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Number of items: 103.

Blood, Peter 2017. Quantum Efficiency of Quantum Dot Lasers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23 (6) , 1900608. 10.1109/JSTQE.2017.2687039

Finch, Patrick, Hutchings, M. D, Blood, Peter, Sobiesierski, Angela, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and O'Driscoll, I. D. 2015. Improving the optical bandwidth of passively mode-locked InAs quantum dot lasers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 21 (6) , 1900507. 10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2416675

Thomas, Robert, Smowton, Peter M. ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2015. Radiative recombination rate measurement by the optically pumped variable stripe length method. Optics Express 23 (3) , pp. 3308-3315. 10.1364/OE.23.003308

Hutchings, Matthew, O'Driscoll, I., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2014. Fermi-dirac and random carrier distributions in quantum dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters 104 (3) , 031103. 10.1063/1.4862813

Belyanin, Alexey A., Blood, Peter, Finch, P., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Sobiesierski, Angela, Gwilliam, R. M. and O'Driscoll, I. 2014. Femtosecond pulse generation from a two-section mode-locked quantum-dot laser using random population. Presented at: Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XIII, San Francisco, 3 February 2014 through 6 February 2014. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. , vol.9002 SPIE, 90020E. 10.1117/12.2039130

Finch, P., Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Sobiesierski, Angela, Gwilliam, R. M. and O'Driscoll, Ian 2013. Femtosecond pulse generation in passively mode locked InAs quantum dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters 103 (13) , 131109. 10.1063/1.4822433

Al-Ghamdi, Mohammed S., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Shutts, Samuel ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Beanland, Richard and Krysa, Andrey B. 2013. Absorption, Gain, and Threshold in InP/AlGaInP Quantum Dot Laser Diodes. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 49 (4) , pp. 389-394. 10.1109/JQE.2013.2245496

O'Driscoll, Ian, Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Sobiesierski, Angela and Gwilliam, R. 2012. Effect of proton bombardment on InAs dots and wetting layer in laser structures. Applied Physics Letters 100 (26) , 261105. 10.1063/1.4730964

Hutchings, Matthew, O'Driscoll, Ian, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2011. Temperature dependence of the gain peak in p-doped InAs quantum dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters 99 (15) , pp. 151118-151121. 10.1063/1.3652702

Al-Ghamdi, M., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Krysa, A. 2011. Dot density effect by quantity of deposited material in InP/AlGaInP structures. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (16) , pp. 1169-1171. 10.1109/LPT.2011.2157910

Ferguson, James, Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Bae, H., Sarmiento, T., Harris, James, Tansu, Nelson and Mawst, Luke 2011. Optical gain in GaInNAs and GaInNAsSb quantum wells. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (6) , pp. 870-877. 10.1109/JQE.2011.2129492

O'Driscoll, Ian, Hutchings, Matthew, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2010. Many-body effects in InAs/GaAs quantum dot laser structures. Applied Physics Letters 97 (14) , 141102. 10.1063/1.3496011

O'Driscoll, Ian, Blood, Peter and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 2010. Random population of quantum dots in InAs–GaAs laser structures. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46 (4) , pp. 525-532. 10.1109/JQE.2009.2039198

O'Driscoll, Ian, Hutchings, Matthew, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2010. Random population of InAs-GaAs quantum dots. Presented at: Novel in-plane semiconductor lasers IX, San Francisco, CA, USA, 25-28 January 2010. Published in: Belyanin, A. A. and Smowton, Peter Michael eds. Proceedings of Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers IX, San Francisco, USA, 25-28 January 2010. Proceedings of SPIE (7616) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, p. 761605. 10.1117/12.845843

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2010. Quantum dot lasers: theory and experiment. Lee, E., Eldada, L., Razeghi, M. and Jagadish, C., eds. VLSI Micro- and Nanophotonics: Science, Technology, and Applications, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 9.1-9.35.

Ferguson, James, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Bae, H., Sarmiento, T. and Harris, J. 2009. Nonradiative recombination in 1.56 μm GaInNAsSb/GaNAs quantum-well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 95 (23) , 231104. 10.1063/1.3271182

AI Ghamdi, M., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Krysa, A. 2009. Effect of temperature on threshold current density in InP/AlGaInP quantum dot laser structures. International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials 2 (1/2/3/) , pp. 147-154. 10.1504/IJNBM.2009.027708

O'Driscoll, Ian, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2009. Low-temperature nonthermal population of InAs-GaAs quantum dots. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 45 (4) , pp. 380-387. 10.1109/JQE.2009.2013869

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Al-Ghamdi, M., Elliott, Stella N., Edwards, G., Blood, Peter and Krysa, A. B. 2008. InP/AlGaInP short wavelength quantum dot lasers. Presented at: IEEE 21st International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2008. ISLC 2008., Sorrento, Italy, Proceedings of IEEE 21st International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2008. ISLC 2008. IEEE, pp. 31-32. 10.1109/ISLC.2008.4635994

Tsvid, Gene, Kirch, Jeremy, Mawst, Luke, Kanskar, Manoj, Cai, Jason, Arif, Ronald, Tansu, Nelson, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2008. Spontaneous radiative efficiency and gain characteristics of strained-layer InGaAs-GaAs quantum-well lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 44 (8) , pp. 732-739. 10.1109/JQE.2008.924242

Blood, Peter, Pask, Helen J., Summers, Huw David and Sandall, Ian C. 2007. Localized auger recombination in quantum-dot lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 43 (12) , pp. 1140-1146. 10.1109/JQE.2007.907541

Mexis, Meletios, Blood, Peter and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 2007. Polarization response of quantum-confined structures using edge-photovoltage spectroscopy. Semiconductor Science and Technology 22 (12) , pp. 1298-1301. 10.1088/0268-1242/22/12/010

Thomson, J. D., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Klem, J. F. 2007. Optical gain and spontaneous emission in GaAsSb–InGaAs type-II “W” laser structures. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 43 (7) , pp. 607-613. 10.1109/JQE.2007.899499

Thomson, John Duncan, Pope, Iestyn ORCID:, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Lynch, R. J., Hill, G., Wang, T. and Parbrook, P. 2006. The influence of acceptor anneal temperature on the performance of InGaN/GaN quantum well light-emitting diodes. Journal of Applied Physics 99 (2) , 024507. 10.1063/1.2165405

Brown, M. R., Cobley, R. J., Teng, K. S., Rees, Paul, Wilks, S. P., Sobiesierski, Angela, Smowton, Peter ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2006. Modeling multiple quantum barrier effects and reduced electron leakage in red-emitting laser diodes. Journal of Applied Physics 100 (8) 10.1063/1.2362906

Brown, Iain H., Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Thomson, John D., Olaizola, Santiago M., Fox, A. Mark, Parbrook, Peter J. and Chow, Weng W. 2006. Time evolution of the screening of piezoelectric fields in InGaN quantum wells. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 42 (12) , pp. 1202-1208. 10.1109/JQE.2006.883472

Brown, Iain Henry, Pope, Iestyn ORCID:, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Thomson, John Duncan, Chow, W. W., Bour, D. P. and Kneissl, M. 2005. Determination of the Piezoelectric Field in InGaN Quantum Wells. Applied Physics Letters 86 , 131108. 10.1063/1.1896446

Matthews, Daniel Richard, Summers, Huw David, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Rees, Paul and Hopkinson, M 2005. Dynamics of the wetting-layer-quantum-dot interaction in InGaAs self-assembled systems. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 41 (3) , pp. 344-350. 10.1109/JQE.2004.841275

Sobiesierski, Angela, Sandall, I. C., Smowton, Peter ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Krysa, A. B., Brown, M. R., Teng, K. S. and Wilks, S. P. 2005. AlGaInP laser diodes incorporating a 3λ/4 multiple quantum barrier. Applied Physics Letters 86 (2) 10.1063/1.1849847

Lutti, Julie, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Lewis, Gareth Michael, Blood, Peter, Krysa, A. B., Lin, J. C., Houston, P. A., Ramsay, A. J. and Mowbray, D. J. 2005. Gain saturation in InP/GaInP quantum-dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters 86 (1) , 011111. 10.1063/1.1844600

Thomson, John Duncan, Pope, Iestyn ORCID:, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Lynch, R. J., Hill, G., Wang, T. and Parbrook, P. J. 2005. The role of acceptor anneal temperature on the performance of InGaN/GaN quantum well light emitting diodes. Presented at: Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XIII, San Jose, USA, 24-27 January 2005. Published in: Osinski, Marek., Henneberger, Fritz and Amano, Hiroshi eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIII. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIII. Proceedings of SPIE (5722) Bellingham: SPIE, pp. 425-430. 10.1117/12.591897

Thomson, John Duncan, Brown, Iain Henry, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Chow, Weng W., Fox, A. Mark and Izquierdo, Santiago M. Olaizola 2005. Time evolution of piezoelectric field screening in InGaN quantum wells. Presented at: Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XIII, San Jose, USA, 24-27 January 2005. Published in: Osinski, Marek, Henneberger, Fritz and Amano, Hiroshi eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XIII. PHYSICS AND SIMULATION OF OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES XIII. Proceedings of SPIE (5722) Bellingham: SPIE, pp. 392-399. 10.1117/12.591898

Palmer, D. J., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Yeh, Jeng-Ya, Mawst, L. J. and Tansu, Nelson 2005. Effect of nitrogen on gain and efficiency in InGaAsN quantum-well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 86 (7) , 071121. 10.1063/1.1868070

Osborne, Simon William, Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Lutti, Julie, Xin, Y. C., Stintz, A., Huffaker, D. and Lester, Luke F. 2004. State filling in InAs quantum-dot laser structures. IEEE journal of quantum electronics 40 (12) , pp. 1639-1645. 10.1109/JQE.2004.837331

Lewis, Gareth Michael, Lutti, Julie, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Krysa, A. B. and Liew, S. L. 2004. Optical properties of InP/GaInP quantum-dot laser structures. Applied Physics Letters 85 (11) , pp. 1904-1906. 10.1063/1.1794379

Teng, K. S, Brown, M. R., Wilks, S.P., Sobiesierski, Angela, Smowton, Peter ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2004. Impurity-induced disordering in AlGaInP superlattices studied using cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B : Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 22 (4) , pp. 2014-2017. 10.1116/1.1768187

Osborne, Simon W., Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Lutti, Julie, Xin, Y. C., Stintz, Andreas, Huffaker, Diana L. and Lester, Luke F. 2004. Energy distributions of carriers in quantum dot laser structures. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XI, San Jose, CA, USA, 26 January 2003. Published in: Osinski, M., Amano, H. and Henneberger, F. eds. Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XII. Proceedings of SPIE (5349) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, p. 63. 10.1117/12.540314

Osborne, Simon W., Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Xin, Y. C., Stintz, A., Huffaker, D. and Lester, L. F. 2004. Optical absorption cross section of quantum dots. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (35) , S3749. 10.1088/0953-8984/16/35/016

Brown, M. R, Teng, K. S, Kestle, A., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Mawby, P. A. and Wilks, S. P. 2004. Study of dual-valley transport across a multiquantum barrier to enhance carrier confinement. Applied Surface Science 234 (1-4) , pp. 434-438. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.05.074

Gmachl, Claire F., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Pearce, Emma J., Lutti, Julie, Matthews, Daniel R., Summers, Huw D., Lewis, Gareth M., Blood, Peter, Hopkinson, Mark, Krysa, Andrey and Bour, David P. 2004. Carrier distribution, spontaneous emission, and gain in self-assembled quantum dot lasers. Presented at: Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2004, San Jose, California, USA, Published in: Gmachl, C. F. and Bour, D. P. eds. Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers III, Proceedings of the Conference held at San Jose, CA, 26 January 2004. SPIE Proceedings , vol.5365 Bellingham, WA: SPIE, p. 86. 10.1117/12.530429

Blood, Peter, Lewis, Gareth Michael, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Summers, Huw David, Thomson, John Duncan and Lutti, Julie 2003. Characterization of semiconductor laser gain media by the segmented contact method. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 9 (5) , pp. 1275-1282. 10.1109/JSTQE.2003.819472

Smowton, Peter ORCID:, Lewis, Gareth Michael, Sobiesierski, Angela, Blood, Peter, Lutti, Julie and Osborne, Simon 2003. Non-uniform carrier distribution in multi-quantum-well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 83 (3) , pp. 419-421. 10.1063/1.1593818

Sobiesierski, Angela, Lewis, Gareth Michael, Smowton, Peter ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Jones, Gareth and Bland, Stephen W. 2003. Coupled multi-quantum well 650-nm emitting GaInP laser diodes. Presented at: Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers II, San Jose, CA, USA, 27-29 January, 2003. Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers II. NOVEL IN-PLANE SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS II. SPIE Proceeedings (4995) SPIE, pp. 152-159. 10.1117/12.475785

Schneider, Hans C., Chow, Weng W., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Pearce, Emma J. and Koch, Stephan W. 2003. Many-body effects in quantum dot lasers. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XI, San Jose, CA, USA, 25 January 2003. Published in: Osinski, M., Amano, H. and Blood, Peter eds. Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XI. Proceedings of SPIE (4986) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, p. 29. 10.1117/12.482334

Pope, Iestyn ORCID:, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Thomson, John Duncan, Kappers, M. J. and Humphreys, C. J. 2003. Carrier leakage in InGaN quantum well light-emitting diodes emitting at 480 nm. Applied Physics Letters 82 (17) , pp. 2755-2757. 10.1063/1.1570515

Lewis, Gareth Michael, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Chow, W. W. 2003. Effect of tensile strain/well-width combination on the measured gain-radiative current characteristics of 635 nm laser diodes. Applied Physics Letters 82 (10) , pp. 1524-1526. 10.1063/1.1559658

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Lewis, G. M., Blood, Peter and Chow, W. W. 2003. Optimization of 635-nm tensile strained GaInP laser diodes. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 9 (5) , pp. 1246-1251. 10.1109/JSTQE.2003.819488

Lewis, Gareth Michael, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Jones, G. and Bland, S. 2002. Measurement of transverse electric and transverse magnetic spontaneous emission and gain in tensile strained GaInP laser diodes. Applied Physics Letters 80 (19) , pp. 3488-3490. 10.1063/1.1476396

Teng, K. S., Brown, M., Kestle, A., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Pinches, S., Mawby, P. A. and Wilks, S. P. 2002. An investigation of multi-quantum barriers for band offset engineering in AlGaInP/GaInP lasers. Applied Surface Science 190 (1-4) , pp. 284-287. 10.1016/S0169-4332(01)00869-8

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Thomson, John Duncan, Yin, M., Dewar, S. V., Blood, Peter, Bryce, A. C., Marsh, J. H., Hamilton, C. J. and Button, C. C. 2002. The effect of cladding layer thickness on large optical cavity 650-nm lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38 (3) , pp. 285-290. 10.1109/3.985570

Lewis, Gareth Michael, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David and Blood, Peter 2002. Measurement of true spontaneous emission spectra from the facet of diode laser structures. Applied Physics Letters 80 (1) , pp. 1-3. 10.1063/1.1428774

Lewis, Gareth Michael, Thomson, John Duncan, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Hulyer, Paul J. and Blood, Peter 2002. Gain characteristics of GaInP quantum well laser structures. Presented at: Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers, San Jose, CA, USA, 21-23 January 2002. Published in: Meyer, J. R. and Gmachl, C. F. eds. Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers. Proceedings of SPIE (4651) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 10.1117/12.467933

Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Herrmann, E., Blood, Peter and Hopkinson, M. 2001. Temperature dependence of the lasing wavelength of InGaAs quantum dot lasers. Journal of Applied Physics 90 (9) , pp. 4859-4861. 10.1063/1.1402666

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Thomson, John Duncan, Yin, M., Dewar, S. V., Blood, Peter, Bryce, A. C., Marsh, J. H., Hamilton, C. J. and Button, C. C. 2001. Optical loss in large optical cavity 650 nm lasers [Letter]. Semiconductor Science and Technology 16 (10) , L72-L75. 10.1088/0268-1242/16/10/104

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Herrmann, E., Ning, Y., Summers, Huw David, Blood, Peter and Hopkinson, M. 2001. Optical mode loss and gain of multiple-layer quantum-dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters 78 (18) , pp. 2629-2631. 10.1063/1.1366652

Ivanov, A. L., Summers, Huw David, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2001. Long-range interface-photon-mediated interactions between self-assembled quantum dots. Physica Status Solidi B Basic Research 224 (3) , pp. 781-786. 10.1002/(SICI)1521-3951(200104)224:3<781::AID-PSSB781>3.0.CO;2-9

Summers, Huw David, Thomson, John Duncan, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Hopkinson, M. 2001. Thermodynamic balance in quantum dot lasers. Semiconductor Science and Technology 16 (3) , pp. 140-143. 10.1088/0268-1242/16/3/303

Yin, M., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, McAuley, B. and Button, C. C. 2001. S-shaped negative differential resistance in 650 nm quantum well laser diodes. Solid-State Electronics 45 (3) , pp. 447-452. 10.1016/S0038-1101(01)00018-1

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Chow, W., Lewis, Gareth Michael, Blood, Peter, Summers, Huw David and Thomson, John Duncan 2001. Comparison of experimental and theoretical optical properties of GaInP lasers. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices IX, San Jose, CA, USA, 22-26 January 2001. Published in: Arakawa, Y., Blood, Peter and Osinski, M. eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices IX. Proceedings of SPIE (4283) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 203-214. 10.1117/12.432567

Lewis, Gareth Michael, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David and Blood, Peter 2001. Measurement of spontaneous emission spectra of diode laser structures. Presented at: LEOS 2001: The 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-13 November 2001. LEOS 2001: The 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2001. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 655-656. 10.1109/LEOS.2001.968984

Ren, G. B., Summers, H. D., Blood, Peter, Perks, Richard Marc ORCID: and Bour, D. P. 2001. Non-radiative recombination and efficiency of InGaN quantum well light-emitting diodes. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices IX. Proceedings of SPIE, San Jose, USA, , vol.4283 pp. 78-84.

Summers, H. D., Smowton, Peter ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Dineen, M., Perks, Richard Marc ORCID:, Bour, D. P. and Kneissel, M. 2001. Spatially and spectrally resolved measurement of optical loss in InGaN laser structures. Journal of Crystal Growth 230 (3-4) , pp. 517-521. 10.1016/S0022-0248(01)01284-2

Ning, Y., Gao, X., Wang, L., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2001. Lasing characteristics of coupled InGaAs/GaAs multi-layers quantum dots laser. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology, 2001, 22-25 October 2001. Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology, 2001. , vol.2 Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 1249-1251. 10.1109/ICSICT.2001.982126

Ning, Y. Q., Gao, X., Wang, L. J., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2001. Farfield characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots laser. Presented at: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Device Manufacturing and Applications, Nanjing, China, 7 November 2001. Published in: Chen, D., Chen, R. T., Wang, G.-Y. and Zhu, C.-C. eds. Semiconductor Optoelectronic Device Manufacturing and Applications, Nanjing, China, 7 November 2001. Proceedings of SPIE (4602) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 106-109. 10.1117/12.445712

Wood, S. A., Molloy, C. H., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Button, C. C. 2000. Minority carrier effects in GaInP laser diodes. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 36 (6) , pp. 742-750. 10.1109/3.845732

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Chow, W. W. 2000. Comparison of experimental and theoretical gain-current relations in GaInP quantum well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 76 (12) , pp. 1522-1524. 10.1063/1.126083

Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David, Hulyer, Paul J., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 2000. Measurement of optical gain and Fermi level separation in semiconductor structures. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VIII, San Jose, CA, USA, 24-28 January 2000. Published in: Binder, R. H., Blood, Peter and Osinski, M. eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VIII. Proceedings of SPIE (3944) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 201-208. 10.1117/12.391422

Thomson, John Duncan, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Summers, Huw David, Herrmann, E., Blood, Peter and Hopkinson, M. 2000. Intrinsic performance of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers. Presented at: LEOS 2000: 13th Annual Meeting: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society: 2000 Annual Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 15-16 November 2000. LEOS 2000: 13th Annual Meeting IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. , vol.2 Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 308-309. 10.1109/LEOS.2000.890801

Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Herrmann, E., Blood, Peter and Hopkinson, M. 2000. Temperature dependence of the wavelength of quantum dot lasers. Presented at: 2000 IEEE 17th International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 25 - 28 September 2000. 2000 IEEE 17th International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2000: Conference Digest. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 135-136. 10.1109/ISLC.2000.882324

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Lewis, Gareth Michael, Blood, Peter, Chow, W. W. and Koch, S. W. 2000. Extraction of non-radiative and carrier leakage losses in GaInP lasers through comparison of experimental and theoretical optical properties. Presented at: 2000 IEEE 17th International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 25 - 28 September 2000. 2000 IEEE 17th International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2000: Conference Digest. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 121-122. 10.1109/ISLC.2000.882318

Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David, Hulyer, Paul J., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1999. Determination of single-pass optical gain and internal loss using a multisection device. Applied Physics Letters 75 (17) , pp. 2527-2529. 10.1063/1.125066

Wood, S. A., Molloy, C. H., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Somerford, D. J. and Button, C. C. 1999. Electron transport in AlGaInP quantum well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 75 (12) , pp. 1748-1750. 10.1063/1.124807

Wood, S. A., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Molloy, C. H., Blood, Peter, Somerford, D. J. and Button, C. C. 1999. Direct monitoring of thermally activated leakage current in AlGaInP laser diodes. Applied Physics Letters 74 (17) , pp. 2540-2542. 10.1063/1.123891

Blood, Peter, Wood, S., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Molloy, C. 1999. Carrier transport in AlGaInP laser structures. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VII, San Jose, CA, USA, 25-29 January 1999. Published in: Blood, Peter, Ishibashi, A. and Osinski, M. eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VII. Proceedings of SPIE (3625) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 476-484. 10.1117/12.356906

Mogensen, P. C., Hall, S. A., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Bangert, U., Blood, Peter and Dawson, P. 1998. The effect of high compressive strain on the operation of AlGaInP quantum-well lasers. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 34 (9) , pp. 1652-1659. 10.1109/3.709581

Mogensen, P. C., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Hall, S. A., Bangert, U. and Dawson, O. 1998. The impact of structural non-uniformity on the operation of AlGaInP lasers at high compressive strain. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VI, San Jose, CA, USA, 26-30 January 1998. Published in: Osinski, M., Blood, Peter and Ishibashi, A. eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VI. Proceedings of SPIE (3283) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 432-443. 10.1117/12.316694

Blood, Peter, Foulger, D. L. and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 1998. Modelling quantum well laser diode structures. Presented at: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advanced Electronic Technologies and Systems Based on Low-Dimensional Quantum Devices, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 18-28 September 1996. Published in: Balkanski, M. and Andreev, N. eds. Advanced Electronic Technologies and Systems Based on Low-Dimensional Quantum Devices: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 18-28 September 1996. Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 3 (42) Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 77-89.

Mogensen, P. C., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1997. Measurement of optical mode loss in visible emitting lasers. Applied Physics Letters 71 (14) , pp. 1975-1977. 10.1063/1.119759

Chow, W. W., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Girndt, A., Jahnke, F. and Koch, S. W. 1997. Comparison of experimental and theoretical GaInP quantum well gain spectra. Applied Physics Letters 71 (2) , pp. 157-159. 10.1063/1.119489

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1997. On the determination of internal optical mode loss of semiconductor lasers. Applied Physics Letters 70 (18) , pp. 2365-2367. 10.1063/1.118875

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1997. The differential efficiency of quantum-well lasers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 3 (2) , pp. 491-498. 10.1109/2944.605699

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1997. Fermi level pinning and differential efficiency in GaInP quantum well laser diodes. Applied Physics Letters 70 (9) , pp. 1073-1075. 10.1063/1.118488

Foulger, D. L., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Mawby, P. A. 1997. Self-consistent simulation of (AlGa)InP/GaInP visible lasers. IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics 144 (1) , pp. 23-29. 10.1049/ip-opt:19971071

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1997. Visible emitting (AlGa)InP laser diodes. Manasreh, M. O., ed. Strained-layer quantum wells and their applications, Optoelectronic properties of semiconductors and superlattices, vol. 4. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, pp. 431-487.

Blood, Peter, Foulger, D. L., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Mawby, P. 1997. Simulation of GaInP laser diode structures. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices V, San Jose, CA, USA, 10-14 February 1997. Published in: Osinski, M. and Chow, W. W. eds. Proceedings of Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices V, 10-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California, USA. Proceedings of SPIE (2994) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 736-746. 10.1117/12.275623

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Mogensen, P. C. and Roberts, J. S. 1997. AlxGayIn1-x-yAs/AlGaAs quantum well lasers at 670-750nm. Presented at: In-plane Semiconductor Lasers: From Ultraviolet to Midinfrared, San Jose, CA, USA, 10-13 February 1997. Published in: Choi, H. K. and Zory, P. S. eds. In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers: from Ultraviolet to Midinfrared. Proceedings of SPIE (3001) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 153-162. 10.1117/12.273783

Cooper, C., Blood, Peter, Molloy, C., Chen, X. Y., Westwood, David I., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Somerford, D. 1997. New approach to blue-shifting asymmetric quantum wells. Presented at: In-plane Semiconductor Lasers: From Ultraviolet to Midinfrared, San Jose, CA, USA, 10-13 February 1997. Published in: Choi, H. K. and Zory, P. S. eds. Proceedings of In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers: from Ultraviolet to Midinfrared, 10-13 February 1997, San Jose, California. Proceedings of SPIE (3001) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 184-191. 10.1117/12.273787

Mogensen, P. C., Hall, S. A., Bangert, U., Dawson, P., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1997. The impact of structural non-uniformity on the operation of (AlyGa1-y)(x)In1-xP quantum well lasers at high strain. Presented at: Royal Microscopical Society Conference 1997, Oxford, UK, 7-10 April 1997. Published in: Cullis, A. G. and Hutchinson, J. L. eds. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1997: Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference held at Oxford University, 7-10 April 1997. Institute of Physics Conference Series (157) London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 543-546.

Rees, Paul, Cooper, C., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter and Hegarty, J. 1996. Calculated threshold currents of nitride- and phosphide-based quantum-well lasers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 8 (2) , pp. 197-199. 10.1109/68.484239

Mogensen, P. C., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1996. Highly strained GaxIn1-xP/(AlyGa1-y)(0.51)In0.49P quantum well lasers. Presented at: 15th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Haifa, Israel, 13-18 October 1996. 15th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1996. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 97-98. 10.1109/ISLC.1996.553765

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1996. The differential efficiency of quantum well lasers. Presented at: 15th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Haifa, Israel, 13-18 October 1996. 15th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1996. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 51-52. 10.1109/ISLC.1996.553743

Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Foulger, D. 1996. Carrier distributions and leakage in (AlGa)InP visible emitting lasers. Presented at: Laser Diodes and Applications II, 12 April 1996. Published in: Linden, K. J. and Akkapeddi, P. R. eds. Proceedings of Laser Diodes and Applications II, 12 April 1996. Proceedings of SPIE (2682) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 98-107. 10.1117/12.237645

Blood, Peter, Rees, Paul, Cooper, C. and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 1996. Critical issues in laser diode calculations. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices IV, 1 May 1996. Published in: Chow, W. W. and Osinski, M. eds. Proceedings of Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices IV, 1 May 1996. Proceedings of SPIE (2693) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 444-454. 10.1117/12.238980

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1995. GaInP-(AlyGa1-y)InP 670 nm quantum-well lasers for high-temperature operation. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 31 (12) , pp. 2159-2164. 10.1109/3.477741

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Mogensen, P. C. and Bour, D. P. 1995. Role of sublinear gain-current relationship in compressive and tensile strained 630 nm GaInP lasers. International Journal of Optoelectronics 10 (5) , pp. 383-391.

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1995. Threshold current temperature dependence of GaInP/(AlyGa1−y)InP 670 nm quantum well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 67 (9) , pp. 1265-1267. 10.1063/1.114392

Rees, Paul, Cooper, C., Blood, Peter, Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Hegarty, J. 1995. Gain characteristics of GaN quantum wells including many body effects. Electronics Letters 31 (14) , pp. 1149-1150. 10.1049/el:19950826

Blood, Peter and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 1995. Strain dependence of threshold current in fixed-wavelength GaInP laser diodes. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 1 (2) , pp. 707-711. 10.1109/2944.401260

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Summers, Huw David, Rees, Paul and Blood, Peter 1994. Threshold current of 670-nm AlGaInP strained quantum well lasers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 6 (8) , pp. 910-912. 10.1109/68.313049

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Summers, Huw David, Rees, Paul and Blood, Peter 1994. Optimisation of 670 nm strained-quantum-well laser diodes for high-temperature operation. IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics 141 (2) , pp. 136-140. 10.1049/ip-opt:19949992

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Summers, Huw David, Rees, Paul and Blood, Peter 1994. Optimization of 670-nm strained quantum well laser diodes. Presented at: Laser diode technology and applications VI, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 25-27 January 1994. Published in: Chen, P. C., Johnson, L. A. and Temkin, H. eds. Proceedings of Laser Diode Technology and Applications VI, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 25-27 January 1994. Proceedings of SPIE (2148) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 189-200. 10.1117/12.176614

Blood, Peter and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 1994. Recombination, gain and carrier leakage in (AlGa)InP visible lasers. Presented at: LEOS '94: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1994 7th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 31 October - 3 November 1994. LEOS '94 Conference Proceedings: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting 1994. , vol.1 Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 321-322. 10.1109/LEOS.1994.587023

Blood, Peter, Fletcher, E. D., Hulyer, Paul J. and Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: 1986. Emission wavelength of AlGaAs‐GaAs multiple quantum well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 48 (17) , pp. 1111-1113. 10.1063/1.96613

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