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Number of items: 98.

Ballinger, Rhoda ORCID:, Havard, M.S.C., Pettit, Stephen ORCID: and Smith, Hance ORCID: 1996. Towards a more integrated management approach for the Welsh coastal zone. Jones, P.S., Healy, M.G. and Williams, A.T., eds. Studies in European coastal management, Cardigan: Samara Publishing Ltd., pp. 211-220.

Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Supported employment. Wertheimer, A., ed. Changing Days: Developing new day opportunities with people who have learning difficulties, London: King's Fund, pp. 35-48.

Boudier, F., MacLeod, Christopher ORCID: and Bolou, L. 1996. Structures in Peridotites from Site 895, Hess Deep: Implications for the geometry of mantle flow beneath the East Pacific Rise. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, vol. 147. College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 347-356. (10.2973/

Braddon, D. and Foster, Deborah ORCID: 1996. Introduction. Braddon, D. and Foster, Deborah, eds. Simulated and Virtual Realities,, Taylor and Francis, pp. 1-17.

Brown, Phillip ORCID: 1996. Cultural capital and social exclusion: some observations on recent trends in education, employment and the labour market. Helve, Helena and Bynner, John, eds. Youth and Life Management: Research Perspectives, Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, pp. 17-43.

Bruford, Michael William ORCID:, Cheesman, David J., Coote, Trevor, Green, Harriet A. A., Haines, Susan A., O'Ryan, Colleen and Williams, Timothy R. 1996. Microsatellites and their application to conservation genetics. Smith, Thomas B. and Wayne, Robert K., eds. Molecular Genetic Approaches in Conservation, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 278-297.

Bunschoten, R. and Chiaradia, Alain J. 1996. The skin of the earth. Middleton, R., ed. The Idea of the City, London: Architectural Association, pp. 178-197.

Cohen, Sheldon and Smith, Andrew Paul 1996. Psychology of common colds and other infections. Myint, S. and Taylor-Robinson, D., eds. Viral and other infections of the human respiratory tract, London: Chapman Hall, pp. 447-462.

Collins, Harold Maurice ORCID: 1996. Interaction without society? What avatars can't do. Stefik, M. J., ed. Internet Dreams: Archetypes, Myths, and Metaphors, MIT Press, pp. 317-326.

Cumming, Gordon David ORCID: 1996. French aid to Africa: a changing agenda? Chafer, Tony and Jenkins, Brian, eds. France: From the Cold War to the New World Order, Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, pp. 126-136.

Dominguez, Luzia 1996. Língua, status, identidade: a fala como marcadora da diferença social (Language, status, identity: Speech as a marker of social difference). A construção lingüística da identidade social e individual (The linguistic construction of the social and individual identity), Évora: University of Évora Publishing, pp. 31-35.

Edwards, Adam Michael ORCID: and Matthews, R. 1996. Reflections on recent developments in 'social control'. Hammerschick, Walter, Karazman-Morawetz, Inge and Stangl, Wolfgang, eds. Jahrbuck fur Rechts und Kriminalsoziologie, Ausflag: Nomos, pp. 209-227.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID:, Abbott, G. D. and Raven, J. A. 1996. Cuticles of early land plants: a palaeoecophysiological evaluation. Plant Cuticles an integrated functional approach, Environmental Plant Biology, Oxford: BIOS Scientific Publishers, pp. 1-31.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Richardson, J. B. 1996. Review of in situ spores in early land plants. Jansonius, Jan and McGregor, D. Colin, eds. Palynology: Principles and Applications, Vol. 1. Salt Lake City: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation (Publishers Press), pp. 391-407.

Edwards, Dianne ORCID: and Wellman, C.H. 1996. Older plant macerals (excluding spores). Jansonius, J. and McGregor, D. C., eds. Palynology: Principles and Applications, Vol. 1. Salt Lake City: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation (Publishers Press), pp. 383-387.

Felce, David John and Beyer, Stephen Richard ORCID: 1996. Approaches to evaluation. McConkey, R., ed. Innovations in Evaluating Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Chorley: Lisieux Hall Publications, pp. 41-60.

Felstead, Alan ORCID: 1996. The gender implications of creating a training market: alleviating or reinforcing inequality of access? Rubery, Jill and Humphries, Jane, eds. The Economics of Equal Opportunities, Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission, pp. 177-201.

Felstead, Alan ORCID:, Green, Francis, Booth, Alison L. and Snower, Dennis J. 1996. Training implications of regulation compliance and business cycles. Acquiring Skills: Market Failures, their Symptoms and Policy Responses, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 255-284. (10.1017/CBO9780511582332.013)

Fennell, Philip William Hugh 1996. Medical law section. Vandridge-Ames, Caroline, ed. All England Law Reports Annual Review 1995, London: Butterworths, pp. 354-396.

Foster, Deborah ORCID: 1996. Competitive tendering in local government: Trade Unions and organizational change. Braddon, D and Foster, Deborah, eds. Privatisation: Social Science Themes and Perspectives., Dartmouth, pp. 41-66.

Foster, Deborah ORCID: and Braddon, Derek 1996. An inter-disciplinary approach to the analysis of privatization and marketization? Braddon, Derek and Foster, Deborah, eds. Privatisation: Social Science Themes and Perspectives., Dartmouth, pp. 287-310.

Gray, Jonathon Richard, Soldan, J. R. and Harper, Peter Stanley 1996. Special problems of genetic counseling in adult-onset diseases: Huntington’s disease as a model. Baker, H. F. and Ridley, R. M., eds. Prion Diseases, Methods in Molecular Medicine, vol. 3. Humana Press, pp. 199-210. (10.1385/0-89603-342-2:199)

Griffith, Tudor Morley, Hutcheson, Iain Richard and Smith, J. A. 1996. Mechanisms of nitric oxide release from rabbit aorta and their modification by hypercholesterolemia. Boudoulas, H., Toutouzas, P. K. and Wooley, C. F., eds. Functional abnormalities of the aorta, Armonk, NY: Futura Publishing, pp. 69-92.

Haddock, Bruce Anthony 1996. The crisis of the Italian state. Bideleux, R. and Taylor, R., eds. European Integration and Disintegration: East and West, Routledge, pp. 111-126.

Haddock, Bruce Anthony 1996. Oakeshott's rationalism in politics. Forsyth, M. and Keens-Soper, M., eds. The Political Classics: Green to Dworkin, Oxford University Press, pp. 100-120.

Halligan, Peter ORCID: and Marshall, J. C. 1996. The wise prophet makes sure of the event first: Hallucinations, amnesia, and delusions. Halligan, Peter and Marshall, J. C., eds. Method in Madness: Case Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 237-266.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. The Indian Subcontinent. Cruickshank, Dan and Fletcher, Banister, eds. Banister Fletcher's A History of Architecture. 20th ed., Oxford: Architectural Press, pp. 747-786.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Architectural history and ways of seeing? Hardy, Adam and Teymur, Necdet, eds. Architectural history and the studio, Question Press, pp. 187-207.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Roda. Turner, J., ed. The Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove, p. 501.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Architecture, Karnataka and Andhra, 11th - 16th c AD. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove, pp. 324-328.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Architecture, Karnataka and Andhra, 6th - 11th c AD. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 293-302.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Architecture, Maharashtra, 11th - 16th c AD. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, Grove, pp. 315-317.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Architecture, Maharashtra, 6th - 11th c AD. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 275-278.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Architecture: Indian Subcontinent south of the Narmada River, 4th - 6th c AD. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove, pp. 257-259.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Gopura. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove, pp. 3-5.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Kiosk: India. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, Grove, pp. 71-72.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Somnathpur. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove,

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Temple (freestanding): India. Turner, Jane, ed. The Grove Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove, pp. 437-440.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Torana. Turner, Jane, ed. The Dictionary of Art, New York: Grove, pp. 160-161.

Hardy, Adam ORCID: 1996. Time in Indian temple architecture. Vatsyayan, Kapila, ed. Concepts of Time: Ancient and Modern, New Delhi: IGNCA, pp. 354-372.

Heimann, Mary ORCID: 1996. Devotional stereotypes in English Catholicism. Tallett, Frank and Atkin, Nicholas, eds. Catholicism in Britain and France since 1789, Hambledon,

Hewstone, M. and Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Social psychology. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, M., eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 588-595. (10.1111/b.9780631202899.1996.x)

Hill, Katja E. ORCID:, Marchesi, Julian R. ORCID: and Fry, John C.. 1996. Conjugation in the epilithon. Akkermans, Antoon D. L., Van Elsas, Jan Dirk and de Bruijn, Frans J., eds. Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 125-152. (10.1007/978-94-009-0215-2_9)

Jenkins, Brian 1996. The Combitube. Latto, Ian P. and Vaughan, Ralph S., eds. Difficulties in Tracheal Intubation (2nd Ed), WB Saunders,

Jenkins, Brian J. 1996. Emergency airway access. Latto, P. and Vaughan, R., eds. Difficulties in Tracheal Intubation (2nd Ed), WB Saunders,

Jones, Dylan Marc ORCID:, Beaman, C. P. and Macken, William John ORCID: 1996. The object-oriented episodic record model. Gathercole, S. E., ed. Models of short-term memory, Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 209-238.

Jones, David Wyn ORCID: 1996. From Artaria to Longman & Broderip: Mozart's music on sale in London. Biba, Otto and Jones, David Wyn, eds. Studies in Music History: Presented to H. C. Robbins Landon on his Seventieth Birthday, London: Thames & Hudson, pp. 105-114.

Jones, David Wyn ORCID: 1996. Haydn’s Missa sunt bona mixta malis and the a cappella tradition. Jones, David Wyn, ed. Music in Eighteenth-Century Austria, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 89-111. (10.2277/ 0521453496)

Jones, David Wyn ORCID: 1996. Introduction: new challenges, new perspectives. Jones, David Wyn, ed. Music in Eighteenth-Century Austria, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-10. (10.2277/ 0521453496)

Kay, John, Tyas, Lorraine, Humphreys, Michelle J., Hill, Jeff, Dunn, Ben M. and Berry, Colin ORCID: 1996. Aspartic Proteinases from parasites. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 389. Springer, pp. 247-250. (10.1007/978-1-4613-0335-0_31)

Kelly, Daniel ORCID: 1996. Male reproductive system cancers. Tschudin, V., ed. Nursing the Patient with Cancer, Prentice Hall Nursing Series, London: Prentice Hall., pp. 301-317.

Kelly, Daniel ORCID:, Scott, K. and Speechley, V. 1996. Assessment, communication and consent. Mallett, J. and Bailey, C, eds. The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures., Oxford: Blackwell.,

Kennett, Wendy ORCID: 1996. The European Community and the General Agreement on Trade in Services. Emiliou, N. and O'Keefe, D., eds. The European Union and World Trade Law after the GATT Uruguay Round, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 136-148.

Kitzinger, Jenny ORCID: and Kate, Hunt 1996. Public place, private issue? The public's reaction to the Zero Tolerance campaign against violence against women. Hannah, Bradby, ed. Defining Violence: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Violence, Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 45-58.

Kowalik, P. J., Slater, Frederick Maurice and Randerson, Peter Frederick ORCID: 1996. Constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treatment. Thofelt, L. and Englund, A., eds. Ecotechnics for a Sustainable Society: Proceedings from Ecotechnics 95 - International Symposium on Ecological Engineering, Härnösand: Mid-Sweden University, pp. 189-200.

Krawczak, M. and Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 1996. Mutational processes in pathology and evolution. Jackson, M. S., Dover, G. and Strachan, T., eds. Human genome evolution., Human Molecular Genetics, Oxford: BIOS, pp. 1-33.

Lawrence, Andrew David ORCID: and Sahakian, B. J. 1996. The neuropsychology of fronto-striatal dementias. Woods, R. T., ed. Handbook of the Clinical Psychology of Aging, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 243-265.

Lewis, Richard Kurt ORCID: 1996. Annotations to the Damages Act 1996. Current Law Statutes 1996, Sweet and Maxwell,

MacLeod, Christopher ORCID:, Boudier, F., Yaouancq, G. and Richter, C. 1996. Gabbro fabrics from Site 894, Hess Deep: Implications for magma chamber processes at the East Pacific Rise. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, vol. 147. College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 317-328. (10.2973/

MacLeod, Christopher ORCID:, Celerier, B., Fruh-Green, G.L. and Manning, C.E. 1996. Tectonics of Hess Deep: a synthesis of drilling results from Leg 147. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, vol. 147. College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 461-475. (10.2973/

Manning, Craig E. and MacLeod, Christopher ORCID: 1996. Fracture-controlled metamorphism of Hess Deep Gabbros, Site 894: constraints on the roots of mid-ocean-ridge hydrothermal systems at fast-spreading centers. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results, vol. 147. College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 189-212. (10.2973/

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Bogus pipeline. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, M., eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 89-90. (10.1111/b.9780631202899.1996.x)

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, M., eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, p. 196. (10.1111/b.9780631202899.1996.x)

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Heuristic-systematic model (HSM). Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, M., eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, p. 300. (10.1111/b.9780631202899.1996.x)

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Persuasion. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, M., eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, p. 442. (10.1111/b.9780631202899.1996.x)

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Attitude change. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, Miles, eds. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 35-40.

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Attitude formation. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, Miles, eds. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 40-42.

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Attitude theory and research. Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid and Hewstone, Miles, eds. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 47-52.

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. Attitudes and behaviour. Semin, Gun R. and Fiedler, Klaus, eds. Applied Social Psychology, London: Sage, pp. 3-29. (10.4135/9781446250556)

Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: and Semin, G. R. 1996. Methodology in social psychology: Putting ideas to the test. Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W. and Stephenson, G., eds. Introduction to Social Psychology (2nd ed.), Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 74-106.

Marshall, J. C. and Halligan, Peter ORCID: 1996. Visuo-spatial disorders. Beaumont, J. G., Kenealy, P. M. and Rogers, M. J. C., eds. The Blackwell Dictionary of Neuropsychology, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 763-767.

Marshall, J. C. and Halligan, Peter ORCID: 1996. Towards a cognitive neuropsychiatry. Halligan, Peter and Marshall, J. C., eds. Method in Madness: Case Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 3-12.

Milesi, Laurent ORCID: 1996. Finnegans wake: the obliquity of trans-lations. Beja, Morris and Norris, David, eds. Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis: essays, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, pp. 279-289.

Milesi, Laurent ORCID: 1996. 'Have you not forgot to wind up the clock?': Tristram Shandy and Jacques le fataliste on the (post?)modern psychoanalytic couch. Pierce, David and de Voogd, Peter, eds. Laurence Sterne in modernism and postmodernism, Rodopi, pp. 179-195.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 1996. The problems of reading: mother-daughter relationships and Indian postcoloniality. Brown-Guillory, Elizabeth, ed. Women of color: mother-daughter relationships in 20th-century literature, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, pp. 20-37.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 1996. Narrative practices and the construction of identity: Edith Wharton. McLeod, Alan, ed. Commonwealth and American Women's Discourse, New Delhi: Sterling Press, pp. 278-291.

Murray, S. L., Haddock, Geoffrey ORCID: and Zanna, M. P. 1996. On creating value-expressive attitudes: An experimental approach. Seligman, C., Olson, J. M. and Zanna, M. P., eds. The Psychology of Values: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 8, Ontario Symposia on Personality and Social Psychology Series, vol. 8. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 107-133.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1996. Badari, el-. Turner, Jane S., ed. The Dictionary of Art, Vol. 3. Macmillan, p. 35.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1996. Glass (Egyptian). Turner, Jane S., ed. The Dictionary of Art, Vol. 10. Macmillan, pp. 54-59.

Nicholson, Paul Thomas ORCID: 1996. Naqada. Turner, Jane S., ed. The Dictionary of Art, Vol. 22. Macmillan, pp. 488-489.

Nicholson, Robert Ian, Gee, Julia Margaret Wendy ORCID:, Bryant, S., Francis, A. B., McClelland, Richard Andrew, Knowlden, Janice Mary, Wakeling, A. E. and Osborne, C. K. 1996. Pure antiestrogens - The most important advance in the endocrine therapy of breast cancer since 1896? Castagnetta, L., Nenci, I. and Bradlow, H. L., eds. Basis for Cancer Management, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 784. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 325-335. (10.1111/j.1749-6632.1996.tb16247.x)

Ogbonna, Emmanuel ORCID: 1996. Managing organizational culture: fantasy or reality? Billsberry, Jon, ed. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, SAGE Publications, Ltd., pp. 113-118.

Parker, Dianne and Manstead, Antony Stephen Reid ORCID: 1996. The social psychology of driver behaviour. Semin, Gun R. and Fiedler, Klaus, eds. Applied Social Psychology, London: Sage, pp. 198-224.

Pearson, Peter J. G. ORCID: 1996. UK energy policy: A brief survey of opinion. Pearson, Peter J. G., ed. The Economics of Pit Closures in the UK, SEEDS: Surrey Energy Economics Centre Discussion Paper Series, vol. 67. Guildford: University of Surrey, pp. 45-50.

Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Puchelt, H., Eckhardt, J.-D. and Fisher, Peter Charles 1996. Platinum-group element concentrations in mafic and ultramafic lithologies drilled from the Hess Deep. Mevel, Catherine, Gillis, Kathryn M., Allan, James F. and Meyer, Peter S., eds. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 147. College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 77-90. (10.2973/

Puchert, H., Prichard, Hazel Margaret, Berner, Z. and Maynard, J. 1996. Sulfide mineralogy, sulphur content and sulphur isotope composition of mafic and ultramafic rocks from leg 147. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 147. College Station, Texas: Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 91-101. (10.2973/

Rawlings, Louis ORCID: 1996. Celts, Spaniards and Samnites: warriors in a soldiers' war. Cornell, Tim, Rankov, Boris and Sabin, Philip, eds. The Second Punic War: A Reappraisal, Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 81-95.

Savage, Justin C. D. ORCID:, Miles, John Christopher, Moore, Carolynne J. and Miles, Christopher 1996. Influence of cognitive overload and bias on engineering design. Kumar, B. and Retik, A., eds. Information Representation and Delivery in Civil and Structural Engineering Design, Civil-Comp Proceedings, vol. 36. Edinburgh: Civil Comp Press, pp. 77-83. (10.4203/ccp.36.4.2)

Sharples, Niall MacPherson ORCID: 1996. Nationalism or internationalism: the problematic Scottish experience. Atkinson, John A, Banks, Iain and O'Sullivan, Jerry, eds. Nationalism and Archaeology: Scottish Archaeological Forum, Glasgow: Cruithne Press, pp. 77-88.

Smith, Andrew Paul ORCID: 1996. Psychological studies of the common cold. Tyrrel, D. A. J., ed. Erkältungskrankheit: Ein Lehrbuch für die Praxis, Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer, pp. 89-111.

Smith, Andrew Paul ORCID: 1996. Food, drink and mental performance. Warburton, D. M. and Sherwood, N., eds. Pleasure and Quality of Life, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 115-129.

Tanesini, Alessandra ORCID: 1996. Whose language? Garry, Ann and Pearsall, Marilyn, eds. Women, knowledge and reality: explorations in feminist philosophy, Routledge, pp. 353-365.

Walsh, Stephen 1996. Stravinsky's symphonies: Accident or design? Ayrey, Craig and Everist, Mark, eds. Analytical Strategies and Musical Interpretation: Essays on Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-71. (10.2277/ 0521543975)

Whitworth, Anthony Peter ORCID: 1996. The structure of the neutral interstellar medium: a theory of interstellar turbulence. Blitz, Leo and Teuben, Peter, eds. Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way, International Astronomical Union, vol. 169. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 591-596. (10.1007/978-94-009-1687-6_93)

Williams, Christopher 1996. 'The Hope of the British Proletariat': The South Wales Miners, 1910-1947. Campbell, Alan, Fishman, Nina and Howell, David, eds. Miners, Unions and Politics, 1910-47, Aldershot: Scolar Press, pp. 121-144.

Wray, Alison ORCID: 1996. The occurrence of 'occurance' and 'alot' of other things 'aswell': patterns of errors in undergraduate English. Blue, George M. and Mitchell, Rosamund, eds. Language and Education: Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Southampton, September 1995, British Studies in Applied Linguistics, Clevedon: British Association for Applied Linguistics in association with Multilingual Matters, pp. 94-106.

Wray, Alison ORCID: 1996. English pronunciation c. 1500-1700. Morehen, John, ed. English Choral Practice 1400-1650, Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 90-108.

Wyn Jones, Richard ORCID: 1996. Travel without maps: thinking about security after the Cold War. Davis, M. Jane, ed. Security Issues in the Post-Cold War World, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 196-218.

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