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Browse by All Cardiff Authors

Number of items: 42.

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2023. Trade unions, digitalisation and country effects: a comparative study of banking in Norway and the UK. European Journal of Industrial Relations 29 (4) , pp. 325-345. 10.1177/09596801231188003

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2023. Digital skills in context: Working with robots in lower-skilled jobs. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44 (4) , pp. 1084-1104. 10.1177/0143831X221111416

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2023. Food for thought: Robots, jobs and skills in food and drink processing in Norway and the UK. New Technology, Work and Employment 38 (2) , pp. 272-290. 10.1111/ntwe.12194

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID:, Payne, Jonathan and Secki, Jose 2022. Trade unions and digitalisation in Norway and the UK: Findings from the banking sector. UDIG: De Montfort and Cardiff Universities.

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2021. Fewer jobs, better jobs? An international comparative study of robots and 'routine' work in the public sector. Industrial Relations Journal 52 (2) , pp. 109-124. 10.1111/irj.12323

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2012. Delivering better forms of work organization: comparing vocational teachers in England, Wales and Norway. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33 (1) , pp. 29-49. 10.1177/0143831X11402101

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2012. Raising the quality of vocational teachers: continuing professional development in England, Wales and Norway. Research Papers in Education 27 (1) , pp. 1-18. 10.1080/02671522.2010.483524

Payne, Jonathan and Keep, Ewart John 2011. One step forward, two steps back? Skills policy in England under the coalition government. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 102. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities. Available at:

Payne, Jonathan 2011. Scotland’s skills utilisation programme: an interim evaluation. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 101. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John, Mayhew, K., Payne, Jonathan and Stasz, C. 2011. Education, skills and the economy: the politics of vocational education and training. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Payne, Jonathan 2010. In search of a measurement and evaluation framework for skill utilisation. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Issues Paper, vol. 25. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities. Available at:

Payne, Jonathan 2010. Skill utilisation: towards a measurement and evaluation framework. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 93. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities.. Available at:

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2010. 'We have got the freedom’: a study of autonomy and discretion among vocational teachers in Norway and the UK. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 95. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John, Payne, Jonathan and Rees, Gareth Meredydd 2010. Devolution and strategies for learning and skills: the Leitch report and its alternatives. Schmuecker, Katie and Lodge, Guy, eds. Devolution in Practice 2010, London: Institute for Public Policy Research, pp. 83-101.

Keep, Ewart John, Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2010. Skills policy and the displacement of industrial relations: the elephant in the corner? Colling, Trevor and Terry, Mike, eds. Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice (3rd ed.), Chichester: Wiley, pp. 398-421.

Payne, Jonathan 2010. Scoring opportunity or hospital pass? The changing role of local authorities in 14-19 education and training in England. Journal of Education Policy 25 (4) , pp. 519-545. 10.1080/02680930903447663

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2009. 'Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing': interrogating new skill concepts in service work - the view from two UK call centres. Work, Employment and Society 23 (4) , pp. 617-634. 10.1177/0950017009344863

Payne, Jonathan 2009. Raising expectations: the new role of local authorities in 14-19 education and training in England. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Issues Paper, vol. 20. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities. Available at:

Payne, Jonathan 2009. Divergent skills policy trajectories in England and Scotland after Leitch. Policy Studies 30 (5) , pp. 473-494. 10.1080/01442870902899996

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2009. Better teachers? The role of training and development of vocational teachers in England, Wales and Norway. Presented at: Third International Conference on Training, Employability and Employment, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2009.

Payne, Jonathan 2009. Scoring opportunity or hospital pass? The changing role of local authorities in 14-19 education and training in England. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 85. Cardiff: SKOPE, Oxford and Cardiff Universities.

Payne, Jonathan 2009. Ne’er the twain shall meet? Skills policy in England and Scotland after Leitch. Workplace Learning and Skills Bulletin (4) , pp. 6-7.

Payne, Jonathan 2008. Divergent skills policy trajectories in England and Scotland after Leitch. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 82. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Payne, Jonathan 2008. Skills policy in England and Scotland after Leitch. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Issues Paper, vol. 18. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Keep, Ewart John, Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. Skills policy and the displacement of industrial relations. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Issues Paper, vol. 17. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. What is a skilled job? Exploring worker perceptions of skill in two UK call centres. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper., vol. 81. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Payne, Jonathan 2008. Skills in context: what can the UK learn from Australia's skill ecosystem projects? Policy & Politics 36 (3) , pp. 307-323. 10.1332/030557308X307685

Keep, Ewart John, Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. The elephant in the corner: skills policy and the demise of industrial relations. Presented at: British Universities Industrial Relations Conference, Bristol, UK, June 2008.

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. What is a “skilled job”? Exploring worker perceptions of skill in two UK call centres. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) conference, Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 20 March 2008.

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2008. Is call centre work skilled work? Exploring worker perceptions of skill in UK call centres. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Dublin, Ireland, March 2008.

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID:, Mason, Geoff, Osborne, Matthew and Payne, Jonathan 2008. “It’s just the nature of the job at the end of the day”: pay and job quality in United Kingdom mass-market call centers. Lloyd, Caroline, Mason, Geoff and Mayhew, Ken, eds. Low-Wage Work in the United Kingdom, Russell Sage Foundation Case Studies of Job Quality in Advanced Economies, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 247-283.

Payne, Jonathan 2008. Sector skills councils and employer engagement - delivering the 'employer-led' skills agenda in England. Journal of Education and Work 21 (2) , pp. 93-113. 10.1080/13639080802090260

Payne, Jonathan 2007. Sector skills councils and employer engagement – delivering the ‘employer-led’ skills agenda in England. [Working Paper]. SKOPE Research Paper, vol. 78. Cardiff: SKOPE, Cardiff University. Available at:

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2007. A vision too far? Mapping the space for a high skills project in the UK. Journal of Education and Work 18 (2) , pp. 167-187. 10.1080/13639080500085893

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2006. The high skills project and the limits of possibility: a response to Coffield. Journal of Education Policy, 21 (4) , pp. 471-483. 10.1080/02680930600732169

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2006. Goodbye to all that? A critical re-evaluation of the role of the high performance work organisation within the UK skills debate. Work, Employment and Society 20 (1) , pp. 151-165. 10.1177/0950017006061290

Payne, Jonathan and Keep, Ewart John 2003. Re-Visiting the Nordic Approaches to Work Reorganisation and Job Redesign: Lessons for UK Skills Policy. Policy Studies 24 (4) , pp. 205-225. 10.1080/0144287042000216108

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2003. The Political Economy of Skill and the Limits of Education Policy. Journal of Education Policy 18 (1) , pp. 85-107. 10.1080/0268093032000042227

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2003. “Forget birth pains, we haven't got past the conception stage yet”. A reply to Frank Coffield's ‘Britain's continuing failure to train: the birth pangs of a new policy’. Journal of Education Policy 18 (5) , pp. 563-568. 10.1080/0268093032000124901

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2002. Developing a political economy of skill. Journal of Education and Work 15 (4) , pp. 365-390. 10.1080/1363908022000023533

Lloyd, Caroline ORCID: and Payne, Jonathan 2002. On the 'political economy of skill': assessing the possibilities for a viable high skills project in the United Kingdom. New Political Economy 7 (3) , pp. 367-395. 10.1080/1356346022000018739

Ackers, Peter and Payne, Jonathan 2002. Before the Storm: the Experience of Nationalisation and the Prospects for Industrial Relations Partnership in the British Coal Industry, 1947-1972 - Rethinking the Militant Narrative. Social History 27 (2) , pp. 184-209. 10.1080/03071020210128391

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