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Number of items: 66.


Clarke, David ORCID: 2012. Compensating the victims of human rights abuses in the German democratic republic: The struggle for recognition. German Politics 21 (1) , pp. 17-33. 10.1080/09644008.2012.654958

Cori, Paola 2012. Ephemera: the feeling of time in Leopardi's "Canto notturno". Italian Studies 67 (1) , pp. 70-91. 10.1179/174861812X13202431699750

Diamond, Hanna ORCID: and Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline ORCID: 2012. Reframing war: histories and memories of the Second World War in the photography of Julia Pirotte. Modern and Contemporary France 20 (4) , pp. 453-471. 10.1080/09639489.2012.720434

Dowling, Andrew ORCID: 2012. For Christ and Catalonia: Catholic Catalanism and nationalist revival in late Francoism. Journal of Contemporary History 47 (3) , pp. 594-610. 10.1177/0022009412441648

Feldner, Heiko Michael ORCID: 2012. Capitalism as a religion of self-destruction. Planet: the Welsh Internationalist May (206) , pp. 112-119.

Fochi, Anna 2012. Through Hamlet, with Hamlet, against Hamlet: Giovanni Testori's Translation of the Ultimate Character. New Readings 12 , pp. 73-90. 10.18573/newreadings.87

Grant, Barry Keith, Prout, Ryan ORCID: and Radomski, Marcin 2012. Around the circuit. Film International 10 (6) , pp. 86-96. 10.1386/fiin.10.6.86_7

Hammond, Charlotte ORCID: 2012. "Children" of the gods: Filming the private rituals of Haitian vodou. Journal of Haitian Studies 18 (2) , pp. 64-82.

He, Yun 2012. Book review: Pan, Y. and D. Z. Kadar. 2011. Politeness in Historical and Contemporary Chinese. London and New York: Continuum. Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture 8 , pp. 282-286. 10.1515/pr-2012-0015

He, Yun 2012. Different generations, different face? A discursive approach to naturally occurring compliment responses in Chinese. Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture 8 , pp. 29-51. 10.1515/pr-2012-0003

Inaba, Miho 2012. L2 literacy and ICT: Japanese language learners? online literacy activities outside the classroom. Monash University Linguistics Papers 8 (1) , pp. 53-64.

Inaba, Miho 2012. Out-of-class language learning activities of learners of Japanese and ICT: Case studies of Australian university students. Journal of Japan E-Learning Association 12 , pp. 79-89.

Inagawa, Mayuko 2012. Evolution of the English-derived word ‘karā’ in contemporary Japanese. Japanese Studies 32 (3) , pp. 377-397. 10.1080/10371397.2012.732542

Kitchen, Ruth, Swanwick, Ruth A. and Clarke, Paula J. 2012. Practitioner talk on deaf children's reading comprehension: analyzing multiple voices. Deafness and Education International 14 (2) , pp. 100-120. 10.1179/1557069X12Y.0000000007

Lunati, Montserrat ORCID: 2012. "Chasing your own ambulance?": personal and political spaces in narratives of illness in contemporary Catalan culture. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 18 (2/3) , pp. 175-198. 10.1080/14701847.2012.795689

Lunati, Montserrat ORCID: 2012. Recordar per oblidar? Trauma i gènere a Elisa Kiseljak (2005), de Lolita Bosch. Els Marges: Revista de Llengua i Literatura 98 , pp. 76-101.

Ma, Haili 2012. Development of training and performativity in Shanghai YueJu. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training 3 (3) , pp. 334-348. 10.1080/19443927.2012.720122

Ma, Haili 2012. Yueju - the formation of a legitimate culture in contemporary Shanghai. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research 4 , pp. 213-227.

Marmo, Arianna 2012. Purity and Perversion: Renée Vivien’s Ophelia Poetry. New Readings 12 , pp. 64-72. 10.18573/newreadings.86

Minier, Márta 2012. Hamlet, Petőfi and the Poet’s Mandate: Poems by János Arany, Éva Finta and Gábor Tompa. New Readings 12 , pp. 91-106. 10.18573/newreadings.88

Minier, Márta and Owen, Ruth J. 2012. Hamlet and Poetry: Introduction. New Readings 12 , i-v. 10.18573/newreadings.81

Montironi, Maria Elisa 2012. The Introspective Sponger: Hamlet in the Poetry of Bertolt Brecht. New Readings 12 , pp. 19-34. 10.18573/newreadings.83

Ouditt, Sharon and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Introduction: Italy as place and space. Studies in Travel Writing 16 (2) , pp. 97-105. 10.1080/13645145.2012.682807

Owen, Ruth J. 2012. Roses are red: the peculiar remembrance of Rosa Luxemburg in lyric poetry. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 48 (2) , pp. 127-145. 10.3138/48.2.owen

Parsons, Nicholas ORCID: 2012. Worker Reactions to Crisis: Explaining "Bossnappings". French Politics, Culture & Society 30 (1) , pp. 111-130. 10.3167/fpcs.2012.300106

Patterson, Craig 2012. Forever in Galicia? Castelao and the Homeland Made in Exile. Forum for Modern Language Studies 48 (1) , pp. 86-98. 10.1093/fmls/cqr042

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Il pieno e il vuoto: visual representations of Africa in Italian accounts of colonial experiences. Italian Studies 67 (3) , pp. 336-359. 10.1179/0075163412Z.00000000023

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Translation and migration. Translation Studies 5 (3) , pp. 345-356. 10.1080/14781700.2012.701943

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2012. Between automoción patria and maternal combustion: Driving through change in Sor Citroën (1967). International Journal of Iberian Studies 24 (2) , pp. 109-127. 10.1386/ijis.24.2.109_1

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2012. Critical condition: Alzheimer's and identity in Carla Subirana's 'Nedar' (2008). Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 18 (2-3) , pp. 245-263. 10.1080/14701847.2012.795692

Roberts, Nicholas 2012. Spectres, Politics and Poetics: Hamlet in the Poetry of Eugenio Montejo. New Readings 12 , pp. 1-8. 10.18573/newreadings.82

Sanjurjo-Ramos, Jesus ORCID: 2012. Caminos Transístmicos y Ferias de Panamá, siglos XVI al XVIII (Transisthmian roads and fairs of Panama, 16-18th century). Anales Del Museo De América 20 , pp. 260-271.

Sanz-Mingo, Carlos 2012. In this tale of Arthur women do shine. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio 6 (2) , pp. 74-94.

Schweissinger, Marc 2012. Gerhart Hauptmann: Bahnwärter Thiel oder die Tragödie der Sprachlosigkeit. Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann Jahrbuch 6 , pp. 61-106.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2012. The delayed emergence of Italian Welsh narratives, or class and the commodification of ethnicity? Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 3 (11) , pp. 119-134. 10.1386/cjmc.3.1.119_1


Hemmens, Alastair ORCID: and Russell, Williams, eds. 2012. Autour de l'extrême littéraire. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Owen, Ruth J., ed. 2012. The Hamlet zone: reworking Hamlet for European cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hatasa, Kazumi, Hatasa, Yukiko, Kudara, Masakazu and Shimizu, Takafumi, eds. 2012. Second language acquisition research and language education. [第二言語習得研究と言語教育]. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan.

Clarke, David ORCID: and Goodbody, Axel, eds. 2012. The self in transition: East German autobiographical writing before and after unification. Leiden: Brill.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: and Ouditt, Sharon, eds. 2012. Studies in travel writing Vol 16 No 2 (2012): special issue 'Travel writing and Italy'. London: Routledge.

Di Piazza, Elio and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. 2012. Travel writing and the shape of the world. Textus: English studies in Italy, vol. 2. Rome: Carocci.

Atkin, Rhian ORCID: 2012. Saramago's labyrinths: a journey through form and content in blindness and all the names. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Gorrara, Claire Jacqueline ORCID: 2012. French crime fiction and the Second World War: past crimes, present memories. Cultural History of Modern War, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2012. Critical theory and film: rethinking ideology through film noir. Critical Theory and Contemporary Society, London: Continuum.

Book Section

Atkin, Rhian ORCID: 2012. Going nowhere in voyage autour de ma chambre and 'viagem nunca feita'. Frier, David G., ed. Pessoa in an Intertextual Web: Influence and Innovation, Oxford: Legenda, pp. 82-98.

Berendse, Gerrit-Jan 2012. Politisches Gedicht 13. Nov. 1974, BRD. Röhnert, Jan and Geduldig, Gunter, eds. Rolf Dieter Brinkmann: Seine Gedichte in Einzelinterpretationen, Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 688-697.

Clarke, David ORCID: 2012. "Capitalism Has No More Natural Enemies": The Berlin School. Ginsberg, Terri and Mensch, Andrea, eds. A Companion to German Cinema, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 134-154. (10.1002/9781444345605.ch5)

Clarke, David ORCID: 2012. 'Wer schreibt, kann nicht töten': Writing and Life in Reinhard Jirgl's Abtrünnig: Roman aus der nervösen Zeit. Clarke, David, Goodbody, Axel and Wallace, Ian, eds. The self in transition: East German autobiographical writing before and after unification, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 241-252.

Di Piazza, Elio and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Introduction. Di Piazza, Elio and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID:, eds. Travel writing and the shape of the world, Textus: English studies in Italy, vol. 2. Rome: Carocci, pp. 7-20.

Hennemann, Monika ORCID: 2012. The phantom of Mendelssohn's opera: fictional accounts and posthumous propaganda. Grimes, Nicole and Mace, Angela R., eds. Mendelssohn Perspectives, Ashgate, pp. 177-196.

Kudara, Masakazu 2012. Grammar and acquisition. Hatasa, Kazumi, Hatasa, Yukiko, Kudara, Masakazu and Shimizu, Takafumi, eds. Second Language Acquisition Research and Language Education, [第二言語習得研究と言語教育]. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan, pp. 70-108.

Nuselovici, Alexis 2012. La foule européenne (Freud et Canetti). Wolkowicz, Michel Gad, Moreau, Thibolt, Nuselovici, Alexis, Rabinovitch, Gerard and Granoff, Wladimir, eds. La psychologie de masse, aujourd'hui, Schibboleth - Actualité de Freud, Sèvres: Les Editions des Rosiers, pp. 175-204.

Owen, Ruth J. 2012. Death by Cultural Mobility: Ophelia in German. Owen, Ruth J., ed. The Hamlet Zone: Reworking Hamlet for European Cultures, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 163-176.

Parsons, Nicholas ORCID: 2012. The European Union and posted workers: industrial relation disputes framed by European policy. Smismans, Stijn, ed. The European Union and Industrial Relations: New Procedures, New Context, Europe in Change, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 175-189.

Parsons, Nicholas ORCID: 2012. Social and labour market policy: The (re-)emergence of competitive tension. Hayward, Jack and Wurzel, Rüdiger, eds. European Disunion: Between Sovereignty and Solidarity, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 200-214.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Different journeys along the river: Claudio Magris’s Danubio and its translation. Youngs, Tim and Forsdick, Charles, eds. Travel writing, Vol. 1. Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, London: Routledge,

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Migration and translation. Gambier, Yves and Van Doorslaer, Luc, eds. Handbook of Translation Studies, Vol. 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 102-107.

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2012. Questioni di lingua: fra traduzione e autotraduzione. Pezzarossa, F. and Rossini, I., eds. Leggere il testo e il mondo: vent’anni di scrittura della migrazione in Italia, Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 15-31.

Sanz-Mingo, Carlos 2012. From the otherworld to the outer space: Arthur travels across the ages. Erdem, M., Helmbold, L. R., Silkü, A. and Öztarhan, E. S., eds. Change and Challenge, Izmir: Ege University Press, pp. 135-144.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2012. Salò between Hegel and Lacan. Messina, Davide, ed. Corpus XXX: Pasolini, Petrolio, Salò, Bologna: CLUEB, pp. 65-79.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2012. Tra le due morti: soglia come luogo del Reale. Ponzi, Mauro and Gentili, Dario, eds. Soglie: Per una nuova teoria dello spazio, Milano: Mimesis, pp. 199-211.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth ORCID: 2012. Tabucchi's Pessoa: A legacy repaid? Frier, David, ed. Pessoa in an intertextual web: influence and innovation, London: Legenda,

Conference or Workshop Item

Dong, Jie, Du, Caixia, Juffermans, Kasper, Li, Jinling, Varis, Piia and Wang, Xuan ORCID: 2012. Chinese in a superdiverse world. Presented at: Anéla 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands, 9-11 May 2011. Published in: de Jong, Nel, Juffermans, Kasper, Keijzer, Merel and Rasier, Laurent eds. Papers of the Anela 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference. Eburon, pp. 349-366.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2012. Antonio Tabucchi: Political and analytical heteronymy. Presented at: Heteronymy and Heteronymity: Authorship, Selfhood and Literary Practice, University of Durham, UK, 1 December 2012.

Wren-Owens, Elizabeth Anne ORCID: 2012. Translating cultures: Italian identity in triple languages in Wales and Canada. Presented at: SIS Interim Conference: Transnational Italy: National Identity and the World Atlas, University of Reading, UK, 13-14 July 2012.


Perez-Nieto, Nazaret 2012. La traducción jurada del certificado de antecedentes penales de Nigeria: Análisis jurídico, textual y propuesta de traducción. MPhil Thesis, Universidad de Granada.

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