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Number of items: 55.


Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2003. Come on down! The Guardian 2003 (11 Jan) , pp. 4-6.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2003. Elaine L. Graham, Representations of the post/human: monsters, aliens and others in popular culture (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002) [Book Review]. Textual Practice 16 (1) , pp. 146-149. 10.1080/09502360110108383

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2003. Theorizing posthumanism. Cultural Critique 53 (1) , pp. 10-27. 10.1353/cul.2003.0017

Bishop, H., Coupland, Nikolas John Robert and Garrett, Peter Donald 2003. 'Blood is thicker than the water that separates us!' Dimensions and qualities of Welsh identity in the North American diaspora. North American Journal of Welsh Studies 3 , pp. 37-52.


Chadwick, Ruth, Henson, S., Moseley, B., Koenen, G., Liakopoulos, M., Midden, C., Palou, A., Rechkemmer, G., Schröder, D. and von Wright, A. 2003. Functional foods. Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, vol. 20. Berlin: Springer. 10.1007/978-3-662-05115-3

Clark, Michael and Shackel, Nicholas ORCID: 2003. Decision theory, symmetry and causal structure: Reply to Meacham and Weisberg. Mind 112 (448) , pp. 691-701. 10.1093/mind/112.448.691

Connolly, Claire Ann 2003. Completing the union? The Irish novel in cultural history. Michael, Brow, Patrick, Geoghean and James, Kelly, eds. The Irish Act of Union, 1800 : Bicentennial Essays, Irish Academic Press, pp. 157-176.

Cotterill, Janet 2003. Language and power in court: a linguistic analysis of the OJ Simpson trial. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Coupland, Justine 2003. Ageist ideology and discourses of control in skin care product marketing. Coupland, Justine and Gwyn, Richard, eds. Discourse, the Body and Identity, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-150.

Coupland, Justine and Jaworski, Adam 2003. Transgression and intimacy in recreational talk narratives. Research on Language and Social Interaction 36 (1) , pp. 85-107. 10.1207/S15327973RLSI3601_5

Coupland, Nikolas John Robert, Bishop, H. and Garrett, Peter Donald 2003. Home truths: globalisation and the iconising of Welsh in a Welsh American newspaper. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 24 (3) , pp. 153-177. 10.1080/01434630308666495

Coyle, Martin James 2003. The tragedies of Shakespeare's contemporaries. Richard, Dutton and Jean, E. Howard, eds. A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Blackwell, pp. 23-46.


Durham, Mercedes ORCID: 2003. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 9 (1) 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00359.x


Edgar, Andrew Robert ORCID: 2003. Velázquez and the representation of dignity. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (2) , pp. 111-121. 10.1023/A:1024162811282

El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2003. Understanding visual metaphor: The example of newspaper cartoons. Visual Communication 2 (1) , pp. 75-95. 10.1177/1470357203002001755


Fontaine, Lise Margaret ORCID: 2003. Diasporic residue in Québec: The use of personal pronouns in online personal reviews of the film, 15 février 1839. Souffles: Les Cahiers du CICLaS 2 (1) , pp. 179-197.


Garrett, Peter Donald, Williams, Angela Marian and Coupland, Nikolas John Robert 2003. Investigating language attitudes: social meanings of dialect, ethnicity and performance. University of Wales Press - Writers of Wales, Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Gillis, Stacy and Munford, Rebecca ORCID: 2003. Introduction: harvesting our strengths: third wave feminism and Women’s Studies. Journal of International Women’s Studies 4 (2) , pp. 1-6.

Gramich, Katie Yvonne ORCID: 2003. Mirror games: self and (m)other in the poetry of R.S. Thomas. Walford Davies, Damian, ed. Echoes to the Amen: Essays after R. S. Thomas, Achievement of R.S. Thomas, vol. 1. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 132-148.

Gray, Richard ORCID: 2003. Tye's representationalism: Feeling the heat? Philosophical Studies 115 (3) , pp. 245-256. 10.1023/A:1025129319705

Gwyn, Richard ORCID:, Elwyn, Glyn ORCID:, Edwards, Adrian G. ORCID: and Mooney, Annabelle 2003. The problematic of decision-sharing: deconstructing 'cholesterol' in a clinical encounter. Health Expectations 6 (3) , pp. 242-254. 10.1046/j.1369-6513.2003.00245.x


Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2003. Consuming appetites: pleasure and desire in Sarah Grand’s Babs the Impossible and Singularly Deluded. Rivista di Studi Vittoriani 15 , pp. 23-41.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2003. Emma Bovary's sisters: infectious desire and female reading appetites in Mary Braddon and George Moore. Victorian Review 29 (1) , pp. 31-48.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2003. Introduction. Heilmann, Ann, ed. Feminist Forerunners: New Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century, London: Pandora, pp. 1-14.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2003. 'Neither man nor woman'? Female transvestism, object relations and mourning in George Moore's 'Albert Nobbs'. Women: A Cultural Review 14 (3) , pp. 248-263. 10.1080/0957404032000140371

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2003. Revolting men? Sexual fears and fantasies in writings by old men, 1880-1910. Critical Survey -Oxford- 15 (3) , pp. 56-73. 10.3167/001115703782153475


Jaworski, Adam, Fitzgerald, Richard and Morris, Deborah 2003. Certainty and speculation in news reporting of the future: the execution of Timothy McVeigh. Discourse Studies 5 (1) , pp. 33-48. 10.1177/14614456030050010201

Jaworski, Adam, Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, Thurlow, Crispin and Lawson, Sarah 2003. Social roles and negotiation of status in host-tourist interaction: A view from British television holiday programmes. Journal of Sociolinguistics 7 (2) , pp. 135-164. 10.1111/1467-9481.00217


Kayman, Martin Andrew ORCID: 2003. The short story from Poe to Chesterton. Martin, Priestman, ed. Cambridge Companion to Crime Fiction, Cambridge University Press, pp. 41-58.

Knight, Stephen Thomas 2003. Crime fiction 1800-2000: detection, death, diversity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Knight, Stephen Thomas 2003. Robin Hood: a mythic biography. Cornell University Press.


Mandal, Anthony ORCID: 2003. Frances Brooke, The history of Emily Montague, ed. by Laura Moss. Canadian Critical Edition (Ottawa: Tecumseh Press, 2001), xiii + 500pp. Paper. $24.95. ISBN 1-8961-3329-0. [Book Review]. British Journal of Canadian Studies 16 (2) , p. 407.

Mandal, Anthony ORCID: 2003. James Hogg, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner (Edinburgh: Soft Editions, 2002) [Book Review]. Studies in Hogg and his World 14 , pp. 133-135.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 2003. White water: race and oceans down under. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 4 (3)

Moore, Jane Veronica ORCID: Moore, Jane, ed. 2003. The satires of Thomas Moore. British Satire, 1785–1840, London: Pickering and Chatto.

Morgan, Susan 2003. Ice. Duncker, Patricia and Thomas, Janet, eds. Mirror Mirror: Contemporary short stories by women from Wales, Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 83-94.

Morra, Irene ORCID: 2003. The Importance of Being Earnest [Film Review]. Scope: An Online Refereed Journal of Film Studies 2003 (May) , pp. 35-37.

Munford, Rebecca ORCID: 2003. Catherine Orenstein. Little Red Riding Hood uncloaked: sex, morality and the evolution of a fairy tale (Basic Books, 2002) [Book Review]. Cercles: Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone


Norris, Christopher 2003. Philosophy of language and the challenge to scientific Realism. Routledge Studies in Critical Realism (Routledge Critical Realism), London: Routledge.


O'Grady, Gerard Nigel ORCID: 2003. Discourse Intonation and read aloud text: How intonation helps hearers contextualise unfamiliar monologue. Journal of Research and Culture , pp. 55-74.


Phelpstead, Carl Luke ORCID: 2003. Anonymous. Njáls Saga. 1275. The Literary Encyclopedia

Phelpstead, Carl Luke ORCID: 2003. Anonymous: Hrólfs saga kraka [The saga of King Hrólf Kraki]. The Literary Encyclopedia

Phelpstead, Carl Luke ORCID: 2003. Music in Anglo-Saxon England. The Literary Encyclopedia

Phelpstead, Carl Luke ORCID: 2003. The Sexual Ideology of Hrólfs saga kraka. Scandinavian Studies 75 (1) , pp. 1-24.

Phelpstead, Carl ORCID: 2003. Masculinity and sexuality in sagas of Scandinavian royal saints. Presented at: Scandinavian and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. Papers of the 12th International Saga Conference, Bonn, 28th July - 2 August 2003. Published in: Simek, Rudolph and Meurer, Judith eds. Scandinavia and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages: Papers of the 12th International Saga Conference Bonn/Germany, 28th July – 2nd August 2003. Bonn: Hausdruckerei der Universität Bonn, pp. 421-428.


Sarangi, Srikant Kumar, Bennert, Kristina, Howell, Lucy ORCID: and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2003. 'Relatively Speaking' : relativisation of genetic risk in counselling for predictive testing. Health, Risk & Society 5 (2) , pp. 155-170. 10.1080/1369857031000123939

Sedgwick, Peter Richard ORCID: 2003. The Nietzsche legend: a genealogy of myth and enlightenment. Görner, Rüdiger and Large, Duncan, eds. Ecce Opus. Nietzsche-Revisionen im 20.Jahrhundert, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 181-192.

Shackel, Nicholas ORCID: 2003. D Gillies, Philosophical theories of probability [Book Review]. Philosophical Books 44 (1) , pp. 92-95. 10.1111/1468-0149.00290


Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 2003. Quiet despair: Bernard Williams, Truth and truthfulness: an essay in genealogy [Book Review]. Radical Philosophy 121 , pp. 51-53.

Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 2003. Review of Peg O'Connor, oppression and responsibility: A Wittgensteinian approach to social practices and moral theory. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

Thomas, Julia ORCID: 2003. Picturing slavery: Uncle Tom's Cabin and its early British illustrations. Visual Culture in Britain 4 (2) , pp. 73-92.

Thomas, Julia ORCID: 2003. Seeing a difference: Spectacles of otherness in eighteenth-century illustrated travel books. Journeys: the International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 4 (2) , pp. 20-39.


Walford Davies, Damian ORCID: 2003. “Double-entry poetics”: R.S. Thomas – punster. Walford Davies, Damian ORCID:, ed. Echoes to the Amen: Essays After R. S. Thomas, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 149-182.

Wray, Alison ORCID: and Namba, Kazuhiko 2003. Use of formulaic language by a Japanese-English bilingual child: a practical approach to data analysis. Japan Journal for Multilingualism and Multiculturalism 9 (1) , pp. 24-51.


Ylänne, Virpi ORCID:, Jaworski, Adam, Thurlow, Crispin and Lawson, Sarah 2003. The uses and representations of local languages in tourist destinations: A view from British TV holiday programmes. Language Awareness 12 (1) , pp. 5-29. 10.1080/09658410308667063

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