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Number of items: 356.


Aboush, Z., Benedikt, Johannes ORCID:, Priday, J. and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. Novel cost-efficient packaging technology for high-power LDMOS devices. Presented at: 10th IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, Leeds, UK, pp. 15-18.

Aboush, Z., Jones, C., Knight, G., Sheikh, A., Lee, H., Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. High power active harmonic load-pull system for characterisation of high power 100-Watt transistors. Presented at: 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, , vol.1 pp. 609-612. 10.1109/EUMC.2005.1608930

Aboush, Z. and Porch, Adrian ORCID: 2005. Compact, narrow bandwidth, lumped element bandstop resonators. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component letters 15 (8) , pp. 524-526.

Aboush, Zaid, Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: 2005. Active harmonic load-pull system for characterising highly mismatched high power transistors. Presented at: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest 2005, 2005. 10.1109/MWSYM.2005.1516920

Ahmed, Sajid. 2005. Equalization of doubly selective channels using iterative and recursive methods. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Ahsan, Q., A., Siddiqui R., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. An adaptable e-monitoring system for multi-loop processes. Presented at: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), Cranfield, UK, pp. 211-220.

Ahsan, Q., Amer, W., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. A compact monitoring system for process valves. Presented at: 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Catania, Italy, pp. 1034-1046.

Alaly, J., Zakarian, K., Lindsay, P., El Naqa, I., Hope, A., Spezi, Emiliano ORCID: and Deasy, I. 2005. Software tools for 4-D and adaptive treatment planning data visualization and manipulation (CERR version 3). Medical Physics 32 (6) , p. 2033.

Alghanim, A., Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. A measurement test-set for characterisation of high power LDMOS transistors including memory effects. Presented at: 10th IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, Leeds, UK, pp. 29-32.

Amer, W., Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. Machine tool condition monitoring system using tooth rotation energy system (TREE) techniques. Presented at: 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Catania, Italy, pp. 529-536.

Anaya-Lara, O., Wu, X., Cartwright, P., Ekanayake, Janaka Bandara ORCID: and Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: 2005. Performance of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) during network faults. Wind Engineering 29 (1) , pp. 49-66. 10.1260/0309524054353728

Arulampulam, A., Barnes, M., Fitzer, C., Wu, X. and Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: 2005. Automated control technique to coordinate microgrid sources - grid connected and islanded operation. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 1 (2) , pp. 133-148.

Aubrey, A., Chambers, J. A., Hicks, Yulia Alexandrovna ORCID:, Sanei, S. and Marshall, D 2005. Video assisted speech source separation. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Conference of Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005), Philadelphia, USA,

Awadalla, Medhat Hussein Ahmed. 2005. Adaptive co-operative mobile robots. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.


Bacon, J. C., Vincent, C. E., Dolphin, T., Taylor, J., Pan, Shunqi ORCID: and O'Connor, Brian A. 2005. The offshore breakwater scheme at Sea Palling, England: sand transport generated by tidal currents. Presented at: International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 - 24 September 2004. Published in: Smith, Jane McKee ed. Coastal engineering 2004 : Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. London: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 1896-1908.

Baxter, M. G., Pullin, Rhys ORCID:, Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: and Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID: 2005. Detection of fatigue crack growth in aircraft landing gear, 4 point bend specimens. Key Engineering Materials 293-94 , 193 -200. 10.4028/

Belcher, Raymond Allan 2005. Providing an increased figure of merit in a digital to analogue converter circuit. Presented at: 5th IEE International Conference on ADDA 2005, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 35-38.

Belcher, Raymond Allan 2005. Signal processing techniques to improve the spurious free dynamic range of software defined radios. Presented at: Defence Applications of Signal Processing,

Bennett, Anthony ORCID:, Unitt, D. C., Atkinson, P., Ritchie, D. A. and Shields, A. J. 2005. High performance single photon sources from photolithographically defined pillar microcavities. Optics Express 13 (1) , pp. 50-55. 10.1364/OPEX.13.000050

Bennett, Anthony ORCID:, Unitt, D. C., See, P., Shields, A. J., Atkinson, P., Cooper, K. and Ritchie, D. A. 2005. Microcavity single-photon-emitting diode. Applied Physics Letters 86 (18) , 181102. 10.1063/1.1921332

Benson, S. D. P. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. CARDIFRC - development and mechanical properties. Part 1: development and workability. Magazine of Concrete Research 57 (6) , pp. 347-352. 10.1680/macr.2005.57.6.347

Benson, S. D. P. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. CARDIRFC - development and mechanical properties. Part III: unixial tensile response and other mechanical properties. Magazine of Concrete Research 57 (8) , pp. 433-443. 10.1680/macr.2005.57.8.433

Berenguer, Jesús R., Bernechea, Maria ORCID:, Forniés, Juan, Lalinde, Elena and Torroba, Javier 2005. Facile single or double C-H bond activation on è2-platinum-complexed acetylenes by interaction with [cis-PtR2S2] and [cis-PtR2(CO)S] (R ) C6F5, S ) Thf). Organometallics 24 (3) , pp. 431-438. 10.1021/om049208+

Bigot, Samuel ORCID:, Popov, Krastimir Borisov and Ivanov, Atanas 2005. A study of the micro EDM electrode wear. Presented at: 4M 2005: 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 29 June - 1 July 2005. Published in: Menz, W. and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov eds. Proceedings: 4M 2005: 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Amsterdam: Elsevier,

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID: 2005. Size effect and multiscale fracture. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Fracture, Turin, Italy, 20-25 March 2005.

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID:, Galanov, Boris A. and Keer, Leon M. 2005. Contact Problems and Nanoindentation Tests for Indenters of Non-Ideal Shapes and Effects of Molecular Adhesion. Presented at: World Tribology Congress III (WTC2005), Washington, DC, USA, 12–16 September 2005. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III. , vol.1 New York, NY: ASME, pp. 371-372. 10.1115/WTC2005-63912

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID: and Keer, Leon M. 2005. Modeling effects of gas adsorption and removal on friction during sliding along diamond-like carbon films. Thin Solid Films 476 (1) , pp. 108-117. 10.1016/j.tsf.2004.09.060

Borodich, Feodor M. ORCID:, Korach, Chad S. and Keer, Leon M. 2005. Models of Friction and Wear of DLC Films. Presented at: World Tribology Congress III (WTC2005), Washington, DC, USA, 12–16 September 2005. Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III. , vol.1 New York, NY: ASME, pp. 403-404. 10.1115/WTC2005-64085

Borodich, Feodor M ORCID: 2005. Analytical studies of contact problems for fractal surfaces. Presented at: 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds, UK, 7-10 September 2004. Published in: Dowson, D., Prist, M., Dalmaz, G. and Lubrecht, A. A. eds. Life cycle tribology : proceedings of the 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held at Trinity and All Saints College, Horsforth, Leeds, UK, 7th-10th September 2004. London: Elsevier, pp. 537-545.

Boudissa, R., Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Baersch, R. and Belicha, R. 2005. Dependence of the striking distance on earth electrode shape: a laboratory investigation. Archives of Electrical Engineering 54 (212) , pp. 127-142.

Brandon, J. A. and Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID: 2005. Bifurcation behaviour in an experimental vibration-buckling test. Strain 41 (3) , pp. 105-108. 10.1111/j.1475-1305.2005.00184.x

Brown, C., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Fernando German, A. 2005. Algoritmo de paso variable el seguimento del punto de maxima potencia en sistemas fotovoltaicos. Energética XXI: Revista de Generación de Energía (48) , pp. 70-73.

Brownsword, M. and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2005. Picturing risk-connecting industries. Presented at: IEE Seminar on UML for Systems Engineers, London, UK, pp. 101-107.


Calzada-Guzman, F. A., Syred, C., Syred, Nicholas and Griffiths, Anthony John 2005. Numerical modelling of wood gas combustion in a cyclone combustor prototype. Presented at: 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada,

Chambers, Jonathan A. 2005. Digital filters. Whitaker, J. C. and Dorf, R. C., eds. The Electronics Handbook, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,

Chilvers, I., Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: and Crossley, P. 2005. Distance relaying of 11 kV circuits to increase the capacity of distributed generation. IEE Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution 152 (1) , pp. 40-46.

Chindris, M., Cziker, A. and Cipcigan, Liana Mirela ORCID: 2005. Mutual influences between supply power quality and electrical drives. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica Journal 44 (3) , pp. 135-141.

Choi, Heungjae ORCID:, Jeong, Hee-Young, Kim, Young, Lim, Jong-Sik, Kim, Chul-Dong and Jeong, Yong-Chae 2005. Dual-band predistortion power amplifier for digital cellular and IMT-2000 base-station application. Presented at: Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2005 (APCM 2005), Suzhou, China, 4-7 December 2005. Published in: Hong, Wei, Cui, Tie Jun and Fang, D. G. eds. Microwave Conference Proceedings, 2005, APMC 2005, Asia-Pacific Conference Proceedings. , vol.1 Picastaway: IEEE, p. 1. 10.1109/APMC.2005.1606225

Churaev, N. V., Holdich, R. G., Prokopovich, Polina ORCID:, Starov, V. M. and Vasin, S. I. 2005. Reversible adsorption inside pores of ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 288 (1) , pp. 205-212. 10.1016/j.jcis.2005.02.072

Cipcigan, Liana Mirela ORCID:, Chindri, M. and Rusu, A. 2005. Transient simulation of capacitor bank switching in a power system. Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Technical Series 27 (1) , pp. 41-46.

Cipcigan, Liana Mirela ORCID:, Chindris, M., Rusu, A. and Rashed, K. 2005. Transformer fault simulation based on different transformer model. Romanian Technical Sciences Academy, Journal of Modelling and Optimization in the Machines Building Field 11 , pp. 160-165.

Cipcigan Mirela, Liana ORCID:, Chindris, M. and Rusu, A. 2005. Energizing of auxiliary capacitor bank in a distribution system. Transients and harmonic analysis. Presented at: 8th International Conference Electrical Power Quality and Utilization EPQU’05, Cracow, Poland,

Cipcigan Mirela, Liana ORCID:, Chindris, M. and Rusu, A. 2005. Harmonic analysis of capacitor switching transients. Presented at: International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), Miskolc, Hungary, pp. 359-365.

Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Ding, D. 2005. Modelling of gas migration at Holly Lane, Erdington. [Project Report].

Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Seetharam, S. C., Thomas, H., Chalabi, Z., Dowie, J. and Leonardi, G. 2005. Development of a framework for integrated health impact analysis of geoenvironmental pollution. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Turin, Italy, Published in: Barla G, Barla M ed. , vol.3 pp. 93-100.

Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID: and Seetharam, S. C 2005. Coupled models in geoenvironmental applications. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Turin, Italy, Published in: Barla G, Barla M ed. , vol.4 pp. 275-288.

Cleary, V., Bowen, Philip John ORCID:, Harper, M. and Witlox, H. 2005. Flashing jets and two-phase droplet dispersion I. Overview. Presented at: Proceedingss of Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Centre Symposium, Dallas, USA, pp. 434-453.

Cooper, G., Cerulli, C., Lawson, B. R., Peng, C. and Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: 2005. Tracking decision-making during architectural design. Journal of Information Technology in Construction 10 , pp. 125-139.

Cora, S., Francescon, P., Cavedon, C., Avanzo, M., Stancanello, J., Scalchi, P., Spezi, Emiliano ORCID:, Ferri, A. and Bergamini, C. 2005. Evaluation of the treatment planning system of the Cyberknife by means of a comparison to Monte Carlo calculation. Radiotherapy and Oncology 76 , S96-S96. 10.1016/S0167-8140(05)81172-7

Corre, Jerome 2005. Importance of embodiment towards co-operation in multi robot systems. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Crawford, Diane Christine, Peirce, Susan Caroline ORCID: and Champken-Woods, Nigel 2005. Establishing an infant warming and phototherapy procurement framework. Journal of Neonatal Nursing 11 (3) , pp. 96-101. 10.1016/j.jnn.2005.06.002

Crespo-Sandoval, J., Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2005. AI monitoring of insulation systems. Presented at: 1st Universities' High Voltage network (UHVnet) Colloquium, Cardiff University, January 2005, Cardiff, UK, (11)

Crespo-Sandoval, J., Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Griffiths, Huw and Coventry, P. F. 2005. Indicators for monitoring ageing of silicone rubber materials. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering(ISH), Vol. H Beijing (China), August 2005, Beijing, China, , vol.H


Datta, S., Ashley, T., Brask, J., Buckle, L., Doczy, M., Emeny, M., Hayes, D., Hilton, K., Jefferies, R., Martin, T., Phillips, T.J., Wallis, D. ORCID:, Wilding, P. and Chau, R. 2005. 85nm gate length enhancement and depletion mode InSb quantum well transistors for ultra high speed and very low power digital logic applications. Presented at: IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington DC, 5 Dec 2005. Electron Devices Meeting, 2005. IEDM Technical Digest. IEEE International. IEEE, 10.1109/IEDM.2005.1609466

Davies, C. N. 2005. Effects of non-Newtonian rheology on the line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication problem. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Davies, Huw Charles ORCID:, Martin, T., Damm, R., Jenefeldt, ? and Van der Zweep, C. 2005. Crash test results and analyses for tests completed to month 18. [Project Report].

Dawson, J. R., Rodriguez-Martinez, V. M., Beale, A. J. and O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: 2005. Pressure-heat release measurements during start-up conditions in a pulse combustor. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2) , pp. 1815-1822.

Dawson, James R., Rodriquez-Martinez, Victor M., Syred, Nick and O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: 2005. The effect of combustion instability on the structure of recirculation zones in confined swirling flames. Combustion Science and Technology 177 (12) , pp. 2349-2371. 10.1080/00102200500241149

Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Pham, Duc Truong, Ivanov, Atanas and Popov, Krastimir Borisov 2005. Micromilling of thin features. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M2005), Karlsruhe, Germany, 29 June - 1 July 2005. Published in: Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Menz, Wolfgang eds. 4M2005: First International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 363-266.

Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Brousseau, Emmanuel Bruno Jean Paul ORCID: and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2005. Automatic extraction of rules for feature recognition in solid models. Presented at: 1st I*PROMS: Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Online, 4-15 July 2005. Published in: Pham, D. ed. Intelligent Production Machines And Systems - First I*proms Virtual Conference Proceedings. Elsevier, pp. 49-54.

Djoudi, Mohamed Salah, Kennedy, David ORCID:, Williams, Frederick Ward, Yuan, S. and Ye, K. 2005. Exact substructuring in recursive Newton's method for solving transcendental eigenproblems. Journal of Sound and Vibration 280 (3-5) , pp. 883-902. 10.1016/j.jsv.2003.12.050

Dobrev, Todor. 2005. Investigation of laser milling process characteristics for micro tooling applications. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Dolphin, T. J., Taylor, J. A., Vincent, C. E., Bacon, J. C., Pan, Shunqi ORCID: and O'Connor, Brian A. 2005. Storm-scale effects of shore-parallel breakwaters on beaches in tidal settings (LEACOAST). Presented at: International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal 2004, 19 - 24 September. Published in: McKee Smith, Jane ed. Coastal engineering 2004 : Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. London: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 2849-2861.

Doyle, S., Dunscombe, C., Mauskopf, P. and Porch, Adrian ORCID: 2005. Detection of THz radiation using large niobium detector arrays. Presented at: Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Space THz Technology (ISST), Goteborg, Sweden, pp. 130-133.

Duan, H. L., Wang, J., Huang, Z. P. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. Size-dependent effective elastic constants of solids containing nano-inhomogeneities with interface stress. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53 (7) , pp. 1574-1596. 10.1016/j.jmps.2005.02.009

Duan, Huiling, Wang, J., Huang, Z. P. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. Eshelby formalism for nano-inhomogeneities. Proceedings of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 461 (2062) , pp. 3335-3353. 10.1098/rspa.2005.1520


Eaton, Mark Jonathan ORCID:, Ann, Featherston Carol, Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: and Pullin, Rhys ORCID: 2005. Buckling and postbuckling of impact damaged composite plates. Presented at: SEM Annual Conference, Portland, USA,

Edwards, M., Davies, Huw Charles ORCID:, Castaing, P., Martin, T., Delannoy, P., Faerber, E., Pastor, P., Damm, R., Thomson, R., Jenefeldt, F., Della G., Valle, Galeazzi, D., Van der Zweep, C. and Kellendonk, G. 2005. Passenger vehicle crash test procedure developments in the VC-Compat project. Presented at: 19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Washington D.C., USA, (05-000)

Egarr, Darrell A. 2005. Studies of fluidic systems for environmental applications. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Egarr, D. A., Faram, M. G., O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID:, Phipps, A. and Syred, Nicholas 2005. Computational fluid dynamic prediction of the residence time distribution of a prototype hydrodynamic vortex separator operating with a base flow component. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 219 (1) , pp. 53-67. 10.1243/095440805X7017

Egarr, D. A., G., Daram M., Guymer, I., O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: and Syred, Nicholas 2005. Use of computational fluid dynmaics to assess the disinfection performance of a combined sewer overflow treatment chamber. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark,

Egarr, D. A., G., Faram M., O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID: and Syred, Nicholas 2005. An efficiency formula for a hydrodynamic vortex separator. Presented at: International Symposium on EcoTopia Science (ISETS05), Nagoya, Japan, pp. 163-166.

Egarr, D. A., O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID:, Morris, S., Syred, Nicholas and Ayres, R. G. 2005. Computational study of tidal turbines for extracting energy from the tides. Presented at: International Symposium on EcoTopia Science (ISETS05), Nagoya, Japan, pp. 73-76.

Egarr, D., Faram, M., O'Doherty, Timothy ORCID:, Phipps, S. and Syred, Nicholas 2005. Computational fluid dynamic prediction of the residence time of a vortex separator applied to disinfection. Water Science and Technology 52 (3) , pp. 29-36.

Elgaid, Khaled ORCID:, McLelland, H., Holland, M., Moran, D.A.J., Stanley, C.R. and Thayne, I.G. 2005. 50-nm T-gate metamorphic GaAs HEMTs with f/sub T/ of 440 GHz and noise figure of 0.7 dB at 26 GHz. IEEE Electron Device Letters 26 (11) , pp. 784-786. 10.1109/LED.2005.857716

Elgaid, Khaled ORCID:, McLelland, H., Stariley, C.R. and Thayne, I.G. 2005. Low noise W-band MMMIC amplifier using 50nm InP technology for millimeterwave receivers applications. Presented at: nternational Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 2005, Glasgow, 8-12 May 2005. 10.1109/ICIPRM.2005.1517548

Elgaid, Khaled ORCID:, Moran, D., McLelland, H., Holland, M. and Thayne, I.G. 2005. Low noise high performance 50nm T-gate metamorphic HEMT with cut-off frequency f/sub T/ of 440GHz for millimeterwave imaging receivers applications. Presented at: International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 2005, Glasgow, 8-12 May 2005. p. 141. 10.1109/ICIPRM.2005.1517439

Evans, Henry Peredur ORCID:, Holmes, M J A and Snidle, R W 2005. Analysis of mixed lubrication effects in simulated gear tooth contacts. Journal Of Tribology 127 (1) , pp. 61-69. 10.1115/1.1828452

Evans, Henry Peredur ORCID:, Sharif, Khairi, Snidle, Raymond Walter ORCID: and Egorov, I. M. 2005. Simulation of wear in a worm gear under elastohydrodynamic conditions. Presented at: World Tribology Congress III (WTC2005), Washington, DC, USA, 12–16 September 2005. Published in: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tribology Division. ed. World Tribology Congress III (WTC2005), Vol. 2 (Washington, USA). ASME, pp. 255-256. 10.1115/WTC2005-63886

Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID: and Griffiths, D. R. 2005. Development of a low cost, durable, mixed waste plastic pallet. CIWM Scientific and Technical Review 6 (1) , pp. 4-13.

Evans, William D. ORCID: 2005. Sentinel node biopsy and the role of nuclear medicine. Journal of Medical Physics 30 (3) , pp. 102-105.

Eyers, D. R., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. Welding station condition monitoring using bluetooth enabled sensors and intelligent data management. Presented at: Sensors and Their Applications XIII, University of Greenwich at Medway, Kent, UK, 6–8 September 2005. Journal of Physics Conference Series , vol.15 (15) London: Institute of Physics Publishing, pp. 143-148. 10.1088/1742-6596/15/1/024


Fahmy, Ashraf 2005. Neuro-fuzzy modelling and control of robotic manipulators. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and ORCID: 2005. Water quality management of river and estuarine waters. Presented at: 4th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics and the 14th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division, Hong Kong, 15-18 December 2004. Published in: Lee, J. H. W. and Lam, K. M. eds. Environmental Hydraulics and Sustainable Water Management, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics and the 14th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research. , vol.1 London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 45-55.

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Harpin, R. 2005. Catchment flood management: A U.K. perspective and experience. Water International 30 (1) , 05-13. 10.1080/02508060508691831

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID:, Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Harpin, R. 2005. Environmental modelling in river basin management. International Journal of River Basin Management 3 (3) , pp. 169-184. 10.1080/15715124.2005.9635256

Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID:, Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Kashefipour, S. M. 2005. Modelling water quality processes in estuaries. Bates, P. D., Lane, S. N. and Ferguson, R. I., eds. Computational Fluid Mechanics: Applications in Environmental Hydraulics, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 305-328.

Farrant, Luke. 2005. Gallium nitride processing for high power microwave devices. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID:, Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Manning, D. and Claisse, A. 2005. Measuring the torsional stiffness of a space frame chassis using 3D motion capture techniques. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, UK, 6-8 September 2005. Published in: Dulieu-Barton, J. M. and Quinn, S. eds. Advances in experimental mechanics IV : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Advances in Experimental Mechanics IV. , vol.3-4 London: Trans-Tech Publications, pp. 423-428.

Featherston, Carol Ann ORCID: and Watson, A 2005. Buckling of optimised flat composite plates under shear and in-plane bending. Composites Science and Technology 65 (6) , pp. 839-853. 10.1016/j.compscitech.2004.07.007

Fernando, Premanandan T. and Pan, Shunqi ORCID: 2005. Modelling of hydrodynamics around a scheme of detached leaky breakwaters. Presented at: International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 - 24 September 2004. Published in: Smith, Jane McKee ed. Coastal engineering 2004 : Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. London: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 830-841.

Flaig, K. D. and Lark, Robert John ORCID: 2005. A risk-based decision-support system for bridge management. Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering 158 (3) , pp. 101-106. 10.1680/bren.2005.158.3.101

Fox, Caroline Sarah 2005. Artificial Neural Networks for loudspeaker modelling and fault detection. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Frankowiak, Marcos R., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. A Petri-net based distributed monitoring system using PIC microcontrollers. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29 (5) , pp. 189-196. 10.1016/j.micpro.2004.08.003

Frankowiak, Marcos R., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. A review of the evolution of microcontroller-based machine and process monitoring. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 45 (4-5) , pp. 573-582. 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2004.08.018


Galan, R., Racero, J., Eguia, I. and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2005. Product grouping in reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM05), Bilbao, Spain, 18-20 July 2005. Published in: Sullivan, W. G., Ahmad, M. M., Ashayeri, J. and Álvarez, E. eds. Flexible automation and intelligent manufacturing 2005 :15th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM05) (Bilbao, Spain). University of Duesto Press, pp. 833-841.

Galan, R., Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Eguia, I., Racero, J. and Lagos, N 2005. Product families selection in reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Presented at: CIRP 3rd International Conference on Reconfigurable Manufacturing,

Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Garcia-Belmonte, G., Bisquert, J., Porqueras, I. and Person, C. 2005. Transition from ideal statistics to interactions by host distortion in the intercalation thermodynamics of Li into amorphous WO3 films of varying thickness. Solid State Ionics 176 (19-22) , pp. 1701-1704. 10.1016/j.ssi.2005.04.020

Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Rodriguez, J. G., Lafuente, A., Marcos, M. L. and Velasco, J. G. 2005. Electropolymerization of phenylacetylene in acetonitrile. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 43 (11) , pp. 2407-2416. 10.1002/pola.20713

Garcia Rocha, Victoria ORCID:, Blanco, C., Santamaria, R., Diestre, E., Menendez, R. and Granda, M. 2005. Pitch/coke wetting behaviour. Fuel 84 (12-13) , pp. 1550-1556. 10.1016/j.fuel.2005.02.007

Garcia Rocha, Victoria ORCID:, Granda, M., Santamaría, R., Blanco, C., Diestre, E.I. and Menéndez, R. 2005. Pyrolysis behaviour of pitches modified with different additives. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 73 (2) , pp. 276-283. 10.1016/j.jaap.2005.02.010

Gardner, Diane Ruth, Lark, Robert John ORCID: and B., Barr 2005. The effect of gas path length on the measured permeability of concrete. Presented at: 2005 International Congress 'Global construction: ultimate concrete opportunities', Dundee, UK, 5-7 July 2005. Published in: Harrison, Thomas, Newlands, Moray and Dhir, Ravindra eds. Cement Combinations for Durable Concrete. Thomas Telford, pp. 621-630.

Gardner, Diane Ruth ORCID:, Lark, Robert John ORCID: and Barr, Benjamin Isaac George 2005. Effect of conditioning temperature on the strength and permeability of normal- and high-strength concrete. Cement and Concrete Research 35 (7) , pp. 1400-1406. 10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.08.012

Gettu, R., Gardner, Diane Ruth ORCID:, Saldívar, H. and Barragán, B. E. 2005. Study of the distribution and orientation of fibers in SFRC specimens. Materials and Structures 38 (1) , pp. 31-37. 10.1007/BF02480572

Gittens, N. and Jones, Michael David ORCID: 2005. Biomechanical analysis of falls onto the outstretched hand. Presented at: Hand and wrist biomechanics symposium proceedings, Bath, UK,

Gittens, Nicola Jane. 2005. Biomechanical analysis of falls onto the outstretched hand. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Gracia, L., Garcia Canadas, Jorge, Garcia-Belmonte, G., Beltran, A., Andres, J. and Bisquert, J. 2005. Composition dependence of the energy barrier for lithium diffusion in amorphous WO3. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 8 (10) , J21-J23. 10.1149/1.2008868

Griffiths, Anthony John and Williams, Keith Philip 2005. Thermal treatment options. Waste Management World 6 , pp. 63-73.

Guymer, I., Wilson, Catherine ORCID: and Boxall, J. B. 2005. Modelling solute transport processes in free surface flow CFD schemes. Bates, Paul D., Lane, Stuart N. and Ferguson, Robert I., eds. Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Environmental Hydraulics, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 51-70.


Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Belaicha, R, Boudissa, R and Djafri, S 2005. Effect of insulator shape on surface discharges and flashover under polluted conditions. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 12 (3) , pp. 429-437. 10.1109/TDEI.2005.1453447

Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Waters, Ronald T, German, D M and Abdul-Malek, Z 2005. Current disparity in multi-column surge arresters. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution 152 (6) , pp. 945-951. 10.1049/ip-gtd:20045051

Han, M., Snyder, John Evan, Tang, W., Lograsso, T. A., Schlagel, D. and Jiles, David 2005. Magnetic anisotropy and phase transitions in single-crystal Tb5(Si2 2Ge1 8). Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10) , 10M313. 10.1063/1.1855196

Harbottle, Michael John ORCID:, Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2005. The technical sustainability of in situ stabilisation/ solidification. Presented at: International Conference on Stabilisation/ Solidification Treatment and Remediation, Cambridge, UK,

Harid, Noureddine ORCID:, Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2005. Monitoring of earthing systems. Presented at: 1st Universities' High Voltage network (UHVnet) Colloquium, Cardiff, UK, (13)

Harid, Noureddine ORCID:, Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2005. A new approach for the calculation of tower surge impedance using a hybrid field-transmission line technique. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Beijing, China, , vol.B-03 pp. 1-6.

Harid, Noureddine ORCID:, Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2005. Practical issues with the measurement of earth impedance at transmission tower bases. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Beijing, China, , vol.B-13 pp. 1-6.

Harid, Noureddine ORCID:, Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: and Griffiths, Huw 2005. Effect of remote current electrode on tower impedance measurement. Presented at: 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Cork, Ireland, , vol.WP2 pp. 5-8.

Hass, R., Garcia Canadas, Jorge and Garcia-Belmonte, G. 2005. Electrochemical impedance analysis of the redox switching hysteresis of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) films. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 577 (1) , pp. 99-105. j.jelechem.2004.11.020

Hauser-Ehninger, U., Griffiths, Huw and Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: 2005. Characteristion of earth electrodes using power consumption methods. Presented at: 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference 2005, Cork, Ireland, , vol.WP2 pp. 9-11.

Heravi, H. M., Dawson, J. R., Bowen, Philip John ORCID: and Syred, Nicholas 2005. Primary pollutant prediction from integrated thermofluid-kinetic pulse-combustor models. Journal of Propulsion and Power 21 (6) , pp. 1092-1097.

Hewings, G., Notton, David J., Griffiths, Anthony John and Williams, Keith Philip 2005. Full Scale Composting Research Facility Progress Final Report. [Project Report]. Cardiff University Report, vol. 3104. Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Hewings, G., Williams, K., Griffiths, Anthony John and D., Notton 2005. Commerical scale dynamic respiration rate as a process optimisation tool. Presented at: 20th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 420-430.

Hicks, Yulia Alexandrovna ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID: and Marshall, D. 2005. Markerless motion capture with a single video camera. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics of the Lower Limb in Health, Disease and Rehabilitation, Salford, UK,

Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: and Lark, Robert John ORCID: 2005. Acoustic emission testing of bridges. Fu, G., ed. Inspection and Monitoring Techniques for Bridges and Civil Structures, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 183-215.

Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: and Worden, Keith 2005. Special issue on acoustic emission [Editorial]. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 40 (1) , i-iii. 10.1177/030932470504000101

Holmes, M. J. A., Qiao, H., Evans, Henry Peredur ORCID: and Snidle, Raymond Walter ORCID: 2005. Surface contact and damage in micro-EHL. Presented at: 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds, UK, 7-10 September 2004. Published in: Dowson, D., Priest, M., Dalmaz, G. and Lubrecht, A. A. eds. Life cycle tribology: proceedings of the 31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held at Trinity and All Saints College, Horsforth, Leeds, UK, 7th-10th September 2004. Tribology and Interface Engineering series (48) London: Elsevier, pp. 605-616. 10.1016/S0167-8922(05)80062-8

Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Evans, Samuel Lewin ORCID:, Dillon, D. and Ahuja, Alka Surajprakash 2005. Three-dimensional measurement of intervertebral kinematics in vitro using optical motion analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of engineering in medicine 219 (6) , pp. 393-399. 10.1243/095441105X34374

Hossain, Munier and Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: 2005. A model of dynamic sacro-iliac joint instability from malrecruitment of gluteus maximus and biceps femoris muscles resulting in low back pain. Medical Hypotheses 65 (2) , pp. 278-281. 10.1016/j.mehy.2005.02.035

Howells, R. W., Lark, Robert John ORCID: and Barr, B. 2005. A study of the influence of environmental effects on the behaviour of a prestressed concrete viaduct. Structural Concrete 6 (3) , pp. 89-100.

Howells, R. W., Lark, Robert John ORCID: and Barr, Benjamin Isaac George 2005. A sensitivity study of parameters used in shrinkage and creep prediction models. Magazine of Concrete Research 57 (10) , pp. 589-602. 10.1680/macr.2005.57.10.589

Howson, William Paul and Zare, A 2005. Exact dynamic stiffness matrix for flexural vibration of three-layered sandwich beams. Journal of Sound and Vibration 282 (3-5) , pp. 753-767. 10.1016/j.jsv.2004.03.045

Hughes, F. M., Anaya-Lara, O., Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: and Strbac, G. 2005. Control of DFIG-based wind generation for power network support. IEEE Transaction on Power Systems 20 (4) , pp. 1958-1966. 10.1109/TPWRS.2005.857275

Hussain, M. and Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: 2005. A biomechanical model of sacro iliac joint dysfunction as a cause of low back pain. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics World Congress (ISB), Cleveland, USA,


Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID: and Bennett, T. 2005. Micro and continuum models for cross-cracking in concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th Euromech Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, (ENOC2005), Eindhoven, The Netherlands,

Jefferson, Anthony Duncan ORCID:, Bennett, T. and Hee, S. C. 2005. Embedded contact surfaces in constitutive models for cementitious composite materials. Presented at: Proceedings of the 13th conference of Association of Computational Mechanics (13th ACME-UK Conference),

Jiles, David 2005. Magnetic measurement techniques for non-destructive evaluation of materials. Presented at: Universal Network for Magnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Vienna, Austria,

Jiles, David, Snyder, John Evan, Lo, C. C. H., Gschneidner Jr, K. A. and Pecharsky, V. K. 2005. Recent developments in highly magnetostrictive materials. Presented at: 17th Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials, Bratislava, Slovakia,

Jiles, David, Lo, C. C. H., Kinser, E. R., Barsic, A. J. and Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID: 2005. Applications of Barkhausen emission measurements for characterization of surface-modified materials. Presented at: Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Brunswick, Maine, USA,

Jones, L., Beynon, M. J. and Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID: 2005. The development of a quantitative tool to aid clinical decision making. Presented at: Institute Of Physics and Engineering in Medicine: The future of engineering in clinical gait analysis., London, UK,

Jones, L., Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID:, Beynon, M. J. and Roy, S. 2005. The development of an objective tool to assess the outcome of total knee replacement surgery. Presented at: Proceedings of Knee Athroplasty:Engineering Functionality Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK, pp. 30-33.


KaIna, K., Elgaid, K. ORCID:, Thayne, I. and Asenov, A. 2005. Modelling of InP HEMTs with high indium content channels. Presented at: International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 2005, Glasgow, 8-12 May 2005. International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 2005. IEEE, pp. 192-195. 10.1109/ICIPRM.2005.1517454

Kalna, K., Roy, S., Asenov, A., Elgaid, K. ORCID: and Thayne, I. 2005. RF analysis of aggressively scaled pHEMTs. Presented at: 30th European Solid-State Device Research Conference 2000, Cork, Ireland, 11-13 September 2000. 30th European Solid-State Device Research Conference. IEEE, pp. 156-159. 10.1109/ESSDERC.2000.194738

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. Micromechanical modelling of strain hardening and tension softening in cementitious composites. Sadowski, T., ed. Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences: courses and lectures, vol. 474. Vienna/New York: Springer, pp. 103-136.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. Optimum composite laminates least prone to delamination under mechanical and thermal loads. Sadowski, T., ed. Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, vol. 474. Vienna/New York: Springer, pp. 137-170.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Abdalla, H. M. 2005. A simple method for the determination of the true specific fracture energy of concrete. Presented at: Proceedings 2nd International Sym on Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete, Brno, Czech Republic, Published in: (Eds), Bilek V and Kersner Z ed. Brno University of Technology, pp. 415-433.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Alaee, F. J. 2005. Design guidelines for retrofitting of RC beams with CARDIFRC. Presented at: Proceedings 4th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2005), Bangalore, India, Published in: (Eds), Roy D and Chadra Kishen J M ed. IISc Press, pp. 23-41.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, Benson, S D P and Nicolaides, D 2005. CARDIFRC - development and mechanical properties. Part II: fibre distribution. Magazine of Concrete Research 57 (7) , pp. 421-432. 10.1680/macr.2005.57.7.421

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Farhat, F. G. 2005. The behaviour of RC beams retrofitted with CARDIFRC after thermal cycling. Presented at: Proceedings International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR05), Cape Town, South Africa, Published in: Alexander M Dehn F an, Beushausen H D ed. Taylor and Francis, pp. 480-486.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Farhat, F. G. 2005. Performance of RC beams retrofitted with CARDIFRC after thermal cycling. Presented at: Proceedings 11th International Conference Fracture, ICF11, Turin, Italy, (CDROM)

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, Kanellopoulos, A. and Nicolaides, D. 2005. Autogenous shrinkage of CARDIFRC. Presented at: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structure (CONCREEP 7), Nantes, France, Published in: Pijaudier-Cabot G, Gerard B and Acker P (Eds) ed. Hermes Science Publishing, pp. 615-620.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Simonov, I. M. 2005. Dislocation model of an asymmetric weak zone problem of interaction between crack-like defects. Presented at: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Fracture (ICF11), Turin, Italy, (CDROM)

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID:, Wang, J., Duan, H. L. and Huang, Z. P. 2005. Importance of surface/interface effect to properties of materials at nano-scale. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Damage and Fracture Processes in Composite Materials, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, Published in: Sadowski, T ed. Springer, pp. 227-234.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Xiao, Q. Z. 2005. Recent developments in the extended/generalised FEM and a comparison with the FEM. Wu, X. P., ed. Development and Applications of Solid Mechanics, Hefei, China: University of Science and Technology Press, pp. 303-324.

Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: and Xiao, Q. Z. 2005. Statically admissable crack recovery for crack problems. Presented at: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Fracture (ICF11), Turin, Italy, (CDROM)

Kashefipour, S. M., Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Neural networks for predicting seawater bacterial levels. Proceedings of ICE - Water Management 158 (3) , pp. 111-118. 10.1680/wama.2005.158.3.111

Kawashita, Luiz ORCID:, Moore, D. R. and Williams, J. G. 2005. Analysis of peel arm curvature for the determination of fracture toughness in metal-polymer laminates. Journal of Materials Science 40 (17) , pp. 4541-4548. 10.1007/s10853-005-0856-8

Kawashita, Luiz ORCID:, Moore, D. R. and Williams, J. G. 2005. Comparison of Peel Tests for Metal-Polymer Laminates for Aerospace Applications. The Journal of Adhesion 81 (6) , pp. 561-586. 10.1080/00218460590954557

Kay, D., Stapleton, C. M., Wyer, M., McDonald, A. T., Crowther, J., Paul, N., Jones, K., Francis, C., Watkins, J., Wilkinson, J., Humphrey, N., Lin, BinLiang ORCID:, Yang, L., Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Gardner, S. 2005. Decay of intestinal enterococci concentrations in high-energy estuarine and coastal waters: towards real-time T90 values for modelling faecal indicators in recreational waters. Water Research 39 (4) , pp. 655-667.

Kay, Peter John, Bowen, Philip John ORCID:, Gold, M. R. and Sapsford, S. M. 2005. Impingment studies of G-DI sprays at atmospheric and elevated ambient densities. Presented at: ILASS-2005: Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Irvine, California , USA, May 22 - 25, 2005. ILASS-Americas 2005 :18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems ; Hyatt Regency Irvine, Irvine, California, May 22 - 25, 2005 ; book of abstracts. Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems,

Kennedy, David ORCID:, O'Leary, O. J. and Williams, Frederic Ward 2005. Optimum design of prismatic plate assemblies with spectral gap constraints. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Berchtesgaden, Germany, pp. 36-38.

Kharji, O. A., Williams, T., Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. A broadband envelope load pull system. Presented at: 10th IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, Leeds, UK, pp. 21-24.

Kockar, H. and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2005. Uniaxial in-plane magnetic anistropy in silicon-iron films prepared using vacuum coating plant (VCP). European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 30 (3) , pp. 185-188.

Kocyigit, O., Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Modelling sediment transport using a lightweight bed material. Proceedings of the ICE - Maritime Engineering 158 (1) , pp. 3-14.

Kosel, J., Pfutzner, H., Mehnen, L., Kaniusas, E., Meydan, Turgut ORCID:, Vazquez, M., Rohn, M., Merlo, A. M. and Marquardt, B. 2005. Non-contact detection of magnetoelastic bilayer position sensors. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 123-12 , pp. 349-353. 10.1016/j.sna.2005.03.021

Krieble, K., Lo, C. C. H., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID: and Snyder, John Evan 2005. Investigation of Cr substitution in Co-ferrite (CoCRxFE2-xO4) using Mossbauer spectroscopy. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetismand Magnetic Materials, San Jose, USA,

Krieble, K., Schaeffer, T, Paulsen, J. A., Ring, A. P., Lo, C. C .H. and Snyder, John Evan 2005. Mossbauer spectroscopy investigation of Mn-substituted Co-ferrite (Co1.0MnxFe2-xO4). Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10) , 10F101. 10.1063/1.1846271

Kurekin, A., Dolia, A., Marshall, D., Lukin, V. and Lever, Kenneth Vincent 2005. Mitigation of image impairments for multichannel remote sensing data fusion. Presented at: Visual Information Processing XIV, Orlando, FL, USA, 29-30 March 2005. Visual Information Processing XIV. SPIE Proceedings (5817) International Society of Optical Engineering, pp. 145-156. 10.1117/12.603103

Kurekin, A., Marshall, D., Radford, D., Lever, Kenneth Vincent and Dolia, A 2005. Mitigation of sensor and communication system impairments for multichannel image fusion and classification. Presented at: ISIF and IEEE The Eighth International Conference on Information Fusion, Philadelphia, USA,

Kurekin, A., Marshall, D., Radford, D., Lever, Kenneth Vincent and Lukin, V. 2005. Robust processing of SAR hologram data to mitigate impluse noise impairments. Presented at: ISIF International Society of Information Fusion and IEEE Information Fusion 2005 Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, , vol.1 pp. 530-538. 10-1109ACIF/2005-1591901

Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID: 2005. Constructivism in construction: postmodern civil engineering. Presented at: The Fifth AECEF International Symposium : Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND) - Strategies for Education, Research, Innovation and Practice, Espoo, Finland, 15-17 June 2005. Published in: Jutila, Aarne and Salokangas, Lauri eds. Proceedings of 5th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND) : Strategies for Education, Research, Innovation and Practice:Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 2005. Prague: AECEF, pp. 236-245.

Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID: 2005. Mechanics and structure of spider webs. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 September 2004. Published in: Topping, B. H. V. and Soares, C. A. M. eds. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology , Lisbon , Portugal,7-9 September 2004. , vol.216 Civil-Comp Press,

Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID: and Deng, H 2005. Unified classification of stability of pin-jointed bar assemblies. International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (15) , pp. 4393-4413. 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2005.01.009

Kwan, Alan Shu Khen ORCID:, Deng, H and Jiang, Q F 2005. Shape finding of incomplete cable-strut assemblies containing slack and prestressed elements. Computers & Structures 83 (21-22) , pp. 1767-1779. 10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.02.022


Lagos, N., Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov 2005. Towards the integration of performance support and e-learning: context-aware product support systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3762 , pp. 1149-1158. 10.1007/11575863_138

Lark, Robert John ORCID: and Flaig, K D 2005. The use of reliability analysis to aid bridge management. The Structural Engineer 83 (5) , pp. 27-31.

Lark, Robert John ORCID:, Howells, R. W. and Barr, B. I. G. 2005. An analytical study of the time-dependent behaviour of post-tensioned concrete structures. Presented at: Fib Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 May 2005. Published in: Balázs, György L. and Borosnyói, Adorján eds. Keep concrete attractive: proceedings of Fib Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 23 to 25 May 2005. , vol.1 Budapest: Publishing Company of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pp. 519-524.

Lee, S. J., M., Park J., Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Lograsso, T. A., L., Schlagel D., Pecharsky, A. O. and Lynch, D. W. 2005. Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of optical anisotropy in Gd5Si2Ge2 and comparison with reflectance difference spectra. Presented at: March Meeting of the Americal Physical Society, Los Angeles, USA,

Lee, S. J., Song, S. H., Jiles, David and Hauser, H. 2005. Magneto-optic sensor for remote evaluation of surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (7) , 2257 -2259. 10.1109/TMAG.2005.851858

Lee, S., Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Jiles, David, Park, C. and Hauser., H. 2005. Magneto-optic linear displacement sensor with high spatial-resolution and low noise. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, CA, USA, 30 October - 3 November 2005.

Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Benedikt, Johannes ORCID:, Bunz, B., Gaquiere, C., Ducatteau, D., Marquez-Sequra, E., Martin-Guerrero, T. M. and Barel, A. 2005. A comparison of load-pull measurement results of a 4W Phemt involving five European laboratories. Presented at: European Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductor Application Symposium, Paris, France, 3-4 October, 2005. Proceedings of the European Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductor Application Symposium Paris, France,3-4 October, 2005. IEEE, pp. 321-324.

Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Benedikt, Johannes ORCID:, Hilton, K. P., Powell, J., Balmer, R. S., Uren, M. J., Martin, T. and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. Characterisation of an experimental gallium nitride microwave Doherty amplifier. Presented at: 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, 4-6 October 2005. 35th European Microwave Conference: conference proceedings. Horizon House,

Lees, Jonathan ORCID:, Benedikt, Johannes ORCID:, Hilton, P., Powell, J., Balmer, R. S., Uren, Michael John, Martin, T. and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. Experimental gallium nitride microwave Doherty amplifier. IEEE Electronic Letters 41 (23) , pp. 1284-1285. 10.1049/el:20053155

Li, Ming, Pan, Shunqi ORCID: and O'Connor, Brian A. 2005. Numerical simulation of sediment suspension above rippled bed under broken waves. Presented at: International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 - 24 September 2004. Published in: Smith, Jane McKee ed. Coastal engineering 2004 : Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. London: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 1728-1740.

Li, L., Jiles, David and Lo, C. C. H. 2005. An improved model description of the effects of stress on ferromagnetic materials. Presented at: Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE Nondestructive Evaluation, Golden, CO, USA, 25-30 July 2004. Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings (760) American Institute of Physics, pp. 1394-1399. 10.1063/1.1916834

Li, X., Elgaid, Khaled ORCID:, McLelland, H. and Thayne, I.G. 2005. Surface mass spectrometric analysis of SiCl4/SiF4/O2 dry etch gate recessed 120nm T-gate GaAs pHEMTs. Microelectronic Engineering 78-79 , pp. 233-238. 10.1016/j.mee.2004.12.032

Liceaga-Castro, E., Liceaga-Castro, J. and Ugalde Loo, Carlos Ernesto ORCID: 2005. Beyond the existence of diagonal controllers: from the relative gain array to the multivariable structure function. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, Seville, 12 - 15 December 2005. 2005 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference : Seville, Spain, 12-15 December 2005. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, pp. 7150-7156. 10.1109/CDC.2005.1583314

Liceaga-Castro, E., Ugalde Loo, Carlos Ernesto ORCID:, Liceaga-Castro, J. and Ponce, P. 2005. An efficient controller for SV-PWM VSI based on the multivariable structure function. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, Seville, 12 - 15 December 2005. 2005 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference : Seville, Spain, 12-15 December 2005. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, pp. 4754-4759. 10.1109/CDC.2005.1582913

Lin, Bin Liang ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Hydrological and environmental modelling of transport processes in rivers and estuaries. Anderson, M. G. and McDonnell, J. J., eds. Encyclopadia of Hydrological Sciences, Vol. 2. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd,

Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. 1-D and 2-D models for flow and water quality modelling. Presented at: 30th IAHR International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece,

Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Integrated 1-D and 2-D models for flow and water quality modelling. Presented at: XXXI IAHR Congress : Water engineering for the future : choices and challenges, Seoul, Korea, 11-16 September 2005. Published in: Jun, Byong-Ho ed. Proceedings of the 31st IAHR Congress : Water Engineering for the Future: Choices and Challenges. Seoul: International Association for Hydraulic Research ; Korea Water Resources Association, pp. 543-552.

Lin, BinLiang ORCID: and Namin, M M 2005. Modelling suspended sediment transport using an integrated numerical and ANNs model. Journal of Hydraulic Research IAHR 43 (3) , pp. 302-310.

Lin, BinLiang ORCID:, Wicks, J. and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Two-dimensional modelling of flood flows. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Flood Defence, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Flood Defence, Nijmegen, Netherlands. A A Balkema Publishers, pp. 309-315.

Liu, C., Weiss, S., Redif, S., Cooper, T., Lampe, L. and McWhirter, John ORCID: 2005. Channel coding for powerline communications based on oversampled filter banks. Presented at: 9th International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 6-8 April 2005. Proceedings International Symposium on Powerline Communications (ISPLC) Vancouver, Canada 2005.

Liu, Jun ORCID:, Wang, Ruijun and Qian, Yiyu 2005. The formation of a single-pulse electrospark deposition spot. Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (7) , pp. 2433-2437. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2004.07.104

Liu, Ying ORCID:, Loh, Han Tong and Tor, Shu Beng 2005. Comparison of extreme learning machine with support vector machine for text classification. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE 2005), Bari, Italy, 22-24 June 2005. Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2005, Bari, Italy, June 22-24, 2005. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3533) Berlin: Springer, pp. 390-399. 10.1007/11504894_55

Lo, C. C. H., Barsic, A. J., Kinser, E. R. and Jiles, David 2005. Modelling microstructural effects on Barkhausen effect signals in surface modified magnetic materials. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , pp. 545-546. 10.1109/INTMAG.2005.1463701

Lo, C. C. H., R., Kinser E., Barsic, A. J. and Jiles, David 2005. Analysis of Barkhausen effect signals in surface-modified magnetic materials using a hysteretic-stochastic model. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, USA,

Lo, C. C. H., Ring, A. P., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Improvement of magnetomechanical properties of cobalt ferrite by magnetic annealing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (10) , pp. 3676-3678. 10.1109/TMAG.2005.854790

Lo, C. C. H., Ring, A. P., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Improvements in magnetomechanical properties of highly magnetostrictive ferrites due to magnetic annealing. Presented at: Americal Physical Society, March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA,

Loudyi, Dalila 2005. 2D finite volume model for groundwater flow simulations : integrating non-orthogonal grid capability into modflow. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Lu, H., Hou, J. and Williams, Frederic Ward 2005. Calculation of critical buckling loads for finite length externally constrained thin circular cylinders. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 21 (5) , pp. 259-267. 10.1002/cnm.746


Machwe, A. T., C., Parmee I. and Miles, John Christopher 2005. Overcoming representation issues when including aesthetic criteria in evolutionary design. Presented at: Computing in Civil Engineering, Cancun, Mexico, ASCE Reston,

Marsh, Richard. ORCID: 2005. Plastic film recycling from waste sources. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Matlage, P. N., Lo, C. C., Snyder, John Evan, Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Ring, A. and Jiles, David 2005. Non-contact magnetoelastic stress sensors based on substituted cobalt ferrite. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, California,

McGovern, P., Benedikt, Johannes ORCID:, Tasker, Paul ORCID:, Powell, J., P., Hilton K., L., Glasper J., S., Balmer R., Martin, T. and Uren, M. J. 2005. Analysis of DC-RF dispersion in AlGaN/GaN HFETs using pulsed I-V and time-domain waveform measurements. Presented at: Microwave Symposium Digest, IEEE MTT-S International, Atlanta, USA, pp. 503-506.

McWhirter, John ORCID: and Baxter, P. D. 2005. Robust adaptive beamforming based on domain weighted PCA. Presented at: Proceedings of the 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2005), Antalya, Turkey,

Melhuish, Troy Alexander. 2005. An investigation of the three-dimensional thermo/hydro/mechanical behaviour of large scale in-situ experiments. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, C., Lo C., Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Paulsen, J. A. and Ring, A. P. 2005. Anisotropy of manganese-substituted cobalt ferrite. Presented at: American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA,

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Lee, S. J., Jiles, David, Lopez, R. and Brasche, L. 2005. Analytical approach for fast computation of magnetic flux leakage due to surface defects. Presented at: International Magnetics Conference, Nagoya, Japan,

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Lee, S. J., Jiles, David, M., Park C. and Hauser, H. 2005. Improved modelling of the magneto-optic angular displacement sensor. Presented at: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Electromagnetic, Mechanic and Biomedical Problems, Bad Gastein (Salzburg), Austria,

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Lee, S. J., Song, S. H., Hauser, H. and Jiles, David 2005. Analysis of a new magneto-optic angular displacement sensor using Jones Matrix approach. Presented at: IEEE Proceedings of 28th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, pp. 38-41.

Melikhov, Yevgen ORCID:, Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan, Paulsen, J. A., Ring, A. P., W., Dennis K. and Jiles, David 2005. Temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy in Mn-substituted cobalt ferrite. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, USA,

Menhaj, M. B., Ahmadian, Reza ORCID: and Taher-shamsi, A. 2005. Study of categorizing input data effects on sediment estimation using neural network. Presented at: 10th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water, Bled, Slovenia, 28 August - 2 September 2005.

Miles, John Christopher 2005. Conceptual design - how it can be improved. Structural Engineering International 15 (3) , pp. 122-128.

Miles, John Christopher 2005. IT-supported collaboration for structural engineering. Structural Engineering International 15 (3) , pp. 139-144.

Miri, Mahmoud 2005. Modelling of repair techniques for masonry arch bridges. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Montague, R. J., Watton, John and Brown, K. J. 2005. Centre-line deviation as a measure of camber in steel slabs during unrestricted horizontal rolling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 219 (8) , pp. 775-783. 10.1243/095440605X31625

Morgan, David Vernon and Porch, Adrian ORCID: 2005. Transport of electrons by thermionic-field emission through triangular barriers. Presented at: Proceedings 29th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, Cardiff, UK, pp. 203-204.

Morris, Rhys J. ORCID:, Elsaid, M., Elgazzar, A. H., Zaid, T. M., Evans, W.D. ORCID: and Woodcock, John Patrick 2005. The effect of intermittent pneumatic compression on the bone uptake of 99mTc-labelled methylene diphosphonate in the lower limb. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 125 (5) , pp. 348-354. 10.1007/s00402-005-0811-9

Moses, Anthony John, Williams, Paul and Hoshtanar, Oleksandr 2005. A novel instrument for real time dynamic domain observations in bulk and micromagnetic materials. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (10) , pp. 3736-3738. 10.1109/TMAG.2005.854924

Moses, Anthony John 2005. The case for characterisation of rotational loss under pure rotational field conditions. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 81 (12) , pp. 1-4.

Moses, Anthony John 2005. Loss prediction in electrical steel laminations and motor cores. Steel Research International Journal 76 (6) , pp. 455-460.

Moses, Anthony John 2005. Magnetic materials for renewable/ green energy. Presented at: Magnetics Society Seminar Abstracts- Renewable Energy and Magnetics, Stamford, UK,

Moses, Anthony John, Leicht, J. and Fox, D. 2005. Influence of geometry and wave shape on magnetic properties of magnetic amorphous material. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290-29 (2) , pp. 1520-1523. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.565

Moses, Anthony John and Tutkun, N. 2005. Localised losses in stator laminations of an induction motor under PWM excitation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 161 (1-2) , pp. 79-82. 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2004.07.013

Moses, Anthony John and Leicht, J. 2005. Iron loss prediction under pulse width modulation conditions. Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10) , 10R507. 10.1063/1.1854432

Mourshed, Monjur ORCID:, Kelliher, Denis and Keane, Marcus 2005. Green architecture: The need for climate analysis and thermal simulation during early stages of design. Global Built Environment Review 5 (2) , pp. 12-20.

Muhammed, A., Williams, K., Griffiths, Anthony John, Hewings, G. and Jones, D. 2005. Comparison of growth characteristics for waste-derived composts. Presented at: 20th Solid Waste Technology Conference, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 634-644.


Nor, N. Mohamad, Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: and Griffiths, Huw 2005. Determination of threshold electric field EC of soil under high impulse currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 20 (3) , pp. 2108-2113. 10.1109/TPWRD.2005.848761

Norazzlina, M. S. and Rees, Stephen William ORCID: 2005. Swelling pressure development in expansive soil. ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology 22 (1-2) , pp. 121-132.

Notton, David 2005. Theoretical and experimental determination of key operating parameters for composting systems. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.


O'Doherty, Daphne Maria 2005. Working as part of a balanced team. International Journal of Engineering Education 21 (1) , pp. 113-120.

O'Donoghue, T., Li, Ming, Malarkey, J., Pan, Shunqi ORCID:, Davies, A. G. and O'Connor, Brian A. 2005. Numerical and experimental study of wave-generated sheet flow. Presented at: International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 - 24 September 2004. Published in: Smith, Jane Mckee ed. Coastal Engineering 2004: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference. London: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 1690-1702.


Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID: and Drake, P R 2005. Comparison of neural and minimum distance classifiers in wood veneer defect identification. Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 219 (11) , pp. 831-841. 10.1243/095440505X32823

Pan, Shunqi ORCID:, Fernando, P. T., Li, M., Zhu, Y., O'Connor, B. A., Vincent, C. E., Taylor, J. A., Dolphin, T. J. and Bacon, J. C. 2005. Effect of shore-parallel breakwaters on coastal morphology under storm conditions. Presented at: International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters, London, 20 - 22 April 2005. International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters, 2005. London: Thomas Telford/ Institution of Civil Engineers, pp. 64-73.

Paranjothy, Shantini ORCID:, Frost, Carwyn ORCID: and Thomas, J. 2005. How much variation in CS rates can be explained by case mix differences? BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 112 (5) , pp. 658-666. 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2005.00501.x

Pasantonopoulos, Charilaos 2005. Automatic construction of virtual technical documentation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Pasantonopoulos, C., Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Setchi, Rossitza ORCID: 2005. An object-orientated framework for intelligent product manuals. Presented at: Innovative Production Machines and Systems Conference (IPROMS 2005), Cardiff, UK, pp. 85-90.

Paulsen, J. A., Ring, A. P., Lo, C. C. H., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Manganese substituted cobalt ferrite magnetostrictive materials for magnetic stress sensor applications. Journal of Applied Physics 97 (4) , 044502. 10.1063/1.1839633

Pearton, Marc, Barrow, Denise, Gateley, C., Anstey, Alexander Vincent ORCID:, Wilke, N., Morrissey, A., Allender, Christopher John, Brain, Keith Roger and Birchall, James Caradoc ORCID: 2005. Hydrogels based on PLGA-PEG-PLGA triblock co-polymers as sustained release reservoirs for the delivery of pDNA to microneedle treated human skin [Abstract]. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 57 (S1) , S83-S84. 10.1211/002235705778248352

Perks, Richard Marc ORCID: and Hirshy, H. 2005. Material inhomogeneity: the source of variation in the observed band gap of Indium Nitride. Presented at: Workshop on Compound Semiconductors Devices and Integrated Circuits (WOCSDICE), Cardiff, UK, pp. 63-64.

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Zlatanov, Vladimir, Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Pham, Paulette Thi Nga, Thomas, A. and Dadam, Yehya 2005. The EU FP6 I*PROMS Network of Excellence for Innovative production Machines and Systems. Presented at: Virtual International Conference on IPROMS, 4th - 15th July 2005. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: First I*PROMS Virtual Conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 1-4.

Pham, Duc Truong, Gourashi, Nasir Salah and Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki 2005. Intelligent conceptual design of robot grippers for assembly tasks. Presented at: Virtual International Conference on IPROMS, 4th - 15th July 2005. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: First I*PROMS Virtual Conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 321-326.

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2005. ISLE - a novel immune-system inspired rule extraction algorithm. Presented at: 16th IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-8 July 2005. Published in: Zítek, Pavel ed. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005. World Congress (16/1) Laxenburg: International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1469. 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01470

Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: 2005. RULES_IS: an immune-network inspired machine learning algorithm. Presented at: Virtual International Conference on IPROMS, 4th - 15th July 2005. Published in: Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: 1st I*PROMS Virtual Conference, 4-15 July 2005. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 267-274.

Pham, Duc Truong and Qiu, Renxi 2005. Functional analysis and T-S fuzzy system design. Presented at: 16th IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-8 July 2005. Published in: Zítek, P. ed. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005. World Congress (16/1) Laxenburg: International Federation of Automatic Control, 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01473

Pham, D. T. and Fahmy, Ashraf 2005. Intelligent internal model control of robots for upper-limb rehabilitation. Presented at: 16th IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-8 July 2005. Published in: Zitek, Pavel ed. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005. International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1130. 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01131

Pham, D. T. and Fahmy, Ashraf 2005. Neuro-fuzzy modelling and control of robot manipulators for trajectory tracking. Presented at: 16th IFAC World Congress 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-8 July 2005. Published in: Zitek, Pavel ed. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005. World Congress , vol.16 International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1452. 10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01453

Pham, Duc Truong and Afify, A A 2005. RULES-6: A simple rule induction algorithm for handling large data sets. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 219 (10) , 1119 -1137. 10.1243/095440605X31931

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Bigot, Samuel ORCID:, Ivanov, A. and Popov, Krastimir Borisov 2005. Micro-EDM drilling: accuracy study, advances in integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering. Bramley, A., Brissaud, D., Coutellier, D. and McMahon, C., eds. Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 281-294.

Pham, Duc Truong, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Bigot, Samuel ORCID:, Ivanov, Atanas and Popov, Krastimir Borisov 2005. Micro EDM drilling: Accuracy study. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, Bath, UK, 5- 7 April 2004. Published in: Bramley, A., Brissaud, D., Coutellier, D. and McMahon, C. A. eds. Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering. Advances in Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, pp. 281-294.

Pham, Duc Truong, Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Soroka, A., Zlatanov, V., Packianather, Michael Sylvester ORCID:, Setchi, Rossitza ORCID:, Pham, P. T. N., Thomas, A. and Dadam, Y. 2005. The EU FP6 I*PROMS network of excellence for innovative production machines and systems. Presented at: Innovative Production Machines and Systems Conference (IPROMS 2005), Cardiff, UK,

Popov, Krastimir Borisov, Gandarias, Endika, Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Pham, Duc Truong, Ivanov, Atanas, Lizarralde, R. and Arrazola, P. J. 2005. New methods for tool failure detection in micro-milling. Presented at: 4M 2005: 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, Karlsruhe, Germany, 29 June - 1 July 2005. Published in: Dimov, Stefan Simeonov and Menz, Wolfgang eds. Proceedings: 4M 2005: 1st International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 371-374.

Porch, Adrian ORCID:, Huish, D. W., Velichko, A. V., Lancaster, M. J., Abell, J. S., Perry, A. and Almond, D. P. 2005. Effects of residual surface resistance on the microwave properties of YBCO thin films. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 15 (2) , pp. 3706-3709. 10.1109/TASC.2005.849403

Porch, Adrian ORCID:, Lancaster, M J and Velichko, A V 2005. Nonlinear microwave properties of high Tc thin films. Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (3) , R24-R49. 10.1088/0953-2048/18/3/R02

Porch, Adrian ORCID:, Mauskopf, Philip Daniel ORCID:, Doyle, Simon Michael ORCID: and Dunscombe, Christopher John 2005. Calculation of the characteristics of coplanar resonators for kinetic inductance detectors. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 15 (2) , pp. 552-555. 10.1109/TASC.2005.849916

Porch, Adrian ORCID: and Morgan, David Vernon 2005. Analysis of current spreading in transparent current spreading layers of finite size. Presented at: Proceedings 29th Workshop on Compound SemiconductorDevices and Ics(WOCSDICE2005), Cardiff, Uk,

Prokopovich, Polina ORCID:, Starov, V. and Holdich, R. G. 2005. Concentration of inorganic salts in the permeate during nano- or ultrafiltration promoted by water-soluble polyelectrolytes in the feed solution. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 44 (5) , pp. 1358-1369. 10.1021/ie049696l

Pullin, Rhys ORCID:, Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: and Baxter, M. G. 2005. Modal analysis of acoustic emission signals from artificial and fatigue crack sources in aerospace grade steel. Key Engineering Materials 293-29 , pp. 217-224. 10.4028/


Qi, H., Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul ORCID: 2005. Direct extraction of large-signal table-based behavioural models from time-domain voltage and current waveforms. Presented at: 10th IEEE High Fequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, Leeds, UK, pp. 25-28.

Qiao, Hua. 2005. Prediction of contact fatigue for the rough surface elastohydrodynamic lubrication line contact problem under rolling and sliding conditions. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.


Rauen, William Bonino 2005. Physical and numerical modelling of 3-D flow and mixing processes in contact tanks. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Rezgui, Yacine ORCID: and Meziane, F. 2005. A web services implementation of a user centred knowledge management platform. Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 1 (4) , pp. 1-19.

Rezgui, Yacine ORCID:, Wilson, I., Olphert, W. and Damodaran, L. 2005. Socio-organizational issues. Camarninha-Matos, L. C., Afsarmanesh, H. and Ollus, M., eds. Virtual Organizations: Systems and Practice, New York, NY: Springer Science, pp. 187-197.

Riding, Robert Eric and Liang, Liyuan 2005. Geobiology of microbial carbonates: metazoan and seawater saturation state influences on secular trends during the Phanerozoic. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 219 (1-2) , pp. 101-115. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.11.018

Ring, A. P., Ziegler, H. L., Lograsso, T., Schlagel, D., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Magnetic properties and phase transitions in single-crystal Tb5Si22Ge1 8. Presented at: Americal Physical Society, March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA,

Ring, A. P., Ziegler, H. L., Lograsso, T., Schlagel, D., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Phase transitions in single-crystal Tb5Si2 2Ge1 8. Presented at: International Magnetics Conference, Nagoya, Japan,

Ring, A. P., Ziegler, H. L., Lograsso, T., Schlagel, D., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Variation of magnetostriction with temperature in Tb5Si2 2Ge1 8 single crystal. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, USA,

Roberts, Terence Martin 2005. Probabilistic pedestrian lateral excitation of bridges. Bridge Engineering 158 (2) , pp. 53-61. 10.1680/bren.

Rosetto, R. and Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: 2005. Groundwater and solute transport numerical modeling: a groundwater management tool for the S Alessio municipal well field. Presented at: Proceedings of Geoitalia 2005, Epitome, Spoleto, Italy, , vol.1

Rossetto, R. and Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: 2005. Investigation of the transport and accumulation mechanisms of a herbicide in the river floodplain and groundwater system of the S Alessio Plain, Lucca (Italy). Presented at: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Austria,

Ruijun, Wang, Yiyu, Qian and Jun, Liu 2005. Interface behavior study of WC92–Co8 coating produced by electrospark deposition. Applied Surface Science 240 (1-4) , pp. 42-47. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.05.299


Sapsford, Devin James ORCID:, Williams, Keith Philip and Bowell, R. 2005. Predominant chemical kinetics in laboratory prediction of ARD. Presented at: Proceedings of the 9th International Mine Water Association Congress, Spain, Oviedo, Spain, Published in: Pendas, Loredo J. ed. pp. 57-65.

Sapsford, Devin James ORCID:, Williams, Keith Philip, Dey, B. M., Liang, L. and Barnes, A. 2005. A novel method for passive treatment of mine water using a vertical flow accretion system. Presented at: Proceedings of the 9th International Mine Water Association Congress, Oviedo, Spain, Published in: Loredo, J. and Pendas, F. eds. pp. 389-394.

Schanz, T. and Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID: 2005. Soil-water characteristic curves of clays from physico-chemical concepts. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Conference on Problematic Soils (GEOPROB 2005), Famagusta, Greece, Published in: Bilsel, H. and Nalbantoglu, A. eds. , vol.1 pp. 219-228.

Schnauder, I. and Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: 2005. 2D numerical modelling of nutrient pathways for Camarthen Bay, Wales. Presented at: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria,

Schnauder, I. and Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: 2005. A nitrogen transport model for Camarthen Bay, Wales. Presented at: Proceedings of the XXXI IAHR Congress, Seoul, South Korea,

Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID: and Lagos, N. 2005. A problem solving approach to developing product support systems. Presented at: Innovative Production Machines and Systems (I*PROMS'05), Cardiff, UK, pp. 79-84.

Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID: and Lagos, N. 2005. Towards the integration of performance support and e-learning: context-aware product support systems. Presented at: OTM 2005 Workshop on Ontologies, Semantics and E-Learning (WOSE05), Aiya Napa, Greece, pp. 1149-1158.

Setchi, Rossitza M. ORCID:, Lagos, N. and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov 2005. Semantic modelling of product support knowledge. Presented at: Innovative Production Machines and Systems (I*PROM'05), Cardiff, UK, pp. 275-280.

Shafiu, A., Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: and Strbac, G. 2005. Measurement location for state estimation of distribution networks with generation. IEE Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution 152 (2) , pp. 240-246.

Shang, H., Anumba, C. J., Bouchlaghem, D. M., Miles, John Christopher, Cen, M. and Taylor, M. 2005. An intelligent risk assessment system for distributed construction teams. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 12 (4) , pp. 391-409.

Shaw, David John, Miles, John Christopher and Gray, William Alexander 2005. Conceptual design of geodesic domes. Presented at: 8th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Rome, Italy, Published in: Topping, B. H. V. ed. (28) Civil-Comp Press,

Shaw, David John, Miles, John Christopher and Gray, William Alexander 2005. Conceptual design of orthogonal commercial buildings. Presented at: 8th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Rome, Italy, Published in: Topping, B.H.V. ed. (1) Civil-Comp Press,

Shaw, David John, Miles, John Christopher and Gray, William Alexander 2005. Evolutionary computation for the topological design of framed buildings. Presented at: Computing in Civil Engineering, Cancun, Mexico, ASCE Reston,

Siddiqui, Rameez Asif, Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, Roger Ivor ORCID: and Prickett, Paul William ORCID: 2005. The role of emerging technologies in e-monitoring. Presented at: COMADEM International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Cranfield, UK, pp. 263-271.

Simonov, I. V. and Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal ORCID: 2005. A dislocation model for interaction for a weak zone with crack-like defects. Philosophical Magazine 85 (17) , pp. 1847-1864.

Snyder, John Evan, Vetterick, G. A. and Wang, D. 2005. Characterizattion of magnetorestriction and magnetomechanical effect in thin films for sensor applications. Presented at: 50th Conference on Magnetismand Magnetic Materials, San Jose, USA,

Song, S. H., Jiles, David and Snyder, John Evan 2005. Thermal expansion and magnetostriction in Pr5Ni2Si3 compounds. Presented at: INTERMAG International Magnetics Conference, Nagoya, Japan,

Song, S. H., Snyder, John Evan and Jiles, David 2005. Theoretical calculation of magnetic structure variation in Pr5Ni2Si3 compounds. Presented at: 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, USA,

Song, S. H., Snyder, John Evan, Wu, D., Lograsso, T. A., Dennis, K. W., McCallum, R. W., Janssen, Y. and Jiles, David 2005. Thermal expansion and magnetostriction in Pr5Ni2Si3. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (10) , pp. 3499-3501.

Song, S. H., Snyder, John Evan, Wu, D., Lograsso, T. A., Dennis, K. W., McCallum, R. W., Janssen, Y. and Jiles, David 2005. Thermal expansion and magnetostriction in Pr5Ni2Si3 single crystal. Presented at: Americal Physical Society, March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA,

Song, S. H., Pecharsky, A. O., Wu, D., Dennis, K. W., Pecharsky, V. K., Snyder, John Evan, Jiles, David, Lograsso, T. A. and McCallum, R. W. 2005. Thermal expansion and gruneisen parameters in some PrNiSi compounds. Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10) , 10M516. 10.1063/1.1853894

Spanadouki, K., Nanou, A., Stamou, A. I., Christodoulou, G., Sparks, T., Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Integrated surface/subsurface water modelling. Presented at: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes Island ,Greece, , vol.A pp. 1371-1376.

Spanoudaki, K., Nanou, A., Stamou, A. I., Christodoulou, G., Sparks, T., Bockelmann-Evans, Bettina Nicole ORCID: and Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: 2005. Integrated surface water-groundwater modelling. Global NEST Journal 7 (3) , pp. 281-295.

Spezi, Emiliano ORCID:, Angelini, A. L., Romani, F. and Ferri, A. 2005. Characterization of a 2D ion chamber array for the verification of radiotherapy treatments. Physics in Medicine and Biology 50 (14) , pp. 3361-3373. 10.1088/0031-9155/50/14/012

Spezi, Emiliano ORCID:, Angelini, A. L., Romani, F. and Ferri, A. 2005. IMRT plan verification using a 2D ion chamber array. Radiotherapy and Oncology 76 , S176-S177.

Stiewe, Christian, Bertini, Luca, Toprak, Muhammet, Christensen, Mogens, Platzek, Dieter, Williams, Simon, Gatti, Carlo, Muller, Eckhard, Iversen, Bo B., Muhammad, Mamoun and Rowe, David Michael 2005. Nanostructured Co1-xNix(Sb1-yTey)3 skutterudites: theoretical modeling, synthesis and thermoelectric properties. Journal of Applied Physics 97 (4) , 044317. 10.1063/1.1852072

Stoesser, Thorsten ORCID:, Neary, V. and Wilson, Catherine ORCID: 2005. Modelling vegetated channel flows: challenges and opportunities. Presented at: WSEAS (The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) Conference on Fluid Mechanics 2005, Corfu, Greece,

Strbac, G., Djapic, P., Bopp, T. and Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: 2005. Benefits of active management of distribution systems. Akermann, T., ed. Wind Power in Power Systems, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 461-476.


Tahert, Shamsi A., Menhaj, M. B. and Ahmadian, Reza ORCID: 2005. Sediment estimation in rivers using artificial neural network and comparison between super-critical and sub-critical results. Presented at: 5th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran, 8-10 November 2005.

Taylor, Mark John. 2005. Vice : An interface designed for complex engineering software : An application of virtual reality. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Theobald, Peter ORCID:, Benjamin, M., Nokes, Leonard Derek Martin ORCID: and Pugh, N. 2005. Review of the vascularisation of the human Achilles tendon. Injury 36 (11) , pp. 1267-1272. 10.1016/j.injury.2005.02.012

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Pace, N. A. 2005. CETRAD:Coordination Action on Education and Training in Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management - Final Report. [Project Report]. Brussels: European Commission. Available at:

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID: and Pace, N. A. 2005. Geological disposal of radioactive waste: review of European education and training: needs and capability. [Project Report].

Thomas, Hywel Rhys ORCID:, Cleall, Peter John ORCID:, Seetharam, S. C., Melhuish, T. A. and Tey, C. Y. 2005. Behaviour of engineered barriers - some recent advances. Presented at: International Conference on Problematic Soils (GEOPROB 2005), Famagusta, Cyprus,

Tripathy, Snehasis ORCID:, Leong, E. C. and Raharadjo, H. 2005. Suction of compacted residual soils. Presented at: Proceedings of the International Conference From Experimental evidence towards Numerical Modelling of Unsaturated Soil, Weimar, Germany, Published in: Schanz, T. ed. , vol.1 Springer Proceedings in Physics, pp. 111-122.


Ugalde Loo, Carlos Ernesto ORCID:, Liceaga-Castro, E. and Liceaga-Castro, J. 2005. 2x2 individual channel design MATLAB® Toolbox. Presented at: IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, Seville, Spain, 12-15 December 2005. 2005 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference : Seville, Spain, 12-15 December 2005. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 7603-7608. 10.1109/CDC.2005.1583389

Ugalde Loo, Carlos Ernesto ORCID:, Olguín Salinas, Daniel, Liceaga Castro, Eduardo and Liceaga Castro, Jesus Ulises 2005. Individual channel design for synchronous generators. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 4 (2) 10.2202/1553-779X.1145


Velichko, A. V., Abu-Bakar, M., Lancaster, M. J. and Porch, Adrian ORCID: 2005. Correlation of structural and linear electromagnetic properties of high-T-c thin films with their nonlinear microwave performance. Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (11) , pp. 1478-1482. 10.1088/0953-2048/18/11/012

Velten, T., Ruf, H .H., Barrow, David Anthony ORCID:, Lazarou, P., Jung, E., Malek, C.K., Richter, M., Kruckow, J. and Wackerle, M. 2005. Packaging of bio-MEMS: strategies, technologies and applications. IEEE Transactions on Integration and Packaging 28 (4) , pp. 533-546. 10.1109/TADVP.2005.858427


Wang, Wenwu, Sanei, Saeid and Chambers, Jonathon A 2005. Penalty function-based joint diagonalization approach for convolutive blind separation of non-stationary sources. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (5) , pp. 1654-1669. 10.1109/TSP.2005.845433

Wang, D., Yu, Y., Fu, C., Zhang, J., Wu, Jianzhong ORCID: and Jia, H. 2005. Security region based probabilistic security assessment of power transmission system. Presented at: Proceedings of IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference, Dalian, China, pp. 1-5.

Wang, Wenwu, Cosker, Darren P., Hicks, Yulia Alexandrovna ORCID:, Sanei, Saeid and Chambers, Jonathon A. 2005. Video assisted speech source separation. Presented at: ICASSP 2005. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 18-23 March 2005.

Watson, A. and Howson, William Paul 2005. Natural frequencies of spring supported Timoshenko beam-columns with linear taper. Presented at: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES'05), Chennai, India,

Watton, John and Holford, Karen Margaret ORCID: 2005. Industrial digital control in undergraduate fluid power courses: a student-centred approach using an active suspension test rig. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2 (2) , pp. 117-124.

Watton, John, Brown, K and Montague, R 2005. A machine vision measurement of slab camber in hot strip rolling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 168 (1) , pp. 172-180. 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2004.11.013

Wells, Peter Neil Temple ORCID: 2005. Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield KT CBE. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 51 (1) , pp. 221-235. 10.1098/rsbm.2005.0014

Wells, Peter Neil Temple ORCID: 2005. Ultrasound. Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences, Wiley, (10.1038/npg.els.0004076)

Williams, Frederic Ward, Kennedy, David ORCID:, Djoudi, M. S. and Yuan, S. 2005. A new relationship between linear and transcendental eigenproblems. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Berchtesgaden, Germany, pp. 87-89.

Williams, I, Moses, Anthony John and Tomida, T. 2005. Magnetic domain studies on cube textured silicon steel sheets. Presented at: 17th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM 17), Bratislava, Slovakia, (Abstra) p. 51.

Williams, Keith Philip and Coulton, R H 2005. Active treatment of mine water: A European perspective. Contemporary Reviews of Mine Water Studies, Mine Water and the Environment 24 (3) , pp. 55-58.

Williams, T., Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: and Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: 2005. Application of a novel active envelope load pull architecture in large signal device characterisation. Presented at: 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France,

Williams, Tudor, Tasker, Paul J. ORCID: and Benedikt, Johannes ORCID: 2005. Experimental evaluation of an active envelope load pull architecture for high speed device characterization. Presented at: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest 2005, IEEE, 10.1109/MWSYM.2005.1516980

Wilson, Catherine ORCID:, Schnauder, I., Mas, J. and Hoyt, J. 2005. Measuring the drag force of vegetation. Presented at: IAHR 31st Conference Congress, Seoul, Korea,

Wilson, Catherine ORCID:, Stoesser, T. and Bates, P. D. 2005. Open channel flow through vegetation. Bates, P. D., Lane, S. and Ferguson, R., eds. Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Environmental Hydraulics, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 395-428.

Witlox, H., Bowen, Philip John ORCID: and Cleary, V. 2005. Flashing Jets and Two-Phase Droplet Dispersion I. Experiments for Derivation of Droplet Atomisation Correlations. Presented at: Proceedings of Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Centre Symposium 'Beyond Regulatory Compliance: Making Safety Second Nature', Texas, USA, pp. 411-433.

Woollam, T., Williams, K., Griffiths, Anthony John and Hurst, K. 2005. Predicting household participation in kerbside recycling schemes. Presented at: 20th Solid Waste Technology Conference, Philadelphia, USA,

Woollam, T., Williams, Keith Philip, Griffiths, Anthony John and Marsh, Richard ORCID: 2005. Different waste awareness rising techniques and their effect on recycling rate. Presented at: 20th Solid Waste Technology & Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA,

Wu, Jianzhong ORCID: and Yu, Y 2005. Connectionism-based CBR method for distribution short-term nodal load forecasting. Presented at: TENCON 2005, Melbourne, Australia, 21-24 November 2005. Tencon 2005 - 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 21-24 November 2005. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, pp. 1302-137. 10.1109/TENCON.2005.301217

Wu, X., Zhang, Y., Arulampulam, A. and Jenkins, Nicholas ORCID: 2005. Electrical stability of large scale integration of micro-generation into low voltage grids. International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 1 (4) , pp. 279-298.

Wu, Yan, Falconer, Roger Alexander ORCID: and Lin, BinLiang ORCID: 2005. Modelling trace metal concentration distributions in estuarine waters. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 64 (4) , pp. 699-709. 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.04.005


Xie, Zhihua ORCID:, Lin, Jianguo and You, Xiaodan 2005. Comparative investigation of some high-order explicit schemes combined with QUICK for the convection-diffusion equation of pollutants. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Series A 20 , pp. 346-356.

Xue, Yiqin, Qin, Y. and Syred, Nicholas 2005. Controller prediction using artificial neural networks. Presented at: 4th Conference on Applied Cybernetics, London, UK, pp. 100-104.

Xue, Yiqin and Watton, John 2005. Modelling of a hydraulic power steering system. International Journal of Vehicle Design 38 (2/3) , pp. 162-178. 10.1504/IJVD.2005.007290

Xue, Yiqin and Yosup, M. Y. 2005. Time domain simulation of air transmission lines. Presented at: 8th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualisation (FLUCOME), Chengdu, China, (277)


Yang, Lei. 2005. Development of a hydroinformatics software tool: Enteric bacteria transport modelling associated with sediment transport. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Yang, Xin ORCID:, Wang, Yu Feng and Liu, Xiang Qian 2005. Circuit design from the ground up. 1st ed. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

Yang, Xin ORCID: and Zhang, K. L. 2005. The research of finger pulse analysis system with AT89C2051. Medical Equipment

Yokoi, Kensuke ORCID: 2005. Numerical method for interaction between multi-particle and complex structures. Physical Review E 72 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.046713

Yokoi, Kensuke ORCID:, Xiao, F., Liu, H. and Fukasaku, K. 2005. Three dimensional numerical simulation of flows with complex geometries in a regular Cartesian grid and its application to blood flow in cerebral artery with multiple aneurysms. Journal of Computational Physics 202 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.1016/


Zedan, Buthenah 2005. Characterisation of substation earth grid under high frequency and transient conditions. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Zhang, Y. H., Lin, J. H., Williams, Frederic Ward and Li, Q. S. 2005. Wave passage effect of seismic ground motions on the response of multiply supported structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 20 (6) , pp. 655-672.

Zhang, Zhuo 2005. Sinusoidal frequency estimation with applications to ultrasound. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Zhao, H., Griffiths, Huw, Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Ainsley, A., Ainsley, F. and Frame, D. 2005. Effect of the auxiliary electrode location on measured potential profiles at large substations. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering(ISH), Beijing, China, , vol.B

Zhao, H., Griffiths, Huw, Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID:, Ainsley, A., Ainsley, F. and Frame, D. 2005. Error in step and touch voltage measurements at large substations. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), Beijing, China, , vol.B

Zhao, Huiliang, Griffiths, Huw, Haddad, Abderrahmane ORCID: and Ainsley, A. 2005. Safety limit-curves for earthing system designs: appraisal of standard recommendations. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution 152 (6) , pp. 871-879. 10.1049/ip-gtd:20050007

Zhu, Hanxing ORCID:, Fleck, Norman A., Cocks, Alan C. F. and Evans, A. G. 2005. Numerical simulations of crack formation from pegs in thermal barrier systems with NiCoCrAlY bond coats. Materials Science and Engineering A 404 (1-2) , pp. 26-32. 10.1016/j.msea.2005.05.033

Zhu, Jie. and Barrow, David Anthony ORCID: 2005. Analysis of droplet size during crossflow membrane emulsification using stationary and vibrating micromachined silicon nitride membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 261 (1-2) , pp. 136-144. 10.1016/j.memsci.2005.02.038

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y., Boglietti, A., Cavagino, A. and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Frequency evolution of the loss components in a conducting hysteretic ferromagnet. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling, Budapest, Hungary, 30 May - 1 June 2005.

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y., Marketos, Philip and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Viscosity-based magnetodynamic model of soft magnetic materials for prediction of behaviour under non-standard conditions. Presented at: British Electromagnetic Measurements Conference Proceedings, Teddington, UK, pp. 115-121.

Zirka, S. E., Moroz, Y. I., Marketos, P. and Moses, Anthony John 2005. A viscous-type dynamic hysteresis model as a tool for loss separation in a conducting ferromagnetic lamination. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (3) , pp. 1109-1111. 10.1109/TMAG.2004.830228

Zurek, S. and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Adaptive iterative digital feedback algorithm for measurements of magnetic properties under controlled magnetising conditions over a wide frequency range. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 81 , pp. 5-8.

Zurek, S. and Meydan, Turgut ORCID: 2005. Correction of triggering and interchannel delay in alternating and two-dimensional measurements of magnetic properties. Przegald Elektrotechniczny 81 (5) , pp. 78-81.

Zurek, Stanislas, Marketos, Philip, Meydan, Turgut ORCID: and Moses, Anthony John 2005. Use of novel adaptive digital feedback for magnetic measurements under controlled magnetising conditions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (11) , pp. 4242-4249. 10.1109/TMAG.2005.854438

Zurek, Stanislaw 2005. Two-dimensional magnetisation problems in electrical steels. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

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