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Number of items: 109.


Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID: 2020. Cifuentes-Goodbody, Nicholas: The man who wrote Pancho Villa: Martín Luis Guzmán and the politics of life writing. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. 2016. xiv + 208 pp. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 97 (5) , pp. 9-10. 10.1080/14753820.2020.1790974

Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID: 2020. Me duele ver la destrucción del Cuzco: Conversación con Luis Nieto Degregori. New Readings 17 (1) , pp. 20-47. 10.18573/newreadings.109

Asoni, Ettore 2020. Paramilitarism without paramilitaries: 'Tres Caínes' and the representation of paramilitarism on Colombian TV screens. New Readings 17 (2) , pp. 1-23. 10.18573/newreadings.112

Beaney, Rachel 2020. Orphans at play in Cría cuervos (1976) and Estiu 1993 (2017): reconsidering the playspace. Forum for Modern Language Studies 56 (4) , 367–388. 10.1093/fmls/cqaa047

Burdett, Charles, Havely, Nick and Polezzi, Loredanna ORCID: 2020. The transnational/translational in Italian studies. Italian Studies 75 (2) , pp. 223-236. 10.1080/00751634.2020.1744869

Cantarello, Matteo 2020. New Culprits, True Culprits: The Re-politicization of Mexican 'Organized Crime' in 'Crimen de estado' (2009) and 'Ingobernable' (2017–2018). New Readings 17 (2) , pp. 24-47. 10.18573/newreadings.113

Chafer, Tony, Cumming, Gordon D. ORCID: and van der Velde, Roel ORCID: 2020. France’s interventions in Mali and the Sahel: a historical institutionalist perspective. Journal of Strategic Studies 43 (4) , pp. 482-507. 10.1080/01402390.2020.1733987

Chafer, Tony and Cumming, Gordon D. ORCID: 2020. France in the Sahel: a case of the reluctant multilateralist. The Conversation

Chung, Elaine ORCID: and Wang, Xuan ORCID: 2020. Exploring Chinese poetry using Adobe Spark Video. Modern Languages Open 1 , 40. 10.3828/mlo.v0i0.290

Clarke, David ORCID: and Duber, Paweł 2020. Polish cultural diplomacy and historical memory: the case of the museum of the second world war in Gdańsk. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 33 , pp. 49-66. 10.1007/s10767-018-9294-x

Dowling, Andrew ORCID: 2020. La Assemblea Nacional Catalana: las limitaciones estratégicas de un movimiento social sui generis. Historia del Presente 35 (1) , pp. 53-68.

Ducoux, Antoine 2020. Writing under the influence: The fiction of the artist under contract in novels of organized crime from Italy and Mexico. New Readings 17 (2) , pp. 48-69. 10.18573/newreadings.114

Feldner, Heiko ORCID: 2020. 文化创意的增殖 — 数字资本主义与知识共享间的文化经济. Research on Marxist Aesthetics 22 (1) , pp. 20-30.

Gorrara, Claire ORCID:, Jenkins, Lucy, Jepson, Eira and Llewelyn Machin, Tallulah 2020. Persbectifau amlieithog: paratoi ar gyfer dysgu ieithoedd yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31 (2) , e70-e84. 10.1002/curj.46

Gorrara, Claire ORCID:, Jenkins, Lucy, Jepson, Eira and MacHin, Tallulah 2020. Multilingual perspectives: preparing for language learning in the new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31 (2) , pp. 244-257. 10.1002/curj.11

Hammond, Charlotte ORCID: 2020. Stitching time: artisanal collaboration and slow fashion in post-disaster Haiti. Fashion Theory 24 (1) , pp. 33-57. 10.1080/1362704X.2018.1441001

Hood, Christopher ORCID: 2020. Disaster narratives by design: Is Japan different? International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 38 (2) , pp. 176-200.
Item availability restricted.

Hood, Christopher ORCID: 2020. An anthropology of the machine: Tokyo’s commuter train network, by Michael Fisch, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018, 320 pp., ISBN 9780226558554 [Review]. Social Science Japan Journal 23 (2) , pp. 346-348. 10.1093/ssjj/jyaa004

Hood, Christopher ORCID: 2020. Developing a model to explain modifications to public transportation accident memorials. Mortality 25 (4) , pp. 449-469. 10.1080/13576275.2019.1702009

Hood, Christopher ORCID: 2020. Tragic remembrance, global sorrow: book review of Aya Fujiwara and David R. Marples (eds.), Hiroshima-75: Nuclear Issues in Global Contexts [Book Review]. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 20 (2)

Illingworth, James 2020. "Elle n'a pas besoin qu'on la défende, seulement qu'on la comprenne": George Sand et les transcendantalistes américains. Cahiers George Sand 42 , pp. 87-104.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID: 2020. The hidden violence of retranslation: Mahfouz’s Awlād Ḥāratinā in English. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 26 (2) , pp. 145-162. 10.1080/13556509.2020.1751472

Laws, Norman and Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. “A future to believe in”: introducing varieties of advocacy journalism. The examples sustainability and the Sanders campaign. Journalism Studies 21 (9) , pp. 1261-1283. 10.1080/1461670x.2020.1742773

Messina, Marcello 2020. 'Mezzogiorno di fuoco e sangue': Narratives of Organized Crime and Stereotypes of the South in Songs from Northern and Central Italy. New Readings 17 (2) , pp. 91-104. 10.18573/newreadings.116

Pakuła, Łukasz and Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. When the obligation to be neutral becomes the right to discriminate: discursive struggles over LGBT+ rights at Polish universities. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 59 (3) , pp. 1758-1783. 10.1590/010318138831011120201204

Perez-Nieto, Nazaret 2020. Entrevista a la profesora Nazaret Pérez-Nieto. TECLA 2020 (1)

Phillips, Amber 2020. 'Old Mafia' and 'New Mafia' in the Novels of Saverio Strati, 1957–1977. New Readings 17 (2) , pp. 70-90. 10.18573/newreadings.115

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2020. V for vivienda, V for viñeta: Housing policy and spaces for living in Spanish comics and graphic novels. Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 10.1080/24741604.2020.1827611

Ramadhani Mussa, Kombola T. ORCID: 2020. Orality and written culture in Italian migrant literature: the work of Yousif Jaralla. Italian Studies 75 (3) , pp. 365-378. 10.1080/00751634.2020.1775399

Sanjurjo, Jesús ORCID: 2020. 'Without liberty there is no honour’, nor democracy. Cuba, slavery and abolitionism in nineteenth century Spain’s empire. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 26 (2) , pp. 137-148. 10.1080/14701847.2020.1789377

Sanjurjo, Jesus ORCID: and Barcia, Manuel 2020. New approaches to the comparative abolition in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Atlantic Studies 17 (3) , pp. 297-301. 10.1080/14788810.2020.1760019

Silvestri, Angelo M. 2020. Philippa Hoskin. 'Robert Grosseteste and the 13th-century diocese of Lincoln: an English bishop's pastoral vision'. [Book Review]. Journal of British Studies 59 (2) 10.1017/jbr.2019.276

Tarantini, Angela Tiziana ORCID: and Griffiths, Christian 2020. Introduction to "Rome in Shakespeare’s Tragedies" by De Lorenzo: How Shakespearean material was appropriated by translators and scholars during the Fascist Period. Chronotopos - A Journal of Translation History 1 (2) , pp. 144-177. 10.25365/cts-2019-1-2-8

Terrón Barbosa, Lourdes 2020. "Rupture": surréalisme révolutionnaire 1935. New Readings 17 (1) , pp. 48-55. 10.18573/newreadings.110

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. Covid-19 as symptom: notes on the production of a virus. MR Online
Item availability restricted.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. 'E' il virus economico, stupido!' Naturalizzazione della crisi e ritorni al futuro del capitalismo zombie. Il rasoio di Occam

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. El genio fuera de la botella: Lacan y la soledad del capitalismo global. Demarcaciones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 8 , pp. 45-70.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. Homo Pandemicus: COVID ideology and panic consumption. Crisis and Critique 7 (3) , pp. 447-459.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. La causa assente: tempo e lavoro all'epoca del coronavirus. MicroMega
Item availability restricted.

Wang, Xuan ORCID: and Wu, Xiaoli 2020. WeChat-mediated simulation and the learning of business chinese. Modern Languages Open 1 (42) , pp. 1-13. 10.3828/mlo.v0i0.300

Watt, Sophie 2020. Thompson, Céline and Tavernier: An Historical Echo Chamber of Western Imperial Ideology. New Readings 17 (2) , pp. 105-123. 10.18573/newreadings.117

Whitfield, Joey ORCID: 2020. Forms of dissidence: 'Celestino antes del alba' and 'El mundo alucinante' by Reinaldo Arenas. New Readings 17 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.18573/newreadings.111

Whitfield, Joseph ORCID: and Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID: 2020. Fictions of organized crime: introduction. New Readings 17 (2) , i-vi. 10.18573/newreadings.118

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2020. Multilingual encounters in the contact zone. The transnational film adaptations of Tabucchi’s Dama de Porto Pim and Nocturne indien. Italian Studies 75 (4) , pp. 487-501. 10.1080/00751634.2020.1820820

Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: 2020. Translating Pessoa: agency, creativity, refraction. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 26 (4) , pp. 380-393. 10.1080/13556509.2020.1904723

Zhuang, Jensen Chengyu and He, Yun 2020. Managing multiple identities: A new perspective on compliment responses in Chinese. East Asian Pragmatics 5 (1) , pp. 9-39. 10.1558/eap.38489


Parker, Stephen ORCID:, ed. 2020. Die Wedekinds in Amerika: Das Journal amoureux seines Vaters – übersetzt von Frank Wedekind. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.

Coss, P., Dennis, C., Julian-Jones, M. ORCID: and Silvestri, A., eds. 2020. Episcopal power and personality in medieval Europe 900-1480. Medieval Church Studies, Brepols Publishers.

Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID:, ed. 2020. Poesías completas de José María Heredia (edición crítica). Madrid and Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert.

Beaney, Rachel and Young, Samuel, eds. 2020. Question Journal. Issue 5. Exchange. AHRC.

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID:, Hanna, Sameh and El-Farahaty, Hanem, eds. 2020. The Routledge handbook of Arabic translation. Routledge Handbooks, Routledge.

Hemmens, Alastair ORCID: and Zacarias, Gabriel, eds. 2020. The situationist international: a critical handbook. London: Pluto Press. 10.2307/j.ctvzsmdw0

Pauer, Erich and Meade, Ruselle ORCID:, eds. 2020. Technical knowledge in early modern Japan. Renaissance Books.

Burdett, Charles and Loredana, Polezzi, eds. 2020. Transnational Italian studies. Transnational Modern Languages, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Berger, Stefan, Feldner, Heiko ORCID: and Passmore, Kevin ORCID:, eds. 2020. Writing history: Theory and practice. London: Bloomsbury.

Diamond, Hanna ORCID: 2020. 1940: les Parisiens dans l'exode. Paris: Paris Musées.

Griffiths, Kate ORCID: 2020. Zola and the art of television: adaptation, recreation, translation. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association.

Griffiths, Kate ORCID: and Watts, Andrew 2020. The history of French literature on film. The History of World Literatures on Film, London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Hennemann, Monika ORCID: 2020. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys Opernprojekte im kulturellen Kontext der deutschen Opern- und Librettogeschichte, 1820-1850. Wehrhahn.

Moore, Kerry ORCID: and Lloyd, Sian Morgan ORCID: 2020. Reporting on poverty: news media narratives and third sector communications in Wales. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. 10.18573/book4

Piskorski, Rodolfo 2020. Derrida and textual animality: for a zoogrammatology of literature. Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature, Palgrave Macmillan. 10.1007/978-3-030-51732-8

Book Section

Beaney, Rachel 2020. Los herederos de Ibáñez Serrador: El juego y el niño huérfano en el cine de terror español. Arribas, Victoria Aranda, ed. La mirada pequeña. Narradores infantiles en la literatura y el cine, Shangrila, pp. 133-149.

Berendse, Gerrit-Jan 2020. The gravitational pull of the Old World: Karl Wolfskehl's stagnated poetic oeuvre in New Zealand. Steinberg, Swen and Grenville, Anthony, eds. Refugees from Nazi-Occupied Europe in British Overseas Territories, Brill, pp. 231-245.

Burdett, Charles and Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2020. Transnational Italian studies: introduction. Burdett, Charles and Polezzi, Loredana, eds. Transnational Italian Studies, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 1-21.

Chafer, Tony, Cumming, Gordon D. ORCID: and van der Velde, Roel ORCID: 2020. France's interventions in Mali and the Sahel: a historical institutionalist perspective. Recchia, Stefano and Tardy, Thierry, eds. French Interventions in Africa: Reluctant Multilateralism, Abingdon and New York: Routledge,

Chafer, Tony, Cumming, Gordon D. ORCID: and van der Velde, Roel ORCID: 2020. France's interventions in Mali and the Sahel: A historical institutionalist perspective. Recchia, Stefano and Tardy, Thierry, eds. French Interventions in Africa: Reluctant Multilateralism, Routledge, pp. 10-35.

Chojnicka, Joanna 2020. Transition narratives on Polish transblogs: a discursive colonization approach. Wiedlack, Katharina, Shoshanova, Saltanat, Godovannaya, Masha and Neufeld, Masha, eds. Queering Paradigms VIII: Queer-Feminist Solidarity and the East/West Divide, Vol. 10. Queering Paradigms, Peter Lang,

Clarke, David ORCID: 2020. Cultural diplomacy. Oxford Research Encyclopedias: International Studies, Oxford University Press, (10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.543)

Dennis, Chris, Julian-Jones, Melissa ORCID: and Silvestri, Angelo 2020. Introduction. Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe 900-1480, Vol. 42. Medieval Church Studies, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers,

Dowling, Andrew ORCID: 2020. Introduction. The Madness, by Narcís Oller. Translated by Douglas Suttle, London: Fum d'Estampa Press, pp. 7-17.

Gorrara, Claire ORCID: 2020. Recrafting the past: Graphic novels, the Third Generation and twenty-first century representations of the Holocaust. Lassner, Phylis and Aarons, Victoria, eds. Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 575-592.

Griffiths, Kate ORCID: 2020. Therese Raquin and the anxieties of adaptation. Lewis, Ann and Arnold-de Simine, Silke, eds. Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualization, Interpretatio, Cambridge: Legenda,

Hood, Christopher ORCID: 2020. Nakasone and JL123/Nakasone to Nikkō 123-bin. Toko, Aoyama and Cho, eds. Nikkō 123-bin Tsuiraku Atsuryoku Kakuheiki Setsu-o Kutsugaesu, Tokyo: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, pp. 218-229.

Kantara, Argyro 2020. Populism as mainstream politicians’ political style during the 2012 Greek election campaign. Kranert, Michael, ed. Discursive Approaches to Populism Across Disciplines: The return of Populists and the People, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 405-431. (10.1007/978-3-030-55038-7_15)

Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab ORCID:, Hanna, Sameh and El-Farahaty, Hanem 2020. Introduction: The reality of Arabic translation and interpreting. Khalifa, Abdel-Wahab, Hanna, Sameh and El-Farahaty, Hanem, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation, Routledge Handbooks, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-6.

Lambert, Joseph 2020. Professional translator ethics. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics, Routledge, (10.4324/9781003127970-14/professional-translator-ethics-joseph-lambert)

Langford, Rachael ORCID: 2020. The Sole of Africa: Shoes in Borom Sarret (1963), La Noire de…/Black Girl (1966) and Hyènes/Hyenas (1992). Ezra, Elizabeth and Wheatley, Catherine, eds. Shoe ReShoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film els: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,

McCabe, Janet, Liarou, Eleni, Agger, Gunhild, Akass, Kim, Buonanno, Milly, Chung, Elaine ORCID:, Delveroudi, Eliza-Anna, Esan, Oluyinka, Horsley-Heather, Emma, Jackson, Vanessa, Jedličková, Jana, Kirsch, Griselds, Leman, Joy, Mello, Cecília, Mithani, Forum, Stolyar, Julia, Sawhney, Rashmi and Turnbull, Sue 2020. Researching women's television history. Ross, Karen, Bachmann, Ingrid, Cardo, Valentina, Moorti, Sujata and Scarcelli, Marco, eds. The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication, John Wiley & Sons, (10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc241)

Perez-Nieto, Nazaret and Nebot, Nadia 2020. The Cardiff University buddy scheme: how to prepare outgoing students using the experience of the year abroad and final-year students. Salin, Sandra, Hall, Damien and Hampton, Cathy, eds. Perspectives on the year abroad: a selection of papers from YAC2018,, pp. 42-52. (10.14705/rpnet.2020.39.1050)

Polezzi, Loredana ORCID: 2020. Translation and transnational creative practices in Italian culture. Burdett, Charles and Polezzi, Loredana, eds. Transnational Italian Studies, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 25-46.

Prout, Ryan ORCID: 2020. Still waters run deep: Disability counter currents in La Piscina (2012). Hartwig, Susanne, ed. Inclusión, integración, diferenciación: la diversidad funcional en la literatura, el cine y las artes escénica, Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 275-291.

Schweissinger, Marc J. 2020. Gerhart Hauptmann und Hermann Bahr: Moderne zwischen Naturalismus und Expressionismus. Bruyn, Wolfgang De, Ploetz, Franziska and Rohlfs, Stefan, eds. Theodor Fontane, Gerhart Hauptmann und die vergessene Moderne, Quintus-Verlag, pp. 322-351.

Schweissinger, Marc J. 2020. Gerhart Hauptmanns späte Dramen Dorothea Angermann und vor Sonnenuntergang im Kontext des bürgerlichen und sozialen Trauerspiels. Białek, Edward and Czarnecka, Mirosława, eds. Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann im ästhetischen Diskurs ihrer Zeit, Leipziger Universitatsverlag, pp. 258-279.

Tinelli, Giacomo and Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. Cinico TV, or trouble in hell. Summerfield, Giovanna, ed. Sicily on Screen: Essays on the Representation of the Island and Its Culture, McFarland, pp. 100-117.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. Covid-19 e altre grandi narrazioni del capitalismo di crisi. Malvicini, Massimiliano, ed. Il governo dell'emergenza. Politica, scienza e diritto al cospetto della pandemia Covid-19, Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 51-79.

Wang, Xuan ORCID: 2020. Chronotopes and heritage authenticity: The case of the Tujia in China. Kroon, Sjaak and Swanenberg, Jos, eds. Chronotopic Identity Work: Sociolinguistic Analyses of Cultural and Linguistic Phenomena in Time and Space, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 105-127.

Webster, Paul ORCID: 2020. A poisoned chalice? Crown, church and reputation in the in careers of King John's bishops. Coss, Peter, Dennis, Chris, Julian-Jones, Melissa and Silvestri, Angelo, eds. Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, 900-1480, Medieval Church Studies, vol. 42. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 285-303.

Whitfield, Joey ORCID: 2020. Anarcha-feminism, prison and utopia: the abolitionist politics of Alison Spedding’s De cuando en cuando Saturnina (2004) and La segunda vez como farsa (2008). Kelly, Michelle and Westall, Claire, eds. Prison Writing and the Literary World: Imprisonment, Institutionality and Questions of Literary Practice, Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, London: Routledge,

Whitfield, Joey ORCID: 2020. Communicating beyond the human: posthumanism, neo-shamanism and Ciro Guerra’s El abrazo de la serpiente. Bollington, Lucy and Merchant, Paul, eds. Latin American Culture and the Limits of the Human, Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 177-202.

Conference or Workshop Item

Chabert, Catherine 2020. UNILANG workshop. Presented at: 21st AULC Annual Conference January 2020, Maynooth, Ireland, 9-10 January 2020.

Perez-Nieto, Nazaret and Llop-Naya, Ares 2020. Impact of task-based projects for transition from university to placements abroad: the case of students of Spanish as a foreign language. Presented at: InnoConf20, Virtual, 18 September 2020. 10.14705/rpnet.2022.56.1379

Perez-Nieto, Nazaret 2020. Translation into Spanish assessment: new approaches to new challenges. Presented at: 4th Modern Languages Teaching Forum, Virtual, 2 December 2020.


Beaney, Rachel, Burdett, Charles, Cazzoli, Marcela, Critchley, Mark, Deacon, Amanda, Gorrara, Claire ORCID:, Kohl, Katrin, Langford, Rachael, Miranda-Barreiro, David, Stewart, Evan, Whitfield, Joey and Wren-Owens, Liz ORCID: Beaney, Rachel, Gorrara, Clarie, Kohl, Katrin and Wren-Owens, Liz, eds. 2020. (Re)creating modern languages: conversations about the curriculum in UK higher education. [Project Report]. Creative Multilingualism. Available at:

Clarke, David ORCID:, Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, Weronika, bin Ibad, Umber and Wawrzyniak, Joanna 2020. The role of cultural practitioners in managing memories of disputed territories: a literature review. Bath: DisTerrMem. Available at:


Davies, Miranda Katherine 2020. The impossible, powerful spaces of BBC radio adaptation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Martinez, Nicolas 2020. Reframing the Western in Bande Dessinée: Translation, adaptation, localization. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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Munyard, Stephanie Faye 2020. Defying and defining the darkness: Translating French memories of the Holocaust. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Neale-Edwards, Charlotte 2020. The Europeanisation of national systems of innovation: A comparison of the Czech Republic and Hungary. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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Peng, Yu 2020. Translating humour using subtitles(Chinese to English). PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Solli, Kristine 2020. The reporting of the EU in the print media and the development of Eurosceptic movements: A case study of Britain and Norway. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Website Content

Arfon, Elin ORCID: 2020. The curriculum for Wales' plurilingual journey: from policy to practice. [Online]. British Council Wales. Available at:

Beaney, Rachel 2020. Considering oppositional practices in Arantxa Echevarría’s ‘Carmen y Lola’ (2018). [Online]. modernlanguagesresearch.blogs: Institute of Modern Languages Research. Available at:

Hammond, Charlotte ORCID: 2020. “The question was whether to die of hunger or coronavirus”: garment factories reopen in Haiti despite fears. [Online]. Available at:

Meade, Ruselle ORCID: 2020. Translating COVID-19 and Japan: a historical reflection on the social standing of scientists. [Online]. Teach311 + TeachCOVID-19. Available at:

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. The absent cause: time, work and value in the age of coronavirus. [Online]. The Philosophical Salon: Los Angeles Review of Books.

Vighi, Fabio ORCID: 2020. Homo Pandemicus: ideologia COVID e nuove frontiere del consumo. [Online]. Filosofia in Movimento. Available at:

Wang, Xuan ORCID: and Varis, Piia 2020. Superdiversità su internet un caso dalla Cina. [Online]. Milan: Kabul Magazine. Available at:

Teaching Resource

Perez-Nieto, Nazaret 2020. El mal querer de Rosalía en la clase de ELE: secuencia didáctica para el análisis de aspectos lingüísticos, culturales y de mediación en Pienso en tu mirá. [Teaching Resource]

Sanz Mingo, Carlos 2020. Los "maquis", o la oposición guerrillera a la dictadura de Franco. [Teaching Resource]

This list was generated on Thu Sep 26 17:58:49 2024 BST.