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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 106.

Barton, B., Johnson, T.P., Lethbridge, A., Matthews, R.F., Magan, R., Fisher, G.L., Hedges, W., Westall, D., Prickett, M. and Frost, P. 2023. Road traffic collision simulation: ‘story-boarding’ as a template for mapping a multidisciplinary training platform. Presented at: Faculty of Pre-hospital Care, Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK, 6-7 November 2023.

Johnson, Timothy, Barton, Beth, Matthews, Richie, Magan, Roger, Fisher, George, Hedges, Will, Westall, D., Prickett, M. and Frost, Paul 2023. A road traffic collision simulation: undergraduate learning from the first stage of the trauma patients journey? Presented at: British Trauma Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Cardiff, U.K., 22-23 November 2023.

Edwards, Gwenno M., Notzing, Jessica, Frost, Paul and Pyart, Rhodri 2021. Pregnancy-induced atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Clinical Medicine Journal 21 (4) , pp. 403-404. 10.7861/clinmed.2021-0301

Morgan, Matthew and Frost, Paul 2021. “The purpose of power is to give it away”— what covid can teach us about organ donation. [Online]. BMJ Publishing Group. Available at:

Frost, Paul, Holmes, Thomas, Hemrom, Saiyonora, Williams, Nia and Jones, Lliwen 2021. The importance of relationships to deliver teaching quickly and on a scale in a pandemic. Presented at: Health Education and Improvement Wales: Looking Forward Innovation in Challenging Times, Virtual Conference, 27 November 2020.

Metcalf, Elizabeth, Goodfellow, Rhian, Allen, Jeff, Frost, Paul, O'Mahoney, Sinead and Tayyaba, Saadia 2021. Patient & student safety - central & essential to undergraduate student progression. Presented at: EBMA Virtual Conference 2020 - Theme 6: Professionalism, Virtual, 11 February 2021.

Frost, Paul, Diaz-Navarro, Cristina and Dunn, John 2020. Rapid large scale training during COVID-19 pandemic: all in this together. . Society for Simulation in Europe. Available at:

Frost, Paul 2020. Change in clinical status: escalating from ward to ITU. The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology. Available at:

Frost, Paul 2020. Triage of a patient with suspected COVID-19. The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology. Available at:

Arthur-Quarm, Stella P., Skyrme, Tracey and Frost, Paul 2020. Managing sudden deaths in hospital. Presented at: Palliative Care Congress (PCC 2020), Telford, England, 19-20 March 2020. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. , vol.10 BMJ Publishing Group, A25-A26. 10.1136/spcare-2020-PCC.69

Frost, Paul 2020. Deemed consent (PF Vlog). . NHS-BT. Available at:

Frost, Paul, Gardiner, Dale and Duckworth, Joanna 2020. A gift of life: perspectives on organ donation and deemed consent. [Online]. Intensive Care Society Podcast. Available at:

Frost, Paul J 2018. Intensive care staff are susceptible to burnout [Letter]. BMJ 363 , k5088. 10.1136/bmj.k5088

Wise, Matthew and Frost, Paul 2018. Nutritional support in the critically ill. Davey, Patrick and Sprigings, David, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/med/9780199568741.003.0334)

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. 24/7 Consultant working in the NHS: 12 years experience in intensive care. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 111 (3) , pp. 149-150. 10.1093/qjmed/hcx141

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew P. 2018. Early management of acute medical emergencies. Matfin, Glenn, ed. Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies: A Clinician's Guide. 2nd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 10-21.

Morgan, P., Frost, Paul, Cann, Clare and Hope-Gill, B. 2018. Interprofessional training incorporating medical simulation to improve hospital sepsis care. Presented at: International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Amsterdam, 2-4 May 2018.

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. Critical illness. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. Role of the Intensive Care Unit. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. ICU Treatment of Respiratory Failure. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. ICU treatment of cardiovascular failure. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. ICU treatment of acute kidney injury. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. ICU treatment of sepsis and septic shock. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. Terminal care in the intensive care unit. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. Brain Death. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2018. Hypothermia. Sprigings, David and Davey, Patrick, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford University Press,

Wise, Matthew and Frost, Paul 2018. Hyperthermia. Davey, Patrick and Sprigings, David, eds. Diagnosis and Treatment in Internal Medicine, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/med/9780199568741.003.0077)

Frost, Paul 2017. The role of education and simulation training in delivering improvements in sepsis care. [Video]. Youtube: Available at:

Metcalf, Elizabeth, Frost, Paul, Goodfellow, Rhian, Kinnersley, Paul, Williams, Sally and Sillars, Anna 2017. Summative clinical assessment of medical student's ability to provide immediate care in a simulated medical emergency. Presented at: All Wales Curriculum Conference, Cardiff, 24 May 2017.

Jones, H., O'Donnell, J., Cann, Clare, Frost, Paul, Jenkins, A. and Hawker, C. 2017. Do students value interprofessional acute care simulation teaching? Presented at: All Wales Curriculum Conference, Cardiff, 24 May 2017.

Frost, Paul and Cann, Clare 2017. Sepsis - the patient's perspective. Presented at: All Wales Curriculum Conference, Cardiff, 24 May 2017.

Santoa, A, Thomas, N, Cann, Clare, Frost, Paul and Smith, M 2016. Enhancing interprofessional learning and collaboration through simulation. Presented at: Interprofessional Education and Practice Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff University, September 12, 2016.

Frost, Paul 2016. Early management of acutely ill ward patients. [Online]. BMJ Learning. Available at:

Santos, Andrew, Cann, Clare, Thomas, N., Hawker, Clare ORCID: and Frost, Paul 2016. Learning together prepares students to work together. Presented at: Scottish Clinical Skills Network Conference, Aberdeen, 20-21 April 2016.

Wyatt-Haines, Emma, Cann, Clare, Santos, Andrew, Thomas, N., Smith, M. and Frost, Paul 2016. Interprofessional learning utilising simulation: for healthcare undergraduates. Presented at: Curriculum Conference, Swansea University, Swansea, 13 April 2016.

Metcalf, Elizabeth, Frost, Paul, Goodfellow, Rhian, Kinnersley, Paul and Williams, Sian 2016. Summative clinical assessment of medical students ability to provide immediate care in simulated medical emergencies. Presented at: European Board of Medical Assessors, Exeter, England, 14-15 October 2016.

Chacko, Cyril Jacob, Wise, Matt P and Frost, Paul John 2015. Passive leg raising and compression stockings: a note of caution [Letter]. Critical Care 19 (1) , 237. 10.1186/s13054-015-0955-0

Frost, Paul and McCreary, David 2015. Breaking bad news. 8 February 2015. Available at:

Frost, Paul John 2015. Intravenous fluid therapy in adult inpatients. BMJ 350 , g7620. 10.1136/bmj.g7620

Frost, Paul Frost, Paul, ed. 2015. Intravenous fluid therapy in adult inpatients. [Online]. BMJ Learning. Available at:

Cann, Clare, Frost, Paul, Sillars, Anna and Kinnersley, Paul 2015. All Wales acute care teaching final year medical student evaluation. Presented at: 5th Curriculum Conference, Cardiff, School of Medicine, Cardiff, March 2015.

Frost, Paul 2014. A pathway for managing sudden death in hospital. []. London Cardiac Arrest Symposium. Available at:

Cann, Clare and Frost, Paul 2014. Interprofessional education through simulation: a pilot scheme for final year medical and pharmacy students at Cardiff University. Presented at: 4th Annual Curriculum Conference Cardiff School of Medicine, Cardiff University, 7 March 2014.

Frost, Paul and Wise, Matthew 2014. Early management of acute medical emergencies. Matfin, Glenn, ed. Endocrine and Metabolic Medical Emergencies, Endocrine Society,

Cann, Clare and Frost, Paul 2014. Simulation based learning for final year medical students at Cardiff University. Presented at: 4th Annual Curriculum Conference Cardiff School of Medicine, Cardiff, 7 March 2014.

Frost, Paul, Cann, Clare and Smith, Matthew 2014. Piloting inter-professional education for medical and pharmacy students. Education Through Simulation & Resuscitation News 20 , pp. 1-2.

Frost, Paul 2012. Early management of acutely ill patients. [Podcast]. 7 September 2012. Available at:

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2012. Early management of acutely ill ward patients. BMJ 345 , e5677. 10.1136/bmj.e5677

Griffiths, B., Smith, R. and Frost, P. J. 2012. A tale of the unexpected. Presented at: AAGBI Annual Congress 2012, Bournemouth, England, 19-21 September 2012. Anaesthesia. , vol.67 (S2) Wiley, p. 33. 10.1111/anae.12033

Marino, Paola, Williams, David W. ORCID:, Lewis, Michael A. O. ORCID:, Wise, Matt, Frost, Paul J. and Thomas, John 2011. Effects of oral microbes on biofilm formation by respiratory pathogens. Presented at: 2011 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, San Diego, CA, USA, 19 March 2011.

Tooley, R, Uddin, N, Haskins, N, Soldan, J, Owens, D and Frost, Paul 2011. Sleep in a busy critical care unit: a service evaluation. Presented at: Society of Anaesthetists of Wales, Spring Scientific meeting, Brecon, 18 March 2011.

Cairns, Scott, Thomas, John Gilbert, Hooper, Samuel James, Wise, Matthew Peter, Frost, Paul John, Wilson, Melanie J ORCID:, Lewis, Michael Alexander Oxenham ORCID: and Williams, David Wynne ORCID: 2011. Molecular analysis of microbial communities in endotracheal tube biofilms. PLoS ONE 6 (3) 10.1371/journal.pone.0014759

Lloyd, Timothy Edwin, Frost, Paul John and Rees, Jeremy Simon 2011. A pilot audit of oral health in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. Journal of Disability and Oral Health 12 (3) , pp. 114-120.

Mukhtar, YM, Frost, Paul and Stallard, Nick 2011. Routine blood tests (RBTs) in the ICU: are they justified? Presented at: ESICM lives 2011 24th Annual congress, Berlin, Germany, 1-5 October 2011. Abstracts, ESICM Lives 2011, 24th Annual Congress: Berlin, Germany, 1 - 5 October 2011. Springer,

Frost, Paul John, Leadbeatter, Stephen and Wise, Matthew Peter 2010. Organ donation. BMJ 341 , c6009. 10.1136/bmj.c6009

Wise, Matthew Peter and Frost, Paul John 2010. Hospital mortality and junior doctors' handover: the role of medical schools and consultants. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 103 (11) , pp. 895-896. 10.1093/qjmed/hcq091

Frost, Paul 2010. Organ donation. []. 11 October 2010. Available at:

Frost, Paul John, Hingston, Christopher D. and Wise, Matthew Peter 2010. Reducing complications related to endotracheal intubation in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Medicine 36 (8) , p. 1438. 10.1007/s00134-010-1855-z

Frost, Paul 2010. Sudden death. [Podcast]. 16 April 2010. Available at:

Hingston, Christopher D., Cole, J. M., Hingston, Emma J., Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2010. Oral Hygiene and Nosocomial Pneumonia in Critically III Patients. Chest 137 (1) , pp. 237-238. 10.1378/chest.09-1319

Wise, Matthew Peter, Williams, David Wynne ORCID:, Lewis, Michael Alexander Oxenham ORCID: and Frost, Paul John 2010. Macrolides and community-acquired pneumonia: is quorum sensing the key? Critical care (London, England) 14 (4) , 181. 10.1186/cc9084

Wise, Matthew Peter, Hart, Nick and Frost, Paul John 2010. ARDS outcomes: a marker of critical care quality in the UK? [Letter]. Thorax 66 (4) , p. 359. 10.1136/thx.2010.140541

Frost, Paul John, Leadbeatter, Stephen and Wise, Matthew Peter 2010. Managing sudden death in hospital. BMJ 340 , c962. 10.1136/bmj.c962

Hingston, Christopher D., Saayman, Anton Gerhard, Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2010. Boerhaave's syndrome - rapidly evolving pleural effusion; a radiographic clue. Minerva Anestesiologica 76 (10) , pp. 865-867.

Wise, Matthew Peter and Frost, Paul John 2010. Consultants: a chronic problem for acutely ill patients. Clinical Medicine 10 (2) , pp. 108-109. 10.7861/clinmedicine.10-2-108

Frost, Paul 2010. Septic shock secondary to acute ascending cholangitis. Garrioch, Magnus A., ed. IMPACT Instructor handbook, Vol. 3. Parrex Design,

Marino, P., Wlliams, D. W., Lewis, M .A. O., Wise, M. and Frost, P. 2010. Characterisation of in vitro biofils developed on endotracheal tube surfaces. Presented at: BSAC: Hospital acquired and ventilator associated pneumonia - 21st century challenges and solutions, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2 September 2010.

Wise, Matthew Peter, Saayman, Anton Gerhard and Frost, Paul John 2009. Acid-suppressive medication and hospital-acquired pneumonia. JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association 302 (13) , pp. 1415-1417. 10.1001/jama.2009.1415

Wise, Matthew Peter, Frost, Paul John and Saayman, Anton G. 2009. Esomeprazole for asthma. New England Journal of Medicine 361 , pp. 206-208. 10.1056/NEJMc090990

Wise, Matthew Peter, Frost, Paul John, Hingston, Christopher D. and Godkin, Andrew James ORCID: 2009. Latent viral infections in critically ill patients. Critical care (London, England) 13 (3) , 410. 10.1186/cc7902

Wise, Matthew Peter, Saayman, Anton Gerhard and Frost, Paul John 2009. Surfactant replacement therapy in ARDS. Chest 136 (1) , p. 321. 10.1378/chest.08-2672

Wise, Matthew Peter, Saayman, Anton Gerhard and Frost, Paul John 2008. Direct effects of modest hyperglycaemia on susceptibility to infection in the critically ill patient. Critical care (London, England) 12 (6) , 433. 10.1186/cc7089

Cairns, SA, Williams, DW, Thomas, J, Hooper, S, Wise, Matthew, Frost, Paul, Malic, S, Lewis, M, Harding, KG and Leaper, DJ 2008. Characterisation of biofilms within medical devices. Presented at: European Tissue Repair Society, Malta, 10-12 September 2008.

Williams, DW, Thomas, J, Hooper, SJ, Wise, Matthew, Frost, Paul, Malic, S, Cairns, S and Lewis, M 2008. Profiling microbial diversity in endotracheal tube biofilms. Presented at: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association of Dental Research, Toronto, Canada, 2 -5 July 2008.

Thomas, J, Williams, D.W., Hooper, SJ, Malic, S, Wise, Matthew, Frost, Paul, Cairns, S and Lewis, M 2008. PCR DGGE to unmask streptococcus mutans in endotrach biofilms. Presented at: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association of Dental Research, Toronto, Canada, 2 -5 July 2008.

Malic, S, Thomas, J, Williams, DW, Hooper, SJ, Rowe, WG, Wise, Matthew, Frost, Paul, Cairns, S and Lewis, M 2008. Linking plaque and endotrach biofilm/matrix by structure and composition. Presented at: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association of Dental Research, Toronto, Canada, 2 -5 July 2008.

Cairns, SA, Williams, DW, Thomas, J, Hooper, S, Wise, Matthew, Frost, Paul, Malic, S, Lewis, M, Harding, KG and Leaper, DJ 2008. Microbial diversity in biofilms, wounds and medical device. Presented at: Third Congress of Wound Healing Societies, Toronto, Canada, 4 - 8 June 2008.

Wise, Matthew Peter, Williams, David Wynne ORCID:, Lewis, Michael Alexander Oxenham ORCID:, Thomas, J. G. and Frost, Paul John 2008. Impact of poor dental health on pneumonia. European Respiratory Journal 32 (4) , pp. 1123-1124. 10.1183/09031936.00096808

Cairns, Scott, Williams, David Wynne ORCID:, Thomas, John Gilbert, Hooper, Samuel James, Wise, Matthew Peter, Frost, Paul John, Malic, Sladjana, Lewis, Michael Alexander Oxenham ORCID:, Harding, Keith Gordon and Leaper, David J. 2008. Characterisation of biofilms within medical devices [Abstract]. Wound Repair and Regeneration 16 (6) , A70. 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2008.00424.x

Wise, Matthew Peter, Cole, J. M., Williams, David Wynne ORCID:, Lewis, Michael Alexander Oxenham ORCID: and Frost, Paul John 2008. Efficacy of oral chlorhexidine in critical care [Letter]. Critical Care 12 (3) 10.1186/cc6886

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2008. Cardiorespiratory arrests and rapid response teams in pediatrics. JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association 299 (12) , pp. 1423-1424. 10.1001/jama.299.12.1423-b

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2008. Time of hospital presentation may be important. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 336 (7643) , p. 522. 10.1136/bmj.39507.481840.80

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2008. Residency duty-hour limits: time to change how key clinical faculty work? Archives of Internal Medicine 168 (2) , p. 244. 10.1001/archinternmed.2007.52

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2008. Tracheotomy and ventilator-associated pneumonia: the importance of oral care. European Respiratory Journal 31 (1) , p. 221. 10.1183/09031936.00107207

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2008. A guide to the adult intensive care unit. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 65 (Supp 5) , m74-m77. 10.12968/hmed.2008.69.Sup5.29376

Wise, Matthew Peter and Frost, Paul John 2007. Treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis. JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association 298 (23) , p. 2739. 10.1001/jama.298.23.2739-b

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2007. Recognition and early management of the critically ill ward patient. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 68 (10) , m180-m183. 10.12968/hmed.2007.68.Sup10.27338

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2007. Burnout in intensivists and configeration of the working week. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 176 (7) , p. 724. 10.1164/ajrccm.176.7.724

Frost, Paul John 2006. Not every picture is worth a thousand words. Journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine 8 (3) , p. 262.

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2006. The beta agonist lung injury trial (BALTI) and the measurement of extravascular lung water. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 173 (11) , pp. 1290-1291. 10.1164/ajrccm.173.11.1290a

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2006. In response to the Acute Care Undergraduate TEaching (ACUTE) initiative. Intensive Care Medicine 32 (5) , p. 785. 10.1007/s00134-006-0103-z

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2006. Resident consultants in large intensive care units. Critical Care and Resuscitation 8 (1) , pp. 50-51.

Wise, Matthew Peter and Frost, Paul John 2006. Shift work in intensive care. Chest 130 (2) , pp. 624-625. 10.1378/chest.130.2.624-a

Frost, Paul John and Wise, Matthew Peter 2006. Recognition and management of the patient with shock. Acute Medicine 5 (2) , pp. 43-47.

Frost, Paul, Findlay, GP, Parry-Jones, AJD, Saayman, AG, Morgan, P, Stallard, NJ, Grundler, S, Wise, M, Read, MS and Smithies, M 2005. A resident consultant service in intensive care: a shift in the right direction? Journal of the Intensive Care Society 6 (2) , pp. 22-23. 10.1177/175114370500600215

Frost, Paul and Smithies, Mark 2005. This acute problem needs trained experts delivering evidence based care. Intensive Care Monitor 2005 (12) , p. 41.

Mann, S., Galler, D., Williams, P. and Frost, Paul John 2004. Caring for patients and families at the end of life: withdrawal of intensive care in the patients home. New Zealand Medical Journal 117 (1196) , U935.

Frost, Paul John 2003. In response to 'Effect of introducing the modified early warning score on clinical outcomes, cardio-pulmonary arrests and intensive care utilisation in acute medical admissions. Anaesthesia 58 (11) , pp. 792-802. 10.1046/j.1365-2044.2003.03477.x

Frost, Paul and Ellis, Gemma 2003. The medical emergency team. Presented at: National Outreach Forum Conference, Birmingham, 31 March 2003.

Frost, Paul John 2001. The medical emergency team. Medical Journal of Australia , pp. 369-370.

Frost, Paul 2000. Decisions to withdraw treatment: treatment can sometimes be withdrawn at home [letters]. BMJ 320 (7226) , p. 54. 10.1136/bmj.320.7226.54/a

Frost, Paul John and Williams, A. B. 2000. A 57-year old woman admitted to the emergency department with hyponatramia and hypoglycaemia. Critical Care and Resuscitation 2 (4) , pp. 308-309.

Frost, Paul and Bihari, D. 1999. THe measurement of extravascular lung water. Webb, A. and Shapiro, M. J., eds. The Oxford Text Book of Critical Care, Oxford University Press,

Frost, Paul John and Bihari, David 1997. The route of nutritional support in the critically ill; physiological and economic considerations. Nutrition 13 (9) , 58S-63S. 10.1016/S0899-9007(97)83045-6

Frost, Paul John, Edwards, N. and Bihari, D. 1997. Gastric emptying in the critically ill the way forward. Intensive Care Medicine 23 (3) , pp. 243-245. 10.1007/s001340050325

Frost, Paul and Bihari, David 1997. Gastric emptying in the critically ill - the way forward? Letter in reply. Intensive Care Medicine 23 10.1007/s001340050322

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