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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 57.

Packianather, Michael S. ORCID:, Zainuddin, Felisa A., Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Tuthill, Peter and Ames, Eva 2024. Modelling remanufacturing process of end-of-life batteries using discrete event simulation. Presented at: IWAR 2023, 18-19 October 2023. Published in: Fera, M., Caterino, M., Macchiaroli, R. and Pham, D.T. eds. Advances in Remanufacturing:Proceedings of the VII International Workshop on Autonomous Remanufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 469-481. 10.1007/978-3-031-52649-7_37

Potter, Andrew ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed ORCID: 2022. Regional resilience for rail freight transport. Journal of Transport Geography 104 , 103448. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103448

Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Ramjaun, Timothy and Coverdale, Napoleon 2021. The operational and supply chain implications of errors in OTIF calculations. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2021, Virtual, 08-10 September 2021.

Mohammed, Ahmed, Harris, Irina ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed ORCID:, Yazdani, Morteza and Ramjaun, Timothy 2021. Gresilient supplier assessment and order allocation planning. Annals of Operations Research 296 , pp. 335-362. 10.1007/s10479-020-03611-x

Liu, Ying ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Han, Liangxiu, Jian, Jin and Tang, Min 2020. Cloud-based big data analytics for customer insight-driven design innovation in SMEs. International Journal of Information Management 51 , 102034. 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.11.002

Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Bristow, Gillian ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed ORCID: and Purvis, Laura ORCID: 2020. Measuring regional business resilience. Regional Studies 54 (6) , pp. 838-850. 10.1080/00343404.2019.1652893

Mohammed, Ahmed, Harris, Irina ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony ORCID: and Nujoom, Reda 2019. A hybrid MCDM-fuzzy multi-objective programming approach for a G-Resilient supply chain network design. Computers and Industrial Engineering 127 , pp. 297-312. 10.1016/j.cie.2018.09.052

Han, Liangxiu, Haleem, Muhammad Salman, Sobeih, Tam, Liu, Ying ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony ORCID: and Han, Lianghao 2018. An automated cloud-based big data analytics platform for customer insights. Presented at: The Second International Symposium on Big Data and Smart Sustainable Society (Bigdata-2017), Exeter, UK, 21-23 June 2017. Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 287-292. 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.48

Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Liu, Ying ORCID:, Han, Liangxiu and Haleem, Muhammad Salman 2017. Big data driven customer insights for SMEs in redistributed manufacturing. Procedia CIRP 63 , pp. 692-697. 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.319

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Wang, Yingli ORCID: and Potter, Andrew T. ORCID: 2017. Logistics options for re-distributed manufacturing in resilient sustainable cities - a pilot study. Presented at: 22nd International Symposium on Logistics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-12 July 2017.

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Bristow, Gillian Irene ORCID: and Purvis, Laura ORCID: 2016. An exploratory study of the resilience of manufacturing in the Cardiff Capital Region. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-16), Chania, Crete, Greece, April 2016. Published in: Setchi, Rossitza, Howlett, Robert J., Liu, Ying and Theobald, Peter eds. Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016. Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies , vol.52 (52) Springer, pp. 589-599. 10.1007/978-3-319-32098-4_50

Marsh, Jacqueline, Ryan, Michael ORCID: and Soroka, Anthony ORCID: 2015. Opportunities for sustainable local supply chains: An exploratory study of Welsh manufacturing companies. Presented at: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2015, Seville, Spain, 12-14 April 2015. KES Transactions on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. , vol.2 KES International, pp. 656-667.

Soroka, Anthony ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed ORCID:, Purvis, Laura ORCID: and Hopkins, Andrew 2015. Supply chain re-shoring and its relationship with supply chain resilience. Presented at: Sustainable Design and Management Conference, Seville, Spain, 9- 10 November 2015.

Marsh, Jacqueline, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Davies, Paul, Lynch, Jane ORCID: and Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID: 2014. Challenges to sustainable manufacturing resource planning implementation in SMEs: An exploratory study. Presented at: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014, Cardiff, UK, 28-30 April 2014.

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Bennett, Alastair, Prickett, Paul William ORCID: and Higgins, Michael 2014. Industrial perceptions of manufacturing operations simulation. Presented at: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014, Cardiff, UK, 28-30 April 2014.

Ang, Mei Choo, Weng, Ng Kok, Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2013. Simulations of PCB assembly optimisation based on the Bees Algorithm with TRIZ-inspired operators. Presented at: IVIC 2013: International Visual Informatics Conference, Selangor, Malaysia, 13-15 November 2013. Published in: Badioze Zaman, Halimah, Robinson, Peter, Olivier, Patrick, Shih, Timothy and Velastin, Sergio eds. Advances in Visual Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , vol.8237 Springer Verlag, pp. 335-346. 10.1007/978-3-319-02958-0_31

Ji, Ze ORCID:, Qiu, Renxi, Noyvirt, Alexandre Emilov, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Li, D. and Xu, S. 2012. Towards automated task planning for service robots using semantic knowledge representation. Presented at: 2012 10th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Beijing, China, 25-27 July 2012. INDIN2012: IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 1194-1201. 10.1109/INDIN.2012.6301131

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, eds. 2012. Innovative production machines and systems - 6th I*PROMS Virtual Conference. Raleigh, N.C.: Lulu.

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Qiu, Renxi, Noyvirt, Alexandre and Ji, Ze ORCID: 2012. Challenges for service robots operating in non-industrial environments. Presented at: 2012 10th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN, Beijing, China, 25-27 July 2012. Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2012 10th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 1152-1157. 10.1109/INDIN.2012.6301139

Qiu, Renxi, Ji, Ze ORCID:, Noyvirt, Alexandre, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Pham, Duc Truong, Xu, S., Shivarov, N., Pigini, L., Arbeiter, G., Weisshardt, F., Graf, B., Mast, M., Blasi, L., Facal, D., Rooker, M., Lopez, R., Li, D., Liu, B., Kronreif, G. and Smrz, P. 2012. Towards robust personal assistant robots: Experience gained in the SRS project. Presented at: 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, 7-12 October 2012. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 1651-1657. 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385727

Qiu, Renxi, Noyvirt, Alexandre, Ji, Ze ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Li, Dayou, Liu, Beisheng, Arbeiter, Georg, Weisshardt, Florian and Xu, Shuo 2012. Integration of symbolic task planning into operations within an unstructured environment. International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics 2 (3) , pp. 38-57. 10.4018/ijimr.2012070104

Qiu, Renxi, Noyvirt, Alexandre, Ji, Ze ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Li, D., Liu, B., Arbeiter, G., Weisshardt, F. and Xu, S. 2011. Symbolic task planning for robot operations under unstructured environment. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), Changechun, China, 29th - 31st August 2011.

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: and Hieu, L. C. 2011. Design challenges for implementing a customer driven mass-customisation system. Presented at: INDIN 2011 : 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 July, 2011. Proceedings: INDIN 2011 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 26-29 July 2011, Caparica, Lisbon. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 857-862. 10.1109/INDIN.2011.6035005

Ang, Mei, Pham, Duc Truong, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: and Ng, Kok 2010. PCB assembly optimisation using the Bees Algorithm enhanced with TRIZ operators. Presented at: 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Glendale, AZ, USA, 7-10 November 2010. Proceedings - IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Glendale, AZ, 7-10 Nov. 2010. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 2708-2713. 10.1109/IECON.2010.5675114

Wright, Patricia, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Belt, Steven, Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan, De Roure, David and Petrie, Helen 2010. Using audio to support animated route information in a hospital touch-screen kiosk. Computers in Human Behavior 26 (4) , pp. 753-759. 10.1016/j.chb.2010.01.012

Wright, Patricia, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: and Belt, Steven 2010. Audio changes how older people follow animated instructions [Abstract]. Gerontechnology 9 (2) , p. 340. 10.4017/gt.2010.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2010. Pheromone marking as method for implementing memory in the Bees Algorithm. Presented at: IPROMS 2010: Sixth Virtual International Conference, 15-26 November 2010.

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2010. Agent-based System for knowledge acquisition and management within a networked enterprise. Benyoucef, Lyes and Grabot, Bernard, eds. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Networked Manufacturing Enterprises Management, Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 43-86.

Wright, Patricia, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Belt, S., Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Petrie, H. and De Roure, D. 2009. Effects of language fluency and graphic animation on modality choices by adults when following online explanatory demonstrations. Presented at: Professional Communication Conference, 2009, IPCC 2009, IEEE International, Honolulu, Hawaii, 19-22 July 2009. Published in: Huettner, B. ed. Proceedings IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, 2009 (IPCC 2009), Waikiki, HI, 19-22 July 2009. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 1-6. 10.1109/IPCC.2009.5208675

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2009. Ultrasonic sensor bidirectional arc-carving mapping between grid-oriented related arcs. Presented at: Fifth I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, 6-17 July 2009. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Proceedings of Innovative Production Machines and Systems: Fifth I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, 6-17 July 2009. Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, pp. 347-353.

Pham, Duc Truong, Ji, Ze ORCID: and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2009. Ultrasonic distance scanning techniques for mobile robots. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 1 (2) , pp. 209-224. 10.1504/IJCAET.2009.022787

Oztemel, E., Kubat, C., Uygun, O., Canvar, T., Korkusuz, T., Raja, V. and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2009. Performance assessment of swarm robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5611 , pp. 361-367. 10.1007/978-3-642-02577-8

Pham, Dinh, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Zlatanov, V., Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID:, Pham, P. T. N., Thomas, A. and Dadam, Yehya 2008. The innovative production machines and systems network of excellence. Putnik, G. D. and Cunha, M .M., eds. Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organisations, Information Science Reference, pp. 725-728.

Wright, Patricia, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Belt, Steven, Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan, DeRoure, D. C. and Petrie, H. 2008. Modality preference and performance when seniors consult online information. Gerontechnology 7 (3) , pp. 293-304. 10.4017/gt.2008.

Pham, Duc Truong, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Ghanbarzadeh, A., Koc, E. and Otri, S. 2007. Using the bees algorithm to train neural networks for wood defect identification. Presented at: 40th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Liverpool, UK, 30 May – 1 June 2007.

Pham, Duc Truong, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Koc, E., Ghanbarzadeh, A. and Otri, S. 2007. Some applications of the bees algorithm in engineering design and manufacture. Presented at: ICMA 2007: International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Singapore, 28-30 May 2007. Proceedings of ICMA 2007: International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Singapore, 28-30 May 2007. ICMA, pp. 782-794.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2007. An immune-network inspired rule generation algorithm (RULES-IS). Presented at: I*PROMS 2007 Innovative Production Machines and Systems, online, 1-14 July 2007.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2007. Managing fault information for customised products. Presented at: I*PROMS 2007 Innovative Production Machines and Systems, online, 1-14 July 2007.

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, eds. 2007. Innovative production machines and systems - third I*PROMS virtual international conference. Dunbeath, UK: Whittles Publishing.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2007. Automation of fault information management for customised products. Presented at: ICMA 2007: International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Singapore, 28-30 May 2007. Proceedings of ICMA 2007: International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Singapore, 28-30 May 2007. ICMA, pp. 295-309.

Tsaneva, Daniela K., Tan, K. T. W., Daley, Michael, Avis, N. J. and Withers, Philip J. 2006. Collaborative virtual research environment to support integration and steering of multi-site experiments. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, online, 3-14 July, 2006. Published in: Pham, Duc, Eldukhri, Eldaw and Soroka, Anthony J. ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006. Elsevier,

Pham, Duc Truong, Grabot, B., Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Zlatanov, Vladimir Ahguelov, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID:, Pham, P. T. N., Thomas, A. and Dadam, Yehya 2006. Introduction to the special section on Innovative Production Machines and Systems (I*PROMS). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 19 (6) , pp. 579-581. 10.1016/j.engappai.2006.03.007

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Wright, Patricia, Belt, Steven, Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, DeRoure, David and Petrie, Helen 2006. User choices for modalities of instructional information. Presented at: 2006 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Singapore, 16- 18 August 2006. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN'06, 16-18 August, 2006, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, pp. 411-416. 10.1109/INDIN.2006.275835

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, eds. 2006. Intelligent production machines and systems - 2nd I*PROMS virtual international conference 3-14 July 2006. Oxford: Elsevier.

Pham, Duc Truong, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Ghanbarzadeh, Afshin ORCID:, Koc, Ebubekir, Otri, Sameh and Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID: 2006. Optimising neural networks for identification of wood defects using the bees algorithm. Presented at: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Singapore, 16-18 August 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Singapore, 16-18 August 2006. IEEE, pp. 1346-1351. 10.1109/INDIN.2006.275855

Wang, Yingli ORCID: 2006. E-collaboration: A literature analysis. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, online, 3-14 July 2006. Published in: Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006. Elsevier, pp. 132-143.

Pham, Duc Truong, Awadalla, Medhat Hussein and Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki 2006. Fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy based co-operative mobile robots. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, online, 3-14 July 2006. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, 3-14 July 2006. Elsevier, pp. 578-583. 10.1016/B978-008045157-2/50101-2

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2006. An algorithm based on the immune system for extracting fault classes from instance histories. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, online, 3-14 July 2006. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, 3-14 July 2006. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 313-318. 10.1016/B978-008045157-2/50058-4

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Thomas, A., Dadam, Yehya and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov 2006. The Fp6 I*Proms network of excellence: Integrating European advanced manufacturing research. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on Intelligent and Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2006), Sakarya, Turkey, 29-31 May 2006.

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Zlatanov, Vladimir, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Pham, Paulette Thi Nga, Thomas, A. and Dadam, Yehya 2005. The EU FP6 I*PROMS Network of Excellence for Innovative production Machines and Systems. Presented at: Virtual International Conference on IPROMS, 4th - 15th July 2005. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: First I*PROMS Virtual Conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 1-4.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2005. ISLE - a novel immune-system inspired rule extraction algorithm. Presented at: 16th IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-8 July 2005. Published in: Zítek, Pavel ed. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005. World Congress (16/1) Laxenburg: International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1469. 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01470

Pham, Duc Truong, Gourashi, Nasir Salah and Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki 2005. Intelligent conceptual design of robot grippers for assembly tasks. Presented at: Virtual International Conference on IPROMS, 4th - 15th July 2005. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: First I*PROMS Virtual Conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 321-326.

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, eds. 2005. Intelligent production machines and systems: first I*PROMS virtual conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2005. RULES_IS: an immune-network inspired machine learning algorithm. Presented at: Virtual International Conference on IPROMS, 4th - 15th July 2005. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: 1st I*PROMS Virtual Conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 267-274.

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID:, Peat, Bernard, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Brousseau, Emmanuel Bruno Jean Paul ORCID:, Huneiti, Ammar M., Lagos, Nikolaos, Noyvirt, Alexander Emilov, Pasantonopoulos, Charilaos, Tsaneva, Daniela K. and Tang, Qiao 2004. Product lifecycle management for performance support. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 4 (4) , pp. 305-315. 10.1115/1.1818687

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2004. An agent system for the gathering of product fault information. Presented at: International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Berlin, 24 - 26 June 2004. 2004 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics : Collaborative Automation--One Key For Intelligent Industrial Environments : 24th-26th June, 2004, Berlin, Germany. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, pp. 536-539. 10.1109/INDIN.2004.1417402

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2001. Knowledge acquisition for intelligent product manuals. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 215 (1) , pp. 97-103. 10.1243/0954405011515055

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