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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 30.

Boniface, Gail and Morgan, Deborah 2017. The central role of the occupational therapist in facilitating housing adaptations/home modifications for disabled children. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 10.1177/0308022616680216

Latchem, J., Kitzinger, J. ORCID:, Kell, C. and Boniface, G. 2016. Developing a multimedia learning resource for allied health professionals: exploring the challenges of prolonged disorders of consciousness. Physiotherapy 102 (Supp 1) , e53. 10.1016/

Morgan, Deborah, Reagon, Carly ORCID: and Boniface, Gail 2016. The effects of adapting their home on the meaning of home for families with a disabled child. Disability & Society 31 (14) , pp. 481-496. 10.1080/09687599.2016.1183475

Wong, Ken Yan, Whitcombe, Steven W. ORCID: and Boniface, Gail 2016. Teaching and learning the esoteric: An insight into how reflection may be internalised with reference to the occupational therapy profession. Reflective Practice 17 (4) , pp. 472-482. 10.1080/14623943.2016.1175341

Harrie, Priscilla, Giacomin, Joseph, Nickpour, Farnaz, Young, Will, Unsworth, Caroline and Boniface, Gail 2015. Scoping our future research priorities. [Project Report]. London: Brunel University.

Bibbings, Jennie, Boniface, Gail, Campbell, Jacqui, Findlay, Graham, Reeves McAll, Emma, Le Zhang, Meng and Zhou, Peng ORCID: 2015. A review of independent living adaptations. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Crown Copyright.

Boniface, Gail, Humpage, Sally, Awatar, Sally and Reagon, Carly ORCID: 2015. Developing an occupation- and recovery-based outcome measure for people with mental health conditions: An action research study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 78 (4) , pp. 222-231. 10.1177/0308022614562788

Boniface, Gail, Mason, Margot, Macintyre, Jacqueline, Synan, Christine and Riley, Jillian 2013. The effectiveness of local authority social services for older people in Great Britain: a critical literature review. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 76 (12) , pp. 538-547. 10.4276/030802213X13861576675240

Sakellariou, Dikaios ORCID:, Boniface, Gail and Brown, Paul 2013. Using joint interviews in a narrative-based study on illness experiences. Qualitative Health Research 23 (11) , pp. 1563-1570. 10.1177/1049732313508014

Sakellariou, Dikaios ORCID:, Boniface, Gail and Brown, Paul 2013. Experiences of living with motor neurone disease; a review of qualitative research. Disability & Rehabilitation 35 (21) , pp. 1765-1773. 10.3109/09638288.2012.753118

Boniface, Gail and Seymour, Alison, eds. 2012. Using occupational therapy theory in practice. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Boniface, Gail, Seymour, Alison, Polglase, Tracey, Lawrie, Carole and Clarke, Maria Lynette ORCID: 2012. Exploring the Nature of Peer and Academic Supervision on a Role - Emerging Placement. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 75 (4) , pp. 296-201.

Riley, Jillian, Boniface, Gail and Cox, Jayne 2012. The effectiveness of occupational therapy local authority social services' interventions for older people in Great Britain: A critical literature review. [Project Report]. College of Occupational Therapists. Available at:

Boniface, Gail 2010. Reflection and the problem based learning curriculum. Clouston, Teena Jayne, Westcott, Lyn P., Whitcombe, Steven William, Riley, Jillian and Matheson, Ruth Margaret, eds. Problem-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 99-114.

Reagon, Carly ORCID:, Bellin, John Wynford and Boniface, Gail 2010. Challenging the dominant voice: the multiple evidence sources of occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 73 (6) , pp. 284-286. 10.4276/030802210X12759925469069

Fedden, Tamsin, Hurst, Heather, Boniface, Gail, Mason, Margot, Phelps, Caroline and Walker, Jane 2010. A model: a simplistic tool or a means for developing a complex intervention. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 34th Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 22-25 June 2010.

Hurst, Heather, Fedden, Tamsin, Mason, Margot, Waygood, Sian, Hart, Wendy, Boniface, Gail and Walker, Jane 2010. Using a model - how do we do it ourselves? Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 34th Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 22-25 June 2010.

Bannigan, K., Boniface, Gail, Nicol, M., Porter-Armstrong, A., Scudds, R. and Doherty, P. 2009. The nature and value of research priority setting in healthcare: Case study of the POTTER project [Opinion Piece]. Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare 2 (3) , pp. 293-304.

Boniface, Gail, Fedden, Tamsin, Hurst, Heather, Mason, Margot, Phelps, Caroline, Reagon, Carly ORCID: and Waygood, Sian 2008. Using Theory to Underpin an Integrated Occupational Therapy Service through the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 71 (12) , pp. 531-539. 10.1177/030802260807101206

Reagon, Carly ORCID:, Bellin, W. and Boniface, Gail 2008. Reconfiguring evidence-based practice for occupational therapists. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 15 (10) , pp. 428-436.

Bannigan, K., Boniface, Gail, Docherty, P., Nicholl, M., Porter Armstrong, A. and Scudds, R. 2008. Priorities for Occupational Therapy Research in the United Kingdom: Executive Summary of the POTTER Project. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 71 (1) , pp. 13-16.

Reagon, Carly ORCID:, Bellin, John Wynford and Boniface, Gail 2008. Reconfiguring Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapists. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 15 (10) , pp. 428-436.

Hurst, Heather, Fedden, Tamsin and Boniface, Gail 2006. Bridging the gap between clinician and academic practitioner. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 31st Annual Conference and Exhibition, Cardiff, UK, 20-23 June 2006.

Fedden, Tamsin, Boniface, Gail, Mason, Margot, Hurst, Heather and Phelps, Caroline 2006. Using case studies to understand the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 30th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Cardiff, UK, 20-23 June 2006.

Wilks, Lisa J. and Boniface, Gail 2004. A study of occupational therapists' perceptions of clinical governance. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 11 (10) , pp. 455-461.

Boniface, Gail, Mason, Margot, Fedden, Tamsin, Long, Caroline, Hall, Raymond and Hurst, Heather 2004. Investigating theory into practice. Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 29th Annual Conference, Eastbourne, UK, 2004.

Fedden, Tamsin, Hurst, Heather, Thistlewood, Gillian, Walker, Jane, Waygood, Sian, Boniface, Gail, Harmer, Anna and Mason, Margot 2004. Can referrals for occupational therapy ever be assigned to a support worker? Presented at: College of Occupational Therapists 34th Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 22-25 June 2010.

Boniface, Gail 2002. Understanding reflective practice in occupational therapy. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 9 (8) , pp. 294-298.

Booy, Martin John and Boniface, Gail 1999. Enabling older people: Developing a social services-owned system. Castell, A., Gregory, A., Hindle, G., James, M. and Ragsdell, G., eds. Synergy Matters: Working with Systems in the 21st Century, New York: Kluwer, pp. 301-306. (10.1007/0-306-47467-0_51)

Booy, Martin John and Boniface, Gail 1997. Occupational Therapy - a profession sustained through systems science. Presented at: Fifth International Conference of the United Kingdom Systems Society on Systems for Sustainability: People, Organisations, and Environments, Milton Keynes, UK, 7-11 July 1997. Published in: Stowell, F. A., Ison, R. L., Armson, R., Holloway, J., Jackson, S. and McRobb, S. eds. Systems for Sustainability: People, Organisations and Environments: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the United Kingdom Systems Society, Milton Keynes, UK, 7-11 July 1997. Systems for Sustainability New York, Plenum Press. New York: Plenum Press,

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