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Browse by Current Cardiff authors

Number of items: 45.

Mardon, Rebecca ORCID:, Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2024. When parasocial relationships turn sour: social media influencers, eroded and exploitative intimacies, and anti-fan communities. Gurrieri, Lauren, Drenten, Jenna and Abidin, Crystal, eds. Influencer Marketing Interdisciplinary and Socio-Cultural Perspectives, London: Routledge, (10.4324/9781003559412)

Cocker, Hayley, Mardon, Rebecca ORCID: and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2024. We’re not deviant, you are! How consumption communities neutralize accusations of deviance. Presented at: AM2024: Marketing: Fusing resilience and power for public value – igniting marketing’s social spirit, Cardiff, UK, 1 - 4 July 2024. Academy Of Marketing Conference 2024 Paper Proceedings. Academy of Marketing, pp. 254-255.

Dineva, Denitsa ORCID: and Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: 2023. Reframing online brand community management: consumer conflicts, their consequences, and moderation. European Journal of Marketing 57 (10) , pp. 2653-2682. 10.1108/EJM-03-2022-0227

Daunt, Kate ORCID:, Greer, Dominique A., Seung, Hyun Jin and Orpen, Isabella 2023. Who believes political fake news? The role of conspiracy mentality, patriotism, perceived threat to freedom, media literacy and concern for disinformation. Internet Research 33 (5) , pp. 1849-1870. 10.1108/INTR-07-2022-0565

Mardon, Rebecca ORCID:, Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2023. How social media influencers impact consumer collectives: An embeddedness perspective. Journal of Consumer Research 50 (3) , pp. 617-644. 10.1093/jcr/ucad003

Mardon, Rebecca ORCID:, Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2023. When parasocial relationships turn sour: Social media influencers, eroded and exploitative intimacies, and anti-fan communities. Journal of Marketing Management 39 (11-12) , pp. 1132-1162. 10.1080/0267257X.2022.2149609

Dootson, Paula, Greer, Dominique, Letheren, Kate and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2023. Reducing deviant consumer behaviour with service robot guardians. Journal of Services Marketing 37 (3) , pp. 276-286. 10.1108/JSM-11-2021-0400

Cocker, Hayley, Mardon, Rebecca ORCID: and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2021. Social media influencers & transgressive celebrity endorsement in consumption community contexts. European Journal of Marketing 55 (7) , pp. 1841-1872. 10.1108/EJM-07-2019-0567

Boukis, Achilleas, Christos, Koritos, Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: and Papastathopoulos, Avvraam 2020. Effects of customer incivility on frontline employees and the moderating role of supervisor leadership style. Tourism Management 77 , 103997. 10.1016/j.tourman.2019.103997

Hardyman, Wendy ORCID:, Kitchener, Martin ORCID: and Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: 2019. What matters to me! User conceptions of value in specialist cancer care. Public Management Review 21 (11) , pp. 1687-1706. 10.1080/14719037.2019.1619808

Rosier, Eleri, Williams, S. and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2019. Eduscapes and student experience: the effects of Servicescapes in academic learning environments. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2019: Authentic Learning, Cardiff, UK, 11 September 2019.

Mardon, Rebecca ORCID:, Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2019. Community-embedded human brands and dysfunctional community role dynamics: A study of the YouTube beauty community. Presented at: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, 17-19 July 2019. -.

Mardon, Rebecca ORCID:, Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2018. Constructing and commodifying the tribal celebrity: A dramaturgical perspective. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference, Stirling, Scotland, 2-5 July 2018.

Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: and McDermott, Aoife M. ORCID: 2018. Authorship in action. Townsend, Keith and Saunders, Mark, eds. How to Keep Your Research Project on Track: Insights From When Things Go Wrong, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 149-156.

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd 2017. Consumer showrooming: value co-destruction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 38 , pp. 166-176. 10.1016/j.jretconser.2017.05.013

Rogers, Andrew, Daunt, Kate L. ORCID:, Morgan, Peter ORCID: and Beynon, Malcolm ORCID: 2017. Examining the existence of double jeopardy and negative double jeopardy within Twitter. European Journal of Marketing 51 (7/8) , pp. 1224-1247. 10.1108/EJM-03-2015-0126

Baeshen, Mashhour, Beynon, Malcolm JAmes ORCID: and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2016. Fuzzy clustering: an analysis of service quality in the mobile phone industrys. Kumar, A., Kumar Dash, M., Kumar Trivedi, S. and Kumar Panda, T., eds. Handbook of Research on Intelligent Techniques and Modeling Applications in Marketing Analytics, IGI Global, pp. 40-61.

Wells, Victoria K. and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2016. Eduscape: The effects of servicescapes and emotions in academic learning environments. Journal of Further and Higher Education 40 (4) , pp. 486-508. 10.1080/0309877X.2014.984599

Lloyd, Harris and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2016. Implementing strategic change. Baker, Michael J. and Hart, Susan, eds. The Marketing Book, 7th ed., Routledge, pp. 121-148.

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Greer, Dominique A. 2015. Unpacking the perceived opportunity to misbehave: The influence of spatio-temporal and social dimensions on consumer misbehaviour. European Journal of Marketing 49 (9/10) , pp. 1505-1526. 10.1108/EJM-01-2014-0061

Hardyman, Wendy ORCID:, Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: and Kitchener, Martin James ORCID: 2015. Value co-creation through patient engagement in health care: a micro-level approach and research agenda. Public Management Review 17 (1) , pp. 90-107. 10.1080/14719037.2014.881539

Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 2014. Linking employee and customer misbehaviour: The moderating role of past misdemeanours. Journal of Marketing Management 30 (3-4) , pp. 221-244. 10.1080/0267257X.2013.812977

Daunt, Kate L. ORCID: and Greer, Dominique A. 2013. Deviant service behavior. Fisk, Raymond P., Russell-Bennett, Rebekah and Harris, Lloyd C., eds. Serving Customers: Global Services Marketing Perspectives, Tilde University Press, pp. 105-122.

Harris, Lloyd C. and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2013. Managing customer misbehavior: Challenges and Strategies. Journal of Services Marketing 27 (4) , pp. 281-293. 10.1108/08876041311330762

Rosenbaum, Mark S., Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Jiang, Anny 2013. Craigslist exposed: The internet-mediated hookup. Journal of Homosexuality 60 (4) , pp. 505-531. 10.1080/00918369.2013.760305

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2013. Cluster analysis: An example analysis on personality and dysfunctional customer behaviour. Moutinho, Luiz and Huarng, Kun-Huang, eds. Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management, London: World Scientific, pp. 359-378. (10.1142/9789814407724_0014)

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2012. Exploring the forms of dysfunctional customer behaviour: a study of differences in servicescape and customer disaffection with service. Journal of Marketing Management 28 (1-2) , pp. 129-153. 10.1080/0267257X.2011.619149

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2012. Motives of dysfunctional customer behavior: an empirical study. Journal of Services Marketing 26 (4) , pp. 293-308. 10.1108/08876041211237587

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2011. Customers acting badly: evidence from the hospitality industry. Journal of Business Research 64 (10) , pp. 1034-1042. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.10.010

Harris, Lloyd Cameron and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2011. Deviant customer behaviour: a study of techniques of neutralisation. Journal of Marketing Management 27 (7-8) , pp. 834-853. 10.1080/0267257X.2010.498149

Wells, Victoria Kate and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2011. Eduscape: an analysis of the physical learning environment. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference, University of Liverpool, 5-7 July 2011.

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, L. C. 2011. The role of perceived employee deviance, custsomer loyalty and past customer misbehavior. Presented at: AMA Winter Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, 18-20 February 2011.

Rosenbaum, M. S. and Daunt, Kate ORCID: 2011. When customers have no option: a Cambodian case study regarding counterfeit design merchandise. Presented at: AMA Winter Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, 18-20 February 2011.

Fisk, Ray, Grove, Stephen, Harris, Lloyd C., Keeffe, Dominique A., Daunt, Kate ORCID:, Russell-Bennett, Rebekah and Wirtz, Jochen 2010. Customers behaving badly: a state of the art review, research agenda and implications for practitioners. Journal of Services Marketing 24 (6) , pp. 417-429. 10.1108/08876041011072537

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, L. C. 2010. Exploring the forms of dysfunctional customer behaviour: a study of differences in servicescape and customer disaffection with service. Presented at: AMA SERVSIG International Conference, Porto, Portugal, 17-19 June 2011.

Reynolds, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2009. Dysfunctional customer behavior severity: an empirical examination. Journal of Retailing 85 (3) , pp. 321-335. 10.1016/j.jretai.2009.05.005

Reynolds, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 2006. Deviant Customer Behavior: An Exploration of Frontline Employee Tactics. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 14 (2) , pp. 95-111.

Reynolds, Kate ORCID: and Harris, L. C. 2005. When service failure is not service failure: an exploration of the forms and motives of "illegitimate" customer complaining. Journal of Services Marketing 19 (5) , pp. 321-335. 10.1108/08876040510609934

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 2005. Jaycustomers: An empirical examination of the antecedents of dysfunctional customer behaviour. Presented at: 4th SERVSIG Conference, Singapore, Malaysia, 2-4 June 2005. AMA,

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 2005. The antecedents of dysfunctional customer behaviour. Presented at: 34th EMAC Conference, Milan, Italy, 24-27 May 2005.

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C. 2004. 'Illegitimate' customer complaining: an exploration of types and motives. Presented at: European Marketing Conference (EMAC), Murcia, Spain, 18-21 May 2004.

Harris, Lloyd C. and Reynolds, Kate L. ORCID: 2004. Jaycustomer behavior: an exploration of types and motives in the hospitality industry. Journal of Services Marketing 18 (5) , pp. 339-357. 10.1108/08876040410548276

Harris, Lloyd Cameron and Reynolds, Kate ORCID: 2003. The Consequences of Dysfunctional Customer Behavior. Journal of Service Research 6 (2) , pp. 144-161. 10.1177/1094670503257044

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd C 2003. Jaycustomers: A study of the consequences of deviant consumer behaviour. Presented at: 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference (EIRASS), Portland, OR, USA, August, 2003.

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2003. A study of jaycustomer behaviour: Insights into types and motives from the hospitality industry. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2003: History of the Next Decade, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 8-10 July 2003.

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