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Number of items: 37.

Hancock, Jayne, Hughes, Suzanne J., Stanfield-Davies, Ben, Bill, Sian, Price, Melda, Fender, Sandra, Jones, Gerwyn, Stringfellow, Alicia, Barker, Sue, Stacey-Emile, Gemma, Fry, Sarah, Hughes, Charles and Nagle, Tim 2023. Admission of surgical patients. Hughes, Suzanne J., ed. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford University Press, pp. 41-76.

Selvaraj, Nelson, Munro, Christine, Hancock, Jayne, Hughes, Suzanne, Pritchard, Anthony, Fender, Sandra, Pritchard, Karen and Smith, Peter 2023. In-Point assessment. Authentic simulation role play, as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments: A collaborative approach between academic and professional support staff in the School of Healthcare Sciences. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Conference 2023, Centre for Student Life, Cardiff University, 7 September 2023.

Hughes, Suzanne, Selvaraj, Nelson, Hancock, Jayne, Munro, Christine, Fender, Sandra, Pritchard, Anthony, Pritchard, Karen, Smith, Peter and Cole, Wayne 2023. Authentic simulation role play , as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 7th September 2023, 07 September 2023.
Item availability restricted.

Hughes, Suzanne, Hancock, Jayne, Fender, Sandra, Selvaraj, Nelson, Munro, Christine, Pritchard, Anthony, Pritchard, Karen, Smith, Peter and Cole, Wayne 2023. In-Point assessment: Evaluating authentic simulated role play, as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer for Wales National Conference 2023.,

Hughes, Suzanne 2022. Managing the post-anaesthesia patient. Hughes, Suzanne J., ed. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, pp. 529-590. (10.1093/med/9780198783787.003.0020)

Hughes, Suzanne J. and Quinn, Francis M. 2013. Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education (6th ed.). Andover: Cengage Learning.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2012. Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice, A. Berman, S. Snyder (Eds.), ninth ed–International ed., Pearson, Boston (2011) [Book Review]. Nurse Education in Practice 12 (2) , e12. 10.1016/j.nepr.2011.09.002

Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. 2009. Oxford handbook of perioperative practice. Ocford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lewis, Timothy, Hughes, Suzanne J., Mardell, Andrew, Hancock, Jayne E., Bennett, S. K. and Stanfield-Davies, Ben 2009. Emergency care. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 551-608.

Jones, Arwel, Hennessy, Paul T., Jones, Alister and Hughes, Suzanne J. 2009. Perioperative drugs. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 479-533.

Cox, Felicity, Bhuda, Nina and Hughes, Suzanne J. 2009. Perioperative pharmacology. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 435-467.

Hamlington, Gaynor, Pritchard, Anthony, Hughes, Suzanne J., Radcliffe, Tracey, Strong, Paula, Brent, Rachel, Hancock, Jayne E. and Bennett, SK 2009. Caring for the post-anaesthesia patient. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 379-434.

Mardell, Andy, Edwards, Peggy, Hamlin, Lois, Journeaux, Moyra, Hughes, Suzanne J. and McQueen, Kim 2009. Operating theatre practice. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 271-324.

Radcliffe, Tracey, Hughes, Suzanne J., Hamlington, Gaynor and Mulcock, Kevin 2009. Specialist anaesthesia. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 225-245.

Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew 2009. Preparing the patient for theatre. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 85-105.

Hughes, Suzanne J. and Stanfield-Davies, Ben 2009. Patients with pre-existing disease. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 57-83.

Hughes, Suzanne J. and Harding, Michelle M. 2009. Pre-assessment of surgical patients. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-56.

Hancock, Jayne E., Bennett, S. K., Hughes, Charles W. and Hughes, Suzanne J. 2009. Admission of surgical patients. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 23-45.

Hughes, Suzanne J., Mardell, Andrew and Williams, Susan 2009. Perioperative practice. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-13.

Hughes, Suzanne J., Milton, Sherran and Cooper, O. E. 2009. Airway management. Hughes, Suzanne J. and Mardell, Andrew, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Oxford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 185-206.

Milton, Sherran, Hughes, Suzanne J. and Cooper, O. E. 2009. Principles of anaesthesia. Hughes, Suzanne and Mardell, Andrew, eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, Ocford Handbooks in Nursing, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 109-130.

Quinn, Francis M. and Hughes, Suzanne J. 2007. Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education (5th ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.

Hughes, Suzanne J 2006. Evaluating operating theatre experience: Student nurses in South East Wales. Journal of Perioperative Practice 16 (6) , pp. 290-298.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2005. Evaluating the operating theatre experiences of Fitness for Practice student nurses in South East Wales. Presented at: RCN Day Surgery, Perioperative & Surgical Nursing Forum Joint Conference, Jersey, Channel Islands, UK, 15-17 September 2005.

Hughes, Suzanne J 2005. Student attendance during college-based lectures: a pilot study. Nursing Standard 19 (47) , pp. 41-49. 10.7748/ns2005.‎Similar

Dix, Greg and Hughes, Suzanne J. 2005. Teaching students in the classroom and clinical skills environment. Nursing Standard 19 (35) , pp. 41-47. 10.7748/ns2005.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2004. The role of the link lecturer in theatre. Presented at: NATN Speciality Conference, Business Design Centre, London, UK, 14-15 May 2004.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2004. The role of the link lecturer in the perioperative environment. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 14 (10) , pp. 458-462.

Dix, Greg and Hughes, Suzanne J. 2004. Strategies to help students learn effectively. Nursing Standard 18 (32) , pp. 39-42.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2004. The mentoring role of the personal tutor in the ‘Fitness for practice’ curriculum: an all Wales approach. Nurse Education in Practice 4 (4) , pp. 271-278. 10.1016/j.nepr.2004.01.006

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2003. The biopsychosocial aspects of unwanted teenage pregnancy. Nursing Times 99 (12) , pp. 32-34.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2003. Change in the operating theatre environment and the theories surrounding change. Nurse2Nurse 3 (4) , pp. 34-35.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2003. Student nurse theatre placements: The new curriculum. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 13 (9) , pp. 366-373.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2002. The effects of giving patients preoperative information. Nursing Standard 16 (28) , pp. 33-37. 10.7748/ns2002.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2002. Law and professional practice: Accountability and implications. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 12 (3) , pp. 94-102.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2002. Ethical theories and dilemmas. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 12 (6) , pp. 211-217.

Hughes, Suzanne J. 2002. Anaesthetic nursing. Nurse2Nurse 2 (12) , pp. 37-39.

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