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Number of items: 90.


Alves, Tiago Marcos ORCID:, Gawthorpe, Robert L., Hunt, David W. and Monteiro, José H. 2003. Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western Iberian margin. Marine Geology 195 (1-4) , pp. 75-108. 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00683-7

Alves, Tiago Marcos ORCID:, Gawthorpe, Robert L., Hunt, David W. and Monteiro, Jose H. 2003. Post-Jurassic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Northern Lusitanian Basin (Western Iberian margin). Basin Research 15 (2) , pp. 227-249. 10.1046/j.1365-2117.2003.00202.x

Alves, Tiago Marcos ORCID:, Manuppella, Giuseppe, Gawthorpe, Robert L., Hunt, David W. and Monteiro, José H. 2003. The depositional evolution of diapir- and fault-bounded rift basins: examples from the Lusitanian Basin of West Iberia. Sedimentary Geology 162 (3-4) , pp. 273-303. 10.1016/S0037-0738(03)00155-6

Alves, Tiago ORCID:, Bouriak, S., Volkonskaya, A., Monteiro, J. and Ivanov, M. 2003. Insights on the evolution of mid-ocean basins: The Atlantis Basin of southern Azores. Presented at: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003.

Alves, Tiago ORCID:, Moita, C., Pinheiro, L. and Monteiro, J. 2003. Evolution of deep-margin extensional basins: The continental slope basins offshore West Iberia. Presented at: AAPG International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 September 2003.


Barker, Stephen ORCID:, Greaves, M. and Elderfield, Henry 2003. A study of cleaning procedures used for foraminiferal Mg/Ca paleothermometry. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 4 (9) , pp. 1-20. 10.1029/2003GC000559

Barker, Stephen ORCID:, Higgins, J. A. and Elderfield, H. 2003. The future of the carbon cycle: review, calcification response, ballast and feedback on atmospheric CO2. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 361 (1810) , pp. 1977-1999. 10.1098/rsta.2003.1238

Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID:, Wang, Yi and Chongyang, Cai 2003. A lycopsid with novel reproductive structures from the Upper Devonian of Jiangsu, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences 164 (2) , pp. 263-273. 10.1086/346170

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Sexton, Keith John, Whittaker, Andrew Gordon and Richards, Roy J. 2003. Quantitative Image Analysis of Urban Airborne Particulate Matter. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society 38 (1) , pp. 1-10.

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Moreno, Teresa and Whittaker, Andrew Gordon 2003. Characterization and toxicity of PM10 in the Gatwick airport region: a pilot study [Abstract]. Experimental Lung Research 30 (6) , pp. 531-532. 10.1080/01902140490476445

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Richards, Roy J., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Moreno, Teresa, Thomas, Stephen and Nevalainen, Aino 2003. Analysis of chemical and biological properties of indoor air particles. Morawska, Lidia and Salthammer, Tunga, eds. Indoor Environment: Airborne Particles and Settled Dust, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 105-140. (10.1002/9783527610013.ch2d)

Burgess, Peter Mark and Wright, Victor Paul 2003. Numerical forward modelling of carbonate platform dynamics: an evaluation of complexity and completeness in carbonate strata. Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (5) , pp. 637-652.

Butler, Ian, Bottcher, Michael E., David, R. and Oldroyd, Anthony 2003. Sulfur isotope partitioning during pyrite formation [Abstract]. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 225 , U913-U913.

Butler, Ian B., Archer, C, Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Vance, D and Oldroyd, Anthony 2003. Fe isotope fractionation during Fe (II) monosulfide precipitation from aqueous solutions at pH 8 and ambient temperatures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (18) , A51-A51.

Butler, Ian B., Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Grimes, S. and Oldroyd, Anthony 2003. Nucleation and growth of pyrite on pyrite seeds [Abstract]. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemcial Society 225 , U912-U913.


Carter, L., Shane, P., Alloway, B., Hall, Ian Robert ORCID:, Harris, S. E. and Westgate, J. A. 2003. Demise of one volcanic zone and birth of another - A 12 m.y. marine record of major rhyolitic eruptions from New Zealand. Geology 31 (6) , pp. 493-496. 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0493:DOOVZA>2.0.CO;2

Cartwright, Joseph Albert, Bolton, Alistair James and James, David 2003. The genesis of polygonal fault systems: a review. van Rensbergen, P., Hillis, R. R., Maltman, A. J. and Morley, C. K., eds. Subsurface Sediment Mobilization, Geological Society Special Publication, vol. 216. London: The Geological Society, pp. 223-243. (10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.216.01.15)

Channing, Alan and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2003. Experimental taphonomy: silicification of plants in Yellowstone hot-spring environments. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth sciences 94 (4) , pp. 503-521. 10.1017/S0263593300000845

Constantine, José Antonio ORCID:, Pasternack, Gregory B. and Johnson, Michael L. 2003. Floodplain evolution in a small, tectonically active basin of northern California. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28 (8) , pp. 869-888. 10.1002/esp.510

Coogan, L. A., Banks, Graham J., Gillis, K. M., MacLeod, Christopher John ORCID: and Pearce, Julian A. 2003. Hidden melting signatures recorded in the Troodos ophiolite plutonic suite: evidence for widespread generation of depleted melts and intra-crustal melt aggregation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 144 (4) , pp. 484-506. 10.1007/s00410-002-0413-2

Coxall, Helen Kathrine, Huber, Brian T. and Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID: 2003. Origin and morphology of the Eocene planktonic foraminifera Hantkenina. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 33 (3) , pp. 237-261. 10.2113/33.3.237

Cragg, Barry Andrew, Wellsbury, Peter, Murray, Richard W. and Parkes, Ronald John 2003. Bacterial Populations in Deepwater Low-Sedimentation-Rate Marine Sediments and Evidence for Subsurface Bacterial Manganese Reduction (ODP Site 1149, Izu-Bonin Trench). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results 185 , 3. 10.2973/


Della Porta, Giovanna Paola, Kenter, Jeroen A. M., Bahamonde, Juan R., Immenhauser, Adrian and Villa, Elisa 2003. Microbial boundstone dominated carbonate slope (Upper Carboniferous, N Spain): microfacies, lithofacies distribution and stratal geometry. Facies 49 , pp. 175-208.


Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2003. Embryophytic sporophytes in the Rhynie and Windyfield cherts. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 94 (4) , pp. 397-410. 10.1017/S0263593300000778

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2003. Xylem in early tracheophytes. Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (1) , pp. 57-72. 10.1046/j.1365-3040.2003.00878.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Axe, Lindsey and Duckett, J. G. 2003. Diversity in conducting cells in early land plants and comparisons with extant bryophytes. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (3) , pp. 297-347. 10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.00153.x

Escartin, J., Mevel, C., MacLeod, Christopher John ORCID: and McCaig, A. M. 2003. Constraints on deformation conditions and the origin of oceanic detachments: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge core complex at 15°45'N. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 4 (8) , pp. 1-37. 10.1029/2002GC000472


Filtness, M., Butler, I.B. and Rickard, David ORCID: 2003. The origin of life: The properties of iron sulphide membranes. Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Section B: Applied Earth Science 112 (2 AUG) , B171-B172.


Gibbons, W., Moreno, T., Higueras, P. and Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: 2003. Investigating respirable particulates (PM10) around the world’s largest mercury mine, Almadén, Spain. Presented at: Dogan Paktunc (CANMET, Ottawa). Geological and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Vancouver, Canada, 27th May 2003.


Hall, Ian Robert ORCID:, McCave, I. Nicholas, Zahn, Rainer, Carter, Lionel, Knutz, Paul C. and Weedon, Graham P. 2003. Paleocurrent reconstruction of the deep Pacific inflow during the middle Miocene: Reflections of East Antarctic Ice Sheet growth. Paleoceanography 18 (2) , 1040. 10.1029/2002PA000817

Hargrove, U. S., Hanson, R. E., Martin, M. W., Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Bowring, S. A., Walker, N. and Munyanyiwa, H. 2003. Tectonic evolution of the Zambezi orogenic belt: geochronological, structural, and petrological constraints from northern Zimbabwe. Precambrian Research 123 (2-4) , pp. 159-186.

Harris, Charles, Davies, Michael C. R. and Rea, Brice R. 2003. Gelifluction: viscous flow or plastic creep? Earth surface processes and landforms 28 (12) , pp. 1289-1301. 10.1002/esp.543

Harris, Charles, Mühllb, Daniel Vonder, Isaksen, Ketil, Haeberli, Wilfried, Sollid, Johan Ludvig, King, Lorenz, Holmlund, Per, Dramis, Francesco, Guglielmin, Mauro and Palacios, David 2003. Warming permafrost in European mountains. Global and Planetary Change 39 (3-4) , pp. 215-225. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2003.04.001

Haschke, Michael and Günther, A. 2003. Balancing crustal thickening in arcs by tectonic vs. magmatic means. Geology 31 (11) , pp. 933-936. 10.1130/G19945.1

Heywood, C. A. and Rickard, David ORCID: 2003. Micro-organisms and the formation of iron sulphides. Applied Earth Science (Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy B) 112 (2 AUG) , B175.


Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Morgan, A. and Richards, Roy J. 2003. Primary blasting in a limestone quarry: physicochemical characterization of the dust clouds. Mineralogical Magazine 67 (2) , pp. 153-162. 10.1180/0026461036720092


Kenyon, N. H., Monteiro, J. H., Alves, Tiago Marcos ORCID:, Pinheiro, L., Akhmetzhanov, A. M. and Shashkin, P. 2003. Reassessment of sedimentary evidence for deep contour currents west of Iberia. Mienert, Jurgen and Weaver, P. P. E., eds. European Margin Sediment Dynamics: Side-scan Sonar and Seismic Images, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 267-270. (10.1007/978-3-642-55846-7_43)

Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID: 2003. Oceanic plateaus. Rudnick, R., ed. The Crust, Treatise on Geochemistry, vol. 3. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 537-565. (10.1016/B0-08-043751-6/03033-4)

Knorr, Gregor and Lohmann, Gerrit 2003. Southern Ocean origin for the resumption of Atlantic thermohaline circulation during deglaciation. Nature 424 (6948) , pp. 532-536. 10.1038/nature01855


Leake, B. E., Woolley, Alan R., Birch, William D., Burke, Ernst A.J., Ferraris, Giovanni, Grice, Joel D., Hawthorne, Frank C., Kisch, Hanan J., Krivovichev, Vladimir G., Schumacher, John C., Stephenson, Nicholas C.N. and Whittaker, Eric J.W. 2003. Nomenclature of Amphiboles: additions and revisions to the International Mineralogical Association's 1997 recommendations. Canadian Mineralogist 41 (6) , pp. 1355-1362. 10.2113/gscanmin.41.6.1355

Leake, Bernard Elgey 2003. Professor John Graham Comrie Anderson, 1910-2002. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 114 (3) , pp. 275-278. 10.1016/S0016-7878(03)80021-4

Leake, Bernard Elgey, Woolley, A. R., Birch, W. D., Burke, E. A.J., Ferraris, G., Grice, J. D., Hawthorne, F. C., Kisch, H. J., Krivovichev, V. G., Schumacher, J. C., Stephenson, N. C.N. and Whittaker, E. J.W. 2003. Nomenclature of Amphioboles: additions and revisions to the International Mineralogical Association's 1997 recommendations. Canadian Mineralogist 41 (6) , pp. 1355-1362. 10.2113/gscanmin.41.6.1355

Leake, Bernard 2003. Geology of Galway Bay Sheet 14 1:100,000 coloured geological map of Ireland. Dublin: Geological Survey of Ireland.

Lear, Caroline Helen ORCID:, Elderfield, Henry and Wilson, P. A. 2003. A Cenozoic seawater Sr/Ca record from benthic foraminiferal calcite and its application in determining global weathering fluxes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 208 (1-2) , pp. 69-84. 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)01156-1

Lear, Caroline Helen ORCID:, Rosenthal, Yair and Wright, James D. 2003. The closing of a seaway: ocean water masses and global climate change. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210 (3-4) , pp. 425-436. 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00164-X

Lisle, Richard John 2003. Dupin's indicatrix: a tool for quantifying periclinal folds on maps. Geological Magazine 140 (6) , pp. 721-726. 10.1017/S0016756803008306

Luther, G.W., Taillefert, M., Rozan, T.F. and Rickard, David ORCID: 2003. Geochemical implications of the polysulfide vs sulfide pyrite formation reactions based on real time measurements of soluble reactants. Presented at: 225th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, USA, 23-27 March 2003. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. , vol.225 American Chemical Society, U912.


Mahmood, K., Prichard, Hazel Margaret, MacLeod, Christopher John ORCID:, Baloch, M. K., Fisher, Peter Charles and Gnos, E. 2003. Platinum-group element assemblages in chromitites from the Muslim Bagh ophiolite, Balochistan, Pakistan. Platinum-group element assemblages in chromitites from the Muslim Bagh ophiolite, Balochistan, Pakistan. Acta Mineralogica Pakistanica 13 , pp. 9-20.

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: 2003. The potential for magmatic Ni sulfide ores in South African komatiites: a review. South African Journal of Geology 106 (1) , pp. 35-40. 10.2113/1060035

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: and Barnes, S.-J. 2003. Platinum-group elements in the Boulder Bed, western Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Mineralium Deposita 38 (3) , pp. 370-380. 10.1007/s00126-002-0311-6

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Barnes, S.-J., Gartz, V. and Andrews, G. 2003. Pt-Pd reefs in magnetitites of the Stella layered intrusion, South Africa: A world of new exploration opportunities for platinum group elements. Geology 31 (10) , pp. 885-888. 10.1130/G19746.1

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Barnes, S.-J. and Marsh, J. S. 2003. The concentrations of the noble metals in Southern African flood-type basalts and MORB: implications for petrogenesis and magmatic sulphide exploration. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 146 (1) , pp. 44-61. 10.1007/s00410-003-0480-z

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Peltonen, P., Grantham, G. and Manttari, I. 2003. A new 1.9 Ga age for the Trompsburg intrusion, South Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 212 (3-4) , pp. 351-360. 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00281-4

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Roelofse, F. and Barnes, S.-J. 2003. The concentration of the platinum-group elements in south African komatiites: Implications for mantle sources, melting regime and PGE Fractionation during crystallization. Journal of Petrology 44 (10) , pp. 1787-1804. 10.1093/petrology/egg059

Marshall, John E. A. and Hemsley, Alan Richard 2003. A Mid Devonian seed-megaspore from East Greenland and the origin of the seed plants. Palaeontology 46 (4) , pp. 647-670. 10.1111/1475-4983.00314

Martin, D., Briggs, D. E. G. and Parkes, Ronald John 2003. Experimental mineralization of invertebrate eggs and the preservation of Neoproterozoic embryos. Geology 31 (1) , pp. 39-42.

Maslin, M. M., Pike, Jennifer ORCID:, Stickley, Catherine Emma and Ettwein, V. 2003. Evidence of Holocene climate variability in marine sediments. Mackay, A., Battarbee, R. W., Birks, J. and Oldfield, F., eds. Global Change in the Holocene, London: Arnold, pp. 185-209.

Mitra, A. ORCID:, Davidson, K. and Flynn, K. J. 2003. The influence of changes in predation rates on marine microbial predator/prey interactions: A modelling study. Acta Oecologica 24 (Supple) , S359-S367. 10.1016/S1146-609X(03)00023-7

Moreno, T., Richards, R., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Gibbons, W. 2003. Metalliferous airborne particulate matter in urban and industrial sites. Presented at: Dogan Paktunc (CANMET, Ottawa). Geological and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Vancouver, Canada,, 27th May 2003.

Moreno, Teresa, Gibbons, Wes, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2003. The geology of ambient aerosols: characterising urban and rural/coastal silicate PM10−2.5 and PM2.5 using high-volume cascade collection and scanning electron microscopy. Atmospheric Environment 37 (30) , pp. 4265-4276. 10.1016/S1352-2310(03)00534-X


Niu, Yaoling, O'Hara, Michael J. and Pearce, Julian A. 2003. Initiation of subduction zones as a consequence of lateral compositional buoyancy contrast within the lithosphere: a petrological perspective. Journal of Petrology 44 (5) , pp. 851-866. 10.1093/petrology/44.5.851

Nugus, M. J., Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Dominy, S. C. and Robson, S. 2003. Enigmatic kinematics resolved in the Taurus Shear Zone, Golden Pig gold mine, Southern Cross, Western Australia - Resource implications. Presented at: 5th International Mining Geology Conference, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, 17-19 November 2003. Published in: Dominy, Simon ed. Proceedings of the 5th International Mining Geology Conference. 5th International Mining Geology Conference. Publications of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (8) Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 171-179.


Orife, Tobore and Lisle, Richard John 2003. Numerical processing of palaeostress results. Journal of Structural Geology 25 (6) , pp. 949-957. 10.1016/S0191-8141(02)00120-7


Palmer, M. R. and Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID: 2003. A 23,000-year record of surface water pH and pCO2 in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. Science 300 (5618) , pp. 480-482. 10.1126/science.1080796

Parsons, B., Salter, L., Coe, Timothy Daniel, Mathias, R., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2003. Airborne Particulate Matter (PM10) in the China Clay Area, Cornwall, UK. Mineralogical Magazine 67 (2) , pp. 163-171. 10.1180/0026461036720093

Pearce, Julian A. 2003. Supra-subduction zone ophiolites: The search for modern analogues. Special Papers- Geological Society of America 373 , pp. 269-293.

Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID: 2003. In retrospect [Commentary]. Nature 425 (6959) , p. 665. 10.1038/425665a


Reynolds, Laura, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Berube, Kelly ORCID:, Wise, Helen Amy and Richards, Roy J. 2003. Toxicity of Airborne Dust Generated by Opencast Coal Mining. Mineralogical Magazine 67 (2) , pp. 141-152. 10.1180/0026461036720091

Rickard, D. ORCID: and Luther, G. 2003. Aqueous metal sulfide clusters in marine sediments: Implications for transport, mineral formation and ecology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (18) , A398.

Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Grimes, S., Butler, Ian, Oldroyd, Anthony and Davies, K. L. 2003. Botanical constraints on pyrite formation [Abstract]. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 225 , U913-U913.

Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Wolthers, M., Van der Gaast, S. J., Butler, I., Luther, G, Griffiths, A. and Oldroyd, Anthony 2003. Clusters and iron(II) monosulfide [Abstract]. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 225 , U912-U912. 10.1021/cr0503658

Romero, Ximena, Valdés, Fabio, Vélez, María Amelia, Tapia, Germán and Contreras Mojica, Diana 2003. Guía de preparativos de respuesta a emergencias por terremoto. (Translated title: Preparedness Guidelines for Earthquake Emergency Response). Bogota D.C., Colombia: EPM Bogotá D.C. Telecomunicaciones.


Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Babenzien, Christina and Babenzien, Hans-Dietrich 2003. Sulfate reduction in the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin. Advances in Limnology 58 , pp. 37-52.

Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Engelen, Bert and Cypionka, Heribert 2003. Die tiefe Biosphäre – Mikrobiologie der Erdkruste. Biospektrum (5) , pp. 589-591.

Shao, Longyi, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Gayer, Rod, Dai, Shifeng, Li, Shengsheng, Jiang, Yaofa and Zhang, Pengfei 2003. Petrology and geochemistry of the high-sulphur coals from the Upper Permian carbonate coal measures in the Heshan Coalfield, southern China. International Journal of Coal Geology 1040 , pp. 1-26. 10.1016/S0166-5162(03)00031-4

Shi, Zongbo, Shao, Longyi, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Whittaker, Andrew Gordon, Lu, Senlin, Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, He, Taoe and Richards, Roy J. 2003. Characterization of airborne individual particles collected in an urban area, a satellite city and a clean air area in Beijing, 2001. Atmospheric Environment 37 (29) , pp. 4047-4108. 10.1016/S1352-2310(03)00531-4

Smith, H.D. ORCID: 2003. The development and management of the world ocean. Ocean & Coastal Management 24 (1) , pp. 3-16. 10.1016/0964-5691(94)90049-3

Smith, H.D. ORCID: 2003. The north sea: sea use management and planning. Ocean and Shoreline Management 16 (3-4) , pp. 383-395. 10.1016/0951-8312(91)90015-T

Smith, H.D. ORCID: 2003. The North Sea: sea use management and planning. Ocean and Shoreline Management 16 (3-4) , pp. 383-395. 10.1016/0951-8312(91)90015-T

Smith, H.D. ORCID: 2003. The regional bases of sea use management. Ocean and Shoreline Management 15 (4) , pp. 273-282. 10.1016/0951-8312(91)90020-3

Smith, Hance D. ORCID: 2003. Emerging issues in oceans, coasts and islands. Marine Policy 27 (4) , pp. 289-290. 10.1016/S0308-597X(03)00048-4

Smith, Hance ORCID: and Couper, Alistair 2003. The management of the underwater cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage 4 (1) , pp. 25-33. 10.1016/S1296-2074(03)00005-0


Uhfuji, H., Butler, I. and Rickard, D. ORCID: 2003. Experimental study of synthetic pyrite framboids and other morphologies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (18 SUP) , A351-A400.


van Geen, A., Zheng, Y., Bernard, J. M., Cannariato, K. G., Carriquiry, J., Dean, W. E., Eakins, B. W., Ortiz, J. D. and Pike, Jennifer ORCID: 2003. On the preservation of laminated sediments along the western margin of North America. Paleoceanography 18 (4) , 1098. 10.1029/2003PA000911


Wang, Yi and Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: 2003. A novel lycopsid from the upper Devonian of Jiangsu, China. Palaeontology 46 (6) , pp. 1297-1311. 10.1046/j.0031-0239.2003.00342.x

Wang, Yi and Berry, Christopher Mark ORCID: 2003. A reconsideration of Dimeripteris cornuta SCHWEITZER and CAI, a diminutive fossil plant from the Middle Devonian of Yunnan, China. Geobios 36 (4) , pp. 437-446. 10.1016/S0016-6995(03)00040-8

Whittaker, Andrew Gordon, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Shao, L., Shi, Z., Berube, Kelly ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2003. Mineral dust in urban air: Beijing, China. Mineralogical Magazine 67 (2) , pp. 173-182. 10.1180/0026461036720111

Wickman, Frans E. and Rickard, David ORCID: 2003. Chemistry and geochemistry of solutions at high temperatures and pressures: An introduction to the symposium. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 13-14 , pp. 1-8. 10.1016/0079-1946(81)90003-3

Wolthers, M., Van der Gaast, S.J. and Rickard, David ORCID: 2003. The structure of disordered mackinawite. American Mineralogist 88 (11-12) , pp. 2007-2015. 10.2138/am-2003-11-1245

Wright, Victor Paul, Cherns, Lesley ORCID: and Hodges, Peter 2003. Missing molluscs: Field testing taphonomic loss in the Mesozoic through early large-scale aragonite dissolution. Geology 31 (3) , pp. 211-214. 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0211:MMFTTL>2.0.CO;2

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