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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 138.

Bligh, John 2011. Respect for learners: philanthropia and philotechnia. Excellence in Medical Education 1 (1) , pp. 12-14.

Brice Browne, Julie, Cooper, Nick and Bligh, John 2011. How to . . . become recognised for your teaching. Education for Primary Care 22 (2) , pp. 124-126.

Bleakley, Alan, Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2011. Medical education for the future: Identity, power and location. Advances in Medical Education, vol. 1. London: Springer. 10.1007/978-90-481-9692-0

Ricketts, Chris and Bligh, John 2011. Developing a "Frequent Look and Rapid Remediation" Assessment System for a New Medical School. Academic Medicine -Philadelphia- 86 (1) , pp. 67-71. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181ff9ca3

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2010. Course design. Cantillon, P. and Wood, D., eds. ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine (2nd ed.), ABC series, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell / BMJ Books, pp. 6-9.

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2010. Leadership in medical education [Editorial]. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 340 , pp. 1044-1045. 10.1136/bmj.c2351

Brice Browne, Julie, Bligh, John, Bordage, Georges, Colliver, Jerry, Cook, David, Eva, Kevin W., Harden, Ronald, Kanter, Steven L. and Norman, Geoffrey R. 2009. Publishing Ethics in Medical Education Journals. Academic Medicine -Philadelphia- 84 (10 Sup) , S132-S134. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181b36f69

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2009. Further Insights Into the Roles of the Medical Educator: The Importance of Scholarly Management. Academic Medicine -Philadelphia- 84 (8) , pp. 1161-1165. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181ace633

Bleakley, Alan and Bligh, John 2009. Who can resist Foucault? The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (4) , pp. 368-383. 10.1093/jmp/jhp028

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie ORCID: 2009. Publishing and research. Dent, John A. and Harden, Ronald, eds. A practical guide for medical teachers. 3rd ed rev, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, pp. 406-413.

Mattick, Kate and Bligh, John 2009. Readiness for interprofessional learning scale. Bluteau, Pat and Jackson, Ann, eds. Interprofessional Education: Making It Happen, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125-142.

Bleakley, Alan, Brice Browne, Julie and Bligh, John 2008. Thinking the post-colonial in medical education. Medical Education 42 (3) , pp. 266-270. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2007.02991.x

Brice Browne, Julie and Bligh, John 2008. Clinical education: a routine activity of extraordinary importance. Clinical Medicine - London 8 (5) , pp. 480-481.

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2008. What is the value of good medical education research? Medical Education 42 (7) , pp. 652-653. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03036.x

Mattick, Karen, Dennis, Ian, Bradley, Paul and Bligh, John 2008. Content specificity: is it the full story? Statistical modelling of a clinical skills examination. Medical Education 42 (6) , pp. 589-599. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03020.x

Bleakley, Alan and Bligh, John 2007. Looking forward-looking back: aspects of the contemporary debate about teaching and learning medicine. Medical Teacher 29 (2-3) , pp. 79-82. 10.1080/01421590701206780

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2007. The Academy of Medical Educators: a professional home for medical educators in the UK. Medical Education 41 (7) , pp. 625-627. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2007.02796.x

Bligh, John, Eva, K., Galbraith, R., Ringsted, C. and van der Vleuten, C. 2007. Report of the expert advisory panel on selection and assessment procedures used in selection for specialist training. Tooke, John, ed. Aspiring to Excellence: A Report of the Independent Inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers, London: Independent Inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers, pp. 123-141.

Mattick, Karen, Crocker, Graham and Bligh, John 2007. Medical student attendance at non-compulsory lectures. Advances in Health Sciences Education 12 (2) , pp. 201-210. 10.1007/s10459-005-5492-1

Prideaux, David, Worley, Paul and Bligh, John 2007. Symbiosis: a new model for clinical education. The Clinical Teacher 4 (4) , pp. 209-212. 10.1111/j.1743-498X.2007.00188.x

Bligh, John and Bleakley, Alan 2006. Distributing menus to hungry learners: can learning by simulation become simulation of learning? Medical Teacher 28 (7) , pp. 606-613. 10.1080/01421590601042335

Mattick, Karen and Bligh, John 2006. Getting the measure of interprofessional learning. Medical Education 40 (5) , pp. 399-400. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2006.02487.x

Mattick, Karen and Bligh, John 2006. Undergraduate ethics teaching: revisiting the Consensus Statement. Medical Education 40 (4) , pp. 329-332. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2006.02407.x

Mattick, Karen and Bligh, John 2006. Teaching and assessing medical ethics: where are we now? Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (3) , pp. 181-185. 10.1136/jme.2005.014597

Bligh, John 2005. The editorial imperative. Medical Education 39 (12) , pp. 1174-1175. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02332.x

Mattick, Karen and Bligh, John 2005. An e-resource to coordinate research activity with the readiness for interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS). Journal of Interprofessional Care 19 (6) , pp. 604-613. 10.1080/13561820500389130

Bradley, Paul and Bligh, John 2005. Clinical skills centres: where are we going? Medical Education 39 (7) , pp. 649-650. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02189.x

Morrison, Jill and Bligh, John 2005. Assessing the quality of research. Medical Education 39 (6) , pp. 542-544. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02186.x

Bligh, John 2005. Editorial. The Clinical Teacher 2 (1) , p. 1. 10.1111/j.1743-498X.2005.00056.x

Bligh, John 2005. Editorial direction and relevance. Medical Education 39 (5) , pp. 440-441. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02168.x

Bligh, John 2005. Faculty development. Medical Education 39 (2) , pp. 120-121. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.02098.x

Brice Browne, Julie and Bligh, John 2005. Author misconduct: not just the editors' responsibility. Medical Education 39 (1) , pp. 83-89. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.02027.x

Bligh, John and Brice Browne, Julie 2005. New Year reflections on professionalism. Medical Education 39 (1) , pp. 2-3. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.02076.x

Brice Browne, Julie and Bligh, John 2005. 'Dear Editor ...': advice on writing a covering letter. Medical Education 39 (9) , p. 876. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02255.x

Bligh, John 2005. Professionalism. Medical Education 39 (1) , p. 4. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.02075.x

Bligh, John and Brice, J. 2005. Research and publication. Dent, J. and Harden, R., eds. A Practical Guide for Clinical Teachers, 2nd ed., London: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, pp. 412-420.

Bligh, John 2004. Editorial. The Clinical Teacher 1 (2) , p. 45. 10.1111/j.1743-498X.2004.00034.x

McLachlan, John C., Bligh, John, Bradley, Paul and Searle, Judy 2004. Teaching anatomy as a multimedia experience: Authors' reply [Letter]. Medical Education 38 (8) , pp. 912-913. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.01968.x

Brice Browne, Julie and Bligh, John 2004. How international is Medical Education? Medical Education 38 (1) , pp. 96-102. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2004.01608.x

Mattick, Karen, Dennis, Ian and Bligh, John 2004. Approaches to learning and studying in medical students: validation of a revised inventory and its relation to student characteristics and performance. Medical Education 38 (5) , pp. 535-543. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.01836.x

Bligh, John 2004. More medical students, more stress in the medical education system. Medical Education 38 (5) , pp. 460-462. 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2004.01922.x

McLachlan, John C., Bligh, John, Bradley, Paul and Searle, Judy 2004. Teaching anatomy without cadavers. Medical Education 38 (4) , pp. 418-424. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2004.01795.x

Mattick, Karen, Marshall, Rob and Bligh, John 2004. Tissue pathology in undergraduate medical education: atrophy or evolution? The Journal of Pathology 203 (4) , pp. 871-876. 10.1002/path.1601

Bligh, John 2003. Learning about science is still important. Medical Education 37 (11) , pp. 944-945. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2003.01703.x

Bligh, John 2003. More 'Really Good Stuff'. Medical Education 37 (11) , pp. 1027-1028. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2003.01683.x

Bligh, John 2003. Interactive case report: A 66 year old woman with a rash: case outcome. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 326 (7393) , pp. 804-807. 10.1136/bmj.326.7393.804

Bligh, John 2003. Interactive case report: A 66 year old woman with a rash: case progression. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 326 (7390) , p. 640. 10.1136/bmj.326.7390.640

Bligh, John 2003. 'Nothing is but what is not'. William Shakespeare; Macbeth Act I, Scene iii. Medical Education 37 (3) , pp. 184-185. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2003.01461_1.x

Mattick, Karen and Bligh, John 2003. Interprofessional learning involving medical students or doctors. Medical Education 37 (11) , pp. 1008-1011.

Bligh, John 2003. Themes for 2004. Medical Education 37 (6) , p. 492. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2003.01551.x

Bligh, John 2003. The ordinariness of teaching. Medical Education 37 (5) , p. 394. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2003.01526.x

Prideaux, David and Bligh, John 2002. Research in medical education: asking the right questions. Medical Education 36 (12) , pp. 1114-1115. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.01411.x

Anderson, M. Brownell and Bligh, John 2002. Really good stuff - Reports of new ideas in medical education: Annual, peer-reviewed collection of reports on innovative approaches to medical education - Introduction. Medical Education 36 (11) , p. 1086. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.14092.x

Bligh, John 2002. Research in medical education at the start of the century. Medical Education 36 (11) , pp. 1000-1001. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.01324_1.x

Bligh, John 2002. A history of curriculum reform: the Sherbrooke story. Medical Education 36 (10) , p. 896. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.01309.x

Bligh, John 2002. Improving student learning. Medical Education 36 (8) , p. 692. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.01275.x

Bligh, John 2002. Tomorrow's doctors: extending the role of public health medicine in medical education. Medical Education 36 (3) , pp. 206-207. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.01186.x

Bligh, John 2002. The first year of doctoring: still a survival exercise. Medical Education 36 (1) , pp. 2-3. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2002.01129.x

Bligh, John 2001. Evaluating the effects of research in medical education. Medical Education 35 (12) , p. 1094. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.01116.x

Fowell, Susan and Bligh, John 2001. Assessment of undergraduate medical education in the UK: time to ditch motherhood and apple pie. Medical Education 35 (11) , p. 1006. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2001.01062.x

Bligh, John 2001. Really good stuff : Reports of new ideas in medical education: Annual, peer-reviewed collection of reports on innovative approaches to medical education - Introduction. Medical Education 35 (11) , p. 1068. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2001.1077b.x

Bligh, John 2001. More medical students for England. Medical Education 35 (8) , pp. 712-713. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.01015.x

Bligh, John 2001. Students and student life. Medical Education 35 (7) , p. 616. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.00989.x

Bligh, John, Prideaux, David and Parsell, Glennys 2001. PRISMS: new educational strategies for medical education. Medical Education 35 (6) , pp. 520-521. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.00984.x

Bligh, John 2001. Assessment: the gap between theory and practice. Medical Education 35 (4) , p. 312. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.00933.x

Parsell, Glennys and Bligh, John 2001. Recent perspectives on clinical teaching. Medical Education 35 (4) , p. 409. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2001.00900.x

Lake, Fiona and Bligh, John 2001. What price an idea? Medical Education 35 (2) , pp. 90-91. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2001.0882a.x

Bligh, John 2001. Learning from uncertainty: a change of culture. Medical Education 35 (1) , pp. 2-3. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2001.00848.x

Bligh, John 2001. Picturing the journal. Medical Education 35 (1) , p. 4. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2001.00828.x

Bligh, John 2000. Developing the journal. Medical Education 34 (11) , pp. 884-885. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00824.x

Bligh, John 2000. Problem-based learning: the story continues to unfold. Medical Education 34 (9) , pp. 688-689. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00777.x

Fowell, S. L., Maudsley, G., Maguire, P., Leinster, S. J. and Bligh, John 2000. Student assessment in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom, 1998. Medical Education 34 (s1) , pp. 1-49. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.0340s1001.x

Bligh, John 2000. Whole doctor education. Medical Education 34 (7) , pp. 496-497. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00681.x

Bligh, John, Lloyd-Jones, G. and Smith, G. 2000. Early effects of a new problem-based clinically oriented curriculum on students? perceptions of teaching. Medical Education 34 (6) , pp. 487-489. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00447.x

Bligh, John 2000. Junior doctor training. Medical Education 34 (5) , pp. 330-331. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00701.x

Bligh, John 2000. Inspired magic: healing with the heart. Medical Education 34 (4) , p. 242. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.0675a.x

Parsell, Glennys and Bligh, John 2000. Encouraging educational leadership. Medical Education 34 (3) , pp. 199-200. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.0652a.x

Bligh, John and Anderson, M. Brownell 2000. Medical teachers and evidence. Medical Education 34 (3) , pp. 162-163. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00648.x

Wood, Diana and Bligh, John 2000. Medical education comes of age. Medical Education 34 (2) , pp. 82-83. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00611.x

Bligh, John 2000. Developing research capacity. Medical Education 34 (1) , pp. 2-3. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00601.x

Bligh, John 1999. From the Editor. Medical Education 33 (12) , pp. 868-869. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00581.x

Bligh, John 1999. Medical education in South Africa. Medical Education 33 (10) , pp. 711-712. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00548.x

Bligh, John and Parsell, Glennys 1999. Multiprofessional working: learning from experience. Medical Education 33 (9) , pp. 632-633. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00500.x

Parsell, Glennys and Bligh, John 1999. AMEE Guide No. 17: writing for journal publication. Medical Teacher 21 (5) , pp. 457-468. 10.1080/01421599979121

Kent, Athol and Bligh, John 1999. Ottawa in Africa 2000. Medical Education 33 (8) , p. 554. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00484.x

Bligh, John 1999. Persistent attenders and heartsink [Editorial]. Medical Education 33 (6) , p. 398. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00433.x

Bligh, John 1999. Face to face. Medical Education 33 (6) , p. 401. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.0432b.x

Wilkes, M. and Bligh, John 1999. Evaluating educational interventions. British Medical Journal 318 , pp. 1269-1272. 10.1136/bmj.318.7193.1269

Bligh, John 1999. Is it time for a community-based medical school in the UK? [Editorial]. Medical Education 33 (5) , p. 315. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00418.x

Mooney, G. A., Fewtrell, R. F. and Bligh, John 1999. Cognitive process modelling: computer tools for creative thinking and managing learning. Medical Teacher 21 (3) , pp. 277-280. 10.1080/01421599979527

Bligh, John 1999. Learning by example [Editorial]. Medical Education 33 (4) , pp. 234-235. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00413.x

Fowell, S. L., Southgate, L. J. and Bligh, John 1999. Evaluating assessment: the missing link? Medical Education 33 (4) , pp. 276-281. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00405.x

Bligh, John and Parsell, Glennys 1999. Research in medical education: finding its place [Editorial]. Medical Education 33 (3) , pp. 162-163. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.0389a.x

Parsell, Glennys and Bligh, John 1999. The development of a questionnaire to assess the readiness of health care students for interprofessional learning (RIPLS). Medical Education 33 (2) , pp. 95-100. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00298.x

Bradley, Paul and Bligh, John 1999. One year's experience with a clinical skills resource centre. Medical Education 33 (2) , pp. 114-120. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00351.x

Bligh, John 1999. Curriculum design revisited. Medical Education 33 (2) , pp. 82-85. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00385.x

Lloyd-Jones, G., Fowell, S. and Bligh, John 1999. The use of the nominal group technique as an evaluative tool in medical undergraduate education. Medical Education 33 (1) , pp. 8-13. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00288.x

Bligh, John 1999. Mentoring: an invisible support network [Editorial]. Medical Education 33 (1) , pp. 2-3. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1999.00360.x

Bligh, John 1998. Where medical education matters [Commentary]. Medical Education 32 (6) , p. 573. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00321.x

Bligh, John 1998. What happens to manuscripts submitted to the Journal? [Editorial]. Medical Education 32 (6) , pp. 567-570. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00315.x

Buckley, Graham and Bligh, John 1998. Henry Walton as Editor for 21 years. Medical Education 32 (6) , pp. 571-572. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00338.x

Mooney, G. A., Bligh, John and Leinster, S. J. 1998. Some techniques for computer-based assessment in medical education. Medical Teacher 20 (6) , pp. 560-566. 10.1080/01421599880292

Parsell, Glennys and Bligh, John 1998. Educational principles underpinning successful shared learning. Medical Teacher 20 (6) , pp. 522-529. 10.1080/01421599880229

Lloyd-Jones, G., Margetson, D. and Bligh, John 1998. Problem-based learning: a coat of many colours. Medical Education 32 (5) , pp. 492-494. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00248.x

Bligh, John 1998. Commentary. Medical Education 32 (4) , pp. 339-340. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00300.x

Bligh, John 1998. Assuring specialist practice [Editorial]. Medical Education 32 (4) , pp. 341-342. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00299.x

Broomfield, Darice and Bligh, John 1998. An evaluation of the 'short form' course experience questionnaire with medical students. Medical Education 32 (4) , pp. 367-369. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00232.x

Parsell, Glennys, Spalding, Robert and Bligh, John 1998. Shared goals, shared learning: evaluation of a multiprofessional course for undergraduate students. Medical Education 32 (3) , pp. 304-311. 10.1046/j.1365-2923.1998.00213.x

Mooney, G. A. and Bligh, John 1998. CyberIST © : a virtual game for medical education. Medical Teacher 20 (3) , pp. 212-216. 10.1080/01421599880940

Bligh, John 1998. Trends in medical education. European Journal of Dental Education 2 (1) , pp. 2-7. 10.1111/j.1600-0579.1998.tb00028.x

Mooney, G. A. and Bligh, John 1997. Computer-based learning materials for medical education: a model production. Medical Education 31 (3) , pp. 197-201. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1997.tb02567.x

Broomfield, D. and Bligh, John 1997. Curriculum change: the importance of team role. Medical Education -Oxford- 31 (2) , pp. 109-114.

Jones, G. L., Walley, T. and Bligh, John 1997. Integrating clinical pharmacology in a new problem based medical undergraduate curriculum. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 43 (1) , pp. 15-19. 10.1111/j.1365-2125.1997.tb00131.x

Mooney, G. A. and Bligh, John 1997. Information technology in medical education: current and future applications. Postgraduate Medical Journal -London- 73 (865) , pp. 701-704. 10.1136/pgmj.73.865.701

Lloyd Jones, G., Bligh, John and Valentine, C. 1996. Venus and Freud: an educational opportunity? Genitourinary Medicine 72 (4) , pp. 290-294.

Bligh, John and Slade, P. 1996. A questionnaire examining learning in general practice. Medical Education -Oxford- 30 (1) , pp. 65-70. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1996.tb00720.x

Mooney, G. A., Bligh, John, Leinster, S. J. and Warenius, H. M. 1995. An electronic study guide for problem-based learning. Medical Education 29 (6) , pp. 397-402. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1995.tb02860.x

Bligh, John 1995. Problem based, small group learning. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition) 311 (7001) , pp. 342-343.

Bligh, John 1995. Identifying the core curriculum: the Liverpool approach. Medical Teacher 17 (4) , pp. 383-390. 10.3109/01421599509036774

Bligh, John 1995. The clinical skills unit. Postgraduate Medical Journal 71 (842) , pp. 730-732. 10.1136/pgmj.71.842.730

Parsell, G. J. and Bligh, John 1995. The changing context of undergraduate medical education. Postgraduate Medical Journal 71 (837) , pp. 397-403. 10.1136/pgmj.71.837.397

Walley, T., Bligh, John, Orme, M. and Breckenridge, A. 1994. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in undergraduate medical education in the UK: current status. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 37 (2) , pp. 129-135. 10.1111/j.1365-2125.1994.tb04252.x

Walley, T., Bligh, John, Orme, M. and Breckenridge, A. 1994. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in undergraduate medical education in the UK: the future. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 37 (2) , pp. 137-143. 10.1111/j.1365-2125.1994.tb04253.x

Walley, T. and Bligh, John 1992. FHSA medical advisers: friends or foes? British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition) 304 (6820) , pp. 133-134.

Bligh, John 1992. Independent learning among general practice trainees: an initial survey. Medical Education 26 (6) , pp. 497-502. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1992.tb00212.x

Bligh, John and Harden, Ronald M. 1990. Bridging the gap between hospital experience and general-practice during vocational-training. Medical Teacher 12 (2) , pp. 169-173. 10.3109/01421599009006693

Bligh, John 1989. Pressing for prevention. Robinson, David, Tether, Philip and Teller, John, eds. Local action on alcohol problems, London: Tavistock/Routledge,

Youngs, G. R., Bligh, John, Hughes, I. L. and Clough, J. V. 1988. Home treatment of deep-vein thrombosis [Letter]. Lancet 1 (8584) , p. 532. 10.1016/S0140-6736(88)91324-4

Baines, M., Bligh, John and Madden, J. 1988. Tissue thiamin levels of hospitalised alcoholics before and after oral or parenteral vitamins. Alcohol and Alcoholism -London- Pergamon Press then Oxford University Press- 23 (1) , pp. 49-52.

Bligh, John 1988. Towards identifying learning needs in general practice. Medical Education 22 (4) , pp. 365-367. 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1988.tb00765.x

Bligh, John 1988. Repeat Prescribing: a survey of 21 practices. Update 23 , pp. 1453-1455.

Bligh, John 1987. Recent advances in early detection of alcoholism and continuing care in general practice. British Journal of Clinical Practice Supplement 51 , pp. 8-13.

Bligh, John 1986. Managing problem drinkers: setting the scene. Practitioner 230 (1412) , pp. 89-91.

Bligh, John and Moyle, P. M. 1985. The general practitioner and the alcoholic. British Journal of General Practice 35 (275) , p. 301.

Ciesielski, K. T., Madden, J. S., Bligh, John and Shopflocher, D. 1985. Long-term brain impairment in chronic alcoholics: N2-P3 cognitive potentials in a template-matching memory task. Alcohol and Alcoholism -London- Pergamon Press then Oxford University Press- 20 (4) , pp. 403-408.

Bligh, John and Madden, J. S. 1983. Managing alcohol dependence. Practitioner 227 (1375) , pp. 82-85.

Madden, J. S. and Bligh, John 1983. An absence of alcohol policy [Letter]. British Medical Journal 286 (6362) , p. 396. 10.1136/bmj.286.6362.396-b

Bligh, John, Gough-Thomas, H. and Madden, J. S. 1983. The detection of an early case of alcohol abuse in general practice. Alcohol and Alcoholism 17 (2) , pp. 86-88.

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