Cardaliaguet, Pierre, Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Souganidis, Panagiotis E. 2022. Scaling limits and stochastic homogenization for some nonlinear parabolic equations. Journal of Differential Equations 307 , pp. 389-443. 10.1016/j.jde.2021.10.057 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Grillmeier, Hubertus and Grün, Guenther 2021. On stochastic porous-medium equations with critical-growth conservative multiplicative noise. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 41 (6) , pp. 2829-2871. 10.3934/dcds.2020388 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Dragoni, Federica ORCID:, Mannucci, Paola and Marchi, Claudio 2020. Gamma-convergence and homogenisation for a class of degenerate functionals. Nonlinear Analysis 190 , 111618. 10.1016/ |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Dragoni, Federica ORCID: and Grande, Raffaele 2020. Asymptotics for optimal controls for horizontal mean curvature flow. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Nguyen, Vinh Duc 2019. Some new results on Lipschitz regularization for parabolic equations. Journal of Evolution Equations 19 (4) , pp. 1149-1166. 10.1007/s00028-019-00512-w |
Li, Xiaoguai, Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Embacher, Peter, Zimmer, Johannes and Reina, Celia 2019. Harnessing fluctuations to discover dissipative evolution equations. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 131 , pp. 240-251. 10.1016/j.jmps.2019.05.017 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Dragoni, Federica ORCID:, Mannucci, Paola and Marchi, Claudio 2018. Stochastic homogenization for functionals with anisotropic rescaling and noncoercive Hamilton--Jacobi equations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50 (5) , pp. 5198-5242. 10.1137/17M1144428 |
Embacher, Peter, Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Zimmer, Johannes and Reina, Celia 2018. Computing diffusivities from particle models out of equilibrium. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 474 (2212) , 0694. 10.1098/rspa.2017.0694 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Stamatakis, Marios G. and Zimmer, Johannes 2017. Hydrodynamic limit of condensing two-species zero range processes with sub-critical initial profiles. Journal of Statistical Physics 168 (4) , pp. 794-825. 10.1007/s10955-017-1827-6 |
Birmpa, P., Dirr, N. ORCID: and Tsagkarogiannis, D. 2017. Large deviations for the macroscopic motion of an interface. Journal of Statistical Physics 166 , pp. 1163-1192. 10.1007/s10955-017-1720-3 |
Cesaroni, Annalisa, Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Novaga, Matteo 2017. Homogenization of a semilinear heat equation. Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques 4 , pp. 633-660. |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Stamatakis, Marios and Zimmer, Johannes 2016. Entropic and gradient flow formulations for nonlinear diffusion. Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 , 081505. 10.1063/1.4960748 |
Cesaroni, Annalisa, Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Marchi, Claudio 2016. Homogenization of a mean field game system in the small noise limit. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 48 (4) , pp. 2701-2729. 10.1137/16M1063459 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Orlandi, Enza 2015. Uniqueness of the minimizer for a random non-local functional with double-well potential in d⩽2. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis 32 (3) , pp. 593-622. 10.1016/j.anihpc.2014.02.002 |
Adams, Steffan, Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Peletier, Mark and Zimmer, Johannes 2013. Large deviations and gradient flows. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371 (2005) , 20120341. 10.1098/rsta.2012.0341 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Laschos, Vaios and Zimmer, Johannes 2012. Upscaling from particle models to entropic gradient flows. Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (6) , 063704. 10.1063/1.4726509 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Orlandi, Enza 2011. Unique minimizer for a random functional with double-well potential in dimension 1 and 2. Communications in Mathematical Sciences 9 (2) , pp. 331-351. 10.4310/CMS.2011.v9.n2.a1 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Dondl, Patrick and Scheutzow, Michael 2011. Pinning of interfaces in random media. Interfaces and Free Boundaries 13 (3) , pp. 411-421. 10.4171/IFB/265 |
Adams, Stefan, Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Peletier, Mark A. and Zimmer, Johannes 2011. From a large-deviations principle to the Wasserstein Gradient Flow: a new micro-macro passage. Communications in Mathematical Physics 307 (3) , pp. 791-815. 10.1007/s00220-011-1328-4 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Dragoni, Federica ORCID: and Von Renesse, Max 2010. Evolution by mean curvature flow in sub-Riemannian geometries: a stochastic approach. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9 (2) , pp. 307-326. 10.3934/cpaa.2010.9.307 |
Coville, Jérôme, Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Luckhaus, Stephan 2010. Non-existence of positive stationary solutions for a class of semi-linear PDEs with random coefficients. Networks and Heterogeneous Media 5 (4) , pp. 745-763. 10.3934/nhm.2010.5.745 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Dondl, Patrick W., Grimmett, Geoffrey R., Holroyd, Alexander E. and Scheutzowv, Michael V. 2010. Lipschitz percolation. Electronic Communications in Probability 15 (2) , pp. 14-21. |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Orlandi, Enza 2009. Sharp-interface limit of a Ginzburg-Landau functional with a random external field. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 41 (2) , pp. 781-824. 10.1137/070684100 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: 2008. Switching paths for Ising models with long-range interaction. Mörters, Peter, Moser, Roger, Penrose, Mathew, Schwetlick, Hartmut and Zimmer, Johannes, eds. Analysis and stochastics of growth processes and interface models, Oxford Scholarship Online, pp. 244-265. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199239252.003.0011) |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Karali, G. and Yip, N. K. 2008. Pulsating wave for mean curvature flow in inhomogeneous medium. European Journal of Applied Mathematics 19 (6) , pp. 661-699. 10.1017/S095679250800764X |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Marcello, Lucia and Matteo, Novaga 2008. Gradient theory of phase transitions with a rapidly oscillating forcing term. Asymptotic Analysis 60 (1-2) , pp. 29-59. 10.3233/ASY-2008-0897 |
Bellettini, G., De Masi, A., Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Presutti, E. 2007. Stability of invariant manifolds in one and two dimensions. Nonlinearity 20 (3) , pp. 537-582. 10.1088/0951-7715/20/3/002 |
Bellettini, G., De Masi, A., Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Presutti, E. 2006. Tunneling in Two Dimensions. Communications in Mathematical Physics 269 (3) , pp. 715-763. 10.1007/s00220-006-0143-9 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID:, Lucia, M. and Novaga, Matteo 2006. Gamma--convergence of the Allen-Cahn energy with an oscillating forcing term. Interfaces and Free Boundaries 8 (1) , pp. 47-78. 10.4171/IFB/135 |
Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Yip, N. K. 2006. Pinning and de-pinning phenomena in front propagation in heterogeneous media. Interfaces and Free Boundaries 8 (1) , pp. 79-109. 10.4171/IFB/136 |
De Masi, Anna, Dirr, Nicolas P. ORCID: and Presutti, Errico 2006. Interface Instability under Forced Displacements. Annales Henri Poincaré 7 (3) , pp. 471-511. 10.1007/s00023-005-0257-1 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Souganidis, Panagiotis E. 2005. Large-time behavior for viscous and nonviscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations forced by additive noise. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 37 (3) , pp. 777-796. 10.1137/040611896 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: 2004. A Stefan problem with surface tension as the sharp interface limit of a nonlocal system of phase-field type. Journal of statistical physics 114 (3-4) , pp. 1085-1113. 10.1023/B:JOSS.0000012517.33719.9f |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID:, Luckhaus, Stephan and Novaga, Matteo 2001. A stochastic selection principle in case of fattening for curvature flow. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 13 (4) , pp. 405-425. 10.1007/s005260100080 |
Dirr, Nicolas ORCID: and Luckhaus, Stephen 2001. Mesoscopic limit for non-isothermal phase transition. Markov processes and related fields 7 (3) , pp. 355-381. |