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Number of items: 119.


Adams, John Anthony 2004. Benthic calcareous algae as Jurassic marine temperature indicators in Western Europe. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Alves, Tiago Marcos ORCID:, Cunha, T., Bouriak, S., Volkonskaya, A., Monteiro, J. H. and Ivanov, M. 2004. Surveying the flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: the Atlantis Basin, North Atlantic Ocean (36°N). Marine Geology 209 (1-4) , pp. 199-222. 10.1016/j.margeo.2004.06.002

Arlegui, L. E., Simon, J. L., Lisle, Richard John and Orife, Tobore 2004. El campo de esfuerzos extensional plioceno-cuaternario en el entorno de la falla de Concud (fosa del Jiloca, Teruel). Geotemas 6 (3) , pp. 131-134.


Baars, Christian. 2004. Early land plants as mediators of geochemical fluxes. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Ball, Iwan and Smith, Hance ORCID: 2004. Legislative reform for the Welsh marine environment: a report to WWF Cymru. [Project Report]. WWF-UK.

Ballinger, Rhoda Catherine ORCID: 2004. Managing marine waste disposal. Smith, H. D., ed. The Oceans: Key Issues in Marine Affairs, GeoJournal Library, vol. 78. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 175-197.

Ballinger, Rhoda Catherine ORCID: 2004. A sea change at the coast: the contemporary context and future prospects of integrated coastal management in the UK. Potts, J. S. and Smith, H. D., eds. Managing Britain's Marine and Coastal Environment, Routledge Advances in Maritime Research, London: Routledge, pp. 186-216.

Banks, Graham John 2004. Accretion of the lower oceanic crust in the Troodos ophiolite: textural and geochemical constraints from drill core Cy-4, Cyprus. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Barker, Stephen ORCID:, Kiefer, T. and Elderfield, H. 2004. Temporal changes in North Atlantic circulation constrained by planktonic foraminiferal shell weights. Paleoceanography 19 (3) , PA3008. 10.1029/2004PA001004

Barnes, John Wykeham and Lisle, Richard John 2004. Basic geological mapping. 4th edition. Geological Field Guide Series, Chichester: Wiley.

Barnes, S.-J., Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: and Ashwal, L. D. 2004. Platinum-group element distribution in the main zone and upper zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Chemical Geology 208 (1-4) , pp. 293-317. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.04.018

Beavington-Penney, Simon James 2004. Analysis of the Effects of Abrasion on the Test of Palaeonummulites venosus: Implications for the Origin of Nummulithoclastic Sediments. Palaios 19 (2) , pp. 143-155. 10.1669/0883-1351(2004)019<0143:AOTEOA>2.0.CO;2

Beavington-Penney, Simon James and Racey, A. 2004. Ecology of extant nummulitids and other larger benthic foraminifera: applications in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Earth-Science Reviews 67 (3-4) , pp. 219-265. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2004.02.005

Beavington-Penney, Simon James, Wright, V. Paul and Woelkerling, Wm J. 2004. Recognising macrophyte-vegetated environments in the rock record: a new criterion using 'hooked' forms of crustose coralline red algae. Sedimentary Geology 166 (1-2) , pp. 1-9. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2003.11.022

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Gardner, Bernard M., Pettit, Stephen John ORCID:, Naniopoulos, A. and Wooldridge, Christopher Frederick 2004. The UNCTAD and WORKPORT models of port development: Evolution or revolution? Maritime Policy & Management 31 (2) , pp. 93-107. 10.1080/0308883042000205061

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Sexton, Keith John, Jones, Timothy ORCID:, Moreno, Teresa, Anderson, S. and Richards, Roy J. 2004. The spatial and temporal variations in PM10 mass from six UK homes. Science of the Total Environment 324 (1-3) , pp. 41-53. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2003.11.003

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Housley, David Gareth and Richards, Roy J. 2004. The respiratory toxicity of airborne volcanic ash from the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat. Mineralogical Magazine 68 (1) , pp. 47-60. 10.1180/0026461046810170

Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID: 2004. Comment on "Folding in high-grade rocks due to back-rotation between shear zones" by Lyal B. Harris. Journal of Structural Geology 26 (3) , pp. 601-602.

Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID: 2004. Orebody geometry in lode gold deposits from Zimbabwe: implications for fluid flow, deformation and mineralization. Journal of Structural Geology 26 (6-7) , pp. 1293-1301.

Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Kroner, A. and Chiwara, V. 2004. Single stage, late Archaean exhumation of granulites in the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe, and relevance to gold mineralization at Renco mine. South African Journal of Geology 107 (3) , pp. 377-396. 10.2113/107.3.377

Broecker, Wallace, Barker, Stephen ORCID:, Clark, Elizabeth, Hajdas, Irka, Bonani, Georges and Stott, Lowell 2004. Ventilation of the Glacial deep Pacific Ocean. Science 306 (5699) , pp. 1169-1172. 10.1126/science.1102293

Burke, E. A. J. and Leake, Bernard Elgey 2004. "Named amphiboles": A new category of amphiboles recognised by the international mineralogical association (IMA), and the proper order of prefixes to be used in amphibole names. Canadian Mineralogist 42 (6) , pp. 1881-1884. 10.2113/gscanmin.42.6.1881

Butler, I.B., Archer, C., Erlich, S., Vance, D., Matthews, A. and Rickard, D. ORCID: 2004. Transition metal isotope fractionation on sulfide mineral precipitation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11) , A219.

Butler, Ian B., Bottcher, Michael E., Rickard, David Terence ORCID: and Oldroyd, Anthony 2004. Sulfur isotope partitioning during experimental formation of pynite via the polysulfide and hydrogen sulfide pathways: implications for the interpretation of sedimentary and hydrothermal pyrite isotope records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (3-4) , pp. 495-509. 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.10.005


Cao, Y. Q, Yang, Yuesuo, Hu, K. R. and Kalin, R. M. 2004. Ecological and geochemical modelling of hydrogeological system with particular connection to human health. Ecological Modelling 174 (4) , pp. 375-385. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2003.09.031

Castroviejo, R., Moreno, T., Prichard, Hazel Margaret and Fallick, A. E. 2004. Metalogenia de las ofiolitas de Galicia y unidadies asociadas (nw del Macizo Iberico, España). Pereira, Eurico, Castroviejo, Ricardo and Ortiz, Franklin, eds. Complejos ofiolíticos en Iberoamérica: guías de prospección para metales preciosos, Madrid: Projecto XIII.1, CYTED, pp. 231-266.

Channing, Alan, Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Sturtevant, S. 2004. A geothermally influenced wetland containing unconsolidated geochemical sediments. Canadian journal of earth sciences 41 (7) , pp. 809-827. 10.1139/e04-034

Cherns, Lesley ORCID: 2004. Early Palaeozoic diversification of chitons (Polyplacophora, Mollusca) based on new data from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Lethaia 37 (4) , pp. 445-456. 10.1080/00241160410002180

Contreras Mojica, Diana 2004. Planificación urbana: herramienta para la prevención y atención de desastres. (Translated title: Urban planning: tool for disaster prevention and attention). Presented at: Jornadas iberoamericanas sobre hábitat, vulnerabilidad y desastres., Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

Coogan, Laurence A., Thompson, G. M., MacLeod, Christopher John ORCID:, Dick, H. J. B., Edwards, S. J., Scheirer, A. Horsford and Barry, Tiffany Louise 2004. A combined basalt and peridotite perspective on 14 million years of melt generation at the Atlantis Bank segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge: evidence for temporal changes in mantle dynamics? Chemical Geology 207 (1-2) , pp. 13-30. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.01.016


D'Hondt, Steven, Jørgensen, Bo Barker, Miller, D. Jay, Batzke, Anja, Blake, Ruth, Cragg, Barry Andrew, Cypionka, Heribert, Dickens, Gerald R., Ferdelman, Timothy, Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe, Holm, NIls G., Mitterer, Richard, Spivack, Arthur, Wang, Guizhi, Bekins, Barbara, Engelen, Bert, Ford, Kathyrn, Gettemy, Glen, Rutherford, Scott D., Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Skilbeck, C. Gregory, Aiello, Ivano W., Guèrin, Gilles, House, Chistopher H., Inagaki, Fumio, Meister, Patrick, Naehr, Thomas, Niitsuma, Sachiko, Parkes, Ronald John, Schippers, Axel, Smith, David C., Teske, Andreas, Wiegel, Juergen, Padilla, Christian Naranjo and Acosta, Juana Luz Solis 2004. Distributions of Microbial Activities in Deep Subseafloor Sediments. Science 306 (5705) , pp. 2216-2221. 10.1126/science.1101155

Darbra, R. M., Ronza, A., Casal, J., Stojanovic, Timothy Andrew and Wooldridge, Christopher Frederick 2004. The self diagnosis method. A new methodology to assess environmental management in sea ports. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 (5-6) , pp. 420-428. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2003.10.023

De Mol, Ben, Huvenne, Veerle, Bünz, Stefan, Alves, Tiago Marcos ORCID:, Canals, Miquel and Gunn, Vikki 2004. EUROpean Deep Ocean Margins (EuroDOM): a new training-through-research frontier. Oceanography 17 (4) , pp. 156-165. 10.5670/oceanog.2004.12

Della Porta, Giovanna Paola, Kenter, Jeroen A. M. and Bahamonde, Juan R. 2004. Depositional facies and stratal geometry of an Upper Carboniferous prograding and aggrading high-relief carbonate platform (Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain). Sedimentology 51 (2) , pp. 267-295. 10.1046/j.1365-3091.2003.00621.x


Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2004. Anatomical evidence in the detection of the earliest wildfires. Palaios 19 (2) , pp. 113-128. 10.1669/0883-1351(2004)019<0113:AEITDO>2.0.CO;2

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Banks, H. P., Ciurca, S. J. Jr. and Laub, R. S. 2004. New Silurian cooksonias from dolostones of north-eastern North America. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146 (4) , pp. 399-413. 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00332.x

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, John B. 2004. Silurian and Lower Devonian plant assemblages from the Anglo-Welsh Basin: a palaeobotanical and palynological synthesis. Geological Journal 39 (34) , pp. 375-402. 10.1002/gj.997

Ehrlich, S., Butler, I., Halicz, L., Rickard, David Terence ORCID:, Oldroyd, Anthony and Matthews, Alan 2004. Experimental study of the copper isotope fractionation between aqueous Cu(II) and covellite, CuS. Chemical Geology 209 (3-4) , pp. 259-269. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.06.010

Ekstrom, Marie ORCID:, McTainsh, Grant H. and Chappell, Adrian 2004. Australian dust storms: temporal trends and relationships with synoptic pressure distributions (1960-99). International Journal of Climatology 24 (12) , pp. 1581-1599. 10.1002/joc.1072


George, Andrew Glyn 2004. Geoelectric monitoring of sub-surface characteristics at Nant Y Gwyddon landfill site, Rhondda. [Technical Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Glasspool, Ian J., Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Axe, Lindsey 2004. Charcoal in the Silurian as evidence for the earliest wildfire. Geology 32 (5) , pp. 381-383. 10.1130/G20363.1

Griffiths, Peter Charles, Wellappili, Champa, Hemsley, Alan Richard and Stephens, Rosy 2004. Ultra-porous hollow particles. Colloid & polymer science 282 (10) , pp. 1155-1159. 10.1007/s00396-003-1041-8


Hall, Ian Robert ORCID:, Bianchi, Giancarlo Giorgio and Evans, John R. 2004. Centennial to millennial scale Holocene climate-deep water linkage in the North Atlantic. Quaternary science reviews 23 (14-15) , pp. 1529-1536. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.04.004

Hansen, Dorthe Moller 2004. 3D seismic characterisation of igneous sill complexes in sedimentary basins: North-East Atlantic Margin. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Hanson, R. E., Crowley, J. L., Bowring, S. A., Ramezani, J., Gose, W. A., Dalziel, I. W. D., Pancake, J. A., Seidel, E. K., Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID: and Mukwakwami, J. 2004. Coeval large-scale magmatism in the Kalahari and Laurentian cratons during Rodinia assembly. Science 304 (5674) , pp. 1126-1129. 10.1126/science.1096329

Hjelstuen, Berit Oline, Sejrup, Hans Petter, Haflidason, Haflidi, Nygard, Atle, Berstad, Ida M. and Knorr, Gregor 2004. Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and geological development of the south Vøring margin, Norwegian Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (16-17) , pp. 1847-1865. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.03.005

Horsfield, B., Sykes, R., Parkes, Ronald John, Mangelsdorf, K., Kallmeyer, J., Dieckmann, V. and Edbrook, S. 2004. Deep biosphere in terrestrial systems (DEBITS): The New Zealand coal band [Abstract]. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11(S1)) , A407. 10.1016/j.gca.2004.05.009


Ilbeyli, N., Pearce, Julian A., Thirlwall, M. F. and Mitchell, J. G. 2004. Petrogenesis of collision-related plutonics in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Lithos 72 (3-4) , pp. 163-182. 10.1016/j.lithos.2003.10.001


Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Berube, Kelly ORCID:, Whittaker, Andrew Gordon, Maynard, R. and Richards, Roy J. 2004. Killer smog of London, 50 years on: particle properties and oxidative capacity. Science of the Total Environment 334-35 , pp. 435-445. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.04.047


Kerr, Andrew Craig ORCID:, Tarney, John, Kempton, Pamela D., Pringle, Malcolm S. and Nivia, Alvaro 2004. Mafic pegmatites intruding oceanic plateau Gabbros and ultramafic cumulates from Bolívar, Colombia: Evidence for a ‘wet’ mantle plume? Journal of Petrology 45 (9) , pp. 1877-1906. 10.1093/petrology/egh037

Kosir, Adrijan 2004. Microcodium revisited: root calcification products of terrestrial plants on carbonate-rich substrates. Journal of Sedimentary Research 74 (6) , 845–857. 10.1306/040404740845


Leake, Bernard Elgey 2004. Thomas Neville George (1904-1980). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/31140)

Leake, Bernard Elgey 2004. Walter Frederick Whittard (1902-1966). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/36881)

Leake, Bernard Elgey, Woolley, A. R., Birch, W. D., Burke, E. A. J., Ferraris, G., Grice, J. D., Hawthorne, F. C., Kisch, H. J., Krivovichev, V. G., Schumacher, J. C., Stephenson, N. C. N. and Whittaker, E. J. W. 2004. Nomenclature of amphiboles: additions and revisions to the International Mineralogical Association's amphibole nomenclature. Mineralogical Magazine 68 (1) , pp. 209-215. 10.1180/0026461046810182

Lear, Caroline Helen ORCID:, Rosenthal, Y., Coxall, Helen Kathrine and Wilson, P. A. 2004. Late Eocene to early Miocene ice sheet dynamics and the global carbon cycle. Paleoceanography 19 (4) , pp. 1-11. 10.1029/2004PA001039

Leat, P. T., Pearce, Julian A., Barker, P. F., Millar, I. L., Barry, Tiffany Louise and Larter, R. D. 2004. Magma genesis and mantle flow at a subducting slab edge: the South Sandwich arc-basin system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 227 (1-2) , pp. 17-35. 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.08.016

Leighton, E. M., Elliott, T., Hawkesworth, C. J., Parkes, Ronald John and Coath, C. 2004. Iron isotope fractionation by chemotrophic iron-oxidisers. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11) , A398-A398.

Li, C. S., Xu, Z. H., de Waal, S. A., Ripley, E. M. and Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: 2004. Compositional variations of olivine from the Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, western China: implications for ore genesis. Mineralium Deposita 39 (2) , pp. 159-172. 10.1007/s00126-003-0389-5

Li, C., Ripley, E. M., Merino, E. and Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: 2004. Replacement of base metal sulfides by actinolite, epidote, calcite, and magnetite in the UG2 and merensky reef of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists 99 (1) , pp. 173-184. 10.2113/gsecongeo.99.1.0173

Liesa, C. and Lisle, Richard John 2004. Reliability of methods to separate stress tensors from heterogeneous fault-slip data. Journal of Structural Geology 26 (3) , pp. 559-572. 10.1016/j.jsg.2003.08.010

Lisle, Richard John and Leyshon, Peter R. 2004. Stereographic projection techniques for geologists and civil engineers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lisle, Richard John and Srivastava, Deepak C. 2004. Test of the frictional reactivation theory for faults and validity of fault-slip analysis. Geology 32 (7) , pp. 569-572. 10.1130/G20408.1

Lisle, Richard John 2004. Calculation of the daylight envelope for plane failure of rock slopes. Geotechnique -London- 54 (4) , pp. 279-280. 10.1680/geot.2004.54.4.279

Lissenberg, Cornelis Johan ORCID:, Bédard, J. H. and van Staal, C. R. 2004. The structure and geochemistry of the gabbro zone of the Annieopsquotch ophiolite, Newfoundland: implications for lower crustal accretion at spreading ridges. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 229 (1-2) , pp. 105-123. 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.10.029

Liu, Wan, Yang, Yuesuo, Li, P., Zhou, Q. and Sun, T. 2004. Root growth inhibition and induction of DNA damage in soybean (Glycine max) by chlorobenzenes in contaminated soil. Chemosphere 57 (2) , pp. 101-106. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2004.04.045

Lord, Richard A., Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Sa, J. Haroldo S. and Neary, C. R. 2004. Chromite geochemistry and PGE fractionation in the Campo Formoso Complex and Ipueira-Medrado Sill, Bahia State, Brazil. Economic Geology 99 (2) , pp. 339-363. 10.2113/gsecongeo.99.2.339

Luther, G.W. and Rickard, D. ORCID: 2004. Metal sulfide cluster complexes and their environmental significance. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11) , A217.


Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: and Barnes, J. 2004. Pt/Pd and Pd/Ir ratios in mantle-derived magmas: A possible role for mantle metasomatism. South African Journal of Geology 107 (3) , pp. 333-340. 10.2113/107.3.333

Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID:, Gomwe, T., Barnes, S.-J., Li, C. and Theart, H. 2004. Platinum group elements in the Uitkomst Complex, South Africa. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists 99 (3) , pp. 499-516. 10.2113/gsecongeo.99.3.0499

Manyeruke, T. D., Blenkinsop, Thomas G. ORCID:, Buchholz, P., Love, D., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. K. and Davis, D. W. 2004. The age and petrology of the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion, NW Zimbabwe: first evidence for early Paleoproterozoic magmatism in Zimbabwe. Journal of African Earth Sciences 40 (5) , pp. 281-292.

Mogessie, A., Ettinger, K. and Leake, B. E. 2004. AMP-IMA04: a revised Hypercard program to determine the name of an amphibole from electron microprobe and wet chemical analyses according to the 2004 International Mineralogical Association scheme. Mineralogical Magazine 68 (5) , pp. 825-830. 10.1180/0026461046850223

Moreno, Teresa, Gibbons, Wes, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2004. Geochemical and size variations in inhalable UK airborne particles: the limitations of mass measurements. Journal of the Geological Society 161 (6) , pp. 899-902. 10.1144/0016-764904-034

Moreno, Teresa, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2004. Characterisation of aerosol particulate matter from urban and industrial environments: examples from Cardiff and Port Talbot, South Wales, UK. Science of the Total Environment 334-35 , pp. 337-346. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.04.074

Moreno, Teresa, Merolla, Luciano Luigi, Gibbons, Wes, Greenwell, L., Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2004. Variations in the source, metal content and bioreactivity of technogenic aerosols: a case study from Port Talbot, Wales, UK. Science of the Total Environment 333 (1-3) , pp. 59-73. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.04.019

Morse, JW and Rickard, D ORCID: 2004. Chemical dynamics of sedimentary acid volatile sulfide. Environmental Science &amp; Technology 38 (7) , 131A-136A. 10.1021/es040447y


Nederbragt, Alexandra J., Thurow, J. W., Vonhof, H. and Brumsack, H.-J. 2004. Modelling oceanic carbon and phosphorus fluxes: implications for the cause of the late Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2). Journal of the Geological Society 161 (4) , pp. 721-728. 10.1144/0016-764903-075

Newberry, Carole J., Webster, Gordon ORCID:, Cragg, Barry Andrew, Parkes, Ronald John, Weightman, Andrew John ORCID: and Fry, John Christopher 2004. Diversity of prokaryotes and methanogenesis in deep subsurface sediments from the Nankai Trough, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190. Environmental Microbiology 6 (3) , pp. 274-287. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00568.x

Nicol, Graeme W., Webster, Gordon ORCID:, Glover, L. Anne and Prosser, James I. 2004. Differential response of archaeal and bacterial communities to nitrogen inputs and pH changes in upland pasture rhizosphere soil. Environmental Microbiology 6 (8) , pp. 861-867. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00627.x


Oldham, David N. 2004. On the possibility of layered mantle convection numerical simulations in a spherical geometry. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Oldham, David N. and Davies, John Huw ORCID: 2004. Numerical investigation of layered convection in a three-dimensional shell with application to planetary mantles. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 5 (12) , pp. 1-25. 10.1029/2003GC000603

Ortega, L., Lunar, R., García-Palomero, F., Moreno, T., Martín-Estévez, J. R., Prichard, Hazel Margaret and Fisher, Peter Charles 2004. The Aguablanca Ni-Cu-PGE deposit south western Iberia: magmatic ore-forming processes and retrograde evolution. The Canadian Mineralogist 42 (2) , pp. 325-350. 10.2113/gscanmin.42.2.325

Ortiz, F., Gaviria, A. C., Parra, N. L., Arango, J. C., Ramirez, G., Pereira, E. and Prichard, Hazel Margaret 2004. Guías geológicas para localización de metales preciosos en las ofiolitas del occidente de Colombia. Pereira, Eurico, Castroviejo, Ricardo and Ortiz, Franklin, eds. Complejos ofiolíticos en Iberoamérica: guías de prospección para metales preciosos, Madrid: Projecto XIII.1, CYTED, pp. 169-199.


Parkes, Ronald John and Wellsbury, P. 2004. Deep biospheres. Bull, Alan T., ed. Microbial Diversity and Bioprospecting, Washington, D. C.: ASM Press, pp. 120-129.

Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID:, Nicholas, Christopher J., Singano, Joyce M., Bown, Paul R., Coxall, Helen Kathrine, van Dongen, Bart E., Huber, Brian T., Karega, Amina, Lees, Jackie A., Msaky, Emma, Pancost, Richard D., Pancost, Richard D., Pearson, Marion and Roberts, Andrew P. 2004. Paleogene and Cretaceous sediment cores from the Kilwa and Lindi areas of coastal Tanzania: Tanzania Drilling Project Sites 1-5. Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (1-2) , pp. 25-62. 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2004.05.001

Perkins, Rupert Gordon ORCID:, Sun, Hongyue, Watson, John, Player, Mile A., Gust, Giselher and Paterson, David M. 2004. In-line laser holography and video analysis of eroded floc from engineered and estuarine sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 38 (17) , pp. 4640-4648. 10.1021/es040011i

Prichard, Hazel Margaret 2004. Elementos del groupo del platino (EGP) en complejos ofiolíticos. Pereira, Eurico, Castroviejo, Ricardo and Ortiz, Franklin, eds. Complejos ofiolíticos en Iberoamérica: guías de prospección para metales preciosos, Madrid: Projecto XIII.1, CYTED, pp. 71-96.

Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Hutchinson, D. and Fisher, Peter Charles 2004. Petrology and crystallization history of multiphase sulphide droplets in a mafic dyke from Uruguay: Implications for the origin of Cu-Ni-PGE sulphide deposits. Economic Geology 99 (2) , pp. 365-376. 10.2113/99.2.365

Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Barnes, Sarah-Jane, Maier, Wolfgang D. ORCID: and Fisher, Peter Charles 2004. Variations in the nature of the platinum-group minerals in a cross-section through the Merensky reef at Impala Platinum: implications for the mode of formation of the reef. The Canadian Mineralogist 42 (2) , pp. 423-437. 10.2113/gscanmin.42.2.423


Raven, J. A. and Edwards, Dianne ORCID: 2004. Physiological evolution of lower embryophytes: adaptations to the terrestrial environment. Hemsley, Alan R. and Poole, Imogen, eds. The Evolution of Plant Physiology, Linnean Society Symposium Series, vol. 21. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 17-41.

Rhodes, Mark and Davies, John Huw ORCID: 2004. Constructing a Geodynamic A Priori Seismic (GAPS) velocity model of upper mantle heterogeneity. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 5 (3) 10.1029/2003GC000622

Rickard, D. ORCID:, Morse, J.W. and Luther, G.W. 2004. Clusters, nanoparticles and the solubility constant. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11) , A222.

Robinson, Andrew Mark 2004. Stratigraphic development and controls on the architecture of Eocene depositional systems in the Faroe-Shetland Basin. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Rosenthal, Yair, Perron-Cashman, S., Lear, Caroline Helen ORCID:, Bard, E., Barker, Stephen ORCID:, Billups, K., Bryan, M., Delaney, M. L., deMenocal, P. B., Dwyer, G. S., Elderfield, H., German, C. R., Greaves, M. and Lea, D. W. 2004. Interlaboratory comparison study of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca measurements in planktonic foraminifera for paleoceanographic research. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 5 (4) , Q04D09. 10.1029/2003GC000650


Sass, Henrik ORCID: and Cypionka, Heribert 2004. Isolation of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria from the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface and Description of Desulfovibrio cavernae sp. nov. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 27 (5) , pp. 541-548. 10.1078/0723202041748181

Sass, Henrik ORCID:, Overmann, Jörg, Rütters, Heike, Babenzien, Hans-Dietrich and Cypionka, Heribert 2004. Desulfosporomusa polytropa gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium from sediments of an oligotrophic lake. Archives of Microbiology 182 (2-3) , pp. 204-211. 10.1007/s00203-004-0703-3

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