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Number of items: 67.


Abyankar, A., Copeland, Laurence Sidney and Wong, Woon K. ORCID: 1999. LIFFE cycles: intraday evidence from the FTSE-100 Stock Index futures market. European Journal of Finance 5 (2) , pp. 123-139. 10.1080/135184799337136

Azali, M. and Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick ORCID: 1999. Money-income and credit-income relationships during the pre- and the post-liberalization periods: evidence from Malaysia. Applied Economics 31 (10) , pp. 1161-1170. 10.1080/000368499323382

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, Curry, Bruce and Morgan, Peter Huw ORCID: 1999. Neural networks and finite-order approximations. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 10 (3) , pp. 225-244. 10.1093/imaman/10.3.225

Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Emmaneil, Clive 1999. A longitudinal study of the determinants of transfer pricing change. Management Accounting Research 10 (2) , pp. 85-108. 10.1006/mare.1998.0093

Collie, David Robert ORCID: and Hviid, Morten 1999. Tariffs as signals of uncompetitiveness. Review of International Economics 7 (4) , pp. 571-579. 10.1111/1467-9396.00182

Collie, David Robert ORCID:, Hviid, Morten and Kendall, Toby 1999. Strategic trade policy under integrated markets. Journal of Economic Integration 14 (4) , pp. 523-553. 10.11130/jei.1999.14.4.523

Dixon, Huw David ORCID: and Hansen, Claus Thustrup 1999. A mixed industrial structure magnifies the importance of menu costs. European Economic Review 43 (8) , pp. 1475-1499. 10.1016/S0014-2921(98)00029-4

Doyle, John R. 1999. Elicitation and context effects in judgments: Fixed sum versus fixed scale frames. Management Science 45 (7) , pp. 972-979. 10.1287/mnsc.45.7.972

Doyle, John R. 1999. Evaluating OR/MS research. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 27 (3) , pp. 403-405. 10.1016/S0305-0483(98)00065-6

Doyle, John R., O'Connor, Darren J., Reynolds, Gareth M. and Bottomley, Paul Andrew ORCID: 1999. The robustness of the asymmetrically dominated effect: Buying frames, phantom alternatives, and in-store purchases. Psychology & Marketing 16 (3) , pp. 225-243. 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6793(199905)16:3<225::AID-MAR3>3.0.CO;2-X

Easaw, Joshy ORCID: and Garratt, D 1999. UK government expenditure and electoral security in the 1980s: a non-linear analysis. Economics Letters 62 (3) , pp. 287-292. 10.1016/S0165-1765(98)00241-9

Edgley, Carla Rhianon ORCID: and Chandler, Roy Anthony ORCID: 1999. Certainly reasonable or reasonable certainty. British Tax Review (4) , pp. 309-314.

Edwards, John Richard ORCID:, Chandler, Roy Anthony ORCID: and Anderson, Malcolm 1999. The 'public auditor': an experiment in effective accountability. Accounting and Business Research 29 (3) , pp. 93-105. 10.1080/00014788.1999.9729579

Edwards, Pam, Ezzamel, Mahmoud ORCID: and Robson, Keith 1999. Connecting accounting and education in the UK: Discourses and rationalities of education reform. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 10 (4) , pp. 469-500. 10.1006/cpac.1998.0278

Entwistle, Thomas Walter ORCID: 1999. Towards sustainable waste management: Central steering, local enabling or autopoiesis? Policy & Politics 27 (3) , pp. 375-388. 10.1332/030557399782453136

Farrell, C.M. ORCID: and Law, J. 1999. The accountability of school governing bodies. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 27 (1) , pp. 5-15. 10.1177/0263211X990271001

Farrell, C.M. ORCID: and Law, J. 1999. Changing forms of accountability in education? A case study of LEAs in Wales. Public Administration 77 (2) , pp. 292-310. 10.1111/1467-9299.00155

Fernandez-Revuelta Perez, Luis and Robson, Keith 1999. Ritual legitimation, de-coupling and the budgetary process: Managing organizational hypocrisies in a multinational company. Management Accounting Research 10 (4) , pp. 383-407. 10.1006/mare.1999.0114

Foster, Deborah Jane ORCID: and Hoggett, Paul 1999. Change in the Benefits Agency: empowering the exhausted worker? Work, Employment and Society 13 (1) , pp. 19-39. 10.1177/09500179922117773

Gardner, B. M. and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 1999. The land-based jobs market for seafarers. Marine Policy 23 (2) , pp. 161-175. 10.1016/S0308-597X(98)00035-9

Gardner, B. M. and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 1999. Seafarers and the land based jobs market. Marine Policy 23 (1) , pp. 103-115. 10.1016/S0308-597X(98)00033-5

Gillman, Max 1999. The problem of social cost: The role of the state. International Journal of Social Economics 26 (5) , pp. 590-596. 10.1108/03068299910215898

Gillman, Max 1999. Review of 'The Economics of Seasonal Cycles' by Jeffrey A. Miron [Book Review]. Econometric Reviews 18 (2) , pp. 290-293. 10.1080/07474939908800441

Gillman, Maxim C. R. and Hogan, Barry James 1999. Extending corporate liability in New Zealand. International Journal of Social Economics 26 (4) , pp. 487-500. 10.1108/03068299910215951

Hammant, J., Disney, Stephen ORCID:, Childerhouse, P. and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 1999. Modelling the consequences of a strategic supply chain initiative of an automotive aftermarket operation. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 29 (9) , pp. 535-551. 10.1108/09600039910287501

Harris, Lloyd Cameron and Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: 1999. Developing a market oriented culture: a critical evaluation. Journal of Management Studies 36 (2) , pp. 177-196. 10.1111/1467-6486.00132

Harris, Lloyd Cameron and Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: 1999. The strategic legacy of company founders. Long Range Planning 32 (3) , pp. 333-343. 10.1016/S0024-6301(99)00037-0

Kirkpatrick, I., Kitchener, Martin James ORCID:, Owen, Diane and Whipp, Richard 1999. Un-charted territory? Experiences of the purchaser/provider split in local authority children's services. British Journal of Social Work 29 (5) , pp. 707-726.

Kitchener, Martin James ORCID:, Kirkpatrick, Ian and Whipp, Richard 1999. Decoupling managerial audit: Evidence from the local authority children's homes sector. International Journal of Public Sector Management 12 (4) , pp. 338-350. 10.1108/09513559910282830

Lindgreen, Adam ORCID: and Crawford, Ian 1999. Implementing, monitoring and measuring a programme of relationship marketing. Marketing Intelligence and Planning 17 (5) , pp. 231-239. 10.1108/02634509910285646

Makepeace, Gerald Henry, Paci, P., Joshi, H. and Dolton, P. 1999. How unequally has equal pay progressed since the 1970s? A study of two British cohorts. Journal of Human Resources 34 (3) , pp. 534-556.

Morgan, Peter Huw ORCID:, Curry, Bruce and Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 1999. Comparing neural network approximations for different functional forms. Expert Systems 16 (2) , pp. 60-71. 10.1111/1468-0394.00096

Naylor, J. Ben, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Berry, Danny 1999. Leagility: Integrating the lean and agile manufacturing paradigms in the total supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 62 (1-2) , pp. 107-118. 10.1016/S0925-5273(98)00223-0

Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: and Noon, Mike 1999. A new deal or new disadvantage?: British ethnic minorities and Government training. International Journal of Manpower 20 (3/4) , pp. 165-179. 10.1108/01437729910279108

Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: and Whipp, Richard 1999. Strategy, culture and HRM: evidence from the UK food retailing sector. Human Resource Management Journal 9 (4) , pp. 75-90. 10.1111/j.1748-8583.1999.tb00211.x

Ogbonna, Emmanuel ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 1999. Power in the supply chain: a case of differentiated relationships in the UK grocery industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 1 (4) , pp. 307-316.

Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 1999. The statutory approach to coastal defence in England and Wales. Marine Policy 23 (4-5) , pp. 465-477. 10.1016/S0308-597X(98)00052-9

Ray, Indrajit ORCID: and De Fraja, Gianni 1999. Slot allocation: a model of competition between firms when consumers are procedurally rational. Mathematical Social Sciences 38 (1) , pp. 71-81. 10.1016/S0165-4896(98)00032-8

Robson, Keith 1999. Social analyses of accounting institutions: Economic value, accounting representation and the conceptual framework. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 10 (5) , pp. 615-629. 10.1006/cpac.1999.0347

Saundry, Richard and Turnbull, Peter John 1999. Contractual (In)Security, Labour Regulation and Competitive Performance in the Port Transport Industry: A Contextualized Comparison of Britain and Spain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 37 (2) , pp. 271-294. 10.1111/1467-8543.00127

Solomon, Aris and Solomon, Jill ORCID: 1999. Empirical evidence of long-termism and shareholder activism in UK unit trusts. Corporate Governance 7 (3) , pp. 288-300. 10.1111/1467-8683.00159

Solomon, Jill Frances ORCID: 1999. Do institutional investors in the UK adopt a dual strategy for managing foreign exchange risk? The British Accounting Review 31 (2) , pp. 205-224. 10.1006/bare.1999.0094

Thomas, Robyn ORCID: and Dunkerley, D. 1999. Careering downwards? Middle Management in the Downsized Organization. British Journal of Management 10 (2) , pp. 157-169. 10.1111/1467-8551.00117

Thomas, Robyn ORCID: and Dunkerley, D. 1999. Janus and the Bureaucrats: Middle Management in the Public Sector. Public Policy and Administration 14 (1) , pp. 28-41. 10.1177/095207679901400103

Xiao, Zezhong ORCID: 1999. Corporate disclosures made by Chinese listed companies. The International Journal of Accounting 34 (3) , pp. 349-373. 10.1016/S0020-7063(99)00018-7

Xiao, Zezhong ORCID: and Dyson, John R. 1999. Chinese students' perceptions of good accounting teaching. Accounting Education 8 (4) , pp. 341-361. 10.1080/096392899330838


Hodges, Susan Liang Him 1999. Cases and Materials on Marine Insurance Law. Routledge-Cavendish.

Book Section

Henderson, Dylan ORCID: and Thomas, Meirion 1999. Learning through strategy-making: the RTP in Wales. Morgan, Kevin John and Nauwelaers, Claire, eds. Regional Innovation Strategies: The Challenge for Less-Favoured Regions, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 80-95.

Conference or Workshop Item

Childerhouse, P., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 1999. A quick scan method for supply chain diagnostic. Presented at: 4th International Symposium on Logistics, Florence, Italy, 11-14 July 1999. Published in: Muffatto, Moreno and Pawar, Kulwant eds. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Logistics: Logistics in the Information Age, Florence, Italy, 11-14 July 1999. Padova: SGE, pp. 761-775.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 1999. The Quick Scan method for supply chain diagnostics. Presented at: Creating Value with Supply Chain Management - Third Annual Conference of the Tulane Consortium for Supply Chain Management, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA, 26-27 March 1999.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 1999. Improving supply chain efficiency. Presented at: Creating Value with Supply Chain Management - Third Annual Conference of the Tulane Consortium for Supply Chain Management, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA, 26-27 March 1999.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 1999. A decision support system for evaluation of European logistics outsourcing. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR-15), Limerick, Ireland, 9-12 August 1999. Published in: Hillery, M. T. and Lewis, H. J. eds. ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a Global Market: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the International Foundation for Production Research. Limerick: University of Limerick, Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, pp. 625-628.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 1999. Improving the effectiveness of supply chains. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR-15), Limerick, Ireland, 9-12 August 1999. Published in: Hillery, M. T. and Lewis, H. J. eds. ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a Global Market: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the International Foundation for Production Research. Limerick: University of Limerick, Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, pp. 637-640.

Gardner, Bernard, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Obando-Rojas, Bernardo and Pettit, Stephen J. ORCID: 1999. A tale of two labour markets and the consequences of their interaction. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 1999.

Ogbonna, Emmanuel ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 1999. The reactions of shopfloor employees to market oriented culture change. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 1999.

Page, Kelly L. 1999. Media knowledge: Discussion and conceptualisation. Presented at: 28th EMAC Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, 11-14 May 1999.

Towill, Denis Royston, Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Childerhouse, P. 1999. Diffusion dynamics of supply chain management. Presented at: 6th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Venice, Italy, 7-8 June 1999. Published in: Bartezzaghi, Emilio ed. Managing Operations Networks: Proceedings of the 6th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Venice, Italy, 7-8 June 1999. Padova, Italy: Servizi Grafici Editoriali, pp. 321-328.

Towill, Denis Royston, Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Childerhouse, P. 1999. The seamless supply chain: fact or fantasy. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR-15), Limerick, Ireland, 9-12 August 1999. Published in: Hillery, M. T. and Lewis, H. J. eds. ICPR-15 Manufacturing for a Global Market: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the International Foundation for Production Research. Limerick: University of Limerick, Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, pp. 647-650.

Venus, A. D., Soe, Shwe, Elder, J. W. and Wheatley, A. R. 1999. The development of a resin coated sand tooling process for the manufacture of plastic components. Presented at: ANTEC '99 conference proceedings : Plastics - Bridging the Millenia, New York City, NY, USA, 2-6 May 1999. ANTEC '99 conference proceedings : Plastics - Bridging the Millenia. ANTEC '99: PLASTICS BRIDGING THE MILLENNIA, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS I-III. Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers, pp. 3994-3999.


Beresford, Anthony ORCID:, Pettit, Stephen ORCID: and Wooldridge, Christopher 1999. Synthesis of results concerning new organisational structures and suggestions for the transitional process. [Project Report]. European Commission.

Gillman, Max 1999. Evaluating government policy in transition countries. [Working Paper]. CASE Network Studies and Analyses, vol. 156. Warsaw: CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research. Available at:

Gillman, Max 1999. On Keynes's theory of the aggregate price level in the treatise: Any help for modern aggregate analysis? [Working Paper]. CASE-CEU Working Papers, vol. 0029. London: CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research.

Gillman, Max, Kejak, Michal and Valentinyi, Akos ORCID: 1999. Inflation, growth and credit services. [Discussion Paper]. Discussion Paper Series In Economics And Econometrics, vol. 9913. Southampton: Economics Division, School of Social Sciences, University of Southampton.

Gillman, Max, Kejak, Michal and Valentinyi, Akos ORCID: 1999. Inflation, growth, and credit services. [Working Paper]. Transition Economics Series, vol. 13. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. Available at:

Ladfoged, T, Nielsen, N, Verbeke, A, Gardner, Bernard and Pettit, Stephen ORCID: 1999. Survey report of the cost structures of the main TEN ports. United Kingdom: University of Wales, Cardiff.

Pettit, Stephen ORCID:, Beresford, Anthony ORCID:, Gardner, Bernard and Wooldridge, Christopher 1999. Case study of the port of immingham. University of Wales, Cardiff.

Veenstra, A, Gardner, Bernard and Pettit, Stephen ORCID: 1999. State of the art literature review of port pricing. United Kingdom: University of Wales, Cardiff.

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