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Al-Muharami, Saeed, Matthews, Kent ORCID: and Kharbari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. Market Structure and Competitive Conditions in the Arab GCC Banking System. Journal of Banking & Finance 30 (12) , pp. 3487-3501. 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2006.01.006

Anderson, Malcolm 2006. Accounting History Publications 2005. Accounting Business & Financial History 16 (3) , pp. 457-462. 10.1080/09585200600969562

Anderson-Gough, Fiona, Grey, Christopher and Robson, Keith 2006. Professionals, networking and the networked professional. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 24 , pp. 231-256. 10.1016/S0733-558X(06)24009-6

Andrews, Deborah, Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Ewing, Paul D. 2006. Black and beyond - colour and the mass-produced motor car. Optics & Laser Technology 38 (4-6) , pp. 377-391. 10.1016/j.optlastec.2005.06.023

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander and Enticott, Gareth Paul ORCID: 2006. Performance failure in the Public Sector: misfortune or mismanagement? Public Management Review 8 (2) , pp. 273-296. 10.1080/14719030600587612

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander and Walker, Richard Mark 2006. Strategy content and organizational performance: an empirical analysis. Public Administration Review 66 (1) , pp. 52-63. 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2006.00555.x

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander and Walker, Richard Mark 2006. Workforce diversity in the public sector: an evaluation of the performance of English local authorities. Policy & Politics 34 (2) , pp. 287-306. 10.1332/030557306776315868

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: and Turner, David 2006. Modelling the Impact of Community Engagement on Local Democracy. Local Economy 21 (4) , pp. 378-390. 10.1080/02690940600951956

Andriopoulos, Constantine and Gotsi, Manto 2006. Probing the future: Mobilising foresight in multiple-product innovation firms. Futures 38 (1) , pp. 50-66. 10.1016/j.futures.2005.04.003

Anner, Mark, Greer, Ian, Hauptmeier, Marco ORCID:, Lillie, Nathan and Winchester, Nik James 2006. The Industrial Determinants of Transnational Solidarity: Global Interunion Politics in Three Sectors. European Journal of Industrial Relations 12 (1) , pp. 7-27. 10.1177/0959680106061368

Antonelli, Valerio, Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Cerbioni, Fabrizio 2006. Multiple Origins of Accounting? An early Italian example of the development of accounting for managerial purposes. European Accounting Review 15 (3) , pp. 367-401. 10.1080/09638180600916275

Antony, Jiju, Anand, Raj Bardhan, Kumar, Maneesh ORCID: and Tiwari, M. K. 2006. Multiple response optimization using Taguchi methodology and neuro-fuzzy based model. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 17 (7) , pp. 908-925. 10.1108/17410380610688232

Antony, Jiju, Perry, Daniel, Wang, Chengbo and Kumar, Maneesh ORCID: 2006. An application of Taguchi method of experimental design for new product design and development process. Assembly Automation 26 (1) , pp. 18-24. 10.1108/01445150610645611

Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID:, Boinet, Virginie and Martin, Christopher 2006. Non-linear and non-symmetric exchange-rate adjustment: Evidence from medium- and high-inflation countries. Journal of Economics and Finance 30 (1) , pp. 38-56. 10.1007/BF02834274

Atuahene-Gima, K., Li, H. Y. and De Luca, Luigi Mario ORCID: 2006. The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Industrial Marketing Management 35 (3) , pp. 359-372. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.05.017

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2006. The effects of co-operating or conflicting over work restructuring: evidence from employees. The Sociological Review 54 (1) , pp. 1-19. 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00599.x

Bacon, Nicolas and Blyton, Paul Robert 2006. Union Co-operation in a Context of Job Insecurity: Negotiated Outcomes from Teamworking. British Journal of Industrial Relations 44 (2) , pp. 215-237. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2006.00495.x

Barton, Harry and Delbridge, Rick ORCID: 2006. Delivering the "learning factory"?: Evidence on HR roles in contemporary manufacturing. Journal of European Industrial Training 30 (5) , pp. 385-395. 10.1108/03090590610677935

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2006. Olukoju roundtable - international roundtable review of "The Liverpool of West Africa: The Dynamics and Impact of Maritime Trade in Lagos, 1900-1950". International Journal of Maritime History 18 (2) , pp. 432-435.

Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. Personal identity management in the information polity: The case of the UK national identity card. Information Polity 11 (1) , pp. 3-20.

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2006. An introduction of the condition class space with continuous value discretization and rough set theory. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 21 (2) , pp. 173-191. 10.1002/int.20126

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2006. The Role of the DS/AHP in Identifying Inter-Group Alliances and Majority Rule Within Group Decision Making. Group Decision and Negotiation 15 (1) , pp. 21-42. 10.1007/s10726-005-1159-9

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, Jones, Lianne and Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID: 2006. Classification of osteoarthritic and normal knee function using three-dimensional motion analysis and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics Part A: Systems and humans 36 (1) , pp. 173-186. 10.1109/TSMCA.2006.859098

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: and Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: 2006. The elucidation of multipliers and their moments in fuzzy closed Leontief input-output systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (18) , pp. 2482-2494. 10.1016/j.fss.2006.02.005

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: and Whitfield, Keith Leslie ORCID: 2006. A Fuzzy Decision Support System to Identify Establishments with Low Paid Employees in the British Economy. Fuzzy Economic Review 11 (2) , pp. 69-88.

Bottomley, Paul Andrew ORCID: and Doyle, John R. 2006. The interactive effects of colors and products on perceptions of brand logo appropriateness. Marketing Theory 6 (1) , pp. 63-84. 10.1177/1470593106061263

Bovaird, Tony and Downe, James Daniel ORCID: 2006. N Generations of Reform in UK Local Government: Compliance and Resistance to Institutional Pressures. International Public Management Journal 9 (4) , pp. 429-455. 10.1080/10967490601077319

Boyne, George Alexander 2006. Strategies for public service turnaround: Lessons from the private sector? Administration & Society 38 (3) , pp. 365-388. 10.1177/0095399705286004

Boyne, George Alexander and Chen, A. A. 2006. Performance Targets and Public Service Improvement. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 17 (3) , pp. 455-477. 10.1093/jopart/mul007

Bridgman, T. and Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2006. Institutions and Technology: Frameworks for Understanding Organizational Change - The Case of a Major ICT Outsourcing Contract. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 42 (1) , pp. 110-126. 10.1177/0021886305284990

Bryan, Jane 2006. Training and performance in small firms. International Small Business Journal 24 (6) , pp. 635-660. 10.1177/0266242606069270

Bryan, Jane, Jones, Calvin and Munday, Max 2006. The contribution of tourism to the UK economy: Satellite account perspectives. Service Industries Journal 26 (5) , pp. 493-511. 10.1080/02642060600722809

Bryan, Jane, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID:, Pickernell, David and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33 (4) , pp. 371-386. 10.1080/03088830600895600

Cadogan, John W., Cui, Charles C., Morgan, Robert E. ORCID: and Story, Vicky M. 2006. Factors facilitating and impeding the development of export market-oriented behavior: A study of Hong Kong manufacturing exporters. Industrial Marketing Management 35 (5) , pp. 634-647. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.06.014

Carmona, S. and Ezzamel, Mahmoud ORCID: 2006. Accounting and religion: a historical perspective. Accounting History 11 (2) , pp. 117-127. 10.1177/1032373206063109

Chew, Celine 2006. Positioning and its strategic relevance: emerging themes from the experiences of British charitable organisations. Public Management Review 8 (2) , pp. 333-350. 10.1080/14719030600587752

Childerhouse, Paul and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. Enabling seamless market-orientated supply chains. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 2 (4) , pp. 357-370.

Christopher, Martin, Peck, Helen and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. A taxonomy for selecting global supply chain strategies. International Journal of Logistics Management 17 (2) , pp. 277-287. 10.1108/09574090610689998

Clarke, Roger and Collie, David Robert ORCID: 2006. Export Taxes under Bertrand Duopoly. Economics Bulletin 6 (6) , pp. 1-8.

Clarke, Roger and Collie, David Robert ORCID: 2006. Optimum-welfare and maximum-revenue tariffs under Bertrand duopoly. Scottish journal of political economy 53 (3) , pp. 398-408. 10.1111/j.1467-9485.2006.00386.x

Clatworthy, Mark Anthony and Jones, Michael John 2006. Differential patterns of textual characteristics and company performance in the chairman's statement. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal 19 (4) , pp. 493-511. 10.1108/09513570610679100

Collie, David Robert ORCID: 2006. Collusion in Differentiated Duopolies with Quadratic Costs. Bulletin of Economic Research 58 (2) , pp. 151-159. 10.1111/j.0307-3378.2006.00235.x

Collie, David Robert ORCID: 2006. Tariffs and subsidies under asymmetric oligopoly: Ad valorem versus specific instruments. The Manchester School 74 (3) , pp. 314-333. 10.1111/j.1467-9957.2006.00495.x

Collie, David Robert ORCID: and Vandenbussche, H 2006. Tariffs and the Byrd Amendment. European Journal of Political Economy 22 (3) , pp. 750-758. 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2005.07.004

Contu, Alessia and Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2006. Studying practice: Situating Talking About Machines. Organization Studies 27 (12) , pp. 1769-1782. 10.1177/0170840606071895

Cooper, David J. and Robson, Keith 2006. Accounting, professions and regulation: Locating the sites of professionalization. Accounting Organizations and Society 31 (4-5) , pp. 415-444. 10.1016/j.aos.2006.03.003

Curry, Bruce and Morgan, Peter Huw ORCID: 2006. Model selection in neural networks: some difficulties. European Journal of Operational Research 170 (2) , pp. 567-577. 10.1016/j.ejor.2004.05.026

Cziraky, Dario and Gillman, Max 2006. Money Demand in an EU Accession Country: A VECM Study of Croatia. Bulletin of Economic Research 58 (2) , pp. 105-127. 10.1111/j.0307-3378.2006.00237.x

Davies, Fiona Margaret, Veloutsou, Cleopatra and Costa, Andrew 2006. Investigating the Influence of a Joint Sponsorship of Rival Teams on Supporter Attitudes and Brand Preferences. Journal of Marketing Communications 12 (1) , pp. 31-48. 10.1080/13527260500264574

Delbridge, Rick ORCID: 2006. Extended review: The vitality of labour process analysis [Book reviews]. Organization Studies 27 (8) , pp. 1209-1219. 10.1177/0170840606069145

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Farasyn, I, Lambrecht, M., Towill, Denis Royston and Van de Velde, W. 2006. Taming the bullwhip effect whilst watching customer service in a single supply chain echelon. European Journal of Operational Research 173 (1) , pp. 151-172. 10.1016/j.ejor.2005.01.026

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. A methodology for benchmarking replenishment-induced bullwhip. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 11 (2) , pp. 160-168. 10.1108/13598540610652555

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Towill, Denis Royston and Warburton, Roger D. H. 2006. On the equivalence of control theoretic, differential, and difference equation approaches to modeling supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics 101 (1) , pp. 194-208. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.05.002

Dixon, Huw David ORCID: and Kara, E 2006. How to Compare Taylor and Calvo Contracts: A Comment on Michael Kiley. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 38 (4) , pp. 1119-1126. 10.1353/mcb.2006.0055

Dixon, Huw David ORCID:, Sbriglia, Patrizia and Somma, Ernesto 2006. Learning to collude: An experiment in convergence and equilibrium selection in oligopoly. Research in Economics 60 (3) , pp. 155-167. 10.1016/j.rie.2006.08.001

Dotchev, Krassimir and Soe, Shwe 2006. Rapid manufacturing of patterns for investment casting: improvement of quality and success rate. Rapid Prototyping Journal 12 (3) , pp. 156-164. 10.1108/13552540610670735

Doukas, John and Kan, O B 2006. Does Global Diversification Destroy Firm Value? Journal of International Business Studies 37 (3) , pp. 352-372. 10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400203

Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2006. Joined up policy in practice? The coherence and impacts of the local government modernisation agenda. Local Government Studies 32 (4) , pp. 465-488. 10.1080/03003930600793045

Doyle, John R. and Bottomley, Paul Andrew ORCID: 2006. Dressed for the Occasion: Font-Product Congruity in the Perception of Logotype. Journal of Consumer Psychology 16 (2) , pp. 112-123. 10.1207/s15327663jcp1602_2

Easaw, Joshy ORCID: 2006. Network Access Regulation and Competition Policy: An Assessment of the “Direct-Plus-Opportunity Cost” Regime and Policy Options. Empirica 37 (2) , pp. 133-156. 10.1023/A:1026576313739

Easaw, Joshy ORCID: and Garratt, Dean 2006. General elections and government expenditure cycles: Theory and evidence from the UK. European Journal of Political Economy 22 (2) , -. 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2005.08.003

Easaw, Joshy ORCID: and Ghoshray, Atanu 2006. Agent-Based Learning in 'Islands' with 'Sticky Information': An Explanation for the Persistence of Real Effects. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 38 (1) , pp. 263-268. 10.1353/mcb.2006.0015

Entwistle, Thomas Walter ORCID: 2006. The distinctiveness of the Welsh partnership agenda. International Journal of Public Sector Management 19 (3) , pp. 228-237. 10.1108/09513550610658196

Esain, Ann and Massey, Lynn 2006. Value relationships and effectiveness - pilot study in health. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (previously Work Study) 55 (2) , pp. 143-154. 10.1108/17410400610641717

Evans, Kevin Philip ORCID: and Speight, Alan E. H. 2006. Real-time risk pricing over the business cycle: some evidence for the UK. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 33 (1-2) , pp. 263-283. 10.1111/j.1468-5957.2006.01356.x

Fidrmuc, J. P., Goergen, Marc ORCID: and Renneboog, Luc 2006. Insider trading, news releases, and ownership concentration. The Journal of Finance 61 (6) , pp. 2931-2973. 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2006.01008.x

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: 2006. Brinley Thomas, Migration and Economic Growth: A Study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954. 362 pp. (second edition, 1973, xxxi + 498 pp.) [Book Review]. , n/a.

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: 2006. Public services and private finance. Quarterly Economic Bulletin 27 , pp. 23-29.

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID:, Makepeace, Gerald Henry and Morgan, B. 2006. Growth and profitability of small and medium-sized enterprises: Some Welsh evidence. Regional Studies 40 (4) , pp. 307-319. 10.1080/00343400600725160

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID:, Makepeace, Gerald Henry and Morgan, Brian 2006. Growth drivers of small and medium size enterprises: Some Welsh evidence. Regional Studies 40 (4) , pp. 307-319.

Foreman-Peck, James S ORCID: and Foreman-Peck, L 2006. Should Schools be Smaller? The Size-Performance Relationship for Welsh Schools. Economics of Education Review 25 (2) , pp. 157-171. 10.1016/j.econedurev.2005.01.004

Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID:, Oliveira-Castro, J. M., James, Victoria K. and Schrezenmaier, Teresa C. 2006. Consumer behavior analysis: the case of brand choice. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho 6 (1) , pp. 50-78.

Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID:, Oliveira-Castro, Jorge M., James, Victoria K., Yani-De-Soriano, Marie Mirella ORCID: and Sigurdsson, Valdimar 2006. Consumer behavior analysis and social marketing: the case of environmental conservation. Behavior and Social Issues 15 (1) , pp. 101-124.

Gaalman, Gerard and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. State space investigation of the bullwhip problem with ARMA(1,1) demand processes. International Journal of Production Economics 104 (2) , pp. 327-339. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.05.001

Gannon, John, Evans, Kevin Philip ORCID: and Goddard, John 2006. The Stock market effects of the sale of live broadcasting rights for English Premiership Football. Journal of Sports Economics 7 (2) , pp. 168-186. 10.1177/1527002504271351

Gardner, Bernard, Marlow, Peter Bernard and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 2006. Full cost recovery in EU ports operating as commercial undertakings. Transport Policy 13 (1) , pp. 2-21. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2005.06.011

Geary, S., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. On bullwhip in supply chains - historical review, present practice and expected future impact. International Journal of Production Economics 101 (1) , pp. 2-18. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.05.009

Gillman, Max, Feeney, S. and Harris, M. N. 2006. Corporate effective tax rates in a single taxation country: Australia. Accounting Research Journal 19 (1) , pp. 64-73.

Goergen, Marc ORCID:, Khurshed, Arif and Mudambi, R. 2006. The strategy of going public: How UK firms choose their listing contracts. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 33 (1-2) , pp. 79-101. 10.1111/j.1468-5957.2006.00657.x

Goergen, Marc ORCID:, Renneboog, Luc and Khurshed, Arif 2006. Explaining the diversity in shareholder lockup agreements. Journal of Financial Intermediation 15 (2) , pp. 254-280. 10.1016/j.jfi.2005.10.001

Gould-Williams, Julian Seymour ORCID:, Poole, Michael John Findlay and Mansfield, Roger 2006. Public and private sector managers over 20 years; a test of the 'convergence thesis'. Public Administration 84 (4) , pp. 1051-1076. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2006.00626.x

Gregoriou, Andros and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2006. Inflation targeting and the stationarity of inflation: new results from an Estar Unit Root Test. Bulletin of Economic Research 58 (4) , pp. 309-332. 10.1111/j.0307-3378.2006.00246.x

Hagendorff, Jens ORCID:, Hudson, Robert and Keasey, Kevin 2006. Electronic trading platforms and the cost-effective distribution of open market option (OMO) pension annuities. International Journal of Information Management 26 (3) , pp. 187-195. 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2006.01.001

Harris, Lloyd C. and Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: 2006. Approaches to career success: An exploration of surreptitious career-success strategies. Human Resource Management 45 (1) , pp. 43-66. 10.1002/hrm.20095

Harris, Lloyd C. and Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: 2006. Service sabotage: A study of antecedents and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34 (4) , pp. 543-558. 10.1177/0092070306287324

Harvey, Geraint and Turnbull, Peter John 2006. Employment Relations, Management Style and Flight Crew Attitudes at Low Cost Airline Subsidiaries: The Cases of BritishAirways/Go and bmi/bmibaby. European Management Journal 24 (5) , pp. 330-337. 10.1016/j.emj.2006.07.002

Hassard, John, Morris, Jonathan Llewellyn ORCID:, Sheehan, Jackie and Yuxin, Xiao 2006. Downsizing the danwei: Chinese state-enterprise reform and the surplus labour question. International Journal of Human Resource Management 17 (8) , pp. 1441-1455. 10.1080/09585190600804648

Hayya, Jack C., Kim, Jeon G., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Harrison, Terry P. and Chatfield, Dean 2006. Estimation in supply chain inventory management. International Journal of Production Research 44 (7) , pp. 1313-1330. 10.1080/00207540500338039

Heery, Edmund James ORCID: 2006. Equality Bargaining: Where, Who, Why? Gender, Work & Organization 13 (6) , pp. 522-542. 10.1111/j.1468-0432.2006.00321.x

Heery, Edmund James ORCID: 2006. The role of union full-time officials: Results. Industrial Law Journal 35 (1) , pp. 102-104. 10.1093/indlaw/dwj006

Heery, Edmund James ORCID: 2006. Union workers, union work: a profile of paid union officers in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Industrial Relations 44 (3) , pp. 445-471. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2006.00508.x

Heery, Edmund James ORCID: and Frege, Carola 2006. New Actors in Industrial Relations [Editorial]. British Journal of Industrial Relations 44 (4) , pp. 601-604. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2006.00515.x

Herrendorf, Berthold and Valentinyi, Akos ORCID: 2006. On the stability of the two-sector neoclassical growth model with externalities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (8) , pp. 1339-1361. 10.1016/j.jedc.2005.05.006

Hines, Peter Arthur, Bailey, Katherine Sarah and Francis, Mark ORCID: 2006. Contingent Approaches to Quality Based Pricing within the Agri-food Industry. International Journal of Logistics 9 (3) , pp. 223-235. 10.1080/13675560600859193

Hines, Peter, Francis, Mark ORCID: and Bailey, Katherine Sarah 2006. Quality-based pricing: a catalyst for collaboration and sustainable change in the agrifood industry? International Journal of Logistics Management 17 (2) , pp. 240-259. 10.1108/09574090610689970

Hines, Peter, Francis, Mark ORCID: and Found, Pauline ORCID: 2006. Towards lean product lifecycle management: A framework for new product development. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 17 (7) , pp. 866-887. 10.1108/17410380610688214

Hingley, Martin, Lindgreen, Adam ORCID: and Casswell, Brett 2006. Supplier-retailer relationships in the UK fresh produce supply chain. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 18 (1-2) , pp. 49-86. 10.1300/J047v18n01_04

Hodgkinson, Lynn, Holland, Kevin ORCID: and Jackson, Richard H. G. 2006. Dividend valuation, trading and transactions costs: the 1997 partial abolition of dividend tax credit repayments. Accounting and Business Research 36 (4) , pp. 253-270. 10.1080/00014788.2006.9730027

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. From polling station to political station? Politics and the shinkansen. Japan Forum 18 (1) , pp. 45-53. 10.1080/09555800500498228

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. High-speed trains in Japan. Railway Strategies 37 , pp. 111-113.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Igirisu-ga hitsuy-to suru mono – sore-wa shinkansen, kokyo kotsu no nichiei hikaku [What Britain needs is the Shinkansen]. Comparative Law and Culture: The bulletin of the Surugadai University Institute of Comparative Law (14) , pp. 55-69.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Miyazaki, Manabu (2005) Toppamono: Outlaw, Radical, Suspect – My Life in Japan's Underworld, Tokyo: Kotan Publishing, hardback, 460 pages ISBN: 0970171625. [Book Review]. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 6 (1) , Book Review 4.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Photographing the Shinkansen (part two): Fukuyama and Tokuyama. Japanese Railway Society Bullet-In 58 , pp. 27-28.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Photographing the Shinkansen: Kakegawa. Japanese Railway Society Bullet-In (57) , pp. 14-16.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Photographing the Shinkansen: Lake Hamana. Japanese Railway Society Bullet-In 59 , pp. 20-24.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Photographing the Shinkansen: Okayama. Japanese Railway Society Bullet-In 61

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Photographing the Shinkansen: Tohoku Shinknsen in Kant? Japanese Railway Society Bullet-In 60 , pp. 17-20.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Shinkansen: pioneering high speed railway. The Slough & Windsor Triangle 70 , pp. 12-13.

Hood, Christopher Phillip ORCID: 2006. Japan: All change. The World Today 62 (8/9) , pp. 28-29.

Hosoda, Takamichi and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. The governing dynamics of supply chains: The impact of altruistic behaviour. Automatica 42 (8) , pp. 1301-1309. 10.1016/j.automatica.2006.03.013

Hosoda, Takamichi and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. On variance amplification in a three-echelon supply chain with minimum mean square error forecasting. Omega 34 (4) , pp. 344-358. 10.1016/

Ismail, Suhaiza and Pendlebury, Maurice Wilson 2006. The Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in Schools: The Experiences of Users. Financial Accountability & Management 22 (4) , pp. 381-404. 10.1111/j.1468-0408.2006.00431.x

Jamal, Ahmad ORCID:, Davies, Fiona Margaret, Chudry, Farooq and Al-Marri, Mohamed 2006. Profiling consumers: A study of Qatari consumers' shopping motivations. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 13 (1) , pp. 67-80. 10.1016/j.jretconser.2005.08.002

Jones, Lianne, Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, Holt, Catherine Avril ORCID: and Roy, Stuart 2006. An application of the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to the classification of knee function and detection of improvement due to total knee replacement surgery. Journal of biomechanics 39 (13) , pp. 2512-2520. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2005.07.024

Jones, Melanie ORCID: 2006. Disability, gender, and the British labour market. Oxford Economic Papers 58 (3) , pp. 407-449. 10.1093/oep/gpl004

Jones, Melanie ORCID: 2006. Is there employment discrimination against the disabled? Economics Letters 92 (1) , pp. 32-37. 10.1016/j.econlet.2006.01.008

Jones, Paul, Muir, Elizabeth and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. The proposal of a comparative framework to evaluate e-business stages of growth models. International Journal of Information Technology and Management 5 (4) , pp. 249-266. 10.1504/IJITM.2006.012039

Kaleka, Anna ORCID: and Berthon, P 2006. Learning and locale: The role of information, memory and environment in determining export differentiation advantage. Journal of Business Research 59 (9) , pp. 1016-1024. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2006.07.002

Kitchener, Martin James ORCID:, Hernandez, Mauro, Ng, Terence and Harrington, Charlene 2006. Residential care provision in Medicaid home- and community-based waivers: A national study of program trends. Gerontologist 46 (2) , pp. 165-172. 10.1093/geront/46.2.165

Kitchener, Martin James ORCID:, Ng, Terence, Miller, Nancy and Harrington, Charlene 2006. Institutional and Community-Based Long-Term Care. Journal of Health & Social Policy 22 (2) , pp. 31-50. 10.1300/J045v22n02_03

Kitchener, Martin James ORCID:, Swan, James H. and Harrington, Charlene 2006. Medicaid Nursing Facility Utilization. Research on Aging 28 (4) , pp. 493-514. 10.1177/0164027506287790

Koulakiotis, Athanasios, Angelidis, Dimitrios, Tolikas, Konstantinos ORCID: and Molyneux, Phil 2006. The impact of foreign cross-listings on the home Dutch equities. Managerial Finance 32 (5) , pp. 451-462. 10.1108/03074350610657463

Kumar, Maneesh ORCID:, Antony, J., Singh, R. K., Tiwari, M. K. and Perry, D. 2006. Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME: a case study. Production Planning & Control 17 (4) , pp. 407-423. 10.1080/09537280500483350

Kumar, S., Choudhary, A. K., Kumar, Maneesh ORCID:, Shankar, R. and Tiwari, M. K. 2006. Kernel distance-based robust support vector methods and its application in developing a robust K-chart. International Journal of Production Research 44 (1) , pp. 77-96. 10.1080/00207540500216037

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Wells, Peter Erskin ORCID: 2006. The race to the base: Competition for value segments in established and emerging markets. Automotive Emerging Markets 97 , pp. 26-27.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Argentina: will the potential finally be realised? World Vehicle Manufacturers Analyst 27 , pp. 28-29.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Biofuels or biofools? Automotive Environment Analyst 133 , pp. 32-33.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. California and the true cost of motoring. Automotive Environment Analyst 132 , pp. 30-31.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Does HCCI have a future? Automotive Environment Analyst 128 , pp. 19-20.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Euro V: the European Commission decision. Automotive Environment Analyst 128 , pp. 17-18.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Ford: The way forward? World Automotive Manufacturing 89 , pp. 17-18.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Global steel (part 2): changing the rules. Automotive Components Analyst 142 , pp. 23-24.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Global steel: is the end game in sight? Automotive Components Analyst 94 , pp. 26-27.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Hong Kong. World Vehicle Manufacturers Analyst 24 , pp. 29-30.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Hyundai: how much forgiveness does $100 million buy? World Automotive Manufacturing 93 , pp. 29-30.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. The motorisation of emerging markets: will the human cost be too high? Automotive Emerging Markets 100 , pp. 29-30.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Re-writing the ecological metaphor: Part 1. Progress in Industrial Ecology 3 (1/2) , pp. 114-128. 10.1504/PIE.2006.010044

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. The Renault-Nissan Alliance: Progress and prospects. World Automotive Manufacturing 91 , pp. 29-30.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Toyota product development. World Automotive Manufacturing 92 , pp. 26-27.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. When will Toyota become Number 1? World Automotive Manufacturing 89 , pp. 23-24.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Who is right? Renault, Saab or BMW. Automotive Environment Analyst 131 , pp. 30-31.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2006. The lean improvement of the chemical emissions of motor vehicles based on preference ranking: A PROMETHEE uncertainty analysis. Omega 36 (3) , pp. 384-394. 10.1016/

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Darby, Lauren 2006. Re-writing the ecological metaphor, Part 2: The example of diversity. Progress in Industrial Ecology 3 (1/2) , pp. 129-147. 10.1504/PIE.2006.010045

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Kurani, Y. 2006. Auto-rickshaws: is there a future? Automotive Emerging Markets (95) , pp. 30-31.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois 2006. Business Models for Relocalisation to Deliver Sustainability. Greener Management International 47 , pp. 89-98.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Sadana, S. 2006. Hub or hubris? India and the Automotive Mission Plan 2006-2016 Part 1. Automotive Emerging Markets 101 , pp. 29-30.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Seitz, M A 2006. Challenging the implementation of corporate sustainability: The case of automotive engine remanufacturing. Business Process Management Journal 12 (6) , pp. 822-836. 10.1108/14637150610710954

Whittle, Andrea ORCID: 2006. The paradoxical repertoires of management consultancy. Journal of Organizational Change Management 19 (4) , pp. 424-436. 10.1108/09534810610676635

Williams, Sharon Jayne 2006. Managing and developing suppliers: Can SCM be adopted by SMES? International Journal of Production Research 44 (18-19) , pp. 3831-3846. 10.1080/00207540600849133

Wu, Bin and Morris, Jonathan Llewellyn ORCID: 2006. 'A life on the ocean wave': the 'post-socialist' careers of Chinese, Russian and Eastern European seafarers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 17 (1) , pp. 25-48. 10.1080/09585190500366201

Xiao, Jason Zezhong ORCID:, Chow, C., Duh, R. and Zhao, L. 2006. Current application of management accounting techniques in China. Financial Management Dec/Ja , pp. 32-36.

Yani-De-Soriano, Marie Mirella ORCID: and Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID: 2006. The emotional power of place: The fall and rise of dominance in retail research. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 13 (6) , pp. 403-416. 10.1016/j.jretconser.2006.02.007

Zokaei, Amir Keivan and Simons, David Wyn 2006. Value chain analysis in consumer focus improvement: A case study of the UK red meat industry. The International Journal of Logistics Management 17 (2) , pp. 141-162. 10.1108/09574090610689934

Zokaei, Keivan and Simons, David Wyn 2006. Performance Improvements through Implementation of Lean Practices: A Study of the U.K. Red Meat Industry. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 9 (2) , pp. 30-53.

Zou, Hong and Xiao, Jason Zezhong ORCID: 2006. The financing behaviour of listed Chinese firms. The British Accounting Review 38 (3) , pp. 239-258. 10.1016/

Zulkarnain, Muhamad Sori and Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. A study of audit committee requirements and compliance: The Malaysian experience. Journal of Audit Practice 3 (4) , pp. 35-46.


Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Vergragt, Philip, eds. 2006. The business of sustainable mobility: from vision to reality. Greenleaf Publishing Group.

Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick ORCID: and Booth, Philip M., eds. 2006. Issues in monetary policy: the relationship between money and the financial markets. Chichester: Wiley.

Wallace, Mike ORCID:, Fertig, Michael and Schneller, Eugene, eds. 2006. Managing change in the public services. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Martin, Stephen James ORCID:, ed. 2006. Public service improvement: policies, progress and prospects. Abingdon: Routledge.

Turner, David M. and Stagg, Kevin, eds. 2006. Social histories of disability and deformity: bodies, images and experiences. Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine, London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. 2006. Work-life integration: international perspectives on the balancing of multiple roles. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: 2006. The effects of the accession of Greece to the EMU: initial estimates. Studies / Centre of Planning and Economic Research, vol. 64. Centre of Planning and Economic Research.

Bicheno, John 2006. Fishbone flow: integrating lean, Six Sigma, TPM and Triz. Buckingham: PICSIE Books.

Delbridge, Rick ORCID:, Johnson, Gerry and Gratton, Lynda 2006. The exceptional manager: making the difference. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hood, Christopher Phillip ORCID: 2006. Shinkansen: from bullet train to low-flying plane. Routledge Contemporary Japan Series, Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Knights, David and Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2006. Introducing organizational behaviour and management. London: Thomson Learning.

Lindgreen, Adam ORCID:, Jensen, Bert and Petersen, Erik 2006. To Sakskøbing drenges tyverier og røveri 1840 - 1886. Foreningen Forskergruppen Støvmiderne.

Matthews, Derek Robert 2006. A history of auditing: the changing audit process in Britain from the nineteenth century to the present day. Routledge New Works in Accounting History, London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Meier, Kenneth John ORCID:, Brudney, Jeffrey L. and Bohte, John 2006. Applied statistics for public and nonprofit administration. 6th rev.ed. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing.

Meier, Kenneth John ORCID: and O'Toole, Laurence J. Jr. 2006. Bureaucracy in a democratic state: a governance perspective. Balitimore, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Minford, Anthony Patrick Leslie ORCID: 2006. An agenda for tax reform. London: Centre for Policy Studies.

Noon, Mike and Blyton, Paul Robert 2006. The realities of work. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rich, Nicholas Leo, Bateman, Nicola Ann, Esain, Ann Elizabeth, Massey, Lynn Moira and Samuel, Donna Elizabeth 2006. Lean evolution: lessons from the workplace. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Wallace, Mike ORCID: and Wray, Alison ORCID: 2006. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. Sage Study Skills, London: Sage.

Book Section

Andrews, D., Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Ewing, P. 2006. Living systems, 'total design' and the evolution of the automobile: the significance and application of holistic design methods in automotive design, manufacture and operation. Bryant, J. A., Atherton, M. A. and Collins, M. W., eds. Design and Information in Biology: From Molecules to Systems, Design and Nature, vol. 2. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 381-446.

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2006. The issue of missing values, their presence and management: a relevant demonstration of data analysis in marketing using CaRBS. Moutinho, Luiz, Hutcheson, Graham and Rita, Paulo, eds. Advances in Doctoral Research in Management, Vol. 1. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 245-268. (10.1142/9789812707246_0012)

Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali 2006. Work, life and the work-life issue. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-16.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, Ali 2006. Work-life integration and the changing context of work. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-27.

Boyne, George Alexander, Meier, Kenneth James ORCID:, O'Toole, Laurence J. and Walker, Richard M. 2006. Introduction. Boyne, George Alexander, Meier, Kenneth James, O'Toole, Laurence J. and Walker, Richard M., eds. Public Service Performance: Perspectives on Measurement and Management, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-13. (10.1017/CBO9780511488511.001)

Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 2006. The development of cost and management accounting in Britain. Chapman, Christopher S., Hopwood, Anthony G. and Shields, Michael D., eds. Handbook of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 969-1034. (10.1016/S1751-3243(06)02020-7)

Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Nikitin, M. 2006. The development of industrial accounting in Britain and France before 1880. Fleischman, Richard, ed. Accounting History, Vol. 1. SAGE Library in Business and Management, London: SAGE, pp. 326-364.

Chandler, Roy Anthony ORCID: and Ku Ismail, Ku Nor Izah 2006. Quarterly financial reporting: a survey of Malaysian users and preparers. Murinde, Victor, ed. Accounting, Banking and Corporate Financial Management in Emerging Economies, Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies, vol. 7. JAI Press, pp. 53-67.

Connolly, Ciaran and Dhanani, Alpa Virji ORCID: 2006. Accounting narratives: the reporting practices of British charities. Helmig, B., Hyndman, N., Jergers, M. and Lapsley, I., eds. On the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, Sonderhefte ZögU, vol. 34. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 39-62.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. Controlling replenishment rule induced bullwhip via good systems design. Torres, Octavio A. Carranza and Moran, Felipe A. Villegas, eds. The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains: A Review of Methods, Components and Practical Cases, Palgrave Macmillan,

Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Newell, E. 2006. The development of industrial cost and management accounting in Great Britain before 1850. Fleischman, Richard, ed. Accounting History, Vol. 1. SAGE Library in Business and Management, Sage, pp. 209-229.

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: 2006. A model of later nineteenth century European economic development. Dormois, Jean-Pierre and Lains, Pedro, eds. Classical Trade Protectionism 1815-1914: Fortress Europe, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, Taylor & Francis/Routledge,

Foster, Deborah Jayne ORCID: and Hoggett, P. 2006. Change in the benefits agency: empowering the exhausted worker? Beynon, Huw and Nichols, Theo, eds. Patterns of Work in the Post-Fordist Era: Fordism and Post-Fordism, Vol. 2. Elgar Mini Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 439-459.

Goergen, Marc ORCID:, Angenendt, P. P. and Renneboog, Luc 2006. Shareholder lock-in contracts: share price and trading volume effects at the lock-in expiry. Renneboog, Luc, ed. Advances in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, pp. 237-275.

Goergen, Marc ORCID: and Renneboog, Luc 2006. Corporate governance and shareholder value. Lowe, David J. and Leiringer, Roine, eds. Commercial Management of Projects: Defining the Discipline, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 100-131.

Hood, Christopher Philip ORCID: 2006. Japan; Iran. Lowe, Robert and Spencer, Claire, eds. Iran, its Neighbours and the Regional Crises: A Middle East Programme Report, London: Chatham House, p. 49.

Jones, Robyn L. and Wallace, Mike ORCID: 2006. The coach as 'orchestrator': more realistically managing the complex coaching context. Jones, Robyn L., ed. The Sports Coach as Educator: Re-conceptualising Sports Coaching, London: Routledge, pp. 51-64.

Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID:, Sori, Z. M. and Shamser, A. 2006. Auditor reputation and auditor independence: evidence from an emerging market. Neelan, Michael H., ed. Focus on Finance and Accounting Research, Nova Science Publisher, pp. 103-116.

Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick ORCID: and Booth, Philip M. 2006. Issues in monetary policy. Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick and Booth, Philip M., eds. Issues in Monetary Policy: The Relationship Between Money and the Financial Markets, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 1-7.

McCann, L., Hassard, J. and Morris, Jonathan Llewellyn ORCID: 2006. Hard times for the salaryman: corporate restructuring and middle managers' working lives. Matanle, Peter and Lunsing, Wim, eds. Perspectives on Work, Employment and Society in Japan, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 98-116.

Minford, Anthony Patrick Leslie ORCID: 2006. Inflation, unemployment and the pound. Roy, Subroto and Clarke, John, eds. Margaret Thatcher's Revolution: How it Happened and What it Mean (revised ed.), London: Continuum, pp. 50-66.

Minford, Anthony Patrick Leslie ORCID: 2006. Optimal monetary policy with endogenous contracts: is there a case for price-level targeting and money supply control? Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick and Booth, Philip M., eds. Issues in Monetary Policy: The Relationship Between Money and the Financial Markets, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 63-80.

Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Towill, Denis and McCullen, P. 2006. Bullwhip reduction paradigms. Torres, Octavio A. Carranza and Mor, Felipe A. Villegas, eds. The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains; A Review of Methods, Components and Cases, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-122.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Vergragt, Philip and Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Transitions to sustainable mobility. Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Vergragt, Philip and Wells, Peter Erskine, eds. The Business of Sustainable Mobility: From Vision to Reality, Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 11-18.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Business models for relocalisation to deliver sustainability. Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Wells, Peter Erskine and Vergragt, Philip, eds. The Business of Sustainable Mobility: From Vision to Reality, Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 92-102.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Vergragt, Philip J. 2006. Conclusions: where next and when can we buy one? Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Vergragt, Philip J. and Wells, Peter Erskine, eds. The Business of Sustainable Mobility: From Vision to Reality, Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 223-230.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Vergragt, Philip 2006. The business of sustainable mobility. Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Vergragt, Philip and Wells, Peter Erskine, eds. The Business of Sustainable Mobility: From Vision to Reality, Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 11-18.

Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Fairtrade coffee: grounds for a fresh look at ethical consumption. Jobber, David, ed. Principles and Practice of Marketing, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, pp. 226-228.

Reed, Michael Ivor ORCID: 2006. Organizational theorizing: a historically contested terrain. Clegg, Stewart R., Hardy, Cynthia ORCID:, Lawrence, Tom and Nord, Walter R., eds. The Sage Handbook of Organization Studies (2nd ed.), London: Sage, pp. 19-54.

Walker, Stephen Paul 2006. Expense, social and moral control: accounting and the administration of the old poor law in England and Wales. Fleischman, R. K., ed. Accounting History, Vol. 3. Sage Library in Business & Management, London: Sage,

Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2006. Hot nesting? A visual exploration of personalized workspaces in a 'hot-desk' office environment. Case, Peter, Lilley, Simon and Owen, Tom, eds. The Speed of Organization, Advances in Organization Studies (Book 19), Copenhagen: Business School Press, pp. 119-146.

Wells, Celia and Elias, Juanita 2006. Nanotechnologies and corporate criminal liability. Hunt, Geoffrey and Mehta, Michael, eds. Nanotechnology: Risk, Ethics and Law, Earthscan Science in Society Series, London: Earthscan, pp. 259-271.

Whittle, Andrea ORCID: 2006. Identity and discourse in organizational relationships. Kornberger, M. and Gudergan, S., eds. Only Connect: Neat Words, Networks and Identities, Advances in Organization Studies, vol. 20. Malmö & Copenhagen: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press, pp. 123-140.

Williams, Andrew 2006. System innovation in the automotive industry: achieving sustainability through micro factory retailing. Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Vergragt, Philip and Wells, Peter Erskine, eds. The Business of Sustainability, Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 80-91.

Conference or Workshop Item

Al-Kaabi, H., Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2006. Insights into European airlines' maintenance. Presented at: 2006 Air Transport Research Society World Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 26-28 May 2006.

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: 2006. Size, structure and administrative overheads: an empirical analysis of English local authorities. Presented at: Determinants of Performance in Public Organizations II Conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 7-9 December 2006.

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander, Law, Jennifer and Walker, Richard Mark 2006. Strategy, structure and process in the public sector: A test of the Miles and Snow Model. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA, 11-16 August 2006.

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander, Walker, Richard M. and Moon, M. J. 2006. Measuring organizational performance: reliability and overestimation of performance measurement. Presented at: Determinants of Performance in Public Organizations II Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 2006.

Aryee, Gilbert, Mason, Robert John ORCID: and Sarana, Mandip 2006. Exploring the cultural and trust aspects of business relationships for supply chain performance. Presented at: 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.

Bailey, Katherine Sarah and Evans, Barry Kenneth Peter 2006. Understanding the nature of collaboration within fresh produce value chains. Presented at: Competitive Advantage through Global Supply Chains: 11th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL), Beijing, China, 9-11 July 2006.

Beale, J. and Found, Pauline ORCID: 2006. Human aspects of sustainable lean manufacturing: the relationship between employee attitudes, personality traits and behaviours. Presented at: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Limerick, Ireland, 26-28 June 2006. Published in: Lewis, Huw, Gaughran, Bill and Burke, Stephen eds. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: FAIM 2006, June 26-28th 2006, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, Volume 1. , vol.1 Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick, pp. 1111-1117.

Beetles, Andrea Clare and Harris, Lloyd C. 2006. Relationship dissolution: post-dissolution intentions. Presented at: 4th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics - NoRD2006, Yli-li, Oulu, Finland, 6-8 October 2006.

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Choi, Young and Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois 2006. Shipping air: The global shipping of new and used cars. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Maritime Transport, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19 May 2006.

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Liu, Y. and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 2006. Multimodal transport of iron ore in Northeast China. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-14 July 2006.

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Ma, P. P. and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 2006. Multimodal transport utilising the maritime mode: a case study of freight transport from Ireland to China. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Maritime Transport, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19 May 2006.

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Qu, Weihong and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 2006. Multimodal transport efficiency: Milk products from New Zealand to China. Presented at: International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong, China, 5-7 January 2006.

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth John ORCID:, Zheng, C. and Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: 2006. Multimodal Transport: A case study of the Taiwan – Mainland China corridor. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-14 July 2006.

Berger, Hilary and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. Investigation into difficulties experienced in requirements management of a large IS development project. Presented at: AIS SIGSAND Symposium on Systems Analysis & Design, Galway, Ireland, 6 June, 2006. Published in: Lang, Michael, Oates, Briony and Siau, Keng eds. Proceedings of AIS SIGSAND Symposium on Systems Analysis & Design, Galway, Ireland, 6 June, 2006. Galway: Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC), pp. 1-14.

Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. eBusiness and regional development. Presented at: 'New Frontiers in e-Business, e-Government and e-Learning': British Academy of Management (BAM) eBusiness & e-Government Special Interest Group workshop, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 9-10 November 2006.

Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. Home working and broadband. Presented at: Enterprise Nation Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13 June 2006.

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2006. Using DS/AHP to rank of sectors on their potential to strengthen regional economic development. Presented at: MCDM 2006, Chania, Greece, 19-23 June 2006.

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2006. Welsh economic development: the differences and similarities of DS/AHP and SMART analyses. Presented at: OR 48: annual conference of the Operational Research Society, Bath, UK, 11–13 September 2006.

Boute, R. N., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Lambrecht, M. R. and Van Houdt, B. 2006. A win-win solution for the bullwhip problem. Presented at: International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS'06), Lyon, France, 14-17 May 2006.

Boute, R., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Lambrecht, M. R. and Van Houdt, B. 2006. The impact of order variance amplification / dampening on supply chain performance. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Bovaird, T., Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2006. Designing policy for service improvement in UK local government, 1997-2005: Emerging evidence from a meta-evaluation. Presented at: 10th International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM X), Glasgow, UK, 10-12 April 2006.

Bovaird, Tony, Martin, Stephen James ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Chen, A. 2006. Reinventing governmental relationship in the UK: Emerging evidence on the impacts of modernising local governance in a centralist state. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 28th Annual Fall Research Conference, Madison, WI, USA, 2-4 November 2006.

Burns, A. and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. A study of the uptake of information security policies by small and medium sized businesses in Wales? Presented at: ICEB + eBRF Global Conference: Emergent Business Phenomena in the Digital Age, Tampere, Finland, 28 November - 2 December 2006.

Childerhouse, Paul, Christopher, Martin and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. Value stream classification. Presented at: 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.

Childerhouse, P., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. Schedule volatility in the European automotive sector. Presented at: International Symposium on Logistics, Beijing, China, 9-12 July 2006.

Chung, Leanne ORCID: 2006. The formation of practice in affiliates of Hong Kong firms in China. Presented at: 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 December 2006.

Copeland, Laurence Sidney and Heravi, Saeed ORCID: 2006. Structural breaks in the real exchange rate adjustment mechanism. Presented at: All China Economics International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 18-20 December 2006.

Davies, Annette and Thomas, Robyn ORCID: 2006. The agency of texts: A study of community policing. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: 'Identity, Ideology and Idiosyncrasy', Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26-28 July 2006.

Davies, S. and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. The case study approach to eCommerce growth. Presented at: 29th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Cardiff, UK, 31 October - 2 November 2006.

Delbridge, Rick ORCID: and Edwards, Timothy James ORCID: 2006. The relational pragmatics of institutional entrepreneurship and field re-composition. Presented at: EGOS 2006 - European Group for Organizational Studies, Bergen, Norway, 6-8 July 2006.

Delbridge, Rick ORCID: and Edwards, Timothy James ORCID: 2006. Understanding field reproduction: the interconnection between agency, social position and stuctural context. Presented at: Workshop on the Present and Future Status of Institutional Theory, Alberta, Canada, 2-3 June 2006.

Demir, Emrah ORCID: 2006. New mathematical formulations for generalized traveling salesman problem. Presented at: XXVI National Conference in Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli, Turkey,

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Chen, Frank, Gaalman, G., Lambrecht, Marc, Towill, Denis Royston, Van de Velde, W. and Warburton, R. D. H. 2006. The economics of the bullwhip effect. Presented at: INFORMS 2006 International, Hong Kong, China, 25-28 June 2006.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, McCullen, P. and Saw, R. J. 2006. Dynamic supply chain design: Square root law for bullwhip. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2006), Beijing, China, 9-11 July 2006. Published in: Pawar, Kulwant S. ed. Competitive Advantage Through Global Supply Chains: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics (11th ISL), Beijing, China, 9-11 July 2006. Nottingham, UK: Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, University of Nottingham Business School,

Dorrington, Peter ORCID:, Rich, Nicholas Leo, Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Peat, B. 2006. A new approach to micro-manufacturing road-mapping: Methodology and initial findings. Presented at: 2nd European Conference on Management of Technology (EuroMOT) 2006, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 September 2006. Published in: Bennett, David, Clegg, Ben, Greasley, Andrew and Albores, Pavel eds. Technology and Global Integration: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Management of Technology, Birmingham, UK, 10-12 September 2006. Birmingham / Coral Gables: Aston Business School / International Association for Management of Technology,

Esain, Ann Elizabeth, Angel, L. and Robertson, K. 2006. The application of Six Sigma in healthcare. Presented at: EUROMA 2006, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.

Esain, Ann Elizabeth and Rich, N. 2006. Streaming in acute healthcare. Presented at: EUROMA 2006, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.

Foster, Deborah Jane ORCID: and Fosh, Patricia 2006. Representing disabled employees in the workplace: the need for a multi-dimensional approach. Presented at: Proceedings of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association Conference, Galway, Ireland, 28-30 June 2006.

Found, Pauline ORCID:, Beale, J., Hines, P., Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Rich, Nicholas Leo, Sarmiento, R. and Thomas, A. 2006. A theoretical framework for economic sustainability of manufacturing. Presented at: 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006. Published in: Mendibil, Kepa and Shamsuddin, Alina eds. Moving up the Value Chain: Proceedings of 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006. , vol.2 Glasgow: University of Strathclyde Publishing, pp. 681-691.

Found, Pauline ORCID:, Beale, J. and Rich, Nicholas Leo 2006. A theoretical model for sustainable change. Presented at: 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: FAIM 2006, Limerick, Ireland, 26-28 June 2006. Published in: Lewis, Huw, Gaughran, Bill and Burke, Stephen eds. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing : FAIM 2006, June 26-28th 2006, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Limerick: University of Limerick, Dept. of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, pp. 1075-1082.

Found, Pauline ORCID: and Rich, Nicholas Leo 2006. The meaning of lean: cross case perceptions of packaging businesses in the UK fast moving consumer goods sector. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2006, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 6-8 September 2006. Published in: Bourlakis, Michael A. ed. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2006: 6th - 8th September 2006, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Corby: CILT: The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK, pp. 119-125.

Gaalman, G. and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. On the bullwhip effect of Order-Up-To policies for ARMA(2,2) demand and arbitrary lead-times. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Gaalman, Gerard and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. Optimal linear inventory replenishment policies in a two-stage supply chain with arbitrary lead-times. Presented at: CORS/INFORMS 2006 International Meeting, Hong Kong, China, 25-28 June 2006.

Geordel, H, O'Toole, Laurence and Meier, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Strategic public management and performance: A contingency approach. Presented at: Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 20-23 April 2006.

Gillman, Max and Kejak, Michal 2006. Accounting for corruption: Taxes, the shadow economy, endogenous growth and inflation. Presented at: Society for Economic Dynamics 2006 Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 6-8 July 2006. 2006 Meeting Papers (402)

Golding, K. and Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Social marketing: a new approach for progressing fair trade. Presented at: Second International Conference on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development, Monteal, Canada, 19-21 June 2006.

Hines, P., Beale, J., Found, Pauline ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Rich, Nicholas Leo, Sarmiento, R. and Thomas, A. 2006. A holistic framework for the economic sustainability of manufacturing. Presented at: 13th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.

Hosada, Takamichi S. and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. The proportional order-up-to policy and altruistic behaviour in a three echelon supply chain. Presented at: Annual INFORMS International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 25-28 June 2006.

Huang, J. and Xiao, Jason Zezhong ORCID: 2006. Determinants of audit fees in listed Chinese firms. Presented at: 2nd International Symposium on Chinese Accounting, Finance, and Management (ISCAFM), Cardiff, UK, 29-30 June 2006.

Hughes, Mathew, Hughes, Paul and Morgan, Robert E ORCID: 2006. Time-based competitive performance and entrepreneurial orientation. Presented at: Strategy And Governance in a World of Institutional Change -Strategic Management Society 26th Annual International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 29 October - 1 November 2006.

Hurlow, Sarah 2006. Visible leadership. Presented at: 5th International Studying Leadership Conference, Cranfield, UK, 4-6 December 2006.

Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2006. Partnership and perish. Presented at: 24th Annual Labour Process Conference, London, UK, 10-12 April 2006.

Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2006. 'Robust' partnership: processes and outcomes. Presented at: British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) Annual Conference, Galway, Ireland, 28-30 June 2006.

Jenkins, Sarah Louise ORCID: 2006. Where is the 'H' in HRM? Presented at: 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, 11-16 August 2006.

Jones, Calvin ORCID: 2006. Informing regional tourism policy: using and extending a regional TSA. Presented at: 15th East Asian International Symposium: Economic Analysis and Tourism Statistics in Regional Economy, Yamaguchi, Japan, 2-4 December 2006.

Jones, Calvin ORCID: 2006. The return to regions of stadia and events, sport and economic regeneration. Presented at: Institute for Welsh Affairs, Cardiff, U.K., 5 October 2006.

Kaleka, Anna ORCID: 2006. The impact of resources and capabilities on the performance of regular and sporadic exporters. Presented at: 2006 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 4-7 August 2006. Published in: Grewal, Dhruv, Levy, Michael and Krishnan, R. eds. 2006 AMA Educators' Proceedings: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing. , vol.17 Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, pp. 100-101.

Khalifa, Rihab, Humphrey, Christopher, Robson, Keith and Sharma, Nina ORCID: 2006. Making audit valuable, making audit auditable: Methodological discourses in the professional audit field. Presented at: 29th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 March 2006.

Kudara, Masakazu 2006. The role of TBL (Task-based Learning) in a short teaching programme: what kinds of difficulties did trainees face and how did they try to overcome? Presented at: International Conference on Japanese Language Education, New York, NY, USA, 5-6 August 2006.

March, Donna and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. A longitudinal study of e-commerce growth in the regional context. Presented at: 29th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Cardiff, UK, 31 October - 2 November 2006.

Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: 2006. Taking stock of service improvement. Presented at: Wales Governance Centre ESRC Conference on Devolution in Wales: Taking Stock, Moving Forward, Cardiff, UK, 7-8 July 2006.

Mason, Robert John ORCID: and Lalwani, Chandra 2006. Mass customised distribution. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2006), Beijing, China, 9-11 July 2006.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki 2006. Energy economics and trade for the European Union: The role of seabourne transport. Presented at: 5th European Economics and Finance Society Annual International Conference, Crete, Greece, 18-21 May 2006.

Mustaffa, Noorfa Haszlinna and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. Stochastic periodic review model of a multi retailer inventory routing problem. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Mustaffa, Noorfa Haszlinna and Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2006. Healthcare supply chain management in Malaysia: A case study. Presented at: EUROMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 Jun 2006. Moving Up the Value Chain: Proceedings of the EUROMA Conference, 18-21 June 2006. EUROMA Conference Proceedings , vol.1 Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, pp. 751-760.

Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID:, Mason, Robert John ORCID: and Bateman, Nicola 2006. The flexibility of transport operations. Presented at: 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois 2006. Cars and sustainable consumption. Presented at: Launch Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!), 23-25 November 2006, Wuppertal, Germany. Published in: Charter, Martin and Tukker, Arnold eds. Proceedings: Refereed Sessions III: Sustainable Consumption and Production: Opportunities and Challenges: Launch Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network, 23-25 November 2006, Wuppertal, Germany. , vol.3 Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange, pp. 287-298.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Gowen, H. H. 2006. Alternative fuels into the future? Demand management transport planning. Presented at: Progress Towards Integrated Transport? Institution of Civil Engineers (Wales) Seminar, Cardiff, UK, 12 October 2006.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Zapata, Clovis 2006. Car co2 emissions reduction strategies for China. Presented at: GIN2006: 13th International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network, Cardiff, UK, 2-5 July 2006.

O'Grady, L., Hines, P. and Elias, Simon 2006. Lean in the service sectors: Extending education to the forgotten 80%. Presented at: Lean Educator Conference, Worcester, MA, USA, 16-18 October 2006.

Oliveira-Castro, J. M, James, V. K. and Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID: 2006. Post-reinforcement pause in grocery shopping: comparing inter-purchase time across products and consumers. Presented at: Association for Behavior Analysis 32nd Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, USA, 26-30 May 2006.

Parfett, Martin and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. eCommerce as a driver for regional development. Presented at: 29th ISBE Conference 2006, Cardiff, UK, 31 October - 2 November 2006. International Entrepreneurship - From Local to Global Enterprise Creation and Development: Conference Handbook: 29th Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, 31st October - 2nd November 2006, Cardiff-Caerdydd. Harrogate: Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE),

Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Marketing the impossible: what can marketing do to promote responsible consumption? Presented at: Greening of Industry Network Conference, Cardiff, UK, 2-6 July 2006.

Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. A path to sustainability: an alternative agenda. Presented at: Greening of Industry Network Conference, Cardiff, UK, 2-6 July 2006.

Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Social marketing: food for thought. Presented at: UK Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Conference, Bournemouth, UK, 2006.

Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: and Carmona, M. 2006. Responsible food retailing: the case for intermediate-level labelling. Presented at: 13th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 9-12 July 2006.

Peattie, Susan and Jamal, Ahmad ORCID: 2006. Tackling obesity among children: the role of retailers promotional offers. Presented at: 13th International Conference of the European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS) 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 9th - 12th July 2006.

Peattie, Susan, Jamal, Ahmad ORCID: and Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Protecting consumer interests: responsible and inclusive marketing of food to ethnic minority consumers. Presented at: 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece, 23-26 May 2006.

Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2006. Modelling humanitarian aid supply chains. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2006, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 6-8 September 2006.

Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2006. Understanding humanitarian aid supply chains. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2006, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 6-8 September 2006. Published in: Bourlakis, Michael A. ed. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2006: 6th-8th September 2006, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Corby: CILT: The Chartered Institute of Logisitics & Transport in the UK, n/a.

Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Bowles, D. 2006. Developing the Quick Scan Audit Methodology as a tool for the steel industry. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Lalwani, Chandra 2006. Investigating the impact of demand amplification on transport. Presented at: Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2006 International Conference, Shanghai, China, 19-23 June 2006.

Powell, Taman 2006. The impact of knowledge management processes on knowledge creation in professional service firms. Presented at: European Doctoral School of Knowledge and Management, Warwick, UK, 30 June - 1 July 2006.

Powell, Taman 2006. Learning and knowing in practice: how to study it? Presented at: Research Unit on Communication, Organisational Learning and Aesthetics, Trento, Italy, 28 Feb 2006.

Powell, Taman Harley 2006. An effective board from a team perspective. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2006, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 12-14 September 2006.

Powell, Taman Harley 2006. The management of knowledge in management consultancies. Presented at: Warwick Business School Seminar, Warwick, UK, 11 October 2006.

Robinson, Scott E., Hicklin, Alisa, O'Toole, Laurence J. and Meier, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Calming the storm: Collaborative public management, hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and disaster response. Presented at: Maxwell School Conference on Collaborative Public Management, Washington, DC, USA, 28-30 September 2006.

Rocha, Rene and Meier, Kenneth John ORCID: 2006. Latino politics and the States: how political culture interacts with electoral structure. Presented at: Western Political Science Association, Denver, CO, USA, 16-18 Mar 2006.

Rosier, Eleri Rhian, Morgan, Robert E. ORCID:, Barton, L. and Kouropalatis, Yiannis ORCID: 2006. Fostering an innovative organizational culture: implications for product-market strategy effectiveness. Presented at: 35th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Athens, Greece, 23-26 May 2006.

Salama, Kamal Fahmy and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. Auditing supply chain performance. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco Augusto ORCID:, Aryee, Gilbert and Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2006. Triangulating different frameworks for the evaluation of supply chain performance. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2006, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 6-8 September 2006.

Sarana, M., Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2006. Complexity and control of a suite of inventory and production planning systems. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Sarana, Mandip and Mason, Robert John ORCID: 2006. The alignment of collaboration and the importance of integrated performance measurement. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, online, 3-14 July 2006. Published in: Pham, D. T., Eldukhri, E. E. and Soroka, A. eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, 3-14 July 2006. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 45-51.

Sarmiento, R., Rich, Nicholas Leo, Aryee, Gilbert and Francis, M. 2006. An exploratory study on uncertainty-reducing practices. Presented at: POMS 2006 International Conference, Shanghai, China, 19-23 June 2006.

Sarmiento, Roberto, Sarkis, Joseph, Byrne, Mike and Rich, Nicholas Leo 2006. A critical analysis of manufacturing capabilities measurement in manufacturing strategy studies. Presented at: 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS 2006), Boston, MA, USA, 28 April - 1 May 2006. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Boston, MA, USA, 28 April - 1 May, 2006.

Sarmiento, Roberto, Rich, Nicholas Leo, Aryee, Gilbert and Francis, Mark ORCID: 2006. Employee turnover and its effect on sustainable manufacturing operations. Presented at: Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2006 International Conference, Shanghai, China, 19-23 June 2006.

Sharma, Nina ORCID: 2006. Constructing images of expertise: Interplay of front and back stage knowledge in VFM auditing. Presented at: 8th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference 2006, Cardiff, UK, 10-12 July 2006.

Slater, Stephanie ORCID:, Lee, J. J. and Pease, S. 2006. Dynamic capabilities. Presented at: Entrepreneurship & China's Economic Development Asian China Economics Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2006.

Slater, Stephanie ORCID:, Paliwoda, Stanley and Slater, Jim 2006. Globalisation, levitt and the evidence from Japan and Singapore. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science 2006 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, 24-27 May 2006.

Slater, Stephanie ORCID:, Paliwoda, Stanley and Slater, Jim 2006. Internationalisation - positions, paths and processes: The evidence from Japan and Singapore. Presented at: Annual Conference of Corporate Strategy, Berlin, Germany, 19-20 May 2006.

Stiles, David Roy, Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: and Mohammad, M. H. S. 2006. Actionable knowledge in an emerging context: New public financial management in Malaysian agencies. Presented at: 2006 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, 11-16 August 2006.

Wang, Yingli ORCID: 2006. E-collaboration: A literature analysis. Presented at: 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference, online, 3-14 July 2006. Published in: Eldukhri, Eldaw Elzaki, Pham, Duc Truong and Soroka, Anthony John ORCID: eds. Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006. Elsevier, pp. 132-143.

Wang, Yingli ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2006. B2B e-Business reference architecture for customised logistics. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2006), Beijing, China, 9-11 July 2006. Published in: Pawar, Kulwant ed. Competitive Advantage Through Global Supply Chains: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics (11th ISL), Beijing, China, 9 - 11 July 2006. Nottingham: Centre for Concurrent Enterprise,

Wang, Yingli ORCID:, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Mason, Robert John ORCID: 2006. Aligning transport performance measures for customised logistics. Presented at: 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-26 February 2006.

Warburton, R. D. H. and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. Cyclic demand problems in the frequency domain. Presented at: INFORMS 2006 International, Hong Kong, China, 25-28 June 2006.

Willatts, James, Davies, Anthony John and Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2006. Barriers to adoption of advanced e-business in Welsh small and medium sized enterprises. Presented at: ICEB + eBRF Global Conference: Emergent Business Phenomena in the Digital Age, Tampere, Finland, 28 November - 2 December 2006. Published in: Maula, M. ed. ICEB + eBRF 2006 Conference Proceedings, Tampere, Finland, 28 November - 2 December 2006. ICEB,

Woo, TingTing and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2006. Co-operation and collaboration in the UK coinage industry. Presented at: INFORMS 2006 International, Hong Kong, China, 25-28 June 2006.


Al-Muharrami, Saeed, Matthews, Kent ORCID: and Khabari, Yusuf 2006. Market structure and competitive conditions in the Arab GCC banking system. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander, Chen, A. and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2006. Population size and local authority performance. London: Department for Communities and Local Government.

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Turner, Duncan 2006. Promoting effective citizenship and community empowerment: A guide for local authorities on enhancing capacity for public participation. [Project Report]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Available at:

Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: 2006. Monetary policy before and after the euro: evidence from Greece. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Arghyrou, Michael ORCID: and Chortareas, Georgios 2006. Current account imbalances and real exchange rates in the Euro area. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Ashworth, Rachel Elizabeth ORCID:, Copus, C., Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Williams, P. 2006. Review of the role and functions of elected members: literature review. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at:

Beecham, Jeremy, Martin, Stephen James ORCID:, Morgan, Gillian and Webb, Adrian 2006. Beyond boundaries: citizen-centred local services for Wales. [Technical Report]. Welsh Assembly Government.

Benk, Szilárd, Gillman, Max and Kejak, Michal 2006. Money velocity in an endogenous growth business cycle with credit shocks. [Working Paper]. CDMA Conference Paper Series, vol. 0604. St. Andrews: Centre for Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis. Available at:

Braun, R. Anton and Gillman, Max 2006. Banking in general equilibrium with an application to Japan. [Discussion Paper]. CIRJE Discussion Papers, Tokyo: Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo. Available at:

Bryan, Jane, Jones, Calvin ORCID:, Munday, Maxim C.R. ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2006. One NorthEast: identifying and assessing sector strengths using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. [Project Report]. One NorthEast. Available at:

Chew, Celine, Mclaughlin, Kate, Osborne, Stephen and Tricker, M. 2006. The single pot in Herefordshire. Final Evaluation Report. [Project Report]. Herefordshire County Council and Hereford Community and Voluntary Sector.

Clarke, Roger and Collie, David R. 2006. Export taxes under Bertrand duopoly. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Clarke, Roger and Collie, David R. 2006. Maximum-revenue versus optimum welfare export taxes. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Clarke, Roger and Collie, David R. 2006. Welfare in the Nash equilibrium in export taxes under Bertrand duopoly. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Copeland, Laurence 2006. Arbitrage bounds and the time series properties of the discount on UK closed-end mutual funds. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Copeland, Laurence and Heravi, Saeed ORCID: 2006. Structural breaks in the real exchange rate adjustment mechanism. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Daley, J, Matthews, Kent ORCID: and Whitfield, Keith ORCID: 2006. Too-big-to-fail: bank failure and banking policy in Jamaica. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Delbridge, Rick ORCID:, Edwards, Paul, Forth, John, Miskell, Peter and Payne, Jonathon 2006. The organization of productivity: Re-thinking skills and work organization. [Working Paper]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at:

Evans, Barry and Bailey, Katherine Sarah 2006. Reducing waste and increasing value: a case study of Fenmarc's Potato Supply Chain. [Project Report]. Cutting Costs - Adding Value in Fresh Produce, Letchmore Heath, Herts: Food Chain Centre.

Evans, Barry and Taylor, David 2006. Giving customers better value: a case study of school milk supplied by dairy farmers of Britain. [Project Report]. DEFRA.

Evans, Barry Kenneth Peter, Foster, Chris, Green, Ken, Flynn, Andrew ORCID:, Dewick, Paul, Bleda, Mercedes and Mylan, Jo 2006. Environmental impacts of food production and consumption. [Project Report]. Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Available at:

Evans, Kevin ORCID: and Speight, Alan 2006. Dynamic news effects in high frequency Euro exchange rate returns and volatility. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Working Papers in Accounting and Finance, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: 2006. Industrial policy in Europe in the 20th century. [Working Paper]. EIB Papers, vol. 2/2006. European Investment Bank.

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: 2006. Lessons from Italian monetary unification. [Working Paper]. Osterreichische Nationalbank Working Paper, Osterreichische Nationalbank. Available at:

Gillman, Max and Otto, Glen 2006. Money demand in general equilibrium endogenous growth: estimating the role of a variable interest elasticity. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Grugulis, Irena and Stoyanova Russell, Dimitrinka ORCID: 2006. Skill and performance? [Project Report]. SKOPE issues paper, vol. 9. SKOPE, Oxford and Warwick Universities.

Hodges, Ron and Mellett, Howard 2006. Accounting regulation in the UK: one nation, two sectors. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Working Papers in Accounting and Finance, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

James, Victoria and Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID: 2006. Matching, maximisation and consumer choice. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Business School Working Paper Series M2006/02, Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at:

Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID:, Sori, Z. M. and Aziah, A. K. 2006. Auditing implications for corporate governance in Malaysia. [Unknown].

Kasabov, Edward and Delbridge, Rick ORCID: 2006. Biotech clusters in the UK: Challenges and opportunities. [Working Paper]. London: AIM Research. Available at:

Loughlin, John Patrick and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2006. The free communes experiments: lessons for policy in England. [Discussion Paper]. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Lungu, Laurian, Matthews, Kent ORCID: and Minford, Patrick 2006. Partial current information and signal extraction in a rational expectations macroeconomic model: a computational solution. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: 2006. Performance and perceptions of local public services. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.

Martin, Stephen James ORCID:, Entwistle, Thomas Walter ORCID:, Ashworth, Rachel Elizabeth ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander, Chen, A., Dowson, L., Enticott, Gareth Paul ORCID:, Law, L. and Walker, Richard M. 2006. The long-term evaluation of the Best Value regime: Final Report. [Project Report]. Centre for Local & Regional Government Research, Cardiff University/Department for Communities and Local Government: London. Available at:

Matthews, Kent ORCID: and Ismail, Mahadzir 2006. Efficiency and productivity growth of domestic and foreign commercial banks in Malaysia. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Matthews, Kent ORCID:, Meenagh, David ORCID:, Minford, Patrick and Webb, Bruce 2006. Monetary regimes: Is there a trade-off between consumption and employment variability? [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Matthews, Kent ORCID:, Minford, Patrick and Naraidoo, Ruthira 2006. Vicious and virtuous circles: the political economy of unemployment in interwar UK and USA. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Matthews, Kent ORCID:, Murinde, Victor and Zhao, Tianshu 2006. Competitiveness and market contestability of major UK banks. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Matthews, Kent ORCID:, Shepherd, Jonathan ORCID: and Sivarajasingham, Vaseekaran 2006. Violence-related injury and the price of beer in England and Wales. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Matthews, Kent ORCID:, Shepherd, Jonathan ORCID:, Sivarajasingham, Vaseekaran and Benbow, Sally 2006. Violence, gender and the price of beer in England and Wales. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Meenagh, David ORCID:, Minford, Patrick and Peel, David 2006. Simulating stock returns under switching regimes: a new test of market efficiency. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Morgan, Robert E, Kouropalatis, Yiannis ORCID: and Hughes, Paul 2006. Considering strategic proactiveness within a market knowledge diffusion framework. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Business School Working Paper Series, Cardiff, UK: Cardiff Business School. Available at:

Osborne, Stephen, McLaughlin, Kate, Chew, Celine and Tricker, Mike 2006. The single pot: lessons from the ABI Pilot Study. Report submitted to Government Office of the West Midlands and ODPM. [Project Report]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Paez-Farrell, Juan 2006. Assessing sticky price models using the Burns and Mitchell approach. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Paez-Farrell, Juan 2006. Output and inflation in models of the business cycle with nominal rigidities: some counterfactual evidence. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID:, Hines, Frances, Jenkins, Heledd Mair, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID:, Thankappan, Samarthia, Williams, A. and Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. Critical review of evidence for environmental impacts of UK households: sustainable consumption and production. [Project Report]. London: DEFRA.

Robinson, Helen and Wadsworth, Jonathan 2006. The impact of the minimum wage on the incidence of second job holding in Britain. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Selim, Sheikh Tareq 2006. Current account dynamics and capital mobility in Asian small economies. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Selim, Sheikh Tareq 2006. Revisiting the capital tax ambiguity result. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Selim, Sheikh Tareq ORCID: 2006. On policy relevance of Ramsey tax rules. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Selim, Sheikh ORCID: 2006. Taxing capital in an imperfectly competitive economy. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Sian, S 2006. Operationalising closure in a colonial context: the association of accountants in East Africa 1949-1963. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Working Papers in Accounting and Finance, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Simons, David Wyn and Zokaei, Amir Keivan 2006. An apple a day: A case study of the schools fruit and vegetable scheme. [Project Report]. Milton Keynes: Food Chain Centre. Available at:

Sori, Zulkarnain Muhamad and Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. Audit committee and auditor independence: Some evidence from Malaysia. [Working Paper]. Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network: Social Science Electronic Publishing. Available at:

Sori, Zulkarnain Muhamad and Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. Audit, non-audit services and auditor independence. [Discussion Paper]. Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia. Available at:

Sori, Zulkarnain Muhamad and Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. Auditor reputation and auditor independence in an emerging market. [Working Paper]. Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network: Social Science Electronic Publishing. Available at:

Sori, Zulkarnain Muhamad, Mohamad, Shamsher and Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. Auditor reputation and auditor independence: Evidence from an emerging market. [Working Paper]. Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network: Social Science Electronic Publishing. Available at:

Sori, Zulkarnain Muhamad, Mohamad, Shamsher and Karbhari, Yusuf ORCID: 2006. Perceived auditor independence and size of audit firm. [Working Paper]. Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia. Available at:

Stoll, Louise, Bolam, Ray, McMahon, Agnes, Wallace, Mike ORCID:, Hawkey, Kate and Greenwood, Angela 2006. Source materials for school leaders and other leaders of learning. [Project Report]. Bristol: University of Bristol. Available at:

Turnbull, Peter John 2006. Social dialogue in the process of structural adjustment and private sector participation in ports. Geneva: International Labour Organisation. Available at:

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. 4x4 cars and the city: what are the limits of vehicle manufacturer responsibility? [Working Paper]. Cardiff: Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law & Society. Available at:

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. A 4x4 too far? Comment and Analysis, Cardiff: The Centre For Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2006. The suitability of the Land Rover Discovery and the Range Rover models for urban environments. Report for Greenpeace, Greenpeace. Available at:

Yuan, Rongli, Milonas, Nikolaos and Xiao, Jason ORCID: 2006. The role of financial institutions in the corporate governance of listed Chinese companies. [Discussion Paper]. Discussion Papers in Accounting and Finance, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Zokaei, Keivan and Simons, David 2006. Meeting the renewable transport fuel obligation: a biofuels case study from seed to forecourt. [Project Report]. London, UK: Food Chain Centre.


Abu Sadah, Muhammad 2006. International contracting and commercial arbitration: an analysis of the doctrine of harmonisation and regionalism with special reference to the Middle East region. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Barker, Ralph 2006. Waste assessment and application of improvement techniques in UK private housebuilding supply chains. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Barton, Lisa Ceinwen. 2006. Antecedents and outcomes of mid-level marketing managers product-market strategy implementation behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Chen, Huirong. 2006. Board characteristics, ownership structure and executive remuneration in China. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Haniff, Mohd Nizal. 2006. Modelling intraday stock price dynamics on the Malaysian stock exchange. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Hsu, Yung-Hao. 2006. Study of competitive transport policies and ICT development strategies in the global logistics service : the case of Taiwan. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Huang, Jing 2006. An investigation into the determinants of auditor selection and audit fees in China. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Jones, Calvin ORCID: 2006. The economic significance of tourism and of major events: analysis, context and policy. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Kakavelakis, Konstantinos 2006. Organisational change and the process of knowing: the role of communities of practice within the context of a merger in the UK brewing sector. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Kamarulzaman, Yusniza 2006. The adoption of internet shopping for travel services. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Meenagh, David ORCID: 2006. Modelling monetary policy and financial markets. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Mokhtar, Mohd Zulkifli. 2006. Evaluation of the factors affecting corporate performance of Malaysian listed companies. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Piercy, Niall C. 2006. Online retail : service quality derivation, market segmentation and organisational analysis. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Robson, Neil 2006. A contextual history of accounting in UK hospitals: 1880-1974. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Roh, Hong-Seung 2006. Establishing a generic systems model of port clusters and their associated port logistics process. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Theodoridis, Konstantinos. 2006. Evaluating dynamic general equilibrium models. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

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