

Korbar, Tvrtko, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Premec Fucek, Vlasta, Fucek, Ladislav and Posilovic, Hrvoje 2017. Post-impact event bed (tsunamite) at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary deposited on a distal carbonate platform interior. Terra Nova 29 (2) , pp. 135-143. 10.1111/ter.12257

Graham, S. D., Holwell, D. A., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Jenkin, G. R. T., Hill, N. J., Boyce, A. J., Smith, J. and Sangster, C. 2017. Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE-Au sulfide mineralisation in alkaline igneous systems: an example from the Sron Garbh intrusion, Tyndrum, Scotland. Ore Geology Reviews 80 , pp. 961-984. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.08.031

McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Harmer, R. E., Holwell, D. A., Hughes, H. S. R. and Boyce, A. J. 2017. Cu-Ni-PGE mineralisation at the Aurora Project and potential for a new PGE province in the Northern Bushveld Main Zone. Ore Geology Reviews 80 , pp. 1135-1159. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.09.016

Golkaram, Shirin, Rashidnejad–Omran, Nematollah, Azizi, Hossein, Asahara, Yoshihiro, Buchs, David ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Santos, José Francisco 2016. Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Kajan Neogene subvolcanic rocks, Nain, Central Iran. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry 76 (4) , pp. 567-578. 10.1016/j.chemer.2016.08.007

Hastie, Alan R., Fitton, J. Godfrey, Kerr, Andrew C. ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Schwindrofska, Antje and Hoernle, Kaj 2016. The composition of mantle plumes and the deep Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 444 , pp. 13-25. 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.023

Kerr, Andrew ORCID:, Lavis, Owain, Kakar, M. Ishaq and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2016. Petrogenesis and tectonomagmatic significance of Eocene mafic intrusions from the Neotethyan suture zone in the Muslim Bagh-Khanozai region, Pakistan. Journal of the Geological Society 173 , pp. 518-530. 10.1144/jgs2015-062

Hughes, Hannah S. R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Boyce, Adrian J., Holwell, D. A. and Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: 2016. Sulphide sinking in magma conduits: evidence from maficultramafic plugs on Rum and the wider North Atlantic Igneous Province. Journal of Petrology 57 (2) , pp. 383-416. 10.1093/petrology/egw010

Smith, Jennifer W., Holwell, David A., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Boyce, Adrian J. 2016. The application of S isotopes and S/Se ratios in determining ore-forming processes of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits:A cautionary case study from the northern bushveld complex. Ore Geology Reviews 73 (1) , pp. 148-174. 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.10.022

Kille, Peter ORCID:, Morgan, Andrew, Kate, Powell, Frederick, Mosselmans, Daniel, Hart, Paul, Gunning, Hayes, Anthony Joseph, Scarborough, Derek, McDonald, Iain ORCID: and John, Charnock 2016. Venus trapped, Mars transits: Cu and Fe redox chemistry, cellular topography, and in situ ligand binding in terrestrial isopod hepatopancreas. Open Biology Journal 6 (3) , -. 10.1098/rsob.150270

Hughes, Hannah S. R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Faithfull, John W., Upton, Brian G.J. and Loocke, Matthew ORCID: 2016. Cobalt and precious metals in sulphides of peridotite xenoliths and inferences concerning their distribution according to geodynamic environment: a case study from the Scottish lithospheric mantle. Lithos 240-24 , pp. 202-227. 10.1016/j.lithos.2015.11.007

Silva, Jonas Mota, Prichard, Hazel, Filho, Cesar E Ferreira, Fisher, Peter C and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2015. Platinum-group minerals in the Limoeiro Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposit, Brazil: the effect of magmatic and upper amphibolite to granulite metamorphic processes on PGM formation. Mineralium Deposita 50 , pp. 1007-1029. 10.1007/s00126-015-0585-0

Holwell, David A., Keays, Reid R., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Williams, Megan R. 2015. Extreme enrichment of Se, Te, PGE and Au in Cu-sulfide microdroplets: evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides in the Skaergaard Intrusion, east Greenland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 170 , 53. 10.1007/s00410-015-1203-y

Korbar, T., Montanari, A., Fucek, V. P., Fucek, L., Coccioni, R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Claeys, P., Schulz, T. and Koeberl, C. 2015. Potential Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary tsunami deposit in the intra-Tethyan Adriatic carbonate platform section of Hvar (Croatia). Geological Society of America Bulletin 127 (11) , pp. 1666-1680. 10.1130/B31084.1

Ghaffari, Mitra, Rashidnejad-Omran, Nematollah, Dabiri, Rahim, Santos, José Francisco, Mata, João, Buchs, David ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Appel, Peter and Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter 2015. Interaction between felsic and mafic magmas in the Salmas intrusive complex, Northwestern Iran: Constraints from petrography and geochemistry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111 , pp. 440-458. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.06.019

Hughes, Hannah S. R., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: 2015. Platinum group element signatures in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: Implications for mantle controls on metal budgets during continental breakup. Lithos 233 , pp. 89-110. 10.1016/j.lithos.2015.05.005

Ciborowski, Jake, Kerr, Andrew ORCID:, Ernst, Richard, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Minife, Matthew, Harlan, Stephen and Millar, Ian 2015. The Early Proterozoic Matachewan Large Igneous Province: geochemistry, petrogenesis, and implications for Earth evolution. Journal of Petrology 56 (8) , pp. 1459-1494. 10.1093/petrology/egv038

Hughes, Hannah, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Faithfull, John W., Brian, G.J. and Downes, Hilary 2015. Trace-element abundances in the shallow lithospheric mantle of the North Atlantic Craton margin: implications for melting and metasomatism beneath Northern Scotland. Mineralogical Magazine 79 (4) , pp. 877-907. 10.1180/minmag.2015.079.4.03

Raschke, Ulli, Schmitt, Ralf Thomas, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Reimold, Wolf Uwe, Mader, Dieter and Koeberl, Christian 2015. Geochemical studies of impact breccias and country rocks from the El'gygytgyn impact structure, Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50 (6) , pp. 1071-1088. 10.1111/maps.12455

Porta, Giovanna Della, Webb, Gregory E. and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2015. REE patterns of microbial carbonate and cements from Sinemurian (Lower Jurassic) siliceous sponge mounds (Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco). Chemical Geology 400 , pp. 65-86. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.02.010

Butler, Scott ORCID:, Bailey, Trevor, Lear, Caroline Helen ORCID:, Curry, Gordon, Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2015. The Mg/Ca–temperature relationship in brachiopod shells: Calibrating a potential palaeoseasonality proxy. Chemical Geology 397 , pp. 106-117. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.01.009

Brough, Chris, Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Neary, Chris, Fisher, Peter Charles and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2015. Geochemical variations within podiform chromitite deposits in the Shetland ophiolite: implications for petrogenesis and PGE concentration. Economic Geology 110 (1) , pp. 187-208. 10.2113/econgeo.110.1.187

Hughes, Hannah S. R., Boyce, Adrian J., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Davidheiser-Kroll, Brett, Holwell, David A., McDonald, Alison and Oldroyd, Anthony 2015. Contrasting mechanisms for crustal sulphur contamination of mafic magma: evidence from dyke and sill complexes from the British Palaeogene Igneous Province. Journal of the Geological Society 172 , pp. 443-458. 10.1144/jgs2014-112

Ciborowski, Thomas, Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Ernst, Richard E., Hughes, Hannah S. R. and Minifie, Matthew John 2014. The geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic du Chef dyke swarm, Québec, Canada. Precambrian Research 250 , pp. 151-166. 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.008

Hughes, Hannah S. R., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Goodenough, Kathryn M., Ciborowski, Thomas, Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, Davies, Joshua H.F.L. and Selby, David 2014. Enriched lithospheric mantle keel below the Scottish margin of the North Atlantic Craton: Evidence from the Palaeoproterozoic Scourie Dyke Swarm and mantle xenoliths. Precambrian Research 250 , pp. 97-126. 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.026

Huber, Matthew S., Črne, Alenka E., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hecht, Lutz, Melezhik, Victor A. and Koeberl, Christian 2014. Impact spherules from Karelia, Russia: possible ejecta from the 2.02 Ga Vredefort impact event. Geology 42 (5) , pp. 375-378. 10.1130/G35231.1

Kunicki-Goldfinger, Jerzy J., Freestone, Ian C., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hobot, Jan A., Gilderdale-Scott, Heather and Ayers, Tim 2014. Technology, production and chronology of red window glass in the medieval period - rediscovery of a lost technology. Journal of Archaeological Science 41 , pp. 89-105. 10.1016/j.jas.2013.07.029

Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Fisher, Peter Charles, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Knight, Robert, Sharp, David and Williams, James 2013. The distribution of PGE and the role of arsenic as a collector of PGE in the Spotted Quoll nickel ore deposit in the Forrestania Greenstone Belt, Western Australia. Economic Geology 108 (8) , pp. 1903-1921. 10.2113/econgeo.108.8.1903

Reimold, Wolf Uwe, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Schmitt, Ralf-Thomas, Hansen, Birgit, Jacob, Juliane and Koeberl, Christian 2013. Geochemical studies of the SUBO 18 (Enkingen) drill core and other impact breccias from the Ries crater, Germany. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48 (9) , pp. 1531-1571. 10.1111/maps.12175

Prichard, Hazel, Knight, Robert, Fisher, Peter Charles, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Zhou, Me-Fu and Wang, Christina 2013. Distribution of platinum-group elements in magmatic and altered ores in the Jinchuan intrusion, China: An example of selenium remobilization by post magmatic fluids. Mineralium Deposita 48 (6) , pp. 767-786. 10.1007/s00126-013-0454-7

Ciborowski, Thomas, Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Ernst, Richard E. and Minifie, Matthew J. 2013. The geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Blue Draw Metagabbro. Lithos 174 , pp. 271-290. 10.1016/j.lithos.2012.06.035

Goderis, Steven, Simonson, Bruce M., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hassler, Scott W., Izmer, Andrei, Belza, Joke, Terryn, Herman, Vanhaecke, Frank and Claeys, Philippe 2013. Ni-rich spinels and platinum group element nuggets condensed from a Late Archaean impact vapour cloud. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 376 , pp. 87-98. 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.06.027

Garde, A. A., Pattison, J., Kokfelt, T., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Secher, K. 2013. Impact-triggered, conduit-type Ni-Cu mineralisation, Norite Belt, Maniitsoq Structure, West Greenland. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48 (Supp 1) , A139-A139. 10.1111/maps.12165

Matthews, Ian Price, Gregory, Clive James ORCID:, Aljayyoussi, Ghaith, Morris, Christopher John, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hoogendoorn, Bastiaan ORCID: and Gumbleton, Mark ORCID: 2013. Maximal extent of translocation of single-walled carbon nanotubes from lung airways of the rat. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 35 (3) , pp. 461-464. 10.1016/j.etap.2013.02.002

Garde, Adam Andreas, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Dyck, Brendan and Keulen, Nynke 2013. Reply on "searching for giant, ancient impact structures on Earth: the Mesoarchaean Maniitsoq structure, West Greenland" by Garde et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 337-338 (2012) 197-210]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 369-70 , pp. 336-343. 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.002

Garde, Adam A., Pattison, John, Kokfelt, Thomas F., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Secher, Karsten 2013. The norite belt in the Mesoarchaean Maniitsoq structure, southern West Greenland: conduit-type Ni-Cu mineralisation in impact-triggered, mantle-derived intrusions? Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin (28) , pp. 45-48.

Izmer, Andrei, Goderis, Steven, Simonson, Bruce M., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Hassler, Scott W., Claeys, Philippe and Vanhaecke, Frank 2013. Application of laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry for 2-dimensional mapping of element distributions in a Late Archean impact spherule layer. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 28 (7) , pp. 1031-1038. 10.1039/C3JA50045D

Knight, Robert D., Prichard, Hazel M., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Wang, Christina Y. 2013. Variation in PGM within two orebodies in the Jinchuan intrusion, Gansu province, NW China. Presented at: 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-15 August 2013. Published in: Jonsson, Erik ed. Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World Proceedings of the 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden. Mineral Deposit Research for a High-Tech World. , vol.1-4 pp. 1032-1035.

Garde, Adam A., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Dyck, Brendan and Keulen, Nynke 2012. Searching for giant, ancient impact structures on earth: the Mesoarchaean Maniitsoq structure, West Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 337-38 , pp. 197-210. 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.04.026

Koeberl, Christian, Claeys, Philippe, Hecht, Lutz and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2012. Geochemistry of impactites. Elements 8 (1) , pp. 37-42. 10.2113/gselements.8.1.37

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Peltonen, P., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Barnes, S. J., Barnes, S.-J., Hatton, C. and Viljoen, F. 2012. The concentration of platinum-group elements and gold in southern African and Karelian kimberlite-hosted mantle xenoliths: Implications for the noble metal content of the Earth's mantle. Chemical Geology 302-3 , pp. 119-135. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.06.014

Knight, Robert, Prichard, Hazel, McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Filho, Cesar 2012. Platinum-group mineralogy of the Fazenda Mirabela intrusion, Brazil: the role of high temperature liquids and sulphur loss. Applied Earth Science 120 (4) , pp. 211-224. 10.1179/1743275812Y.0000000016

Stanley, B A, Sivakumaran, V, Shi, S, McDonald, I ORCID:, Lloyd, D ORCID:, Watson, W H, Aon, M A and Paolocci, N 2011. Thioredoxin reductase-2 is essential for keeping low levels of H(2)O(2) emission from isolated heart mitochondria. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (38) , pp. 33669-33677. 10.1074/jbc.M111.284612

McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Garde, A. A. 2011. Geochemistry of post-kinematic mafic intrusions at Maniitsoq, West Greenland: contaminated mantle melts or impact melts? [Abstract]. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 46 (S1) , A153. 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01221.x

Holwell, D. A., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Butler, I. B. 2011. Precious metal enrichment in the Platreef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa: evidence from homogenized magmatic sulfide melt inclusions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161 (6) , pp. 1011-1026. 10.1007/s00410-010-0577-0

Stanley, B. A., Sivakumaran, V., Shi, S., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Lloyd, David ORCID:, Watson, W. H., Aon, M. A. and Paolocci, N. 2011. Thioredoxin Reductase-2 Is Essential for Keeping Low Levels of H2O2 Emission from Isolated Heart Mitochondria. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (38) , pp. 33669-33677. 10.1074/jbc.M111.284612

McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Holwell, D.A. 2011. Geology of the Northern Bushveld Complex and the Setting and Genesis of the Platreef Ni-Cu-PGE Deposit. Li, C. and Ripley, E. M., eds. Magmatic Ni-Cu and PGE Deposits: Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis, Reviews in Economic Geology, vol. 17. Society of Economic Geologists, pp. 297-327.

Yudovskaya, M, Kinnaird, J, Naldrett, A. J., Mokhov, A. V., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Reinke, C 2011. Facies Variation in PGE Mineralization in the Central Platreef of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Canadian Mineralogis 49 (6) , pp. 1349-1384. 10.3749/canmin.49.6.1349

Jourdan, F., Andreoli, M. A. G., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: 2010. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the fossil LL6-chondrite from the Morokweng crater, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (5) , pp. 1734-1747. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.11.032

Hastie, Alan, Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Mitchell, S. F., Pearce, Julian A., Wolstencroft, Martin and Millar, I. L. 2010. Do Cenozoic analogues support a plate tectonic origin for Earth's earliest continental crust? Geology 38 (6) , pp. 495-498. 10.1130/G30778.1

Hastie, Alan R., Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Mitchell, Simon F., Pearce, Julian A., Millar, Ian L., Barfod, Dan and Mark, Darren F. 2010. Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of rhyodacite lavas in eastern Jamaica: a new adakite subgroup analogous to early Archaean continental crust? Chemical Geology 276 (3-4) , pp. 344-359. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.07.002

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, Khan, Mehrab and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2010. Eruption of basaltic magma at Tor Zawar, Balochistan, Pakistan on 27 January 2010: geochemical and petrological constraints on petrogenesis. Mineralogical Magazine 74 (6) , pp. 1027-1036. 10.1180/minmag.2010.074.6.1027

Suárez, Saioa, Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Velasco, Francisco, Fisher, Peter Charles and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2010. Alteration of platinum-group minerals and dispersion of platinum-group elements during progressive weathering of the Aguablanca Ni-Cu deposit, SW Spain. Mineralium Deposita 45 (4) , pp. 331-350. 10.1007/s00126-009-0275-x

Holwell, D. A. and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2010. A review of the behaviour of Platinum Group Elements within natural magmatic sulfide ore systems. Platinum Metals Review 54 (1) , pp. 26-36. 10.1595/147106709X480913

Dare, Sarah A.S., Pearce, Julian A., McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Styles, Michael T. 2009. Tectonic discrimination of peridotites using fO2–Cr# and Ga–Ti–FeIII systematics in chrome–spinel. Chemical Geology 261 (3-4) , pp. 199-216. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.08.002

McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Holwell, David A. and Wesley, B 2009. Assessing the potential involvement of an early magma staging chamber in the generation of the Platreef Ni–Cu–PGE deposit in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex: a pilot study of the Lower Zone Complex at Zwartfontein. Applied Earth Science (Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy B) 118 (1) , pp. 5-20. 10.1179/174327509X434902

Simonson, Bruce M., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Shukolyukov, Alex, Koeberl, Christian, Reimold, Wolf Uwe and Lugmair, Gunther W. 2009. Geochemistry of 2.63–2.49 Ga impact spherule layers and implications for stratigraphic correlations and impact processes. Precambrian Research 175 (1-4) , pp. 51-76. 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.08.004

Ahmandian, Jamshid, Haschke, Michael, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Regelous, Marcel, RezaGhorbani, Mohammed, Hashem-Emami, Mohammed and Murata, Mamoru 2009. High magmatic flux during Alpine-Himalyan collision: constraints from the Kal-e-Kafi complex, central Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (5-6) , pp. 467-480. 10.1130/B26279.1

McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Bartosova, Katarina and Koeberl, Christian 2009. Search for a meteoritic component in impact breccia from the Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Considerations from platinum-group element contents. Gohn, G. S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K. G. and Reimold, W. U., eds. The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes, Vol. 458. Geological Society of America Special Publications, vol. 458. Geological Society of America, pp. 469-479. (10.1130/2009.2458(21))

Machado, R., Lana, C., Stevens, G., Filho, C. R. S., Reimold, W. U. and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2009. Generation, mobilization and crystallization of impact-induced alkali-rich melts in granitic target rocks: evidence from the Araguainha impact structure, central Brazil. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (23) , pp. 7183-7201. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.08.029

McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2008. Platinum-group element and sulphide mineralogy in ultramafic complexes at Western Adriamena, Madagascar. Applied Earth Science (Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy B) 117 (1) , pp. 1-10. 10.1179/174327508X309678

Hutchinson, David and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2008. Laser ablation ICP-MS study of platinum-group elements in sulphides from the Platreef at Turfspruit, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Mineralium Deposita 43 (6) , pp. 695-711. 10.1007/s00126-008-0190-6

Holwell, D. A. and McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2007. Distribution of platinum-group elements in the Platreef at Overysel, northern Bushveld Complex: a combined PGM and LA-ICP-MS study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 154 (2) , pp. 171-190. 10.1007/s00410-007-0185-9

Moreno, Teresa, Oldroyd, Anthony, McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Gibbons, Wes 2007. Preferential fractionation of trace metals-metalloids into PM10 resuspended from contaminated gold mine tailings at Rodalquilar, Spain. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 179 (1-4) , pp. 93-105. 10.1007/s11270-006-9216-9

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Andreoli, M. A. G., McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Higgins, M. D., Boyce, A. J., Shukolyukov, A., Lugmair, G. W., Ashwal, L. D., Graeser, P., Ripley, E. M. and Hart, R. J. 2006. Discovery of a 25-cm asteroid clast in the giant Morokweng impact crater, South Africa. Nature 441 (7090) , pp. 203-206. 10.1038/nature04751

Moreno, Teresa, Higueras, P., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, McDonald, Iain ORCID: and Gibbons, Wes 2005. Size fractionation in mercury-bearing airborne particles (HgPM10) at Almadén, Spain: Implications for inhalation hazards around old mines. Atmospheric Environment 39 (34) , pp. 6409-6419. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.07.024

McDonald, Iain ORCID: 2002. Clearwater East impact structure: A re-interpretation of the projectile type using new platinum-group element data from meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 37 (3) , pp. 459-464.

McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Gunn, A. G. and Prichard, Hazel Margaret (eds.) 2002. 21st century Pt - Pd deposits: current and future potential [Special Issue]. Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy B

McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Andreoli, M. A. G., Hart, R. J. and Tredoux, M. 2001. Platinum-group elements in the Morokweng impact structure, South Africa: evidence for the impact of a large ordinary chondrite projectile at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (2) , pp. 299-309. 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00527-5

Prichard, Hazel Margaret, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Williams, C. T. and Wall, F. (eds.) 1999. Ore-forming processes associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks. Presented at: 5th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) and the 10th Quadrennial Symposium of the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD), London, UK, 22-25 August 1999. Published in: Stanley, C. J., Rankin, A. H., Bodnar, R. J., Naden, J., Yardley, B. W. D., Criddle, A. J., Hagni, R. D., Gize, A. P., Pasava, J., Fleet, A. J., Seltmann, R., Halls, C., Stemprok, M., Williamson, B., Herrington, R. J., Hill, R. E. T., Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Wall, F., Williams, C. T., McDonald, Iain, Wilkinson, J. J., Cooke, D., Cook, N. J., Marshall, B. J., Spry, P., Zaw, K., Meinert, L., Sundblad, K., Scott, P., Clark, S. H. B., Valsami-Jones, E., Beukes, N. J., Stein, H. J., Hannah, J. L., Neubauer, F., Blundell, D. J., Alderton, D. H. M., Smith, M. P., Mulshaw, S. and Ixer, R. A. eds. Mineral deposits: processes to processing, Proceedings of the 5th biennial SGA meeting, London, England, 22-25 August 1999. Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 697-798.

De Marco, Paolo, Moradas-Ferreira, Pedro, Higgins, Timothy, McDonald, Iain ORCID:, Kenna, Elizabeth M. and Murrell, J. Colin 1999. Molecular analysis of a novel methanesulfonic acid monooxygenase from the methylotroph Methylosulfonomonas methylovora. Journal of Bacteriology 181 (7) , pp. 2244-2251.

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