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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 44.

De Angelis, Roberta ORCID:, Reynolds, Laura, Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID: and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2025. Conceptualising circular tourism: taking a place-based eco-system perspective. Journal of Circular Economy 3 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.55845/TVUZ5672

Voola, Ranjit, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Polonsky, Michael, Rosenbloom, Al and Goswami, Paromita 2024. Embedding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in marketing education. Journal of Marketing Education 46 (2) , pp. 79-83. 10.1177/02734753241244573

Drake, Sara ORCID: and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2023. How to get help or your money back after travel disruptions – experts explain. The Conversation 2023 , 29Aug.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Iyanna, Shilpa and Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID: 2023. Psst! Don't tell anyone it's second-hand: drivers and barriers of second-hand consumption in emerging markets. Carrigan, Marylyn, Wells, Victoria and Karolos, Papadas, eds. Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 225-249. (10.4337/9781802202021.00021)

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2022. Blogs. Buhalis, Dimitrios, ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 319-322. (10.4337/9781800377486.blogs)

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2022. Vlogs. Buhalis, Dimitrios, ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 703-705. (10.4337/9781800377486.vlogs)

Alkaffary, Bader, Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID:, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Mardon, Rebecca ORCID: 2022. Psychological ownership in access-based services: The role of the virtual closet. Presented at: 12th SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, UK, 16-18 June 2022.

Slater, Stephanie ORCID: and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2021. Consumer evaluations of the tourist industry’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and their attitudes towards future travel. Presented at: 50th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2021, Madrid, Spain, 25-28 May 2021.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, De Angelis, Roberta ORCID:, Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID: and Carrigan, Marylyn 2021. Reframing circular economy as a marketing priority: emphasising the role of consumers. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.

Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID:, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and De Angelis, Roberta ORCID: 2021. Could renting be the 'new buying'? Perspectives on consumers' role in prolonging product lifetimes. Presented at: 4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE 2021), Virtual, 26-28 May 2021.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Slater, Stephanie ORCID: 2020. Consumer altruism in evaluation of package holidays: lessons for tour operators. Presented at: 2020 European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 27-29 May 2020.

Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID:, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Iyanna, Shilpa and Carrigan, Marylyn 2020. Psychological barriers to renting and buying second-hand consumer goods: a consumer’s perspective from UAE and UK. Presented at: 2020 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Taormina, Italy, 18-21 May 2020.

Iyanna, Shilpa, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Lazell, Jordon and Carrigan, Marylyn 2019. A theories of practice perspective in understanding barriers to sustainable commuting: The case of UAE. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 24 (4) , e1668. 10.1002/nvsm.1668

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Malone, Sheila 2019. “Everyone’s business”, the interlink between community well-being and sustainability: A residents’ perspective in Geopark locations. Presented at: 7th International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, Karlstad, Sweden, 7-9 April 2019.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Malone, Sheila 2019. Possible solution to issues related to overtourism? Linking sustainable tourism practices to community well-being. Presented at: Academy of Marketing, London, UK, 1-4 July 2019.

Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID: and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2019. Reducing resource use through access-based consumption: A platform owners' perspective. Presented at: 7th International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, Karlstad Business School/ CTF - Service Research Centre, Karlstad University, Sweden, 7-9 April 2019. -.

Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID: and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2019. Pre-owned versus brand-new: why consumers (de)value shared goods? Examining the role of self-perception theory. Presented at: 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, Regent's University, London, UK, 2-4 July 2019. -.

Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID:, Hudson, Kerry and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2019. Family business brands and the ethical consumer: Leveraging category-based beliefs to enhance the credibility of cause-related claims. Presented at: 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, Regent's University London, 2-4 July 2019. -.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID: 2019. The interplay between self-perception and self-signalling: Exploring motivations and barriers to using pre-owned and shared goods. Presented at: 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Utrecht, Netherlands, 27-29 June 2019.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Carrigan, Marylyn, Lazell, Jordon and Magrizos, Solon 2018. Sustainability and social capital in the tourist food supply chain: a comparative study. Presented at: 6th International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Nottingham, 22-24 April 2018.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Carrigan, Marylyn, Lazell, Jordon and Magrizos, Solon 2018. Delighting the sustainable tourist: How do small tourist food businesses respond to changing tourists? Sustainability preferences? Presented at: 2018 Academy of Marketing Conference, Stirling, 2-5 July 2018. -.

Carrigan, Marylyn, McEachern, Morven, Moraes, Caroline and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2017. The fine jewellery industry: Corporate responsibility challenges and institutional forces facing SMEs. Journal of Business Ethics 143 (4) , pp. 681-699. 10.1007/s10551-016-3071-4

Duberley, Joanne, Carrigan, Marylyn, Ferreira, Jennifer and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2017. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend …? Examining gender and careers in the jewellery industry. Organization 24 (3) , pp. 355-376. 10.1177/1350508416687767

Carrigan, Marylyn, Lazell, Jordon, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Magrizos, Solon 2017. Burgers for tourists who give a damn! Driving disruptive social change upstream and downstream in the tourist food supply chain. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (11) , pp. 1563-1582. 10.1080/09669582.2017.1291652

Iyanna, Shilpa, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Carrigan, Marylyn and Lazell, Jordon 2017. I am what I drive: Challenges of sustainable daily commute in UAE. Presented at: ERSCP2017 Conference, Skiathos Greece, 1-5 October 2017.

Koenig-Lewis, Nicole ORCID:, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Palmer, Adrian 2017. Exploring attitudes and motivations towards access-based consumption versus ownership-consumption. Presented at: Surrey Think Tank: Collaborative Economy, Surrey, 29 September 2017.

Malone, Sheila and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2017. The impact of sustainable tourism practices on community well-being. Presented at: Consumer Behaviour in Tourism Studies, Brunico, South Tyrol, Italy, 13-16 December 2017.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, McCabe, S. and Hibbert,, S. 2016. Discourse analysis of blogs: analyzing language to maximise the value of consumption-oriented blogs as data source. Presented at: 15th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, Swansea University, 13-15 September 2016.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, McCabe, Scott and Hibbert, Sally 2016. Discourse analysis of blogs: Analyzing language to maximize the value of consumption-oriented blogs as data source. Presented at: 15th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, I3E 2016, Swansea, UK, 13-15 September 2016. Published in: Dwivedi, Yogesh K, Mäntymäki, Matti, Ravishankar, M.N., Janssen, Marijn, Clement,, Marc, Slade, Emma L., Rana, Nripendra P., Al-Sharhan, Salah and Simintiras, Antonis C. eds. Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I3E 2016. SOCIAL MEDIA: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (9844) Springer, Cham, pp. 522-532. 10.1007/978-3-319-45234-0_46

Malone, S. and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2016. An emic approach to understanding the link between sustainable tourism development and community wellbeing. Presented at: 41st Annual Macromarketing Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 13-15 July 2016.

Cai, Yuxiang and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2016. Ethical consumption in the tourism industry: a study of Chinese tourists in the UK. Presented at: British Academy of Management Marketing and Retail Special Interest Group Developmental Workshop on Sustainability and Ethical Consumption, Guilford, Surrey, 28 April 2016.

Carrigan, M. and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2016. The challenges of responsible marketing and consumption. Shaw, D., Carrington, M. and Chatzidakis, A., eds. Ethics and Morality in Consumption: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 75-96.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Demangeot, Catherine 2016. Exploring reflective learning during the extended consumption of life experiences. Journal of Business Research 69 (1) , pp. 208-215. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.07.033

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Hibbert, Sally and McCabe, Scott 2015. 'If I was going to die I should at least be having fun': Travel blogs, meaning and tourist experience. Annals of Tourism Research 55 , pp. 1-14. 10.1016/j.annals.2015.08.001

Lazell, J., Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: and Carrigan, M. 2015. Flexible ethics across space and place: a study of tourist food consumption. Presented at: Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 November 2015.

Moraes, Caroline, Carrigan, Marylyn, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Ferreira, Carlos and McGrath, Michelle 2015. Understanding ethical luxury consumption through practice theories: a study of fine jewellery purchases. Journal of Business Ethics 145 , 525–543. 10.1007/s10551-015-2893-9

Carrigan, Marylyn, Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Moraes, Caroline and McEachern, Morven 2015. Less Shine, More Substance: Corporate Social Responsibility, SMEs and the Jewellery Industry [Abstract]. Journal of Macromarketing 35 (1) , p. 136. 10.1177/0276146714550875

Carrigan, M., Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Kumar, Aniket and Bebek, G. 2015. Social labelling: a study of consumer confusion in the UK market. Presented at: Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, Barcelona, 1-4 November 2015.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Carrigan, M. and Iyanna, S. 2015. Exploring the role of moral norms and neutralisation in environmentally conscious behaviour: the case of UAE consumers. Presented at: Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, Barcelona, 1-4 November 2015.

Kumar, Anvita and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2014. Introduction to marketing communications and social media marketing. Mutum, Dilip S., Roy, Sanjit and Kipnis, Eva, eds. Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets, Springer, pp. 139-142.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2014. Case study 15: it’s more fun in Philippines: riding on the waves of social media. Mutum, Dilip S., Roy, Sanjit and Kipnis, Eva, eds. Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets, Springer, pp. 149-157.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2013. Virtual communities: online blogs as a marketing tool. McCabe, Scott, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing, Routledge, pp. 520-533.

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Dulnuan, Juline and Mena, Miguela 2012. Using travel blogs to examine the postconsumption behavior of tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing 18 (3) , pp. 207-218. 10.1177/1356766712449367

Libosada, C. and Bosangit, Carmela ORCID: 2007. Introduction to tourism: a comprehensive guide to the travel and tourism industry. Anvil Publishing.

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