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Abu Bakar, M., Velichko, A. V., Lancaster, M. J., Porch, Adrian ORCID:, Gallop, J. C., Hao, L., Cohen, L. F. and Zhukov, A. 2002. Microwave intermodulation distortion measurements in unpatterned and patterned YBCO thin films. Physica C Superconductivity and its Applications 372-37 (Part 2) , pp. 692-695.

Ahuja, Alka Surajprakash, Dillon, S., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Davies, P. R. and Howes, J. 2002. How many cross-links are needed in posterior short segment stabilization of thoraco-lumbar fractures? Presented at: 9th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Montreux, Switzerland, 23–25 May 2002.

Ahuja, S., Dillon, D., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Davies, P. and Howes, J 2002. How many cross-links are needed in short segment posterior stablisation of thoraco-lumbar fractures? Presented at: 9th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Montreux, Switzerland,

Ahuja, S., M., Hunt C., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID: and Davies, P. R 2002. Comparision of pull out strengths of pedicle screws augmented with Cortoss or Palacos LV. Presented at: 9th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Montreux Switzerland,

Alaee, F. J., Benson, S. D. P. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2002. High-performance fibre-reinforced cementitious composites for retrofitting. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 17 (1-2) , pp. 17-31.

Alanou, M. P., Evans, Henry Peredur ORCID: and Snidle, Raymond Walter ORCID: 2002. Effect of different surface treatments and coatings on the scuffing performance of hardened steel discs at very high sliding speeds. Presented at: 6th International Tribology Conference, Perth, Australia, pp. 257-266.

Alanou, M. P., Snidle, Raymond Walter ORCID:, Evans, Henry Peredur ORCID: and Krantz, T. L. 2002. On the performance of thin hard coatings for gearing applications. Tribology Transactions 45 (3) , pp. 334-344. 10.1080/10402000208982558

Ang, K.S., Robertson, I.D., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Thayne, I.G. 2002. 40 to 90 GHz impedance-transforming CPW Marchand balun. Presented at: 2000 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 11-16 June 2000. 2000 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No.00CH37017). , vol.2 IEEE, pp. 1141-1144. 10.1109/MWSYM.2000.863559


Barr, Benjamin Isaac George and Lee, Ming Kien 2002. SFRC arch ribs for bridges and earth retaining structures. [Project Report]. n/a.

Baxter, P. D. and McWhirter, John ORCID: 2002. Blind signal separation of convolutive mixtures. Presented at: IMA Conference on mathematics in communications, Lancaster, UK,

Belcher, Raymond Allan 2002. A constant transition array switching method for improving SFDR and resolution in a segmented digital to analogue converter. Measurement 32 (4) , pp. 241-255. 10.1016/S0263-2241(02)00032-5

Belcher, Raymond Allan 2002. A DSP based test system for NOISE-SEPARATION measurements on ADC and DAC systems. Presented at: 4th International conference on Advanced A/D and D/A conversion techniques and their applications (ADDA 2002), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 103-106.

Benedetto, A., Castaing, P., Davies, Huw Charles ORCID:, Edwards, M., Faerber, E., Fails, A., Martin, T., Schaefer, R. and Thompson, A. 2002. A study to improve the crash compatibility between cars in frontal impact. [Project Report].

Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2002. High power time-domain measurement bench for power amplifier development. Presented at: Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 303-306.

Berenguer, Jesús R., Bernechea, María ORCID:, Forniés, Juan, Gómez, Julio and Lalinde, Elena 2002. Diphenyl(phenylethynyl)phosphine d6 [Rh(III), Ir(III), Ru(II)] Complexes:  Preparation of Homo (μ-Cl)2 and Hetero (μ-Cl)(μ-PPh2C⋮CPh) Bridged d6−d8 Compounds. Organometallics 21 (11) , pp. 2314-2324. 10.1021/om020052s

Beynon, M. J., Jones, L. and Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID: 2002. Classification of osteoarthritic and normal knee function using three dimensional motion analysis and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics – 7th Symposium on Human Motion Analysis, Newcastle, UK, pp. 85-88.

Bockelmann, Bettina Nicole ORCID:, Fenrich, E. K. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Development of an eco-hydraulics model for stream restoration. Presented at: Proceedings 4th International Ecohydraulics Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa,

Bonet, J. and Kulasegaram, Sivakumar ORCID: 2002. Alternative total Lagrangian formulations for corrected smooth particle hydrodynamics (CSPH) methods in large strain dynamics problems. European Review of Finite Elements 11 , pp. 893-912.

Bonet, J. and Kulasegaram, Sivakumar ORCID: 2002. A simplified approach to enhance the performance of smooth particle hydrodynamics methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation 126 (2-3) , pp. 133-155. 10.1016/S0096-3003(00)00143-0

Bonet, Javier, Rodriguez-Paz, M. X. and Kulasegaram, Sivakumar ORCID: 2002. The simulation of shallow waters and debris flows using corrected smooth particle hydrodynamics. Presented at: WCCM V - Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 July 2002.

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID: 2002. Comment on "Elastoplastic contact between randomly rough surfaces". Physical Review Letters (PRL) 88 (6) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.069601

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID: and Galanov, Boris A. 2002. Self-similar problems of elastic contact for non-convex punches. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 50 (11) , pp. 2441-2461. 10.1016/S0022-5096(02)00031-5

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID:, Harris, Stephen J. and Keer, Leon M. 2002. Self-similarity in abrasion of metals by nanosharp asperities of hard carbon containing films. Applied Physics Letters 81 (18) , pp. 3476-3478. 10.1063/1.1519099

Borza, Firuta, Chiriac, H and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2002. Magnetic characterisation of wires covered by Fe-Co-Cu-Nb-Si-B glass. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 4 (2) , pp. 357-360.

Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. Current understanding of oil-mist explosions. Presented at: IMarEST International Conference on Crankcase Explosions,MarEST HQ, London, UK, pp. 160-177.

Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. Fire and Explosion Hazard Research. Advances Wales (37) , p. 16.

Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. Lessons to be learnt from designing model-verification experiments for oil-mist explosions. Presented at: IMarEST International Conference on 'Crankcase Explosions', IMarEST HQ, London, UK, pp. 90-109.

Bradshaw, T., Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID:, Cole, P. and Davies, A. W. 2002. Ball bearing calibration of concrete structures using AE. Presented at: 25th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing EWGAE, Prague, Czech Republic, (1) pp. 91-98.

Burns, G., Chong, H., Edgar, D., Ross, A., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, McLelland, H., Ferguson, S., McEwan, F. and Thayne, I. 2002. Millimetre wave high efficiency photonic crystal antennas. Presented at: 7th IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, London, UK, 8-9 September 2002. 7th IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium. IEEE, 10.1109/HFPSC.2002.1088425


Caliskan, S. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2002. Role of silica fume in rock/cement mortar interfaces. Presented at: Innovations and Developments in Concrete Materials and Construction, Dundee, Scotland, Published in: al., Dhir R K et ed. Thomas Telford,

Caliskan, S., Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Barr, B. I. G. 2002. Study of rock-mortar interfaces. Part II: strength of interface. Magazine of Concrete Research 54 (6) , pp. 463-472. 10.1680/macr.2002.54.6.463

Caliskan, S., Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Barr, B. I. G. 2002. Study of rock-mortar interfaces. Part I: surface roughness of rock aggregates and microstructural characteristics of interface. Magazine of Concrete Research 54 (6) , pp. 449-461. 10.1680/macr.2002.54.6.449

Cameron, N.I., Taylor, M.R.S., McLelland, H., Holland, M., Thayne, I.G., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Beaumont, S.P. 2002. A high performance, high yield, dry-etched, pseudomorphic HEMT for W-band use. Presented at: 1995 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, 16-20 May 1995. Proceedings of 1995 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. IEEE, p. 438. 10.1109/MWSYM.1995.405952

Cen, M., Miles, John Christopher, Taylor, M., Anumba, C. J., Bouchlaghem, D. and Yang, H. 2002. Requirement capture for concurrent conceptual design. Presented at: Advances in Intelligent Computing in Engineering, London, UK, pp. 201-211.

Cen, M., Miles, John Christopher, Taylor, M., M., Bouchlaghem N., Anumba, C. J. and Chim, M. Y. 2002. Group decision support tool in concurrent conceptual design. Presented at: Third International Conference Decision-making in Urban and Civil Engineering, London, UK,

Chandler, N. A., Thomas R., H., Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Mitchell, H. P. and Dixon, D. A. 2002. Modelling moisture movement through unsaturated bentonite-based materials. Presented at: Proceedings 2nd Canadian Speciality Conference on Computer Applications in Geotechnique, Winnipeg, Canada.,

Chongcheawchamnan, M., Nam, S., Robertson, I.D., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Thayne, I.G. 2002. Ultrawideband characterisation of CPW GaAs monolithic 60 GHz couplers using overlaid structures. Presented at: Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2001, Taipei, Taiwan, 3-6 December 2001. APMC 2001. 2001 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (Cat. No.01TH8577). IEEE, -. 10.1109/APMC.2001.985585

Cipcigan Mirela, Liana ORCID:, Xu, W. and Dinavahi, V. 2002. A new technique to mitigate inrush current caused by transformer energization. Presented at: IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting PES2011, Chicago, USA, pp. 570-574.

Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Melhuish, T. A. and Thomas, H. R. ORCID: 2002. Vapour transfer in clay based engineered barriers, in high level nuclear waste disposal. Presented at: Workshop on Clay Microstructure and its Importance to Soil Behaviour, Lund, Sweden, pp. 58-65.

Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: and Melhuish, Troy Alexander 2002. Modelling the prototype repository. [Project Report].

Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: and Melhuish, Troy Alexander 2002. Modelling the prototype repository. [Project Report].

Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Thomas, Hywel ORCID:, Melhuish, R. A. and Owen, D. H. 2002. Simulation of the behaviour of deep geological repositories – some computational challenges. Presented at: Numerical Models in Geomechanics – NUMOG VIII, Rome, Italy, pp. 235-240.

Crespo Sandoval, J., Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Rowlands, A. R. and Williams, D. L. 2002. Application of artificial intelligence techniques to the monitoring of polluted insulators. Presented at: 37th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Stafford, UK, pp. 381-385.


Dillon, D., Ahuja, S., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Howes, J. and Davies, P.R. 2002. The lumbar global fusion - anterior or posterior first? Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br) 84-B (SIII) , pp. 329-330.

Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Pham, Duc Truong, Ivanov, Atanas, Popov, Krastimir Borisov and Rangel, V. 2002. CAM System for layer-based EDM. Presented at: 18th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Leeds, UK, 10-12 September 2002. Published in: Webb, David and Cheng, K. C. eds. Advances in manufacturing technology XVI :proceedings of the eighteenth National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, 10-12 September 2002. Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering, pp. 109-114.


Edgar, D.L., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, Williamson, F, Ross, A, McLelland, H, Ferguson, S, Doherty, F, Thayne, I.G., Taylor, M.R.S and Beaumont, S.P. 2002. W-band on wafer measurement of active and passive devices. Presented at: IEE Colloquium on Microwave Measurements: Current Techniques and Trends, London, U.K., 23 February 1999. Proceedings of IEE Colloquium on Microwave Measurements: Current Techniques and Trends (Ref. No. 1999/008). , vol.1999 IEEE, 10.1049/ic:19990025

Edwards, M., Hobbs, A., Davies, Huw Charles ORCID: and Thompson, A. 2002. Development of test procedures and performance criteria to improve compatibility in car frontal collisions. Presented at: Vehicle Safety 2002 conference., London, UK,

Elayyan, H.S.B., Bouziane, A. and Waters, Ronald 2002. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a Pulsed ESP. Journal of Electrostatics 56 (2) , pp. 219-234. 10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00067-0

Emery, Andrew, Williams, Keith Philip and Griffiths, Anthony John 2002. A review of the UK metals recycling industry. Waste Management & Research 20 (5) , pp. 457-467.

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID: 2002. A stochastic model of fatigue damage development in bone cement. Presented at: European Society of Biomaterials, Barcelona, Spain,

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID: 2002. A stochastic model of fatigue damage development in bone cement. Presented at: 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada,

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Ahuja, S. and Hunt, C. M. 2002. Bone cement augmentation of pedicle screws improves pullout strength in posterior spinal fixation. Presented at: European Society of Biomaterials, Barcelona, Spain,

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Ahuja, S. and Hunt, C. M. 2002. Cement of cortoss augmentation of pedicle screws improves pullout strength. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society, Cardiff, UK,

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Ahuja, S. and Hunt, C. M. 2002. Pullout strength of pedicle screws improves with Palacos or Cortoss augmentation. Presented at: 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada,

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Jones, L., Dillon, D., Ahuja, S. and Davies, P. 2002. Anterior interbody fusion with transfacet screws: a biomechanical study. Presented at: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada,

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Hunt, C. M. and Ahuja, S. 2002. Bone cement or bone substitute augmentation of pedicle screws improves pullout strength in posterior spinal fixation. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 13 (12) , pp. 1143-1145. 10.1023/A:1021133819646


Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Book review: Interactions between Estuaries, Coastal Seas and Shelf Seas—Edited by T. Yanagi. Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo. ISBN 4-8181704-126-8, 2000. [Book Review]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54 (4) , pp. 770-771. 10.1006/ecss.2001.0884

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Fleming, C. A. 2002. Hydro-environmental modelling studies for coastal zone management. Presented at: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2002), Ramsar, Iran,

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Harpin, R. 2002. Catchment flood management: A UK perspective and experience. Presented at: 2nd International Symposium on Flood Defence, Beijing, China, 10-13 September 2002. Flood Defence 2002. , vol.1 Science Press New York Ltd, pp. 48-59.

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Lin, BinLiang ORCID: 2002. Hydro-environmental modelling and management of river, estuarine and coastal waters. Presented at: Minerals Engineering Society National Conference, Bridgend, UK,

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Lin, BinLiang ORCID: 2002. Hydro-environmental modelling of estuarine basins using dynamic decay rates and partitioning coefficients. Presented at: Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Coastal Eutrophication, Tianjin, China, Tianjin University Press,

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID:, Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Tao, J. 2002. Hydro-environmental and health-risk modelling of Bohai Bay, China. Asian Infrastructure Research Review 4 (1) , pp. 14-17.

Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID: and Lester, W. D. 2002. The use of automated projection interferometry in monitoring aerofoil buckling. Experimental Mechanics 42 (3) , pp. 253-260. 10.1007/BF02410980

Fick, Wolfgang, Griffiths, Anthony John, O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: and Syred, Nicholas 2002. Optimising the combustion of low calorific value gases by utilising transient flow phenomena in swirl burners. International Journal on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment 3 (1) , pp. 21-51.

Fischer, Marc, Kennedy, David ORCID: and Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID: 2002. Multilevel optimization of a composite aircraft wing using Viconopt MLO. Presented at: 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 4-6 September 2002. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. AIAA, 10.2514/6.2002-5511

Fischer, Marc, Kennedy, David ORCID: and Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID: 2002. Multilevel optimization of aerospace and lightweight structures. Presented at: 23rd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, 8 - 13 September 2002. ICAS 2002: 23rd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences(ICAS), 344.1-344.9.

Francis, Robert William, Baxter, G. and Thomas, H. R. 2002. Experimental study of the consolidation characteristics of the high water content slurry waste from a steelworks. Presented at: Workshop on Clay Microstructure and its Importance to Soil Behaviour, Lund, Sweden,

Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID:, Prickett, Paul William ORCID: and Jennings, A. D. 2002. A microcontroller based distributed monitoring system using a petri-net approach. Presented at: 15th International Congress on Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management (Conadem International), Birmingham, UK, 2-4 September 2002. Published in: Rao, R. K. N. and Nandi, A. K. eds. Condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering management : COMADEM : proceedings of the 15th international congress, 2nd-4th September 2002, Birmingham, UK. Comadem, pp. 37-44.


Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Perez, J. M., Quiroga, A. G., Fuertes, M. A., Alonso, C. and Navarro-Ranninger, C. 2002. Determination of catalase activity in samples treated with [ZnCl2(isopropylamine)(2)]: a novel zinc complex that slows down the decay in activity of catalase extracts. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (11) , pp. 2283-2288. 10.1039/B201151B

Gei, Massimiliano ORCID:, Genna, F. and Bigoni, D. 2002. An interface model for the periodontal ligament. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 124 (5) , pp. 538-546. 10.1115/1.1502664

Gei, Massimiliano ORCID: and Ogden, R. W. 2002. Vibration of a surface-coated elastic block subject to bending. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 7 (6) , pp. 607-628. 10.1177/108128602029657

Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2002. Earthing systems under lightning impulse conditions. Presented at: Lightning Protection – Standards and Practices 2002, Coventry, UK, (ERA Re) pp. 1-11.

Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID:, Prickett, Paul William ORCID:, Jennings, A. D. and Frankowiak, M. R 2002. Intelligent process monitoring and management. Presented at: The IEE Seminar on Control Loop Performance Assessment, London, UK, , vol.9 pp. 1-5.

Gruenberger, T. M., Moghiman, M., Bowen, Philip John ORCID: and Syred, Nicholas 2002. Dynamics of soot formation by turbulent combustion and thermal decomposition of natural gas. Combustion Science and Technology 174 (5-6) , pp. 67-86. 10.1080/713713038

Gschneider, K. A., Pecharsky, V. K., Pecharsky, A. O., Meyers, J. S., Chumbley, L. S., Choe, W., Miller, G. J., Jiles, David, Leib, J., Lo, C. C. H., Han, M., Paulsen, J. A., Snyder, John Evan, Lograsso, T. and Am Schlagel, D. L 2002. Microstructural and magnetic characterisation of the magnetic/ structural transition in Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 materials. Presented at: Fall TMS-ASM Meeting, Columbus, USA,


Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Rowlands, A. R., T., Waters R. and Spellman, C. A. 2002. Performance of polymeric insulators under polluted conditions. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Gas Discharge and their Applications, Liverpool, UK, pp. 251-254.

Han, M, Paulsen, J A, Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Lograsso, T. A. and Schlagel, D. L. 2002. Thermal expansion of single-crystal Gd5(Si1.95Ge2.05) showing unusual first-order phase transformation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (5) , pp. 3252-3254. 10.1109/TMAG.2002.802508

Han, M., Jiles, David, Snyder, John Evan, Lo, C. C. H. and A., Paulsen J. 2002. Thermal Expansion Studies on the Unusual First Order Transition of Gd5Si2.09Ge1.91 Made from the High Purity and Commercial Gd Metals. Presented at: 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, USA,

Han, M., Paulsen, J. A., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2002. Thermal expansion of single crystal Gd5(Si2Ge2) showing unusual first-order phase transformation. Presented at: INTERMAG Europe 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

Han, M. G., Jiles, David, Paulsen, Jonathan, Snyder, John Evan and Lee, S. J. 2002. Effect of magnetic field applied along the a-axis on the thermal expansion and first-order transition temperature of single crystal Gd5(Si2Ge2). Presented at: American Physical Society March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 18-22 March 2002.

Harid, Noureddine ORCID:, Mghairbi, A., Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2002. The effect of AC mutual coupling on earth impedance measurement of shielded transmission lines. Presented at: 37th International Universities Power Engineering Conference UPEC, Stafford, UK, pp. 822-826.

Harris, E. L., Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID:, Kay, D. and Stapleton, C. 2002. Development of a modelling tool to quantify faecal indicator levels in Cardiff Bay. Proceedings of the ICE - Water and Maritime Engineering 154 (2) , pp. 129-135. 10.1680/wame.2002.154.2.129

Hawkes, J .J., Coakley, W. T., Groschl, M., Benes, E., Armstrong, Helen Sian ORCID:, Tasker, Paul ORCID: and Nowotny, H. 2002. Single half-wavelength ultrasonic particle filter: predictions of the transfer matrix multilayer resonator model and experimental filtration results. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111 (3) , pp. 1259-1266. 10.1121/1.1448341

Heravi, H., Bowen, Philip John ORCID:, Syred, Nicholas and S., Nolan 2002. An Integrated Thermofluid/Chemical-Kinetic Model for Aerovalved Pulse Combustors. Presented at: 29th Symposium on Combustion (WIP Session Stationary Combustors), Sapporo, Japan, (4-11-1)

Hicks, Yulia Alexandrovna, Hall, Peter M. and Marshall, Andrew David ORCID: 2002. Tracking people in three dimensions using a hierarchical model of dynamics. Image and Vision Computing 20 (9-10) , pp. 691-700. 10.1016/S0262-8856(02)00059-8

Hicks, Yulia Alexandrovna ORCID:, Marshall, Andrew David ORCID:, Martin, Ralph Robert, Rosin, Paul L. ORCID:, Bayer, Micha M. and Mann, David G. 2002. Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, New York, 22-25 Sept 2002.

Hicks, Yulia Alexandrovna ORCID:, Marshall, Andrew David ORCID:, Rosin, Paul L. ORCID:, Martin, Ralph Robert, Bayer, Micha M. and Mann, David G. 2002. Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens. Presented at: 13th British Machine Vision Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 2-5 Sept 2002.

Hoerzer, Klaus, Haselbacher, Hermann, Griffiths, Anthony John, Syred, Nicholas and Fraser, Thomas A. 2002. CFD–analysis of the combustion in the primary stage of a two–stage combustion chamber. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2002: Land, Sea and Air, Amsterdam, 3-6 June 2002.

Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Jones, L., O’Callaghan, P., Roy, S. and C., Wilson 2002. Comparison of fixed and rotating bearing knee replacements in-vivo using a three-dimensional motion capture technique: preliminary results. Presented at: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada,

Hooerzer, K., Haselbacher, H., Griffiths, Anthony John, Syred, Nicholas and Fraser, T. A. 2002. CFD – analysis of the combustion in the primary stage of a two-stage combustion B chamber. Session RH-36: emission modelling. Presented at: ASME Turbo Exposition 2002, Amsterdam,The Netherlands, (10)

Hopgood, P., Monk, J. and Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: 2002. Tensile testing of mensical repair techniques. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society, Cardiff, UK,

Housley, D. G., Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Anderson, S., Pooley, Frederick D. and Richards, Roy J. 2002. Pulmonary epithelial response in the rat lung to instilled Montserrat respirable dusts and their major mineral components. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 59 (7) , pp. 466-472. 10.1136/oem.59.7.466

Howson, William Paul and Rafezy, B. 2002. Torsional analysis of asymmetric proportional building structures using substitute plane frames. Presented at: Proceedings 3rd International Conference On Advances in Steel Structures, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1177-1184.

Howson, William Paul and Rafezy, Behzad 2002. Global analysis of structures. Presented at: The Institution of Structural Engineering (ISE), Wales Branch meeting, Cardiff, UK, 2002.

Hughes, Timothy Giffin, Hee, S C and Soms, E 2002. Mechanism analysis of single span masonry arch bridges using a spreadsheet. Structures & Buildings 152 (4) , pp. 341-350. 10.1680/stbu.152.4.341.40811

Hunt, C. M., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Jones, L., Ahuja, S., Dillon, D., Davies, P and Howes, J. 2002. The use of 3D analysis techniques to measure the effect of pedicle screw systems with cross-links on spine stability. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Rome, Italy, 31 October to 3 November 2001. Published in: Middleton, J., Shrive, N. and Jones, M. L. eds. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering - 4. Cardiff: University of Wales College of Medicine, pp. 5-30.

Hunt, C. M., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Jones, L., Jones, A., Ahuja, S, Dillon, D., Davies, P. and Howes, J. 2002. Studying the effects of spinal instrumentation by measurement of in vitro intervertebral kinematics. Presented at: Seventh International Symposium on the 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 10-12 July 2002. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the 3-D Analysis of Human Movement 2002, 10-12 July, 2002, International Centre for Life Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. Newcastle: Centre for Rehabilitation and Engineering Studies, pp. 40-43.

Hunt, C. M., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Jones, L., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Ahuja, S., Dillon, D., Davies, P. and Howes, J. A. 2002. A method for studying 3D movement of the spine in vitro. Presented at: 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada,

Hutabarat, M. T., Webster, D. R., Haigh, D. G., Schreurs, D., van der Zanden, K., Edgar, D. L., Borsosfoldi, Z., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, Thayne, I. G. and Parker, A. E. 2002. On wafer intermodulation distortion measurements on resistive FET mixers for device comparison and model validation. Presented at: 1999 7th Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications : EDMO, London, England, United Kingdom, 22-23 November 1999. 1999 Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications. EDMO (Cat. No.99TH8401). IEEE, pp. 170-175. 10.1109/EDMO.1999.821480


Ince, R., Arslan, A. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2002. An improved lattice model for concrete fracture. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 128 , pp. 57-66. 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399

Ivins, W. K., Gray, W. A. and Miles, John Christopher 2002. Integrating versioning and workflow for change management for concurrent engineering. Presented at: Computing in Civil Engineering, Washington, USA, pp. 221-231.

Ivins, W. K., Gray, W. A. and Miles, John Christopher 2002. Integrating workflow technology in a system to support concurrent engineering. Presented at: Proceedings of the 9th Ispe International Conference Advances in Concurrent Engineering, Cranfield, UK, Published in: al, Goncalves R J et ed. pp. 375-384.

Ivins, Wendy Katherine, Gray, William Alexander and Miles, John Christopher 2002. A process-based approach to managing changes in a system to support engineering product design. Presented at: Engineering Design Conference, London, UK, 9-11 July 2002. Published in: Shahin, T. M. M. ed. Computer-based design : Engineering Design Conference 2002. Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing, pp. 469-478.


Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID: 2002. A constitutive model for aggregate interlock on formed crack planes. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 26 (5) , pp. 515-535. 10.1002/nag.210

Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID: 2002. Local plastic surfaces for cracking and crushing in concrete. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications 216 (4) , pp. 257-266.

Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID: 2002. Plasticity, damage and contact in concrete crack simulation. Presented at: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK), Swansea, UK,

Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID: 2002. Tangent moduli for constitutive models with directional planes of degradation. Presented at: Proceedings 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), Vienna, Austria,

Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID: 2002. Tripartite cohesive crack model. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 128 (6) , pp. 644-653. 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2002)128:6(644)

Jennings, A. D., Prickett, Paul William ORCID:, Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Frankowiak, M. R 2002. Process and condition monitoring using the Internet (e-monitoring). Presented at: 15th International Congress on Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management (Conadem International), Birmingham, UK, pp. 45-52.

Jiles, David 2002. Hysteresis models: non-linear magnetism on length scales from the atomistic to the macroscopic (Invited). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 242-24 , pp. 116-124. 10.1016/S0304-8853(01)01213-6

Jiles, David 2002. Non-linear magnetism and hysteresis on length scales from the atomistic to the macroscopic. Topical Group on Magnetism Newsletter 11 (5)

Jiles, David, Akinc, M., Biner, S. B., Constant, K., Gray, J. N., Huba, M., Martin, S. W., Schmerr, L. W. and Thompson, R. B. 2002. Vertically integrated engineering design for combined research and curriculum development in materials engineering and nondestructive evaluation. Presented at: Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Brunswick, ME, USA, 29 July - 3 August 2001. Published in: Thompson, D. O., Chimenti, D. E., Poore, L., Nessa, C. and Kallsen, S. eds. Proceedings of Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Brunswick, ME, USA, 29 July - 3 August 2001. AIP Conference Proceedings (615) Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, pp. 2035-2041. 10.1063/1.1473043

Jiles, David, Akinc, M., Biner, S. B., Constant, K., Gray, J. N., Huba, M., Schmerr, L. W. and Thompson, R. B 2002. Recent progress in undergraduate vertically integrated engineering design projects in non-destructive evaluation. Presented at: Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Bellingham, Washington, USA,

Jiles, David, Lee, S. J. and Lo, C. C. H 2002. The effects of stress on magnetic properties and the use of magnetic measurements for evaluation of materials. Presented at: Conference on Resurgence of Metallic Materials (Institute of Engineers of India), Jamshedpur, India,

Jiles, David, Leib, J., Lo, C. C. H. and Snyder, John Evan 2002. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy in giant magnetocaloric Gd(SixGe1-x)4 alloys. Presented at: American Physical Society, March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA,

Jiles, David and Li, L. 2002. Recent investigations of non-linear magnetoelastic effects under variable stress, field and temperature: the limits of effective field theory. Presented at: American Physical Society, March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA,

Jiles, David, Lo, C. C. H., Gschneidner Jr, K. A. and Pecharsky, V. K. 2002. Recent developments in rare earth based magnetostrictive materials and their applications. Presented at: 27th Rare Earth Magnets Workshop, Newark, Delaware, USA,

Jiles, David, Shen, Y. P., Lo, C. C. H., Ring, A. P. and Snyder, John Evan 2002. Matteucci effect in axially polarized nickel rods. Presented at: American Physical Society, March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA,

Johnson, M. J., Jiles, David, Lo, C. C. H., Zombo, P. and Zhu, B. 2002. Magnetic NDE measurements on 410 stainless steel: an on site and laboratory evaluation. Presented at: Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Brunswick, Maine, USA, , vol.615 pp. 1591-1598. 10.1063/1.1472983

Johnson, M. J., Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan, Leib, J., Lee, S. J., Mina, M. and Jiles, David 2002. Studies on the effects of pulsed-magnetic field treatment on magnetic materials. Presented at: Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Brunswick, Maine, USA, , vol.615 pp. 1569-1576. 10.1063/1.1472980

Jones, A., Dillon, D., Ahuja, S., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Hunt, C., Howes, J. and Davies, P. 2002. Are two cross links needed for rotationally unstable fractures of thoraco-lumbar spine? Presented at: Podium Presentation at 9th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Montreaux, Switzerland.,

Jones, A., Dillon, D., Ahuja, S., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Hunt, C., Howes, J. and Davies, P. 2002. Which produces the most rigid construct in the burst fracture setting? Presented at: Podium Presentation at Proceedings of the European Orthopaedic Research Society, Switzerland, Montreux, Switzerland,

Jones, A., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Dillon, D., Hunt, C., Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Ahuja, S., Howes, J. and Davies, P. 2002. Does combined spinal fixation confer advantages over posterior alone? Presented at: Meeting of the British Orthopaedic Research Society, Cardiff, UK,


Kalna, K., Asenov, A., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Thayne, I. 2002. Effect of impact ionization in scaled pHEMTs. Presented at: 8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications : EDMO 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 14 November 2000. 8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications (Cat. No.00TH8534). IEEE, pp. 236-241. 10.1109/EDMO.2000.919065

Kalna, K., Asenov, A., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Thayne, I. 2002. Performance of aggressively scaled pseudomorphic HEMTs: a monte carlo simulation study. Presented at: International EuroConference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices (ASDAM 2000), Smolenice, Slovakia, 16-18 October, 2000. ASDAM 2000. Conference Proceedings. Third International EuroConference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems (Cat. No.00EX386). IEEE, pp. 55-58. 10.1109/ASDAM.2000.889451

Kalna, K., Roy, S., Asenov, A., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Thayne, I. 2002. Scaling of pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors to decanano dimensions. Solid-State Electronics 46 (5) , pp. 631-638. 10.1016/S0038-1101(01)00331-8

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, Alaee, F. J. and Benson, S. D. P. 2002. A new technique for retrofitting damaged concrete structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings 152 (4) , pp. 309-318. 10.1680/stbu.2002.152.4.309

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, Ince, R. and Arslan, A. 2002. An improved lattice model for fracture and size effect of concrete structures. Presented at: IUTAM International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Symposium on Analytical and Computational Fracture Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous Materials, Cardiff, UK, Published in: Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ed. pp. 493-505.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, J., Alaee F. and P., Benson S. D. 2002. A new technique using CARDIFRC® for retrofitting concrete structures. Presented at: Proceedings International Symposium on Non-traditional Cement & Concrete, Brno, Czech Republic, Published in: Kersner, V Bilek and Z ed. pp. 359-375.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Xiao, Q. Z. 2002. Accurate determination of the coefficients of elastic crack tip asymptotic field. Presented at: Proceedings 5th World Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), Vienna, Austria,

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Xiao, Q. Z. 2002. Accurate determination of singular and higher order terms in the crack tip asymptotic field. Presented at: Structural Integrity and Fracture Proceedings of the International Conference (SIF 2002), Perth, Australia, Published in: al, Dyskin A V et ed. pp. 49-58.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Xiao, Q. Z. 2002. Size effect in the strength of concrete structures. Sadhana Journal of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 27 (4) , pp. 449-459.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, Xiao, Q. Z. and Shao, P. F. 2002. Improvements to the lattice model for failure of particle composites. Presented at: Proceedings of the. International Conference on New Challenges in Mesomechanics, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 233-240.

Kashefipour, S. M. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Longitudinal dispersion coefficients in natural channels. Water Research 36 (6) , pp. 1596-1608. 10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00351-7

Kashefipour, S. M. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Significance of empirical coefficients on the accuracy of numerical solutions of the ADE. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK, IWA publishing, pp. 95-102.

Kashefipour, S. M., Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Lin, BinLiang ORCID: 2002. Modelling longitudinal dispersion in natural channel flows using ANNs. Presented at: Proceedings International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 111-116.

Kashefipour, S. M., Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Dynamic modelling of bacterial concentrations in coastal waters: effects of solar radiation on decay. Presented at: Proceedings of the 13th Asia and Pacific Division (IAHR APD) Congress, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 993-998.

Kashefipour, S. M., Lin, BinLiang ORCID:, Harris, E. L. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Hydro-environmental modelling for bathing water compliance of an estuarine basin. Water Research 36 (7) , pp. 1854-1868. 10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00396-7

Kenkel, J. M., Lee, S. J., Lo, C. C. H., Jiles, David, Koo, K. M. and Ng, D. H. 2002. Modelling stress dependent experimental anhysteretic magnetization curves. Presented at: International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG2002), Amsterdam, Netherlands,

Khalatov, A. A., Syred, Nicholas, Bowen, Philip John ORCID: and Al-Ajm, I.R. 2002. Enhanced Cyclone Cooling Technique for High Performance Gas Turbine Blades. Presented at: Proceedings of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Grenoble, France,

Khalatov, A., Syred, Nicholas, Khalatov, S. and Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. Effect of Secondary Flow on heat Transfer over a guide vane suction side. Presented at: Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME Turbo Exposition 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (GT-200)

Khalatov, A., Syred, Nicholas, Smith, A. and Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. A CFD study into the flow pattern in a double overlapped cyclone cooling configuration. International Journal of Industrial Heat Engineering 24 (5) , pp. 23-33.

King, E., Bottrell, S.H., Sapsford, Devin James ORCID: and Raiswell, R. 2002. Modelling carbon fluxes in a constructed wetland. Presented at: Proceedings of Mine Water 2004 - Process, Policy and Progress, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK,

Kockar, H. and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2002. Magnetic properties of DC magnetron sputtered and evaporated amorphous films. European Physical Journal B 26 (4) , pp. 435-438. 10.1140/epjb/e20020111

Kockar, H. and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2002. Specific power loss comparisons of magnetic strips using standard Epstein frame. Journal of Korean Physical Society 40 (5) , pp. 918-920.

Kocyigit, M. B. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Wind-induced circulation in rectangular basins. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK, pp. 219-225.

Kocyigit, M. B., Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Lin, BinLiang ORCID: 2002. Three-dimensional numerical modelling of free surface flows with non-hydrostatic pressure. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 40 (9) , pp. 1145-1162. 10.1002/fld.376

Kocyigit, M. M., Lin, BinLiang ORCID:, Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Harris, E. L. 2002. Modelling cohesive sediment transport in the ribble estuary. [Project Report].

Kulasegaram, Sivakumar, Bonet, Javier, Lewis, R. W. and Profit, M. 2002. Mould filling simulation in high pressure die casting by meshless method. Presented at: WCCM V - 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 Jul 2002.

Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID:, Azid, I A and Seetharamu, K N 2002. An evolutionary approach for layout optimization of a three-dimensional truss. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 24 (4) , pp. 333-337. 10.1007/s00158-002-0244-9

Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID:, Azid, I A and Seetharamu, K N 2002. A GA-based technique for layout optimisation of truss with stress and displacement constraints. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 53 (7) , pp. 1641-1674. 10.1002/nme.356


Lark, Robert John ORCID: 2002. Condition monitoring and the assessment of bridge structures at the serviceability limit state. Presented at: First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS’02), Barcelona, Spain,

Lee, S. J., Kenkel, J. and Jiles, David 2002. Design of permanent magnet flux source for a rotary magnetic refrigerating system. Presented at: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics INTERMAG Europe 2002. Digest of Technical Papers., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, , vol.38 10.1109/INTMAG.2002.1001360

Lee, S. J., Kenkel, J. M. and Jiles, David 2002. Magnetocaloric effect: permanent magnet array for generation of high magnetic fields. Presented at: March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, USA,

Lee, S. J., Kenkel, J., Pecharsky, V. K. and Jiles, David 2002. Permanent magnet array for the magnetic refrigerator. Journal of Applied Physics 91 (10) , pp. 8894-8896. 10.1063/1.1451906

Leib, J., Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2002. In-situ applied field imaging of a magnetic tunnel junction using magnetic force microscopy. Presented at: 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, USA,

Leib, J., Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2002. Magnetic force microscopy characterization of unusual magnetic coupling in an extraordinarily responsive magnetic material. Presented at: IEEE International Magnetics Conference INTERMAG Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,,

Leib, J., Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Pecharsky, V. K., Schlagel, D. S. and Lograsso, T. A. 2002. Magnetic force microscopy characterization of unusual magnetic coupling in an extraordinarily responsive magnetic material. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (5) , 2447 -2449. 10.1109/TMAG.2002.803587

Leib, J., Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan, Paulsen, J. A., Xi, P. and Jiles, David 2002. Magnetic force microscopy characterization of a first-order transition: Magnetic-Martensitic phase transformation in Gd5(SixGe1-x)4. Journal of Applied Physics 91 (10) , pp. 8852-8854. 10.1063/1.1456059

Lewis, R., Ransing, R. S., Kulasegaram, Sivakumar ORCID: and Bonet, J. 2002. Recent developments in casting simulations based on optimisation methods, meshless methods and medial axis transformation. Presented at: 5th World Congress in Computational Mechanics Conference, Vienna, Austria,

Ley, J. D., Sansom, M. and Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID: 2002. Determining the UK stock of construction steel through material flow analysis modelling. Presented at: Proceedings 4th AECEF International Symposium, Porto, Portugal, , vol.T pp. 31-39.

Ley, J. D., Sansom, M. and Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID: 2002. Material flow analysis of the UK steel construction sector. Presented at: Steel in Sustainable Construction: IISI World Conference 2002, Luxembourg, 15-17 May 2002. Proceedings Steel in Sustainable Construction: IISI World Conference. pp. 259-266.

Liang, Jun ORCID:, Green., T. C., Weiss, G. and Zhong, Q.C. 2002. Evaluation of repetitive control for power quality improvement of distributed generation. Presented at: IEEE 33rd Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC02), Cairns, Australia, , vol.4 pp. 1803-1808.

Liang, Jun ORCID:, Green, T. C., Weiss, G. and Zhong, Q.C. 2002. Repetitive control of power conversion system from a distributed generator to the utility Grid. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA02), Glasgow, U.K., , vol.1 pp. 13-18.

Lillico, M., Butler, R., Hunt, G .W., Watson, A., Kennedy, David ORCID: and Williams, Frederic Ward 2002. Analysis and testing of a postbuckled stiffened panel. AIAA Journal 40 (5) , pp. 996-1000.

Lima, C., Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Kazi, S. 2002. Inter-enterprise information management in dynamic virtual enterprises. Presented at: European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (eWork and eBusiness in AEC), Portoroz, Slovenia,

Lima, C., Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Wetherill, M. 2002. The e-CKMI: the e-COGNOS infrastructure to support KM in the construction industry. Presented at: European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (eWork and eBusiness in AEC), Portoroz, Slovenia, 9-11 September 2002. Proceedings of the ECPPM 2002 - the European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (eWork and eBusiness in AEC) - Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia.

Lima, C., Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Wetherill, M. 2002. Toward the construction knowledge economy: the e-Cognos project. Presented at: The 10th European Conference on Information Systems, Gdansk, Poland, 6-8 June 2002. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems. pp. 1508-1516.

Lima, C., Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Wetherill, M. 2002. Towards new methodology and architecture for wider knowledge management support in the building & construction industry. Presented at: CIB Building and Construction Industry W78-International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings of the CIB Building and Construction Industry W78-International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lins, Y., Agus, S. S., Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID: and Schanz, T. 2002. Determination of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for sands. Presented at: 4th National Workshop on Unsaturated Soils, Weimar, Germany, Published in: T, Schanz ed. 4th National Workshop on Unsaturated Soils, Weimar, Germany. pp. 93-99.

Lo, C. C. H., Jiles, David, Mina, M., Johnson, M. J., Kerdus, L .C. and Leib, J. 2002. Evaluation of the effects of pulsed magnetic field treatment on magnetic materials. Materials Evaluation 60 (8) , pp. 971-975.

Lo, C. C. H., Lee, S. J., Li, L., Kerdus, L. C. and Jiles, David 2002. Modelling of stress effects on magnetic hysteresis and Barkhausen emission using an integrated hysteretic-stochastic model. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (5) , pp. 2418-2420. 10.1109/TMAG.2002.803612

Lo, C. C. H., Leib, J. and Jiles, David 2002. Magnetic field gradient measurement on magnetic cards with magnetic force microscopy. Presented at: Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Brunswick, ME, USA, 29 July - 3 August 2001. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings (615) American Institute of Physics, pp. 999-1006. 10.1063/1.1472905

Lo, C. C. H., Zhu, B., Kerdus, L. C. and Jiles, David 2002. Experimental and modelling studies of Barkhausen effect in steels and nickel. Presented at: Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Brunswick, ME, USA, 29 July - 3 August 2001. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings (615) American Institute of Physics, pp. 1577-1584. 10.1063/1.1472981

Lo, C. C. H., Lee, S. J., Kerdus, L. C. and Jiles, David 2002. Examination of the relationship between the parameters of Barkhausen effect model and microstructure of magnetic materials. Journal of Applied Physics 91 (10) , pp. 7651-7653. 10.1063/1.1453312

Lodhi, T., Edgar, D. L., McLelland, H., Ferguson, S., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, Stanley, C. R. and Thayne, I. G. 2002. A 77 GHz coplanar waveguide MMIC BPSK vector modulator realised using InP technology. Presented at: Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuit (GaAs IC), Annual IEEE Symposium, Seattle, WA, US, 5-8 November 2000. GaAs IC Symposium. IEEE Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuits Symposium. 22nd Annual Technical Digest 2000. (Cat. No.00CH37084). IEEE, pp. 183-186. 10.1109/GAAS.2000.906319

Luke, S .J. and Howson, William Paul 2002. Modern aircraft hangers: a review of the design trends. Structural Engineer 80 (15) , pp. 23-30.


Maragkos, A. and Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. Combustion hazards due to impingement of pressurised releases of high flashpoint liquid fuels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (1) , pp. 305-311. 10.1016/S1540-7489(02)80041-4

Marketos, P., I., Moroz Y., Moses, Anthony John and Zirka, S. E. 2002. A novel approach to modelling losses in electrical steel laminations. Presented at: IEE 4th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, Bournemouth, UK,

McPherson, D.S., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, Thayne, I.G., Robertson, I.D. and Lucyszyn, S. 2002. Ultra-broadband nonlinear PHEMT modelling using TOPAS/sup TM/. Presented at: 8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications : EDMO 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 14 November 2000. 8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications (Cat. No.00TH8534). IEEE, pp. 85-88. 10.1109/EDMO.2000.919035

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Lo, C. C. H., Perevertov, O., Kadlecova, J., Jiles, David and Tomas, I. 2002. Magnetic response to cyclic fatigue of low carbon Fe-based samples. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (5) , pp. 413-422. 10.1088/0022-3727/35/5/301

Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2002. Influence of stress on Matteucci and search coil voltages in amorphous wires. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 249 (1-2) , pp. 382-386. 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00562-0

Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Choudhary, P. 2002. Magnetostrictive accelerometer using amorphous metallic alloys. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 4 (2) , pp. 261-266.

Meziane, F. and Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: 2002. A method for maintaining document consistency based on similarity content. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, 27-28 June 2002. Natural Language Processing and Information systems: 6th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-28 , 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2553) Berlin: Springer, pp. 85-96.

Miles, John Christopher, Moore, C. J. and Cadogan, J. V. 2002. Matching computational strategies to task complexity and user requirements. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16 (1) , pp. 41-52. 10.1016/S1474-0346(01)00004-0

Miles, John Christopher, Peggs, T. and Moore, C. J. 2002. Deriving reservoir operating policies using classifier systems. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 19 (4) , pp. 285-310. 10.1080/10286600215049

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2002. Recent concepts in thermoelectric power generation. Presented at: 21st International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Long Beach, USA, 25-29 August 2002. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 365-374.

Min, Gao ORCID: and Rowe, David Michael 2002. "Symbiotic" applications of thermoelectric conversion for fluid preheating / power generation. Energy Conversion and Management 43 (2) , pp. 221-228. 10.1016/S0196-8904(01)00024-3

Mishra, V. and Jones, Michael David ORCID: 2002. Experiment to test the suture material and technique for flexor tendon repair. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cardiff, UK,

Monk, J. and Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: 2002. Drilling the right tunnel: A biomechanical investigation of the optimum orientation for interference screws in post traumati knee ligament reconstruction. Presented at: Vienna Future Symposium, Vienna, Austria,

Morris, D. W., Bowen, Philip John ORCID: and Kwon, S. I. 2002. Influence of ambient pressure on transient air-assist automotive fuel sprays. Presented at: IMechE Conference Transactions on Fuel Injection Systems, London, UK, (C610/0) pp. 237-250.

Morris, Rhys J. ORCID: 2002. Effects of supine intermittent compression on arterial inflow to the lower limb. Archives of Surgery 137 (11) , pp. 1269-1273. 10.1001/archsurg.137.11.1269

Morris, Rhys J. ORCID:, Griffiths, Huw and Woodcock, John Patrick 2002. Analysis of the operation of the SCD Response intermittent compression system. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 26 (3) , pp. 111-116. 10.1080/03091900210124413

Moses, Anthony John 2002. Iron-based amorphous ribbon - challenges and opportunity for power applications. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 4 (2) , pp. 231-236.

Moses, Anthony John 2002. Opportunities for exploitation of magnetic materials in an energy conscious world. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 27 (2) , pp. 100-113. 10.1179/030801802225003187

Moses, Anthony John and Konadu, S. N. 2002. Some effects of grain boundaries on the field distribution on the surface of grain oriented electrical steels. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 13 (1-4) , pp. 339-342.

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2002. Measurement and effects of non sinusoidal flux waveforms in electrical steels. Journal of Electrical Engineering 53 (10/S) , pp. 65-68.

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2002. Some effects of PWM and other waveform parameters on losses in electrical steels. Presented at: UK Magnetic Society Seminar : Soft Magnetic Materials: The Influence of Operating Conditions on their Performance in Transforms and Motors, Newport, UK, 2002.

Moses, Anthony John, Anayi, Fatih Jamel ORCID: and Leicht, J. 2002. Analaysis of magnetic properties of electrical steels in stator cores of inverer fed motors. Presented at: Procedures of 7th International Workshop on 1 and 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing, Ludenschied, Germany, , vol.PTB-E- pp. 37-45.

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, J. and Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID: 2002. Iron losses in electrical machines excited by non sinusoidal voltages. Presented at: International Conference on Power Electronics Machines and Drives, Bath, UK, pp. 252-254.

Murugesan, K., Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: and Cleall, Peter John ORCID: 2002. An investigation of the influence of two-stage drying conditions on convective drying of porous materials. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 12 (1) , pp. 29-46. 10.1108/09615530210413154


Namin, M. M., Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID:, Mohammadian, M., Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Kamalian, R. 2002. Hydro-environmental modelling and analysis tool (HEMAT), a GUI-Based 2DH hydrodynamic and contaminant transport model on unstructured triangular grid. Presented at: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK, pp. 109-116.

Namin, M. M. and Lin, BinLiang ORCID: 2002. A 2-D vertical hydrodynamic and morphological model based on ANNs. Presented at: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK, pp. 735-742.

Nathwani, D. K., Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: and Frostick, S. P. 2002. Tensile properties of untwisted and twisted patellas tendum ACL ligaments. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society, Cardiff, UK,

Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: 2002. The relics of Saint David. Presented at: St David - Cult, Church and Nation., Lampeter, UK,

Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID:, Henssge, C., Knight, B. H., Madea, B. and Krompecher, T. 2002. The estimation of the time since death in the early postmortem period (2nd Edition). London: Hodder Arnold.


Parker, G. J. and Lever, Kenneth Vincent 2002. Improved narrowband interference rejection using frequency domain DC offset compensation. Presented at: Proceedings of Information, Decision and Control, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 175-180.

Pham, Duc Truong and Afify, A. A. 2002. Machine learning: techniques and trends. Presented at: 9th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Manchester, UK,

Pham, Duc Truong, Afify, A. A. and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov 2002. Machine learning in manufacturing. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Ischia, Italy,

Pham, Duc Truong and Awadalla, M. H. 2002. Fuzzy logic based behaviour coordination in multi-robot system for dynamic target tracking. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Ischia, Italy, pp. 551-556.

Pham, Duc Truong and Awadalla, M. H. 2002. Neuro-fuzzy based adaptive co-operation mobile robots. Presented at: Proceedings of the The 28th Annual Conference of IEEE. Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'02), Seville, Spain, pp. 2962-2968.

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Pham, P. T. N. 2002. Research at the MEC. Robotica 20 (5) , pp. 563-568. 10.1017/S0263574702004228

Pham, Duc Truong and Xu, Y. 2002. Internet-enabled total automation. Presented at: Proceedings 25th Triennial World Congress, Barcelona, Spain,

Pham, Duc Truong and Yildirim, Y. 2002. Comparison of four methods of robot trajectory control. Presented at: 15th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.00824

Pham, Duc Truong and Castellani, M. 2002. Evolutionary fuzzy logic system for intelligent fibre optic components assembly. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 216 (5) , pp. 571-581. 10.1243/0954406021525359

Pham, Duc Truong and Castellani, Marco 2002. Action aggregation and defuzzification in Mamdani-type fuzzy systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 216 (7) , pp. 747-759. 10.1243/09544060260128797

Pham, Duc Truong and Castellani, Marco 2002. Evolutionary fuzzy logic system for intelligent fibre optic components assembly. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 216 (5) , pp. 571-581. 10.1243/0954406021525359

Pham, Duc Truong and Castellani, Marco 2002. Outline of a new evolutionary algorithm for fuzzy systems learning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 216 (5) , pp. 557-570. 10.1243/0954406021525340

Pham, Duc Truong and Castellani, Marco 2002. Outline of a new evolutionary algorithm for fuzzy systems learning. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 216 (5) , pp. 557-570. 10.1243/0954406021525340

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Bigot, Samuel ORCID: 2002. A new pruning technique for inductive learning. Presented at: Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering(ICME 2002), Ischia, Italy, pp. 449-454.

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Petkov, Petko Vladev ORCID: and Petkov, S. P. 2002. Laser milling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 216 (5) , pp. 657-667. 10.1243/0954405021520265

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2002. Special Issue on Intelligent Product Support Systems. International Journal of Systems Science 33 (6) , pp. 387-388. 10.1080/00207720210133570

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, B., Zlatov N., Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Bratanov, D., Toth, A. and Fazekas, G. 2002. Intelligent robotised physiotherapy tested on an 8-DOF mechatronic arm. Presented at: Proceedings 15th Triennial World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain,

Pham, Duc Truong, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov 2002. Enhanced product support through intelligent product manuals. International Journal of Systems Science 33 (6) , pp. 443-449.

Pham, Duc Truong, Wang, Z., Yang, Y. and Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID: 2002. Statistical analysis of signal-to-noise ratios in fringe pattern matching. Presented at: 6th Annual International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Inc Peoples Post & Telecommunications Publishing House, Beijing, China, pp. 636-639.

Prapanavarat, C., Barnes, M. and Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: 2002. Investigation of the performance of a photovoltaic AC module. IEE Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution 149 (4) , pp. 471-478. 10.1049/ip-gtd:20020141

Probert, E. J., Bentley, Stephen Paul, S., Davies C. and Watts, B. M. 2002. Sustainability issues in the development of eco-industrial parks in Wales. Presented at: 10th International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network, Gothenborg, Sweden,

Profit, M., Kulasegaram, Sivakumar ORCID:, Bonet, Javier and Lewis, R.W. 2002. Modelling of high pressure die casting using the CSPH method. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-6 Sept 2002.

Pullin, Rhys ORCID: and Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: 2002. Single sensor source location of AE from fatigue cracks. Presented at: 25th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing EWGAE, Prague, Czech Republic, (11) pp. 95-102.


Rafezy, B. and Howson, William Paul 2002. A simple method for the frequency analysis of singly asymmetric rigidly jointed frame structures. Presented at: 9th Iranian Students' Seminar in Europe, Birmingham, UK,

Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Zhan, C., Fitzer, C., Barnes, M. and Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: 2002. Control of a battery supported dynamic voltage restorer. IEE Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution 149 (5) , pp. 533-542. 10.1049/ip-gtd:20320658

Rees, Stephen William ORCID:, Zhou, Z. and Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: 2002. Multi-dimensional simulation of ground heat transfer at field scale. Presented at: 10th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME), Swansea, UK, pp. 153-156.

Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Zarli, A. 2002. Roadcon: A European strategic roadmap towards knowledge-driven 'sustainable' construction. Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering 150 (6) , pp. 24-26. 10.1680/cien.2002.150.6.24

Rezgui, Yacine ORCID:, Zarli, A. and Kazi, S. 2002. Enhancing the competitiveness of the European construction industry in the digital economy. Presented at: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2002), Gdansk, Poland,

Roberts, Terence Martin 2002. Influence of shear deformation on buckling of pultruded fibre reinforced plastic profiles. Journal of Composites for Construction 6 (4) , pp. 241-248. 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2002)6:4(241)

Rodriguez-Martinez, V. M., O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID:, Syred, Nicholas and Dawson, J. R. 2002. Effect of acoustic oscillations on flame dynamics in swirl burner. Presented at: 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 6), Lisbon, Portugal,

Rowe, David Michael, Kaliazin, A E, Kuznetsov, V L and Kuznetsova, L A 2002. High performance functionally graded and segmented Bi2Te3-based materials for thermoelectric power generation. Journal of Materials Science 37 (14) , pp. 2893-2897. 10.1023/A:1016092224833

Rowe, D. M., Kuznetsov, V. L., Kuznetsova, L. A. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2002. Electrical and thermal transport properties of intermediate-valence YbA13. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (17) , pp. 2183-2186. 10.1088/0022-3727/35/17/315

Roy, S., Wilson, Chris, Williams, R., Sharma, A. J., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, O'Callaghan, P. and Jones, L. 2002. Mobile bearing versus fixed bearing total knee replacement: A prospective randomised trial. Presented at: Podium Presentation at Proceedings of the Combined Knee and Arthroscopy Societies, Leeds, UK,


Schanz, T., Line, Y., Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID: and Agus, S. S. 2002. Model test for determination of permeability and collapse potential of partially saturated sand. Presented at: International symposium on identification and determination of soil and rock parameters for geotechnical design (PARAM-2002), Paris, France, pp. 111-121.

Sellathurai, Mathini and Haykin, S. 2002. Turbo-BLAST for wireless communications: theory and experiments. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (10) , pp. 2538-2546. 10.1109/TSP.2002.803327

Senkans, P. D., Biasi, V. D. and Barrow, David Anthony ORCID: 2002. Computational simulations of fluid flow dynamics and bead packing in solid phase extraction microsystems. Presented at: Micro total analysis systems 2002 proceedings of the mTAS2002 symposium, Nara, Japan, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 76-78.

Smith, M., Wilson, Catherine ORCID: and Bates, P. D. 2002. The integration of a hydraulic simulation tool with high-spatial resolution visualisation software. Presented at: IAHR 5th International Conference of Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK, pp. 770-776.

Snyder, John Evan and Anderegg, J. W. 2002. Nanograined FeSiA1(N) reactive sputtered films: XPS investigation of the role of nitrogen. Presented at: Americal Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA,

Snyder, John Evan and Andregg, J W 2002. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the role of nitrogen in FeSiAl(N) reactive sputtered films. Journal of Applied Physics 91 (10) , pp. 8459-8461. 10.1063/1.1453949

Srisakot, S., Md Nor, Noratiqah, Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2002. Soil ionisation under fast surges. Presented at: XIV International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications, Liverpool, UK, September 2002, pp. 251-254.

Stevens, P. A., Reynolds, B., Emmett, B. A., Thompson, T. R. E., Loveland, P. J., Jarvis, S. C., Haygarth, P., Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Owen, D. H., Roberts, R. and Marsden, Terry Keith ORCID: 2002. Critical appraisal of state and pressures and controls on the sustainable use of soils in Wales: final report. [Project Report]. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; Natural Environment Research Council.

Syred, C. and O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: 2002. Fundamental scaling and modelling of a free jet burner. Presented at: 6th INFUB 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Lisbon, Portugal,

Syred, Nicholas, Al-Ajmi, R., Bowen, Philip John ORCID: and Khalatov, A. A. 2002. Improved technology of heat flow measurements by means of thermopile surface sensors. Industrial Heat Engineering 24 (4) , pp. 44-48.


Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: 2002. Non-linear vector network analyser – simply what is it and what can it do? Presented at: 58th ARFTG Conference, San Diego, USA,

Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: and Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: 2002. High-power time-domain measurement bench for power amplifier development. Presented at: 59th ARFTG Conference Digest, Seattle, USA, pp. 107-110.

Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: and Fernandez-Barciela, M. 2002. HBT small signal T and pi model extraction using a simple, robust and fully analytical procedure. Presented at: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, USA, , vol.3 pp. 2129-2132.

Teixeira, E. C., Siqueira, R. C. N. and Rauen, William Bonino 2002. Automation of acquisition and processing of flow-through curves. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK,

Thayne, I. G., Edgar, D. L., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, Chong, H., Jubber, M., McLelland, H., Ferguson, S., Ross, A., Arnold, J. M., Heeres, R., Whybourn, N., Luinge, W., Van Der Vorst, M., Neto, A. and De Maagt, P. 2002. On-wafer W-band determination of the driving point impedance of a double slot antenna. Presented at: Colloquium on Microwave Measurements: Current Techniques and Trends, London, England, UK, 23 February 1999. IEE Colloquium on Microwave Measurements: Current Techniques and Trends (Ref. No. 1999/008). , vol.1999 IET, pp. 3-4. 10.1049/ic:19990026

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: 2002. Geoenvironmental Engineering Infrastructure Co-operation Network: 1st annual report. [Project Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: and Cleall, Peter John ORCID: 2002. Selection of THMCB models. [Project Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: and Cleall, Peter John ORCID: 2002. Vapour flow in soils - a brief review. [Technical Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Carter, J. B. and McKinley, J. D. 2002. Air wall research project: conceptual modelling. [Technical Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Melhuish, Troy Alexander 2002. Predictive THMCB modelling of buffer, backfill and rock. [Project Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Mitchell, H. P. 2002. Comparison of physical measurements and a finite element numerical simulation of water uptake and distribution in the isothermal test. [Project Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Seetharam, S. C. 2002. Multispecies chemical transport in unsaturated soil. Presented at: Proceedings 4th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 213-218.

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Seetharam, S. C. 2002. Numerical modelling of the thermal-hydraulic-chemical- mechanical behaviour of unsaturated clay. Vulliet, Laurent, Laloui, Lyesse and Schrefler, B. A., eds. Environmental Geomechanics, Lausanne: EPFL, pp. 125-136.

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Yong, R. N., Katzenbach, R., Claesson, T., Szolar, O. H. J., Lechowicz, Z., Sanchez Alciturri, J. M., Pasqualini, E., Van Impe, W. F. and Bauer, K. 2002. Training proposal related to study panel 5. [Project Report].

Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID: 2002. Cyclic swell-shrink behaviour of compacted expansive soils. Presented at: 2nd Joint Workshop on Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, pp. 1-6.

Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID: and Schanz, T. 2002. A re-examination of swelling pressures of compacted bentonites from Gouy-Chapman diffuse double layer theory. Presented at: International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geotechnics, ENPC, Paris, France, Published in: De Gennaro, V. and Delage, P. eds. pp. 17-19.

Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID:, Subba Rao, K. S. and Fredlund, D. G. 2002. Water content - void ratio swell-shrink paths of compacted expansive soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39 (5) , pp. 938-959.

Tutkun, N. and Moses, Anthony John 2002. Measurements of localised flux density and power loss in a typical stator core under PWM excitations. Presented at: Intermag Conference (Abstracts), Amsterdam, The Netherlands,


Uchiyama, T. and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2002. Impedance strain gauge characteristics of glass covered amorphous magnetic wires. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 4 (2) , pp. 277-280.


Van Der Linde, F., Zedan, B., Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2002. Impulse response of earth electrode systems. Presented at: 37th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2002), Stafford, UK, pp. 827-831.


Wang, J. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2002. Mechanics of solids with multiple bridged cracks. Presented at: International Conference on New Challenges in Mesomechanics, Aalborg, Denmark, 26-30 August 2002. Published in: Pyrz, Ryszard ed. New Challenges in Mesomechanics 2002 : proceedings. Aalborg: Aalborg University, pp. 223-231.

Weinberg, F. J., Rowe, D. M., Gao, Min ORCID: and Ronney, P. D. 2002. On thermoelectric power conversion from heat recirculating combustion systems. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (1) , pp. 941-947. 10.1016/S1540-7489(02)80119-5

Weinburg, F. J., Rowe, David Michael and Min, Gao ORCID: 2002. Novel high performance small-scale thermoelectric power generation employing regenerative combustion systems. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (13) , L61-L63. 10.1088/0022-3727/35/13/102

Wetherill, M., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Ferneley, E. 2002. Deploying knowledge management solutions for the construction sector using the web services model. Presented at: Proceedings of the European eSM@RT 2002 Conference, Salford, UK,

Wetherill, M., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID:, Lima, C. and Zarli, A. 2002. Knowledge management for the construction industry: the e-COGNOS project. Journal of Information Technology in Construction 7 , pp. 183-196.

Williams, Frederic Ward and Kennedy, David ORCID: 2002. An overview of application of the recently discovered member stiffness determinant when solving the transcendental eigenproblems of structural engineering. Presented at: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, Singapore, pp. 243-248.

Williams, Frederic Ward, Yuan, S., Ye, K., Kennedy, David ORCID: and Djoudi, M. S. 2002. Towards deep and simple understanding of the transcendental eigenproblem of structural vibrations. Journal of Sound and Vibration 256 (4) , pp. 681-693. 10.1006/jsvi.2002.5016

Williams, Frederic Ward, Watson, A. and Howson, William Paul 2002. Aspects of structural vibration behaviour related to solving by structural analogy the mathematical eigenvalue problem for homogeneous trees of differential equations. Presented at: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, Singapore, pp. 249-253.

Williams, David J., Leckey, J. and Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: 2002. A study of the effect of envelope impedance on intermodulation asymmetry using a two-tone time domain measurement system. Presented at: 2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, WA, USA, 2-7 June 2002. 2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. , vol.3 Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, pp. 1841-1844. 10.1109/MWSYM.2002.1012221

Williams, S. G. K., Rowe, David Michael, Kuznetsov, V. L. and Gao, Min ORCID: 2002. An overview of facilities at the Cardiff NEDO laboratory for the measurement of thermoelectric properties. Presented at: 6th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 200-208.

Wilson, Catherine ORCID:, Bates, P. D. and Hervouet, J. M. 2002. Comparison of turbulence models for stage-discharge rating curve prediction in compound channel flows using two-dimensional finite element methods. Journal of Hydrology 257 (1-4) , pp. 42-58. 10.1016/S0022-1694(01)00553-4

Wilson, Catherine ORCID: and Horritt, M. S. 2002. Measuring the flow resistance of submerged grass. Hydrological Processes 16 (13) , pp. 2589-2598. 10.1002/hyp.1049

Wilson, Ian Eric and Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: 2002. Toward the digital construction virtual enterprise. Presented at: Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems, Gdansk, Poland,

Witlox, H. W. M. and Bowen, Philip John ORCID: 2002. Flashing liquid jets and two-phase dispersion: a review prepared by Det Norske Veritas Ltd for the Health and Safety Executive. London: HMSO.

Wong, C. Y., Nathan, G. and O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: 2002. The effects of different inlet conditions on the exit flow from a fluidic precessing jet nozzle. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal,


Xiao, Q. Z. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2002. Approximate Green's functions for singular and higher order terms of an edge crack in a finite plate. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 69 (8) , pp. 959-981. 10.1016/S0013-7944(01)00114-X

Xiao, Q. Z. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2002. Coefficients of the crack tip asymptotic field for a standard compact tension specimen. International Journal of Fracture 118 (1) , pp. 1-15. 10.1023/A:1022618930492

Xue, Yiqin and Watton, John 2002. Issues on motion control using visual feedback. Presented at: Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) seminar: Recent Developments in Control Techniques for Actuators, London, UK, 9 December 2002. Proceedings of Recent Development in Control Techniques for Actuators, London, UK, 9 December 2002. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers,

Xue, Yiqin and Watton, John 2002. Neutral prediction in control of time-delay systems. Presented at: Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) seminar: Recent Developments in Control Techniques for Actuators, London, UK, 9 December 2002. Proceedings of Recent Development in Control Techniques for Actuators, London, UK, 9 December 2002. London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers,

Xue, Yiqin and Watton, John 2002. Position control of a pneumatic servo-actuator with time-delay using a neural network predictor. Presented at: The 5th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Nara, Japan, pp. 637-642.


Yang, L., Lin, BinLiang ORCID:, Kashefipour, S. M. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2002. Integration of a 1-D river model with object-orientated methodology. Environmental Modelling and Software 17 (8) , pp. 693-701. 10.1016/S1364-8152(02)00029-4

Yokoi, Kensuke ORCID: 2002. Numerical method for complex moving boundary problems in a Cartesian fixed grid. Physical Review E 65 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.055701

Yokoi, Kensuke ORCID: and Xiao, F. 2002. Mechanism of structure formation in circular hydraulic jumps: numerical studies of strongly deformed free-surface shallow flows. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 161 (3-4) , pp. 202-219. 10.1016/S0167-2789(01)00370-0

Yu, A. C. C., Lo, C. C. H., Petford-Long, A. K., Jiles, David and Miyazaki, T. 2002. Lorentz transmission electron microscopy and magnetic force microscopy characterization of NiFe / Al-oxide / Co films. Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2) , pp. 780-784. 10.1063/1.1427142

Yu, Y. and Wu, Jianzhong ORCID: 2002. Loads combination method based core schema genetic shortest-path algorithm. Presented at: 2002 International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China, , vol.3 pp. 1729-1733.


Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Kazi, S. 2002. Bridging the European research on ICT in construction. Presented at: Proceedings of the e2002 Conference: eWork and eBusiness, Prague, the Czech Republic,

Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Kazi, S. 2002. Distributed service management in dynamic virtual enterprises. Presented at: Proceedings of the e2002 Conference: eWork and eBusiness, Prague, the Czech Republic,

Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Kazi, S. 2002. The ICCI project: Harmonisation of the IST Research and Development for the European Construction Industry. Presented at: Proceedings of the ECPPM 2002 - the European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (eWork and eBusiness in AEC) - Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia,

Zarli, A., Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Kazi, S. 2002. Interconnecting the constructionindustry in the emerging knowledge-based society. Presented at: Proceedings of the European eSM@RT 2002 Conference, Toward a Knowledge Economy in the Construction and related sectors, Manchester, UK,

Zerios, M. and Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: 2002. The effect of mixing biophesphonates on bone cement strength. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society, Cardiff, UK,

Zhong, W. X., Wu, Z. G., Gao, Q., Leung, A. Y. T. and Williams, Frederick Ward 2002. Modal synthesis method for H∞ decentralized control (Keynote Paper). Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Nanjing, China, pp. 762-770.

Zhong, Q. C., Green, T., Liang, Jun ORCID: and Weiss, G. 2002. H∞ control of the neutral point in 3-phase 4-wire DC-AC converters. Presented at: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON02), Seville, Spain, pp. 520-525.

Zhong, Q. C., Green, T., Liang, Jun ORCID: and Weiss, G. 2002. Robust repetitive control of grid-connected dc-ac converters. Presented at: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC02), Las Vegas, USA, , vol.3 pp. 2468-2473.

Zhou, Z., Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: 2002. Coupled multigas, moisture and heat transfer in unsaturated soil. Presented at: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 237-242.

Zhou, Z., Rees, Stephen William ORCID: and Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: 2002. A numerical and experimental investigation of ground heat transfer including edge insulation effects. Building and Environment 37 (1) , pp. 67-78. 10.1016/S0360-1323(00)00089-5

Zhu, Hanxing ORCID: and Windle, A. H. 2002. Effects of cell irregularity on the high strain compression of open-cell foams. Acta Materialia 50 (5) , pp. 1041-1052. 10.1016/S1359-6454(01)00402-5

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. J., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2002. Modelling losses in electrical steel laminations. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology 149 (5) , pp. 218-221. 10.1049/ip-smt:20020619

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 11:33:34 2025 GMT.