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Number of items: 80.

Evans, David E. and Jones, Corey 2024. Quantum Symmetries of Noncommutative Tori. [Online]. arXiv. Available at:

Evans, David and Pugh, Mathew ORCID: 2024. Spectral measures for Sp(2). Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 5 , pp. 2249-2305. 10.4310/PAMQ.2023.v19.n5.a1

Evans, David and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 2023. Subfactors and mathematical physics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 60 (4) , pp. 459-482. 10.1090/bull/1799

Evans, David E. and Gannon, Terry 2023. Tambara-Yamagami, loop groups, bundles and KK-theory. Advances in Mathematics 421 , 109002. 10.1016/j.aim.2023.109002

Evans, David and Pennig, Ulrich ORCID: 2022. Equivariant higher Dixmier-Douady theory for circle actions on UHF-algebras. Advances in Mathematics 410 (Part B) , 108745. 10.1016/j.aim.2022.108745

Evans, David 2022. Sir Vaughan Jones. 31 December 1952—6 September 2020. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 73 , pp. 333-356. 10.1098/rsbm.2021.0051

Evans, David E. and Pennig, Ulrich ORCID: 2022. Equivariant higher twisted K-theory of SU(n) for exponential functor twists. Journal of Topology 15 (2) , pp. 896-949. 10.1112/topo.12219

Evans, David and Gannon, Terry 2022. Reconstruction and local extensions for twisted group doubles, and permutation orbifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375 , pp. 2789-2726. 10.1090/tran/8575

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew ORCID: 2021. Classification of module categories for SO(3)_{2m}. Advances in Mathematics 384 , 107713. 10.1016/j.aim.2021.107713

Aaserud, Andreas Naes and Evans, David E. 2020. Realizing the braided Temperley-Lieb-Jones C*-tensor categories as Hilbert C*-modules. Communications in Mathematical Physics 380 , pp. 103-130. 10.1007/s00220-020-03729-w

Evans, David Emrys and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2020. Spectral measures for G2 II: finite subgroups. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 32 (08) , 2050026. 10.1142/S0129055X20500269

Aaserud, Andreas and Evans, David 2020. K-theory of AF-algebras from braided C*-tensor categories. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 32 (08) , 2030005. 10.1142/S0129055X20300058

Bratteli, Tone, Digernes, Trond, Elliott, George, Evans, David E., Jorgensen, Palle E., Kishimoto, Aki, Lanstad, Magnus B., Robinson, Derek and Stormer, Erling 2020. Ola Bratteli and his diagrams. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 67 (5) , pp. 665-675. 10.1090/noti2085

Evans, David E. and Gannon, Terry 2017. Non-unitary fusion categories and their doubles via endomorphisms. Advances in Mathematics 310 , pp. 1-43. 10.1016/j.aim.2017.01.015

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew . ORCID: 2016. Spectral measures associated to rank two Lie groups and finite subgroups of GL(2,Z). Communications in Mathematical Physics 343 , pp. 811-850. 10.1007/s00220-015-2434-5

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew ORCID: 2015. Spectral measures for G2. Communications in Mathematical Physics 337 , pp. 1161-1197. 10.1007/s00220-015-2293-0

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew ORCID: 2015. Spectral measures for Sp(2). [Online]. arXiv. Available at:

Evans, David 2015. Subfactors, twisted equivariant K-theory and conformal field theory. Presented at: Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory, MFO Oberwolfach, 22-28 March 2015. Published in: Bisch, Dietmar, Gannon, Terry, Jones, Vaughan and Kawahigashi, Yasu eds. Oberwolfach Reports. , vol.12 Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach: pp. 849-926. 10.14760/OWR-2015-16

Evans, David E. and Gannon, Terry 2014. Near-group fusion categories and their doubles. Advances in Mathematics 255 , pp. 586-640. 10.1016/j.aim.2013.12.014

Evans, David Emrys and Gannon, Terry 2013. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory II: Dynkin diagram symmetries. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 12 (2) , pp. 273-330. 10.1017/is013003008jkt221

Evans, David Emrys and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2013. Braided subfactors, spectral measures, planar algebras and Calabi-Yau algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants. Presented at: EU - NCG 4: EU - NCG 4th Annual Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 25-30 April 2011. Published in: Popescu, I. and Purice, R. eds. Progress in Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, and their Applications: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the European Noncommutative Geometry Network. pp. 17-60.

Evans, David Emrys and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2012. The Nakayama Automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau Algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants. Communications in Mathematical Physics 312 (1) , pp. 179-222. 10.1007/s00220-011-1389-4

Evans, David Emrys and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2012. On the homology of almost Calabi-Yau algebras associated to su(3) modular invariants. Journal of Algebra 368 , pp. 92-125. 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2012.06.011

Evans, David Emrys and Pinto, Paulo ORCID: 2012. Subfactor realization of modular invariants: II. International Journal of Mathematics 23 (3) , 1250030. 10.1142/S0129167X12500309

Evans, David Emrys and Gannon, Terry 2012. The search for the exotic - subfactors and conformal field theories. Presented at: ISAAC 2011 - 8th International Congress, Moscow, Russia, 22-27 August 2011. Published in: Burenkov, Victor I., Goldman, M. L., Laneev, E. B. and Stepanov, V. D. eds. Progress in Analysis". Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation (22-27 August 2011). ISAAC Proceedings. , vol.1 Moscow: Moscow Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, pp. 8-25.

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2011. A(2)-planar algebras II: Planar modules. Journal of Functional Analysis 261 (7) , pp. 1923-1954. 10.1016/j.jfa.2011.05.023

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2011. Spectral Measures and Generating Series for Nimrep Graphs in Subfactor Theory II: SU(3). Communications in Mathematical Physics 301 (3) , pp. 771-809. 10.1007/s00220-010-1157-x

Evans, David Emrys and Gannon, Terry 2011. The exoticness and realisability of twisted Haagerup-Izumi modular data. Communications in Mathematical Physics 307 (2) , pp. 463-512. 10.1007/s00220-011-1329-3

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2010. Spectral measures and generating series for Nimrep graphs in subfactor theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics 295 (2) , pp. 363-413. 10.1007/s00220-009-0902-5

Evans, David Emrys and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2010. A2-planar algebras I. Quantum Topology 1 (4) , pp. 321-377. 10.4171/QT/8

Evans, David E. and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2009. SU(3)-Goodman-De La Harpe-Jones Subfactors and the Realization of SU(3) Modular Invariants. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 21 (7) , pp. 877-928. 10.1142/S0129055X09003761

Evans, David Emrys and Pugh, Mathew J. ORCID: 2009. Ocneanu cells and Boltzmann weights for the SU(3) ADE graphs. Munster Journal of Mathematics 2 , pp. 94-142.

Evans, David Emrys and Gannon, Terry 2009. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory. Communications in Number Theory and Physics 3 (2) , pp. 209-296. 10.4310/CNTP.2009.v3.n2.a1

Evans, David Emrys 2007. From Ising to Haagerup. Markov Processes and Related Fields 13 (2) , pp. 267-287.

Evans, David Emrys 2006. Twisted K-theory and modular invariants: I Quantum doubles of finite groups. Presented at: Proceedings of the First Abel Symposium, Oslo, Norway,

Evans, David and Pinto, Paulo ORCID: 2006. Modular invariants and the double of the Haagerup subfactor. Boca, Florin, Bratteli, Ola, Longo, Roberto and Siedentop, Heinz, eds. Advances in operator algebras and mathematical physics, Vol. 8. Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 5. Bucharest: Theta Foundation, pp. 67-88.

Tucker, J. V. and Evans, David Emrys 2006. Science Academy - the case for a new Welsh Academy. The Welsh Agenda, Institute for Welsh Affairs Summer , pp. 37-38.

Evans, David Emrys 2005. Modular invariant partition functions in statistical mechanics, conformal field theory and their realisation by subfactors. Presented at: XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 July – 2 August 2003. Published in: Zambrini, J. C. ed. XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 464-475. 10.1142/9789812704016_0045

Behrend, Roger E. ORCID: and Evans, David Emrys 2004. Integrable lattice models for conjugate An(1). Journal of Physics A Mathematical and General 37 (8) , pp. 2937-2947. 10.1088/0305-4470/37/8/006

Evans, David Emrys and Pinto, Paulo R. 2003. Subfactor realisation of modular invariants. Communications in mathematical physics 237 (1-2) , pp. 309-363. 10.1007/s00220-003-0862-0

Evans, David Emrys 2003. Critical phenomena, modular invariants and operator algebras. Presented at: Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Constanta, Romania, July 2001. Published in: Combes, J. M., Cuntz, J., Elliott, G. A., Nenciu, G., Siedentop, H. and Stratila, S. eds. Operator algebras and mathematical physics. Bucharest: Theta Foundation, pp. 89-113.

Evans, David Emrys 2002. Fusion rules of modular invariants. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 14 (7 & 8) , pp. 709-731. 10.1142/S0129055X02001351

Böckenhauer, Jens Martin, Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 2001. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University 37 (1) , pp. 1-35. 10.2977/prims/1145476688

Böckenhauer, Jens and Evans, David Emrys 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors: type I coupling matrices and intermediate subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 213 (2) , pp. 267-289. 10.1007/s002200000241

Böckenhauer, Jens, Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 2000. Chiral structure of modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 210 (3) , pp. 733-784. 10.1007/s002200050798

Bratteli, Ola, Evans, David Emrys and Jorgensen, Palle E.T 2000. Compactly supported wavelets and representations of the Cuntz relations. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 8 (2) , pp. 166-196. 10.1006/acha.2000.0283

Böckenhauer, Jens and Evans, David Emrys 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors. Contemporary Mathematics , pp. 95-131.

Boeckenhauer, Jens and Evans, David Emrys 2000. Modular invariants and subfactors. Fields Institute Communications 30 , pp. 11-37.

Böckenhauer, Jens and Evans, David Emrys 1999. Modular invariants, graphs and α-induction for nets of subfactors. II. Communications in Mathematical Physics 200 (1) , pp. 57-103. 10.1007/s002200050523

Böckenhauer, Jens, Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1999. On α-induction, chiral generators and modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 208 (2) , pp. 429-487. 10.1007/s002200050765

Böckenhauer, Jens and Evans, David Emrys 1999. Modular invariants, graphs and α-Induction for nets of subfactors. III. Communications in Mathematical Physics 205 (1) , pp. 183-228. 10.1007/s002200050673

Bratteli, Ola, Elliott, George, Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1998. Homotopy of a pair of approximately commuting unitaries in a simple C*-algebra. Journal of Functional Analysis 160 (2) , pp. 466-523. 10.1006/jfan.1998.3261

Elliott, George, Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1998. Outer conjugacy classes of trace scaling automorphisms of stable UHF algebras. Mathematica Scandinavica 83 , pp. 74-86.

Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1998. Orbifold subfactors from Hecke algebras II - Quantum doubles and braiding. Communications in Mathematical Physics 196 (2) , pp. 331-361. 10.1007/s002200050424

Böckenhauer, Jens and Evans, David Emrys 1998. Modular invariants, graphs and a-induction for nets of subfactors I. Communications in Mathematical Physics 197 (2) , pp. 361-386. 10.1007/s002200050455

Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1998. Quantum symmetries on operator algebras. Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1997. Trace scaling automorphisms of certain stable AF algebra. Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics 26 (1) , pp. 211-224.

Bratteli, Ola, Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1995. The Rohlin property for quasi-free automorphisms of the Fermion algebra. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society s3-71 (3) , pp. 675-694. 10.1112/plms/s3-71.3.675

Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1994. Orbifold subfactors from Hecke algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics 165 (3) , pp. 445-484. 10.1007/BF02099420

Bratteli, Ola, Elliott, George A., Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1994. Finite group actions on AF algebras obtained by folding the interval. K-Theory 8 (5) , pp. 443-464. 10.1007/BF00961400

Evans, David Emrys and Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1994. The E7 commuting squares produce D10 as principal graph. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 30 (1) , pp. 151-166. 10.2977/prims/1195166280

Bratteli, Ola, Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1993. Crossed products of totally disconnected spaces by. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 13 (03) , pp. 445-484. 10.1017/S0143385700007483

Elliott, George and Evans, David Emrys 1993. The structure of the irrational rotation C*-algebra. Annals of Mathematics 138 (3) , pp. 477-501.

Bratteli, Ola, Elliott, George, Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1992. Non-commutative spheres II: rational rotations. Journal of Operator Theory 27 (1) , pp. 53-85.

Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1991. Compact group actions on UHF algebras obtained by folding the interval. Journal of Functional Analysis 98 (2) , pp. 346-360. 10.1016/0022-1236(91)90082-G

Beggs, Edwin J. and Evans, David Emrys 1991. The real rank of algebras of matrix valued functions. International Journal of Mathematics , pp. 131-138.

Bratteli, Ola, Elliott, George A, Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1991. Non-commutative spheres I. International Journal of Mathematics 2 (2) , pp. 139-166. 10.1142/S0129167X91000090

Connes, Alain and Evans, David Emrys 1989. Embeddings of U(1)-current algebras in non-commutative algebras of classical statistical mechanics. Communications in Mathematical Physics 121 (3) , pp. 507-525. 10.1007/BF01217736

Bratteli, Ola, Elliott, George A., Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1989. Quasi-product actions of a compact abelian group on a C* algebra. Tohoku Mathematical Journal 41 (1) , pp. 133-161. 10.2748/tmj/1178227871

Evans, David Emrys and Kishimoto, Akitaka 1988. Duality for automorphisms on a compact C*-dynamical system. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 8 (02) , pp. 173-189. 10.1017/S0143385700004405

Evans, David Emrys and Carey, Alan L 1988. The operator algebras of the two dimensional Ising model. Presented at: Braids, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, August 1987.

Bratteli, Ola, Elliott, George and Evans, David Emrys 1986. Locality and differential operators on C*-algebras. Journal of Differential Equations 64 (2) , pp. 221-273. 10.1016/0022-0396(86)90088-4

Evans, David Emrys and Lewis, J. T. 1986. On a C*-algebra approach to phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model. II. Communications in Mathematical Physics 102 (4) , pp. 521-535. 10.1007/BF01221645

Araki, Huzihiro, Carey, Alan and Evans, David Emrys 1984. On O_{n+1}. Journal of Operator Theory 12 (2) , pp. 247-264.

Araki, Huzihiro and Evans, David Emrys 1983. On a C*-algebra approach to phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model. Communications in Mathematical Physics 91 (4) , pp. 489-503. 10.1007/BF01206017

Bratteli, Ola and Evans, David Emrys 1983. Dynamical semigroups commuting with compact abelian actions. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 3 (02) , pp. 187-217. 10.1017/S0143385700001929

Evans, David Emrys 1980. A review on semigroups of completely positive maps. Presented at: Congress of the International Association of Mathematical Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 1979. Proceeding of Conference of International Assoc. of Math. Physics. pp. 400-406.

Christensen, Erik and Evans, David Emrys 1979. Cohomology of operator algebras and quantum dynamical semigroups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society s2-20 (2) , pp. 358-368. 10.1112/jlms/s2-20.2.358

Evans, David Emrys and Hanche-Olsen, Harald 1979. The generators of positive semigroups. Journal of Functional Analysis 32 (2) , pp. 207-212. 10.1016/0022-1236(79)90054-5

Evans, David Emrys and Lewis, John T. 1977. Dilations of irreversible evolutions in algebraic quantum theory. Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Series A: Theoretical Physics, vol. 24. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

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