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Number of items: 61.

Aeschlimann, Daniel ORCID: 1995. Tissue transglutaminase. Haeberli, A., ed. Human Protein Data, Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,

Allen, R. E. and Parkes, Ronald John 1995. Digestion procedures for determining reduced sulfur species in bacterial cultures and in ancient and recent sediments. Vairavamurthy, Murthy A., Schoonen, Martin A. A., Eglinton, Timothy I., Luther, George W. and Manowitz, Bernard, eds. Geochemical transformations of sedimentary sulfur, ACS symposium series, vol. 612. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, pp. 243-257. (10.1021/bk-1995-0612.ch013)

Ashton, David and Felstead, Alan ORCID: 1995. Training and development. Storey, John, ed. Human Resource Management: A Critical Text, London: Routledge, pp. 234-253.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 1995. Cruising the information superhighway: Computer-mediated communication, cultural landscapes, and the struggle over meaning. Gidley, Mick and Lawson-Peebles, Robert, eds. Modern American Landscapes, Amsterdam: VU University Press, pp. 275-291.

Bankowski, Z., White, I. and Hahn, Ulrike 1995. Introduction. Bankowski, Z., White, I. and Hahn, Ulrike, eds. Informatics and the Foundations of Legal Reasoning, Law and Philosophy Library, vol. 21. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 1-61.

Barratt, E. M., Jones, G. J., Burland, T. M., Bruford, Michael William ORCID:, Racey, Paul A. and Wayne, R. K. 1995. Phylogenic relationships of the vespertillionid bat genus pipistrellus. Racey, Paul A. and Swift, Susan, eds. Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Bats, Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, vol. 67. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 377-386.

Beck, Konrad ORCID: and Gruber, Tanja 1995. Structure and Assembly of Basement Membrane and Related Extracellular Matrix Proteins. Richardson, P. D. and Steiner, M., eds. Principles of Cell Adhesion, Boca Raton: CRC press, pp. 219-252.

Berg, L. P., Scopes, D. A., Kakkar, V. V. and Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 1995. Analysis of promoter mutations causing human genetic disease. Adolph, K. W., ed. Methods in molecular genetics, Academic Press, pp. 261-277.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1995. Real jobs and supported employment. Philpot, T. and Ward, L., eds. Values and visions: changing ideas in services for people with learning disabilities, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 55-72.

Bloomer, Sherman H., Taylor, Brian, MacLeod, Christopher ORCID:, Stern, Robert J., Fryer, Patricia, Hawkins, James W. and Johnson, Lynn 1995. Early arc volcanism and the ophiolite problem: a perspective from drilling in the western Pacific. Active margins and marginal basins of the Western Pacific, Geophysical monograph series, vol. 88. American Geophysical Union, pp. 1-30. (10.1029/GM088p0001)

Boucher, David ORCID: 1995. The life and legacy of R. G. Collingwood. Boucher, David, Connelly, James and Modood, Tariq, eds. Philosophy,History and Civilization, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-31.

Boucher, David ORCID: 1995. The place of education in civilization. Boucher, David, Connelly, James and Modood, Tariq, eds. Philosophy, History and Civilization :Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R. G. Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 269-299.

Boucher, David ORCID:, Connelly, James and Modood, Tariq 1995. Introduction. Boucher, David, Connelly, James and Modood, Tariq, eds. Philosophy, history and civilization : interdisciplinary perspectives on R.G. Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, iii-viii.

Brants, Chrisje and Field, Stewart Andrew ORCID: 1995. Discretion and accountability in prosecution: a comparative perspective on keeping crime out of court. Harding, Christopher, Fennell, Philip William Hugh, Jörg, Nico and Swart, Bert, eds. Criminal Justice in Europe: A Comparative Study, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 127-148.

Brants, Chrisje, Field, Stewart Andrew ORCID: and Jörg, Nico 1995. Are adversarial and inquisitorial systems converging? Harding, Christopher, Fennell, Philip William Hugh, Jörg, Nico and Swart, Bert, eds. Criminal Justice in Europe: A Comparative Study, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 41-56.

Brown, Phillip ORCID: and Lauder, Hugh 1995. The global economy and the reform of education. Bash, Leslie and Green, Andrew, eds. World Yearbook of Education 1995: Youth, education and work, London: Kogan Page, pp. 19-32.

Butler, Catherine ORCID: 1995. Introduction. Butler, Catherine, ed. Female Replies to Swetnam the Woman-Hater., For Her Own Good: A Series of Conduct Books, Thoemmes Continuum, v-xli.

Castro, M. G., Rowe, J., Morrison, E., Tomasec, Peter, Murray, C. A., Shering, A. F. and Lowenstein, P. R. 1995. Calcium-phosphate, DEAE-dextran co-precipitation, and electroporation to transfer genes into neuronal and glial cell lines. Lowenstein, P. R. and Enquist, L. W., eds. Protocols for gene transfer in neuroscience. Towards gene therapy of neurological disorders, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 9-24.

Cheadle, Jeremy Peter ORCID: and Shaw, D. J. 1995. The cystic fibrosis gene: cloning and characterisation. Shaw, D. J., ed. Molecular genetics of human inherited disease, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 41-68.

Collins, Harold Maurice ORCID: 1995. Science studies and machine intelligence. Jasanoff, Sheila, Markle, Gerald E., Peterson, James C. and Pinch, Trevor J., eds. Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, London: Sage Publications Inc., pp. 286-301.

Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 1995. Mapping the human genome. Farzaneh, F. and Cooper, David Neil, eds. The functional analysis of the human genome, Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford: BIOS, pp. 43-68.

Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 1995. Structure and function in the human genome. Farzaneh, F. and Cooper, David Neil, eds. The functional analysis of the human genome, Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford: BIOS, pp. 1-41.

Cooper, David Neil ORCID:, Krawczak, M. and Antonarakis, S. E. 1995. The nature and mechanisms of human gene mutation. Scriver, C. R., Beaudet, A. L., Sly, W. S. and Valle, D., eds. The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease, Vol. 1. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 259-291.

Duckworth, Rowena C., Knott, Richard, Fallick, Anthony E., Rickard, David ORCID:, Murton, Bramley J. and Van Drover, Cindy 1995. Mineralogy and sulphur isotope geochemistry of the Broken Spur sulphides, 29°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Parson, L. M., Walker, C. L. and Dixon, D. R., eds. Hydrothermal Vents and Processes, Vol. 87. Special Publications, London: Geological Society, pp. 175-189. (10.1144/GSL.SP.1995.087.01.15)

Edgar, Andrew Robert ORCID: 1995. Weber, Nietzsche and music. Sedgwick, Peter Richard, ed. Nietzsche: A Critical Reader, Blackwell Critical Reader, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 84-103.

Felstead, Alan ORCID: 1995. Small firm autonomy within a franchise: a case of shifting fortunes. Chittenden, Francis C., Robertson, Martyn R. and Marshall, Ian V. M. M., eds. Small Firms: Partnerships for Growth, London: Paul Chapman Publishing, pp. 169-181.

Fennell, Philip William Hugh 1995. Medical law section. Vandridge-Ames, Caroline, ed. All England Law Reports Annual Review 1994, London: Butterworths, pp. 275-302.

Field, Stewart Andrew ORCID:, Alldridge, Peter and Jörg, Nico 1995. Prosecutors, examining judges and control of police investigations. Harding, Christopher, Fennell, Philip William Hugh, Jörg, Nico and Swart, Bert, eds. Criminal Justice in Europe: A Comparative Study, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 227-249.

Gelman, R. and Gattis, Merideth Leigh ORCID: 1995. Trends and developments in educational psychology in the United States. Recent trends and developments in educational psychology: Chinese and American perspectives, Educational studies and documents, vol. 61. Paris: UNESCO, pp. 23-52.

Gregory, John Welbourn ORCID: and Taylor, R. 1995. Biochemistry and intermediate metabolism. Kelnar, C., ed. Childhood and adolescent diabetes, London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 191-210.

Haddock, Bruce Anthony 1995. Vico, Collingwood and the character of a historical philosophy. Boucher, David, Connelly, James and Modood, Tariq, eds. Philosophy, History and Civilization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.G. Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 130-151.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Hall, Theodore 1995. The role of computers in synchronous collaborative design. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Cybernetics, International Association for Cybernetics, pp. 71-76.

Jones, H., Davies, Jonathan and Trewhella, M. 1995. The distribution of galaxy inclinations. Davies, Jonathan and Burstein, David, eds. The opacity of spiral disks: proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the opacity of sprial disks, Cardiff, Wales, July 25-29, 1994, NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series C: mathematical and physical sciences, vol. 469. Kluwer Academic Publishers,

Knott, Richard, Fallick, Anthony E., Rickard, David ORCID: and Backer, Harald 1995. Mineralogy and sulphur isotope characteristics of a massive sulphide boulder, Galapagos Rift, 85°55′W. Parson, L.M., Walker, C.L. and Dixon, D.R., eds. Hydrothermal Vents and Processes, Special Publications, London: Geological Society, pp. 207-222. (10.1144/GSL.SP.1995.087.01.17)

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1995. Fear appeals. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, Miles, eds. Blackwell encyclopedia of social psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 249-250.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 1995. Biculturalism, postcolonialism, and identity politics in New Zealand: an interview with Anna Yeatman and Kaye Turner. Rajan, Gita and Mohanram, Radhika, eds. Postcolonial discourse and changing cultural contexts: theory and criticism, Contributions to the study of world literature, vol. 64. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 189-204.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 1995. Postcolonial spaces and deterritorialized (homo)sexuality: the films of Hanif Kureishi. Rajan, Gita and Mohanram, Radhika, eds. Postcolonial discourse and changing cultural contexts, Contributions to the study of world literature, vol. 64. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 117-134.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 1995. The postcolonial critic: third-world (con)texts/first-world contexts. Wilson, Margaret and Yeatman, Anna, eds. Justice and Identity: Antipodean Practices, Wellington, NZ: Bridget Williams Press,

Moore, Jane ORCID: 1995. Theorizing the body's fictions. Adam, Barbara and Allan, Stuart, eds. Theorizing culture: an interdisciplinary critique after postmodernism, London: UCL Press, pp. 70-86.

Moore, Jane ORCID: 1995. Problematising Postmodernism. Armstrong, Isobel and Ludwig, Hans-Werner, eds. Critical Dialogues: Current Issues in English Studies in Germany and Britain, Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, pp. 131-141.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1995. Construction and firing of an experimental updraught kiln. Kemp, B. J., ed. Amarna Reports VI, Egypt Exploration Society, pp. 239-278.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1995. The potters of Deir Mawas an ethnoarchaeological study. Kemp, B. J., ed. Amarna Reports VI, Egypt Exploration Society, pp. 279-308.

Nicholson, Robert Ian, Gee, Julia Margaret Wendy ORCID:, Manning, D. L., Wakeling, A. E., Montano, M. M. and Katzenellenbogen, B. S. 1995. Responses to Pure Antiestrogens (ICI 164384, ICI182780) in Estrogen-Sensitive and-Resistant Experimental and Clinical Breast Cancer. Philibert, D., Roy, A. K., Teutsch, G. and Henderson, D., eds. Steroid Receptors and Antihormones, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 761. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 148-163. (10.1111/j.1749-6632.1995.tb31376.x)

Parker, Stephen 1995. Re-establishing an all-German identity. Sinn und Form and German unification. Durrani, Osman, Good, Colin and Hilliard, Kevin, eds. The New Germany: Literature and Society after Unification, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 14-37.

Parker, Stephen 1995. The disloyalty of a loyal comrade: Wilhelm Girnus's conflict with the SED leadership over Unvollendete Geschichte. Jucker, Rolf, ed. Volker Braun, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 107-123.

Pearson, Peter J. G. ORCID: 1995. Common property, privatisation and environmental policy: The case of natural resource degradation in the Third World. Weigel, W., ed. Economic Analysis of Law: A Collection of Applications, Schriftenreihe der Bundeswirtschaftskammer, vol. 71. Vienna: Oesterreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag, pp. 90-100.

Rajan, Gita and Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 1995. Postcolonialism/multiculturalism: Australia 1993: an interview with Sneja Gunew. Rajan, Gita and Mohanram, Radhika ORCID:, eds. Postcolonial discourse and changing cultural contexts: theory and criticism, Contributions to the study of world literature, vol. 64. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 205-218.

Sedgwick, Peter Richard ORCID: and Edgar, Andrew Robert ORCID: 1995. Adorno, Oakshott and the voice of poetry. Adam, Barbara and Allan, Stuart, eds. Theorizing Culture: An Interdisciplinary Critique After Postmodernism, London: Routledge, pp. 100-112.

Smith, Keith, Fry, Carol V. and Tzimas, Michael 1995. The Use of Solid Supports and Supported Reagents in Liquid Phase Organic Reactions. Clark, J. H., ed. Chemistry of Waste Minimization, Bishopbriggs: Blackie Academic & Professional, pp. 86-115.

Smith, Andrew Paul ORCID: 1995. Determinants of Human Performance in Organizational Settings. Cooper, C. L. and Robertson, I. T., eds. International Review of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Vol. 10. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 49-73.

Sobiesierski, Zbigniew 1995. Application of photoluminescence spectroscopy to semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. McGilp, J. F., Weaire, D. and Patterson, C., eds. Epioptics: Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces, ESPRIT Basic Research Series, Berlin: Springer, pp. 133-162.

Stuart, F. M., Harrop, P. J., Knott, R., Fallick, A. E., Turner, G., Fouquet, D. and Rickard, David ORCID: 1995. Noble gas isotopes in 25 000 years of hydrothermal fluids from 13°N on the East Pacific Rise. Parson, L.M., Walker, C. L. and Dixon, D. R., eds. Hydrothermal Vents and Processes, Vol. 87. Special Publications, London: Geological Society, pp. 133-143. (10.1144/GSL.SP.1995.087.01.12)

Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 1995. The "spider's web" and the "tool": Nietzsche vis-a-vis Rorty on metaphor. Sedgwick, Peter, ed. Nietzsche: A Critical Reader, Blackwell Critical Reader, London: Blackwell, pp. 276-293.

Tomasec, Peter, Bain, D., Castro, M. G., Preston, C. M. and Lowenstein, P. R. 1995. Herpes simplex virus temperature-sensitive mutant tsK as a vector for neuronal gene transfer. Lowenstein, P. R. and Enquist, L. W., eds. Protocols for gene transfer in neuroscience. Towards gene therapy of neurological disorders, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 169-186.

Tsipouras, P., Silverman, D. I. and Gray, Jonathon 1995. Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue and Pregnancy. Isada, N. and Johnson, E., eds. Maternal genetic disease, Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange, pp. 203-210.

Wann, John P. and Rushton, Simon K. ORCID: 1995. Chapter 13: The use of virtual environments in perception action research: Grasping the impossible and controlling the improbable. Glencross, Denis J. and Piek, Jan P., eds. Motor control and sensory motor integration: Issues and directions, Advances in Psychology, vol. 111. Elsevier, pp. 341-360. (10.1016/S0166-4115(06)80016-6)

Williams, T. R., Harris, S., Chapman, N., Wayne, R. K., Beaumont, M. A. and Bruford, Michael William ORCID: 1995. A molecular analysis of the introduced Reeves' muntjac in Southern England - genetic variation in the mitochondrial genome. Muntjac Deer - Their Biology, Impact and Management in Britain, Forestry Authority Press, pp. 6-22.

Williams, Christopher 1995. Britain. Berger, Stefan and Broughton, David, eds. The Force of Labour: The Western European Labour Movement and the Working Class in the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Berg, pp. 107-135.

Willis, Martin ORCID: 1995. Preternatural narrative in the work of Arthur Machen. Short Story Criticism, Vol. 20. Gale Research Press, pp. 205-207.

Wray, Alison ORCID: 1995. The sound of Latin in England before and after the Reformation. Morehen, John, ed. English Choral Practice, 1400-1650, Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 74-89.

Wyn Jones, Richard ORCID: 1995. The nuclear revolution. Danchev, Alex, ed. Fin De Siècle: the Meaning of the Twentieth Century, Library of International Relations, London: Tauris Academic Studies, pp. 90-109.

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