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Number of items: 420.

Vazquez-Brust, Diego, Plaza Úbeda, J. A., de Burgos Jiménez, J. and Natenzon, C. E., eds. 2012. Business and environmental risks: Spatial interactions between environmental hazards and social vulnerabilities in Ibero-America. Dordrecht: Springer.

Whitely, Richard and Morgan, Glenn, eds. 2012. Capitalisms and capitalism in the twenty-first century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Umemura, Maki ORCID: and Fujioka, Rika, eds. 2012. Comparative responses to globalization: Experiences of British and Japanese enterprises. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fleischman, R., Funnell, W. and Walker, Stephen Paul, eds. 2012. Critical histories of accounting: Sinister inscriptions in the modern era. Routledge New Works in Accounting History, Abingdon: Routledge.

Parker, Robert H., Zeff, Stephen A. and Anderson, Malcolm, eds. 2012. Major contributors to the British accountancy profession: A biographical sourcebook. Edinburgh: ICAS.

Lindgreen, Adam ORCID:, Kotler, Philip, Maon, François and Vanhamme, Joëlle, eds. 2012. A stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, and reconciliation. Aldershot: Gower.

Hurlow, Sarah 2012. Enhancing students' employability skills: rhetoric and reality. Presented at: Association of Business Schools Teaching & Learning Conference: Innovation in Challenging Times, Manchester, 24-25 April 2012.

Abbott, Brian, Heery, Edmund James ORCID: and Williams, Stephen 2012. Civil society organizations and the exercise of power in the employment relationship. Employee Relations 34 (1) , pp. 91-107. 10.1108/01425451211183282

Abdallah, Abed AL-Nasser, Abdallah, Wissam ORCID: and Ismail, Ahmad 2012. Do accounting standards matter to financial analysts? An empirical analysis of the effect of cross-listing from different accounting standards regimes on analyst following and forecast error. The International Journal of Accounting 47 (2) , pp. 168-197. 10.1016/j.intacc.2012.03.002

Abdul Wahab, Nor Shaipah and Holland, Kevin ORCID: 2012. Tax planning, corporate governance and equity value. The British Accounting Review 44 (2) , pp. 111-124. 10.1016/

Abdullah, Siti Nadia Binti, Aldahlawi, Nada Hussein, Rosli, Yanti, Vaegan, ,, Boon, Mei Ying and Maddess, Ted 2012. Effect of contrast, stimulus density, and viewing distance on multifocal steady-state visual evoked potentials (MSVs). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 53 (9) , pp. 5527-5535. 10.1167/iovs.11-9325

Abouarghoub, Wessam ORCID:, Mariscal, Iris and Howells, Peter 2012. Dynamic earnings within tanker markets: An investigation of exogenous and endogenous structure breaks. American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2 (1) , pp. 132-147.

Acevedo, Beatric and Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2012. Vision in organization studies. Culture and Organisation 18 (4) , pp. 277-284. 10.1080/14759551.2012.705524

Adelman, Toby, Kitchener, Martin James ORCID:, Ng, Terence and Harrington, Charlene 2012. Change and inertia in the new york state medicaid personal care services program: an institutional case study. Journal of Aging & Social Policy 24 (3) , pp. 309-327. 10.1080/08959420.2012.683319

Afonso, Antonio, Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2012. The determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU. [Working Paper]. ISEG Economics Working Paper, vol. 36. Lisbon: Technical University of Lisbon - School of Economics and Management (ISEG).

Ahmad, Maslina Binti 2012. Auditor independence in Malaysia: the perceptions of loan officers and professional investors. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Ainsworth, Susan, Cutcher, Leanne and Thomas, Robyn ORCID: 2012. Ideas that work: mobilizing Australian workers using a discourse of rights. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (8) , pp. 2510-2528. 10.1080/09585192.2012.666259

Alexander, Anthony 2012. Sustainable business: Naive dream or new frontier? Presented at: WBS Business Cafe, Warwick University, UK, 8 Nov 2012.

Alexander, Anthony 2012. Systems thinking in strategy, marketing and supply chain and application for business sustainability. Presented at: Understanding Complex Systems, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 27 September 2012. Published in: Spiegler, Virginia L. M. ORCID: and Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID: eds. Understanding Complex Systems: Conference Proceedings. Cardiff: Cardiff University, pp. 26-31.

Ali Basah, Mohamad 2012. Corporate social responsibility and natural environmental risk management in the context of the banking sector of Malaysia. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Ali, Mohammad M., Boylan, John E. and Syntetos, Argyrios ORCID: 2012. Forecast errors and inventory performance under forecast information sharing. International Journal of Forecasting 28 (4) , pp. 830-841. 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2010.08.003

Alvesson, M. and Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2012. Making sense of management: A critical introduction (2nd ed.). London: SAGE.

Anderson, Malcolm 2012. Accounting History Publications 2010. Accounting History Review 22 (1) , pp. 93-97. 10.1080/21552851.2012.653135

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: and Boyne, George Alexander 2012. Structural change and public service performance: the impact of the reorganization process in English Local Government. Public Administration 90 (2) , pp. 297-312. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2011.01956.x

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander, Meier, Kenneth John ORCID:, O'Toole, Laurence and Walker, Richard M. 2012. Vertical strategic alignment and public service performance. Public Administration 90 (1) , pp. 77-98. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2011.01938.x

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID:, Boyne, George Alexander and Walker, Richard M. 2012. Overspending in Public Organizations: Does Strategic Management Matter? International Public Management Journal 15 (1) , pp. 39-61. 10.1080/10967494.2012.684017

Andrews, Rhys William ORCID: and Johansen, Morgen 2012. Organizational environments and performance: a linear or nonlinear relationship? Public Organization Review 12 (2) , pp. 175-189. 10.1007/s11115-012-0173-z

Angell, Robert ORCID:, Megicks, Phil, Memery, Juliet, Heffernan, Troy and Howell, Kerry E 2012. Understanding the older shopper: a behavioural typology. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19 (2) , pp. 259-269.

Antony, Jiju, Bhuller, Anmol Singh, Kumar, Maneesh ORCID:, Mendibil, Kepa and Montgomery, Douglas C. 2012. Application of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology in a transactional environment. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 29 (1) , pp. 31-53. 10.1108/02656711211190864

Aoki, Katsuki, Delbridge, Rick ORCID: and Endo, Takahiro 2012. 'Japanese human resource management' in post-bubble Japan. The International Journal of Human Resource Management n/a 10.1080/09585192.2012.722118

Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Gadea, Maria Dolores 2012. The single monetary policy and domestic macro-fundamentals: Evidence from Spain. Journal of Policy Modeling 34 (1) , pp. 16-34. 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2011.09.002

Arghyrou, Michael Georgiou ORCID: and Kontonikas, Alexandros 2012. The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 22 (4) , pp. 658-677. 10.1016/j.intfin.2012.03.003

Ashworth, Rachel Elizabeth ORCID: 2012. Institutionalising Public Service Innovations: Governance Reforms in UK Local Government. Presented at: Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012.

Ashworth, Rachel Elizabeth ORCID: 2012. New institutional theory and public services: A synthesis and overview? Presented at: Policy and Politics Conference 2012, Bristol, UK, 18-19 September 2012.

Asmild, Mette and Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick ORCID: 2012. Multi-directional efficiency analysis of efficiency patterns in Chinese banks 1997-2008. European Journal of Operational Research 219 (2) , pp. 434-441. 10.1016/j.ejor.2012.01.001

Azacis, Helmuts ORCID: and Vida, Peter 2012. Collusive communication schemes in a first-price auction. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Baines, Paul, Fill, Chris and Page, Kelly L. 2012. Essentials of marketing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Barton, Harry and Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2012. Policing for the people: A cluster based investigation of the relationship between police force operational performance and public opinion. International Journal of Emergency Services 1 (1) , pp. 29-38. 10.1108/20470891211239308

Basu, Parantap, Gillman, Max and Pearlman, Joe 2012. Inflation, human capital and Tobin's q. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36 (7) , pp. 1057-1074. 10.1016/j.jedc.2012.02.004

Baylis, Richard ORCID: and Clatworthy, Mark Anthony 2012. Fair value reporting. Accountancy -London-

Baylis, Richard ORCID:, Clatworthy, Mark Anthony and Pong, Christopher 2012. Report on auditor clauses in loan agreements. [Documentation]. Competition Commission.

Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID:, Xu, Qing and Williams, Sharon Jayne 2012. A study of dry port development in China. Maritime Economics & Logistics 14 (1) , pp. 73-98. 10.1057/mel.2011.17

Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2012. e-business. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2012. Enacting significance: a new perspective on the nature of information within systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 29 (1) , pp. 46-65. 10.1002/sres.1123

Beynon-Davies, Paul ORCID: 2012. Formatics. Presented at: AMCIS - 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Seattle, WA, USA, 9-11 August 2012.

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, Heffernan, Margaret and McDermott, Aoife Mary ORCID: 2012. Psychological contracts and job satisfaction: clustering analysis using evidential c-means and comparison with other techniques. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 19 (4) , pp. 247-273. 10.1002/isaf.1334

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID:, McDermott, Aoife Mary ORCID: and Keating, Mary A. 2012. Qualitative comparison analysis: an example analysis of clinical directorates and resource management. Moutinho, Luiz and Huarng, Kun Huang, eds. Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management, London: World Scientific,

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2012. Life after Burberry: shifting experiences of work and non-work life following redundancy. Work, Employment and Society 26 (1) , pp. 26-41. 10.1177/0950017011426306

Blyton, Paul Robert and Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2012. Mobilizing resistance: the Burberry workers' campaign against factory closure. Sociological Review 60 (1) , pp. 25-45. 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2011.02043.x

Bosangit, Carmela ORCID:, Dulnuan, Juline and Mena, Miguela 2012. Using travel blogs to examine the postconsumption behavior of tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing 18 (3) , pp. 207-218. 10.1177/1356766712449367

Boussebaa, Mehdi, Morgan, Glenn and Sturdy, Andrew 2012. Constructing global firms? National, transnational and neocolonial effects in international management consultancies. Organization Studies 33 (4) , pp. 465-486. 10.1177/0170840612443454

Boute, R. N., Dejonckheere, J., Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Van de Velde, W. 2012. Bullwhip in a multi-product production setting. Tijdschrift voor Economic en Management 57 (3) , pp. 351-377.

Boute, Robert N., Dejonckheere, Jeroen, Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Van de Velde, Wim 2012. Bullwhip in a multi-product production setting. Presented at: Stochastic Modelling for Inventory and Lead Time Management Decision Support ? A Symposium in Honour of Professor Marc Lambrecht, Leuven, Belgium, 31 October 2012.

Boyne, George Alexander, James, O., John, P. and Petrovsky, Nicolai 2012. Party Control, Party Competition and Public Service Performance. British Journal of Political Science 42 (3) , pp. 641-660. 10.1017/S0007123411000482

Bravo, Maria de Lourdes, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2012. Key issues of the upstream segment of biofuels supply chain: a qualitative analysis. Logistics Research 5 (1-2) , pp. 21-31. 10.1007/s12159-012-0077-x

Bristow, Gillian Irene ORCID:, Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID: and Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: 2012. Windfalls for whom? The evolving notion of 'community' in community benefit provisions from wind farms. Geoforum 43 (6) , pp. 1108-1120. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.06.015

Brito, Paulo, Datta, Bipasa and Dixon, Huw ORCID: 2012. The evolution of mixed conjectures in the rent-extraction game. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Brito, Paulo and Dixon, Huw ORCID: 2012. Fiscal policy, entry and capital accumulation: hump-shaped responses. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Bryan, Jane, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: and Bevins, Richard Eric 2012. Developing a framework for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of museums: the regional value of the 'flexible museum'. Urban Studies 49 (1) , pp. 133-151. 10.1177/0042098010396242

Bryan, Jane and Roche, Neil ORCID: 2012. The economy: a statistical review of Wales in 2011. Chaney, Paul and Royles, Elin, eds. Contemporary Wales - An Annual Review of Economic, Political and Social Research: Volume 25, Vol. 25. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 115-146.

Budde Christensen, Thomas, Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Cipcigan, Liana Mirela ORCID: 2012. Can innovative business models overcome resistance to electric vehicles? Better Place and battery electric cars in Denmark. Energy Policy 48 , pp. 498-505. 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.054

Burrow, Robin ORCID: 2012. Creating the good death: how vets put our pets to sleep. Symbolic Interaction 36 , pp. 107-109.

Buxton, Rosamund Chester and Radnor, Zoe Jane 2012. How do they do it? Understanding back office efficiency savings made by English councils. International Journal of Public Sector Management 25 (2) , pp. 118-132. 10.1108/09513551211223776

Cederstrom, Carl Fredrik Rudolf and Fleming, Peter 2012. Dead man working. Alresford, UK: Zero Books.

Cederstrom, Carl Fredrik Rudolf and Hoedemaekers, Casper Maarten Willem 2012. On dead dogs and unwritten jokes: Life in the university today. Scandinavian Journal of Management 28 (3) , pp. 229-233. 10.1016/j.scaman.2012.05.007

Chew, Celine and Vinestock, Christopher 2012. The public service offering and its influence on marketing priorities in local government organizations. Public Management Review 14 (4) , pp. 473-497. 10.1080/14719037.2011.649971

Chicksand, Daniel, Watson, Glyn, Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID:, Radnor, Zoe Jane and Johnston, Robert 2012. Theoretical perspectives in purchasing and supply chain management: an analysis of the literature. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal 17 (4) , 454 -472. 10.1108/13598541211246611

Childerhouse, P., Deakins, E., Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID:, Banomyong, R., McCullen, P., Thomas, A., Boehme, T., Hosoda, T., Yaseen, E. and Towill, Denis Royston 2012. Supply chain theory and cultural diversity. Presented at: 10th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium, Melbourne, 14th-15th June 2012.

Chuang, Fu-Mei, Morgan, Robert E. ORCID: and Robson, Matthew J. 2012. Clan culture, strategic orientation and new product performance in Chinese marketing ventures: an exploration of main and moderating effects. Journal of Strategic Marketing 20 (3) , pp. 267-286. 10.1080/0965254X.2011.643914

Cipcigan, Liana Mirela ORCID:, Wells, Peter Neil Temple ORCID:, Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Davies, Huw Charles ORCID:, Whitmarsh, Lorraine E. ORCID: and Papadopoulos, Pantelis ORCID: 2012. Electricity as a transportation fuel: Bridging the gaps in the electric vehicle value chain. Presented at: EVVC-2012 European Electric Vehicle Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 19-22 November 2012.

Clacher, Iain and Hagendorff, Jens ORCID: 2012. Do announcements about corporate social responsibility create or destroy shareholder wealth? Evidence from the UK. Journal of Business Ethics 106 (3) , pp. 253-266. 10.1007/s10551-011-1004-9

Clatworthy, Mark Anthony, Peel, David A. and Pope, Peter F. 2012. Are analysts' loss functions asymmetric? Journal of Forecasting 31 (8) , pp. 736-756. 10.1002/for.1253

Clatworthy, Mark Anthony, Pong, Christopher K. M. and Wong, Woon K. ORCID: 2012. Auditor quality effects on the relationship between accruals, cash flows and equity returns: a variance decomposition analysis. Accounting and Business Research 42 (4) , pp. 419-439. 10.1080/00014788.2012.662791

Collie, David Robert ORCID: 2012. Immiserizing growth and the Metzler Paradox in the Ricardian Model. International Economic Journal 26 (1) , pp. 141-154. 10.1080/10168737.2010.538429

Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID:, Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: and Roberts, Annette ORCID: 2012. Environmental Consequences of Tourism Consumption at Major Events: An Analysis of the UK Stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51 (5) , pp. 577-590. 10.1177/0047287511434113

Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID:, Roberts, Annette ORCID: and Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at:

Colville, I., Brown, A. D. and Pye, Annie ORCID: 2012. Simplexity: sensemaking, organizing and storytelling for our time. Human Relations 65 (1) , pp. 5-15. 10.1177/0018726711425617

Corbin, Laura J., Blott, S. C., Swinburne, J. E., Sibbons, C., Fox-Clipsham, L. Y., Helwegen, M., Parkin, T. D. H., Newton, J. R., Bramlage, L. R., McIlwraith, C. W., Bishop, S. C., Woolliams, J. A. and Vaudin, M. 2012. A genome-wide association study of osteochondritis dissecans in the Thoroughbred. Mammalian Genome 23 (3-4) , pp. 294-303. 10.1007/s00335-011-9363-1

Corbin, Laura J., Blott, S. C., Swinburne, J. E., Vaudin, M., Bishop, S. C. and Woolliams, J. A. 2012. The identification of SNPs with indeterminate positions using the Equine SNP50 BeadChip. Animal Genetics 43 (3) , pp. 337-339. 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02243.x

Corbin, Laura J., Liu, A. Y. H., Bishop, S. C. and Woolliams, J. A. 2012. Estimation of historical effective population size using linkage disequilibria with marker data. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 129 (4) , pp. 257-270. 10.1111/j.1439-0388.2012.01003.x

Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Bristow, Gillian Irene ORCID: and Munday, Maxim C. R. ORCID: 2012. Wind Energy: might community benefit provisions grow community ownership of renewable energy resources? Regions Magazine 287 (1) , pp. 12-14. 10.1080/13673882.2012.10554274

Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Chen, Alex 2012. Public confidence and public services: it matters what you measure. Policy & Politics 40 (1) , pp. 120-140. 10.1332/147084411X581862

Cowell, Richard John Westley ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Morgan, Karen 2012. Managing Politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012.

Crawley, Andrew and Pickernell, David 2012. An appraisal of the European Cluster Observatory. European Urban and Regional Studies 19 (2) , pp. 207-2011. 10.1177/0969776411427328

Cuimara, Tudor and O'Mahoney, Joseph ORCID: 2012. The environmental contingencies of knowledge dissemination: the case of consultancies in international development. Revista Economică: Journal of Economic-Financial Theory and Practice 4-5 (63) , pp. 172-187.

Cullen-Unsworth, Leanne Claire ORCID:, Hill, Rosemary, Butler, James R. A. and Wallace, Marilyn 2012. A research process for integrating Indigenous and scientific knowledge in cultural landscapes: principles and determinants of success in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Australia. The Geographical Journal 178 (4) , pp. 357-365. 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2011.00451.x

Currie, Graeme, Dingwall, Robert, Kitchener, Martin James ORCID: and Waring, Justin 2012. Let's dance: organization studies, medical sociology and health policy. Social Science & Medicine 74 (3) , pp. 273-280. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.11.002

Dai, Li 2012. Does the DSGE Model fit the Chinese economy? A Bayesian and indirect approach. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Daley, Jenifer and Matthews, Kent Gerard Patrick ORCID: 2012. Competitive conditions in the Jamaican banking market 1998-2009. International Review of Financial Analysis 25 , pp. 131-135. 10.1016/j.irfa.2012.06.010

Dart, Eleanor and Chandler, Roy Anthony ORCID: 2012. Client employment of previous auditors: shareholders' views on auditor independence. Accounting and Business Research 43 (3) , pp. 205-224. 10.1080/00014788.2012.707968

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2012. Exploring the forms of dysfunctional customer behaviour: a study of differences in servicescape and customer disaffection with service. Journal of Marketing Management 28 (1-2) , pp. 129-153. 10.1080/0267257X.2011.619149

Daunt, Kate ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2012. Motives of dysfunctional customer behavior: an empirical study. Journal of Services Marketing 26 (4) , pp. 293-308. 10.1108/08876041211237587

Davies, Ceri, Gillman, Max and Kejak, Michal 2012. Deriving the Taylor principle when the central bank supplies money. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Davies, Annette, Mangan, Anita and Thomas, Robyn ORCID: 2012. Agency and Interests: A Discursive Analysis of Subjectivities in a Police/Community Meeting. Presented at: 10th International conference on Organizational Discourse, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-20 July 2012.

Davies, Huw Charles ORCID:, Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID:, Newman, Daniel ORCID: and Donovan, Ceri 2012. ENEVATE Project - electric vehicle market drivers and e-mobility voncepts. Presented at: EEVC, Brussels, Belgium, 19 - 22 November 2012.

Davies, I.A., Lee, Zoe ORCID: and Ahonkhai, I. 2012. Do consumers care about ethical-luxury? Journal of Business Ethics 106 (1) , pp. 37-51. 10.1007/s10551-011-1071-y

Davison, Jane, Davison, Jane, McLean, Christine and Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2012. Exploring the visual in organizations and management. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal 7 (1) , pp. 5-15. 10.1108/17465641211223528

Davison, Jane and Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2012. Psychoanalysis, collective viewing and the 'social photo matrix' in organizational research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal 7 (1) , pp. 86-104. 10.1108/17465641211223483

Dawson, Chris and Henley, Andrew ORCID: 2012. Something will turn up? Financial over-optimism and mortgage arrears. Economics Letters 117 (1) , pp. 49-52. 10.1016/j.econlet.2012.04.063

Daya, Wael, Mazouz, Khelifa ORCID: and Freeman, Mark 2012. Information efficiency changes following FTSE 100 index revisions. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 22 (4) , pp. 1054-1069. 10.1016/j.intfin.2012.01.002

Demir, Emrah ORCID: 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: VEROLOG 2012, Bologna, Italy, 18-20 June 2012.

Demir, Emrah ORCID: 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Presented at: JOPT 2012, Montreal, Canada, 7-9 May 2012.

Demir, Emrah ORCID: 2012. A bi-objective pollution-routing problem: trade-offs between fuel consumption and driving time. Presented at: EURO 2012: 25th Europan Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July 2012.

Demir, Emrah ORCID:, Bekta, Tolga and Laporte, Gilbert 2012. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the Pollution-Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 223 (2) , p. 346. 10.1016/j.ejor.2012.06.044

Denegri-Knott, Janice, Watkins, Rebecca ORCID: and Wood, Joseph 2012. Transforming digital virtual goods into meaningful possessions. Molesworth, Mike and Denegri Knott, Janice, eds. Digital Virtual Consumption, Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization and Technology, vol. 23. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 76-91.

Diamond, J. and Farrell, C. ORCID: 2012. Challenging Times but Opportunities to Influence? Teaching Public Administration 30 (1) , pp. 3-5. 10.1177/0144739411435441

Diamond, John and Farrell, Catherine ORCID: 2012. Call for Papers: Teaching and Learning in Public Administration: PAC Annual Conference – Plymouth University 18–19 July 2012. Teaching Public Administration 30 (1) , p. 6. 10.1177/0144739411435457

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Bogataj, Marija and Tang, Ou 2012. Editorial: Special issue of the Sixteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck 2010. International Journal of Production Economics 140 (2) , pp. 557-558.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID:, Gaalman, Gerard and Hosoda, Takamichi 2012. Review of stochastic cost functions for production and inventory control. Presented at: 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-24 February 2012. 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics. pp. 117-128.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Warburton, Roger D. H. 2012. On the Lambert W function: Economic Order Quantity applications and pedagogical considerations. International Journal of Production Economics 140 (2) , pp. 756-764. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.02.027

Dixon, Huw David ORCID: 2012. A unified framework for using micro-data to compare dynamic time-dependent price-setting models. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 12 (1) 10.1515/1935-1690.2220

Dixon, Huw David ORCID: and Le Bihan, Herve 2012. Generalised Taylor and Generalised Calvo price and wage setting: micro-evidence with macro implications. Economic Journal 122 (560) , pp. 532-554. 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02497.x

Dixon, Huw ORCID: and Kara, Engin 2012. Taking multi-sector dynamic general equilibrium models to the data. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Dixon, Huw ORCID: and Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: 2012. On imperfect competition with occasionally binding cash-in-advance constraints. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Downe, James Daniel ORCID: and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2012. Self regulation in public services: from top down inspection to sector led improvement in English local government. Presented at: BAM2012 - British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.

Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Bovaird, Tony 2012. Learning from complex policy evaluations. Policy and Politics 40 (4) , pp. 505-523. 10.1332/030557312X645766

Doyle, John R. 2012. Meandian: a measure of location based on signed rank of deviations. [Working Paper]. Social Science Research Network. Available at:

Doyle, John R. 2012. Survey of time preference, delay discounting models. [Working Paper]. Social Science Research Network. Available at:

Doyle, John R. and Chen, Catherine Huirong 2012. A multidimensional classification of market anomalies: Evidence from 76 price indices. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 22 (5) , pp. 1237-1257. 10.1016/j.intfin.2012.07.003

Doyle, John R. and Chen, Catherine Huirong 2012. The Wages of Waiting and Simple Models of Delay Discounting. SSRN Electronic Journal 10.2139/ssrn.2008283

Doyle, John R. and Savani, Krishna 2012. A Model of Delay Discounting that Generalizes Standard Models. SSRN Electronic Journal 10.2139/ssrn.2019036

Drew, Hilary 2012. The management of demographic change: a study of three German industrial sectors. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster ORCID: 2012. Economic and monetary disununion? Hayward, Jack and Wurzel, Rudiger, eds. European Disunion: Between Sovereignty and Solidarity, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-199.

Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster ORCID: and Quaglia, Lucia 2012. Economic and monetary union and the Lisbon Strategy. Copeland, Paul and Papadimitrou, Dimitris, eds. The EU's Lisbon Strategy: Evaluating Success, Understanding Failure, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-207.

Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2012. A history of management accounting: The British experience. Routledge New Works in Accounting History, Abingdon: Routledge.

Endo, Takahiro 2012. Resistance to institutional change: the case of the Japanese publishing field. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Esain, Ann Elizabeth, Williams, Sharon Jayne, Gakhal, Sandeep, Cooke, Matthew W. and Caley, Lynne 2012. Healthcare quality improvement – policy implications and practicalities. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 25 (7) , pp. 565-581. 10.1108/09526861211261172

Evans, Claire, Harvey, Geraint and Turnbull, Peter John 2012. When partnerships don't 'match-up': an evaluation of labour-management partnerships in the automotive components and civil aviation industries. Human Resource Management Journal 22 (1) , pp. 60-75. 10.1111/j.1748-8583.2011.00177.x

Evans, Barry Kenneth Peter, Mason, Robert ORCID:, Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco ORCID: and Bernon, Michael 2012. The future of supermarkets. Lean Management Journal 21 (8)

Evans, Leighton ORCID: and Rees, Sian 2012. An Interpretation of Digital Humanities. Berry, David M., ed. Understanding Digital Humanities, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-42.

Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID: 2012. The additive manufacturing supply chain. Presented at: Understanding Complex Systems, Cardiff, UK, 27 September 2012.

Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID:, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID:, Gosling, Jonathan ORCID: and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2012. The flexibility of Additive Manufacturing Systems. Presented at: 4th World Conference on Production and Operations Management (P&OM World Conference), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-4 July 2012.

Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID:, Soe, Shwe and Yusmawiza, Wan 2012. Laser Sintering for the Fabrication of Architectural Models. Presented at: International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME’2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 July 2012.

Ezzamel, Mahmoud ORCID: 2012. Accounting and order. Routledge Studies in Accounting, vol. 12. Abingdon: Routledge.

Ezzamel, Mahmoud ORCID:, Robson, Keith and Stapleton, Pamela 2012. The logics of budgeting: theorization and practice variation in the educational field. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37 (5) , pp. 281-303. 10.1016/j.aos.2012.03.005

Ezzamel, Mahmoud ORCID: and Xiao, Jason Zezhong ORCID: 2012. Accounting in transitional and emerging market economies. European Accounting Review 20 (4) , pp. 625-637. 10.1080/09638180.2011.629798

Farrell, C. ORCID: and Morris, J. 2012. Managing the neo-bureaucratic organisation: lessons from the UK's prosaic sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (7) , pp. 1376-1392. 10.1080/09585192.2012.722121

Fear, William James 2012. Discursive Activity in the Boardroom: The Role of the Minutes in the Construction of Social Realities. Group & Organization Management 37 (4) , pp. 486-520. 10.1177/1059601112449477

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: and Hannah, Leslie 2012. Extreme divorce: the managerial revolution in UK companies before 1914. Economic History Review 65 (4) , pp. 1217-1238. 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2011.00637.x

Foreman-Peck, James ORCID: 2012. Effectiveness and efficiency of SME innovation policy. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Foreman-Peck, James ORCID: and Nicholls, Tom 2012. Peripherality and the impact of SME takeovers. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Found, Pauline ORCID: and Harrison, Richard 2012. Understanding the voice of the customer. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 3 (3) , pp. 251-267. 10.1108/20401461211282736

Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID:, Yani-De-Soriano, Marie Mirella ORCID:, Yousafzai, Shumaila ORCID: and Javed, U. 2012. The role of neurophysiology, emotion and contingency in the explanation of consumer choice. Wells, Victoria Kate and Foxall, Gordon Robert, eds. Handbook of Developments in Consumer Behaviour, Elgar Original Reference, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 461-522.

Gaalman, Gerard and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Bullwhip behaviour in the order-up to policy with ARIMA demand. Presented at: 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-5 July 2012.

Gasper, Rosalind 2012. Police and communities together? An analysis of power and identities in public meetigs. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Gillman, Max 2012. AS-AD in the standard dynamic neoclassical model: business cycles and growth trends. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Gilmore, Sarah ORCID: and Williams, Steve 2012. Human resource management, second edition. Oxford: Oxford University press.

Glynos, Jason, Klimecki, Robin and Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2012. Cooling out the marks: The ideology and politics of financial markets. Journal of Cultural Economy 5 (3) , pp. 297-320. 10.1080/17530350.2012.675885

Goergen, Marc ORCID: 2012. International corporate governance. Pearson Education - Prentice Hall.

Goergen, Marc ORCID:, Brewster, Chris, Wood, Geoffrey and Wilkinson, Adrian 2012. Varieties of capitalism and investments in human capital. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 51 (s1) , pp. 501-527. 10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00688.x

Gooch, M., Butler, J. R. A., Cullen-Unsworth, Leanne Claire ORCID:, Rigano, D. and Manning, Claire 2012. Community-derived indicator domains for social resilience to water quality decline in a Great Barrier Reef catchment, Australia. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal 25 (5) , pp. 421-439. 10.1080/08941920.2011.608183

Greer, Ian and Hauptmeier, Marco ORCID: 2012. Identity work: sustaining transnational collective action at General Motors Europe. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 51 (2) , pp. 275-299. 10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00677.x

Grugulis, Irena and Stoyanova Russell, Dimitrinka ORCID: 2012. Learning on the job in UK TV production. Dundon, Tony and Wilkinson, Adrian, eds. Case Studies in Global Management. Strategy, Innovation and People., Tilde Publishing, pp. 231-238.

Grugulis, Irena and Stoyanova Russell, Dimitrinka ORCID: 2012. Social capital and networks in film and TV : Jobs for the boys? Organization Studies -Berlin- European Group for Organizational Studies- 33 (10) , pp. 1311-1331. 10.1177/0170840612453525

Hagendorff, Jens ORCID:, Hernando, Ignacio, Nieto, Maria J. and Wall, Larry D. 2012. What do premiums paid for bank M&As reflect? The case of the European Union. Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (3) , pp. 749-759. 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2011.03.009

Hagendorff, Jens ORCID: and Keasey, Kevin 2012. The value of board diversity in banking: evidence from the market for corporate control. The European Journal of Finance 18 (1) , pp. 41-58. 10.1080/1351847X.2010.481471

Hann, Deborah Jane ORCID: and Teague, Paul 2012. The changing role of employment tribunals: The case of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Ireland. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33 (3) , pp. 531-549. 10.1177/0143831X11419249

Hann, Deborah Jane ORCID: and Teague, Paul 2012. Individual employment rights and the renewal of economic citizenship: lessons from the Rights Commissioners in Ireland. Work, Employment and Society 26 (4) , pp. 623-637. 10.1177/0950017012445092

Harper, Gavin David J. and Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2012. Diverse regional sustainability strategies: template for the future or squandered resources? International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 12 (2) , pp. 153-171. 10.1504/IJATM.2012.046860

Harrington, Susan, Rayner, Charlotte and Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2012. Too hot to handle? Trust and human resource practitioners' implementation of anti-bullying policy. Human Resource Management Journal 22 (4) , pp. 392-408. 10.1111/1748-8583.12004

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID:, Helsby, Dave and Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: 2012. Allocation of stores to depots: how the variability of key factors impacts on allocation. Presented at: Logistics Research Network (LRN) Annual Conference - LRN2012, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK, 5-7 September 2012.

Harris, Irina ORCID:, Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco Augusto ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Mumford, Christine Lesley ORCID: 2012. Restructuring road freight transport networks within supply chains. McKinnon, Alan, Cullinane, Sharon, Browne, Michael and Whiteing, Anthony, eds. Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics, Kogan Page, pp. 103-128.

Harris, Lloyd C. and Ogbonna, Emmanuel ORCID: 2012. Customers behaving really badly. Presented at: 2012 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 15-20 May 2012.

Harris, Lloyd Cameron and Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: 2012. Motives for service sabotage: an empirical study of front-line workers. Service Industries Journal 32 (13) , pp. 2027-2046. 10.1080/02642069.2011.582496

Harumi, Seiko 2012. Classroom silence: voices from Japanese EFL learners. Presented at: Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, Berlin, Germany, 21-24 August 2012.

Harumi, Seiko 2012. Interacting with classroom silence and the role of teacher talk: Ecological perspectives. Presented at: 30th Jyvaskyla Summer School of Applied Language Studies: Insights Into Applied Linguistics: Languaging, Agency and Ecologies, Jyväskylä, Finland, 4-7 June 2012.

Harumi, Seiko 2012. Interacting with classroom silence: activities and approaches to develop interactional competence of EFL learners and teachers in the classroom. Presented at: Principles and Procedures of Materials Development: Applied Linguistics and Materials Development, Limerick, Ireland, 9-10 June 2012.

Hassard, John, Morris, Jonathan Llewellyn ORCID: and McCann, Leo 2012. 'My brilliant career'? New organizational forms and changing managerial careers in Japan, the UK, and USA. Journal of Management Studies 49 (3) , pp. 571-599. 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2011.01032.x

Haubmann, C., Dwivedi, Y., Venkitachalam, Krishna and Williams, M. 2012. A summary and review of Galbraith's organizational information processing theory. Dwivedi, Yogesh K., Wade, Michael R. and Schneberger, Scott L., eds. Information Systems Theory: Explaining and Predicting Our Digital Society, Vol. 2. Integrated Series in Information Systems, vol. 29. New York: Springer, pp. 71-93.

Hauptmeier, Marco ORCID: 2012. Institutions are what actors make of them - the changing construction of firm-level employment relations in Spain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (4) , pp. 737-759. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00891.x

Hedenstierna, Carl Philip and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Impact of scheduling frequency and shared capacity on production and inventory costs. Presented at: 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-24 February 2012.

Heery, Edmund James ORCID:, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Stephen Wayne 2012. The involvement of civil society organizations in British industrial relations: extent, origins and significance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (1) , pp. 47-72. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00803.x

Heery, Edmund James ORCID:, Williams, Stephen Wayne and Abbott, Brian 2012. Civil society organizations and trade unions: cooperation, conflict, indifference. Work, Employment and Society 26 (1) , pp. 145-160. 10.1177/0950017011426302

Herrendorf, Berthold and Valentinyi, Akos ORCID: 2012. Which sectors make poor countries so unproductive? Journal of the European Economic Association 10 (2) , pp. 323-341. 10.1111/j.1542-4774.2011.01062.x

Ho, G.T.S., Ip, W.H., Wu, C.H. and Tse, Y.K. ORCID: 2012. Using a fuzzy association rule mining approach to identify the financial data association. Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10) , pp. 9054-9063. 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.02.047

Holland, Kevin ORCID: and Lane, Jennifer 2012. Perceived auditor independence and audit firm fees. Accounting and Business Research 42 (2) , pp. 115-141. 10.1080/00014788.2012.628157

Hosoda, Takamichi and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Closed loop supply chains: The impact of advance notice and lead-times. Presented at: 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-5 July 2012.

Hosoda, Takamichi and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. A delayed demand supply chain: Incentives for upstream players. Omega 40 (4) , pp. 478-487. 10.1016/

Hosoda, Takamichi and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. On the replenishment policy when the market demand information is lagged. International Journal of Production Economics 135 (1) , pp. 458-467. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.08.022

Hu, Qing, Found, Pauline, Williams, Sharon Jayne and Mason, Robert John ORCID: 2012. The connection between organizational learning and Lean production. Presented at: POMS 23rd Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., 20-23 April 2012.

Hu, Qing, Williams, Sharon Jayne, Found, Pauline ORCID: and Mason, Robert John ORCID: 2012. Learning and continuous improvement: Is there a link? Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 11-13 September 2012.

Huemer, Lars and Wang, Xiaobei ORCID: 2012. From chains and tiers to layers and exchange stream: An analysis of information flows and intelligent goods. Dreyer, Heidi and Foss, Trond, eds. Intelligent Goods in Transport Systems, [From chains and tiers to layers and exchange stream: An analysis of information flows and intelligent goods]. Trondheim, Norway: Akademika Publishing, pp. 87-101.

Iglesias, Emma and Phillips, Garry David Alan 2012. Estimation, testing and finite sample properties in ARCH/GARCH models. Econometric Reviews 31 (5) , pp. 532-535.

Iglesias, Emma M. and Phillips, Garry David Alan 2012. Almost unbiased estimation in simultaneous equation models with strong and/or weak instruments. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 30 (4) , pp. 505-520. 10.1080/07350015.2012.715959

Iglesias, Emma M. and Phillips, Garry David Alan 2012. Improved instrumental variables estimation of simultaneous equations under conditionally heteroskedastic disturbances. Journal of Applied Econometrics 27 (3) , pp. 474-499. 10.1002/jae.1203

Jamal, Ahmad ORCID:, Khan, Mohammed Sajid and Tsesmetzi, Matoula Stamatia 2012. Information cues roles in product evaluations: the case of the UK cosmetics market. Journal of Strategic Marketing 20 (3) , pp. 249-265. 10.1080/0965254X.2011.643919

Jamal, Ahmad ORCID:, Peattie, Susan and Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2012. Ethnic minority consumers' responses to sales promotions in the packaged food market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19 (1) , pp. 98-108. 10.1016/j.jretconser.2011.10.001

Jang, H., Marlow, Peter Bernard and Mitroussi, Kiriaki 2012. The effect of logistics service quality on customer loyalty through relationship quality in the container shipping context. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 September 2012.

Jang, H., Mitroussi, Kiriaki and Youl, K. 2012. Qualitative analysis on relationship issues in maritime transport: a Korean freight forwarders' perspective. Presented at: BAM 2012: British Academy of Management Conference - "Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice", Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.

Jenkins, Jean ORCID: 2012. Union Formation by Female Garment Workers in India: Moving Forward in Unity. Presented at: 16th World Congress of ILERA (IIRA) World Congress 2012, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2-5 July 2012.

Jennings, J, Edwards, Timothy ORCID:, Jennings, D and Delbridge, Rick ORCID: 2012. Affect in collaborative entrepreneurial projects: insights from innovators in the superyacht industry. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012. Academy of Management Proceedings. pp. 1-59.

Jermin, Daniel, Harris, Irina ORCID: and Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2012. Logistics network design for the operation and maintenance of UK wind farms. Presented at: Logistics Research Network (LRN) Annual Conference and PhD Workshop- LRN2012, Bedford, UK, 5-7 September 2012.

Jiao, Jing 2012. Essays on the evaluation and estimation of the heterogeneity of price stickiness in a DSGE model. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Jones, Calvin ORCID: 2012. Events and festivals: fit for the future? Event Management 16 (2) , pp. 107-118. 10.3727/152599512X13343565268258

Jones, Calvin ORCID: 2012. Festivals and events in emergent economies: a sea change, and for whom? International Journal of Event and Festival Management 3 (1) , pp. 9-11. 10.1108/17582951211210906

Jones, Melanie ORCID: and Skilton, Louise 2012. An analysis of labour market outcomes in the European Union Objective One funding area in Great Britain. Regional Studies 48 (7) , pp. 1194-1211. 10.1080/00343404.2012.697992

Jones, Melanie ORCID: and Wass, Victoria ORCID: 2012. Well-being and disability – new evidence of inequality. Presented at: 'Fairness at Work in Challenging Times' - FairWRC Conference, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK, 6-7 September 2012.

Kaczmarek, Szymon, Kimino, Satomi and Pye, Annie ORCID: 2012. Antecedents of Board Composition: The Role of Nomination Committees. Corporate Governance: An International Review 20 (5) , pp. 474-489. 10.1111/j.1467-8683.2012.00913.x

Kaczmarek, Szymon, Kimino, Satomi and Pye, Annie ORCID: 2012. Board task-related faultlines and firm performance: a decade of evidence. Corporate Governance: An International Review 20 (4) , pp. 337-351. 10.1111/j.1467-8683.2011.00895.x

Kaczmarek, Szymon, Kimino, Satomi and Pye, Annie ORCID: 2012. Interlocking directorships and firm performance in highly regulated sectors: the moderating impact of board diversity. Journal of Management & Governance 18 (2) , pp. 347-372. 10.1007/s10997-012-9228-3

Kaizer, Arjan, Umemura, Maki ORCID:, Delbridge, Rick ORCID: and Morgan, Glenn 2012. Japanese management twenty years on: The contemporary relevance of Japanese management practices. [Project Report]. London: Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at:

Kakavelakis, Konstantinos and Edwards, Timothy James ORCID: 2012. Situated learning theory and agentic orientation: a relational sociology approach. Management Learning 43 (5) , pp. 475-494. 10.1177/1350507611427233

Kaleka, Anna ORCID: 2012. Studying resource and capability effects on export venture performance. Journal of World Business 47 (1) , pp. 93-105. 10.1016/j.jwb.2010.10.024

Kapetanios, George, Mumtaz, Haroon, Stevens, Ibrahim and Theodoridis, Konstantinos ORCID: 2012. Assessing the economy-wide effects of quantitative easing. Economic Journal 122 (564) , F316-F347. 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02555.x

Kapitsinis, Nikolaos ORCID: and Karampini, Eleftheria 2012. The impact of economic crisis on Thessaly region. Proceedings of the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Congress of Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, Thessaly University Press,

Kaszab, Lorant 2012. Rule-of-thumb consumers and labor tax cut policy in the zero lower bound. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Khan, Muhammad Jehangir 2012. Improving school attendance by raising school quality. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Kitchener, Martin James ORCID: and Mertz, Elizabeth 2012. Professional projects and institutional change in healthcare: The case of American dentistry. Social Science & Medicine 74 (3) , pp. 372-380. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.10.005

Kiviet, Jan and Phillips, Garry David Alan 2012. Higher-Order aymptotic expansions of the least-squares estimation bias in first-order dynamic regression models. Journal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 56 (11) , pp. 3706-3729. 10.1016/j.csda.2010.07.013

Klimczyk, Piotr, Anderson, Philip Ian ORCID:, Moses, Anthony John and Davies, Martyn 2012. Influence of Cutting Techniques on Magnetostriction Under Stress of Grain Oriented Electrical Steel. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 48 (4) , pp. 1417-1420. 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2174626

Klimecki, Robin Patrik 2012. Freedom – what’s in a name? An analysis of the construction of the UK mortgage market in the light of the global financial crisis. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Knight, David, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2012. Agility in Humanitarian Aid Supply Chains. Presented at: 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 July 2012.

Knight, David, Pettit, Stephen ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony ORCID: 2012. Agility in humanitarian aid supply chains. Presented at: 2nd International HumLog Workshop, Essen, Germany, 24 September 2012.

Knights, David and Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2012. Introducing organization behaviour and management. London: Cengage Learning.

Kouropalatis, Yiannis ORCID:, Hughes, Paul and Morgan, Robert E. ORCID: 2012. Pursuing ‘Flexible Commitment’ as strategic ambidexterity: an empirical justification in high technology firms. European Journal of Marketing 46 (10) , pp. 1389-1417. 10.1108/03090561211248099

Kristensen, Peer Hull and Morgan, Glenn 2012. From institutional change to experimentalist institutions. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 51 (S1) , pp. 413-437. 10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00685.x

Kwak, Dong-Wook ORCID:, Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID:, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID:, Mason, Robert John ORCID: and Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco Augusto ORCID: 2012. Risks in International Multimodal Logistics: Focus Group Research. Presented at: 2012 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference (IAME 2012 Taipei), Taipei, Taiwan, 6-8 September 2012.

Lai, Po-Lin, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2012. The development of benchmarking techniques in airport performance. Transportation Journal 51 (3) , pp. 305-337.

Lai, Po-Lin, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2012. Evaluating the performance of airports using an integrated AHP/DEA technique. Presented at: 15th Air Transport Research Society Conference, Tainan, 27-30 June 2012.

Laparojkit, Sumana 2012. Social mediation of rewards in Thai car-consumer clubs. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Le, Vo Phuong Mai, Meenagh, David ORCID:, Minford, Patrick and Wickens, Michael ORCID: 2012. Testing DSGE models by Indirect Inference and other methods: some Monte Carlo experiments. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Leppälä, Samuli ORCID: 2012. Economic analysis of knowledge: The history of thought and the central themes. [Working Paper]. Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network. Available at:

Leppälä, Samuli ORCID: 2012. An epistemological perspective on knowledge transfers: From tacitness to capability and reliability. Industry and Innovation 19 (8) , pp. 631-647. 10.1080/13662716.2012.739759

Leppälä, Samuli ORCID: 2012. Essays in the economics of knowledge [PhD Summary]. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (1) , pp. 131-134.

Leppälä, Samuli ORCID: 2012. Tiedon taloustieteellinen analyysi [PhD summary]. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja [The Finnish Economic Journal] 108 (2) , pp. 223-225.

Leppälä, Samuli ORCID: and Desrochers, Pierre 2012. Regional economic analysis: The case for methodological individualism. Andersson, D. E., ed. The Spatial Market Process, Advances in Austrian Economics, vol. 16. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 25-56. (10.1108/S1529-2134(2012)0000016005)

Li, Qinyun ORCID: and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Damped trend forecasting and the order-up-to replenishment policy. Presented at: 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20-24 February 2012.

Li, Pingli, Parsa, Sepideh, Tang, Guliang and Xiao, Jason Zezhong ORCID: 2012. Is there an expectations gap in the roles of independent directors? An explorative study of listed Chinese companies. British Journal of Management 23 (2) , pp. 206-222. 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00727.x

Lindebaum, Dirk and Cassell, Catherine 2012. A contradiction in terms? Making sense of emotional intelligence in a construction management environment. British Journal of Management 23 (1) , pp. 65-79. 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00729.x

Lindebaum, Dirk and Jordan, Peter J. 2012. Positive emotions, negative emotions, or utility of discrete emotions? Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (7) , pp. 1027-1030. 10.1002/job.1819

Lindebaum, Dirk and Jordan, Peter J. 2012. Relevant but exaggerated: the effects of emotional intelligence on project manager performance in construction. Construction Management and Economics 30 (7) , pp. 575-583. 10.1080/01446193.2011.593184

Lindebaum, Dirk 2012. I rebel-therefore we exist: emotional standardization in organizations and the emotionally intelligent individual. Journal of Management Inquiry 21 (3) , pp. 262-277. 10.1177/1056492611430125

Lindgreen, Adam ORCID:, Hingley, Martin K., Grant, David B. and Morgan, Robert E. ORCID: 2012. Value in business and industrial marketing: past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management 41 (1) , pp. 207-214. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.025

Lindgreen, Adam, Xu, Yue ORCID:, Maon, François and Wilcock, Jeremy 2012. Corporate social responsibility brand leadership: a multiple case study. European journal of marketing 46 (7/8) , pp. 965-993. 10.1108/03090561211230142

Liu, Chunping and Minford, Patrick 2012. Comparing behavioural and rational expectations for the US post-war economy. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Liu, Chunping ORCID: 2012. Model responses to crisis: an investigation of a behavioural finance model and a financial frictions model using U.S. data. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Lotfi, Maryam ORCID: and Sodhi, Mohan 2012. Operational practices of leanness, agility and resiliency (LAR)in manufacturing. Presented at: Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA), Turku, Finland, June 6-8 2012.

Luintel, Kul ORCID: and Khan, Mosahid 2012. Ideas production in emerging economies. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Luintel, Kul ORCID:, Khan, Mosahid and Theodoridis, Konstantinos 2012. On the robustness of R&D. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Lynch, Jane ORCID:, Mason, Robert John ORCID:, Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: and Found, Pauline ORCID: 2012. An examination of the role for Business Orientation in an uncertain business environment. International Journal of Production Economics 137 (1) , pp. 145-156. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.11.004

Maltz, A. and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Understanding lead time variability in global supply chains. Presented at: 22 Annual North American Research Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Phoenix/Chandler, AZ, 15-16 March 2012.

Marinetto, Michael John Paul ORCID: 2012. Pessimism of the modernist intellect versus optimism of the democratic will: the interpretive school of governance. Comparative European Politics 10 , pp. 616-624. 10.1057/cep.2011.32

Mariotti, Francesca and Delbridge, Rick ORCID: 2012. Overcoming network overload and redundancy in interorganizational networks: the roles of potential and latent ties. Organization Science 23 (2) , pp. 511-528. 10.1287/orsc.1100.0634

Marlow, Peter Bernard and Mitroussi, Kiriaki 2012. Shipping Taxation. Talley, Wayne K., ed. The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics, Blackwell Companions to Contemporary Economics, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 304-320.

Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Downe, James Daniel ORCID: 2012. Performance management meets partnership working: the case of Comprehensive Area Assessments in England. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012.

Martin, Stephen James ORCID:, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Entwistle, Thomas Walter ORCID: and Guarneros-Meza, Valeria 2012. Collaborative Public Services Management: Rhetoric or Reality? Presented at: BAM2012 - British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.

Mathew, Jossy, Ogbonna, Emmanuel Okechukwu ORCID: and Harris, Lloyd Cameron 2012. Culture, employee work outcomes and performance: an empirical analysis of Indian software firms. Journal of World Business 47 (2) , pp. 194-203. 10.1016/j.jwb.2011.04.006

Mazouz, Khelifa ORCID:, Agyei-Ampomah, Sam, Saadouni, Brahim and Yin, Shuxing 2012. Stabilization and the aftermarket prices of initial public offerings. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 41 (3) , pp. 417-439. 10.1007/s11156-012-0315-y

Mazouz, Khelifa ORCID:, Alrabadi, Dima W. H. and Yin, Shuxing 2012. Systematic liquidity risk and stock price reaction to shocks. Accounting & Finance 52 (2) , pp. 467-493. 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2011.00403.x

McDermott, Aoif Mary ORCID: and O'Riordan, Chris 2012. Clinical-managers in the primary-care sector: do the benefits stack up? Journal of Health Organisation and Management 26 (5)

McDermott, Aoife Mary ORCID: and Keating, Mary A. 2012. Making service improvement happen: the importance of social context. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 48 (1) , pp. 62-92. 10.1177/0021886310388939

McDermott, Aoife Mary ORCID:, Keating, Mary A. and Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2012. Affording discretion in how policy objectives are achieved: lessons from clinician involvement in managerial decision making. Dickinson, Helen and Mannion, Russell, eds. The Reform of Health Care : Shaping, Adapting and Resisting Policy Developments, Organizational Behaviour in Health Care, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-62.

McKevitt, David, Davis, Paul, Woldring, Roelf, Smith, Kay, Flynn, Anthony ORCID: and McEvoy, Emma 2012. An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement. Journal of Public Procurement 12 (3) , pp. 333-355. 10.1108/JOPP-12-03-2012-B002

Meenagh, David ORCID: and Minford, Anthony Patrick Leslie ORCID: 2012. Non Stationary Shocks, Crises and Policy. Rivista Italiana degli Economisti 17 (2) , pp. 191-224. 10.1427/37494

Meenagh, David ORCID:, Minford, Patrick and Wickens, Michael ORCID: 2012. Testing macroeconomic models by indirect inference on unfiltered data. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Megicks, Phil, Memery, Juliet and Angell, Robert ORCID: 2012. Understanding local food shopping: unpacking the ethical dimension. Journal of Marketing Management 28 (3-4) , pp. 264-289. 10.1080/0267257X.2012.658838

Melewar, T. C., Gotsi, Manto and Andriopoulos, Constantine 2012. Shaping the research agenda for corporate branding: avenues for future research. European Journal of Marketing 46 (5) , pp. 600-608. 10.1108/03090561211235138

Memery, Juliet, Megicks, Phil, Angell, Robert ORCID: and Williams, Jasmine 2012. Understanding ethical grocery shoppers. Journal of Business Research 65 (9) , pp. 1283-1289. 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.10.042

Minford, Patrick and Srinivasan, Naveen 2012. Can the learnability criterion ensure determinacy in New Keynesian models? [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki 2012. Developing a sustainability framework for the shipping industry. Presented at: "Sustainability and Shipping" - a BRASS (Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society) ESRC Research Centre seminar, Cardiff, UK, 29 May 2012.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki, Davies, Annette and Papazoglou, Ioanna 2012. 'When a woman is good at what she does, she will get promoted': Gender and Careers within Shipping Companies. Presented at: Gender, Work and Organization: 7th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Keele University, Keele, UK, 27-29 June 2012.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki and Meliou, E. 2012. Leadership as work practice in complex organisational environments: leadership onboard. Presented at: BAM 2012: British Academy of Management Conference - "Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice", Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki and Notteboom, Theo 2012. Getting the Work Done: A Comparative Study on Motivation Needs and Processes for Seafarers and Dock Workers. Presented at: 5th ALRT - Asian Logistics Round Table and Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 14-15 June 2012.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki, Xu, Jing ORCID:, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Tigka, K. 2012. Evaluating investment risk in supply chains: A maritime transport perspective. Presented at: 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 July 2012.

Mitroussi, Kiriaki, Xu, Jing ORCID:, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Tigka, Kleoniki 2012. Performance drivers of shipping loans: an empirical investigation. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 September 2012.

Mohiuddin, Md. 2012. An empirical investigation into audit committee practices in Bangladesh: the case of companies listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange(DSE). PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Morgan, Glenn 2012. Constructing financial markets: reforming over-the-counter derivatives markets in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Grant, Wyn and Wilson, Graham K., eds. The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 67-87.

Morgan, Glenn 2012. Supporting the city: economic patriotism in financial markets. Journal of European Public Policy 19 (3) , pp. 373-387. 10.1080/13501763.2011.638134

Morgan, Glenn 2012. Theoretical contexts and conceptual frames for the study of twenty-first century capitalism. Morgan, Glenn and Whitley, Richard, eds. Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 11-43.

Morgan, Glenn and Goyer, Michael 2012. Is there a global financial system? the locational antededents and institutionally bounded consequences of the financial crisis. Morgan, Glenn and Whitely, Richard, eds. Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 119-145.

Morgan, Glenn and Whitley, Richard 2012. Capitalisms and capitalism in the twenty-first century: introduction. Morgan, Glenn and Whitley, Richard, eds. Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-3.

Morgan, Glenn Dan 2012. International business, multinationals and national business systems. Wood, G. and Demirbag, M., eds. Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business, Elgar Original Reference, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 18-40.

Morgan, Glenn 2012. Reforming OTC markets: the politics and economics of technical fixes. European Business Organization Law Review 13 (3) , pp. 391-412. 10.1017/S1566752912000286

Mudambi, Ram, Mudambi, Susan M., Khurshed, Arif and Goergen, Marc ORCID: 2012. Multinationality and the performance of IPOs. Applied Financial Economics 22 (10) , pp. 763-776. 10.1080/09603107.2011.626396

Murphy, Jonathan Richard and Zhu, Jingqi 2012. Neo-colonialism in the academy? Anglo-American domination in management journals. Organization 19 (6) , pp. 915-927. 10.1177/1350508412453097

Mustapha, Mohd Zulkhairi ORCID: 2012. Determinants of executive directors’ remuneration among Malaysian public listed companies. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Nair, Rawindaran Vnp, Xu, Jane ORCID: and Mason, Robert John ORCID: 2012. Delivery schedule integrity in international container liner shipping services. Presented at: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 September 2012.

Nair, Rawindaran Vnp, Xu, Jane ORCID: and Mason, Robert John ORCID: 2012. Delivery schedule reliability in the international container liner shipping service: implications for research. Presented at: The International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports - IFSPA 2012, Hong Kong, China, 27-30 May 2012.

Ng, Andy H. ORCID:, Hynie, Michaela and MacDonald, Tara K. 2012. Culture moderates the pliability of ambivalent attitudes. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (8) , pp. 1313-1324. 10.1177/0022022111429718

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois 2012. Car scrappage incentives in the UK. [Working Paper]. Cardiff: The Centre For Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois 2012. The challenge of decarbonising the car. Nilsson, M., Hillman, K., Rickne, A. and Magnusson, T., eds. Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and Innovation in Low-Carbon Vehicles, Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics, vol. 20. London: Routledge, pp. 17-39.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: and Choi, Andrew K. Y. 2012. Shipping or local production? CO2 impact of a strategic decision: an automotive industry case study. International Journal of Production Economics 140 (1) , pp. 138-148. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.01.034

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois, Choi, A. K-Y. and Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2012. Environmental Impacts of Korea - Europe Automotive Supply Chains: Moving Towards a More Sustainable Model. Vazquez-Brust, D. A. and Sarkis, J., eds. Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Learning By Doing in East Asia and Europe, Greening of Industry Networks Studies, vol. 1. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 129-145. (10.1007/978-94-007-4417-2_7)

Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Davies, Huw Charles ORCID: 2012. Hype Cycles; Why they now prefer BEV and what it means for the future of FCV. Presented at: World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2012, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3 - 7 June, 2012.

Noguchi, Masayoshi and Boyns, Trevor ORCID: 2012. The development of budgets and their use for purposes of control in Japanese aviation, 1928-1945: the role of the state. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 25 (3) , pp. 416-451. 10.1108/09513571211209590

Nordigården, D., Rehme, J., Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: and Bregge, S. 2012. Outsourcing strategies – combining outsourcing with in-house production. Presented at: IPSERA Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012.

Norton, Simon Dominic ORCID: 2012. Judicial interpretation of the will of the state: a Hegelian perspective in the context of taxation. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 23 (2) , pp. 117-133. 10.1016/

Nutley, Sandra Margaret, Downe, James Daniel ORCID:, Martin, Stephen James ORCID: and Grace, Clive 2012. Policy transfer and convergence within the UK: the case of local government performance improvement regimes. Policy & Politics 40 (2) , pp. 193-209. 10.1332/147084411X581880

Nutley, Sandra, Levitt, Ruth, Solesbury, William and Martin, Stephen James ORCID: 2012. Scrutinizing performance: how assessors reach judgements about public services. Public Administration 90 (4) , pp. 869-885. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2011.02022.x

O'Mahoney, Joseph ORCID: 2012. Embracing essentialism: a realist critique of resistance to discursive power. Organization 19 (6) , pp. 723-741. 10.1177/1350508411420901

O'Reily, Dermot and Reed, Michael Ivor ORCID: 2012. 'Leaderism' and the discourse of leadership in the reformation of UK public services. Teelken, Christine, Ferlie, Ewan and Dent, Mike, eds. Leadership in the Public Sector: Promises and Pitfalls, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 21-43.

Page, Kelly L., Eren, Serden and Harrigan, Paul 2012. Closing the skills gap: Digital analytics in marketing education. Journal of Marketing Education

Page, Kelly L., Robson, Mat and Uncles, Mark D. 2012. Perceptions of web knowledge and usability: When sex and experience matter. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies 70 (12) , pp. 907-919. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2012.07.006

Peattie, Susan and Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2012. Social Marketing for a Sustainable Environment. Hastings, Gerard, Angus, Kathryn and Bryant, Carol, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Social Marketing, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 343-358.

Peattie, Susan and Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: 2012. The social marketing mix - a critical review. Hastings, Gerard, Angus, Kathryn and Bryant, Carol, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Social Marketing, London: Sage, pp. 155-166.

Peattie, Susan, Peattie, Kenneth John ORCID: and Thomas, Robyn ORCID: 2012. Social marketing as transformational marketing in public services: The case of Project Bernie. Public Management Review 14 (7) , pp. 987-1010. 10.1080/14719037.2012.662444

Peel, Michael John ORCID: and Makepeace, Gerald Henry 2012. Differential audit quality, propensity score matching and Rosenbaum Bounds for confounding variables. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 39 (5-6) , pp. 606-648. 10.1111/j.1468-5957.2012.02287.x

Pettit, Stephen ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony ORCID: 2012. Critical success factors in humanitarian aid logistics. Presented at: 2nd International HumLog Workshop, Essen, Germany, 24 September 2012.

Piboonrungroj, Pairach ORCID: 2012. Supply chain collaboration:Impacts and mediation on firm performance. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Piboonrungroj, Pairach ORCID: and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Impact of inter-firm collaboration on firm performance: Comparisons from the perspective of different supply chain members. Presented at: 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-5 July 2012.

Pike, Thomas 2012. An exploration of how shared corporate service operate and perform in English local government. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Polito, Vito 2012. Up or down? capital income taxation in the United States and the United Kingdom. FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis 68 (1) , pp. 48-82.

Polito, Vito and Wickens, Michael ORCID: 2012. A model-based indicator of the fiscal stance. European Economic Review 56 (3) , pp. 526-551. 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2011.12.003

Popov, Sergey V. ORCID: 2012. In pursuit of impeccable veracity. Economics Letters 114 (3) , pp. 273-275. 10.1016/j.econlet.2011.10.031

Popov, Sergey V ORCID: and Bernhardt, Dan 2012. Fraternities and labor-market outcomes. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 4 (1) , pp. 116-141. 10.1257/mic.4.1.116

Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2012. Empirical logistics and supply chain research in Africa. Presented at: 17th International Symposium on Logistics, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 July 2012.

Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: and Artuc, Erhan 2012. R&D and aggregate fluctuations. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:

Pourpourides, Panayiotis ORCID: and Artuç, Erhan 2012. R&D Sectors and aggregate fluctuations. [Working Paper]. Working Papers, vol. 1. Central Bank of Cyprus. Available at:

Powell, Taman Harley and Ambrosini, Véronique 2012. A pluralistic approach to knowledge management practices: evidence from consultancy companies. Long Range Planning 45 (2-3) , pp. 209-226. 10.1016/j.lrp.2012.02.005

Powell, Taman Harley and Angwin, Duncan H. 2012. The Role of the Chief Strategy Officer. MIT Sloan Management Review 54 (1) , pp. 15-16.

Prosser, Thomas James ORCID: 2012. Europeanization through 'procedures and practices'? The implementations of the telework and work-related stress agreements in the UK and Denmark. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 18 (4) , pp. 447-460. 10.1177/1024258912458874

Pye, Annie ORCID:, Kaczmarek, Szymon and Kimino, Satomi 2012. Changing scenes in and around the boardroom: UK Corporate governance in practice from 1989 to 2010. Clarke, Thomas and Branson, Douglas, eds. The SAGE handbook of corporate governance, London: Sage Publications, pp. 255-284.

Qiu, Renxi, Noyvirt, Alexandre, Ji, Ze ORCID:, Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Li, Dayou, Liu, Beisheng, Arbeiter, Georg, Weisshardt, Florian and Xu, Shuo 2012. Integration of symbolic task planning into operations within an unstructured environment. International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics 2 (3) , pp. 38-57. 10.4018/ijimr.2012070104

Radnor, Zoe Jane, Holweg, Matthias and Waring, Justin 2012. Lean in healthcare: the unfilled promise? Social Science & Medicine 74 (3) , pp. 364-371. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.02.011

Ray, Indrajit ORCID: and Gupta, Sonali Sen 2012. Coarse correlated equilibria in linear duopoly games. International Journal of Game Theory 42 (2) , pp. 541-562. 10.1007/s00182-012-0360-8

Rayner, Julie, Lawton, Alan and Williams, Helen M. 2012. Organizational citizenship behavior and the public service ethos: whither the organization? Journal of Business Ethics 106 (2) , pp. 117-130. 10.1007/s10551-011-0991-x

Reed, Michael Ivor ORCID: 2012. Masters of the universe: power and elites in organization studies. Organization Studies 33 (2) , pp. 203-221. 10.1177/0170840611430590

Reed, Michael Ivor ORCID: 2012. Researching organizational elites: a critical realist perspective. Courpasson, David, Golsorkhi, Damon and Sallaz, Jeffrey J., eds. Rethinking Power in Organizations, Institutions, and Markets, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 34. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 21-53.

Robinson, Stewart, Radnor, Zoe Jane, Burgess, Nicola and Worthington, Claire 2012. SimLean: utilising simulation in the implementation of lean in healthcare. European Journal of Operational Research 219 (1) , pp. 188-197. 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.12.029

Roh, Saeyeon ORCID: 2012. The pre-positioning of humanitarian aid: the warehouse location problem. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Samuel, Anthony ORCID: 2012. An empirical study of the marketing dynamics of the Fairtrade Towns movement. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Samuel, Anthony ORCID: and Emanuel, Louise 2012. Fairtrade towns: place(ing) responsibility. Space and Flows: an International Journal of Urban & ExtraUrban Studies 2 (2) , pp. 191-202.

Sanchez Rodrigues, Vasco ORCID:, Harris, Irina ORCID:, Tsai, I. T. and Disney, Stephen ORCID: 2012. The EU emissions trading scheme and the carbon intensity of supply chains: a UK grocery retail perspective. Presented at: 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-5 July 2012.

Schoenwitz, Manuel, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: 2012. The nature of choice in mass customized house building. Construction Management and Economics 30 (3) , pp. 203-219. 10.1080/01446193.2012.664277

Schoenwitz, Manuel, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID:, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID: and Gosling, Jonathan ORCID: 2012. Identifying and evaluating multiple decoupling points in house building supply chains. Presented at: 4th Joint World Conference on Production & Operations Management/19th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1-5 July 2012.

Schrat, Henrik, Warren, Samantha ORCID: and Höpfl, Heather 2012. Guest editorial: visual narratives of organisation. Visual Studies 27 (1) , pp. 1-3. 10.1080/1472586X.2012.642953

Selcuk, Cemil ORCID: 2012. Motivated sellers & predatory buyers. [Working Paper]. MPRA, vol. 36226. Munich: University Library of Munich, Germany. Available at:

Selcuk, Cemil ORCID: 2012. Seasonal cycles in the housing market. [Working Paper]. MPRA, vol. 36225. Munich: University Library of Munich, Germany. Available at:

Selcuk, Cemil ORCID: 2012. Seasonal cycles in the housing market. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Selcuk, Cemil ORCID: 2012. Trading mechanism selection with directed search when buyers are risk averse. Economics Letters 115 (2) , pp. 207-210. 10.1016/j.econlet.2011.12.012

Selim, Sheikh Tareq 2012. Labour productivity and rice production in Bangladesh: a stochastic frontier approach. Applied Economics 44 (5) , pp. 641-652. 10.1080/00036846.2010.515203

Sheikh Hassan, Ahmad Fahmi ORCID: 2012. An empirical investigation into the role, independence and effectiveness of Shari’ah boards in the Malaysian Islamic banking industry. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Shortt, Harriet and Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2012. Fringe benefits: valuing the visual in narratives of hairdressers' identities at work. Visual Studies 27 (1) , pp. 18-34. 10.1080/1472586X.2012.642955

Shukla, Vinaya, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Thornhill, Nina F. 2012. Rogue seasonality detection in supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics 138 (2) , pp. 254-272. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.03.026

Sia, Bee Chuan 2012. Expressing identity in crossing to the New Year: a case study of the Malaysian Chinese Reunion Dinner. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Simms, Melanie, Holgate, Jane and Heery, Edmund James ORCID: 2012. Union voices: Tactics and tensions in UK organizing. New York: Cornell University Press.

Siraj, Siti Alawiah 2012. An empirical investigation into the accounting, accountability and effectiveness of WAQF management in the State Islamic Religious Councils (SIRCs) in Malaysia. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Situ, Hui and Tilt, Carol A. 2012. Chinese government as a determinant of corporate environmental reporting: a study of large Chinese listed companies. Journal of Asia Pacific Centre For Environmental Accountability 18 (4) , pp. 251-286.

Slater, Stephanie ORCID: and Robson, Matthew J. 2012. Social capital in Japanese-Western alliances: understanding cultural effects. International Marketing Review 29 (1) , pp. 6-23. 10.1108/02651331211201525

Slater, Stephanie ORCID: and Robson, Matthew John 2012. Cultural interpretations of destructive acts and trust in Japanese supply channel relationships. International Business Review 21 (3) , pp. 357-368. 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.04.003

Slater, Stephanie ORCID: and Yani-De-Soriano, Marie Mirella ORCID: 2012. Researching consumers in multicultural societies: Emerging methodological issues. Piacentini, M. G. and Cui, C. C., eds. Multicultural Perspectives in Customer Behaviour, Key Issues in Marketing Management, London: Routledge, pp. 149-166.

Soe, Shwe 2012. Quantitative analysis on SLS part curling using EOS P700 machine. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (11) , pp. 2433-2442. 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2012.06.012

Soe, Shwe, Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID:, Jones, Toby and Nayling, Nigel 2012. Additive Manufacturing for archaeological reconstruction of a medieval ship. Rapid Prototyping Journal 18 (6) , pp. 443-450. 10.1108/13552541211271983

Soe, Shwe, Eyers, Daniel Roy ORCID:, Potter, Andrew Thomas ORCID:, Jones, T. and Nayling, N. 2012. The application of laser sintering for archaeological model-making. Presented at: Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, 28 September - 1 October 2011. Published in: Bartolo, Paulo Jorge ed. Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping. INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS ON VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL PROTOTYPING. Boca Raton, Fl. USA: CRC Press, pp. 757-762. 10.1201/b11341-121

Sohal, A., Purvis, Laura ORCID:, Williams, S. and Naim, Mohamed ORCID: 2012. Australia-China-UK wool supply chain: A study of supply chain management issues. Presented at: International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012), Cape Town, SA., 5 - 7 July 2012.

Soroka, Anthony John ORCID:, Qiu, Renxi, Noyvirt, Alexandre and Ji, Ze ORCID: 2012. Challenges for service robots operating in non-industrial environments. Presented at: 2012 10th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN, Beijing, China, 25-27 July 2012. Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2012 10th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 1152-1157. 10.1109/INDIN.2012.6301139

Spiegler, Virginia L. M. ORCID:, Naim, Mohamed Mohamed ORCID: and Wikner, Joakim 2012. A control engineering approach to the assessment of supply chain resilience. International Journal of Production Research 50 (21) , pp. 6162-6187. 10.1080/00207543.2012.710764

Spithourakis, G. P., Petropoulos, Fotios, Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos and Assimakopoulos, V. 2012. A systemic view of the ADIDA framework. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 25 (2) , pp. 125-137. 10.1093/imaman/dps031

Stoyanova Russell, Dimitrinka ORCID: and Grugulis, Irena 2012. Tournament careers: working in UK television. Mathieu, C., ed. Careers in Creative Industries, Routledge, pp. 88-106.

Suresh, Subashini, Antony, Jiju, Kumar, Maneesh ORCID: and Douglas, Alex 2012. Six Sigma and leadership: some observations and agenda for future research. The TQM Journal 24 (3) , pp. 231-247. 10.1108/17542731211226754

Syntetos, Argyrios ORCID:, Babai, M. Z. and Altay, N. 2012. On the demand distributions of spare parts. International Journal of Production Research 50 (8) , pp. 2101-2117. 10.1080/00207543.2011.562561

Taylor, Nick James 2012. The economic significance of conditioning information on portfolio efficiency in the presence of costly short-selling. Journal of Financial Research 35 (1) , pp. 115-135. 10.1111/j.1475-6803.2011.01311.x

Taylor, Nick James 2012. Measuring the economic value of loan advice. Economics Letters 117 (3) , pp. 615-618. 10.1016/j.econlet.2012.08.006

Taylor, Nick James 2012. Testing forecasting model versatility. Economics Letters 117 (3) , pp. 803-806. 10.1016/j.econlet.2012.08.044

Teague, Paul, Roche, Bill and Hann, Deborah Jane ORCID: 2012. The diffusion of alternative dispute resolution practices in Ireland. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33 (4) , pp. 581-604. 10.1177/0143831X11424767

Thomas, Robyn ORCID: and Davies, Annette 2012. Gendered identities and resistance in public service organisations. Mills, Jean Helms and Thomas, Robyn, eds. Identity Politics at Work: Resisting Gender, Gendering Resistance, Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society, London: Routledge, pp. 86-101.

Tian, Kun 2012. Essays on price rigidity in the UK: Evidence from micro data and implications for macro models. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Toon, Mark ORCID:, Robson, Matthew J. and Morgan, Robert E. ORCID: 2012. A value-in-process analysis of relationship interactions in non-equity alliances. Industrial Marketing Management 41 (1) , pp. 186-196. 10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.016

Touboulic, Anne ORCID:, Chicksand, D. and Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: 2012. Power in sustainable supply chain management. Presented at: IPSERA Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012.

Touboulic, Anne ORCID: and Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: 2012. Action research in sustainable SCM. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012.

Tse, Y.K. ORCID:, Tan, K.H., Ting, S.L., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T.S. and Chung, S.H. 2012. Improving postponement operation in warehouse: an intelligent pick-and-pack decision-support system. International Journal of Production Research 50 (24) , pp. 7181-7197. 10.1080/00207543.2011.643505

Tse, Ying Kei ORCID: and Tan, Kim Hua 2012. Managing product quality risk and visibility in multi-layer supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 139 (1) , pp. 49-57. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.10.031

Tuncdogan, Aybars ORCID:, Boon, A., Mom, T., van den Bosch, F. and Volberda, H. 2012. Managing team regulatory focus on business unit exploratory innovation through organizational design elements. Presented at: Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Prague, 6-9 October 2012.

Tuncdogan, Aybars ORCID:, van den Bosch, F. and Volberda, H. 2012. The effect of general managers’ regulatory focus on the emergence of dynamic capabilities. Presented at: INSCOPE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, 23 November 2012.

Tuncdogan, Aybars ORCID:, van den Bosch, F. and Volberda, H. 2012. Motivation and ability routes for analyzing the antecedents of exploration and exploitation at the individual manager level. Presented at: British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference, Cardiff, 11-13 September 2012.

Turnbull, Peter John and Wass, Victoria Jane ORCID: 2012. Time for justice: Long working hours and the well-being of police inspectors. [Project Report]. Inspectors Central Committee. Available at:

Umemura, Maki ORCID: 2012. Crisis and change in the system of innovation: the Japanese pharmaceutical industry since the 1990s. Presented at: Globalization of the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry: Strategies, Innovations, and Future Trends [NESACS symposium], Woburn, MA, USA, 13 September 2012.

Unsworth, R. and Cullen-Unsworth, Leanne Claire ORCID: 2012. An inter-specific behavioural association between a High fin grouper (Epinephelus maculatus) and a reef octopus (Octopus cyanea). Marine Biodiversity Records 5 , e97. 10.1017/S1755267212000735

Vallaster, Christine, Lindgreen, Adam ORCID: and Maon, Francois 2012. Strategically leveraging corporate social responsibility to the benefit of company and society: a corporate branding perspective. California Management Review 54 (3) , pp. 34-60. 10.1525/cmr.2012.54.3.34

Vanhamme, Joëlle, Lindgreen, Adam ORCID:, Reast, Jon and Popering, Nathalie 2012. To do well by doing good: improving corporate image through cause-related marketing. Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3) , pp. 259-274. 10.1007/s10551-011-1134-0

Veldman, Jeroen and Parker, Martin 2012. Specters, Inc.: The elusive basis of the corporation. Business and Society Review 117 (4) , pp. 413-441. 10.1111/j.1467-8594.2012.00413.x

Vella, Pierre C., Dimov, Stefan Simeonov, Kolew, Alexander, Minev, Ekaterin, Popov, Krastimir Borisov, Lacan, Franck Andre ORCID:, Griffiths, Christian Andrew, Hirshy, Hassan ORCID: and Scholz, Steffen Gerhard 2012. Bulk Metallic Glass based Tool-Making Process Chain for Micro- and Nano- Replication. Presented at: 4M 2012 - 9th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, Vienna, Austria, 9–11 October 2012. Published in: Noll, H., Adamovic, N. and Dimov, Stefan Simeonov eds. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Singapore: Research Publishing, p. 309. 10.3850/978-981-07-3353-7_300

Venkitachalam, Krishna and Busch, Peter 2012. Tacit knowledge: review and possible research directions. Journal of Knowledge Management 16 (2) , pp. 357-372. 10.1108/13673271211218915

Vida, Peter and Azacis, Helmuts ORCID: 2012. A detail-free mediator. [Working Paper]. Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff: Cardiff University.

Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: and Brammer, S. 2012. The relationship between sustainable procurement and e-procurement in the public sector. International Journal of Production Economics 140 (1) , pp. 256-268. 10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.01.008

Walker, Helen Lisbeth ORCID: and Jones, Neil 2012. Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector. Supply Chain Management 17 (1) , pp. 15-28. 10.1108/13598541211212177

Wallace, Mike ORCID: and Hoyle, Eric 2012. The dynamics of irony in organizational change: coping with a school merger. Public Administration 90 (4) , pp. 974-999. 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2012.02038.x

Wang, Xun ORCID: and Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: 2012. Exact safety stock solutions with stochastic lead-times. Presented at: INFORMS 2012 International, Beijing, China, 24-27 June 2012.

Wang, Xun ORCID:, Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Wang, Jing 2012. Stability analysis of constrained inventory systems with transportation delay. European Journal of Operational Research 223 (1) , pp. 86-95. 10.1016/j.ejor.2012.06.014

Wang, Yi-Hui 2012. Recruitment and retention of knowledge workers in Taiwan’s high technology industry. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Wang, Yingli ORCID: and Gosling, Jonathan ORCID: 2012. Assessing the impact of BIM adoption on supply chains in the construction sector. Presented at: The International Conference on Innovative Methods for Innovation Management and Policy (IM2012), Beijing, China, 21-25 May 2012.

Wang, Yingli ORCID: and O'Neill, Martin 2012. Exploring the concept of "floating" market: the link between diet, health and health inequalities. Presented at: 17th Logistics Research Network, Cranfield, UK, 5-7 September 2012.

Warren, Samantha ORCID: 2012. Having an eye for it: aesthetics, ethnography and the senses. Journal of Organizational Ethnography 1 (1) , pp. 107-118. 10.1108/20466741211220705

Warren, Samantha ORCID: and Vince, Russ 2012. Participatory visual methods. Cassell, C. and Symons, G., eds. Qualitative Organizational Research: Core Methods and Current Challenges, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 275-295.

Wass, Victoria Jane ORCID: and Latimer-Sayer, William 2012. Ogden reduction factor adjustments since Conner v Bradman: Part 1. Journal of Personal Injury Law (4) , pp. 219-230.

Watkins, Rebecca ORCID: and Molesworth, Mike 2012. Attachment to digital virtual possessions in videogames. Belk, Russell W., Scott, Linda and Askegaard, Søren, eds. Research in Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 14. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 153-171.

Watkins, Rebecca ORCID: and Molesworth, Mike 2012. Attachment to digital virtual possessions in videogames. Presented at: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Oxford, 16-19 August 2012.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2012. Converging transport policy, industrial policy and environmental policy: The implications for localities and social equity. Local Economy 27 (7) , pp. 749-763. 10.1177/0269094212455018

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: 2012. Creative innovation in manufacturing: new socially extensive business models. Presented at: Creative Innovation, Manufacturing and Business, Exeter, UK, 13 July 2012.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Cipcigan, Liana Mirela ORCID: 2012. Transition and temporality: the case of personal automobility and electric vehicles. Presented at: International Sustainable Transitions Conference 2012: Navigating Theories and Challenging Realities, Copenhagen, 28 August - 2 September 2012.

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois 2012. Transition failure: understanding continuity in the automotive industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79 (9) , pp. 1681-1692. 10.1016/j.techfore.2012.06.008

Wells, Peter Erskine ORCID: and Zapata, Clovis 2012. Renewable Eco-industrial Development. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16 (5) , pp. 665-668. 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00487.x

Wells, Peter ORCID:, Zapata, Clovis and Orsato, Renato 2012. From grounded theory to castles in the air: the emergent agenda for academic research and sustainable business. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice, Cardiff, UK, 16-19 September 2012.

Westwood, Robert and Johnston, Allanah 2012. Reclaiming authentic selves: Control, resistive humor and identity work in the office. Organization 19 (6) , pp. 687-808. 10.1177/1350508411422583

Whitfield, Keith Leslie ORCID: 2012. Good jobs America: Making work better for everyone [Review]. British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (4) , pp. 817-819. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00911_5.x

Whitfield, Keith Leslie ORCID:, Williams, R. and Sengupta, S. 2012. You take the high road: Analysing the ethical dimensions of high performance work systems. O'Sullivan, Patrick, Smith, Mark M. and Esposito, Mark, eds. Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World, UK: Routledge, pp. 287-302.

Whittle, Andrea ORCID: and Mueller, Frank 2012. Bankers in the dock: moral storytelling in action. Human Relations 65 (1) , pp. 111-139. 10.1177/0018726711423442

Williams, Sharon Jayne and Snow, Dawn 2012. Promoting health in SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 19 (4) , pp. 729-744. 10.1108/14626001211277497

Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2012. Reframing relevance as 'Social Usefulness': a comment on Hodgkinson and Starkey's 'Not Simply Returning to the Same Answer Over and Over Again'. British Journal of Management 23 (4) , pp. 598-604. 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2012.00839.x

Willmott, Hugh ORCID: 2012. Spirited away: When political economy becomes culturalized... du Gay, Paul and Morgan, Glenn, eds. New Spirits of Capitalism? On the Ethics of the Contemporary Capitalist Order, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 98-123.

Willmott, Hugh ORCID: and Edwards, Peter 2012. Discourse and normative business ethics. Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 549-580.

Wong, Woon K. ORCID:, Fan, G. and Zheng, Y. 2012. Capturing Tail Risks Beyond VaR. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 15 (3) , 1250015. 10.1142/S0219091512500154

Woo, S., Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2012. Seaport research in the context of supply chain management. Presented at: 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 July 2012.

Woo, Su Han, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID: and Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: 2012. Logistics performance of supply chain oriented ports. Song, Dong-Wook and Panayides, Photis M., eds. Maritime logistics: a complete guide to effective shipping and port management, London: Kogan Page, pp. 271-314.

Woo, Su-Han, Pettit, Stephen John ORCID:, Beresford, Anthony Kenneth Charles ORCID: and Kwak, Dong-Wook ORCID: 2012. Seaport Research: A decadal analysis of trends and themes since the 1980s. Transport Reviews 32 (3) , pp. 351-377. 10.1080/01441647.2012.660996

Wright, Gillian H., Chew, Celine and Hines, Anthony 2012. The relevance and efficacy of marketing in public and non-profit service management. Public Management Review 14 (4) , pp. 433-450. 10.1080/14719037.2011.649973

Wuttichindanon, Suneerat 2012. Determinants and consequences of accounting misstatements in Thailand: an analysis of firms subject to enforcement actions and restated financial reports. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Item availability restricted.

Xu, Jane ORCID: and Yip, Tsz Leung 2012. Ship investment at a standstill? An analysis of shipbuilding activities and policies. Applied Economics Letters 19 (3) , pp. 269-275. 10.1080/13504851.2011.572842

Xu, Yue ORCID: 2012. The formation of Chinese Outward FDI strategy in Africa: a historical perspective. Harris, Simon, Kuivalainen, Olli and Stoyanova, Veselina, eds. International Business:New Challenges, New Forms, New Perspectives, The Academy of International Business, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83-96.

Yan, Ji, Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID: and Doyle, John R. 2012. Patterns of reinforcement and the essential value of brands: II. Evaluation of a model of consumer choice. (Report). The Psychological Record

Yan, Ji, Foxall, Gordon Robert ORCID: and Doyle, John R. 2012. Patterns of reinforcement and the essential values of brands: I. incorporation of utilitarian and informational reinforcement into the estimation of demand. (Report). The Psychological Record

Yani-De-Soriano, Marie Mirella ORCID:, Javed, Uzma and Yousafzai, Shumaila ORCID: 2012. Can an industry be socially responsible if its products harm consumers? The case of online gambling. Journal of Business Ethics 110 (4) , pp. 481-497. 10.1007/s10551-012-1495-z

Yau, Amy ORCID: and Davies, Iain 2012. The modern Confucian values influence on Chinese ethical consumption. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, Southampton, UK, 2-5 July 2012.

Yau, Amy ORCID: and Davies, Iain 2012. The modern renegotiations of Confucian ethics and implications on ethical consumption in China. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 15-20 May 2012.

Yau, Amy ORCID: and Davies, Iain 2012. Negotiating boundary crossing identities: Consumer re-acculturation and transgression. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, Southampton, UK, 2-5 July 2012.

Yousafzai, Shumaila ORCID: 2012. Internet banking adaptation behavior. Yan, Zheng, ed. Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 489-502. (10.4018/978-1-4666-0315-8)

Yousafzai, Shumaila ORCID: 2012. A literature review of theoretical models of Internet banking adoption at the individual level. Journal of Financial Services Marketing 17 (3) , pp. 215-226. 10.1057/fsm.2012.19

Yousafzai, Shumaila ORCID: and Yani-De-Soriano, Marie Mirella ORCID: 2012. Understanding customer-specific factors underpinning internet banking adoption. International Journal of Bank Marketing 30 (1) , pp. 60-81. 10.1108/02652321211195703

Zhou, Peng ORCID: 2012. Microdata analysis of price setting behaviour and macrodata analysis of heterogeneous DSGE models. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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Zou, Hong, Adams, Mike and Xiao, Jason Zezhong ORCID: 2012. Does board independence matter for corporate insurance hedging? Journal of Financial Research 35 (3) , pp. 451-469. 10.1111/j.1475-6803.2012.01324.x

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