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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 109.

Al-Harasis, Dania, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Sharmin, Tania ORCID: 2025. Developing a taxonomy for sensory-informed architectural design qualities in autism. Building Research & Information 10.1080/09613218.2025.2459737

Bayraktar Sari, Aysegul Ozlem ORCID: and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2024. Architectural spatial layout design for hospitals: A review. Journal of Building Engineering 97 , 110835. 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110835

Xue, Yidan ORCID:, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Woolley, Thomas E. ORCID: and Kaouri, Katerina ORCID: 2024. Modelling indoor airborne transmission combining architectural design and people movement using the VIRIS simulator and web app. Scientific Reports 14 , 28220. 10.1038/s41598-024-79525-6

Massafra, Angelo, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Gulli, Riccardo 2024. Topological BIM for building performance management. Automation in Construction 166 , 105628. 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105628

Ahmad, Lina, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Sosa, Marco 2024. Nonplanar robotic printing of earth-based material: a case study using cob-like mixture. Buildings 14 (8) , 2589. 10.3390/buildings14082589

Alymani, Abdulrahman and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2024. A graph-based computational tool for retrieving architectural precedents of Building and Ground Relationship (BGR Tool). International Journal of Architectural Computing 10.1177/14780771241260853

Lin, Bo, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Corcoran, Padraig ORCID: and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2024. The application of deep generative models in urban form generation based on topology: a review. Architectural Science Review 67 (3) , pp. 189-204. 10.1080/00038628.2023.2209550

Alammar, Ammar, Alymani, Abdulrahman and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2024. Building energy efficiency estimations with random forest for single and multi-zones. Presented at: eCAADe 2024 Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 9-13 September 2024. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. , vol.2 Cyprus: eCAADe, pp. 365-374.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Li, Yang 2024. Graph neural networks for node classification and attribute allocation in architectural BIM. Presented at: eCAADe 2024 Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 09 - 13 September 2024. Published in: Kontovourkis, O., Phocas, M. C. and Wurzer, G. eds. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. , vol.1 Cyprus: eCAADe, pp. 675-684. 10.52842/conf.ecaade.2024.1.675

Alyahya, Ahmed, Lannon, Simon ORCID: and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2023. CFD simulation for opaque ventilated facades in hot arid climate based on literature review design parameters. Presented at: Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA, China, 4-6 September 2023. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA. , vol.18 Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA: Building Simulation Conference, pp. 909-916. 10.26868/25222708.2023.1264

Deng, Zhi ORCID:, Liu, Yang, Pan, Hao, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Zhang, Juyong and Deng, Bailin ORCID: 2023. Sketch2PQ: freeform planar quadrilateral mesh design via a single sketch. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (9) , pp. 3826-3839. 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3170853

Alymani, Abdulrahman, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Corcoran, Padraig ORCID: 2023. Modelling the relationships between ground and buildings using 3D architectural topological models utilising graph machine learning. Presented at: 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), 24-28 May 2022. Published in: Mona, Plácido Lizancos, Viana, David Leite, Morais, Franklim and Vaz, Jorge Vieira eds. Formal Methods in Architecture. FMA 2022. Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Singapore: Springer, pp. 287-305. 10.1007/978-981-99-2217-8_16

Alammar, Ammar and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2023. Generation of a large synthetic database of office tower’s energy demand using simulation and machine learning. Presented at: 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), 24-28 May 2022. Published in: Mora, Plácido Lizancos, Viana, David Leite, Morais, Franklim and Vaz, Jorge Vieira eds. Formal Methods in Architecture. FMA 2022. Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Singapore: Springer, pp. 479-500. 10.1007/978-981-99-2217-8_27

Marcinkeviciute, Daiva and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2023. Plausible layout generation using machine learning, evolutionary optimisation and parametric methods. Presented at: 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), 24-28 May 2022. Published in: Mora, Plácido Lizancos, Viana, David Leite, Morais, Franklim and Vaz, Jorge Vieira eds. Formal Methods in Architecture. FMA 2022. Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Singapore: Springer, pp. 251-268. 10.1007/978-981-99-2217-8_14

Jafar, Rawan, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2023. Developing a digital workflow to estimate green walls’ performance for enhancing indoor air quality. Presented at: The 18th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference and Exhibition, Shanghai, China, 4-6 September 2023. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA. International Building Performance Simulation Association, 1529 -1535. 10.26868/25222708.2023.1367

Alammar, Ammar and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2022. Predicting cooling energy demands of adaptive facades using artificial neural network. Presented at: The 13th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) with he Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-20 July 2022. 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM). IEEE, pp. 656-669. 10.23919/ANNSIM55834.2022.9859413

Alymani, Abdulrahman, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Corcoran, Padraig ORCID: 2022. Graph machine learning classification using architectural 3D topological models. Simulation 10.1177/00375497221105894

Alymani, Abdulrahman, Mujica, Andrea, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Corcoran, Padraig ORCID: 2022. Classifying building and ground relationships using unsupervised graph-level representation learning. Presented at: Design Computing and Cognition’22, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 4-6 July 2022. Published in: Gero, John S. ed. Design Computing and Cognition’22. Springer: Springer Nature, pp. 305-320. 10.1007/978-3-031-20418-0_19

Gomaa, Mohamed, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Soebarto, Veronica and Xie, Yi Min 2022. Digital manufacturing for earth construction: a critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production 338 , 130630. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.130630

Gomaa, Mohamed, Vaculik, Jaroslav, Soebarto, Veronica, Griffith, Michael and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2021. Feasibility of 3DP cob walls under compression loads in low-rise construction. Construction and Building Materials 301 , 124079. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124079

Lila, Anas, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2021. Predicting solar radiation with Artificial Neural Network based on urban geometrical classification. Presented at: Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Bruges, Belgium, 1-3 September 2021. 17th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference Book of Abstracts. Belgium: pp. 335-336.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2021. Framework for decentralised architectural design: BIM and blockchain integration. International Journal of Architectural Computing 19 (2) , pp. 157-173. 10.1177/1478077120963376

Gomaa, Mohamed, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Veliz Reyes, Alejandro and Soebarto, Veronica 2021. 3D printing system for earth-based construction: case study of cob. Automation in Construction 124 , 103577. 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103577

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID: 2021. Topologic: exploring spatial reasoning through geometry, topology, and semantics. Presented at: 5th International Symposium Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon, Portugal, 13-16 October 2020. Published in: Eloy, Sara, Leite Viana, David, Morais, Franklim and Vieira Vaz, Jorge eds. Formal Methods in Architecture Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Springer, Cham, pp. 277-285. 10.1007/978-3-030-57509-0_25

Dounas, Theodoros, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Lombardi, Davide 2021. Topology generated non-fungible tokens: blockchain as infrastructure for architectural design. Presented at: 26th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2021), Hong Kong, 29 March - 01 April 2021. 26th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. Hong Kong: CAADRIA,

Alammar, Ammar, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2021. Predicting incident solar radiation on building’s envelope using machine learning. Presented at: 12th Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2021), Virtual, 15-17 April 2021.

Lombardi, Davide, Dounas, Theodoros, Cheung, Lok Hang and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2020. Blockchain grammars for validating the design process. Presented at: 24th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2020), Medellín, Colombia, 16-20 November 2020. XXIV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics. Blucher Design Proceedings , vol.8 (4) São Paulo, Brazil: pp. 406-411. 10.5151/sigradi2020-56

Alhumayani, Hashem, Gomaa, Mohamed, Soebarto, Veronica and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2020. Environmental assessment of large-scale 3D printing in construction: a comparative study between cob and concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production 270 , 122463. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122463

Dounas, Theodoros, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Lombardi, Davide 2020. Smart contracts for decentralised building information modelling. Presented at: 38th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe(eCAADe 2020), Virtual, 16-18 September 2020. Published in: Werner, Liss C. and Koering, Dietmar eds. Proceedings of 38th Education and research in computer aided architectural design in Europe (eCAADe) conference 2020: anthropologic: architecture and fabrication in the cognitive age. , vol.2 Berlin: pp. 565-574.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Alymani, Abdulrahman 2020. Graph machine learning using 3D topological models. Presented at: SimAUD 2020 Conference, Online, 25-28 May 2020.

Lin, Bo, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Diao, Rongdan 2020. Urban space simulation based on wave function collapse and convolutional neural network. Presented at: Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2020), Online, 25-28 May 2020. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. (Articl) Society for Computer Simulation International, pp. 1-8. 10.5555/3465085.3465103

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2020. Spatial reasoning as a syntactic method for programming socio-spatial parametric grammar for vertical residential buildings. Architectural Science Review 63 (2) , pp. 135-153. 10.1080/00038628.2019.1646631

El-Hakim, Farah and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2020. How can bio-mapping the foraging excursions of ants translate Into a prototype for human living on Mars? Presented at: Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2020), Online, 25-28 May 2020. Published in: Chronis, Angelos, Wurer, Gabriel, Lorenz, Wolfgag E., Herr, Christiane M., Pont, Ulrich, Cupkova, Dana and Wainer, Gabriel eds. 2020 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design. Vienna: Simulation Councils Inc., pp. 429-438.

Alymani, Abdulrahman, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Corcoran, Padraig ORCID: 2020. Machine learning methods for clustering architectural precedents - classifying the relationship between building and ground. Presented at: 38th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe(eCAADe 2020), Virtual, 16-18 September 2020. Published in: Werner, L. and Koering, D. eds. Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age - Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference. , vol.1 TU Berlin, pp. 643-652.

Dounas, Theodoros, Lombardi, Davide and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2019. Towards blockchains for architectural design consensus mechanisms for collaboration in BIM. Presented at: 37 eCAADe and XXIII SIGraDi Joint Conference, Porto, Portugal, 9-13 Dec 2019. Published in: Sousa, Jose Pedro, Henriques, Goncalo Castro and Xavier, Joao Pedro eds. Proceedings of 37 eCAADe and XXIII SIGraDi Joint Conference, “Architecture in the Age of the 4Th Industrial Revolution”. , vol.1 Porto, Portugal: pp. 267-274. 10.5151/proceedings-ecaadesigradi2019_296

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Lila, Anas 2019. Neural network in Python. [Software].

Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Wardhana, Nicholas Mario, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Aish, Robert and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2019. Characteristics of 3D solid modeling software libraries for non-manifold modeling. Computer-Aided Design and Applications 16 (3) , pp. 496-518. 10.14733/cadaps.2019.496-518

Wardhana, Nicholas Mario, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Aish, Robert and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2019. Bespoke geometric glazing design for building energy performance analysis. FME Transactions 47 , pp. 370-378.

Gomaa, Mohamed, Carfrae, Jim, Goodhew, Steve, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Veliz Reyez, Alejandro 2019. Thermal performance exploration of 3D printed cob. Architectural Science Review 62 (3) , pp. 230-237. 10.1080/00038628.2019.1606776

Wardhana, Nicholas, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID: and Petrova, Nikoleta 2019. A spatial reasoning framework based on non-manifold topology. Presented at: eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) + SIGraDi (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital) 2019 Conference, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 September 2019. -.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Veliz-Reyes, Alejandro, Gomaa, Mohamed, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID: and Wardhana, Nicholas 2019. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures ? Concluding remarks. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2019: Designing a Connected Futur, Nottingham, UK, 25-26 June 2019. -.

Veliz Reyes, Alejandro, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Gomaa, Mohamed, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Ahmad, Lina and Wardhana, Nicholas 2019. Negotiated matter: a robotic exploration of craft-driven innovation. Architectural Science Review 62 (5) , pp. 398-408. 10.1080/00038628.2019.1651688

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Wardhana, Nicholas, Lannon, Simon ORCID: and Aish, Robert 2019. The synergy of non-manifold topology and reinforcement learning for fire egress. Presented at: eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) + SIGraDi (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital) 2019 Conference, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 September 2019.

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2019. Robotic assisted design workflows: a study of key human factors influencing team fluency in human-robot collaborative design processes. Architectural Science Review 62 (5) , pp. 409-423. 10.1080/00038628.2019.1660611

Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Hosney Lila, Anas M., Lannon, Simon ORCID: and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2018. The effect of reducing geometry complexity on energy simulation results. Presented at: eCAADe 2018: 36th Annual Conference, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.

Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Wardhana, Nicholas, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Aish, Robert and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2018. A review of 3D solid modeling software libraries for non-manifold modeling. Presented at: CAD'18 Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 9-11 July 2018. Proceedings of CAD’18, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2018.
Item availability restricted.

Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Lannon, Simon ORCID:, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Wardhana, Nicholas and Aish, Robert 2018. Addressing pathways to energy modelling through non-manifold topology. Presented at: SimAUD 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-7 June 2018.

Wardhana, Nicholas, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Aish, Robert and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2018. Bespoke geometric glazing design for building energy performance analysis. Presented at: Mongeometrija 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia, 7-9 June 2018. Published in: Stojakovic, Vesna and Tepavcecic, Bojan eds. Conference Proceedings, The 6th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics Mongeometrija 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, pp. 503-513.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Aish, Robert, Lannon, Simon ORCID:, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID: and Wardhana, Nicholas 2018. Topologic: enhancing the representation of space in 3D modelling environments through non-manifold topology. Presented at: 36th annual Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2018, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.

Veliz-Reyes, Alejandro, Gomaa, Mohamed, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Wardhana, Nicholas 2018. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures. Presented at: 36th annual Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) 2018, Lodz, Poland, 17-21 September 2018.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID:, Gomaa, Mohamed, Veliz-Reyes, Alejandro and Wardhana, Nicholas 2018. Computing craft: development of a robotically-supported 3D printing system for cob structures. Presented at: Connected Everything Conference 2018: Manufacturing a Brave World, Newcastle, UK, 26-27 June 2018.

Aish, Robert, Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Lannon, Simon ORCID:, Wardhana, Nicholas and Chatzivasileiadi, Aikaterini ORCID: 2018. Topologic: tools to explore architectural topology. Presented at: Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-25 September 2018.

Lila, Anas, Lannon, Simon ORCID: and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Holistic sensitivity analysis on urban geometry and its effect on building performance in hot arid zones. Presented at: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE), London, UK, 20-21 December 2017. Published in: ElSharkawy, Heba, Zahiri, Sahar and Clough, Jack eds. Proceedings of the International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE). International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE) London: University of East London, pp. 193-204.

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Vernacular neighbourhoods as models for socially-sustainable vertical cities: A computational approach. Presented at: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017), London, 20 -21 December 2017. International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017) Proceedings. , vol.1 London: University of East London, pp. 76-87.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Soe, Shwe, Theobald, Peter ORCID:, Aish, Robert and Lannon, Simon ORCID: 2017. Enhancing parametric design through non-manifold topology. Design Studies 52 , pp. 96-114. 10.1016/j.destud.2017.04.003

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Applying the vernacular model to high-rise residential development in the Middle East and North Africa. International Journal of Architectural Research (ArchNet-IJAR) 11 (2) , pp. 175-189.

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Qualitative representation and spatial reasoning in a rule-based computational design model. Presented at: The 5th eCAADe Regional International Symposium 2017, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 26-28 April 2017. Published in: Jabi, Wassim ed. The Virtual and the Physical: between the representation of space and the making of space. Proceedings of the 5th eCAADe Regional International Symposium. , vol.1 Cardiff University: eCAADe Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Brussels and the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom, pp. 35-44.

Spaeth, Achim Benjamin ORCID: and Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, eds. 2017. The virtual and the physical. eCAADe Regional International Symposium, vol. 5. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Education and Research for Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe).

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Investigations in robotic-assisted design: Strategies for symbiotic agencies in material-directed generative design processes. International Journal of Architectural Computing 15 (1) , pp. 70-86. 10.1177/1478077117691626

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. RAF: a framework for symbiotic agencies in robotic-aided fabrication. Charrette 4 (1) , pp. 58-73.

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Pop-up concrete constructions: forming fabric reinforced concrete sheets. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 5 (4) , pp. 451-463. 10.2495/CMEM-V5-N4-451-463

Lorenz, Clara-Larissa and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2017. Predicting daylight autonomy metrics using machine learning. Presented at: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE), London, UK, 20-21 December 2017. Published in: Elsharkawy, Heba, Zahiri, Sahar and Clough, Jack eds. Proceedings of the International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE). International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE) London: University of East London, pp. 991-1002.

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. Humanising the computational design process: Integrating parametric models with qualitative dimensions. Presented at: The 8th International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2016), SOAS University of London, London, UK, 7-8 November 2016. Published in: Al-Attili, A, Karandinou, A and Daley, B eds. Parametricism vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development. London: Imperial House Publishers - ASCAAD.,

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Potamianos, Iakovos 2016. Parameterizing the geometry and visualizing the lighting method of Byzantine church domes. Presented at: Euromed2016, Cyprus, 31 Oct - 05 Nov 2016. Published in: Ioannides, Marinos, Fink, Eleanor, Moropoulou, Antonia, Hagedorn-Saupe, Monika, Fresa, Antonella, Liestol, Gunnar, Rajcic, Vlatka and Grussenmeyer, Pierre eds. Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection: 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes on Computer Science Cyprus: Springer, pp. 171-183. 10.1007/978-3-319-48496-9_14

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. Linking design and simulation using non-manifold topology. Architectural Science Review 59 (4) , pp. 323-334. 10.1080/00038628.2015.1117959

Soe, Shwe, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Theobald, Peter ORCID: 2016. Evaluating innovative CAD techniques in the creation of conformal cellular structures. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-2016), Heraklion, Greece, 4-6 April 2016. Published in: Setchi, Rossitza, Hewlett, Robert, Liu, Ying and Theobald, Peter eds. Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies , vol.52 Springer International, pp. 387-397. 10.1007/978-3-319-32098-4_33
Item availability restricted.

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. Towards a ‘contemporary vernacular’ high-rise residential development in the Middle-East and North-Africa: learning from the socio-spatial qualities of the vernacular model. Presented at: The Fifth Architectural Conference: Contemporary Architecture in the Arab World; Opportunities and Challenges, Jordan, 1-3 November 2016.

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. Exploring potentials of sustainability in traditional courtyard houses in hot-arid regions: a socio-spatial syntax method. Presented at: UKIEG 2016 Conference Health and Well-being throughout the Life Course: the role of residential and learning environments, Coventry University’s Low Impact Building Research Centre, Coventry, UK, 16 June 2016.

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. RAF | A framework for symbiotic agencies in robotic – aided fabrication. Research Based Education 2016 1 , pp. 130-149.

Al-Jokhadar, Amer and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. Enhancing social-cultural sustainability in tall buildings: a trace from vernacular houses. Wood, A, Malott, D and He, J, eds. Cities to Megacities: Shaping Dense Vertical Urbanism: A collection of state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary papers on urban design, sustainable cities and tall buildings, Vol. 1. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat - CTBUH, pp. 633-641.

Gomaa, Mohamed and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2016. Evaluating daylighting analysis of complex parametric façades. Presented at: Complexity & Simplicity, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016. Complexity & Simplicity: Proceedings of eCAADe 2016 34th Annual Conference. eCAADe,

Potamianos, Iakovos and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2015. A parametric model of Byzantine church domes. Presented at: Balkan Light 2015, Athens, Greece, 16-19 September 2015. Balkan Light 2016: The 6th Balkan Conference on Lighting. Balkan Light Athens, Greece: National Technical University of Athens, pp. 13-18.

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2015. A collaborative approach to digital fabrication: a case study for the design and production of concrete 'pop-up' structures. International Journal of Architectural Computing 13 (2) , pp. 195-216. 10.1260/1478-0771.13.2.195

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2015. The potential of non-manifold topology in the early design stages. Combs, Lonn and Perry, Chris, eds. Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, University of Cincinnati, pp. 381-393.

Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2015. Pop-up concrete: Digital and physical materiality. Presented at: TxA Emergent Design and Technology 2015, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 5 - 7 November 2015. Proceedings of TxA Emergent Design and Technology 2015. Texas Society of Architects, pp. 8-17.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2014. Parametric spatial models for energy analysis in the early design stages. Presented at: Symposium for Architecture and Urban Design - SimAUD 2014, Tampa, FL, 13-16 April 2014. Published in: Gerber, D. and Goldstein, R. eds. 2014 Proceedings of the Symposium for Architecture and Urban Design. San Diego, CA: Simulations Councils, Inc., pp. 17-24.

Tsountani, Amalia and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2014. Evaluating lighting simulations in Autodesk 3ds Max Design. Presented at: Building Simulation and Optimization, 2014, London, UK, 23-24 June 2014. Published in: Malki-Epsthein, Liora, Spataru, Catalina, Halburd, Ljiljana Marjanovic and Mumovic, Dejan eds. Proceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference. London: University College London,

Clayton, Mark, Daas, Mahesh, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Luhan, Gregory 2013. Editorial. International Journal of Architectural Computing 11 (4) , iii-viii. 10.1260/1478-0771.11.4.iii

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2013. Parametric design for architecture. London: Laurence King Publishing.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Grochal, Barbara and Richardson, Adam 2013. The potential of evolutionary methods in architectural design. Presented at: 31st eCAADe Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013. eCAADe 2013 : Computation and Performance : Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. pp. 217-266.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2013. Rigorous creativity through the integration of parametric design, performance analysis and digital fabrication. Presented at: Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal: Environmental Design for Innovation in the Post-Crisis World, Naples, Italy, 3-5 October 2013. Published in: Voyatzaki, Maria ed. Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal: Environmental design for innovation in the post-crisis world. Transactions on Architectural Education (61) Thessaloniki: Charis, pp. 63-76.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2012. Augmenting Architecture Through Desktop Manufacturing. International Journal of Architectural Computing 10 (2) , pp. 163-184. 10.1260/1478-0771.10.2.163

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2009. The Discipline of Digital Design: Ubiquity, Parameterization, and Tectonics. Made (5) , pp. 40-47.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Hall, T. W. 2008. An interactive poster kiosk for public engagement in cultural heritage displays. Presented at: VSMM 2008 - Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia Dedicated to Digital Heritage - 14th International Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 20–25 October 2008. Published in: Ioannides, M., Addison, A., Georgopoulos, A. and Kalisperis, L. eds. VSMM 2008: Digital Heritage - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia: Short Papers. Budapest: Archaelingua, pp. 287-291.

Hall, T. W., Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Passerini, K., Borcea, C. and Jones, Q. 2008. An interactive poster system to solicit casual design feedback. Presented at: 28th ACADIA Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 13-19 October 2008. Published in: Kudless, A., Oxman, N. and Swackhamer, M. eds. Silicon + Skin: Biological Processses and Computation - Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA 08), Minneapolis, MN, 16-19 October 2008. ACADIA, pp. 438-445.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Hall, Theodore, Passerini, Katia, Borcea, Cristian and Jones, Quentin 2008. Exporting the studio model of learning: teaming architecture with computer science. Presented at: 26th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe), Antwerp, Belgium, 17-20 Spetember 2008. Published in: Muyelle, M. ed. Architecture ‘in Computro’ – Integrating Methods and Techniques. Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, September 17-19, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium. Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe). Brussels: ECAADe, pp. 509-516.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Borcea, Cristian, Passerini, Katia and Hall, Theodore 2008. Early experiences with interdisciplinary design studios. Presented at: Success Factors in Fostering Creativity in IT Research and Education, a Creative IT workshop sponsored by the NSF CISE Directorate, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 18-20 January 2008. Success Factors in Fostering Creativity in IT Research and Education.

Woodbury, Robert and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2008. Editorial. International Journal of Architectural Computing 6 (2) , pp. 3-4. 10.1260/147807708785850096

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Potamianos, I. 2007. Geometry, Light and Cosmology. International Journal of Architectural Computing 5 (2) , pp. 304-319. 10.1260/147807707781514959

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Borcea, Cristian, Jones, Qunetin and Passerini, Katia 2007. Ubiquitous social computing technologies to foster design thinking and creativity. Presented at: Tools in Support of Creative Collaboration, Creativity and Cognition Conference, 13 June 2007.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Potamianos, I. 2006. A parametric exploration of the lighting method of the Hagia Sophia Dome. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Nicosia, Cyprus, Proceedings of the 7th International conference on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage. Eurographics Association, pp. 257-265. 10.2312/VAST/VAST06/257-265

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Garber, R 2006. Control and Collaboration: Strategies for Digital Manufacturing in Academia and Practice. International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) 2 (4) , pp. 121-143.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Potamianos, Iakovos 2006. Interactive parametric design and the role of light in Byzantine churches. Presented at: 24th eCAADe Conference, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 6-9 September 2006. Communicating Space(s) : Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Design in Europe. pp. 798-803.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2006. Were they right? Presented at: Synthetic Landscapes: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture, Louisville, KY, 12-15 October 2006. Synthetic Landscapes: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture. Synthetic Landscapes: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). pp. 59-61.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2004. Digital tectonics: the intersection of the physical and the virtual. Williamson, S., Beesley, P. and Chang, N., eds. Fabrication Proceedings: Digital Fabrications, Digital Tools, Assocation for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture,

Martens, Bob and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2004. Web-based platforms for collaborative submission and review of shared information. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2004), Seoul, Korea, 28-30 April 2004. Proceedings of the 9th CAADRIA Conference. Proceedings of the 9th CAADRIA Conference. CAADRIA, pp. 49-63.

Pinet, Celine and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2004. Editorial. International Journal of Architectural Computing 2 (2) , pp. 139-141. 10.1260/1478077041518719

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2003. Reflections on computer-supported cooperative design systems. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Proceedings of the CAAD Futures 2003 Conference. Proceedings of the CAAD Futures 2003 Conference. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 169-180.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID:, Johnson, Brian and Goldman, Glenn 2003. Requirements for an effective distributed design review. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 2003. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design In Architecture (ACADIA). pp. 98-105.

Hoon, Mike, Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Goldman, Glenn 2003. Immersion, interaction, and collaboration in architectural design using gaming engine. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2003), Thailand, 18-20 October 2003. Proceedings of the 8th CAADRIA Conference. Proceedings of the 8th CAADRIA Conference. pp. 721-738.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2000. WebOutliner: A web-based tool for collaborative space programming and design. Presented at: ACSA Technology Conference 2000, 2000. Emerging technologies and design: the intersection of design and technology. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design In Architecture. Proceedings of the 2000 ACSA technology conference Cambridge, Mass.: pp. 195-202.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 2000. Visualizing and investigating architectural space using spherical panoramic imaging. Presented at: 2000 ACSA Technology Conference, Massachusetts, Cambridge, MA, USA, 14-17 July 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 ACSA Technology Conference.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 1999. Integrating databases, objects and the World-Wide Web for collaboration in architectural design. Presented at: World Wide Web as Framework for Collaboration in Conjunction with the 11th International Conference on systems research, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2-7 August, 1999. Published in: Jabi, Wassim ORCID: ed. 11th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 1998. The role of artifacts in collaborative design. Presented at: Third Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. Proceedings of the 3rd CAADRIA Conference. pp. 271-280.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 1996. Domain-specific tools for collaboration in architectural design. Presented at: Third International Conference on Design and Decision Support, 1996. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design and Decision Support. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning. Spa, Belgium: Technical University of Eindhoven, pp. 248-259.

Malkawi, Ali and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 1996. Integrating shadow casting methodology and thermal simulation. Presented at: Solar '96 Conference, Proceedings of the Solar '96 Conference. Proceedings of the Solar '96 Conference.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Hall, Theodore 1995. The role of computers in synchronous collaborative design. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Cybernetics, International Association for Cybernetics, pp. 71-76.

Jabi, Wassim ORCID: and Hall, Theodore W. 1995. Beyond the shared whiteboard: issues in computer-supported collaborative design. Presented at: Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Singapore, 24-26 September 1995. The Global Design Studio: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, 24-26 September 1995, Singapore. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. Singapore: Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, National University of Singapore, pp. 719-725.

Potamianos, Iakovos, Turner, James and Jabi, Wassim ORCID: 1995. Exploring the proportions of Middle-Byzantine churches: a parametric approach. Presented at: Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Singapore, Malaysia, 24-26 September 1995. The Global Design Studio: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, 24-26 September 1995, Singapore. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. Singapore: Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, National University of Singapore, pp. 483-493.

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