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make_name_string expected hash reference ORCID: and make_name_string expected hash reference 2001. Latency associated promoter transgene expression in the central nervous system after stereotaxic delivery of replication-defective HSV-1-based vectors. Gene Therapy 8 (14) , pp. 1057-1071. 10.1038/

Agodi, A., Mahenthiralingam, Eshwar ORCID:, Barchitta, M., Giannino, V., Sciacca, A. and Stefani, S. 2001. Burkholderia cepacia complex infection in Italian patients with cystic fibrosis: prevalence, epidemiology, and genomovar status. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 39 (8) , pp. 2891-2896. 10.1128/JCM.39.8.2891-2896.2001

Ali, Abdi Rashid and Evans, Peter J. 2001. Utilization of amino acids in growing kidney proximal tubule cell cultures. Cell Biology International 25 (5) , pp. 451-465. 10.1006/cbir.2000.0667

Alonzi, Tonino, Middleton, Gayle, Wyatt, Sean Lee ORCID:, Buchman, Vladimir L. ORCID:, Ulrich, A. K. Betz, Muller, Werner, Musiani, Piero, Poli, Valeria and Davies, Alun M. ORCID: 2001. Role of STAT3 and PI 3-Kinase/Akt in mediating the survival actions of cytokines on sensory neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 18 (3) , pp. 270-282. 10.1006/mcne.2001.1018

Andres, Rosa, Forgie, Alison, Wyatt, Sean Lee ORCID:, Chen, Qi, de Sauvage, Frederic J. and Davies, Alun M. ORCID: 2001. Multiple effects of artemin on sympathetic neurone generation, survival and growth. Development 128 (19) , pp. 3685-3695.

Archer, Charles William, Salter, Donald M., Khan, Ilyas Mahmood, Baylis, Mike T., Thomson, Brian M. and Archer, Charles W. 2001. Expression of Clusterin in the Superficial Zone of Bovine Articular Cartilage. Arthritis & Rheumatism 44 (8) , pp. 1795-1799. 10.1002/1529-0131(200108)44:8<1795::AID-ART316>3.0.CO;2-K

Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, Sian Wyn ORCID: 2001. Density-dependent refuge use among over-wintering wild Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Fish Biology 58 (6) , pp. 1524-1530. 10.1006/jfbi.2001.1554

Baines, D. L., MacGregor, G. G. and Kemp, Paul J. ORCID: 2001. Fatty acid modulation and sequence identity of fetal guinea pig alveolar type II cell amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 288 (3) , pp. 727-735. 10.1006/bbrc.2001.5828

Baker, Matthew Douglas, Gutman, Delia M., Papageorgiou, Anastassios C., Collins, Carleen M. and Acharya, K. Ravi 2001. Structural features of a zinc binding site in the superantigen strepococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A (SpeA1): implications for MHC class II recognition. Protein Science 10 (6) , pp. 1268-1273. 10.1110/ps.330101

Barker, Victoria, Middleton, Gayle, Davey, Fleur and Davies, Alun M. ORCID: 2001. TNFalpha contributes to the death of NGF-dependent neurons during development. Nature Neuroscience , pp. 1194-1198. 10.1038/nn755

Baunez, C., Humby, Trevor ORCID:, Eagle, D. M., Ryan, L. J., Dunnett, Stephen Bruce ORCID: and Robbins, T. W. 2001. Effects of STN lesions on simple vs choice reaction time tasks in the rat: preserved motor readiness, but impaired response selection. European Journal of Neuroscience 13 (8) , pp. 1609-1616. 10.1046/j.0953-816x.2001.01521.x

Bax, Benjamin ORCID:, Carter, Paul S., Lewis, Ceri, Guy, Angela R., Bridges, Angela, Tanner, Robert, Pettman, Gary, Mannix, Chris, Culbert, Ainsley A., Brown, Murray J.B., Smith, David G. and Reith, Alastair D. 2001. The structure of phosphorylated GSK-3β complexed with a peptide, FRATtide, that inhibits β-catenin phosphorylation. Structure 9 (12) , pp. 1143-1152. 10.1016/S0969-2126(01)00679-7

Beaumont, M., Barrat, E. M., Gottelli, D., Kitchener, A. C., Daniels, M. J., Pritchard, J. K. and Bruford, Michael William ORCID: 2001. Genetic diversity and introgression in the Scottish Wildcat. Molecular Ecology 10 (2) , pp. 319-336. 10.1046/j.1365-294x.2001.01196.x

Beckmann, Manfred and Lloyd, David ORCID: 2001. Extraction and identification of volatile organic substances (VOS) from Scottish peat cores. Atmospheric Environment 35 (1) , pp. 79-86. 10.1016/S1352-2310(00)00290-9

Beckmann, Manfred and Lloyd, David ORCID: 2001. Mass spectrometric monitoring of gases (CO2', CH4', O2) in a mesotrophic peat core from Kopparas Mire, Sweden. Global Change Biology 7 (2) , pp. 171-180. 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2001.00396.x

Beckmann, Manfred and Lloyd, David ORCID: 2001. Mass spectrometric monitoring of gases (CO2, CH4, O2) in a mesotrophic peat core from Kopparås Mire, Sweden. Global Change Biology 7 (2) , 171--180. 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2001.00396.x

Benzel, Isabel, Barde, Yves-Alain ORCID: and Casademunt, Elisabeth 2001. Strain-specific complementation between NRIF1 and NRIF2, two zinc finger proteins sharing structural and biochemical properties. Gene 281 (1-2) , pp. 19-30. 10.1016/S0378-1119(01)00730-2

Berube, Kelly ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Sexton, Keith John and Richards, Roy J. 2001. A Comparison of Indoor and Outdoor PM10 Mass and Related particles [Abstract]. Experimental Lung Research 27 (1) , p. 77. 10.1080/01902140119933

Biagini, GA, Park, JH, Lloyd, D ORCID: and Edwards, MR 2001. The antioxidant potential of pyruvate in the amitochondriate diplomonads Giardia intestinalis and Hexamita inflata. Microbiology 147 (12) , 3359--3365. 10.1099/00221287-147-12-3359

Blain, Emma Jane ORCID:, Gilbert, Sophie Jane, Wardale, Robert John, Capper, S. J., Mason, Deborah Jane ORCID: and Duance, Victor Colin ORCID: 2001. Up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression and activation following cyclical compressive loading of articular cartilage in vitro. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 396 (1) , pp. 49-55. 10.1006/abbi.2001.2575

Boag, B., Lello, Joanne ORCID:, Tompkins, D. M. and Hudson, P. J. 2001. Patterns of parasite aggregation in the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). International Journal of Parasitology 31 (13) , pp. 1421-8. 10.1016/S0020-7519(01)00270-3

Boddy, Lynne ORCID: and Donnelly, D.P. 2001. Mycelial dynamics during interactions between Stropharia caerulea and other cord-forming, saprotrophic basidiomycetes. New Phytologist Vol 15 (Issue) , pp. 691-704. 10.1046/j.0028-646x.2001.00211.x

Bolton, M., Medeiros Mirra, Renata and Fraga, H. 2001. Potential flight range of snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis occurring in the Azores Islands in late March: a first analysis. Arquipelago 18 (A) , pp. 93-95.

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. M., Heinrichsdorff, F., Mao, M. -H. and Bimberg, D. 2001. Coherent versus incoherent dynamics in InAs quantum-dot active wave guides. Journal of Applied Physics 89 (11) , pp. 6542-6544. 10.1063/1.1367410

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Hvam, J. M., Heinrichsdorff, F., Mao, M.-H. and Bimberg, D. 2001. Spectral hole-burning and carrier-heating dynamics in quantum-dot amplifiers: comparison with bulk amplifiers. Physica Status Solidi (b) 224 (2) , pp. 419-423. 10.1002/1521-3951(200103)224:2<419::AID-PSSB419>3.0.CO;2-J

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Schneider, S., Woggon, U., Sellin, R. L., Ouyang, D. and Bimberg, D. 2001. Ultralong Dephasing Time in InGaAs Quantum Dots. Physical Review Letters (PRL) 87 (15) , 157401. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.157401

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Woggon, U., Jensen, J. R. and Hvam, J. M. 2001. Biexcitons or bipolaritons in a semiconductor microcavity? Presented at: 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Osaka, Japan, 17-22 September 2000. Published in: Miura, Norio and Ando, T. eds. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors Part I. Springer Proceedings in Physics (87) Berlin: Springer, pp. 681-682.

Borri, Paola ORCID:, Schneider, R., Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Woggon, U., Zhukov, A. E., Ustinov, V. M., Ledentsov, N. N., Alferov, Zh. I., Ouyang, D. and Bimberg, D. 2001. Ultrafast carrier dynamics and dephasing in InAs quantum-dot amplifiers emitting near 1.3-μm-wavelength at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters 79 (16) , pp. 2633-2635. 10.1063/1.1411986

Boulter, Catherine, Mulroy, S., Webb, S., Fleming, S., Brindle, K. and Sandford, R. 2001. Cardiovascular, skeletal, and renal defects in mice with a targeted disruption of the Pkd1 gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98 (21) , pp. 12174-12179. 10.1073/pnas.211191098

Bradshaw, A, Beckmann, M, Stevens, R and Slater, Frederick Maurice 2001. Anal scent gland secretion of the European otter (Lutra lutra). Presented at: Ninth International Symposium on Chemical SIgnals in Vertebrates, Krakow, Poland, 25-29 July 2000. Published in: Marchlewska-Koj, A., Lepri, J. and Muller-Schwarze, D. eds. CHEMICAL SIGNALS IN VERTEBRATES 9. Chemical Signals in Vertebrae , vol.9 (9) New York, NY: Kluwer, pp. 313-319.

Brandstetter, Hans, Kim, Jeong-Sun, Groll, Michael and Huber, Robert 2001. Crystal structure of the tricorn protease reveals a protein dissassembly line. Nature , pp. 466-470. 10.1038/35106609

Buchanan, Katherine Louise, Evans, Matthew R., Goldsmith, Arthur R., Bryant, David M. and Rowe, Louise V. 2001. Testosterone influences basal metabolic rate in male house sparrows: a new cost of dominance signalling? Proceedings. Biological sciences 268 (1474) , pp. 1337-1344. 10.1098/rspb.2001.1669

Burdakov, D., Cancela, J. M. and Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: 2001. Bombesin-induced cytosolic Ca2+spiking in pancreatic acinar cells depends on cyclic ADP-ribose and ryanodine receptors. Cell Calcium 29 (3) , pp. 211-216. 10.1054/ceca.2000.0188

Chabrerie, O., Durance, Isabelle ORCID:, Bureau, F., Vinceslas-Akpa, M., Nebbache, S., Aubert, M., Bourcier, A. and Alard, D. 2001. Biodiversity and ecosystem functions in wetlands: A case study in the estuary of the Seine River, France. Estuaries 24 (6) , pp. 1088-1096. 10.2307/1353020

Cheng, T., Shen, H., Rodrigues, Neil ORCID:, Stier, S. and Scadden, D. T. 2001. Transforming growth factor β1 mediates cell-cycle arrest of primitive hematopoietic cells independent of p21Cip1/Waf1or p27Kip1. Blood 98 (13) , pp. 3643-3649. 10.1182/blood.V98.13.3643

Chikhi, Lounès, Bruford, Michael William ORCID: and Beaumont, Mark A. 2001. Estimation of admixture proportions: a likelihood-based approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Genetics 158 (3) , pp. 1347-1362.

Clarke, Alan Richard ORCID: and Sansom, Owen J. ORCID: 2001. Analyzing tumor suppressor activities in the murine small intestine. Oncology Research 13 (6-10) , pp. 333-337. 10.3727/096504003108748537

Coenye, T., Mahenthiralingam, Eshwar ORCID:, Henry, D., LiPuma, J. J., Laevens, S., Gillis, M., Speert, D. P. and Vandamme, P. 2001. Burkholderia ambifaria sp. nov., a novel member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex including biocontrol and cystic fybrosis-related isolates. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 (4) , pp. 1481-1490. 10.1099/00207713-51-4-1481

Connell, Christopher, Rutter, Andrew, Hill, B., Suller, M. and Lloyd, David ORCID: 2001. Encystation of Acanthamoeba castellanii: dye uptake for assessment by flow cytometry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Journal of Applied Microbiology 90 (5) , pp. 706-712. 10.1046/j.1365-2672.2001.01296.x

Cook, Matthew, Caswell, Richard Charles, Richards, Roy J., Kay, John and Tatnell, Peter James 2001. Regulation of human and mouse procathepsin E gene expression. European Journal of Biochemistry 268 (9) , pp. 2658-2668. 10.1046/j.1432-1327.2001.02159.x

Coombs, Graham H., Goldberg, Daniel E., Klemba, Michael, Berry, Colin ORCID:, Kay, John and Mottram, Jeremy C. 2001. Aspartic proteases of Plasmodium falciparum and other parasitic protozoa as drug targets. Trends in Parasitology 17 (11) , pp. 532-537. 10.1016/S1471-4922(01)02037-2

Corns, Robert A., Hidaka, Hiroyoshi and Santer, Robert Murray 2001. Decreased neurocalcin immunoreactivity in sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons of the major pelvic ganglion in aged rats. Neuroscience Letters 297 (2) , pp. 81-84. 10.1016/S0304-3940(00)01672-4

Cowell, D., Thomas, G., Liles, G., Bradshaw, A., Midgley, L. and Slater, Frederick 2001. Monitoring the use of artificial log pile otter holts using hair analysis from bedding. Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 18 (1) , pp. 6-10.

Cross, R., Lloyd, David ORCID:, Poole, R. K. and Moir, J. W. B. 2001. Enzymatic removal of nitric oxide catalyzed by cytochrome c' in rhodobacter capsulatus. Journal of Bacteriology 183 (10) , pp. 3050-3054. 10.1128/JB.183.10.3050-3054.2001

Crunelli, Vincenzo ORCID:, Gould, Timothy M. and Parri, Harri Rheinallt 2001. Spontaneous astrocytic Ca2+ oscillations in situ drive NMDAR-mediated neuronal excitation. Nature Neuroscience , pp. 803-812. 10.1038/90507

Cui, Wei, Allen, Nicholas Denby ORCID:, Skynner, Michael, Gusterson, Barry and Clark, A. John 2001. Inducible ablation of astrocytes shows that these cells are required for neuronal survival in the adult brain. Glia 34 (4) , pp. 272-282. 10.1002/glia.1061

Culbert, Ainsley A., Brown, Murray J., Frame, Sheelagh, Hagen, Thilo, Cross, Darren A.E., Bax, Benjamin ORCID: and Reith, Alastair D. 2001. GSK‐3 inhibition by adenoviral FRAT1 overexpression is neuroprotective and induces Tau dephosphorylation and β‐catenin stabilisation without elevation of glycogen synthase activity. FEBS Letters 507 (3) , pp. 288-294. 10.1016/S0014-5793(01)02990-8

Dahanukar, A., Foster, K., Van Der Goes Van Naters, Wynand ORCID: and Carlson, J. R. 2001. A Gr receptor is required for response to the sugar rehalose in taste neurons of Drosophiila. Nature Neuroscience 4 (12) , pp. 1182-1186. 10.1038/nn765

Dajani, Rana, Fraser, Elizabeth, Roe, S. Mark, Young, Neville, Good, Valerie, Dale, Trevor Clive ORCID: and Pearl, Laurence H. 2001. Crystal structure of glycogen synthase kinase 3β : structural basis for phosphate-primed substrate specificity and autoinhibition. Cell 105 (6) , pp. 721-732. 10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00374-9

Davies, Janet R., Williams, Anwen Sian ORCID:, Akhtar, Saeed and Caterson, Bruce ORCID: 2001. Appearance of a proteoglycan layer on the articular surface in murine antigen induced arthritis - Is this an accumulation of superficial zone proteoglycan (SZP)? [Poster Abstract]. International Journal of Experimental Pathology 82 (6) , A5. 10.1046/j.1365-2613.2001.82_6am.x

De Graaf, Barend H. J. ORCID:, Derksen, J. W. M. and Mariani, C. 2001. Pollen and pistil in the progamic phase. Sexual Plant Reproduction 14 (1-2) , pp. 41-55. 10.1007/s004970100091

de Hoogh, C., Briggs, D. J., Hurt, Christopher Nicholas ORCID:, Jarup, L. and Elliott, P. 2001. Modelling exposures from landfill sites: Methods and issues. Epidemiology 12 (4) , S42.

De Soyza, Anthony, McDowell, Andrew, Archer, Lynda, Dark, John H., Elborn, Stuart J., Mahenthiralingam, Eshwar ORCID:, Gould, Kate and Corris, Paul A. 2001. Burkholderia cepacia complex genomovars and pulmonary transplantation outcomes in patients with cystic fibrosis. The Lancet 358 (9295) , pp. 1780-1781. 10.1016/S0140-6736(01)06808-8

Elliott, P., Briggs, D., Morris, S., de Hoogh, C., Hurt, Christopher Nicholas ORCID:, Jensen, T. K., Maitland, I., Richardson, S., Wakefield, J. and Jarup, L. 2001. Risk of adverse birth outcomes in populations living near landfill sites. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 323 (7309) , pp. 363-368. 10.1136/bmj.323.7309.363

Faber, Klaas Nico, Kram, Anita M., Ehrmann, Michael ORCID: and Veenhuis, Marten 2001. A novel method to determine the topology of peroxisomal membrane proteins in vivo using the tobacco etch virus protease. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (39) , pp. 36501-36507. 10.1074/jbc.M105828200

Ferguson, C. J., Wareing, M., Ward, D. T., Green, R., Smith, C. P. and Riccardi, Daniela ORCID: 2001. Cellular localization of divalent metal transporter DMT-1 in rat kidney. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 280 (5) , F803-F814.

Fiore, A., Oesterle, U., Stanley, R. P., Houdre, R., Lelarge, F., Ilegems, M., Borri, Paola ORCID:, Langbein, Wolfgang Werner ORCID:, Birkedal, D., Hvam, J. M., Cantoni, M. and Bobard, F. 2001. Structural and electrooptical characteristics of quantum dots emitting at 1.3 μm on gallium arsenide. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 37 (8) , pp. 1050-1058. 10.1109/3.937394

Foka, Pelagia, Kousteni, Stavroula and Ramji, Dipak Purshottam ORCID: 2001. Molecular characterization of the xenopus CCAAT-enhancer binding protein β gene promoter. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 285 (2) , pp. 430-436. 10.1006/bbrc.2001.5203

Fox, Kevin Dyson ORCID:, Glazewski, S., Liming, K and Wallace, H. 2001. The role of cortical activity in experience-dependent potentiation and depression of sensory responses in rat barrel cortex. Journal of Neuroscience , pp. 3881-3894.

Gachal, G. S. and Slater, Frederick Maurice 2001. Dolphins down the drain. BBC Wildlife 19 (2) , pp. 36-37.

Garnier, Julie N., Bruford, Michael William ORCID: and Goossens, Benoit ORCID: 2001. Mating system and reproductive skew in the black rhinoceros. Molecular Ecology 10 (8) , pp. 2031-2041. 10.1046/j.0962-1083.2001.01338.x

Gerasimenko, Julia Vladimirovna ORCID:, Gerasimenko, Oleg Vsevolodovich ORCID: and Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID: 2001. Membrane repair: Ca2+-elicited lysosomal exocytosis. Current Biology 11 (23) , R971-R974. 10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00577-2

Glazewski, Stanislaw, Bejar, Rafael, Mayford, Mark and Fox, Kevin Dyson ORCID: 2001. The effect of autonomous alpha-CaMKII expression on sensory responses and experience-dependent plasticity in mouse barrel cortex. Neuropharmacology 41 (6) , pp. 771-778. 10.1016/S0028-3908(01)00097-1

Goldberg, Burt, Rattendi, Donna, Lloyd, David ORCID:, Sufrin, Janice R. and Bacchi, Cyrus J. 2001. In situ kinetic characterization of methylthioadenosine transport by the adenosine transporter (P2) of the African Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. Biochemical Pharmacology 61 (4) , pp. 449-457. 10.1016/S0006-2952(00)00560-8

Goossens, Benoit ORCID:, Allainé, D., Chikhi, Lounes and Taberlet, P. 2001. Microsatellite analysis of genetic variation among and within Alpine marmot populations in the French Alps. Molecular Ecology , pp. 41-52. 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2001.01192.x

Greenwell, L., Berube, Kelly ORCID:, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID: and Richards, Roy J. 2001. A Comparison between the PM10 Collections of Partisol and Negretti Collection Systems in Port Talbot, South Wales [Abstract]. Experimental Lung Research 27 (1) , p. 77. 10.1080/01902140119933

Grenard, Pascale Marie, Bates, Mary Kay and Aeschlimann, Daniel ORCID: 2001. Evolution of transglutaminase genes: identification of a transglutaminase gene cluster on human chromosome 15q15. Structure of the genes encoding transglutaminase X and a novel gene family member, Transglutaminase Z. Journal of biological chemistry 276 (35) , pp. 33066-33078. 10.1074/jbc.M102553200

Griffiths, Benjamin John Nathan and Evans, Peter J. 2001. Early membrane depressions in hepatocytes cultured on Primaria™ supports. Cell Biology International 25 (5) , pp. 489-494. 10.1006/cbir.2000.0623

Griffiths, Benjamin John Nathan and Evans, Peter J. 2001. Membrane dips Over nuclei correlate with DNA synthesis in spreading hepatocytes. Journal of Structural Biology 134 (1) , pp. 67-75. 10.1006/jsbi.2001.4346

Groombridge, Jim J., Bruford, Michael William ORCID:, Jones, Carl G. and Nichols, Richard A. 2001. Evaluating the severity of the population bottleneck in the Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus from ringing records using MCMC estimation. Journal of Animal Ecology 70 (3) , pp. 401-409. 10.1046/j.1365-2656.2001.00502.x

Inst Molekulare Biotechnologie 2001. Producing a modified L-form bacterial strain by culturing the strain in complex medium and subjecting it to temperature stress, provides bacteria useful to produce recombinant proteins. DE10011358 A1. [Patent].

Hall, Jeremy, Thomas, Kerrie Lorraine ORCID: and Everitt, Barry J. 2001. Cellular imaging of zif268 Expression in the hippocampus and amygdala during contextual and cued fear memory retrieval: selective activation of hippocampal CA1 neurons during the recall of contextual memories. Journal of Neuroscience Vol 21 (6) , pp. 2186-2193.

Hall, Jeremy ORCID:, Thomas, Kerrie Lorraine ORCID: and Everitt, Barry J. 2001. Fear memory retrieval induces CREB phosphorylation and Fos expression within the amygdala. European Journal of Neuroscience 13 (7) , pp. 1453-1458. 10.1046/j.0953-816x.2001.01531.x

Hammond, Robert L., Bourke, A. F. G. and Bruford, Michael William ORCID: 2001. Mating frequency and mating system of the polygynous ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Molecular Ecology 10 (11) , pp. 2719-2728. 10.1046/j.0962-1083.2001.01394.x

Hammond, Robert L., Macasero, William, Flores, Benito, Mohammed, Osama B., Wacher, Tim and Bruford, Michael William ORCID: 2001. Phylogenetic reanalysis of the Saudi gazelle and its implications for conservation. Conservation Biology 15 (4) , pp. 1123-1133. 10.1046/j.1523-1739.2001.0150041123.x

Han, Wenling, Lou, Yaxin, Tang, Junmin, Zhang, Yingmei, Chen, Yingyu, Li, Ying, Gu, Weifeng, Hueng, Jiaqiang, Gui, Liming, Tang, Yan, Li, Feng, Song, Quansheng, Di, Chunhui, Wang, Lu, Shi, Qun, Sun, Ronghua, Xia, Donglan, Rui, Min, Tang, Jian and Ma, Dalong 2001. Molecular cloning and characterization of chemokine-like factor 1 (CKLF1), a novel human cytokine with unique structure and potential chemotactic activity. Biochemical Journal 357 (1) , pp. 127-135. 10.1042/0264-6021:3570127

Hanif, J., Jawad, S. S. M and Eccles, Ronald ORCID: 2001. Use of a portable spirometer for studies on the nasal cycle. American Journal of Rhinology 15 (5) , pp. 303-306.

Harris, J. C., Cottrell, S., Plummer, S. and Lloyd, David ORCID: 2001. Antimicrobial properties of Allium sativum (garlic). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 57 (3) , pp. 282-286. 10.1007/s002530100722

Harris, J., Plummer, S. and Lloyd, David ORCID: 2001. Antigiardial drugs. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 57 (5-6) , pp. 614-619. 10.1007/s002530100720

Hartness, Matthew E., Lewis, Anthony, Searle, Gavin J., O'Kelly, Ita, Peers, Chris and Kemp, Paul J. ORCID: 2001. Combined antisense and pharmacological approaches implicate hTASK as an airway O2-sensing K+ channel. Journal of Biological Chemistry , pp. 26499-26508. 10.1074/jbc.M010357200

Harwood, A. J., Metcalfe, N. B., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, Sian Wyn ORCID: 2001. Spatial and temporal effects of interspecific competition between Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in winter. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (6) , pp. 1133-1140. 10.1139/cjfas-58-6-1133

Hausser, Michael, Major, Guy ORCID: and Stuart, Greg J. 2001. Differential Shunting of EPSPs by Action Potentials. Science , pp. 138-141. 10.1126/science.291.5501.138

Hayes, Anthony, MacPherson, S., Morrison, H., Dowthwaite, G. and Archer, Charles 2001. The development of articular cartilage: Evidence for an appositional growth mechanism. Anatomy and Embryology 203 (6) , pp. 469-479. 10.1007/s004290100178

Hayes, Anthony James, Benjamin, Michael and Ralphs, James Robert ORCID: 2001. Extracellular matrix in development of the intervertebral disc. Matrix Biology 20 (2) , pp. 107-121. 10.1016/S0945-053X(01)00125-1

Heaton, R. J., Slater, Frederick Maurice and Randerson, Peter Frederick ORCID: 2001. Diversification in the uplands of Wales - the role of short rotation willow coppice. Scottish Forestry 55 (1) , pp. 15-21.

Heaton, R. J., Slater, Frederick Maurice, Randerson, Peter Frederick ORCID: and Samuel, W. R. 2001. The influence of fertilisation on the yield of short rotation willow coppice in the uplands of mid-Wales. Aspects of Applied Biology 65 , pp. 77-82.

Heisenberg, C. -P., Houart, Corinne, Take-uchi, Masaya, Rauch, Gerd-Jörg, Young, Neville, Coutinho, Pedro, Masai, Ichiro, Caneparo, Luca, Concha, Miguel L., Geisler, Robert, Dale, Trevor Clive ORCID:, Wilson, Stephen W. and Stemple, Derek L. 2001. A mutation in the Gsk3-binding domain of zebrafish Masterblind/Axin1 leads to a fate transformation of telencephalon and eyes to diencephalon. Genes & Development 15 (11) , pp. 1427-1434. 10.1101/gad.194301

Heitler, W. J., Watson, Alan Hugh David, Falcolner, S. W. P. and Powell, B. 2001. Differential mRNA localization in astroglial cells in culture. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 430 (1) , pp. 56-71. 10.1002/1096-9861(20010129)430:1<56::AID-CNE1014>3.0.CO;2-Y

Heitler, W.J., Watson, Alan, Falconer, Stuart W.P. and Powell, Brian 2001. Glutamate is a transmitter that mediates inhibition at the rectifying electrical motor giant synapse in the crayfish. Journal of Comparative Neurology 430 (1) , pp. 12-26. 10.1002/1096-9861(20010129)430:1<12::AID-CNE1012>3.0.CO;2-J

Henry, D. A., Mahenthiralingam, Eshwar ORCID:, Vandamme, P., Coenye, T. and Speert, D. P. 2001. Phenotypic methods for determining genomovar status of the Burkholderia cepacia complex. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 39 (3) , pp. 1073-1078. 10.1128/JCM.39.3.1073-1078.2001

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Orike, Nina, Middleton, Gayle, Borthwick, Emma, Buchman, Vladimir L. ORCID:, Cowen, Timothy and Davies, Alun M. ORCID: 2001. Role of PI 3-kinase, Akt and Bcl-2-related proteins in sustaining the survival of neurotrophic factor-independent adult sympathetic neurons. Journal of cell biology , pp. 995-1005. 10.1083/jcb.200101068

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Paolo, O. S., Dias, C., Bruford, Michael William ORCID:, Jordan, W. C. and Nichols, R. A. 2001. The persistence of Pliocene populations through the Pleistocene climatic cycles: evidence from the phylogeography of an Iberian lizard. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1476) , pp. 1625-1630. 10.1098/rspb.2001.1706

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Petersen, Ole Holger ORCID:, Tepikin, Alexei and Park, Myoung Kyu 2001. The endoplasmic reticulum: one continuous or several separate Ca2+ stores? Trends in Neurosciences 24 (5) , pp. 271-276. 10.1016/S0166-2236(00)01787-2

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Pryor, K. V., Young, John E., Rumsey, Florence, Edwards, K. J., Bruford, Michael William ORCID: and Rogers, Hilary ORCID: 2001. Diversity, genetic structure and evidence of outcrossing in British populations of the rock fern Adiantum capillus-venerisusing microsatellites. Molecular Ecology 10 (8) , pp. 1881-1894. 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2001.01343.x

Punjabi, A., Boyle, K., DeMasi, J., Grubisha, O. ORCID:, Unger, B., Khanna, M. and Traktman, P. 2001. Clustered charge-to-alanine mutagenesis of the vaccinia virus A20 gene: Temperature-sensitive mutants have a DNA-minus phenotype and are defective in the production of processive DNA polymerase activity. Journal of Virology 75 (24) , pp. 12308-12318. 10.1128/JVI.75.24.12308-12318.2001

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