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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 44.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Smith, Tom ORCID:, Ortega Roman, Deysi, Bhuyan, Md Rashed, Mustary, Mahia, Khan, Nova Amin, Akter, Ruaida, Sharma, Rakesh, Saif, Sadequal, Pearee, Gaous, Akter, Naima, Mithun, Md., Saha, Proma, Ghosh, Badhan, Rumman, Bilkis, Babul Mia, Md. and Shawon Mia, Md. 2025. Rayer Bazar to grow up in: A children and young people’s plan for Rayer Bazar, Dhaka. [Project Report]. Cardiff University/BRAC University.

Smith, Thomas ORCID:, Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Harris, Neil ORCID: and Yaratgan, D. 2025. Llanishen to grow up in. A children and young people’s plan for Llanishen, Cardiff. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Khan, M. ORCID:, Harris, N. ORCID: and Smith, T. ORCID: 2024. Planning for children’s play in Wales. Scottish Planner (198) , p. 14.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, McGeown, Sarah and Bell, Simon 2024. Improving outdoor pedagogy through design: Reflections on the process of redesigning a school landscape. Journal of Landscape Architecture 19 (1) , pp. 68-81. 10.1080/18626033.2024.2408913
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Barros, Paula, Guerra, Paulo Henrique, Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Fermino, Rogério César 2024. Prospects for research, policymaking, and urban design practice on active travel to/from school. Journal of Transport & Health 38 , 101882. 10.1016/j.jth.2024.101882
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Barros, Paula, Guerra, Paulo Henrique, Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Fermino, Rogerio Cesar 2024. Impact of active travel to school on children's health: an overview of systematic reviews. Mindell, Jenny and Watkins, Stephen, eds. Health on the Move 3: The Reviews., Vol. 13. Advances in Transport and Policy Planning, Elsevier, pp. 145-170.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, McGeown, Sarah, Christie, Beth and Bell, Simon 2024. How can place support pedagogy? Application of the concept of cognitive affordances in research and design of outdoor learning environments. Landscape Research 49 (3) , pp. 373-392. 10.1080/01426397.2023.2296490
Item availability restricted.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Spinney, Justin ORCID: and Monsur, Muntazar 2023. To do or not to do: practical and ethical concerns in online research with children and young people during crises. Children's Geographies 10.1080/14733285.2023.2237916

Weir, Holly, Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Marmot, Alexi 2023. Displaced children’s experience of places and play: a scoping review. Children's Geographies 21 (3) , pp. 502-517. 10.1080/14733285.2022.2078656

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Smith, Tom ORCID:, Harris, Neil ORCID: and Nekeb, Shoruk 2023. Co-creating a neighbourhood plan with children and young people: A toolkit for planners, designers, teachers and youth workers. [Manual]. Cardiff University.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Nekeb, Shoruk, Smith, Tom ORCID:, Harris, Neil ORCID: and McVicar, Mhairi ORCID: 2023. A Grangetown to grow up in: A children and young people's plan for Grangetown, Cardiff. [Project Report]. Cardiff University.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Smith, Thomas ORCID: and Harris, Neil ORCID: 2022. Co-designing a greener, fairer and stronger community for children’s wellbeing,. [Online]. SALUS - Global Knowledge Exchange website: SALUS. Available at:

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Smith, Thomas Aneurin ORCID:, Anand, Kusha ORCID:, Hossain, Tahrima and Islam, Mohammed Zaki 2022. Crisis-led approaches to teaching and learning in Bangladesh: towards a blended learning framework. Cardiff University.

Craveiro, Daniela, Marques, Sibila, Bell, Ruth, Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Godinho, Cristina and Peixeiro, Filomena 2021. Behavioural change box? Applying the COM-B model to understand behavioural triggers that support consumption of fruits and vegetable among subscribers of a fruit and vegetable box scheme . Public Health Nutrition 24 (18) , pp. 6488-6498. 10.1017/S1368980021003839

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Weir, Holly and Marmot, Alexi 2021. A review of displaced children's experience of places. Presented at: 2021 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Virtual, 31 August - 03 September 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2021. Can outdoor learning improve children's academic attainment, health and wellbeing? Presented at: CLOtC Masterclass - Maximising your school grounds for learning and supporting children's well-being, Virtual, 18 March 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2021. Children's needs in public spaces. Presented at: Dhaka Urban Lab 2021, Virtual, 2-6 September 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Smith, Tom, Islam, M. Zakiul, Anand, Kusha and Hossain, Tahrima 2021. Towards a blended learning framework for post-pandemic Bangladesh. Presented at: 2021 Education.South Asia Conference, Virtual, 23-24 July 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2021. Pedagogy and play: creating opportunities for play and learning in Bangladesh. Presented at: Play 2021, Birmingham, England, 7-8 July 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Bell, Ruth 2021. School gardening interventions as a tool to develop environmentally literate future citizens. Presented at: EDRA52 Detriot, Virtual, 19-23 May 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Rana, Sheik, Weir, Holly and Marmot, Alexi 2021. Creation of just places for and with a Rohingya refugee community. Presented at: EDRA52 Detriot, Virtual, 19-23 May 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2021. What worked? A f ramework for evaluation of child friendly cities and children's environments. Presented at: ECLAS Annual Conference 2021, Virtual, 13-15 September 2021.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Wood, Jenny and Bell, Simon 2021. Conclusions. Khan, Matluba, Bell, Simon and Wood, Jenny, eds. Place, Pedagogy and Play: Participation, Design and Research with Children, Routledge, pp. 222-229.

Bell, Simon, Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Wood, Jenny 2021. Introduction. Khan, Matluba, Bell, Simon and Wood, Jenny, eds. Place, Pedagogy and Play: Participation, Design and Research with Children, Routledge, pp. 1-8.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Smith, Thomas ORCID:, Islam, Mohammed Zakiul, Anand, Kusha ORCID:, Hossain, Tahrima, Ahmed, Shakil, Islam, G. M. Rakibul, Atuly, Afsana Sadiq, Nayeem, Azwa, Sabbab, Salman, Hassan, Mehdi and Sarwar, Md. Afzal Hossain 2021. Crisis-led approaches to teaching and learning in Bangladesh: workshop 1 report. Cardiff University.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, McGeown, Sarah and Bell, Simon 2020. Can an outdoor learning environment improve children's academic attainment? A quasi-experimental mixed methods study in Bangladesh. Environment and Behavior 52 (10) , pp. 1079-1104. 10.1177/0013916519860868

Todd, Maree, Longley, Griffin, Serter, Şule and Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2020. Design of outdoor learning environments and its implications for children?s learning, health and wellbeing. . Outdoor Classroom Day. Available at:

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Bell, Simon and Wood, Jenny, eds. 2020. Place, pedagogy and play: participation, design and research with children. Routledge.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Bell, Simon and McGeown, Sarah 2020. School ground interventions for pedagogy and play: How can we evaluate the design? Khan, Matluba, Bell, Simon and Wood, Jenny, eds. Place, Pedagogy and Play: Participation, Design and Research with Children, Routledge, pp. 143-161.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2020. Children's engagement in design: reflections from research and practice. Karim, Farhan, ed. The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement, Routledge, pp. 186-200.

Bell, Ruth, Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Lillefjell, Monica, Sarheim Anthun, Kirsti, Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin, Hope, Siren, Espenes, Geir Arild, Fredrich, Bettina, Friberg, Marita, Merritt, Anne-Sophie, de Jalón, Silvestre García, Chiabai, Aline, Kruize, Hanneke, Staatsen, Brigit, van der Vliet, Nina, Craveiro, Daniela, Marques, Sibila, Marreiros, Ana, Lopo, Eunice, Peixeiro, Filomena, Spelt, Hanne, Tsiampalis, Thomas, Kouvari, Matina, Karnaki, Pania, Petralias, Athanassios, Westerink, Joyce, Linos, Athena, Máca, Vojtěch, Zvěřinová, Iva, Ščasný, Milan, Bélorgey, Nathalie, Weyers, Simone and Kreffte, Katharina 2020. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of impacts and benefits of nine INHERIT case studies. Brussels: EuroHealthNet. Available at:

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Bell, Simon, McGeown, Sarah and Silveirinha de Oliveira, Eva 2020. Designing an outdoor learning environment for and with a primary school community: A case study in Bangladesh. Landscape Research 45 (1) , pp. 95-110. 10.1080/01426397.2019.1569217

Craveiro, Daniela, Marques, Sibila, Marreiros, Ana, Bell, Ruth, Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Godinho, Cristina, Quiroga, Sonia and Suarez, Cristina 2019. Equity, health, and sustainability with PROVE: the evaluation of a Portuguese program for a short distance supply chain of fruits and vegetables. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (24) , 5083. 10.3390/ijerph16245083

Anthun, Kirsti S., Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin, Hope, Siren, Espnes, Geir Arild, Bell, Ruth, Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Lillefjell, Monica 2019. Addressing inequity: evaluation of an intervention to improve accessibility and quality of a green space. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (24) , 5015. 10.3390/ijerph16245015

Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Bell, Ruth 2019. What are children's environmental concerns? What can be done to foster children's pro-environmental behaviour? Presented at: Towards the Child Friendly City Children's rights in the built environment International conference of the European Network for Child Friendly Cities, Bristol, UK, 27-29 November 2019.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2019. Displaced children's experiences of places What do we know about Rohingya refugee children's state of play in refugee camps in Bangladesh? Presented at: Towards the Child Friendly City Children's rights in the built environment International conference of the European Network for Child Friendly Cities, Bristol, UK, 27-29 November 2019.

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2019. What worked? Evaluation of children's environments. Presented at: Towards the Child Friendly City Children's rights in the built environment International conference of the European Network for Child Friendly Cities, Bristol, UK, 27-29 November 2019.

Kruize, Hanneke, van der Vilet, Nina, Staatsen, Brigit, Bell, Ruth, Chiabai, Aline, Muinos, Gabriel, Higgins, Sahran, Quiroga, Sonia, Martinez Juarez, Pablo, Aberg Yngwe, Monica, Tsichlas, Fotis, Karnaki, Pania, Lima, Maria Luisa, Garcia de Jalon, Silvestre, Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Morris, George and Stegeman, Ingrid 2019. Urban green space: Creating a triple win for environmental sustainability, health, and health equity through behavior change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (22) , 4403. 10.3390/ijerph16224403

Khan, Matluba ORCID: and Bell, R 2019. Effects of a school based intervention on children's physical activity and healthy eating: a mixed-methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (22) , 4320. 10.3390/ijerph16224320

Bell, Ruth, Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Romeo-Velilla, Maria, Stegeman, Ingrid, Godfrey, Alba, Taylor, Timothy, Morris, George, Staatsen, Brigit, van der Vilet, Nina, Kruize, Hanneke, Sarheim Anthun, Kirsti, Lillefjell, Monica, Espnes, Geir Arild, Chiabai, Aline, Garcia de Jalon, Silvestre, Quiroga, Sonia, Martinez-Juarwz, Pablo, Maca, Vojtech, Zverinova, Iva, Scasny, Milan, Marques, Sibila, Craveiro, Daniela, Westerink, Joyce, Spelt, Hannes, Karnaki, Pania, Strube, Rosa, Merritt, Anne-Sophie, Friberg, Marita, Belorgey, Nathalie, Vos, Marjolijn, Gjorgjev, Dragan, Upelniece, Inese and Costongs, Caroline 2019. Ten lessons for good practice for the INHERIT triple win: health, equity, and environmental sustainability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (22) , 4546. 10.3390/ijerph16224546

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, McGeown, Sarah P. and Islam, Mohammed Zakiul 2019. “There is no better way to study science than to collect and analyse data in your own yard”: outdoor classrooms and primary school children in Bangladesh. Children's Geographies 17 (2) , pp. 217-230. 10.1080/14733285.2018.1490007

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2017. How to grow a playspace: development and design [Book Review]. Landscape Research 43 (1) , pp. 180-181. 10.1080/01426397.2018.1415251

Khan, Matluba ORCID: 2016. Environment, engagement and education. Investigating the relationship between primary school grounds and children's learning: a case study from Bangladesh. PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh.

Khan, Matluba ORCID:, Bell, Simon, de Oliveira, Eva Silveirinha and McGeown, Sarah 2016. Can outdoor environment improve children's motivation to learn? Presented at: EDRA 47 Raleigh: Innovation: Shifting Grounds, Raleigh, NC, USA, 18-21 May 2016.

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