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Number of items: 168.


Andrew, Lucy 2014. The British boy detective: origins, forms, functions, 1865-1940. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Arribas-Ayllon, Michael ORCID: and Sarangi, Srikant 2014. Counselling uncertainty: genetics professionals' accounts of (non)directiveness and trust/distrust. Health, Risk and Society 16 (2) , pp. 171-184. 10.1080/13698575.2014.884545

Attfield, Robin 2014. Popper and Xenophanes. Philosophy 89 (1) , pp. 113-133. 10.1017/S0031819113000703


Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. Cardiff: my personal geography. [Online]. We Are Cardiff. Available at:

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. Chronological table. Badmington, Neil, ed. Alfred Hitchcock: Volume I, Critical Evaluations of Leading Film-makers, London: Routledge, xiii-xix.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. General introduction. Badmington, Neil, ed. Alfred Hitchcock: Volume I, Critical Evaluations of Leading Film-makers, London: Routledge, pp. 1-6.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. Jacques Derrida, For Strasbourg: conversations of friendship and philosophy (New York: Fordham University Press, 2014) [Book Review]. Times Literary Supplement 2014 (20 Jun) , p. 30.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. Kathrin Yacavone, Benjamin, Barthes and the singularity of photography (London: Bloomsbury, 2012) [Book Review]. Journal of European Studies, 44.4 44 (4) , pp. 6-7. 10.1177/0047244114553765d

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. SpectRebecca. Badmington, Neil, ed. Alfred Hitchcock: Volume IV, Critical Evaluations of Leading Film-makers, London: Routledge, pp. 233-249.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2014. Teoretizarea Postumanismului. Post/h/um: Jurnal de studii (post)umaniste , pp. 7-22.

Bigold, Melanie ORCID: 2014. "Bookmaking out of the remains of the dead": George Ballard's Memoirs of Several Ladies (1752). Eighteenth-Century Life 38 (2) , pp. 28-46. 10.1215/00982601-2645927

Boman, Charlotte 2014. 'Peculiarly marked with the character of our own time': Photography and family values in Victorian domestic journalism. Victorian Periodicals Review 47 (4) , pp. 538-558. 10.1353/vpr.2014.0039

Brunton, Mary Mandal, Anthony ORCID:, ed. 2014. Self-Control: a novel. Chawton House Library: Women's Novels, vol. 17. London: Pickering & Chatto.

Buerki, Andreas ORCID: 2014. Approaches to formulaic language as a universal phenomenon. Presented at: EUROPHRAS 2014, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris, France, 10 September 2014.

Buerki, Andreas ORCID: 2014. Formulaic sequences: a drop in the ocean of constructions or something more significant? Presented at: FLaRN 2014, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 14 July 2014.

Buerki, Andreas ORCID: 2014. Good and bad reasons for using and not using quantitative methods in linguistic research: a personal view. Presented at: CLCR Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 29 May 2014.

Buerki, Andreas ORCID: 2014. Language Shaped by Culture (and Culture by Language) – One Way to Get a Handle on it. Presented at: CLCR Research Seminar, Cardiff University, 19 March 2014.

Buerki, Andreas ORCID: 2014. Motivation in recent and ongoing language change: it’s not all in the system. Presented at: 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 29 July 2014.

Butler, Catherine ORCID: 2014. Enchanting places: readers and pilgrimage in the novels of Diana Wynne Jones. Strange Horizons 2014 (27 Oct)

Butler, Catherine ORCID: 2014. Plato’s Orpheus [poem]. Strange Horizons 2014 (6 Oct)

Butler, Catherine ORCID: 2014. Taking Children’s Literature seriously. The Author CXXV , pp. 126-127.

Butler, Catherine ORCID: 2014. Want to save the United Kingdom? Move the capital to Glasgow [Newspaper Article]. The Guardian 2014 (19 Jn)


Castell, James ORCID: 2014. Peter Heymans, Animality in British Romanticism: The aesthetics of species [Book Review]. The Coleridge Bulletin 43 (Summer) , pp. 83-87.

Castell, James ORCID: 2014. Wordsworth, silence and the nonhuman. The Wordsworth Circle 45 (1) , pp. 58-61.

Chadwick, Ruth 2014. The ethics of personalized medicine: a philosopher's perspective. Personalized Medicine 11 (1) , pp. 5-6. 10.2217/pme.13.98

Cixous, Helene 2014. Tomb(e). Translated from the original by Milesi, Laurent ORCID: The French List, Seagull Books.

Cots, Josep Maria, Llurda, Enric and Garrett, Peter Donald 2014. Language policies and practices in the internationalisation of higher education on the European margins: an introduction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 35 (4) , pp. 311-317. 10.1080/01434632.2013.874430

Cotterill, Janet 2014. The construction of identities in the criminal courtroom: criminals, victims and crimes as construed in Scottish judges’ sentencing statements. International Journal of Law, Language and Discourse 4 (2) , pp. 46-74.

Cotterill, Janet 2014. Discourse and discord in court: The role of context in the construction of witness examination in British criminal trial talk. Flowerdew, John, ed. Discourse in Context, Contemporary Applied Linguistics, Volume 3, Bloomsbury, pp. 71-90.

Coulombeau, Sophie ORCID: 2014. ‘Men whose glory it is to be known’: Godwin, Bentham, and the London Corresponding Society. Nineteenth-Century Prose 41 (2) , pp. 277-312.

Coupland, Bethan and Coupland, Nikolas John Robert 2014. The authenticating discourses of mining heritage tourism in Cornwall and Wales. Journal of Sociolinguistics 18 (4) , pp. 495-517. 10.1111/josl.12081

Coupland, Nikolas John Robert 2014. Language change, social change, sociolinguistic change: a meta-commentary. Journal of Sociolinguistics 18 (2) , pp. 277-286. 10.1111/josl.12077


Da Silva, Rodolfo Piskorski 2014. Language, literature, and species difference. Presented at: Voice of Humanities 2014, Cardiff, 20 March 2014.

Da Silva, Rodolfo Piskorski 2014. Performing (and becoming) the animal from the 19th to the 21st Century. Presented at: Humanity and Animality in 20th and 21st Century Culture: Narratives, Theories, Histories., London, 15-16 September 2014.

Da Silva, Rodolfo Piskorski 2014. The totem of Oedipus, the taboo of incest, and the writing of the animal. Presented at: Reading Animals: An International English Studies Conference, Sheffield, 17-20 July 2014.

Darcy, Ailbhe ORCID: 2014. Dorothy Molloy's gurlesque poetics. Contemporary Women's Writing 8 (3) , pp. 319-338. 10.1093/cww/vpu002

Davall, Nicole Elizabeth 2014. Shakespeare and concepts of history: the English history play and Shakespeare's first tetralogy. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Dewis, Adeola Patricia 2014. Carnival performance aesthetics:Trinidad carnival and art making in the diaspora. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Dunne, Derek ORCID: 2014. ‘Partialitie in a Iudge, is a Turpitude’: partial judges and impartial revengers in Early Modern English drama. Murphy, Kathryn and Traninger, Anita, eds. The Emergence of Impartiality: Towards a History of Objectivity, Leiden: Brill,

Dunne, Derek ORCID: 2014. 'Superfluous death' and the mathematics of revenge. Journal of the Northern Renaissance 6

Durham, Mercedes ORCID: 2014. 30 years later: real-time change and stability in attitudes towards the dialect in Shetland. Lawson, Robert, ed. Sociolinguistics In Scotland, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 296-318.

Durham, Mercedes ORCID: 2014. The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in a Lingua Franca context. Second Language Acquisition, Bristol: Multilingual Matters.


El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2014. Appearances and dis/dys-appearances: a dynamic view of embodiment in Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Metaphor and the Social World 4 (1) , pp. 109-125. 10.1075/msw.4.1.08ref

El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2014. Heterosemiosis: mixing sign systems in graphic narrative texts. Semiotica 2014 (202) , pp. 21-39. 10.1515/sem-2013-0094

El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2014. Looking on the dark and bright side: Creative metaphors of depression in two graphic memoirs. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 29 (1) , pp. 149-174. 10.1080/08989575.2014.921989


Foster, Laura 2014. The representation of the workhouse in nineteenth-century culture. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Froceville, C., El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: and Meesters, G. 2014. Stylistics in comics. Burke, Michael, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics, Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies, London: Routledge, pp. 485-499.

Furneaux, Holly ORCID: 2014. Victorian masculinities, or military men of feeling: domesticity, militarism, and manly sensibility. John, Juliet, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Literary Culture, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 211–230. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199593736.013.010)

Furneaux, Holly ORCID: 2014. (Re)writing Dickens queerly: The correspondence of Katherine Mansfield. Kujawska-Lis, Ewa and Krawczyk-Łaskarzewska, Anna, eds. Reflections on/of Dickens, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 121-137.


Garrett, Peter Donald and Gallego Balsà, Lidia 2014. International universities and implications for minority languages: views from university students in Catalonia and Wales. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 35 (4) , pp. 361-375. 10.1080/01434632.2013.874434

George, Jessica 2014. Deadly light: Machen, Lovecraft, and evolutionary theory. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Giaxoglou, Korina and Spilioti, Tereza ORCID: 2014. Book review: Christian R Hoffman (ed.), narrative revisited: telling a story in the age of new media. Discourse & Communication 8 (3) , pp. 318-320. 10.1177/1750481314538132

Girishkumar, Divya 2014. Diaspora and multiculturalism: British South Asian women’s writing. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Gordon, Stephen ORCID: 2014. Disease, sin and the walking dead in Medieval England, c.1100-1350: A note on the documentary and archaeological evidence. Gemi-Iordanou, Effie, Gordon, Stephen, Matthew, Robert, McInnes, Ellen and Pettitt, Rhiannon, eds. Medicine, Healing and Performance, Oxford, UK: Oxbow, pp. 55-70.

Gossedge, Robert Anthony ORCID: 2014. We are Robin Hood?: The outlaw tradition in contemporary popular culture. Ashton, Gail, ed. Medieval Afterlives in Contemporary Culture, London: Bloomsbury,

Gray, Richard ORCID: 2014. Pain, perception and the sensory modalities: revisiting the intensive theory. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 , pp. 87-101. 10.1007/s13164-014-0177-4

Gregory, Johann 2014. The publicity of John Taylor the Water-Poet (1578-1653): legitimating a social transgression. Chiari, Sophie and Palma, Helene, eds. Transmission and Transgression: Cultural Challenges in Early Modern England, France: Publications de l'Université de Provence, pp. 139-152.

Gregory, Johann 2014. A Review of John Marston's The Malcontent, Globe Young Players, Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, 3-19 April, 2014. Ben Jonson Journal 21 (2) , pp. 310-314. 10.3366/bjj.2014.0114

Griffiths, David Andrew 2014. Sex, science and symbiosis: feminism and queer theory in a more-than-human world. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Gwyn, Richard ORCID: 2014. Cómo me convertí en traductor. Fondebrider, Jorge, ed. Poetas que traducen poesía, LOM, Santiago, Chile, pp. 55-63.

Gwyn, Richard ORCID: 2014. The Reading. Wales Arts Review 2014 (14 Aug)


Han, Catherine Paula 2014. Bringing portraits alive: Catherine Paula Han interviews Andrea Galer, the costume designer for 'Jane Eyre' (BBC, 2006). Bronte Studies 39 (3) , pp. 213-224. 10.1179/1474893214Z.000000000116

Handford, Michael ORCID: 2014. Communication in the construction industry. The Routledge handbook of language and professional communication, Routledge, pp. 363-381.

Handford, Michael ORCID: 2014. Context in spoken professional discourse: language and practice in an international business meeting. Flowerdew, J., ed. Discourse in Context, London: Continuum, pp. 113-132.

Handford, Michael ORCID: 2014. Cultural identities in international, interorganisational meetings: a corpus-informed discourse analysis of indexical we. Language and Intercultural Communication 14 (1) , pp. 41-58. 10.1080/14708477.2013.866123

Heffer, Christopher ORCID: 2014. (Dis)trusting the text: Detecting identity deception in used car classified ads. Casesnoves, R., Forcadell, M. and Gavald, N., eds. Ens queda la paraula. Estudis de lingüística aplicada en honor a M. Teresa Turell, Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística AplicadaUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, pp. 315-332.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2014. Co-authorship, desire and conflict. Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. George Moore: Influence and Collaboration, University of Delaware Press, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 203-217.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2014. George Moore and Pearl Craigie's 'The Fool's Hour' [edited manuscript]. Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark ORCID:, eds. George Moore: Influence and Collaboration, University of Delaware Press, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 219-271.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2014. Neo-Victorian Darwin: representations of the nineteenth-century scientist, naturalist and explorer in twenty-first century women's writing. Voigts, Eckart, Schaff, Barbara and Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, eds. Reflecting on Darwin, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 91-112.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: and De Pablos, Maria Elena Jaime 2014. 'A Drama in Muslin'; portrait of the artist as a young (new) woman. Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. George Moore: Influence and Collaboration, University of Delaware Press, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 99-121.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: and Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: 2014. Gender and sexuality. Saler, Michael, ed. The Fin-de-Siecle World, Routledge Worlds, London: Routledge, pp. 503-517.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: and Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: 2014. Introduction. Heilmann, Ann and Llewellyn, Mark, eds. George Moore: Influence and Collaboration, University of Delaware Press, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 1-23.

Heilmann, Ann ORCID: and Llewellyn, Mark 2014. On the Neo-Victorians: now and then. Tucker, Herbert F., ed. A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture, Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell,

Hemthep, Phramaha 2014. Going against the grain: A historical and comparative analysis of renunciation and celibacy in Indian Buddhist monasticisms. MPhil Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Hörschelmann, K. and El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2014. Youth citizenship beyond consensus: Examining the role of satire and humour for critical engagements in citizenship education. Buckingham, D., Bragg, S. and Kehily, M..J., eds. Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media, Studies in Childhood and Youth, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 225-241.

Hörschelmann, Kathrin and El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2014. Transnational citizenship, dissent and the political geographies of youth. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 39 (3) , pp. 444-456. 10.1111/tran.12033


Jefferson, Anneli ORCID: 2014. Mental disorders, brain disorders and values. Frontiers in Psychology 5 , 130. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00130

Jefferson, Anneli ORCID: 2014. Slippery slopearguments. Philosophy Compass 9 (10) , 672--680. 10.1111/phc3.12161

Jimenéz Catalán, Rosa and Fitzpatrick, Tess 2014. Frequency profiles of EFL learners' lexical availablity. Jimez Catal, Rosa, ed. Lexical availability in English and Spanish, Vol. 17. Educational Linguistics, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 83-100.

Jones, Katy Sarah 2014. Towards an understanding of the use of indefinite expressions for definite reference in English discourse. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Jones, Rachel 2014. Mary Magdalene as counter-heroine: late Middle English hagiography and social order. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.


Keevil, Tyler ORCID: 2014. Burrard inlet. Parthian.

Keevil, Tyler ORCID: 2014. Hot feet. Black Static 39

Keevil, Tyler ORCID: 2014. Mangleface. Wild, Susie, ed. Rarebit, Parthian Books, Cardigan,

Keevil, Tyler ORCID: 2014. Sealskin. The Journey Prize Stories 26, McClelland & Stewart, Toronto,

Knight, Dawn ORCID:, Adolphs, Svenja and Ronald, Carter 2014. CANELC – constructing an e-language corpus. Corpora 9 (1) , pp. 29-56. 10.3366/cor.2014.0050

Krykoniuk, Kateryna 2014. Combinatory properties of modern Persian morphemes in light of statistical and linguistic regularities. Mova i kultura (Мова і культура) 1 (17) , pp. 298-307.

Krykoniuk, Kateryna 2014. A formal morphological approach to the study of Persian word formation (Формально-морфологічний підхід до вивчення сучасного перського словотвору). Visnyk of the Lviv University (Вісник Львівського університету) (61) , pp. 39-44.

Krykoniuk, Kateryna 2014. Linguo-statistical and morphological regularities in the Persian word formation. Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice 11 (1) , pp. 119-125.

Krykoniuk, Kateryna 2014. The study of Persian word formation by means of formal morphology. Name-ye-Farhangestan (نامه فرهنگستان) (52) , pp. 57-67.

Kurdi, Eiman 2014. Women in the Saudi Press. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Kurz, Robert and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. The crisis of exchange value: Science as productive force; productive labor; and capitalist reproduction. Mediations 27 (1-2)


Laing, Catherine E. ORCID: 2014. A phonological analysis of onomatopoeia in early word production. First Language 34 (5) , pp. 387-405. 10.1177/0142723714550110

Laing, Catherine ORCID: 2014. Phonological 'wildness' in early language development: exploring the role of onomatopoeia. Presented at: PARLAY 2013: 1st Postgraduate and Academic Researchers in Linguistics at York Conference, York, UK, 6 September 2013. Proceedings of the first Postgraduate and Academic Researchers in Linguistics at York (PARLAY 2013). York Papers in Linguistics. York Papers in Linguistics York: Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York, pp. 48-63.

Leitch, Megan ORCID: 2014. Enter the bedroom: managing space for the erotic in Middle English romance. Hopkins, Amanda, Rouse, Robert Allen and Rushton, Cory James, eds. Sexual Culture in Late Medieval Britain, Boydell and Brewer, pp. 39-53.

Leitch, Megan ORCID: 2014. "suche maner of sorow-makynge": affect, ethics and unconsciousness in Malory's Morte Darthur. Arthurian Literature 2014 , pp. 83-99.

Lewis, Llyr 2014. 'Newydd gân a luniodd i'w genedl': Agweddau ar Geltigrwydd T. Gwynn Jones a W. B. Yeats, 1890-1925. PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Item availability restricted.

Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: 2014. Journey's End in Lovers Meeting: a new text. Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: and Heilmann, Ann ORCID:, eds. George Moore and Contemporaries, Delaware: University of Delaware Press,

Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: and Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2014. From Wagnerian Künstlerroman to Freudian family romance: The quest for female selfhood in George Moore's Evelyn Innes (1896) and Sister Teresa (1901). Huguet, Christine and Dabrigeon-Garcier, Fabienne, eds. George Moore Across Borders, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 139-159.

Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: and Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2014. George Moore at the Fin de Siècle. Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: and Heilmann, Ann ORCID:, eds. George Moore and Contemporaries, Delaware: University of Delaware Press,

Llewellyn, Mark ORCID: and Heilmann, Ann ORCID: 2014. Neo-Victorianism. Tucker, Herbert F., ed. A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture, Oxford and New York: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 493-506.

Lohoff, Ernst, Larsen, Neil and Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. Off limits, out of control: Commodity society and resistance in the age of deregulation and denationalization. Mediations 27 (1-2)


Maaloum, Mohamed 2014. The loss of the referent: Identity and fragmentation in Richard Wright’s fiction. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Mandal, Anthony ORCID: 2014. Introduction. Mandal, Anthony, ed. Mary Brunton, Self-Control: A Novel, London and Brookfield, VT: Pickering & Chatto, xiii-xliii.

Mandal, Anthony ORCID: 2014. Two centuries of 'Pride and Prejudice': why celebrate? Colomba, Caterina, ed. Pride and Prejudice: A Bicentennial Bricolage, Udine: Forum Editrice, pp. 19-32.

Miller, Meredith ORCID: 2014. Ice. Stand 12 (1) , pp. 35-38.

Moore, Ben 2014. Gillian Piggott, Dickens and Benjamin: moments of revelation, fragments of modernity [Book Review]. Dickens Quarterly 31 (3) , pp. 262-265.

Morra, Irene ORCID: 2014. Britishness, popular music, and national identity: The making of modern Britain. Routledge Studies in Popular Music, Abingdon: Routledge.

Morra, Irene ORCID: 2014. Maenads and Metatheatre: Tennessee Williams's Suddenly Last Summer as Euripidean myth. The Tennessee Williams Annual Review 14 , pp. 1-25.


Norris, Christopher 2014. What strong sociologists can learn from critical realism: Bloor on the history of aerodynamics. Journal of Critical Realism 13 (1) , pp. 3-37. 10.1179/1476743013Z.00000000018

Norris, Christopher 2014. What's love got to do with it? Response to Bloor and Collins. Journal of Critical Realism 13 (5) , pp. 520-533. 10.1179/1476743014Z.00000000045


O'Grady, Gerard Nigel ORCID: 2014. The use of key in projecting face threatening acts in televised political debate. Text and Talk 34 (6) , pp. 685-711. 10.1515/text-2014-0025

O'Grady, Gerard ORCID: 2014. An investigation of how intonation helps signal information structure. Bowcher, Wendy L. and Smith, Bradley A., eds. Systemic Phonology: Recent Studies in English, Functional Linguistics, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, pp. 27-52.

Owen, Tomos ORCID: 2014. Tony Murray, London Irish Fictions: Narrative, Diaspora and Identity, Liverpool University Press, 2012 [Book Review]. Literature and History 23 (1) , pp. 101-103. 10.7227/LH.23.1.5


Palermos, Spyridon Orestis ORCID: 2014. Knowledge and cognitive integration. Synthese 191 (8) , pp. 1931-1951. 10.1007/s11229-013-0383-0

Palermos, Spyridon Orestis ORCID: 2014. Loops, constitution, and cognitive extension. Cognitive Systems Research. 27 , pp. 25-41. 10.1016/j.cogsys.2013.04.002

Palermos, Spyridon Orestis ORCID:, Carter, J. Adam, Kallestrup, Jesper and Pritchard, Duncan 2014. Varieties of externalism. Philosophical Issues 24 (1) , pp. 63-109. 10.1111/phis.12026

Pendakis, Andrew, Diamanti, Jeff, Brown, Nicholas, Robinson, Josh ORCID: and Szeman, Imre Pendakis, Andrew, Diamanti, Jeff, Brown, Nicholas, Robinson, Josh and Szeman, Imre, eds. 2014. Contemporary Marxist theory: a reader. London: Bloomsbury.

Phelpstead, Carl Luke ORCID: 2014. Myth-making and sub-creation. Lee, Stuart D., ed. A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 79-91.

Phelpstead, Carl ORCID: 2014. Ecocriticism and Eyrbyggja saga. Leeds Studies in English 45 , pp. 1-18.

Plasa, Carl ORCID: 2014. Prefigurements and afterlives: Bertha Mason's literary histories. Bronte Studies 39 (1) , pp. 6-13. 10.1179/1474893213Z.00000000091

Plasa, Carl ORCID: 2014. Tim Armstrong, The logic of slavery: debt, technology, and pain in American literature [Book Review]. Review of English Studies 65 (269) , pp. 377-379. 10.1093/res/hgt099

Pons-Sanz, Sara ORCID: 2014. The language of Early English Lterature: from Cædmon to Milton. Perspectives on the English Language, Palgrave Macmillan.

Potts, Amanda ORCID: 2014. How can using corpus linguistics methods expose hidden meanings made in modern-day reporting on WWI and WWII? Presented at: Historical Uncertainties & Linguistic Constructions, European Centre of Linguistics, Heidelberg University, Germany,

Potts, Amanda ORCID: 2014. How gamers and fans play with sexuality, gender and Minecraft on YouTube. Presented at: Corpus Linguistics in the South 8: Voices from Below - Corpus Linguistics and Social Media, University of Reading, UK,

Potts, Amanda ORCID: 2014. Key semantic domain analysis as a method of exploring underlying ideologies and self-representation strategies in legal texts. Presented at: Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 07. - 09. March 2014.

Potts, Amanda ORCID: 2014. "Marriage is a societal construct": stance and argumentation in online news article comments on the topic of same-sex marriage in the UK. Presented at: 7th Biennial IVACS Conference: Corpus Linguistics: the Future?, Newcastle University, UK, 19-21 June 2014.

Potts, Amanda ORCID: 2014. Natural language corpora and how to access them: a demonstration. Presented at: Mapping the Cultural Authority of Science Summit, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey,

Potts, Amanda ORCID: and Kjaer, Anne Lise 2014. Corpus-based critical discourse analysis as a method of exploring underlying ideologies and self-representation strategies in legal texts. Presented at: CADAAD 2014, Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary,

Potts, Amanda ORCID:, Simm, Will, Whittle, Jon and Unger, Johann W. 2014. Exploring 'success' in digitally augmented activism: A triangulated approach to analyzing UK activist Twitter use. Discourse, Context & Media 6 , pp. 65-76. 10.1016/j.dcm.2014.08.008


Rees, Clea F. 2014. Are intelligible agents square? Philosophical Explorations 17 (1) , pp. 17-34. 10.1080/13869795.2013.808692

Rees, Clea F. 2014. Better lie! Analysis 74 (1) , pp. 59-64. 10.1093/analys/ant104

Rees, Clea F. and Webber, Jonathan ORCID: 2014. Automaticity in virtuous action. Snow, Nancy and Trivigno, Franco, eds. The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness, Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory, London: Routledge, pp. 75-90.

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. 7 Poetics. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 22 (1) , pp. 131-154. 10.1093/ywcct/mbu007

Robinson, Josh ORCID: 2014. Riches beyond value. Mediations 27 (1-2)


Schofield, Emma 2014. Independent Wales? The impact of devolution on Welsh fiction in English. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Shackel, Nicholas ORCID: 2014. The nought belief paradox. Erkenntnis 79 (3) , pp. 523-529. 10.1007/s10670-013-9521-9

Shackel, Nicholas ORCID: 2014. A problem for the unity of normativity. Analysis 74 (3) , pp. 404-411. 10.1093/analys/anu063

Shackel, Nicholas ORCID: 2014. Still waiting for a plausible Humean theory of reasons. Philosophical Studies 167 (3) , pp. 607-633. 10.1007/s11098-013-0117-7

Skilton, David 2014. Gustave Doré's London/Londres: empire and post-imperial ruin. Word and Image 30 (3) , pp. 225-237. 10.1080/02666286.2014.938528

Spilioti, Tereza ORCID: 2014. Greek-alphabet English: vernacular transliterations of English in social media. Presented at: 46th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-7 September 2013. Published in: O’Rourke, B, Bermingham, N and Brennan, S eds. Opening New Lines of Communication in Applied Linguistics. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics,. London: Scitsiugnil Press, pp. 435-446.

Spilioti, Tereza ORCID: 2014. On the mobile again! opening sequences in Greek text-messaging. Christodoulidou, Maria, ed. Analysing Greek Talk-in-Interaction, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 240-261.

Sullivan, Ceri ORCID: 2014. Property. Hadfield, Andrew, Dimmock, Matthew and Shinn, Abigail, eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Culture in the Early Modern Period, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 295-308.


Tagliamonte, Sali A., Durham, Mercedes ORCID: and Smith, Jennifer 2014. Grammaticalization at an early stage: future 'be going to' in conservative British dialects. English Language and Linguistics 18 (1) , pp. 75-108. 10.1017/S1360674313000282

Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 2014. Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science. Oxford Bibliographies 10.1093/OBO/9780195396577-0158

Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 2014. Logical aliens. Skodi, Admir, ed. Other Logics: Historical and Philosophical Alternatives to Formal Logic, Brill, pp. 123-147.

Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 2014. Temporal externalism: a taxonomy, an articulation, and a defence. Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.1163/18722636-12341263

Taylor, George Benedict 2014. Richard Rorty’s anti-representationalism: a critical study. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Thomas, Jayne 2014. From allusion to intertext: reading Wordsworth in Tennyson, Browning and Hopkins. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Tranter, Rhys Edward 2014. Ill seen Ill said: trauma, representation and subjectivity in Samuel Beckett's post-war writing. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Tsuchiya, Keiko and Handford, Michael ORCID: 2014. A corpus-driven analysis of repair in a professional ELF meeting: Not 'letting it pass'. Journal of Pragmatics 64 , pp. 117-131. 10.1016/j.pragma.2014.02.004

Tynan, Aidan ORCID: 2014. Reading Anti-Oedipus: literature, schizophrenia, and universal history. Ardoin, Paul, Gontarski, S.E. and Mattison, Laci, eds. Understanding Deleuze, understanding modernism, Understanding Philosophy, Understanding Modernism, Bloomsbury,

Tynan, Aidan ORCID: 2014. A season in hell: paradox and violence in the poetry of Padraic Fiacc. Irish University Review 44 (2) , pp. 341-356. 10.3366/iur.2014.0128


Walford Davies, Damian ORCID: 2014. An engraving: T. H. Parry-Williams, necromancy, unknowing. Sir T.H. Parry-Williams Memorial Lecture, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies.

Walford Davies, Damian ORCID: and Hopwood, Meredid 2014. Poets' graves/Beddau'r Beirdd. Llandysul: Gomer.

Walford Davies, Damian ORCID:, Hopwood, Mererid and White, Paul 2014. Poet’s Graves / Beddau’r Beirdd. Llandysul: Gomer.

Williams, Huw L. ORCID: 2014. Wacky races: Miller, Pogge and Rawls, and conceptions of development in the global justice debate. Journal of International Political Theory 10 (2) , pp. 206-228. 10.1177/1755088214526020

Williams, Huw Lloyd ORCID: 2014. Pelagius a'r Syniad o Hunanwellhad (Pelagius and the idea of self-improvement). Matthews, E Gwynn, ed. Astudiaethau Athronyddol 3 (Philosophical Studies 3), Y Lolfa,

Williams, Huw Lloyd ORCID: and Gealy, Walford 2014. Swyddogaeth Athroniaeth [The task of philosophy]. Matthews, E. Gwynn, ed. Y Drwg, Y Da a'r Duwiol, Astudiaethau Athronyddol, vol. 3. Tal-y-bont: Y Lolfa, pp. 85-95.

Williams, Huw ORCID: 2014. Considerations on the Scottish Referendum and a discourse on the British conundrum: Mill, Price and the question of nationalism. Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association 11 (1) , pp. 7-25.

Williams, Huw ORCID: 2014. Welsh Keywords: Hunaniaeth. Planet Magazine - The Welsh Internationalist 213 , pp. 98-106.

Willis, Martin ORCID: 2014. Literature and science: readers' guides to essential criticism. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wray, Alison ORCID: 2014. Dementia and language. Chapelle, Carol, ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Wiley, pp. 1-6. (10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1441)

Wray, Alison ORCID: 2014. Developing comprehensive criteria of adequacy: the challenge of hybridity. Gómez-González, María de los Ángeles, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José, Gonzálvez García, Francisco and Downing, Angela, eds. The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse : Applications and Implications, Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 19-36.

Wray, Alison ORCID: 2014. Formulaic language and threat: the challenge of empathy and compassion in Alzheimer's disease interaction. Schrauf, R. W. and Müller, N., eds. Dialogue and dementia: cognitive and communicative resources for engagement, Language and Speech Disorders, London: Psychology Press, pp. 263-286.

Wray, Alison ORCID: and Wallace, Mike ORCID: 2014. Developing social science research expertise: a resource and guide for trainers. [Online]. National Centre for Research Methods. Available at:


Ylanne, Virpi ORCID: 2014. Bert Hayslip and Gregory C. Smith (eds), Resilient grandparent caregivers: a strengths-based perspective, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), New York, 2013, 268 pp., pbk £30.99, ISBN 13: 978 0 415 89755 6. [Book Review]. Ageing and Society 34 (3) , pp. 538-540. 10.1017/S0144686X13000962


Zakarriya Mahmoud, Jihan 2014. Deconstruction of different forms of apartheid in the works of Edward Said, J. M. Coetzee and Jabra Ibrahim Jabra: A comparative study of violence, resistance and alienation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

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