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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 30.

Dineva, Denitsa ORCID:, Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Mangió, Federico 2024. EXPRESS: Brand-to-brand engagement on social media: Typology and implications. Journal of Interactive Marketing 10.1177/10949968241312173

Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Mitchell, Sarah-Louise, Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Hyde, Fran 2024. Refocusing marketing effort to support net-positive social impact. European Journal of Marketing 58 (7) , pp. 1806-1825. 10.1108/EJM-06-2023-0465

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Alwi, Sharifah Syed and Gambetti, Rossella 2024. The thousand faces of beauty: How credible storytelling unlocks disability representation in inclusive luxury fashion branding. Journal of Business Research 181 , 114744. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114744
Item availability restricted.

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Spry, Amanda ORCID:, Ekinci, Yuksel and Vredenburg, Jessica 2024. From warmth to warrior: Impacts of non-profit brand activism on brand bravery, brand hypocrisy and brand equity. Journal of Brand Management 31 , pp. 193-211. 10.1057/s41262-023-00319-8

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Spry, Amanda and Vredenburg, Jessica 2024. The Body Shop shouldn't have failed in an age when consumers want activism from their brands. What happened? [Online]. The Conversation: The Conversation Trust. Available at:

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Gordon-Wilson, Sianne, Davies, Iain and Pring, Cara 2024. Communicating about sustainability in fashion: A construal level theory approach. European Journal of Marketing 58 (1) , pp. 313-341. 10.1108/EJM-09-2021-0701

Mitchell, Sarah-Louise, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Hyde, Fran 2024. Guest editorial: A personal perspective on why social impact matters. European Journal of Marketing 58 (7) , pp. 1677-1680. 10.1108/EJM-07-2024-992

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Alwi, Sharifah and Gambetti, Rossella 2024. Breaking barriers with disability inclusion: Brand activism as a catalyst for social sustainability in fashion. Henninger, Claudia E., Alevizou, Panayiota, Ryding, Daniella and Goworek, Helen, eds. Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion, Springer Nature,

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Spry, Amanda and Vredenburg, Jessica 2023. When charities engage in 'brand activism', research shows they must demonstrate bravery to attract donations. The Conversation 2023 (12 Jul)

Mogaji, Emmanuel, Restuccia, Mariachiara, Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Nguyen, Nguyen Phong 2023. B2B Brand positioning in emerging markets: exploring positioning signals via websites and managerial tensions in top-performing African B2B service brands. Industrial Marketing Management 108 , pp. 237-250. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.12.003

Lee, Zoe ORCID: 2023. Building brands for nonprofit organisations: a review of current themes and future research directions. King, Ceridwyn and Murillo, Enrique, eds. A Research Agenda for Brand Management in a New Era of Consumerism, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 257-272.

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Davies, Iain 2021. Nonprofit brand and managing nonprofit rebranding strategy. Charity Marketing, Taylor & Francis, pp. 46-59. (10.4324/9781003134169-2)

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Davies, Iain 2021. Navigating relative invariance: perspectives on corporate heritage identity and organizational heritage identity in an evolving nonprofit institution. Journal of Business Research 129 , pp. 813-825. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.05.038

Gordon-Wilson, Sianne, Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Wu, Meng-Shan 2021. How high net worth individuals (HNW) perceive sustainable luxury in an emerging market. Presented at: Journal of Business Ethics SI Paper Development Workshop 2021, Virtual, 07 May 2021.

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Gordon-Wilson, Sianne 2021. One size does not fits all: a typology of sustainable luxury brand communication and sustainability practices. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.

Lee, Zoe ORCID:, Snelson-Powell, Annie and Glozer, Sarah 2021. The emotional proximity paradox: burn-out and resilience in negotiating nonprofit corporate identity change. Presented at: 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, Virtual, 8-10 July 2021.

Lee, Z. ORCID:, Glozer, A. and Snelson-Powell, Z. 2020. Organizing corporate identity change and multi-level tensions: a paradox perspective. Presented at: Studying Paradox and Grand Challenges : Paper Development Session, Virtual, 6 April 2020.

Ghaffari, Mahsa, Hackley, Chris and Lee, Zoe ORCID: 2019. Control, knowledge and persuasive power in advertising creativity- An ethnographic practice theory approach. Journal of Advertising 48 (2) , pp. 242-249. 10.1080/00913367.2019.1598310

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Davies, I. 2018. Towards a deeper understanding of changing meaning of heritage identity: The case of a nonprofit rebrand. Presented at: 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society, 6 June - 10 June 2018.

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Bourne, Humphrey 2017. Managing dual identities in nonprofit rebranding: An exploratory study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 46 (4) , pp. 794-816. 10.1177/0899764017703705

Lee, Z. ORCID:, Hang, H. and Beverland, M. 2017. Evolution of brand equity: knowledge co-creation between Unilever, advertising agencies and academics, 1950-2000. Presented at: Association of Business Historians Conference: The human factor in business history, 29 June - 1 July 2017. -.

Lee, Zoe ORCID: 2016. Managing authentic rebranding in UK charities: the challenge of hybrid identity. Presented at: uropean Marketing Association Conference 2016, 24 May - 27 may 2016. -.

Ghaffari, M., Beverland, M.B. and Lee, Z. ORCID: 2015. Unravelling the process of creativity in advertising: a praxiological approach. Presented at: ICORIA, 3 July - 4 July 2015. -.

McCloskey, J., Beverland, M. and Lee, Zoe ORCID: 2015. “It’s a bit of a mask, it’s not pure…it’s not what I thought”: How doppelganger brand images attack brand authenticity. Presented at: Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference 2015, 19 June - 21 June 2015. Published in: Wan, E.W and Zhang, M. eds. Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research. , vol.11 Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, pp. 173-174.

Lee, Z. ORCID: and Bourne, H. 2015. The dynamics of hybridity in corporate rebranding: the case of British charities. Presented at: 10th Global Brand Conference, Academy of Marketing, 27 April - 29 April 2015. -.

Lee, Z ORCID: and Melewar, T.C. 2014. Corporate rebranding with a purpose: an exploratory study. Presented at: 47th Academy of Marketing Conference, 7 July - 10 July 2014. -.

Lee, Z. ORCID: 2013. Rebranding in brand-oriented organisations: Exploring tensions in the nonprofit sector. Journal of Marketing Management 29 (9-10) , pp. 1124-1142. 10.1080/0267257X.2013.812978

Davies, I.A., Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Ahonkhai, I. 2012. Do consumers care about ethical-luxury? Journal of Business Ethics 106 (1) , pp. 37-51. 10.1007/s10551-011-1071-y

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Sargeant, Adrian 2011. Dealing with social desirability bias: An application to charitable giving. European Journal of Marketing 45 (5) , pp. 703-719. 10.1108/03090561111119994

Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Woodliffe, L. 2010. Donor misreporting: conceptualizing social desirability bias in giving surveys. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 21 (4) , pp. 569-587. 10.1007/s11266-010-9153-5

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