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Allen, B., Blackburn, J., Brady, P., Creighton, J., Creighton, T., Droz, S., Gillespie, A., Hughes, S., Kawamura, S., Lyons, T., Mason, J., Owen, B., Raab, F., Regehr, M., Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID:, Savage, R., Whitcomb, S. and Wiseman, A. 1999. Observational limit on gravitational waves from binary neutron stars in the Galaxy. Physical Review Letters 83 (8) , pp. 1498-1501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.83.1498

Alton, P. B., Davies, Jonathan Ivor and Bianchi, S. 1999. Dust outflows from starburst galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics 343 (1) , pp. 51-63.

Ashtekar, Abhay, Beetle, Christopher and Fairhurst, Stephen ORCID: 1999. Isolated horizons: a generalization of black hole mechanics. Classical and Quantum Gravity 16 (2) , L1-L7. 10.1088/0264-9381/16/2/027

Best, P. N., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Longair, M. S., Rawlings, S. and Rottgering, H. J. A. 1999. Studies of a sample of 6C radio galaxies at a redshift of 1 -- I. Deep multifrequency radio observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 303 (3) , pp. 616-640. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02267.x

Bhatia, R. S., Bock, J. J., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Benoit, A., Bradshaw, T. W., Crill, B. P., Griffin, Matthew Joseph ORCID:, Hepburn, I. D., Hristov, V. V., Lange, A. E., Mason, P. V., Murray, A. G., Orlowska, A. H. and Turner, A. D. 1999. The susceptibility of incoherent detector systems to cryocooler microphonics. Cryogenics 39 (8) , pp. 701-715. 10.1016/S0011-2275(99)00071-5

Bianchi, S., Davies, Jonathan Ivor and Alton, P. B. 1999. Dust emissivity in the far-infrared [Letter]. Astronomy & Astrophysics 344 (1) , L1-L4.

Bloom, Steven D., Marscher, Alan P., Moore, E. M., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Terasranta, Harri, Valtaoja, Esko, Aller, Hugh D. and Aller, Margo F. 1999. Multiwaveband observations of quasars with flat radio spectra and strong millimeter-wave emission. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 122 (1) , pp. 1-27. 10.1086/313204

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Colocci, M., Gurioli, M., Patané, A., Alessi, M. Grassi, Capizzi, M. and Martelli, F. 1999. Excitation transfer through thick barriers in asymmetric double-quantum-well structures. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 5 (1-2) , pp. 73-83. 10.1016/S1386-9477(99)00028-4

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. M. and Martelli, F. 1999. Binding energy and dephasing of biexcitons in In0.18Ga0.82As/GaAs single quantum wells. Physical Review B 60 (7) , pp. 4505-4508. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.4505

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. and Martelli, F. 1999. Well-width dependence of exciton-phonon scattering in InxGa1-xAs/GaAs single quantum wells. Physical Review B 59 (3) , pp. 2215-2222. 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.2215

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Mørk, J. and Hvam, J. M. 1999. Heterodyne pump-probe and four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers using balanced lock-in detection. Optics Communications 169 (1-6) , pp. 317-324. 10.1016/S0030-4018(99)00391-0

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Mørk, J., Hvam, J. M., Heinrichsdorff, F., Mao, M. -H. and Bimberg, D. 1999. Dephasing in InAs/GaAs quantum dots. Physical Review B 60 (11) , 7784 -7787. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.7784

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Scaffetti, S., Mørk, J., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. M., Mecozzi, A. and Martelli, F. 1999. Measurement and calculation of the critical pulsewidth for gain saturation in semiconductor optical amplifiers. Optics Communications 164 (1-3) , pp. 51-55. 10.1016/S0030-4018(99)00175-3

Bozhevolnyi, S. I., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: and Hvam, J. M. 1999. Polarization contrast in reflection near-field optical microscopy with uncoated fibre tips. Journal of Microscopy 194 (2-3) , pp. 500-506. 10.1046/j.1365-2818.1999.00502.x

Buckle, Philip Derek ORCID:, Dawson, P., Hall, S. A., Chen, X., Steer, M. J., Mowbray, D. J., Skolnick, M. S. and Hopkinson, M. 1999. Photoluminescence decay time measurements from self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics 86 (5) , pp. 2555-2561. 10.1063/1.371092

Carli, B., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Cortesi, U., Dickinson, P., Epifani, M., Gannaway, F. C., Gignoli, A. and Keim, C. 1999. SAFIRE-A: Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere Using Far-Infrared Emission/Airborne. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 16 (10) , pp. 1313-1328. 10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016<1313:SASOTA>2.0.CO;2

Clements, D. L., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID: and Baker, A. C. 1999. Candidate high-redshift and primeval galaxies in Hubble Deep Field South. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 308 (1) , L11-L16. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02883.x

Clements, D. L., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Dunne, L., Webb, T. M., Lilly, S. J. and Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID: 1999. Identifying CUDSS Submm sources [Abstract]. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 31 (5) , p. 1404.

Davies, Jonathan Ivor, Alton, P. B., Trewhella, M., Evans, R. and Bianchi, S. 1999. 200-μm ISO observations of NGC 6946: evidence for an extended distribution of cold dust. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 304 (3) , pp. 495-500. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02228.x

de Bernardis, P., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Artusa, R., Bock, J.J., Boscaleri, A., Crill, B.P., De Troia, G., Farese, P.C., Giacometti, M., Hristov, V.V., Iacoangeli, A., Lange, A.E., Lee, A.T., Masi, S., Martinis, L., Mason, P.V., Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID:, Melchiorri, F., Miglio, L., Montroy, T., Netterfield, C.B., Pascale, Enzo ORCID:, Piacentini, F., Richards, P.L., Ruhl, J.E. and Scaramuzzi, F. 1999. Mapping the CMB sky: The BOOMERanG experiment. New Astronomy Reviews 43 (2-4) , pp. 289-296. 10.1016/S1387-6473(99)00022-6

De Petris, M., Mainella, G., Nerozzi, A., de Bernardis, P., Garavini, G., Granata, S., Guarini, G., Masi, S., Melchiorri, B., Melchiorri, F., Nobili, S., Orlando, A., Palummo, L., Pisano, Giampaolo ORCID: and Terracina, A. 1999. A ground-based experiment for CMBR anisotropy observations: MITO. New Astronomy Reviews 43 (2-4) , pp. 297-315. 10.1016/S1387-6473(99)00023-8

Drinkwater, Michael J., Phillipps, Steven, Gregg, Michael D., Parker, Quentin A., Smith, Rodney M., Davies, Jonathan Ivor, Jones, J. Bryn and Sadler, Elaine M. 1999. The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey: The Number of Unresolved Compact Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 511 (2) , L97-L100. 10.1086/311844

Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Lilly, Simon, Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Dunne, Loretta, Bond, J. Richard, Hammer, Francois, Le Fevre, Olivier and Crampton, David 1999. The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey: first submillimeter images, the source counts, and resolution of the background. Astrophysical Journal 515 (2) , pp. 518-524. 10.1086/307069

Edwards, K. A., Howes, P. B., Macdonald, John Emyr ORCID:, Hibma, T., Bootsma, T. and James, M. A. 1999. Observation of a structural transition during the low-temperature growth of the Si(111)7×7?Pb interface. Surface Science 424 (2-3) , pp. 169-178. 10.1016/S0039-6028(98)00880-2

Flores, H., Hammer, F., Désert, F. X., Césarsky, C., Thuan, T., Crampton, D., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Le Fèvre, O., Lilly, S. J., Omont, A. and Elbaz, D. 1999. Deep Galaxy survey at 6.75µm with the ISO satellite. Astronomy & Astrophysics 343 (2) , pp. 389-398.

Flores, H., Hammer, F., Thuan, T. X., Cesarsky, C., Desert, F. X., Omont, A., Lilly, S. J., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Crampton, D. and Le Fevre, O. 1999. 15 Micron Infrared Space Observatory observations of the 1415+52 Canada-France redshift survey field: the cosmic star formation rate as derived from deep ultraviolet, optical, mid-infrared, and radio photometry. Astrophysical Journal 517 (1) , pp. 148-167. 10.1086/307172

Frolov, V., Sutton, Patrick J. ORCID: and Zelnikov, A. 1999. Dimensional-reduction anomaly. Physical Review D 61 (2) , 024021. 10.1103/PhysRevD.61.024021

Gavrilov, S. A., Gusev, V. V., Dneprovskii, V. S., Zhukov, E. A., Syrnikov, A. N., Yaminskii, I. V. and Muljarov, Egor A. ORCID: 1999. Optical properties of excitons in CdS semiconductor-insulator quantum wires. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 70 (3) , pp. 216-221. 10.1134/1.568155

Gindele, F., Hild, K., Langbein, Wolfgang ORCID: and Woggon, U. 1999. Phonon interaction of single excitons and biexcitons. Physical Review B 60 (4) , R2157-R2160. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.R2157

Gindele, F., Woggon, U., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J., Leonardi, K., Hommel, D. and Selke, H. 1999. Excitons, biexcitons, and phonons in ultrathin CdSe/ZnSe quantum structures. Physical Review B 60 (12) , pp. 8773-8782. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.8773

Gindele, F, Hild, K, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Woggon, U, Leonardi, K, Hommel, D, Kümmell, T, Bacher, G and Forchel, A 1999. Phonon interaction of single excitons in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures. Journal of Luminescence 83-84 , pp. 305-308. 10.1016/S0022-2313(99)00116-7

Gladwin, P. P., Kitsionas, S., Boffin, H. M. J. and Whitworth, Anthony Peter ORCID: 1999. The structure of young star clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 302 (2) , pp. 305-313. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02136.x

Hannam, Mark ORCID: and Thompson, William J. 1999. Estimating small signals by using maximum likelihood and Poisson statistics. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 431 (1-2) , pp. 239-251. 10.1016/S0168-9002(99)00269-7

Holland, W. S., Robson, E. I., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Cunningham, C. R., Lightfoot, J. F., Jenness, T., Ivison, R. J., Stevens, J. A., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Griffin, Matthew Joseph ORCID:, Duncan, W. D., Murphy, J. A. and Naylor, D. A. 1999. SCUBA: a common-user submillimetre camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 303 (4) , pp. 659-672. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02111.x

Jensen, J. R., Hvam, J. M. and Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: 1999. Optical properties of InAlGaAs quantum wells: Influence of segregation and band bowing. Journal of Applied Physics 86 (5) , p. 2584. 10.1063/1.371096

Kee, Chul-Sik, Oh, Sang Soon ORCID:, Chang, K. J., Kim, Jae-Eun, Park, Hae Yong and Lee, Keun-Ho 1999. Thermal properties of a photon gas in photonic crystals. Physical Review B 60 (15) , 10573. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.10573

Klochikhin, A., Reznitsky, A., Permogorov, S., Breitkopf, T., Grün, M., Hetterich, M., Klingshirn, C., Lyssenko, V., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: and Hvam, J. 1999. Luminescence spectra and kinetics of disordered solid solutions. Physical Review B 59 (20) , pp. 12947-12972. 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.12947

Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: 1999. Comment on "High efficient biexciton photoluminescence observed from single ZnCdSe quantum wells with continuous wave cold carrier generation" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 1138 (1999)]. Applied Physics Letters 75 (14) , p. 2150. 10.1063/1.124946

Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Gislason, H. and Hvam, J. 1999. Transient four-wave mixing in T-shaped GaAs quantum wires. Physical Review B 60 (24) , pp. 16667-16674. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.16667

Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: and Hvam, J. 1999. Localization-enhanced biexciton binding in semiconductors. Physical Review B 59 (23) , pp. 15405-15408. 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.15405

Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. and Zimmermann, R. 1999. Time-Resolved Speckle Analysis: A New Approach to Coherence and Dephasing of Optical Excitations in Solids. Physical Review Letters 82 (5) , pp. 1040-1043. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.1040

Leyshon, G., Dunlop, J. S. and Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID: 1999. Upper limits on K-band polarization in three high-redshift radio galaxies: 53W091, 3C 441 and MRC 0156-252. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 309 (2) , pp. 474-480. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02842.x

Lilly, Simon J., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Hammer, Francois, Le Fevre, Olivier, Crampton, David, Bond, J. Richard and Dunne, Loretta 1999. The Canada-United Kingdom Deep Submillimeter Survey. II. First identifications, redshifts, and implications for galaxy evolution. Astrophysical Journal 518 (2) , pp. 641-655. 10.1086/307310

Lu, J., Haworth, L., Hill, P., Westwood, David and Macdonald, John Emyr ORCID: 1999. Nitridation of the GaAs(001) surface: Thermal behavior of the (3×3) reconstruction and its evolution. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 17 (4) , pp. 1659-1676. 10.1116/1.590806

Lu, J., Westwood, David, Haworth, L., Hill, P. and Macdonald, John Emyr ORCID: 1999. The (3 × 3) reconstruction and its evolution during the nitridation of GaAs(001). Thin Solid Films 343-44 , pp. 567-570. 10.1016/S0040-6090(98)01716-7

Marchenko, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Cawthorne, T. V., Stevens, J. A., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Lister, M. L., Robson, E. I., Smith, P. S., Forster, J. R. and Gabuzda, D. C. 1999. Measurement of Superluminal Motion of Radio-Loud AGNs at 43 GHz with the VLBA [Abstract]. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 31 (3) , p. 901.

Marscher, A. P., Cawthorne, T. V., Stevens, J. A., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Marchenko, S. G., Lister, M. L. and Gabuzda, D. C. 1999. VLBA 7 mm and JCMT 1.3 mm multi-epoch polarization observations of a sample of radio-bright AGNs [Abstract]. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 30 , p. 1412.

Marscher, A. P., Marchenko, S. G., Stevens, J. A., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Lister, M. L., Cawthorne, T. V., Stirling, A., Gomez, J. A., Gabuzda, D. C. and Robson, E. I. 1999. The relativistic jets of superluminal radio sources at ultra-high resolution [Abstract]. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society 31 (5) , p. 1508.

Maurice, R. and Matthai, Clarence Cherian 1999. Force-extension curves for a single polymer chain under varying solvent conditions. Physical Review E 60 (3) , pp. 3165-3169. 10.1103/PhysRevE.60.3165

Mirasso, C. R., Van Tartwijk, G. H. M., Hernandez-Garcia, E., Lenstra, D., Lynch, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Landais, P., Phelan, P., O'Gorman, J., San Miguel, M. and Elsasser, W. 1999. Self-pulsating semiconductor lasers: theory and experiment. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35 (5) , pp. 764-770. 10.1109/3.760324

Morshidi-Esslinger, Z., Davies, Jonathan Ivor and Smith, Rodney 1999. An automated search for nearby low-surface-brightness galaxies - I. The catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 304 (2) , pp. 297-310. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02305.x

Morshidi-Esslinger, Z., Davies, Jonathan Ivor and Smith, Rodney 1999. An automated search for nearby low-surface-brightness galaxies - II. The discussion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 304 (2) , pp. 311-318. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02306.x

Moskalenko, Andriy V., Naidyuk, Y. G., Yanson, I. K. and Geibel, C. 1999. Point-contact investigation of CeRu2 in magnetic field. Physica B: Condensed Matter 259-61 , pp. 690-691. 10.1016/S0921-4526(98)00952-1

Muljarov, Egor A. ORCID:, Sibel'din, N. N., Skorikov, M. L., Tsvetkov, V. A. and Etienne, B. 1999. Excitonic state in quantum wells formed from "above-barrier" electronic states. JETP Letters 70 (9) , pp. 621-627. 10.1134/1.568225

Muljarov, Egor A. ORCID:, Yablonskii, A., Tikhodeev, S., Bulatov, A. and Birman, Joseph 1999. Optical properties of anisotropic exciton: Hyperspherical theory. Physical Review B 59 (7) , pp. 4600-4603. 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.4600

Naylor, D. A., Gom, B. G., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID: and Davis, J. E. 1999. Design and performance of a dual polarizing detector system for broadband astronomical spectroscopy at submillimeter wavelengths. Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (10) , pp. 4097-4109. 10.1063/1.1149304

Olmi, Luca and Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID: 1999. A comparison of radome- and astrodome-enclosed large radio telescopes at millimeter wavelengths: The Large Millimeter Telescope. Radio Science 34 (3) , pp. 733-746. 10.1029/1999RS900012

Owen, Benjamin and Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID: 1999. Matched filtering of gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries: Computational cost and template placement. Physical Review -Series D- Particles Fields Gravitation and Cosmology 60 (2) , 022002. 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.022002

Pisano, Giampaolo ORCID: 1999. Millimiter CBR polarimetry: the POLCBR experiment at M.I.T.O. New Astronomy Reviews 43 (2-4) , pp. 329-339. 10.1016/S1387-6473(99)00096-2

Quagliano, L. G., Sobiesierski, Zbigniew, Orani, D. and Ricci, A. 1999. Phonon study of temperature evolution of strain in GaAs/Si(0 0 1) and GaAs/Si(1 1 1) heterostructures. Physica B: Condensed Matter 263-64 , pp. 775-778. 10.1016/S0921-4526(98)01460-4

Rees, P., McEvoy, P., Valle, A., O'Gorman, J., Lynch, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Landais, P., Pesquera, L. and Hegarty, J. 1999. A theoretical analysis of optical clock extraction using a self-pulsating laser diode. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35 (2) , pp. 221-227. 10.1109/3.740744

Roche, N. and Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID: 1999. The angular correlation function and hierarchical moments of  70 000 faint galaxies to R=23.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 307 (3) , pp. 703-721. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02652.x

Roche, N. and Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID: 1999. Modelling ISO galaxy counts with luminosity and merger rate evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 307 (1) , pp. 111-121. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02630.x

Roche, N., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Hippelein, H. and Willott, C. J. 1999. The angular correlation function of K∼19.5 galaxies and the detection of a cluster atz=0.775. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 306 (3) , pp. 538-550. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02536.x

Sandell, G., Avery, L. W., Baas, F., Coulson, I., Dent, W. R. F., Friberg, P., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Greaves, J., Holland, W., Jenness, T., Jewell, P., Lightfoot, J., Matthews, H. E., Moriarty-Schieven, G., Prestage, R., Robson, E. I., Stevens, J., Tilanus, R. P. J. and Watt, G. D. 1999. A jet-driven, extreme high-velocity outflow powered by a cold, low-luminosity protostar near NGC 2023. Astrophysical Journal 519 (1) , pp. 236-243. 10.1086/307367

Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID: 1999. Gravitational waves: the future of black hole physics. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 20 (3-4) , pp. 211-220. 10.1007/BF02702353

Schmalzing, Jens, Buchert, Thomas, Melott, Adrian L., Sahni, Varun, Sathyaprakash, Bangalore Suryanarayana ORCID: and Shandarin, Sergei F. 1999. Disentangling the cosmic web. I. Morphology of isodensity contours. Astrophysical Journal 526 (2) , pp. 568-578. 10.1086/308039

Shepherd, R., Elliott, Martin ORCID:, Herrenden-Harker, W., Zervos, M., Morris, P., Beck, M. and Ilegems, M. 1999. Experimental observation of the de Haas-van Alphen effect in a multiband quantum-well sample. Physical Review B 60 (16) , R11277. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.R11277

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Johnston, E. J., Dewar, S. V., Hulyer, Paul J., Summers, Huw David, Patane, A., Polimeni, A. and Henini, M. 1999. Spectral analysis of InGaAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers. Applied Physics Letters 75 (15) , pp. 2169-2171. 10.1063/1.124954

Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Lewis, Gareth Michael, Yin, M., Summers, Huw David, Berry, G. and Button, C. C. 1999. 650-nm lasers with narrow far-field divergence with integrated optical mode expansion layers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 5 (3) , pp. 735-739. 10.1109/2944.788444

Stevens, J. A. and Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID: 1999. Variations in the broad-band spectra of BL Lac objects: millimetre observations of an X-ray-selected sample. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 307 (2) , pp. 403-412. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.1999.02575.x

Summers, Huw David, Molloy, C. H., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Rees, Paul, Pierce, I. and Jones, D. R. 1999. Experimental analysis of self-pulsation in 650-nm-wavelength AlGaInP laser diodes with epitaxial absorbing layers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 5 (3) , pp. 745-749. 10.1109/2944.788446

Thomson, John Duncan, Summers, Huw David, Hulyer, Paul J., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Blood, Peter 1999. Determination of single-pass optical gain and internal loss using a multisection device. Applied Physics Letters 75 (17) , pp. 2527-2529. 10.1063/1.125066

Wagner, H., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: and Hvam, J. 1999. Mixed biexcitons in single quantum wells. Physical Review B 59 (7) , pp. 4584-4587. 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.4584

Wagner, H., Schätz, A., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. and Smirl, Arthur 1999. Interaction-induced effects in the nonlinear coherent response of quantum-well excitons. Physical Review B 60 (7) , pp. 4454-4457. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.4454

Wagner, H., Tranitz, H.-P., Preis, H., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Leosson, K. and Hvam, J. 1999. Exciton dephasing and biexciton binding in CdSe/ZnSe islands. Physical Review B 60 (15) , pp. 10640-10643. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.10640

Westwood, David I., Sobiesierski, Zbigniew and Matthai, Clarence Cherian 1999. The dynamics of quantum dot formation in the InAs on GaAs(001) system: growth rate effects. Applied Surface Science 144-45 , pp. 484-487. 10.1016/S0169-4332(98)00845-9

Wood, S. A., Molloy, C. H., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Blood, Peter, Somerford, D. J. and Button, C. C. 1999. Electron transport in AlGaInP quantum well lasers. Applied Physics Letters 75 (12) , pp. 1748-1750. 10.1063/1.124807

Wood, S. A., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID:, Molloy, C. H., Blood, Peter, Somerford, D. J. and Button, C. C. 1999. Direct monitoring of thermally activated leakage current in AlGaInP laser diodes. Applied Physics Letters 74 (17) , pp. 2540-2542. 10.1063/1.123891

Yu, P., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Leosson, K., Hvam, J., Ledentsov, N., Bimberg, D., Ustinov, V., Egorov, A., Zhukov, A., Tsatsul'nikov, A. and Musikhin, Yu. 1999. Optical anisotropy in vertically coupled quantum dots. Physical Review B 60 (24) , pp. 16680-16685. 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.16680

Zhukov, E. A., Masumoto, Y., Muljarov, Egor A. ORCID: and Romanov, S. G. 1999. Pump-probe studies of photoluminescence of InP quantum wires embedded in dielectric matrix. Solid State Communications 112 (10) , pp. 575-580. 10.1016/S0038-1098(99)00382-8


Davies, Jonathan Ivor, Impey, C. and Phillipps, S., eds. 1999. The Low Surface Brightness Universe, IAU Colloquium 171. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 170. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

Conference or Workshop Item

Blood, Peter, Wood, S., Smowton, Peter Michael ORCID: and Molloy, C. 1999. Carrier transport in AlGaInP laser structures. Presented at: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VII, San Jose, CA, USA, 25-29 January 1999. Published in: Blood, Peter, Ishibashi, A. and Osinski, M. eds. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VII. Proceedings of SPIE (3625) Bellingham, WA: SPIE, pp. 476-484. 10.1117/12.356906

De Petris, M., Castagnoli, C., de Bernardis, P., De Micco, A., Garavini, G., Granata, S., Lamagna, L., Mainella, G., Masi, S., Melchiorri, B., Melchiorri, F., Orlando, A., Pisano, Giampaolo ORCID:, Provenzano, A., Romano, F. and Romero, A. 1999. The MITO experiment: ground-based anisotropies observations. Presented at: Telescopes, Instruments and Data Processing for Astronomy in the Year 2000, S. Agata, Napoli, Italy, 12-15 May 1999.

Drinkwater, M. J., Sadler, E. M., Davies, Jonathan Ivor, Dickens, R. J., Gregg, M. D., Parker, Q. A., Phillipps, S. and Smith, Rodney 1999. A complete 2df survey of Fornax. Presented at: ESO/Australia Workshop, Sydney, Australia, 10-12 December 1997. Published in: Morganti, Raffaella and Couch, Warrick J. eds. Looking Deep in the Southern Sky: Proceedings of the ESO/Australia Workshop Held at Sydney, Australia, 10-12 December 1997. ESO Astrophysics Symposia New York: Springer,

Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID: 1999. Faint radio samples: the key to understanding radio galaxies. Presented at: Most Distant Radio Galaxies : KNAW Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15 - 17 October 1997. Published in: Röttgering, H. J. A., Best, P. N. and Lehnert, M. D. eds. The most distant radio galaxies : proceedings of the colloquium, Amsterdam, 15-17 October 1997. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Natuurkunde (49) Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, pp. 33-48.

Gear, Walter K. ORCID: and Griffin, Matthew Joseph ORCID: 1999. SPIRE: The bolometer camera and spectrometer for FIRST. Presented at: Imaging at radio through submillimeter wavelengths, Tucsan, AZ, 6-9 June, 1999. Published in: Mangum, Jeffrey Gary and Radford, Simon John Elliott eds. Imaging at radio through submillimeter wavelengths : proceedings of a meeting held at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-9 June, 1999. Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series (217) San Francisco, California: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p. 126.

Hvam, Jorn M., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID: and Borri, Paola ORCID: 1999. Ultrafast dynamics of confined and localized excitons in low-dimensional semiconductors. Presented at: Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors III, San Jose, CA, 27-29 January 1999. Published in: Tsen, Kong-Thon F. ed. Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors III: 27-29 January, 1999, San Jose, California. SPIE Proceedings Series (3624) Bellingham, WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), pp. 40-48. 10.1117/12.349310

Jarvis, Matt J., Rawlings, Steve, Willott, Chris J., Blundell, Katherine M., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID: and Lacy, Mark 1999. No evidence for a 'redshift cut-off' for the most powerful classical double radio sources. Presented at: The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, Berkeley, CA, USA, 21-24 June 1999. Published in: Bunker, Andrew John, Johannes, Willem and van Breugel, Maria eds. The Hy-redshift universe: galaxy formation and evolution at high redshift. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (193) Ann Arbor, MI: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 90-93.

Lee, A. T., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Balbi, A., Bock, J., Borrill, J., Boscaleri, A., Crill, B. P., De Bernardis, P., Del Castillo, H., Ferreira, P., Ganga, K., Hanany, S., Hristov, V., Jaffe, A. H., Lange, A. E., Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID:, Netterfield, C. B., Oh, S., Pascale, Enzo ORCID:, Rabii, B., Richards, P. L., Ruhl, J., Smoot, G. F. and Winant, C. D. 1999. MAXIMA: an experiment to measure temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background. Presented at: 3 K cosmology : EC-TMR Conference, Rome, Italy, October, 1998. Published in: Maiani, Luciano, Melchiorri, Francesco and Vittorio, Nicola eds. 3 K cosmology : EC-TMR Conference : Rome, Italy, October, 1998. AIP conference proceedings (476) Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, pp. 224-236. 10.1063/1.59349

Marscher, A. P., Marchenko, S. G., Gomez, J. L., Cawthorne, T. V., Stevens, J. A., Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Robson, E. I., Lister, M. L., Gabuzda, D. C., Smith, P. S. and Forster, J. R. 1999. High-Frequency VLBA polarimetry of blazars. Presented at: American Astronomical Association meeting 194 on High Angular Resolution Science with the NRAO Very Long Baseline Array held in Chicago, IL, June 2, 1999, Chicago, IL, June 2 1999.

Masi, S., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Artusa, R., Bock, J. J., Boscaleri, A., Crill, B. P., de Bernardis, P., De Troia, G., Farese, P. C., Giacometti, M., Hristov, V. V., Iacoangeli, A., Lange, A. E., Lee, A. T., Martinis, L., Mason, P. V., Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID:, Melchiorri, F., Miglio, L., Montroy, T., Netterfield, C. B., Pascale, Enzo ORCID:, Piacentini, F., Richards, P. L., Romeo, G., Ruhl, J. E. and Scaramuzzi, F. 1999. BOOMERanG: a scanning telescope for 10 arcminutes resolution CMB maps. Presented at: 3 K cosmology : EC-TMR Conference, Rome, Italy, October, 1998. Published in: Maiani, Luciano, Melchiorri,, Francesco and Vittorio, Nicola eds. 3 K cosmology : EC-TMR Conference : Rome, Italy, October, 1998. AIP conference proceedings (476) Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, pp. 237-248. 10.1063/1.59328

Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID: 1999. Cosmic microwave background. Presented at: Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space, Puebla, Mexico, 15–31 July 1996. Published in: Wall, W. F., Carramiñana, A., Carrasco, L. and Goldsmith, P. F. eds. Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space: Proceedings of the 1996 INAOE Summer School of Millimeter-Wave Astronomy held at INAOE, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico, 15–31 July 1996. Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space. Astrophysics and Space Science Library , vol.241 (241) The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 297-317. 10.1007/978-94-011-4714-9_18

Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID: 1999. Millimeter wave bolometers. Presented at: Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space., Puebla, Mexico, 15–31 July 1996. Published in: Wall, W.F. ed. Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space. Proceedings of the 1996 INAOE Summer School of Millimeter-Wave Astronomy held at INAOE, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico, 15–31 July 1996. Astrophysics and Space Science Library (241) The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 459-474. 10.1007/978-94-011-4714-9_28

Russell, Jaqueline E., Nolt, Ira G., Vanek, Michael D., Tappan, N. D., Minnis, Patrick, Alltop, J. L., Ade, Peter A. R. ORCID:, Lee, C., Hamilton, Peter A., Evans, K. Franklin, Evans, A. H., Clothiaux, Eugene E. and Baran, Anthony J. 1999. Far infrared measurements of cirrus. Presented at: Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere IV, Florence, Italy, 20-22 September 1999. Published in: Russell, Jaqueline E. ed. Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere IV : 20-22 September 1999, Florence, Italy (Proceedings). Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering (3867) Bellingham, WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 28-38. 10.1117/12.373072

Smith, R. M., Davies, Jonathan Ivor, Phillipps, S., Dickens, R. J. and Wright, A. E. 1999. An HI search for dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster. Presented at: Dwarf Galaxies and Cosmology:XVIIIth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, Savoie, France, 14 -21 March 1998. Published in: Thuân, T. X., Balkowski, C., Cayatte, V. and Thanh Vân, J. Trân eds. Dwarf galaxies and cosmology : Proceedings of the XXXIIIrd Rencontres de Moriond, series : Moriond astrophysics Meetings, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 14-21, 1998. Moriond astrophysics meeting. Gif-sur-Yvette, France: Editions Frontières, pp. 129-132.

Webb, T,, Lilly, S., Eales, Stephen Anthony ORCID:, Gear, Walter Kieran ORCID:, Dune, L., Clements, D., Bond, D., Crampton, D., Hammer, F. and Le Fevre, O. 1999. Deep sub-millimeter surveys: highly luminous far-infrared sources at high redshift. Presented at: The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, Berkeley, CA, USA, 21-24 June 1999. Published in: Bunker, A. J. and Van Breugel, W. J. M. eds. The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, Proceedings of a conference held in Berkeley, CA, 21-24 June, 1999. ASP Conference Proceedings (193) Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 275-278.

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