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Addis, Samia ORCID:, Davies, Myfanwy, Greene, Giles ORCID:, MacBride-Stewart, Sara J. ORCID: and Shepherd, Michael Allan 2009. The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people: a review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community 17 (6) , pp. 647-658. 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00866.x

Addis, Samia ORCID: and James, K 2008. Evaluation of packed lunch guidance for parents and primary schools in Wales. Presented at: British Sociological Association: Food Group conference, London, UK, 14 July 2008.

Alexis-Garsee, C., Haslum, M., Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Bridle, C. 2009. Smoking cessation interventions with different levels of tailoring: Outcome of a randomised controlled trial. Presented at: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Dublin, Ireland, 27-30 April 2009.

Andrews, Gavin J., Adams, Jon and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2009. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): production, consumption, research. Brown, Tim, McLafferty, Sara and Moon, Graham, eds. A companion to health and medical geography, Blackwell Companions to Geography, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 587-603. (10.1002/9781444314762.ch30)

Armstrong, Rebecca, Clark, Rachel, Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Waters, Elizabeth 2008. Strategies to support knowledge translation and exchange. Australasian Epidemiologist 15 (3) , pp. 24-27.

Audrey, Suzanne, Holliday, Joanne and Campbell, Rona 2008. Commitment and compatibility: teachers' perspectives on the implementation of an effective school-based, peer-led smoking intervention. Health Education Journal 67 (2) , pp. 74-90. 10.1177/0017896908089387

Barnes, Maria Carla, Buck, Rhiannon, Williams, Gareth Howard, Webb, Katie Louise and Aylward, Mansel 2008. Beliefs about common health problems and work: a qualitative study. Social Science & Medicine 67 (4) , pp. 657-665. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.05.008

Bell, Colin, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Simmons, Anne 2010. Community capacity building. Waters, Elizabeth, Swinburn, Boyd A., Seidell, Jacob C. and Uauy, Ricardo, eds. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence Policy and Practice, Evidence-based medicine, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 232-242. (10.1002/9781444318517.ch27)

Blackman, Tim, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Greene, Alex, Harrington, Barbara, Hunter, David, Marks, Linda, McKee, Lorna, Smith, Kat and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Tackling health inequalities in post-devolution Britain: do targets matter? Public Administration 87 (4) , pp. 762-778. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2009.01782.x

Blackman, Tim, Harrington, Barbara, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Greene, Alex, Hunter, David J., Marks, Linda, McKee, Lorna and Williams, Gareth Howard 2012. Framing health inequalities for local intervention: comparative case studies. Sociology of Health & Illness 34 (1) , pp. 49-63. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01362.x

Blackman, Tim, Hunter, David, Marks, Linda, Harrington, Barbara, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Williams, Gareth Howard, Greene, Alex and Mckee, Lorna 2010. Wicked comparisons: reflections on cross-national research about health inequalities in the UK. Evaluation 16 (1) , pp. 43-57. 10.1177/1356389009350016

Boyer, Kate ORCID: 2014. ‘Neoliberal motherhood’: workplace lactation and changing conceptions of working motherhood in the contemporary US. Feminist Theory 15 (3) , pp. 269-288. 10.1177/1464700114545321

Burgess, Stephen James and Holm, Soren 2006. The ethical context of conducting interventions against depression at the population-level rather than the individual level. [Working Paper]. Working Paper no.5, CISHE, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, vol. 75. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Byrne, Eleanor 2008. Photographic methods in qualitative research: A literature review. Presented at: 7th Qualitative Research Conference, Bournemouth University, 8-10 September 2008.

Byrne, Eleanor, Holland, Sally ORCID: and Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia 2010. A pilot study on the impact of a home-based parenting intervention: Parents Plus. Childcare in Practice 16 (2) , pp. 111-127. 10.1080/13575270903563325

Byrne, Ellie, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2015. Poor places, powerful people? Co-producing cultural counter-representations of place. Visual Methodologies 3 (2) , pp. 77-85. 10.7331/vm.v3i2.56

Campbell, R., Starkey, F., Holliday, Joanne, Audrey, S., Bloor, Michael John, Parry-Langdon, N., Hughes, R. and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2008. An informal school-based peer-led intervention for smoking prevention in adolescence (ASSIST): a cluster randomised trial. The Lancet 371 (9624) , pp. 1595-1602. 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60692-3

Chadderton, Chloe, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Hacking, Nicholas ORCID:, Shepherd, Michael Allan and Williams, Gareth Howard 2013. Health impact assessment in the UK planning system: the possibilities and limits of community engagement. Health Promotion International 28 (4) , pp. 533-543. 10.1093/heapro/das031

Chadderton, Chloe 2008. Involving the public in HIA: an evaluation of current practice in Wales. Presented at: International HIA Conference, Liverpool, 9-10 October 2008.

Chadderton, Chloe 2008. Involving the public in HIA: An evaluation of current practice in Wales. Presented at: IUHPE, Turin, Italy, 9-13 September 2008.

Chadderton, Chloe, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Involving the public in HIA:  an evaluation of current practice in Wales. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 116. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Chen, Jing ORCID:, Scalas, Enrico, Habyarimana, Cassien, Polito, Federico, Hawkes, Alan G. and Aduda, Jane Akinyi 2023. A fractional Hawkes process II: further characterization of the process. Physica A 615 , 128596. 10.1016/j.physa.2023.128596

Copello, Alex, Templeton, Lorna, Orford, Jim, Velleman, Richard, Patel, Asmita, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell, MacLeod, John and Godfrey, Christine 2009. The relative efficacy of two levels of a primary care intervention for family members affected by the addiction problem of a close relative: a randomized trial. Addiction 104 (1) , pp. 49-58. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02417.x

Davies, Jeanne, Lester, Carolyn, O'Neill, Martin and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Sustainable participation in regular exercise amongst older people: developing an action research approach. Health Education Journal 67 (1) , pp. 45-55. 10.1177/0017896907086157

Davies, Myfanwy, Elwyn, Glyn ORCID:, Papadopoulos, Irena, Fleming, Lon and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Can promoting patient decision making be exclusionary? Moral expectations and cultural difference in the narratives of UK maternity clinicians. Communication & Medicine 6 (1) , pp. 39-48. 10.1558/cam.v6i1.39

Daykin, Norma, Byrne, Eleanor, Soteriou, Tony and O'Connor, Susan 2010. Using arts to enhance mental healthcare environments: Findings from qualitative research. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice 2 (1) , pp. 33-46. 10.1080/17533010903031408

De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Simon, C., De Meester, F., Van Lenthe, F., Spittaels, H., Lien, N., Faggiano, F., Mercken, Liesbeth, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell and Haerens, L. 2011. Are physical activity interventions equally effective in adolescents of low and high socio-economic status (SES): results from the European Teenage project. Health Education Research 26 (1) , pp. 119-130. 10.1093/her/cyq080

Desousa, Carol, Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Roberts, Chris and Anderson, Launa 2008. School policies and binge drinking behaviours of school-aged children in Wales - a multi-level analysis. Health Education Research 23 (2) , pp. 259-271. 10.1093/her/cym030

Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Golby, Alison and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. La situation des évaluations d'impact sur la santé au pays de Galles. Telescope 14 (2) , pp. 15-24.

Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID:, Shepherd, Michael Allen, Rothwell, Heather Ann and Williams, Gareth Howard 2010. The impact of the recession on health: perspectives. Presented at: 18th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum, Bournemouth, UK, 24- 25 March 2010.

Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Contesting the science: public health knowledge and action in controversial land-use development. Presented at: 104th American Sociological Association conference, San Fransisco. USA, 8 - 11 August 2009.

Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Harrop, Emily ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Contesting the science: public health knowledge and action in controversial land-use developments. Benett, Peter, Calman, Kenneth, Curtis, Sarah and Fischbacher-Smith, Denis, eds. Risk Communication and Public Health (2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 181-196. (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199562848.003.12)

Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Shirani, Fiona and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Final report on the sustainability and legacy of Healthy Living Centres in Wales.  A report to the Department for Public Health and Health Professions. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 115. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Thomas, Gareth M. ORCID: and Byrne, Ellie 2020. Stigma, class, and ‘respect’: Young people’s articulation and management of place in a post-industrial estate in south Wales. People, Place and Policy Online 14 (2) , pp. 157-152. 10.3351/ppp.2020.4953299286

Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit 2004. Improving health and reducing inequalities: A practical guide to health impact assessment. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at:

Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Developing a public sociology: from lay knowledge to civic intelligence in health impact assessment. Journal of Applied Social Science 2 (2) , pp. 14-28. 10.1177/193672440800200203

Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Developing public sociology through health impact assessment. Sociology of Health & Illness 30 (7) , pp. 1101-1116. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01103.x

Evans, Robert John ORCID:, Hillman, Alexandra ORCID:, Rees, Gareth Meredydd, Ross, Nicola, Taylor, Christopher Matthew ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Qualitative research, deliberative inquiry and policy making. Qualitative Researcher (10) , pp. 10-11.

Green, Barbara F., Johansson, Inez, Rosser, Megan, Tengnah, Cassam and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2008. Studying abroad: a multiple case study of nursing students' international experiences. Nurse Education Today 28 (8) , pp. 981-992. 10.1016/j.nedt.2008.06.003

Green, L., Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Chadderton, Chloe and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Adding value to planning: A HIA of the preferred strategy of a local development plan in Wales. Presented at: 29th Annual Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Ghana, 2009.

Green, L., Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Chadderton, Chloe and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Integrating health and wellbeing: the Welsh experience of using HIA in transport planning. Presented at: 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Ghana, 2009.

Greenup, Rosalind, Powell, Eryl and Hacking, Nicholas ORCID: 2010. Interim report of the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the waste incineration development planned in Trident Park, Splott, by Viridor Ltd. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Public Health Wales/Communities First/Cardiff University.

Harrington, B. E., Smith, K. E., Hunter, D. J., Marks, L., Blackman, T. J., McKee, L., Greene, A., Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Health inequalities in England, Scotland and Wales: Stakeholders' accounts and policy compared. Public Health 123 (1) , pp. 24-28. 10.1016/j.puhe.2008.10.010

Harrop, Emily ORCID:, Elliott, Eva ORCID: and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Contesting the science: public health knowledge in an environmental protest. Presented at: BSA Medical Sociology Group 41st Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 4 September 2009.

Holliday, Joanne, Audrey, Suzanne, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell, Parry-Langdon, Nina and Campbell, Rona 2009. High fidelity? How should we consider variations in the delivery of school-based health promotion interventions? Health Education Journal 68 (1) , pp. 44-62. 10.1177/0017896908100448

Holliday, Joanne and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2008. Changes in child exposure to environmental tobacco smoke Wales (CHETS Wales): a call to action! Presented at: ASH Wales conference, Cardiff, UK, 2008.

Holliday, Joanne, Rothwell, Heather Ann and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2010. The relative importance of different measures of peer smoking on adolescent smoking behavior: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of a large British cohort. Journal of Adolescent Health 47 (1) , pp. 58-66. 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.12.020

Holliday, Joanne, Sinclair, P., Steglich, C. and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2008. A longitudinal investigation of peer influence, peer selection and adolescent smoking in UK schools. Presented at: Sunbelt XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Florida, USA, 22 - 27 January 2008.

Hollingworth, William, Cohen, David, Hawkins, James, Hughes, Rachael A., Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell, Holliday, Joanne, Audrey, Suzanne, Starkey, Fenella and Campbell, Rona 2012. Reducing smoking in adolescents: cost-effectiveness results from the cluster randomized ASSIST (a stop smoking in schools trial). Nicotine & Tobacco Research 14 (2) , pp. 161-168. 10.1093/ntr/ntr155

Hunter, Billie ORCID: and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2008. Re-mapping client journeys and professional identities: a review of the literature on clinical pathways. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 45 (4) , pp. 608-625. 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2007.04.001

Hunter, Billie ORCID: and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2009. Are clinical pathways ‘a good thing’? Reviewing the evidence. Midirs Midwifery Digest 19 (4) , pp. 515-517.

Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia 2008. Preventing long-term effects of indirect bullying. Presented at: International Forum for Child Welfare (IFCW), Cardiff, UK, 30 September 2008.

Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia and Bullen, K. S. 2008. Cross-cultural and cross-generational perceptions of play: informing effective early years education in diverse communities. Presented at: BPS Annual conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2008.

Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia, Reed, P., Mannogg, G., Bews, M. and Halliday, J. 2008. Predicting risk in occupational drivers: adopting a broader perspective. Presented at: BPS Annual conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2008.

Jordan, Sue and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2008. Evidence-based practice: the debate. Journal of Nursing Management 16 (4) , pp. 385-387. 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00881.x

Kain, Juliana, Gao, Yang, Doak, Colleen and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2010. Obesity prevention in primary school settings: evidence from intervention studies. Waters, Elizabeth, Swinburn, Boyd A., Seidell, Jacob C. and Uauy, Ricardo, eds. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence Policy and Practice, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 79-87. (10.1002/9781444318517.ch10)

Litva, Andrea, Canvin, Krysia, Shepherd, Michael Allan, Jacoby, Ann and Gabbay, Mark 2009. Lay perceptions of the desired role and type of user involvement in clinical governance. Health Expectations 12 (1) , pp. 81-91. 10.1111/j.1369-7625.2008.00530.x

MacDonald, Sarah ORCID:, Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Elliott, Eva ORCID: 2010. Understanding home-school links in relation to children's dietary health improvement. Presented at: BSA Food Study Group Conference, London, UK, 5-6 July 2010.

Mercken, L., Steglich, C., Sinclair, P., Holliday, Joanne and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2012. A longitudinal social network analysis of peer influence, peer selection, and smoking behavior among adolescents in British schools. Health Psychology 31 (4) , pp. 450-459. 10.1037/a0026876

Moore, Simon Christopher ORCID:, Brennan, Iain and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2011. Predicting and measuring premises-level harm in the night-time economy. Alcohol and Alcoholism 46 (3) , pp. 357-363. 10.1093/alcalc/agr011

Moore, Graham ORCID:, Holliday, Joanne and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2011. Socioeconomic patterning in changes in child exposure to secondhand smoke after implementation of smoke-free legislation in Wales. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 13 (10) , pp. 903-910. 10.1093/ntr/ntr093

Moore, Graham ORCID:, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2012. Integration of motivational interviewing into practice in the National Exercise Referral Scheme in Wales: a mixed methods study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 40 (3) , pp. 313-330. 10.1017/S1352465811000531

Moore, Graham ORCID:, Rothwell, Heather Ann and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2010. An exploratory study of the relationship between parental attitudes and behaviour and young people's consumption of alcohol. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 5 (1) , 6. 10.1186/1747-597X-5-6

Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2008. Cognitive, behavioral, and social factors are associated with bias in dietary questionnaire self-reports by schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108 (11) , pp. 1865-1873. 10.1016/j.jada.2008.08.012

Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Clark, Rachel, Lynch, Rebecca and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2007. Validation of a self-completion measure of breakfast foods, snacks and fruits and vegetables consumed by 9- to 11-year-old schoolchildren. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61 (3) , pp. 420-430. 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602531

Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2008. Associations between deprivation, attitudes to breakfast and breakfast eating behaviours in 9 - 11 year olds. Presented at: Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference,, Cardiff, UK, 3-5 June 2008.

Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell and Moore, Graham ORCID: 2011. Public health evaluation: which designs work, for whom and under what circumstances? Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 65 (7) , pp. 596-597. 10.1136/jech.2009.093211

Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell, Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Lynch, Rebecca, Desousa, Carol, Hale, Janine, Roberts, Chris and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2007. Free breakfasts in schools: design and conduct of a cluster randomised controlled trial of the Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative in Wales [ISRCTN18336527]. BMC Public Health 7 , 258. 10.1186/1471-2458-7-258

Moore, Sue, Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Tapper, Katy and Moore, Laurence 2010. From policy to plate: barriers to implementing healthy eating policies in primary schools in Wales. Health Policy 94 (3) , pp. 239-245. 10.1016/j.healthpol.2009.10.001

Moore, Susan, Tapper, Katy and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2010. Feeding goals sought by mothers of 3-5-year-old children. British Journal of Health Psychology 15 (1) , pp. 185-196. 10.1348/135910709X447668

Moore, Susan, Tapper, Katy and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2010. Feeding strategies used by primary school meal staff and their impact on children's eating. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 23 (1) , pp. 78-84. 10.1111/j.1365-277X.2009.01009.x

Morgan, Helen Elizabeth, Shepherd, M. A., Turley, Ruth Louise ORCID:, Mann, Mala K., Addis, S. G., Morgan, Fiona ORCID: and Weightman, Alison Lesley ORCID: 2007. Social determinants for cancer: A systematic review. Report to the Welsh Assembly Government. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Government.

Mugabi, Ivan 2016. Differences of protective challenges posed by natural and artificially motivated environmental hazards to obligations in article 11 of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Journal of Environmental Research And Development 11 (2) , pp. 439-449.

Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Lynch, Rebecca Jayne, Clarke, Roger, Raisanen, Lawrence Matthew, Desousa, C. and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2011. Free healthy breakfasts in primary schools: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a policy intervention in Wales, UK. Public Health Nutrition 14 (2) , pp. 219-226. 10.1017/S1368980010001886

Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Raisanen, Lawrence Matthew and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2008. Free healthy breakfasts in primary schools: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a policy intervention in Wales. Presented at: Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 3-5 June 2008.

Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Moore, Graham ORCID:, Tapper, Katy, Raisanen, Lawrence Matthew and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2008. Free healthy breakfasts in primary schools: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a policy intervention in Wales. Presented at: Society of Social Medicine, 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Southhampton, UK, 17 - 19 September 2008.

Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Raisanen, Larry, Moore, Graham ORCID:, Edwards, Rhiannon T., Linck, Pat, Williams, Nefyn Howard, Ud Din, Nafees, Hale, Janine, Roberts, Chris, McNaish, Elaine and Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell 2010. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the Welsh National Exercise Referral Scheme: protocol for trial and integrated economic and process evaluation. BMC Public Health 10 (1) , pp. 352-363. 10.1186/1471-2458-10-352

Murphy, Simon ORCID: and Simon, N. 2008. A strategy for public involvement in DECIPHer a UK Clinical Collaboration funded Centre of Public Health Research Excellence. Presented at: INVOLVE Conference, 6th National Conference, ‘Public involvement in research: getting it right and making a difference', Nottingham, UK, 11 - 12 November 2008.

Popay, Jennie and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Equalizing the people's health: a sociological perspective. Gabe, Jonathan and Calnan, Michael, eds. The New Sociology of the Health Service, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 222-244.

Priaulx, Nicolette Michelle ORCID: and Horan, John 2013. Inquiry on abortion on the grounds of foetal abnormality in England and Wales. London: HM Government.

Raisanen, Lawrence Matthew, McNaish, E., Hale, Jessica Ruth, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2008. Issues in implementing a policy evaluation of the national exercise referral scheme in Wales. Presented at: 2nd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008.

Rapport, Frances L., Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia, Doel, Marcus A., Jones, Aled ORCID:, Cella, Matteo and Lloyd, Keith R. 2010. Narrating uncertainties about treatment of mental health conditions. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 45 (3) , pp. 371-379. 10.1007/s00127-009-0072-y

Rapport, F., Doel, M. A. and Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia 2009. "Convenient space" or "a tight squeeze": insider views on the community pharmacy. Health & Place 15 (1) , pp. 315-322. 10.1016/j.healthplace.2008.06.002

Rapport, F. L., Doel, M. A. and Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia 2009. Challenges to UK community pharmacy: a bio-photographic study of workspace in relation to professional pharmacy practice. Medical Humanities 35 (2) , pp. 110-117. 10.1136/jmh.2009.002105

Rapport, F. L., Seagrove, A. C., Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia, Hutchings, H. A., Russell, I. T., Cheung, W. and Williams, J. G. 2008. New initiatives in the delivery and organisation of gastrointestinal endoscopy services – focus groups in England and Wales. Presented at: QUIC AWARD Mixed Methods Conference, Swansea, UK, 4 December 2008.

Rapport, Frances, Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia, Seagrove, Anne, Hutchings, Hayley, Russell, Ian, Cheung, Wai-Yee and Williams, John G. 2009. Evaluating innovations in the delivery and organization of endoscopy services in England and Wales. Qualitative Health Research 20 (7) , pp. 922-930. 10.1177/1049732309354282

Rolfe, Gary, Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: and Jordan, Sue 2008. Tensions and contradictions in nurses' perspectives of evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Management 16 (4) , pp. 440-451. 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00864.x

Rothwell, Heather Ann, Burgess, Stephen James, Townsend, Nicholas Paul, Pimm, Claire Elizabeth, Shepherd, Michael Allan and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2009. Review of the Welsh network of healthy school schemes, 2007-2008. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 138. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Rothwell, Heather Ann, Burgess, Stephen James, Townsend, Nicholas Paul, Pimm, Claire Elizabeth, Shepherd, Michael Allan and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2009. Review of the Welsh network of healthy school schemes, 2007-2008: stakeholder consultation. [Working Paper]. School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 137. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Rothwell, Heather Ann, Burgess, Stephen James, Townsend, Nicholas Paul, Pimm, Claire Elizabeth, Shepherd, Michael Allan and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2011. Working paper 138: review of the Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes, 2007-2008. Final report, March 2009. [Working Paper]. Working Paper Series, vol. 138. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences. Available at:

Rothwell, Heather Ann and Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2011. Preventing alcohol misuse in young people aged 9-11 years through promoting family communication: an exploratory evaluation of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) Programme. BMC Public Health 11 (1) , 810. 10.1186/1471-2458-11-810

Rothwell, Heather Ann, Shepherd, Michael Allan, Burgess, Stephen James, Townsend, Nicholas Paul and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2008. Some findings from the Review of the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools. Presented at: 8th IUHPE European Conference, Turin, Italy, 9-13 September 2008.

Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2008. Assessing the potential of the Cardiff Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 (UK) as a national programme for Wales - final report. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics. Available at:

Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2009. The strengthening families programme SFP10-14: ensuring that implementation is effective. Presented at: Preventing and reducing young people’s drinking – what works? seminar, Antrim, Ireland, 21 January 2009.

Segrott, Jeremy ORCID: 2010. Preventing substance misuse: a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme. Presented at: Quality and Effectiveness in the Provision of Interventions: Substance Misuse Annual Conference, Newport, Wales, 12 February 2010.

Smith, Katherine E., Hunter, David J., Blackman, Tim, Elliott, Eva ORCID:, Greene, Alexandra, Harrington, Barbara E., Marks, Linda, Mckee, Lorna and Williams, Gareth Howard 2009. Divergence or convergence? Health inequalities and policy in a devolved Britain. Critical Social Policy 29 (2) , pp. 216-242. 10.1177/0261018308101627

Starkey, Fenella, Audrey, Suzanne, Holliday, Joanne, Moore, Laurence Anthony Russell and Campbell, R. 2009. Identifying influential young people to undertake effective peer-led health promotion: the example of A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial (ASSIST). Health Education Research 24 (6) , pp. 977-988. 10.1093/her/cyp045

Tapper, Katy, Murphy, Simon ORCID:, Lynch, Rebecca Jayne, Clark, R., Moore, Graham ORCID: and Moore, Laurence 2008. Development of a scale to measure 9-11-year-olds' attitudes towards breakfast. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 62 (4) , pp. 511-518. 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602735

Thomas, Gareth M. ORCID: 2017. Picture perfect: ‘4D’ ultrasound and the commoditisation of the private prenatal clinic. Journal of Consumer Culture 17 (2) , pp. 359-377. 10.1177/1469540515602300

Thomas, Gareth Martin ORCID: 2014. Prenatal screening for down’s syndrome: parent and healthcare practitioner experiences. Sociology Compass 8 (6) , pp. 837-850. 10.1111/soc4.12185

Thomas, Gareth Martin ORCID: 2016. ‘It’s not that bad’: stigma, health, and place in a post-industrial community. Health & Place 38 , pp. 1-7. 10.1016/j.healthplace.2015.12.001

Thorne, K., Cheung, W., Cohen, D., Jerzembek, Gabrielle Sophia, Hutchings, H. A., Rapport, F. L., Russell, I. T., Seagrove, A. C. and Williams, J. G. 2008. Method for aggregating the reporting of interventions in complex studies (MATRICS). Presented at: QUIC AWARD Mixed Methods Conference, Swansea, UK, 4 December 2008.

Warren, Emily, Parry, Odette, Lynch, Rebecca Jayne and Murphy, Simon ORCID: 2008. 'If I don't like it then I can choose what I want': Welsh school children's accounts of preference for and control over food choice. Health Promotion International 23 (2) , pp. 144-151. 10.1093/heapro/dam045

Weightman, Alison Lesley ORCID:, Addis, S. G., Morgan, Helen Elizabeth, Turley, Ruth Louise ORCID:, Mann, Mala K., Morgan, Fiona ORCID: and Shepherd, M. A. 2008. Social determinants for child health: A systematic review. Report to the Welsh Assembly Government. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Government.

Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. What is to be done about health inequalities? Bevan Foundation Review (11) , pp. 26-28.

Williams, Gareth Howard 2008. Researching ordinary lives. Qualitative Researcher (7)

Williams, Gareth Howard 2010. Public health for Wales. CISHE News (18)

Williams, Gareth Howard 2010. Wellbeing: towards a common understanding. Presented at: 18th UKPHA Annual Conference, Bournemouth, UK, 24 - 25 March 2010.

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